"September 2, 1943. — EMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. WOODWARD Cpl. Kenneth Orndorf, located at Rapid City, 8. Dakota, arrived State College on Saturday evening at y about 7 o'clock parent Mr. and Mrs. 8 sweetheart Miss him, It is hi gince he w i ed forces. He lough. Believe use of it, ves his chums mates take try to meet He's about niles fron address follow wl. Kenneth n-'4 hool dorf, 601st ng, Au Bombardment AAB On Sundi pleasure to n sisters at except Orrin still located Wanda, of Selinsgrove, at- led the homecoming services and the guests of her parents, Mr Mrs. HO. Fiedler Elmer Smith Zerby and Zerby of near al the homecoming Unda y Many aaugnter Lend ere } and wiiere n H Title orndorf and | Mrs. Thelma her husband, Millhelm, were services BOWersos ge iced forenoon me of our farmer hire fall busy do- time be- really be- ne at this Lin i hing igi evding note of 1} him 2200 1 Woodwar OPeneg 30th forme; I'he d Consolidated pub- i on Monday morn- for thelr hers are back for Vonada of Madi of Millheim, Aaronsburg the wi y tea Gp South Dak FAs m of resent nin honor of Cpl Mr. and Mrs dren Donna The home mburg, Mr, and attended on Su { children, local Evangel 1 i ! JOY ald and } { possible to As & Rev He course on ROY Musse now very were glad Orndorf Mr nt Spring Jower- special { Mi Orndort H. 8. Entz fitted ' ] hildren, Earl, Nevin, Arlington, delivers Ivy) Hos- Kenneth 1000 fittin thelr inter third came- wher Berlin is anc VOTE FOR Sidney G. Willar FOR Republican Nomination FOR SHERIFF A World War 4th Veteran PLACE ON BALLOT Republicans ! NOMINATE FRANK K. STEVENSON Or STATE COLI POR Formerly of Patton Twp.) FOR REGISTER OF WILLS THIRD PLACE ON THE BALLOT dat $US LE tl aa ti FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 95-0¢ ESCO Milk Coolers To vou farmers wha need a cooler this year, vou had better place vour order at once, as probably only one more shipment will be available this year. The manufacturer will soon have their quota built, “ We Also Have the Agency for EMPIRE MILKING MACHINES a a a a SEE US AT ONCE—PHONE 2615 HUBERT M. ROSSMAN 13 W. Bishop Street Bellefonte, Pa. 1943-44 term. | HOLT'S Mrs. J. J train on Thursday for thelr home in spending the relatives New York City, after summer with friends in thig section Mrs. Dale Fisher her husband who is staff sergeant at souri Mi tained ment Mrs and now a camp in and Mrs. Roy Leathers enter company from York, and Mt. Eagle on Sunday Lee Johnson and Wesley home at Clearfield Claude Wyland of greeted friends at Monday Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Charles on Saturday Mrs. Annie Rawley and Juniata, Mrs. Mary Kelly ily, Vernal Poorman of Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Watson family enjoyed their dinner beautiful little gr the Sunday Mrs. Emma quite a number grandchildren on ning this place Burd called Mr Miller at on Dry and in ove on Divide Wat Of el chi Wednesday r on Last Week) Howell Orvis (From William Runville Mrs children and Ri panied Fred Watson urday Mrs ana son ol Watson hard Fyfle to Oh ACCom- OO on and spent the weekend nt wt place Jane Catherman Brook and Mir R S8heesley of Howard, vi on Tues- relative Mary » iN } of VILE POLITICAL AN FOR COUNTY TRE AST RER. the Democrs foters of Centre Coun unce myself as a can- rer of Centre Coun- ies governing the the Primary Muenday, Bente vote and suppx date for subject Dminocratic ted POORMAN Bell ite, Pa uOiLeCd “BAM elo FOR COUNTY TREASURER Democratic Voters of Centre ince myself As 8&8 CADLD~ surer of Cen tre Co in i Lhe the TIINAT Tuesday, Bepten- vole ahd suppori ited A. BIERLY Hebersl Peanox ie ralic to be hel 1943 Your pectiully SAMUE it TE ery ale Pa ire FoR dong RF} Devic electio 0 ber 14, 1843 aire espect RUDOLPH Fay vote and ited WETTSTEIN Julian Pa SHERIFY. Suppor Your ¢ FUALY BORK RUDY FOR fo the Democratic Voters of Centre County: 1 hereby announce myself as a Cah didate for iff of Centre County leer to rules governing We ermoors We MRDATY ’ Hepleln Ppp Sher the and JAY ROBINSON Pors Matiida, Pa FOR SHERIF. Republican Voters of County I here announce myself as a can didate for Sheriff of Centre County to the rules soverning the can Party at the Primary eciection to be held Tuesday, Beplem- ber 14, 1943. Your wote and support are H solic Centre respectfully tied JOHN (JERRY) OALAIDA, Bellefonte Barough SHERIFF. Voters of Centre FOR the Republican Count 1 hereby announce mysel! as a oan didate for Sheriff of Centre County. subject to the rules governing the Republican Party at the Primary election to be held Tuesday, Septem. ber 14. 1943. Your vole and support are respectfully solicited C. ROY HELD, Madisonburg, Pa FOR SHERIFY the Republican Voters of Centre County I hereby announce myself as a can- didate for Sheriff of Centre County subject to the rules of the Republi- can Party at the Primary election to be held Tuesday, September 14, 1043 Your vote and support are respect. fully solicted LEE DAVIES Bellefonte, Pa FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Republican Voters of Centre County: I hereby announce myself as acan- To To didate for Commissioner of Centre | County, gubject to the rules govern- lg the mary election to be held Tuesday Beptember 14, 1043. Your vote and support are respectfully solicited. WILLIAM HH BROUSE, Bellefonte Borough FOR COUNTY © OMMISSIONER, To the Republican Voters of Centre County: 1 hereby announce myself as a oan didate for Commissioner of County, subject to the rules govern ing the Republican Party at the Pri- | mary election to be held Tuesday September 14, 1943. Your vole and support are respectfully solicited WM. H. (Bld) BROWN, Bellefonte Borough FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic Volers of Centre County I hereby announce myself asa oan- | idate for Commissioner of Centre (County, subject to the rules govern- {mary election to be held Tuesday September 14, 1943. Your vote and isuppart are respectfully solicited. CHARLES P. HIPPLE, Bellefoute Borouvh FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. {To the Democratic Voters of Centre | County: {1 hereby announce myself as a can- | |didate for Comm | iniae the Democratic Party at the Pri- {mary selection 10 be held Tuesday, | September 14, 13 Your vote and | Masport are respectfully solicited, C. MENSCH, Millhelm Borough | A FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, {To the Democratic Voters of Centre | County: | I hereby announce myself as & can« {didate for Comunissicter County, subject to the rules govern- __THE CENTRE is visiting with WIVIing as Mis- Monu- daughter Anna, spent a few days at the James Central City, on Top friend of fam- Bellefonte, and the itertained iren and eve { and Sat- with To Republican Party at the Pri- | Centre | ling the Democratic Party at the Pri- | loner of Centre | {County, subject to the rules govern- | ~_rup Fin HOLLOW 'study at the Pitzgerald home Our church has recently given a fresh cout of paint iadds much to Its appearance, Mrs. J. J. Pyfle and sons supper home On Mr. and Bellefonte, were the Heaton home Mrs. Arthur Burd Lock Haven over Thursday Mrs Emerick visitors aul recent visited in the weekend of Runville, Mrs children, Mrs, J. J sons, Mrs. Emma watson, Mrs dren, Mary Jane Catherman dinner guests at the M. C home at Gum Stump on Sunday The of the Endeavor attended services Bunday ning Fyfle and Watson, members Boclety al Falrview — Rugs remember when that are {f sunlight greens Try to new rugs good dark more purchasir 10 be » that browns will i bit © and thy blues ghter 11 hia cles readily n ign shine Cleaning Reed Furniture The to clean ture the den oughly best way reed | § 10 take it is warm and hose it. Allow before taking of doors tum it to dry nto it oO cun on back house Nowhere effort ru IN Var NOUNCEMENTS BOWERSOX Bor r Oollege FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby ann for Cou subject Republi! election 4 Party at the Pri. be held Tuessay four vote and y aolictted MoCORD HHipsbury Can Los 1943 Rush Township Pa FOR COUNTY Het COMMISSIONER utilican Voters of Centre I hereby an Yole and ted STIVER Urnace, Pa FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER the Republican V of Cent 5 33 Lee DY an: didate XK County Ang se * September 14 AUDIOS. are ters re fas a Cente Flies govern-~ thy = i T of voile an a solicited HENSZEY College, Pa JOHN H Hiate FOR RICORDER Den OF Volers DEE soca Lie of Centre ounce myself as a can- » ’ Centre Coun ¥, subject to the rules governing the Democratic Party at the Primary election 0 be held Tuesday, Septem- ber 14, 1843 four vote and support are respectfully solicited P. B. "BEN" State College FOR RECORDER. rabiioar MEFK Fa Voters of heredy announce mysell as date for Recorder of Centre Coun- the rules governing 1 Party at the Primary election to be held Tuesday Senter. ber 14. 1848. Your vote and support are respectfully solicited JAMES H SOCHRECK Lemont, Pa FOR PROTHONOTARY To the Democratic Voters of Centre County I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Prothonotary of Centre County, subject to the rules vern- ing the tic Party at the Pri- mary election © be held Tuesday, September 14, 1943. Your vole and support are respectfully solicited FREDERIC OG. HOFFER, Philipsburg, P= FOR PROTHONOTARY the Republican Voters of County 1 hereby announce myself as a can- jdidate for Prothonotary of Centre County, subject to the rules govern entre {ing the Republican Party at the Pri- i mary election 10 be held Tuesday, {September 14, 1943 Your vote and support are respectfully solicited FRED PLETCHER Howard, Pa FOR REGISTER. Toe the Democratic Voters of Centre : County: { I hereby announce myself as a can- | didate for Register of Centre Coun- ity, subject to the rules governing { the Democratic Party at the Crunary {election to be heid Tuesday, Sep | (tember 14, 1943, Your vote and sup- port are respectfully solicited HARRY A OCORMAN, ; Spring Mills, Pa. ——— FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, {To the Democratic Voters of Centre | County: I hereby announce myself ag a can« jdidate for Auditor of Centre Coun- ity, subject to the rules governing the i Democratic P at the Primary election to be held Tuesday, Beptem - ber 14, 1943. Your vote and supnort wre respectfully solicited, i J. VICTOR BRUNGART, i Rebersburg, Tha ] FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. To the Reppublican Voters of Oenire i County i I hereby announce myself as a can ‘didate for Auditor of Centre Coun- ity, subject to the rules governing {the Republican Party at the Primary election 0 be held Tuesday, Ban- | {tember 14, 1043, Your vole and DOrt are respectfully solicited RALFH B a FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. To the Republican Voters of Centre County: | 1 nereby announce m ididate for Auditor of ip. if as a oaD~ tre Courts, the y vote are Tepes Aisi, i were guests at the Bert Kessling 9:90 1 friends | William Howell and two children! gg Olive Rhoads and gy WO "Amerie Orvis Roy Sheesley and chil- were Reon Christian church eve 8 ibiected to fade Irn. when the gar- thor - the | porches to the place of beginning | Borough Arceased {Containing erected outbuildings Fyffe and sons left by day of last week and attended Bible Reformed Charge. Charles O. Link, Minister Hublergburg: Church school 9:30 4. m. Divine Bervice 7:30 m. Zion: Union Church Sehool 13) m. Divine Bervice 10:30 been which nt p it i" mn of ut Methodist Charge, am A. Snyder, Minister | Nieoourg: Morning Worship 9:00 Ch School 10:00. Community with address by the Rev, O ie Poulson, on the subject, a, Stop, Look, Think!” ¥:00 nville: Church Bchool 9:15 ing Worship 10:30, Youth Fel- 6:30 Uni Mu low 0 John's Lutheran, Rev Clarence E, Arnold Eleventh Sunday after Trinity September 5. 9:30 m. Sunday School. 10:46 a. m. the Bervice and Sern “Godliness With Content- LL Please note the return to the hour. With September 12 all will be with Ves. 7:30 p Bellefonte, Pastor Mt i" resumed m - Presbyterian Charges, ard E surg 5th a Oakwood, N M Services, 8 Bible School Morning worship 10:45 tian Endeavor 6:00 p. m Bible 10:00 a Wors m Bible Class 6th m inaay ten 9 m Ct Bho end 30 a a.m Snow m it Unio Monda y School hip 7:30 Study 30 p : Pp Beg at 7 America's rated than in Methodist Church, Bellefonte H. C. Stenger, Jr ister eh Harold superintendent. Morning 10:46. Sermon the i. “Btruggling ng Wor: by the Pastor. Subject i Through Fait} Mid-week Bervice and ¢ Study on at 7:4 R Min Pr | ] BC hol Against God hip 7:30 p m. Ber Bib! ) esday Pp. 1 Methodist Charge. A Pastor tin Wao $00 WY Cron ® m Kenne- m. Wor- Church 11:00 a nip School, 10:00 m #00 a h ® hurch Sehool 10:00 a 9:30 a m Ciub Prog Youth Pellowship Wednesda Praver Thursday p. m. Beech 10°00 8 m O88 m United Brethren Church CG. E. Householde Unified 8 mm Wilson dent in charge tor at 9.50 Israel at 10:20 Fréaehine at n | Friis i. “Satanic Strategies bth the Believer” Prayer and Bible study Wednesday evening at 3. Senior choir rehearsal {lowing prayer meeting. J rehearsal Friday ¢ HBOr ch First Evangelical Church. H. Halbert Pastor The Unified Service: 9:30 the service of Worship. Ser- subject. “How much is a man's worth to him?” 10:20 to 11:00 Church at Study. The superin- E J. Teaman in charge m. Preaching sub ject God t Jaoohs to 10:15 #2 m ms sok the tendent Service Bible Board Prayer with Church meet following Come and are alway School will the vice you BOT - worship welcome The trouble with the armchair command Legal Notices CAT TION NOTICE. KE. My wife, Madaline OG. Matis, hav- ing left my bed and board without Just cause or provocation, I hereby catition the public not to harbor or trie her as 1 will not be responsi. bie fw any debts contracted by her JOHN B. MATIS xi5 R D 1, Port Matilda, Pa ti war strategists Are BIDS WANTED Bids wil] be received, up to and ‘including September 4. 1943, by the Benner Township School Distriet, for the purchase of and delivery, to their seven township schools ap- proximately fifty (50) tons of screen- ed Cherry Run coal Delivery must be made before Sept. 15, 1843. The (board reserves the right to accept or | {reject any or all bids. FORREST ECKLEY, Bec'y Benner Township 8chool District, Bellefonte, R. D. 1 * COU RT SALE In the Matter of the Estate of Elizabeth Bartley, late of Gregg | Township, Centre County, Pennsyi- {yania In the Orphans’ Court County, Pennsylvania. Estate 114329. of Centre No ! To the Heirs, Creditors and other persons interested in said Estate Notice is hereby given that Sarah! E. Keen Administratrix of the Es. [tate of Elizabeth Bartley, has filed [her petition in the office of the Clerk | {of Orphans’ Court, praying for fe sale of the following described real estate of the Decedent at pub- ic sale, to wit All that eertain lot of land, eit] 3 uate in Gregg Township, Centre! | County, Pennsylvania, bounded and | described as follows, to wit: side of the turnpike, thence along lands now or formerly of William Graden North 5% degrees East 9 perches to a stone near the bank of Penns Creek: thence by sald creek South 77% degrees East 14 perches’ to a point in sald creek; thence along lands now or formerly of Al-| lison Brothers South 50% degreas, East 11 perches, more or less to a telephone pole; thence along in wropike North 78% degrees West 58 {prev Beginning at a point on the aoith) thereon house and other 90 perches an dwelling Excepting and reserving the fol- lowing cribed portion thereof, ously yed Ww Roy LL. Bart. to wit Beginning on the line Elizabeth Bartley and Al- tate a point about 135 feet © corner of tract thence North HO feel LO a slone; West 20 Bouth 3% feet i Elizabeth de Conve ley between lson Es from the Northeast of Elizabeth Bartley d% degrees East thence North BO fect 181 ut seoount degree thence tO a ut Lo He on Mi Bartley taining about Also 1 and iw nnd hie fe a Ir pa State Highwa HUBLE} ORV] ‘ REGISTER'S NOTICES BERNET] Mut BROWN BENNER aorount O ot Hilal of a f ol i Nannie Pearce Eigeiberner inte late Borough, decsased 8 MALL “The first and final sce ! int of Emma C Hoy, execrx of Carrie H Hall iste of Be Mite Bao i et] HOMAN The first and 5 t schedule of di O Homan, exeors H Homa: ate agh, deceased HINDS The frst and schedul ex DD Hinds A. Hinds, Isle deceamed ie trit and Wwil- of etic of Cer Homan and FEE of Char Perry The Ors RE-OPENING Training School for NURSES wane AT cin LOCK HAVEN HOSPITAL In Co-operation With State Teachers’ College. ¢ First Class Open September 15 to October 1. (Limited to 12 students.) ¢ 6 Months’ Pre-Clinieal course C at Teachers’ College. ¢ Tuition Fee of only $30 cov- ers registration. laboratory fees, pre-clinical course and board and room at the hos- pital. ® Requisites: Age limit 18 to 35, must be graduate of ac- credited 4-year high school. Apply Miss Bertha Cornwal, R. Director of Nurses Lock Haven Hospital SOCOULL of Clarence Alice Townshiv final ritual ard B. Gels B Loe nied L distr execrx count and th fd - Fr | College Pa sardian of Minnde An- nabelle Tate Fy yr ir 4. WEIGHT ~The frst and final sooount of COastherine Elizabeth Weight snd Elnora E Weight execrs. of ete. of W. E Welght, late of Howard Borough, deceased 20. WETZILER ~The first and par- tial scoount ang schedule of distri- bution of Lewis A Welzler and Dean KK. Wetzier, admm of etc of John Wetzler, late of Bogs Township aeceaned 30. WILSON socount and Olly Janes J L and final Meyer and of ete of Ferguson 18. IRVIN The frst A. Maude 1. Irvin, sdmrms Irvin, late of aeceanecd LANDSY ~The aooount and ms un of Lottie B. Gels and Leon execras. of ete of Blanche late of Bellefonte Borough M id and dai fourth hedule of Landsy LEISTER ~The frst and final and propowd schedule of ibution of Minnie Mendier of ete. of Clara MM. Leister of Centre Hall Borough, deceas- a wY 16. LANE ~The firm and schedule of ribution $1 d Elliowt E. Lane, admr ete. of | count d E. lane, late of Bellefonte i The first and final schedule of distri e 8B Wilson, sdmuex. of Lowrie Wilson, also Wilson, late of Stale College Borough, deceased WAY ~The first and final ac- and proposed schedule of dis bution of Beale Alexander exere ete. of Barsh A. Way. sometimes 4 and fin. | Written Amanda 8. Way, late of Un- ile Boroust deceaned admex. of y IELAND ~The £ I WOOOun f win C bution of ele. of ten ale and final ac f ai of Bay - The secon Hieduie Miller I Asiriu- and Anal Brouse al execrs of etc of nls Harrie rat Ins late of Boring of HARRY RECAPPING AND VULCANIZING NEW TIRES, TUBES AND BATTERIES KEYSTONE TIRE SERVICE 8. Potter Street Bellefonte, Pa. Home Owned and Operated A. OORMAN SPANGLER C. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY WAGrER'S Quality Flour A Mard Wheat Fat Flows WAGNER'S Our Best Flour “- nNiend WAULNER'S Very Best Flour Winter Wheat o——— Wagner's 5290 Dairy Feeo Wagner's 20% Dairy Feeo Wagner's Horse Feed Wagner's Pig Meal Wagner's bgg Mash Wagner's Chick Starter shd Grower, Wagner's Turkey Starter gid Grower, OSCAR GRABS 1007 MANY Fin / The other seals at the Zoo don't like Oscar. “He hoards all the her rings.” they say Wagner's Scratch Feed Feed, Wagner's Chick Feed Wagner's Medium Scratch Rydes Cream Calf Mea) Eshelman's Dog Feed It's a good thing Oscar doesn’ have a party-line teleptone. He'd probably monopolize the line — talk too often and too long. Nobody else would have a chance to talk Do All kinds of high protein feeds for mixing with yew own feed. Dealers in All Kinds of Grains you know any people like THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA BELLEFONTE, PA. 200 CARS For Defense Workers SPOT CASH IN FIVE MINUTES ACT QUICK While Prices Are High Lingenfelter Motor Corp. Bellefonte, Pa. Authorized Buick Dealer OPEN SUNDAY and EVENINGS, Phone 2037 (Political advil. Republicans Nominate BOND C. WHITE of AxeMann, Spring Twp. FOR PROTHONOTARY He meets the standards lald down by our founder, William Penn, whe said: “Five things are requisite to a good officer—abllity, clean hands, despateh, patience, and impartiality.” Qualified by 7 Years’ Experience ! (Political advt)
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