EERE REE INWAR BONDS SBR 30 30 2h I AR I J @He Cenlre DMemocraf SAVING IN WARBONDS EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY VOLUME 62, 27. NUMBER TH UURSDAY, JULY 8, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Youth Killed In Ao Accident David M. Robison, +* “ort Matilda, Dies As Car Hurtles Into Tries; Companion Injur- ed: Car Is Demolished ghway to t » Blue Ball ne inter everal S CANDIDATE FOR = if COUNTY ESSA 2 Harry A. Corman Seeks Re-election; Is Able, Efficient Official + of Ya Dy Port Harry in the emeter RGED WITH TEALING GUNS (‘laim Howard Man Burg- larized Sister's Home; Lodged in Jail Rev made com mit ria TT | Harold cf root Cow hs net D Bellefor entered a urgiary charge The charge is not justice of the peace } €InpIoyed 4 rdin 8. R. Richard- © Raliroad and the ATMOUr |. of the State Police at Rock- ¥'" pany packing plant in elles June of his inter, an Hown three Mrs. Beig! » armed forces man there and t from mere te 0 and was es complete coumntancy After being svivania & Com or about 1 en em WATS aetid for toongd Ic rou rd, and took wtguns, the SOTI8 Who A 0 F of 1tol's 1 . how in ichardson said all the firearms have been recovered Kelley eight or ten years to How Mitten Withdraws From County Contest Paul has the d until ent in Bellefonte ago when he w resided this mer Mars nl iy ard to live burg H eatin Mr citizen: an act work formed officer A. Mitten withdrawn as of State College, a candidate for Republican nomination for Commissioner in the B8ep- tember primaries Mr street Ur » Re an Pomona w NO County Mitten sold his store on Allen State College, early in May and for past two months has heen employed by the Standard Steel Works, subsidiary of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, at lewistown In announcing his withdrawal,! Mr. Mitten stated that since he is no longer operating a business in Etate College. he does not feel he should enter the political race, add- that he wishes to thank all of his friends for the support which they had promised The same day Mittens withdrawal was announced John H. Henszey, of | State College, announced his inten- tion to be a candidate for the Com- missioners’ office, on the Republican ticket to 9 tk P od M 1 a ie and i, telegs 2 @ It rs Cooperativ and up for ssocinti fn that gre on Tow ing tion record to Ure to of- his and as returned term he will con- s same high type of 18 characterized that he past four years - ithmnita the Mr the voters «¢ them that fice for tine service office chur corm county he is + pvy ney J ing Seek Recruits for | WAVEs and See-Bees A recruiting “station for the Bea- Bees and the WAVES will be open in Bellefonte from 10a. m. 07 p. m.| every Wednesday until further no- tice, It wag reported this week i Yeoman Russel] McCauley, of the Altoona recruiting office, will be in charge of the Bellefonte station’ which will be conducted in the Bellefonte postoffice building. Struck by Bioycle Mrs. R. E. Edmiston of State Col- lege, was injured slightly last Wed. ‘nesday morning when she stepped into the path of a bicycle at Bur. rowes street and College avenue, Mrs, Edmiston and two other women were {talking at the cross walk when Mrs. Edmiston apparently stepped back into the path of a bieycle ridden by Phoebe Vandervort of State College. stud the | Tank Crash Victim | War Moose Af +11 o bers as Belle Work " helped 8 irng Centre county Lodge Sugar Registration Schedule Announced ning sugar lowing locations Centre Hall Reber Millheim ber of each family to register at the local school and have in their pos- session War Book 1 (sugar book) for all individuals in the family group Penn, and Miles. NAMED TO STUDY STRIP tre county representative in the As- {sembly imemaber of mining operations in the state The appointment was made by Ira iT. Fiss, Speaker of the House To those of our readers who may wonder why The Centre Democrat contains but eight pages this week, working hours of our already de- The handlebars caught her, slightly | pleted force, making it impossible to | injuring her back, it was reported. jae more than eight pages, BELLEFONTE, PA. ih, ‘A. H. Sm For Loss In Fire SAVE Owner of Pleasant Ga Who Brought Mac Failed to Use Proper Caution fire at An at Pleasant ermal Cap on Saturday, January 23. 19043 a damage i $4,603 58 was filed in the Prothonotary this week by A. H. Smith vnshi plaintif against MifTlint t for of of wn, defend d AL On nn Brothers garage Can ®n00 it nat communit Smith =a caught Jack H. Wallace nt Ja H W vy lace tre ounts Staff Sgt Sing a $10,000 hy amage (8) ith Sues TITAN WORKER 5 SLL M DEA George Showers, Julian R., fo wked with D., Escapes “Human . ao Torch” Death BOTH HANDS ARE SEVERELY BURNED » Strips Off Blazing Cloth- ing After Accident; In Hospital p Garage Claims Man hine In for Repairs ood nd of the iement of 5 HONORED ON 101ST BIRTHDAY William Tressier and Wife Hosts At Family (athering N hote on WwW Bellefonte Treaster Became 107 vears oid wt Mire iy * Prida; treet Aniee ni p by ob escort Punersl sotvic nn t the Krwl ni das v ar flernoon al ane reste? He A Ban? 23 K Moose to Conduct Membership Drive y Moose Lod also greeting «¢ received ards evening s ruin ? ving L411 -. RADIO AMATEURS 10 AID DEFENS prize will that every pated Bond member inter f vaude- mem. m tonight splendid and has work and has families. Over of the club membership armed forces, leaving ranks to be closed urrent drive. Citizens of gre asked to consider AD- Moose ir floor show held for and te the open has done community fonte lodge AN Organization Formed at Altoona Will Include Bellefonte haritable many needy r cent the the club Live £3 a personal invitation to » t a meeting of 3 ot dio membership in the At a meeting of 30 amateur radi operators last Thursday evening id Altoona, an organization was formed to aid in civilian defense work where necessary. The new set-up of radio service will be officially known as the “War Emergency Radio Ber- vice” In organizing Altoona the idea is to make a leg of a network into Harrisburg that will run through Johnstown State College, Bellefonte and Lewistown The operators had pointea out to them at the meeting, the great pos- sibilities the American communities have for emergency radio communi- cation as a defense arm, and the new field that has been opened for the thousands of radio amateurs banned from the air a Aged Horseman is Bitten About Face Martin Cooney, who will be 90 {years old come November 10, is re- covering nicely from injuries of the face received Tuesday of last week when he was bitten by a horse Mr. Cooney, resident of West Bish- op street, and one of the last survives ing members of a once colorful group of local men whose vocation was the buying. selling, and renting of horses and horse-drawn equipment, * POT re ar Price and Rationing Board 3. Spring Mills, announces can- registrations at the fol- from 1 to 85 and 7 it p.m July 12 and 13 July 13 and 14 July 14 and 15 July 15 and 16 will be necessary for one meni- ring Mills rg nships covered by this registra include: Potter, Gregg. Haines, sisson WF siding COAL MINING CONDITIONS — H. Wallin of Philipsburg, Cen- this week was appoinied a the sub-committee to investigate strip coal y and EE AN EXPLANATION ‘horse lunged out and bit kim. | Mr. Cooney spoke to the horse, reduced the and it released him immediately. The ‘man received anti-tetanus treatment and the wounds, which were quite JH, are healing nicely, Monday holiday was working about the stable in which he keeps his own pacer, when another) Historical Society In Annual Meeting The annual meeting County Historica) of the Bociets Inst Centre was held week nf State Pvt. Edward 1. Muirhead wounded Edward Belk elonte niege GiOrs black.” About that fraternities began in 1887 the first y Phi Gamma to emerge from ink and time “sub-rosa ) be formed cd ; fratemni aliowed were fi 74 Del 2" was “ithe darkness The year, 1887. was the beginning sion at the college as well in neral business conditions hroughout the county, and the in- itial edition of the “Free Lance” was rheads parents T= | published in that year. By 1800 the from Senator Joseph | a ret formal dance took place in the hich he expressed his new college armory, and the college head had Deen| 1. became the present “blue and nd "time and added white.’ speedy recov The pnectOotes n exp After he been wounded the second time M tet tne wounded the secon 3 best wash sketch was full of amusing and was taken from a his- tory of the growth and progress of the coliege which the speaker now has in preparation for publication James CC. Furst was re-elected president: Dr. J. Paul Selsam, vice {president: Hays W. Mattern. Jr | treasurer, and J. Thomas Mitchell, secretary. The society decided to change ils fiscal vear to agree with the calendar year and to hold its annual meeting in January isms WP suisse Wheat Loan Rate Set At $1.38 in Centre The 1943 Wheat Loan Program has been announced, and farmers will be able to obtain a Federal loan of nine cents a bushel more this year The accident happened when the|ihan o year ago. or $1.38 a bushel in boy ran into the fender of the Carini. county. according to W. F. Rish- which was moving at a slow rate of | chairman of the Centre County speed. police reported. He was ren- Agricultural Adjustment Agency dered unconscious by the crash and committee of the U. 8. Department was taken to his home where he 18 of Agriculture. For wheat stored on reported to be proving rapidly. the farm, the farmers will be paid . —————— an additional seven cents a bushel STATE COLLEGE POLICE as storage allowance, he said, and REPORT TWO ACCIDENTS will be paid in advance, —- Although the current market price Two automobile accidents 00CUT | of wheat is comparable or above the red in State College over the week- oan rate this year, Mr. Rishel ex- end. Police Chief John R. Juba re: i.ineq that many farmers will pre- ported {fer to make use of storage facilities A car operated by Ralph L. Reish and to keep title to the grain, in or- of Oak Hall, was struck by a car op-| | der to forestall possible feed short. erated by Earl Hatch of Altoona, at ages next winter. the corner of Atherton street and] nes — | College avenue on Priday. According | Pranks of Storm to Chief Juba. Hatch, who was driv-] During a recent storm at Oak ing on Atherton street, swerved to Grove, near Philipsburg, a twister the west and hit Reish's vehicle. | [lifted the roof from the garage of! Little damage was caused to either | Joseph Kovalcin, set it down safely machine ‘alongside the building, which it then | Over $100 damage was caused demolished. It picked up an apple’ when cars driven by M. E. Lucas and | tree, measuring three feet around, | W. Wilkins. both of State College, lifted it out by the roots and drop- (collided at the corner of College ped it within three feet of the ‘avenue and Burrowes street, Mon- | house, which was undamaged. A hole day. Reports from borough officials five feet in diameter was joft in the! state that the sedan driven Ly Lu- orchard cas was damaged to the extent of | #80 and the Wilking car, #65, Buy Defense Bongs now! January 21.4 aL camps Muirhead enlisted on 1042. underwent training in five states before being sent Wo England in July 1942. He was a member of the American force which invaded North Africa November 8, 1942 College Youth Is Thrown From ‘Cycle Richard Boerlin. son of Irving C Boerlin, of State College. was badly shaken up when the bicycle he was riding ran into a car operated by Dale Shuey of Lemont, at the Col- lege parking lots near Recreation Hall over the weekend Campus Pa- trol authorities said | includes { counties | sald to be non-political in character | Bonds for July is $187.015, according ounty Observe: Quietest Fourth Re-Opening of Hughes’ Pool Biggest Event of Weekend; Noise, Motoring, Accidents at Record Low Point Poge Four) I BLACKOUT 5 CANCELLED Radio Participation in Ed- ucational Alert Deemed Censorship Violation Parking Meters Win Supreme Court Test Prizes Awerded at Hughes Pool Opening £ var yA rizes in of Hug! swimming Affirmed an action of th on Winners Sunday } Pool by Bellef mite BO ennounced bH was in charge of th dine Fire Compa prize mone: The events third winners follows Swimming race, free style Larimer, Edward McNichol, Kustenbauder Balloon ard Chandler Surface dive from bottom of pool Raymond, Kathleen nor Hetrick boys Orvis Kustenbauder Shallow pool race: DOYS Dann Lewis Baney, Richard us: girls, Barbara McCool, Pettingill, Patty Parks Twenty-five vard free style under 13. Marg Weller. Peggy Smith Virginia Meckus; boys inder 13 Merrill Flynn, Jack Scheffer. Rich- ard Chandler and John Flynn tied for third Thirty-five yard Paul Lutz, Ralph Bottor{ neth Larimer ¢ Northamp- Pleas Court : yv dismissed a bill brought by four ain of Easton contended that violated the rights of it also ved from me was the primary reason for their installation, rather than a reasonable exercise of municipal po- lice power to regulate parking In the opinion Justice Parker held that the bill in equity well taken at the property 58 the city ord snanbe . N ional ODE listed in order ona property property in that Overs come deri mtended in Gray Orvis ¢ he ers Philip Smith Kenneth Larimer retrieve oUject girls. Dorothy Homan, Elea- Gray Larimer, race Rich- to was not Price Gouger Gets Bitter Dose Of Own Medicine The Altoona Tribune following incident that that city last week w illiam K. Estright bought a used refrigerator off Joe Weller, a second hand dealer, at 2008 Eight avenue, paying $120 for the ice box. When Estright took it home he mentioned his buy to some neighbors who told him he had paid an exorbitant price and one of them had bought one for about a third of what Estright paid. | Mr. Estright laid the matter be. East Bishop fore the district OPA office and they has been named advised him he had been greatly county chairman of the Post-War overcharged. They pointed out that Planning Committee, it waz an. the ceiling price for used electric re- nounced by Ted Weld of Lock Hav. |frigerators is $40.50 and that he en, chairman of the district which could recover triple damage 14 Central Pennsylvania. Thereupon Estright went before ‘Alderman Anthony O'Toole and brought action against Joe Weller, the second hand man. The over. charge was $7050 which is the dif- ference between the $120 Estright (paid and the OPA ceiling price of $40.50. Weller settled for £211.50, the triple amount of overcharge. as per- ‘mitted by law, besides paying the sguire's costs. Estright paid $120 for his refrig- AE eat erator and the dealer later handed uly Bond Quota him $211.50 In retum. So the net Centre county's quota of War of the ice hox transaction was th Estright got a free refrigerator i 1801.50 in cash besides. Junior Meck- Miriam girls the in recites oocurred 0 i3 15, and Ken- bovse Francis Named to Post-War Committee A. L Prancis, of street, Bellefonte, The purpose of the Post-War Planning committee will be to make a survey of industries and small [perchanta to determine what their employment needs may be after the war and 10 help, on a nationwide scale, to prevent any appreciable post-war depressions. The group is and is sponsored by large industries to figures released in Harrisburg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers