September 2, 1943, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Thres ’ Pr Cr N BUGLES REPLACE IN DEATH'S SHADOW me Se \ Cy ET) | ae OLD BRASS ARMY ONES THEY FEAR NO EVIL EE ST TL re Fi ry Pate Ine The bugler ' © i i want to murder, now blow U. 8 army and navy chaplains [earned as a fighting Marine in 1018 a le made from sovbeas - i i Ki mia | J ! y Des are marching up an early road, too, | Both were on torpedoed aircraft where the signposts read “For carriers. Both survive Valo Everyone knows the heroic ex- ag 8 i d Wl | \ 1 i gles that sounded awful You get the picture from the dis- pilots of the 19th Bomber squadron " da dl, ( p y arrogant early in the morning patches—like that on Clement Fal- | (remember the Susy-Q?) that the , - ‘ rg : \ - \ y 4 om pon og 0 mournful at nd ht 5 ter of Akron. There he was, talking | Japs pushed out of Java. With them v : i . . A : a A EE b . a? 4 The arn yp ible ity mas among the dead and wounded on a [is a Baptist preacher from Wichita - ; oR Nh rt : hanna ‘says the new soybehs Moroccan beach in spite of the Nazl Pulls, Texas, Chaplain Willlam E - Cadell vo a a ows ; are "goed. ‘That uf doubtedly plane strafers—until one of them | Taggart. He wears the Silver Star . . : \ " 4 San - brit ga Bronx cheer fron killed him. Bullets don’t respect for continuous actions on bombed g of the first World War, but { chaplains; reports prove the feeling 'atrfields | i ou nt £4 ot "of AlLoon is mutual Th olastic inst Dont laugh: ut y fact pearing are the good old bras Another air force chaplain up in Chaplains ean's give order but India, William B. Hood of Char- some speak with authority. Before lotte, N. C, even writes Scripture Fl Diar. Algeria. a Yank battalion for the Japs—on bombs, Always the was shot up and seattered pretty same line: “"Whatsoever a man sow badly. The preaching voice of red. eth, that shall he also reap headed Chaplain Eugene Daniel of Praver and attack often po to- ; 3 i : ——————— A _—— Kirkwood, Ca rallied the boys to gether. the chaplains report. Nobody : ¥ y their mission. He got the Silver Star geoffs at religion. and when ervices ho = 4 i ois i . in i THI. PAMPERED POY A " for gallantry. Another Silver Star can be held, the men turn out. They i ; WY . — £ L/ N CHAR D went to Chaplain Edward Donahue love to sing "Rock of Ages.” “Abide ; 4 / ! 1 . ’ : ’ of Kansas City for exemplary cour With Me.” and “Old Rugged Cross age on the African front in the face Father of attack Prederic, Marine chaplair on Gaundalcanal, writes of the ase Up to May the Chaplain Corps tonishment of a missionary who had 15 asiinlt I'welve wer mi preached at one service and who ing at sea n action two were found $637 for i mission in the wounded wentv.eight were mi in or Ratant (twent two known tit : NR kno vou 1H) niracles, Chaplain W. W. Willard of Scituate, Mass another Marine chaplain on Guad In battles, doctrines wear thin, and gleanal, might supply some. Pir to be prisoner and thirteen died In active service the Almighty seems mighty close. there was the landing when mer You could have seen a Catholic, a ide him were dropping like Baptist and a Church of England willard wasn't scratched chaplain crossing a dry African Then there was that prayer meet- streambed under fire to help cheer the fighters on the other and bury their dead. One was Chap- lain Arthur Garbutt of Greensboro, Georgia ing before one of those terrible on- slaughts against the Japs. None of the prayer group was hurt Sear There another story about Chap - i ! I ibier all ui ’ aad lain Willard. After an engagement burg. and a former p r your Baty fs Many stories of chaplains in the he was reporting “heroes” to Col. |! trrssebecs 4 las kas : . Pvt, Norman McMurtrie ilippine tragedy read the same : ' : lat ¢ Philippin ragedy read the same. |, .. at Arthur of Union. 8S. C enlisted in the 1 I'he priests who remained with the 16 1043. He spen wounded when death or capture was And don't forget the doctors and wii pd certain. That is the story of Chap- hospital corpsmen.” Willard advis- lains Duffy of Toledo. La Fleur of €d. “I saw three doctors operating “ . y 4 ny » ry "Te a his § € 1 Abbeville, La., Curran of Boston, and When everyone else had taken shel- Carberry of Portland, Ore. They may be prisoners yet The vl »] added a footnote ff ing period School to |} Seamar Mit wha ob | oir . ‘ § w : Promoted Py ; report w Naval accounts mention Lt. Com- ] mander Edward B Harp, Jr., of Ha- The chaplain forgot to m=*1tion gerstown, Md. and Commander his own presence at the operating George Markle, who wears medals | table’ wild game this season farn and others were all the scarcity of ammunition —— a ————————————————— THREE HOOVER BROTHERS IN ARMY SERVICE | In Radio Training There will not be much hunting of BENNER TWP. There will not be much hunting ¢ g ne fa S31 had on. Children Tender Vert family from Mill the former a Benner's int’s house Beir uid family returned to "pu : Yes ; a ik to but Maryland, whee Ms Nefl has been . : 4 wie : id SATS PRY amu it then | WOT] past year, ATTer spend- ; iy i ; 4 ] other work : e tim he i the J 4 0 Pas . VOTE FOR RALPH R. HARTSOCK JULIAN, B.D window ) rn bel 8 A out of ry Crih anne te py veg. the home of Joe St etables and fruit have been - . - : . They have decided that when they Awarded Good Conduct Medal Cpl. T. Willard Hoover leave the premises to go out on bus-' The Good Conduct Medal hs en The above three Pine A Furs a: . ‘ - W } 4 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE iness or to shop. there will be some- awarded to Sergeant one to stay around the premises to Keen, of Milesburg, son of illiam ver, 8r. of Ul nce ( { I. Hox ! ' Peis trata : ¢ i watch for the thief or thieves E. Keen. The Good Conduct Medal Cpl viliard Hoover A : U . IN Cw ut § _ FOR COUN H Y AU Di ! OR Everett Fauzey came back from is awarded for exemplary behavior Buffalo, N. Y.. to live again with Ira efficiency, and fidelity through strict Benner. He says he does not like city | performance of a heavy bom life. He had lived at the home of Ira ment squadron engaged in anti Benner for three years before going marine warfare somewhere in to New York irica and January. 1942 Livingston, La Camp Gordon Joli J. M. KEICHLINE INSURANCE AGENCY |! Corona Hoover 5 a° graduate One of the Oldest Agencies in Centre County Snow Bhoe High School, cl FDW. IL. KEICHLINE 1938 He we p Temple Court Phone 2521 | oer returtied to wr v i Graduates as Alr Gunner Aviation Cadel Benjamin J On RO, son of Mr. and Mrs Benjamin J. Gryctko, 3r f the Brockerhofl Rev. and Mrs. Fern T. Barner of 2 pact r ‘ourtnes ang Mr Hotel, Belicfont was graduate the Wilmore tJ. B. church spent and Mr ohn it] attended a meets canily from the y Air Foroes Tuesday night and Wednesday of ing at the Ady hurch on Bun- plexible Gunnery 8 i at Port Western Electric Te ¢ last week with Rev. and Mrs. RH. dav aft ry. Poulson of Myers. Pla 13 § AR Courtney. Rev. Pear] Ludwick of Huntingdon, « ti peaker, giving {al sunner 3 I oomting iis youngwood, spent Wednesday after. a talk on the tem e question. | tegining In navigat Ax an avis HEARING AIDS noon at the same place Ernest Pye visited at his parent's tion cadet. Upon the completion Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hoover from home at Petzertown on Sunday thiz training, h I be awarded a ARE DESIGNED BY Tyrone, visited in our community a Mr and Mrs. Walter Herrald mo- COMMmMISRIONn az a seoond lieutenant : couple days last week toted 1 lant on Runday to vit and join a bomber crew fo red to Millmont on Sun 0 dity. A/C Gryctko entered the Arms BELL TELEPHONE Morris Watson, who is ip an army Mr. and Mis Yersles returning ging SIX months camp. is home on a 15-day I ugh. home on Bunday evening bringing ARO, havi been a ress We Have Just Added Another Warren Packer, who is in an army | with them Mr. and Mrs. John Her-|SSUraiit manager. He had his navi- LABORATORIES camp, is home on a 10-day furlough. rald of Port Treverton gation pre-flignt training at Selman wi Mr. and Mrs. John Dewey of Ni- Lee Mevers of Baltimore, Md. me Fleld. La x agara Falls, visited over the weekend ¢...1 here this weoke to the hom 9 ——- red here this ekend Training For Signalman » dra. Flove ® k Ling | - . Carload of Memorials | |i: om ot x sna tn Posto una sire w A walker.” |, Te Ton Senaen An I. E. S. lamp, with plenty of Miss Verna Reese went on Thirs- Mr. ang 3 Ny A. 3 ph .. Ing given advanced military train- ¥ AND ARE MADE RY well diffused light, helps school A Doyle Pye visited at the Wallet ; . i . day to Warren. Ohio, to visit rela- bh Te tom ta ast haber fern Ets ING on the campus of the University Hg . - Pg IE " "” to our already large stock of finished work, If inter- tives for a few weeks Bennet home in Milesburg on Su of Illinois at Urbana. 11. Earle G kiddies in doing night work . A " : . p . " . day ; . - : ested in placing a memorial we invite you to call at our Mrs. Milton and daughter Betty, ed whonl ahd ComuDIt: Oat: 5 19, Son of Mr and Mre Chas THE SAME PEOPLE v ' . yards in Lemont and inspect the material and work- went to Lewistown last Wednesday| A Suncay schoo anc comie it. Gates, Mingoville, is enrolled in You can protect their eyes by " ; to visit her daughter Anna Mae Picnic will be held on Monday the Nava) Training School for 8Sig- . . i manship of our line of work. Slemmons, returning home Satur-| (Labor Day) on the lawn of Richard | nalmen there. He was selected for WHO MAKE YOUR usin the right size bulb — by y Gunsallus this traning . f a SDF a a day & raining on the basis of a ser bo » 5 . . Rev. and Mrs. Courtney and Sallie Sunday schogi next Sunday morn- {1s of aptitude tests given him while BELL TELEPHONES keeping the bulb, diffusing wi It will be a pleasure to assist you in making a se- {Purl attend a Women's Christian! ing at 9:30: preaching at 10:30; and in rit training His curriculum and shade free from dust —and 4 - iat i ” o 1 Yio 5 . - lection of a memorial for your lot. A visit to our yard Temperance Union meeting at Win- Christian Endeavor at 7:45. Every- Includes courses in morse code, ship's will place you under no 3 Hation whatever to place i gate on Friday afternoon {body welcome to these services | fag Blinker lights, and sending by makin sure that the light | and ceiving messages by codes used Wwesrern Electric | falls on the work. an order, ; {iB ec Navy. Upon completion of HEARING AIDS Howard, R. D. Girl in Training. Granted Leave. LEhis agree. he will be eligible for cooaEt OF pL TEAtPREE Thus home study is made easi- Miss Mary Dunkle, daughter of Carl Richard Weaver, 8 2c, son advancement to the petty officer mat RADAR TORIES NESTARCH . 3 er. Eye strain is avoided when We Specialize in Rock of Ages Barre Granite ! | Mr. and Mrs. Pern Dunkle, of How- of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Weaver, ot ing of signalman. third class. and tard, R. D, who has been employed Howard, R. D. 1. has been granted, will be assigned to active duty at] THE AUDIPHONE CO. . » Sah nk the kiddies are reading, writing | in the accounting department at the leave following completion of his sea or at some naval shore station n RAT EER ee A ae | Piper Aircraft Corporaton at Lock basic training at the U. 8. Naval min 3 i SS —- OUR MOTTO: “SATISFIED CUSTOMERS” Haven, has gone to Flushing, N. Y., Training Station, Sampson, N. Y. | Home on Furlough. LC JOHNSTOWN, a. and drawin - and they are made ou : | ©. C. MeKelvey, Manager. happy by finishing in less time. Bend FREER book. Replein FRER test. a ———————————————— to train for a junior weather observ. A | B Arthur McClure is home on Ness WEST PENN POWER COMPANY er and meteorclogist for the U. 8 Missing in Action. ia Tne-day furlough, visiting his | : . | Hear “Report to the Nation”, outstanding news i | presented her with a traveling bag in the European area the war de sed! vith the infantry. l | of Harris Township High School at The “glorious” history of the Unit- | with vou: variety of opinion is what We make weekly trips through your | | Weather Bureau, Prior to her leave. Sergeant Harold EE Robbins, son unthk and sunt. Mr. and Mrs. Le- 2 | ing more than a score of her fel- of Mrs. Hazel C. Robbins, of Clear- | ro¥ Barner. of Howard. R. D. He Lemont Marble & Granite Works | low employes gave her a dinner and field, is reported missing in action had been on maneuvers in Tennes. | I. FRANK MAYES, Proprietor LEMONT, PA. i and several other gifts. including 85 partment has announced Fo SE Lddrems ; in cash. Miss Dunkle is a graduate te n't expect everybody to agree! a a program of the week, Tuesday evenings, i 9:30, E. W. T., Columbia Broadcasting System. Boalshurg ied States confirms your prejudices | mes the world go jlerriteny, UTI Cl a lr, ha , —,.. ’ i i
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