dhe Centre Democrat EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY SAVING IN WARBONDS VOLUME 62, NUMBER 26. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, JULY 1 1943. SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Pilot Bai S Re Veteran Airman Insurance Head Is Out ane Crashes oactures Ankle in Para- chute Leap Near Coburn; “Thunderbolt” lighter Plane is Demolished. Peter flyin It has been 10 A Perry Commang pilot C. Smith, 32 who airplanes since he ang who made flights to ing the service on death 1 o'clock Ti CEEKS ELECTION 10 COUNTY OFFICE Jay Robinson, 28, Port Matilda, Candidate For Sheriff Mati] 3 Oil { ol wa years a number OTs AUugu Coburn has since enter t 1942 about wl foreign in es J wed en ternoon A Port a resident widely knewn throughout t and state entertall week announced for the office County Th ney unde the Robinson widely known tator. Jey al Oscar O'N2ill the length and breadth « —ps well and in many ( Jay always tations and ab was grantcd an 2 Bowes progri was put in ¢ whic: appea Ing cities In rece unity a &n this himself a candidal Cen ty re Calida Democratl are ag i (Crmtinned om Page Six) Seeks Treasurershi LE ——— P po wy Ee & A. Bierly (above) well known resident of Rebersburg, last week announced as a Democratic candidate the office of County Treasurer. This is Mr. Bierly's first appearance as a candidate for coun- ty office Samuel for a—— ——— $5,000 Loss In Barn Fire Near Howard A large barn, two implement sheds, and a chicken house burned to the ground last Wednesday afternoon on the Serge Confer farm, three miles north of Howard, with a loss of about $5,000 The fire was discovered by Mrs Confer about 1 p. m and because there was no telephone available, a {had received from Paul was a tele- igram from Key West, Fla, last May 12, in which he said he expected to | The young man last visited in Al- | from his smoking P- | pursuit plane a few it crashed he parachuted 47 Thunderbolt moments before While military secrecy surrounds v CRUSE the plane's failure while on a flight from a base at Evansville, Ind. to it was re- ported was suing it th Of an eastern base that black smoke from t plane ithern een sped the hip grew he a part it neared Coburn the the smoke it zoomed upward } t ast Ove of unty. As altitude Finally upside down and oe wd nse e¢ FRANK M. rank M. Fisher I known Centre last week was chosen to Pennsyly State Ass t Irance companie Fisher FISHER Cent county led ove ot il |! of “1 i r Lt Hip pa by Mi ie ile to earth TST TIT; Smith flonted We sol between houses own ! ’ William small community between It t aead Annle erstetter and ania Ooclation » In Mr Hartletown Coburn Cirove in n i Hes ed Int the Dal of iK tance from where that creek Pine Creek Cf explosion nort whic! s blasted In » earth creek » Pian trail ACLICRALY with ti motor mn lemolished remained anda IM intact wa nothing A xeeption of part the Smith came down in the in r from Poe Paddy WLB Denies Titan Workers’ Increase War La request The National Yor Ling time ago by Metal Manufac 3ellefonte made upon ¥ ’ en ps of the Titan g Company last Wednesday denied a an INE increase made was heard from Board According union a recent meeting June iP at p. m. as the deadline for taking action if definite word con- cerning request had been received by that time When the deadiine passed and no word had been received from the WLEB union met and took a strike vote” which reportedly W - 1 majority in favor of a WLB continued to fail ply to the red A 4 June 23, was y have been if the WLB hs action Mi request Arce for an wa increase In Wages reports of 12 to the request ar ago War the cents SUBMARINE SINKS Mother Employed at State College is Informed of Son's Death hour nearly Yen! but no Labor tui hing ne " Te ly at sot 7 the not 19, son Noonan SCAMman Altoona, of Mrs man, an employe of the 05 W. Beaver avenue, State College. is listed as a war vic. tim. He went down with the marine R-12 off the east coast the craft, of Paul Louis ond class o Mary 8 Nox Allencrest GY the bye 34 sub- Lo type Ju deadline set and the called alter not taken y re est for of the oldest its was officially announced Seaman Noonan was one Crew time © was on and carried purely enemy of the Wage ow ne Navy ft week the At submarine that time Ts the { 3 accident the the training maneuv- a crew of 28 men, It accident rather than that caused wrine Ine U were quoted as say- Wed - ials WLB's non o €rs that the reply last Was an action ibm to sven though it did not grant tartar sRCIUTS 3 1 the ow Crew yest ati wa FARM HELP NEED NOW IS ACUTE Favorable Weather And Heavy Crop Increase Demand For Labor orable weather conditions and vy hay crop have increased the immediate need for farm workers in Centre County during the past few days The Emergency Farm Labor Ase sistant of the Agricultural Extension Service, Ralph H. Dale, states there is a need for all types of farm work- ers. Skilled help who c¢an handle dairy cows, operate tractors and other types of farm equipment are needed, however during the next few weeks there is a need for any one who could help in the harvest field for a day or more at a time. In and its a cording Mi: ing in ports Noonan, who h State College Years, informed WAS missing in a telegram ved from Rear Admiral Randall Jacobs June 18. The last direct word she as been work- for that about two was her son recels come home on leave: unfortunately the trip home never materialized toona at Thanksgiving time. He was {Continged on Page Six) tn dA Lockjaw Fatal to Nine-Year-Old Boy Robert Jasper Weaklem, 0-year- old son of Mrs. Florence S8hawver Ripka, of Axemann, died at the Cen- tre County Hospital at 1:57 a. m. | Monday, June 28. 1943, as the result [of lockjaw i The youth, who was admitied to { the hospital on Sunday, suffered an {injury about one arm when he fell i from the running board of a car i near his home on June 20. An infec- neighbor Samuel Poorman, who lives | tion developed into lock jaw about a mile from the scene of the! The boy's step-father, the late fire, drove to Howard and notified {Charles Ripka, died March 20 of this firemen. year in a Philadelphia hospital. Bur- In addition to the buildings, the |vivors include his mother and two flames consumed three hogs and sisters, Shirley and Beatrice, both about 50 chickens. Firemen from at home. Until last spring the Ripka the Howard company were able 10 family had resided on the A. C save another chicken house and pro- | Grove farm along the old Lewistown tect the Confer home, located close pike, south of Bellefonte, leaving the by, by using water from two wells | farm after Mr. Ripka's death on the farm Short funeral services were held The origin of the fire js not known [gt the Goodhart Funeral Home, Mr. Confer, who owns the farm Centre Hall, Wednesday afternoon, which he and his family have occu- | followed by services in the Salem Re- pled for many years, was working on | formed church near Penn Hall, with a lumber job between Lock Haven pey D. A. Downin, of Pleasant Gap, and Renovo at the time. It Is un- | Mejating. Interment was made In derstood that some insurance Was ih. Salem Reformed cemetery carried on the buildings i denis ———_ BE a many cases women or girls who could help in the home are badly needed Mr. Dale urges all who could work part or full time, skilled or unskiil- ed, men or women fo contact the Emergency Farm Labor Office, 114 West High Street, Bellefonte Tele- phone 2780, immediately. Contacts may also be made with members of the Centre County Emergency Farm i Labor Committee Who are as follows W. C. Smeltzer, Bellefonte; Jesse iCaum. Bellefonte: J. C. 8hoemaker State College: L. E. Biddle, Belle- fonte: C. F. Eungard, Spring Mills; victor A. Auman, Centre Hall; Glenn iF. Rogers, Nittany Hay harvest on Centre County (farms will be followed by wheat and then oats, all of which promise to BOMBER PILOT GREETS STATE COLLEGE FRIENDS Pilot of a Consolidated C-87 “Lib- erator” four-engined Army trans- port which circled the State College Air Depot and then flew over State College late last Tuesday afternoon was Capt. Robert K. Baker, a former resident of the town, Sherm Lutz, airport manager, reported. Capt. Baker, who was taught to fly by Mr. Lutz about 10 years ago, was formerly employed by American Air- lines and is now serving in the Army Transport Command. Making a test flight before being sent far to the south on ATC work, Capt. Baker dropped a pencilled note at the State College field giving his best wishes to his old Instructor and his State College friends, ‘be heavy c 8 thus requiring ad- ‘Woodycrest Man Is | ona workers. rng Ch ith Assault’ | Charged with Assau ‘Need Volunteers to nn A | Henry Kennedy, 32, of Woodycrest, { was held for court in default of $800 Sell War Stamps {bail after arraignment Tuesday! {morning on charges of aggravated | At least 21 girl or boy volunteers { assault and battery at a hearing be-| are wanted fo sell War Stamps at | fore ‘Squire Harold D. Cowher, of (the G. C. Murphy Company War Bellefonte, Charges were brought by Charles n EB. Poster, Woodycrest storekeeper! ‘who testified that the defendant as- Thursday morning. 'saulted him when he went to his; home late Saturday night him to "quiet down.” ounced yesterday. Foster several teeth in the altercation, testified. Kennedy was returned to jcounty jail in default of bail iclusive of Saturdays. the | War Stamp “salesmen” are urged to register at once at the Murphy Store, | Stamp Booth during July, it was an DAMAGED APLOSION INRANGE OVEN Pint Jars of Peas Being Processed Break Under Steam Pressure STOVE MOVED SIX INCHES BY BLAST Twisted, Kit- With Peas, Broken Glass HONE Iron Door chen Showered Dreaxing (Confinged on page Four) WOMAN HURT INRUNAWAY IN PENNS VALLEY Mrs. H. E. Shirk, Centre Mill, Thrown From Wag- on When Horse Bolts SUFFERS FRACTURES OF RIBS AND SHOCK Victim Brought to Hos- pital After Neighbors Give First Aid When the horse she was driving Sunday morning Nellie K. Shirk, wife HF of Centre Hill, Spring Mills uffered several fractured ribs and shock Shirk. who is a patient at the Centre Counyt Hospital milk Shirk main when i Mi Shirk Rway early of was hauling farm to the the horse be- The became a loose pulled the wagon for some dis- before Mrs. Shirk was thrown The woman's grand. with her off the moment before horse he from t nignw ‘ ame frightened he My ana ran away supposedly of animal wi } La ollable because 130 n 10 the ground who was i i got the WEROD Was badly 10 Mr administered first wih went SisLRNC i B paysician removal summoned the hospital ) to Bellefonte was made in » Widdowson ambulance was the ishap investigated by Motor Police Pleasant June 16. It been than that 1 - W ad- ts s tri tris The accident first traffic Cap mit nyone since © wonger he County runaway nx a hors "Outstanding Student Mary of E \r Swartz Mrs Street (above Clyde OG Belle Miss daughter M Swartz, of East fonte. member the class which as graduated from the Bellefonte High School last week, averaged P4- plus out of a possible 100 du.w.g her four years in High School won a scholarship and many prizes for outstanding achievement | student Midnight Show at Plaza Theatre, July 4 A and f raat i Logan of as a special July 4 midnight show will be presented at the Plaza thea- | after Fred tre. Bellefonte, minute midnight, Bunda) manager Fisher announced yesterday The feature picture will be Laurel and Hardy in “The Jitterbug." TURN WATER INTO SHIMIMING POOL Huge Basin Fills Slowly; Bath Houses Now Under Construction one Water was turned into the Hughes swimming pool on East Bishop street Tuesday night, for the first time in more than ten years, and the mam- moth pool, once sald to be the largest of its kind in the country, is slowly filling. It is hoped to have the pool filled in time for Fourth of July weekend. is pouring in a steady stream into the vast concrete basin, members of the Undine Fire Company, which is | sponsoring the reopening of the pool. | Tuesday began the construction of i bath houses, diving boards, and railings at the property, and all | necessary facilities are expected to ‘be completed in time for use this | weekend. The pool is open to the use of the i public. There will be no fees or The July drive will open this charges of any kind for swimming. | number of stitches were required to | A committee from the Undiss com- To aid in the July effort the pany is planning a dedicatory cere- | to ask Murphy store has posted an award mony and water carnival during the | Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Walker, next two or three days. 8he also use during the! While water from the town mains | YOUTH WEEK IS BEING OBSERVE Program Being Held Milesburg Baptist Church th Week is the being M At night ented to Youth the Rey bolizing the Ba key wa ¢ president Fellowship organizati Hewes W. Phillip : Over 4) giideq P of Lhe Ihe tist n EVI ~ A aut ~ : h and Sunday jes He young future leader. It officially be- gan with the presentation of the key last Sunday and will il this Sunday evening. July of activities as fol evening, con - a Weex 4. with - lows Monday, monthly business meet. ing and social of Baptist Youth Fel- lowship was held ! Tuesday, Youth Week deacons met to consider a candidate for member. ship in the church Wednesday, mid-week prayer ser- (Continued on pape Siz) |] i { tm ———— | County Hires Man to Watch ‘Black Box’ Henry A Brockerhoff County Civilian Defense chairman, and John Popson, chairman of the Bellefonte area, yesterday announced that Clark Brewer, of East Linn | ana | Saturday | toona reportedly Centre| Zane Carey Tempi week, R fonte, 1943 high Ler first ep » Carey 17 school graduate toward Career en- fg contem- ‘ovr Chosen ring in senior whoo! extra Titan Plant Closes for Inventory, Repairs of Metal closed remain fear $e Titan of Bellefonte the wil y 6 repair Titan plant has a Wek every {1 ve nie schedules in PRIr crews ry Ly invent ang re- workers on duty few Whose pres plant wiition acai the Only at the plant are a ence is required to maintain equipment In proper ool ring the shut-gown Undies between Titan agreement f management mploy worker: have been there : ATE on- CARBAGE MENT oT MORE Gs Twice- A-Week Collections in Bellefonte to Be Resumed Resumption of twice-a-week ool lection of garbage in Bellefonte bor- ough was assured at a meeting here afternoon when a repre. sentative of the ODT office in Al- recommended that collection agencies be given enough gasoline to make collections twice-a- week The meeting was held because of public protests against a virtual breakdown of garbage collection ser. vice here. Wi t any warning, ag- encies handling garbage discontin- La e tt] wiv street, has been employed to serve as “black box” attendant from } to 9 a. m. daily. Mr. Brewer will begin his duties today, July 1 {| Employment of a full time attend. ant from 1 to 8 a. m. will relieve volunteer watchers who have been! serving four-hour shifts, from 1 to 5 and from 5 t0 § a. m. The salary of the new attendant will be paid by the Centre County Commission ers, since the “black box” is the sole alr raid waming installation in the county A need still exists watchers, officials said, for it planned to reduce the time of the remaining volunteer shifts, Such re- duction will require a greater num- ber of watchers, but each will serve {for a shorter period of time, Electric Wringers Injure Two Childre Two Bellefonte youngsters were! injured Monday when they caught (their hands in electric washing ma- ‘chine wringers {| Thomas R. Wallace, aged 2, son of | i | ladders Mr. and Mrs, Thomas ©. Wallace, of Candy store, | West Bishop street, suffered severe lacerations of the right hand when the member was caught in the wringer at his parental home, The! [child was taken to the Centre Coun~ | ity Hospital dispensary where a {close the wound. i Molly Walker, aged 7. daughter of of re- of $10 in War Stamps to the boy or weekend if the pool can be filled in East Linn street. escaped with sé™ was treated at the Centre County [ceived a dislocated shoulder and lost | girl who sells the greatest amount of | time, a spokesman said yesterday. It|vere bruises about the left hand he Stamps in one day during July, ex- was indicated that the present rate when it was caught in a wringer Volunteer | of flow jeaves some doubt as to while she was at a neighbor's home. | whether the pool can be filled in the | | A physician was called to treat the for volunteer | is | ued twice-a-week collections and made the rounds only once a week, or less. As a result, cans filled to |overflowing and garbage became a | real menace during the exceptionally hot weather The Lee Solt collection agency re- sumed twice-a-week service this iweek, and the others also have or are expected to_ follow suit in the near future ———— SCOUTS TO COLLECT JUNK JEWELRY HERE Members of Girl Scout Troop No 1 of Bellefonte, Jed by Miss Mary Baum, have begun a project to col- ject “junk jewelry” to be sent to ser- vice men. The Girl Scouts are solicit. [ing the help of persons of Bellefonte and its community in collecting this jewelry which is used with success) {in bargaining with natives in many Nn of the countries in which Americans | for canteen service jare fighting. Yesterday containers for the pur-| pose of collecting the jewelry were placed at the hosiery department of | the Murphy store, the Katz store, Widmann & Teah, and Davison's The request to carry on the ool- lection was received from the men’s Service League on the West Coast, The troop will bear the expense of shipping jhe articles which are col- lected. b- Youth Struck by Cor Daniel Bohn, 8 son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bohn, of Centre Hall, Hospital Monday afternoon for a dislocated shoulder received when he was struck bY a car on the highway btwasn Centre Hall and Oentre are assisting Mire | communications On Duty (avarded scholars] | peal Nurse Now Overseas Pittsburgh War Correspondent Interviews I.t. Catherine Ventre on Many Subjects, Including Romance Catherine Venu ree t hool « Bellefonts a meme; ty rine raining somewhere most Danver Post Danver of the colur Cazes GuUOLes pound fra NAMES MEMBERS OF PRICE PANEL Groups Will Assist in Ra- tioning of Foods, Price Control Pleasant Gag brick of Bellet d : Watson of Milesburg: ‘Betty SECTOLArY Also the following Price Mrs. Harry Ros Mrs. Ralph Blaney ite 81 i Clyd Smith Panel assistants man, Milesburg Bellefonte Mrs employed ang | OPA. The form hold be weloo: public to both ed In the slores Any complaints m the price panel assistants investigate and report their findings to the proper authorities and the The community and aiso ay be ei ad ans Sa ——— Red Cross Completes Month of Activities The monthly meeting of the Belle fonte Chapter, American Red C was held in its new headquart the basement June 24 The production department, under Mrs. William Emerick, reported all articles required by the chapter for the present time completed and turned in Mrs. Harrison Walker stated 339 knitted articles complet- ed and sent in to Navy and Army headquarters, Twenty-five pounds of yarn has been received for addition al knitting, and anyone desiring yarn should call Mrs. Walker The Disaster and First Aid chair- ir i "ey TORE, ia of men_ Phil Johnston and Roy Adams,’ are lining up a heavy schedule for this work, pertaining to mobiliza- tion, accident prevention and disas- ter in Bellefonte The home service division is busy {as many inquiries and calls come in {to this group for information about | soldiers in this county. Mrs Alex Morris and Mrs. Osborne Lambert Pred Warmer in this department, and have charge of Anyone wishing should con- Lambert communication service tact Mrs. Morris or Mrs The canteen service is doing a splendid work under Mrs. E Wid- doweon and is rendy to answer calis Already this group has gerved several large din- | ners in town. Eu — Stores to Close All Day Monday, July 5] Although July 4th comes on Sun- day, all stores, business places and panks in Bellefonte and vicinity will observe the holiday on Monday, July 5. The postoffice lobby will remain open through the day, but the win- dows will close about 1 p. m. There will be no rural deliveries, and only who will Aan Wy Petrikin Hall on... and Souvenirs. Becomes LPHAS READY FOR CARNIVAL Parade on Saturday Will Honor Civilian Defense Organizations o with i er Leten rGaY CArTY imposed by * COUN - defense Lemont Mills and 10% un lege Boalsbu Port Matilda Activilies get under continue Monday on midway With of the midway again he huge the Alphas are prepared Wo rate merous attractions (Continued on page two) Gn Ove the will and and Allen street celebration way Friday night through Saturday South the the greater part uncer 1 the n Hand Injury Fatal to Beech Creek Native received Friday caught in a fatal to Mrs 65. at the Jersey her 1 was wringer proved Eliza Robb hospital Mrs. Robb, widow of William J Robb, resided with her brother-in- law, Perry A. Young She was born at Beech Creek and was a member of the First Methodist ol in Jersey Shore She is survived by four sons, Liovd E. and Howard CG. of Buffalo N.Y; Walter E.. Jersey Shore Dale W Philadelphia: a daughter, Mrs. La- mont Overdor!, Albany, N. Y.: two brothers. Walter Miller, Mackevville and George B. Miller, Clearfield, 14 grandchildren and five great-grand- children Funeral services will be held to- day at 10 a. m. in charge of the Rev W. W. Willard, Jr. Interment will be made in the Blanchard cemetery. ‘Good Neighbors’ Aid Unfortunate Farmer Irvin R. Ebert, tenant on the Joel (8. Royer farm near Zion which was ‘badly damaged by a severe wind storm on June 1, has found that the “good neighbor” policy really exists in that section of Nittany Valley. Paced with the task of practically (rebuilding the home, the barn, and some of the outbuildings, Ebert soon found that he was not alone. Neigh- ‘bors came to his farm and their An when ciothes Olive Shore ang n ureh the morning delivery will be made many hands made light work of a in Bellefonte, Postmaster George R. task which otherwise might have Meek said. [dragged along for many months, Stotes and business places will re-. For the kindly act of his neigh- main open next Wednesday after- bors in helping him out, Mr. Ebert noon because of the Monday holi- has asked us 10 express his sincere day. thanks, i
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