Cage St THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. September 2, 1943, Centre County Hospital Notes New Laws Effective (Continued from page one) | fense regulations Add pandering to acceptable caus- | es for divorcee: forbid continuation | Monday of Last Week Admitted: Mrs Peters Port Matilda Discharged Mrs. Betty Bellefonte: Mrs. Kenneth Walker and infant son: Robert A. McGovern, Bellefonte; James Baker, Wilkins- burg Admitted Monday Sunday: Mrs. J K College Admitted Tuesday Bellefonte Birth: a daughter Charles Sheckler of Ceorge and discharged Hileman discharged M contz, Monday Mrs and Robert to Mr. and Mrs Milesburg Tuesday of Last Week Admitted: Mr Rupert Smith, of Miss Beverly J Hine D. 3 Floyd Luca Btate College Balicfonte, KR Mrs. Ralph A. Rudy ( Bru Jui- A. Delaney und in- tre Hall, R. D Mrs Bellefonte: Mrs. Wil iL SON, Slate nian § Wednesday of Last Week narged M Jame AN ast Week 1 oJ Harvey, State | of business at same location after | expiration of license for conducting | a removal or closing-out sale: mit highways department to its idle equipment to political divisions and rent or sell it to federal government | Increase membership of the State! {School Employes’ Retirement Board | [from seven to eight, the new mem- | ber to be the executive secretary of! the State School Directors’ Associa- | tion; authorize the State Authority to lense butid- | | Ings to companies {facture of war Permit SUCCeSSors per- | rent | sub- | the! General any of it engaged in manu- material political to candidate nominated but die day the corporations parties name No are the ®_ilOw I on of primary ele to extend officer make it nece ot visions tw active employes {pitals to take fc born bables ax mother set thie te wd fa rm of at six year | recant | { | V/EDDRIGS Hafferty—FPhillips. Phillips, of State K Haven resident brid of Lt. Charles USNR, Pittsburgh 1 LOOK place Sat- n the reg Catho- Rey At- Bow- WO Cray Church Owen M. Gallagher Mi tate State Coliege. the officiating Dorothy College, and Ed- of Pittsburgh, bro- A reception swe Hotel followed nas been iral exten- Penn tendant were groom The bride 1 in the agricul division of the yivania College - em Deaven—Sunday and impressive weddin Monday after ock nized in the Mark Sunday illlam C of Cpl 1s § ¥ Po net A Tranes grandparents 6f the bolas f ¥ ‘Large Number of RL ITE co PN gibly can, in Bond, TT) © Twinit iN asked to do- al least on ¢ Who can. 4 nundred: eve IV the loose . dig out asion push. d, their lives. Such courage, jut vou can limit! extra to the Judmisted Saturday and dissrarged f wo New Teachers In Howard High fonte, R Bellefonte Births: a daugni y ning of Hubert Koch, of Colleg ols on Wednes- daughter to M and Mi Domer ’ Pvt liege a 1. two new teachers Smeltzer p and Mrs af y Bellefonte, a Joseph Tiemey the high school pal, an- Sunday Joseph Kist, Bellefonte itp Tey ot 1A Tavior Walker senbere of Huntingdon, in Faylor Walker y and Latin, and Miss Jean of Bellefonte, R. I).. who will Ret teachers i 1 of Lock ocial and teacher » Howard H. Kemp ¢ Mrs. Mabel Admitted Di fonte, R 3irths: a a tructor CHarged D3 faurhiter Lo Mr Albert Young, Bellefonte son to Mr. atid Mrs. E Bellefonte There were 52 patient pital at the beginning ¢ Irning Sex Smith aw tudies mathematics A smart to uphold any act of man lawyer can sr teachers will teach Howard grammar school: Miss Lulu Schenck of Howard grades 1 { and 3: Mrs. Bertha Allison of Howard, grades 4, 5, and 6; and Wil- Ham Masterson Lock Haven, grades WHE | | 7 and 8. Mrs. Allison was granted a GET ROUGH i ; tH : of ab during the past school year, and Miss Eleanor Moore of Howard taught in her| place during that time As basketball is the only sport to be continued at the Howard schools | for the duration, Mr. Masterson will both boys’ and girls’ teams leave From Financial Less. Bee coach 4 Windstorm Polley Protects You | i 1 i John F. Gray & Son General Insurance Phone #7-J Bellefonte, Fa ms A —— MONUMENT ll! There were 53 present at Sunday school Sunday morning. There will be special services next Sunday eve- | at 7:30, when Rev. Burden of | Willlamsport will conduct the ser- vices Among our sick are Mrs. William | Durkin, who is not any better; Mrs Charles Hanley. who has been to] Lock Haven hospital, ig about the same ! Visitors at the William Durkin! home were Mr. and Mrs. John Hei- | chel and Miss June Durkin, all of Blanchard: Mrs. Louls Patt of Lew | istown, and Mrs. Idella Girton of! Monument i While taking a walk here on Sun-| day, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Packer killed a black rattler "long and ning about two feet and a half long and had five rattles and a button, : 5. tie i To give visual and fitting expression, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butler and to your love and regard, the medium family were visiting with Mrs. But- | and the form must be chosen with ler's sisters at Holts Hollow, Mrs. | care. Comforting assurance of a Harry Lucas and Mrs. Roy Leathers. | duty well performed will be yours if | Miss Theodore Butler is ee | you choose a genuine Rock of Ages ing nicely from an operation for Memorial to stand as your record acute appendicitis. She Is an em- for the years to come, iploye of the Sylvania plant but will | inot return to work for about three | HOWARD weeks, GRANITE WORKS Long Shot on War: It's about one | to three that Germany collapses be- FRANK WALLACE, Prop. [ore 1944. he 15 BILLION DOLLARS (NON-BANKING QUOTA) For this 3rd War Loan, vou will be offered a choice of . S. War Bonds, Series E Issue price Dated Due Rate Registration Denominations to 81.000 Income taxable by Federal Government Eligible for subseription by individuals Eligible for subscription by commercial bks Acceptable in payment of Federal (income estate, or gift) taxes prior to maturity, At holder's option only, after 60 days from issue date Redeemable for cash to maturity Use as collateral No No Eligible for deposit of public moneys Salable in open market Not more than $5,000 maturity . value in one cal- endar year Amount for which eligible investor ma, subscribe. ’ various government securities. Choose the one that fits your requirements. {. 8, Savings 1’. 8. Savings londs, Series F Bonds, Series Treasury Savings Notes, Series ( 100) of month pur Gal in which pur in which chased chased n 12 VEears from 3 y (ate 18 from date Varies—1.077 if 2’ held to maturity fron Years sue date 148 91 Nl Registered form only In inscribed form only £25 to 210.000 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes, during and after 2nd calendar month after purchase No At holder's option only, after 6 months, on varia- ble schedule on 1 month's notice ! At holder's option only, after 6 months, on varia- ble schedule on 1 month's notice At holder's option only, after 6 months, at 100% and interest 2 For loans from No banks only No No Not more than $100,000 issue price of Series F and G together in one calendar year No No No No limit Over J | - 21 9 7 a 2 « Ctfs. of In- Treasury Bonds debtedness, Series of 1951-53 E-1944 2 ' Treasury Bonds of 1964-69 £500 £1.000 $500 or £1.000 bonds, 100° Over 1.000, 100° and interest or ig DOT $£1.000, 100 100 1007 and interest and interest Sept. 15, 1943 15, 1943 Sept. 15, 1943 Sept. Se pt 15. 1953 Sept. 1, 1944 5 1 ru Bearer or regis- tered form Bearer or regis. tered form Bearer form only $100 to £10,000 £1.000 to $1,000,000 $500 to £1,000,000 $500 to £1.000,000 31,000 to $1,000,004 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Federal estate taxes only, on death of owner No At Government's At Government's option only, on or option only, on or after Dec. 15, after Sept. 15, 1964, at 100% 1951, at 100% and interest and interest Yes Not before Sept. 15, 19563 Yes Yes Yes No limit No limit 1 Upon death of owner redeemable at 1007; if application for redemption is made FIRST NATIONAL BANK after six months from issue date, Within four months after decease, 2 Al purchase price only if commercial bank is holder for own account BELLEFONTE, PA, BELLEFONTE TRUST CO. BELLEFONTE, PA, FARMERS’ NATIONAL BANK BELLEFONTE, PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA, FIRST NATIONAL BANK PHILIPSBURG, PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOWARD, PA. THE COMMUNITY BANK PORT MATILDA, PA, FARMERS’ NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. — MILLHEIM, PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK SPRING MILLS, PA. REBERSBURG NAT'L BANK REBERSBURG, PA, FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA.
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