THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, , BELLEFONTE, PA. June 10, 1943. a. CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY CHURCH SERVICES Evangelical: The Rev. W. K. Hos terman, pastor. Lemopt—Children’s service, 11: Sunday school, 10, Spring | Mills-—Children’s Day service, 2; Sunday school, 9:30. Tusseyville Children's service, 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30 The Rev. C. C. Otto, pastor. Centre Hall--Church service 9: Sunday school, 10. Spring Mills Church service, 7:30; Sunday school $9.30 Tusseyville—Church service 10:30: Sunday school, 9:30 Methodist: The Rev. C mond, pastor. Centre Hall service, 9:30: Bunday chool Sprucetown-~Church Sunday school, 9:45 Lutheran Ham L®: | M arch 10:30 service 10:45 M. Kirk- Church school, 2. Lemont Service T.3 Sunday Centre Hall--Church ser chool The Rev. J Boalsburg | ) Presbyterian patrick service, 3 Church 10 pastor Sunday school vice, 10.30 Ret pastur 7:30 Mills Anurch school, 10 } Hall OU Centre suliday Sci _wirmers service, 10:30; Sunday EVANGELICAL CHURCH HOLDS CHILDREN'S DAY Evangelical chw Children Servi 10:30 OClOCK 1 flag -dedication the Ladi ael Frazier (HILDREN CONTRIBUTE FLOWERS FOR GRAVES The following flowers graves Day fo1 at Centre yin Emer IFRNOLIGE Danna Ea) Lase Billy Pott SCHOOL BUDGET NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION LOCALS AND PERSONALS ndship Bible <i member Brooks Knary Ctheq present: Mr Stanley Pail Martz, Mrs. Br 1 Bob Wetzel, Mrs. Harold E Brad- ford, Mrs Robert Walker, Mrs. Har- old Bohn, Mrs. Curtis Reiber Mrs Merle Mever, Mrs, Delas R Keener gnd Mrs. Ethel Barner Instead usual June ban- fuel, the C Hal] Woman's Cl ib will have picnic pt Grange Park Tuesday ew at 6 © clock. Membe 1 + their hus- bands or other guesls ied to bring a red dish instead of a basket Miss Pally and Miss Eleanor uce of the entre are ¢ cove lunch Boozer of Harrisburg Armstrong vf Of CENTRE HALL The Moving Pictures will be Shown Saturday Nights In- stead of Thursday Nights at the Grange Hall SHOWING THIS Saturday Night at 8:30 O'Clock: wae Two Features JAME DUNN, in: “MERCY PLANE" mie AND se DOROTHY PAGE, Your Singing Cowgirl, in: “RIDE ‘EM COWGIRL" Children 15¢ Adults 25¢ (Tax Included) BIGGEST SHOW FOR THE LOWEST PRICE IN CEN- TRE COUNTY. | program dis- 8. Navy, is Mr. and Mrs Edward Vogt honorably charged from the U home with his parents Edward Vogt, Sr Mrs. J. F. Wetsel Clare Lou, spent Clure with "Mr Brininge: Mr. and Lock Haven friends her Mr. and Mrs granddaughter the weekend home State College, spent here at the J. 8. Boozer J. PF. Wetzel, David 1. Graybill, Russell Bohn and Ernest A. Frank have secured summer employment at the Rohm & Hans Plexiglas factory in Bristol, near Philadelphia. They returned home tO remain un til Saturday Ie Willing Sunday school ning at the home Cirove The und daughter yeslerday in Mee and Mrs. Thomas today Mrs, Cleve spent Brungart of Lutheran Sunday with last eve- Chester Workers class met of Mrs George Ralston and Miss Louise Ralston visited Mr. and Mrs. William Ral- ston near State College, Sunday Pvtl Bruce Harthk prvice Sunday Lhe Luther Children’s will be presented clock In eves 20 at 1:3 ty of Camp Hood Texas, and Pvt. Harold Stitzer of amp Adalr, Ore, are both spending her furloughs here with Mi Mr: I'he Levi Hartley and Mrs, Stitzer covered Twelve girls from the besi Evangelical Orphanage Bruce director, Luther Albert, Mus and voeal program in the Brad- Hall Evangelica Johti monday evening This s an eight-week W engagements in 1] hess tained the June ning M J Relormed entertaine he ( Bible clas { und home On Jednesday I¥ th waiter a Lewisburg and Lheh presented net held dish pet hese the hostess Ripka Mrs rhomas Delaney i. M1! members les M1 Delaney M Mrs attended John Mrs. D sa Xophone Centre on be = band Peg nsyl rember uf I church progiauan for the fore al vania town enter giris at Mir | ner and overndght: Mr. and Society H Miner » Old Fort Hartley 1 ] In | Mr ink P Hauna David Hostermas ' 1 4 Saeer Hospital st Raub is the Burkholder Mr i being treated Hospital CHL werk with family of the Lu- meet this Bruee ping Hand theran Sunday evening at Runkle Miss Louise i clas school will home of Mrs Smeltzer of fonte, has been living wit) per Smeltzer since Mr. Sow nto the U 8. Army Kline of Spring Mills, st week here with Mr. and Zettle and Mrs. Harold family Mr ction |i yeorge all rs. Jack Horner C. T. U. at her evening The Garden Section of the Centre Hall Woman's Club held a picnic at the George Heckman farm last eve- ning The Rev the Rev entertained the Tuesday nome H. W. Bebe of Graysville, Harold Vokel of Hunting- don, and Rev. and Mrs. J M Rirkpatrick were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Goodhart. The Rev. Mr. Vokel been appointed by the U. 8B Government ns chaplain in one of the Japanese prison camps deliver- ad an address on Korea in the Pres. bvterinn church here Sunday eves ning Mrs the the who has Harry Potter, worthy matron of Centre Chapter of Eastern Star, is attending Orand Chapter sions in Philadelphia this week. | She left Saturday with Mrs. Daisy Henderson, Mrs. William Crossley and Mrs. Robert Woodring of Belle- fonte The Kirkpatrick sale of househald goods will be held Friday after. inoon at the Presbyterian manse i Miss Bernice Prazier entertained the Evangelical Y. P. M. C, at the {home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Praz- | Lier Tuesday evening. Mrs. Frank Ishler of Lock Haven,’ who visited her daughters, Mrs | {James Searson and Mrs, Vernon! | Garbrick here, left Thursday for a Ivisit in Bellefonte with her other! daughters, Mrs. Paul Howard and, Mrs. Philip Shoemaker A son, the third in the family, was! | born Morglay to Mr. and Mrs. George | { Homan, near Old Fort. Miss Genevieve Ruble is spending this week in Altoona with Mrs, Mary | Brandt, i He High from Pett Du lege rir PALE Penn St " FIRE Alter in the ment and clerk in L. Mar Baltime He jsted Rzers © John in Belle additior DV #8 sis Nichol McNichol, {9 Decenss of Vict College Monday of erick received a letter from Pather the hospital. The letter was written ten days before Broderick it Pather Snelgro the pat hie sow Case was be lain christina that he w ual aid ard WR in the Whe Cauldwell orthopedic North Africa. ing done commended baseball graduation he was Penn State Forestry employe the main office Alreraft © Md irs that work when service after apportiu nent tin we poration he Broderick July 4 1 10 his parent he | ter, Mos. Anne Broderich Pittston wife rmerly of Joseph fonte or Was 1917 of of George od was ory Catholic church, this week, Mrs ve. British chaplain at Snelgrove tent was guite him daily reported and talked widely known Broderick’s n character and of the church a ¢ Depart. later became a production of the Glenn in en- turning for occupation bry and in Bellefonte ¢ member of Our Lady State Brod- died, and _ in that weak. but that fre quently with him. He added that the being handled by a Mayor American surgeon who is on duty in and that evervthing for him. The chap- fine reported wae receiving all the spirit. ROSE BUSHES Assorted Colors 25¢ Each 3-YEAR OLD ¥ IVY PLANTS or Climbing Masonry or Brick Walls? 75¢ Each WOODRING'S FLORAL GARDENS Fast Howard Street BELLEFONTE, PA. ~ BOALSBURG - ——— Mr, and Mrs, Mae Mothergbaugh onl vice "president, Miss Anng Dale of Bristol, are spending thelr vaca- secretary, My Charles Faxon, and tion with the former's parents, Mr. treasurer, Miss Guscle Murray. Mis and Mrs. George Mothersbaugh Solsson of West Penn Power Com Pile. Robert Callahan of Camp pany, was present ul the meeting Edwards, Mass , visited his parents, and spoke of heme wiring Mr. and Mrs. Jumeés Callahan, 8r., The club meet untll Bep from Saturday until Thursday wm ben Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Hess of State The College, RD ail Mr. and Mrs the W. H Stunt of Boalsbirg, visited with Mr. aid Mrs, Harry C. Balley Bunda Mrs. Stella lege, and Mrs Boulsburyg, were guests Lonberger at Jung Miss Reh Ol Oni will not Women Mission Lutheran church met In Thursday evening with Us members present: Mrs, DB. Thom as, Mis, Edna Musser and Mise Ahnn Dale, Cathryn Dale and Anna Bweeney Electici officers held and Uhess Wer office pre Miss Ci Dade vice M ecretary. Mi k Bociely Lhe of church Schultz of Margaret State Col- Williams of of Mrs. Fred Wednesday wl adie ident Wi elected FY) Virginia ident Sunday Hai ney Re netor Grat "ni Charlotte wndg Ouk Hall spedt afternoon with Mi Jur The Missio Clrele of formed church held an Ascen Day Thur vening Mr. and Blate Colles R " the Ia jore ’ LF Lie 2 wervice lay wit Stover y da ugh ter Els ie Jane weekend dav with reletives at and nes Mrs John BE Horner Mrs. college. finding Mrs. Noll’ Kenneth atlended dedication 3 1 Neidigh very little improved services of of St The remains Donna Dae Btepher Me aughter of My Mrs Yar Alevy's Homers poorman, who Tu IL They dav a. m. and passed away Thurs Keller a SL morning Mrs Ho ner a y supper " Mr. and Mrs. Charies F Kell er "and r Biante and father Citeen the Lutheran church at Fort Two of Mrs are on this MoMahor Keller were hanor roll DOTH On Hoy Was 2 o'clock sympathy Ba reen moon at AA wg y fuests our deepest POTTERS MILLS Pvt N. Y hane of Earl Pvt pendl home : f1 Eugeiw Builth of Cap Dix spent the weekend at the Ny prents, Mi Mr Binith Lew) nid Faust len-day thie of furiough su Haury Cleourgin Leal Evildub Mr and Mrs. HE. Paust visited Thursday evening at the D. B. Wert home at Aaronsburg ARronshnureg - amir A al the home of hi Fruit Stains daughter, Mrs. OG. H. McCormick Cover the fruit Miss Louise Pletcher i (A1) RA days with friends in Bell sllow It W sot, then honds of Pleasant Inundry hamper. Thy ome time at the appear when washed dparent wind - STOCKHOLDERS MEETING : i A Ineeling of stockholder He n) Ine wnday by u sulidi snd mn A of director 1] dif FIVER ama ay home of her in Aprons Bhe Is Mn ul the Wert ning winter ire Mr. E.G. Mingle spent i few days now D8 of table Kiy place In spt will stalls on possible with pent a few nen efoni cerin HBtepnen the prnaing of het OV WwW A gran eLeher Heed uf {nn he WOCIR Lon LE inter ' ahd nem h i i Als § hi Clon and lore uch Colne ce Fri » Bey their of ' Mi I Le held al ed Bunday i rooon al Wi vd ’ CYL June 11, at 9 hot CHAS. FP. COOK hile - ew coEoO® oF vour heart's content sh fruies and nd shop at your A&P nh ge Sic gara rest vitanun Green Onions Red Radishes Faney Quality « 27¢ Green Beans. .2 Florida aid Dig - Sweet Juicy Mi Mrs W. BR Ham gone to Maine, where they will spend the summer a* Dixfield wi Mrs Nevin Mever attend. funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth 8 Gephart of State College, Tugpday afternoon Harry Addleman and Charles Ad- dieman of Baltimore, Md. Cpl Fred Addleman of Camp Camnbell Ky. nd Miss Eleanor Casselberry of State College. were recent visitors at the A. J. Addleman home Mizg Anna Kline snd Charles Fralick of Brranton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reitr from Sunday une til Monday On their return home they were accompanied by Mrs. Eliz ab th Hnbert hn had spent seve eral weeks at the Reitz home Mrs. Nannies Coxev of Lancaster visited her niece, Miss Rhoda Har- from Pridav until Sunday Mrs. Anna Zeigler of State College vivited at the Charles Corl home from Sunday until Monday Mr« C R Lohr ard J. P Woodward, 8 H. Lhr and Miss Beatrice Lohr of 8'as College, and Mr. and Mrs Harold Leightley and daughter Jo Ann of Ceitre Hall, were recent visitors with the Frank Powell family Mrs. W. E. Kline sment Sunday with Mr and Mrs. D. B. Thomas, Pie. William Lucas of Fort Dix. N.| J. and Mrs. Lucas of Washington, DC. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lucas! of Bethesda, Md. visited Me Edith Luras from Saturday until] Monday. | Mis: Louise Mothersbmugh is vis. fing her grandparents, Mr. and J waiting for . . . Stan LAUREL Mrs. W. L. Grove at Lemont. and Oliver HARDY, in: | The Civic Club met Friday eve-| . pine in the Rows schoo} room The| “Air Raid Wardens” imembers present were: Misses Anna Pale snd Guetie Murray, Mrs John! SATURBAY NiGur ONLY [Khanlian. Mrs. Charles Corl. Mrs. | Charles Graham and Mrs, Robert (Dav. These officers were elected: {president, Mra. M. A Clark; first vite president, Mrs. Fred Lonberger; sec fa! have oe! UNICIPA MILLHEIM we NEW SHOW TIME Shows Now 7:30 and 9:20 PP. M. Admission 10¢ & 30e L LAST TIME TONIGHT One Showing-—7:30 P.M, THURSDAY Brian Denlevy Robt, Taylor “STAND BY FOR ACTION" SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (June 12th) Come on folks . . . laugh your blues away . . . a RIOT of good clean fun for all — in “CHATTERBOX" Joe E. Brown Judy Canova ® LATEST NEWS ® FIRST AID ® COLOR CARTOON rison Lahr of WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY (June 18th & 19h) John Garfield Harry Carey “AIR FORCE” COMING-<the Show you've been ' Always Cool and Refreshing Atl this Theatr LAAN dive ® Ton 17¢ . 2 15¢ 37¢ Oranges a 240 POTATOES | 40 Ce if ore e na Whites 27c Su Canning Now ..out of A&P’s Yitanir Garden ve on Canning Supplies! dASON JARS 0c Qc J Jar Rings . 2 van Ge Jar Caps += . . vam 17¢ Fruit Pectin po 13c A&P Fresh Baked Goods! Marvel Bread .. "iY 10c 10 Vienna Bread .. ‘“Dated’’ Donuts 14 Fresh Rolls "nib ne 8c Week! Barbecue Features Sov Pgs 144-1h Loal «Th font For This Chocolate Gold Layer CAKE = 3Sc¢ Butterscotch with Pecan ROLL « om Ni GRADE SRE C=POINT FREF Assorted (# Redd Pointer + + + » + MEAT LOAVES |, PORK SAUSAGE Ju leew CHIPPED PRESSED HAM : TENDER WEINERS , So, 5m § Bed Polnls Smoked Fat Back SQUARES Smoked Slab ih WE WX Red Polos a Lh. “hE w. 1 7c BACON vw. 336 “Sunnyfeld” “Star” or "“FPremium” Sliced BACON : ns CI bo. 43¢ {3 POINT-FREE Blue Pike + , . . ww 23¢ Halibut Steak re vw. 37¢ Salmon Steak r+ uv. 47¢ Span. Mackerel "= 25¢ Whiting 2...» 17 Croakers oe . . wu 27¢ 4 Red Points go » » wi hate or Piece Foints funn Page Foods! CAKING POWDER “ng MUSTARD ™ hy Macareni - Spaghetti PEANUT BUTTER PURE EXTRACTS. CIDER VIKEGAR Crisp, Summer Cereals! WHEAT FLAKES CORN FLAKES CORN FLAKES CHEERIOATS iio N.B.C. SHREDDIES . ..... Wu RANGER JOE "oo, rie ASSORTED CEREALS “3 Savings! I amous 10¢ Be 28¢ 32¢ dle 2le is bes Fes 8¢ i0¢ 8¢ Sunny seid boa Fag Sean) fiedd EE heoliegg » Pas Pig Miscellaneous Extract dur Free Bet Point Wilson's B.¥ Pilisbury Flour Cake Flour “32° Cake Flour sue snes Bouillon Cubes Gravy Master. Kibbled Biscuit nau, ideal Dog Food Household Needs! Lb Fariched set k Pgs «3 7" 11g 23¢ 19¢ Se 5%¢ ake 100 Ont 2. 1.23 Wyandotte CLEANSER ... = 8c CLEANSER . . . =~ S¢ LUX .. .. %23¢ For Laundering Fine Thilge Lux Toilet SOAP 3-20¢ ¢ Keep Skin Soft and South Soap Powder RINSO : 23¢. Regular Size PRE hE 2.40 4% ~~ Lava Hand Soap. . Octagon Flakes. A-Penn Insecticide. Furniture Polish 4 .re. Johnson's Glo-Coat. .... GE. Mazda Lamps ..... Motor Oil 40 peamt Pure Lge Phe Fiat "Esa Won BU Ping tm a he i ed a —-— om Closed Wednesday Afternoons During June, July and August.
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