Echoes From the Past Fifty Years Ago A move is being made to nS electric light in Millheim building for the location of the plant A large engine there would be used for driving the dynamos, three hundred lights have been as- sured. A Mr. Morton, of Altoona at the head of the enterprise, On Monday morning a fine horse was stolen from the stable of John Rockey, living on the road leading from Pleasant Gap to Zion. The thief with his stolen property went across the ridges toward Milesburg, at which place the horse was abandon- ed by the thief and retumed to Mr Rockey the next day. The of the thief is unknown Saturday evening a telege received conveving int of the death of Joseph Pruner the hospital at Philadelphia, that day wither he had gone about two weeks 880 to be treated for an ¢f the lungs. Death was bemorrhages. Deceased about 55 years, and was unmai He was the brother of Mrs. John Hoffer, of Bellet and Cal. Ed Pruner, of Tyrone. The remains were brought to Bellefonte interment A young son of Nathan Hough Brush Valley, had his skull fract last Thursday by a mule wm on his head. The boy lying unconscious on A stock company is to build new Philipsburg. The buildin of the finest an Central Penn Suley made painted E&ge wagon very is identity wa ce am the Higer in affliction by aged ried caused WAS onte for in ured Kicking was found the bel ober ground £ Organ 12ed a most yivani; the nice ly The death aged and most curred last Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, who quietly and peacefully breathed ner last at her home on Thomas street. She was a widowed lady. her husband Mr Herury Reed, preceded he: grave about two vears ago the mother of six chi and two daughter living. The funeral day afternoon from dence, the interment he the comets of one of respected She was dren, four sor all of tock p } her lac late being made Friends consistent and the Methodist The Lutheran church ner of Linn and Allegheny will be dedicated on next morning. September 3rd. The or of the church has ne compieted and the pews been placed as vet, owing to understanding : manufacturers mittee placed an which were t0 be of on their arrival at discovered they chy a bb int Deen antia we oak, Bellefonte it were not but Was KOCO About | The | Philipsburg, scheme is to use the knitting factory of State College On Thursday Mr. George Mack and Miss Grace were united Lemont Rey Dr. Hammill ficiated at the ceremony moved from the the commissioners, and placed In the center dered to be removed by at ¥ for 1 { ' I Emerick, Coburn 0 contract and tne. committee. fo. 3 fused to accept them. Arrange t will be made to accomodate the fence next Sunday at the dedication and chairs will be piaced rar in the main the Gellysbu: the men auc- temp room. Ih g Seminary, wil dedicatory in additi elates of been invited for the d ily of liver mG ing, nent hav CAN VITAMINS CHANGE e GRAY HAIR? Read the omazing experience of gray-haired people in Calcivm Pantothenate tests sponsored by a leading housekeeping magazine. According to this report: Age did not sem 10 affect reanits The earliest yp occurred a a 50 year old, Uwe ates ime hen began to appear near the roots of the vg The color may not appear all over the bead at the same time. Symunetrcal areas, per - bape on the temples or ihe back of the head may show maces of color first, alter which the color will spread to other parts of the head Tiene — varied from 1 month to 6 months Results — 88 7 of those tested had positive evi dence of a return of some hair color ® Now thousands use GRAYVITA, which con- tains 10 mgm. of Calcium Pantothenate (the sane amount used in tests above) PLUS 450 USP. units of By, the vitams necessary 10 healthy nerves. Try GRAYVITA. See what a difiecence it may make in the way you look. 30 nr supply. $1.50, 100 day supply, $4.00. PATRI DRUG STORE in man will be 4 ilar res Vici The band stand which court hot Was > of the diamond, has the and mstruction ten days’ its removal of their solicit notice ha In some parts H where drought fallure the tle h JAarmen cat rifice 0 winter wwe not them and them any Week were $0ld of Marklesburg for three lars a head are co for in our d¢ Marriage license he following « nan, Spring Mills were issued ples: J. C Maggie R nd Gra M Fred Reynd both of ¥ Of Mary S Cleorge ce Mo id jellefon ' and sor H. W. Houtz, Buffalo w ’ LARLY i Frances ¢ wile t 1 0 COCK ub the aisle to t ISNIeTS Were 4 1 I Lane Thoma Elliott N lv Potter Monts Rev. Beech BOREL Ch made Car and heir destinats of the palace wedding was lar presents in s and riaborate ance were Dot * brid LE Duty of Moore, in {marriage at the Presbyterian church at of - res or, me price the and to A. Heck- J Mock ne an te th yard by been ore the council been given mntingdon Nas caus~ are ind hors feed i he o on cities and pop- 1 (I 1~ KELVINATOR ELECTRIC STOVES MELROY'S Phene 6851 PLEASANT GAP, PA. PHILCO RADIOS BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY Wartime Business Training Secretarial and Accounting Specially Planned Ten Month Courses For Young Women and Draft Exempt Young Men Fall Term Opens Monday, September 13, 1943 lfoona School of Commerce Phone 6134 1110 Thirteenth St. Altoona, Pennsylvania age : | Twenty Yeors Ago | Clark Brothers had completed the {Th -mile concrete road between Bald Eagle and Sandy Ridge and only the finishing touches remained to le added for the Cele injured his Millhelm, was out the Harry Gross tre Hall baseball team left ankle in a game with and according to reports he of the game for of son pitcher the rest BOL Stephen Coburn, husband of Elsle Holderman, a native of Pellefonte his mother and a son were instantly killed In an accident near thelr home in Helena, Montana, Mrs. Co- burn was injured but was expected tO recover Philp Beezer ed WO recovering from an attack of paraiy- which he suffered while his from CGelsinger Hospital where been evel Was report De on Dan- patient way had His were In fri stricken ill Company he ral weeks ville for son, Arthur him when he wa Montgomery & wile and the Cay oe ol the leading clothi firms in central Pennsylvania, with headquarters Bellefonte, announced that a branch store was to be opened in Lewis burg. Partners the firm were W Montgome and Francis R. Musser, the latter manager of the St Col Of firm "nu Hg in in nile ‘We store the Operation ded Lo be Mosha were the B LPping sched gin mn wnchard- nom elgnt iRrye Miwa uk ee t CORI-8LT operat Kart! hipped miles east of 350-ton shovel 14 Ra ars, oad art Le Basen OUrse De lig of pant of NTIPRNY burned ie mer isiceraly y Lagan De some improv For equip- aris aif Imncs tH CK whoeis Org inady had been NOt rubber iat Kin Jd w otia a ad Fae io 1 rd Oy firemen Sil a vad wens driver's seit fastened 0 Lhe y of storm y portion i 1 old brick standing by workmen when razed the building next to the Par- rish Drug store collsipsed with a which heard for 50mne distance the dust cleared overed that sane A number of part of the DULICInE were been t prove et vere Gre wall thes 4 crash Was fter away Lt w CIs dan new age had resulted laid jolste aticn of th and found £ Dew carried away ™m my Hospital condition whose home admitted Philips. the re. Charles Bandste« wns in Tioga Cottage SProUs sul in juries Blanchard Maoshannon operations 14 miles below Kare thaus A heavy chain broke struck him, hurling him a distance susing ture of wired other 0 wan as received on the Coal Come pany and consider. frac lung the wd a able wn rie injuries Ro five put and Russe]l Mrs ruce Rossman Mills, was admitted to lle- fonte Hospital suffering with a bad- ly crushed hand and arn received while assisting his {ather in thresh- ing. The lad was working around the engine when his arm was caught in the machinery and was drawn in tw the elbow, At the hospital i was found necessary to ampulate the member at the elbow Mr. snd Spring of the SSINan, son While Miss Grace Bitner, of State College, was away from home for several days, a fire was discovered in her apartment. A short time before the blaze was discovered tenants of an apartment ubder the one occu- pied by Miss Bitner heard a thump on the floor. When the fire was dis- covered investigation revealed that apparently someone had entered Miss Bitper's apartment aud had turned on an electric iron which was on an jroning board. The iron burned its way through the board, fell to the floor and set fire to the Aparynent a KENNEDY Mr. ang Mrs. Milford Lucas and family called on parents and friends in Tyrone Sunday evening Mrs. Qlive Bhawiey and baby were in our village Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Love came from Buffalo, to be with their son, Pvt Robert Love, while he was here on furlough Mr. and Mrs, John Smith and daughters of Milesburg, called at the latter's parental home Sunday p. m Callers in our vilage Saturday were Mrs. Harry Lucas and sons, Mrs. Thomas McCloskey and Millie and Isabelle McCloskey of Pitcairn (Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCartney and son of Pleasant Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Bunnie Myers called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ford Lucas, Sunday Mrs. Lillie Bryan and grandson ‘called in our village Bunday eve. ning | Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McCartney were [Bellefonte shoppers Saturday Our idea of an executive #njoys an felght hour day snd about an hour's work. i THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, LE PA. ——— Over the County News || is NOW « ol K p Lr eatin Kreanw Coburn Garth ing at the ents, Mr. ahd Mi after undergoing su in Lock Haven hot Kolb, G. G Paul W. Thompson il of Millheim, and ( of Aaronsburyg, were ol fishing tr to Cuan home | i pital Drew Miller Benfer Smith cation week A Coast Guard cutter u ucted which wil) Bellefonte iti being bull Company first Neff, C Ww CRiry st sO! of pepo! 1 1 ship building WARIs and ¢ He Was wien meme J gos. i i Beverly Hall Samuel Grove, Paul Breon and Blllow. Teachers for other schools In the township will be Plum Grove Miss Helen Miller: Centre Hill, Geo Sweeney. Potters Mills, Mrs. Merrill Decker (grades 1, 2, 3, and 4), and Mrs McCormick (grades 5, 6 1 Tus Mrs. John Nell: Colyer, Mr Vernon Wagner Tusseysink, Mr Chester Bpyker and Barlystown Roy Dutrow The Ferg will open at Wetzel, sistant Mi Mis year includes I coming principal principal D Mis Cieorge and 8 eyvilie ison 8:45 September t) ementary The ming faculty | th th ¢ JUrion Jame co will be compo Mi Smith el pal St ob hile Miss Jans Cobb mathemat ument creals Mins FUN pal Of ed an College usd Mi A in HE wu AJ nEreg ational miss great -¢ Stephen R ma IT Hew ¢ University of Nanking, ( EG Bn Ss Ding Theological Sem, ty, are Lhe sniged Cheng his b This soviet bri together mont th Chinese western choir directors and af church music in Cerechiung nee and working | thon of betler church work. and for annn Dr. Jones has: published of Christian anthems translating thug of god lender Pros or the pron m Civny ihe feati number western music and lish and other words nese. Mise Graves is musics] guidanm into furnishing technical mimenting recent POOL Los Angeles jities In ano Superintendent Ve Combs, of the Methodist erican Conference in the s ays that Duco has come {rom among the of boys and young men with the Mexican Protestant mis sions and churches on the Pads const He urges all churches in the area to widen their programs of ody cation and recreation for youth to help p character Af freedom is involved in | tion—the freedom of play McCombs “These boys ment for play and competent ership for play and must furnish it. Our Mexican at WwW Cal. for example, has full program of activities, but outside playground. Yet Watts ish, with 2.000 Mexicans, is a jor haunt of gangs. These are closely related The Indian Arms alongside British and American units in Asia first time in its history has a Chaplains depart. ment. Provision fhe provide Indian pac ipastors), for seas, “wherever an Cathol Protestant Christians in any unit. formation station on the recommendation of the head of the denomination in the area concerned. Where there are not encugh Christiang to justify the ap- pointment of a chapain, the Na. tional] Christian Council of India no Pac prancst thousang connects 8 8 devel { nee on bead- the churche ch 14s : tis A ne Par- ma- 4 two lactis ning serving for the Nas Christian both India and over are 120 Rom- been Jes there ar « UIRLD o RELIGION, UWWREID 9-4 ; * —_— demand fos dieX oto: A Aa yore ary, Fmerson it makes the Bermon on “em sme an ideall shyown fia aisast voloes of ls need un « headed thic and PEROT ~ GAS WE ORI § vaiam Chi face of the nino Pras wiian we fre BUSH HOLLOW He for good attendance nat Sunday. Come others. Class Glad indaay rain back meets wth schoo and bring immediately a ing after Sunday ol on Sunday morning. Preaching vice in the evening at 7 o'clock J. H. 8potts is doir work on very badly ng to Tuesday, sire OT. 1g Some Tepalr school buliding which need of same. Ac- ecl will begin September but we Miss Bessie Johnson be the teacher for the coming our in was cordi reports 100! next are will term Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spotts and fam- ily and Mrs. Edna Spotts motored to Sunbury on Friday where they st- tended the camp meeting, returning home Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs George Bush and family visited with home folks last Wednesday evening Glad to report the sick. Mrs. An- Arew Irvin and Gerald Resides, amall won of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Resides, who had been on the sick list, are both improving. Hope they will soon be out again Mr. and Mrs ons visited In ning and brought Janice. who had been back home again Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy and children visited on Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Lucas not Martin 8Spotts and Coleville Friday eve- their daughter, visiting there By I i ey (Political udet) (Political advi) ELECT C. ROY HELD ~— FOR — COUNTY SHERIFF Facts About Held: ® Over 20 years experience Municipal Laws LJ ® Veteran of World Wir 1, * regardless of race, be. lor, A qualified and abil enforcing Federal, State and Trained in Law Eblorcement by U1. 8 Department of Justice, Commonweith of Pennsylvania 51 days in battle Held will discharge the duties of County Sheriff for all creed, or political affiliations. candidate, FIRST NAYE ON THE BALLOT _September 2, 1943. ay School Lesson 1 Ld ad Sunday A HOLY | REAL ESTATE | | TRANSFERS PEOPLE neath ceremonial prepared who EHLeOUSTS Lhe for end Na wert Clals Pet ot Stover. et ux. Ww Halph Philipsbur ract in $150 bel Wilhelmina } ofke, ot bay A iden Tex Ye shall be hold The family wt John McKolk Brookliy: I Peter 1:16 mportan tract in Rush $300 . believe Josephine K. Dyer, to onl Lesson Text: Leviticus 19: | et ux, Blanchard | 11-18: 32-34 Twp, §1 am Ct ard E. Walker Miles Twp. 8 Muargare ther International Sunday School Lesson the 1943 i 5B th . . ys ia hg for September § ris 0 ey Milipsbur leveth LI sens 10 have Hebrew }] am holy famil 0 thin Twp WE 4 poling is ilopue ? ’ Liberty Levit the Hebrews acer, py writ Will i aebers the tract In ciub hall Was Ta wards were - - S . ‘Mire ERE RTE OF FE VIGNE OY the warty Teesday €VELIULE naa. wt ITE SPRING MILLS Hetils Republicans ! VOTE FOR teed! 2 Harry R.Burd HAINES TOWNSHIP Friday Harry Stitzger and the Bruce Bailey Edward Zerby of the GC. T V 8 Walter Albrig Cumberland armed on Herbert Goodh moving to Syrare Prof. Willian ingdon wWihk f e] among fri nde in Hosterman and Stover heim, put » w roof son home la: week hoe jas faulty house last is al move : Zak FOR REGISTER LN Co TB OF WLILS for New the th Hng the CY janitor left - ction foroe Penn's Valley's Representative on the Republican Ticket aiuraay art and ‘a are NY this week Brow; Hunt. ty cuales ti town of v 1" 1s r SECOND PLACE ON THE BALLOT his ony Mili on the John. a A AS SASS AO a A i a {Political advt.) VOTE FOR AMUELA.BIERLY FOR County Treasurer SECOND PLACE ON BALLOT alwavs I was I active in politic Middle Miles served as committeeman of Township for thirty years. I am a member of the County Executive Com- mittee, on the Finance Committee and Treasurer of this organization. My record is an open book in Centre County. I ask you kindly for your support at the Primaries.
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