* LR LR BB be Tenfre Democraf =k VOLUME 62. NUMBER 17. BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Welfare Campaign Opens [RUM OF PAINT Deer Meat, Horse | ENONT- MAN County Tops April Today With $17,000 Goal BPLIDES 5 oeTer™= [(STASSHP War Bond Quota <, @ A Pennsylvania Furnace reader i ism—— ¥ —— we - who signs himself “A Lover of The ———— S 7% oO yo ‘ . | Blg Fish” suggests one way of pro- . re by & “I f Held in Larceny of |Canuaign Will Continue py¢, J J, Broderick . viding enough food for Bellefonte | Sales Total About $2,300,000; “E” Bonds Far } A y . ‘ . famous trout during hese meat- : ga od: Oe 8 iy . ' . Jewelry at College Through May 10; 12 | Is Not Improving 1 oy vee Aha vu Mmrne Whe Siig Below Expectations; Officials Urge Com- A———— - home” lnstead of compelling them W | i re “" ETN a » 3 ——— 3 . 3 a . : CR Nl) a T a . 4 Arraigned before Justice of the Agen ies to Benefit | According to a telegram from the Blast Results As Workers to leave the area below the falls In Mrs. L. A. Nichols, Le- pletion of Stamp Books Be fore l'uesday Peace J. D. Hart at State College, | rn INTYV 4 4 [adjutant general's office received > I's search of food P ( es Yostarday wit Friday moining, Calvin Luther Wil- COUNTY LIBRARY {last week by Mr. and Mrs, E. M./ Heat Drum With With hamburg, which in normal mont, Inf med " Death tn ing Por Was Bond liams, 18, of Kiingersiown, pleaded ADDED TO LIST Broderick, of State College. the con- Torches mes is thrown by the handful to of Son, William Centre gounty. had again guilty to larceny charges and was dition of thelr on, Pvt John J —— the trout, requiring 5 points-—or - pL —— strated Its ability to do its bit b or court in delat }) PR TO Iroderick ] as seriously w i= 4 Xa pound ars I« ¢ welfare y \ Y IQ Y Prion ¢ " 0 9 y Bela Jor «court In delguit of 31.000 Solicitors to Seek Pledges iY Woo wu Seyi ry yond BARREL HEAD IS “ he a un ” ES g he oa ; W AS ON MISSION Juying approximnia’y $2.0 hod ¢ . \ , Alvin. 18 “Rot fyroMaading Antimtas ' uf di sia dim ih a 2 ¥ . v x | War Bonds—or approximately $10 Williams, an employe of the State | From Every Wage and [Africa is ‘not proceeding satisfac- HURLED HALF BLOCK| The Pennsylvania Purnace reade IN NORTH AFRICA [000 in excess of its quota, it was a: College Restaurant, 1s reported to I E torily™ as of April 4 w—— suggests that (legally killed deer ——— nounced by Mahlon K. Robi have admitted to State College Po- ncome rarner vt. Broderick entered the Army | pa \ ad n per killed by car Worse meat! YVieti ; » eliefonte, who 3 lice Chief John R. Juba that he stole | — — June 17, 1042, and four months later Fire 1 hreat Results F rom ole fro \ ry lop } ictim, BHS and I enn oy “i Bt: te ( two waiches, a diamond ring and| The fate of 12 vital Bellefonte in- | !anded “i North Africa with the Escaping Paint plants could be used § trout fr State (Graduate, Was men of two gold bracelets violued at a total [stitutions han in we balan to- | firs American idiers to invade i during the emergencs v " Committee of $275 from Mrs. Russell O. Shadel, | day that continent last November 8 Fumes Then he asks: “Why not feed them Well Known Here The achie of Nittany avenue, State College, last | Whether t ; . me t fi om do cn ght by the bor- MY succes howey thoas tutions are ti ———— i ————— ¥. Sar the sale of Thursday continue as going concerns during Five State Highway Department guoh d Ww law enforcement officer? Mr A. Nichol of Lemont, ponds—bonds normally purcha —————— cre the coming year hether they employes engaged in repairs to the Or they 00 Id use the officer him- has received word from the War De- the average income earn 1; are to die of slow starvation” | bridge over » Cambie mill race self ait IL of Lhe death of her siderably below expectation FRE DESTROYS solely f the publi West High street 4 : Willlam 8. Nic) 35, w lost at Of K in the hand on narrowly es day report howed w— - — For today the nnual campaign caped Injury or death Monday morn al hry hen the ship ($200,000 of this for the Community fare Fund ing when a steel drum of bridge h he was traveling as a civ- pee ld to dat begins AN CLUB MEETING paint which they were heating with want } a military base was Wn ar i of “FE BARN AND SHED Beginning this morning and con- blow torches “exploded pedoed in the North Atlant) ns lv $300,000 tinuing through May 10, seven team The head of the drum, giving way His occupation, destination and r. Robb point ca tain and their teams of work- State College Musicians in under tremendous pressure generat- the exact date of his death consti I time to boost 1 \ . ers wiil contact every wage and in- Ch f ’ y. ed inside, was hurled from: under HF military information which tal, for the April dris Livestock Saved at W alter come earner throughout the area arge o W oman s the bridge, over the Clyde G. Swartz cannot be published unt midnight Is . ~ r soliciting pledges for the Community : > ‘ machine shop bullding o Ws William 8. Nichols was ¢ Whitehill Farm Near Fund a ir ents the major Club I rogram treet, and lm ging on. Duriap ga of the Bellefonte High 8 Linden Hall means of support for many of the! .. Music Section of the State! Dn front of the J O. Brewer coal Member of Contracting class of 1924 and received his institution upon which the PEACE Colle wv Woman B “Club and friends yard offices further north on the Firm Succumbs to Heart and MA degree at Penn Stats The barn and an adjoining shed time and wartime morale of the of the section entertalned members Same street y c iege in 1828 and 1930 respectiv on the former J. L. Tressler farm community ls based of the Bellefonte Woman's Club at Although dense clouds of smoke Attack at Home Survivors, In addition to his near Linden Hall, recently purchased | Unless the fund attains its goal 5 meeting Monday night in the Pres. 2r0s¢ from the hot paint after the a" Yer include his wife Frances pg . 4 538 axe " Prd = . timmy Say wile — 1 by Walter Whitehill who moved onto of $17,000 the institutions will suf- byterian chapel iid blew off, there were no flames E. Leonard Rhoads, 47. member of nelly Nichols, of Newark, N. J . for last resort thes y q ha A rE : £2 " t Part ot he Bay ) das fille * the premises about two weeks ago has AS A last re Or the y. might be The program given by the visiting Had the contents of the barrel the George E Rhoad Sons contract- bi thet John of Na hvi An were destroyed by fire of unknown able to rugs Raug With funds | puccians, who came here through Caught fire it is believed the Thomas ing firm of Bellefonte, died sudden- and Lowi of Lemont, and a sister origin about 3:45 o'clock Saturday obtained from individual campaigns " confectionery store, under which the ly and unexpectedly at his home in Mrs. J. B. Caruthers i trol the Invitation of Mrs, Louis Schad “et aaa afternoon but that would mean 12 separate |. poo Curtin street. included the Men were working, would have been Coleville at 12:30 o'clock noon, Sat- ! Members of the family succeeded [times the residents of this area following numbers g threatened urday. April 24. 1943, of a heart at- Upon completing his leg du-* in getting the livestock out of the would be required to contribute 10] yocal selections by Mrs. Mann-| The five men who were In the im- | tack. ation in 1830 Mr. Nichols enlisted building, but a quantity of farm local charities. The Community mediate vicinity at the time Were Mr. Rhoads had been in his usual as a Fiying Cadet and underwent : 3 : willer, who was accompanied on the . ‘ machinery. some baled hay, rye, and [Fund Was established principally 10000 by Mrs. Kenneth Hutchinson: | Ear! Shreckengast, of Zion, highway health until a few hours before his training at Brooks Field, Sas N ’" barley were lost. eliminate constant solicitations for | yon. numbers by M h R foreman Martin Hillard, Joseph death. He supervised the work of a tonio, Tex: a ater 5 spree . : . Q . b piano nu »»rs by Mi John Lea; ¢ YR : « « oH *» a 0 ] r ( ~ 3 The Centre Hall Pire Company money. and flute solos by Edward Abram. Carson, Lioyd Womer and Lawrence crew of men on a concrete job on amily Rome 1 sont waa dai 10281 Facilitie: Re ach l lanting of | hrubbery to and the Alpha Company, of State ur pledge during the oniing son, with Mrs. Abramson as plano Croft, all of Bellefonte and vicinity. East Curtin street until about 10 » 8 Ww fin ! returned home Peak ( apacity; Expan- Begin Tomorrow: ~Stu- SHON t , alarm but ten days to the Community Fund... aniat . Two Ww mer re ying « o'clock Saturday moming when he and for a time assisted in recon . y 24 3; y College, responded to an alarm but ten s to C ony a RA ne accompanis One of the numbers 1Wo of the me n were applying torch. o'clock Saturda m an Lrg wl P : he and for a is A sion Prevented dents to Aid in Work before they reached the scene both ’ wk TUPI nlayed was composed by Mrs. Ab- © to the drum In an effort to thin complained of lliness and went stru } work : buildings were doomed. Firemen di- ed operation + following vital |. eon its contents thi it could be home. There he lalled J 3 rected their efforts toward prevent. jagencie During the business session. Mry SPrayed treatment Newark \ ing the spread of the flames to the | 1. Centre County Hospital Wallace Ward, chairman of the, None of the men was injured as! The Rhoads contracting firm Is in he repair and house and other nearby buildings The V vil club's Cancer Control Committee (the heavy steel lid rocketed through one of the oldest of its kind in Belle- tque and period using water from booster lines. The : 4 oo (Continged on page Three) the air from under the bridge fonte It was founded by the late uing in that work only water supply available on the ¥ utd - RE . Cieorge E. Rhoads and the late John ago when he entered the d “ farm was from a cistern, and a Girl Scout L. Knisely, and upon Mr. Knisely's which he was engaged at the tim h : enn State by O. A. Rasmuss : } 4 Cs ¢] anager of th 1 Tele Chilecturad i ISCAPIng engineer. bucket brigade formed by neighbors! [ean Fire Company Moose to Buy $12,000 P.T.A. Here Elects withdrawal from the partnership the of his death H, Caum, manager of the Bell T The Dlanting. whi is as had drained the cistern before fire- Milesbt - 4 n ) i S » : F w B d Offi F Y nme was changed to George E Nichols was a charter member of Phione Company, has announced. les pa ting Xkh is an Afri. men arrived. | Milesburg Fire Company eres rr. ar sponds ICers For Year... and Sons. Since the death Penn Centre Chapter, Order of De-| 80 far this year, telephone instal- Ne + recto P vm Rasmis senior partner, the business Molay, Bellefonte, and was widely lations in the Bellefonte exchange 'DCer Lhe dlreciion of Mr. BAsSmis- The ‘Moose Lodge of “Bellefonte | The Bellefonte P. T. A. held 106 pug sondooted as the George E. known throughott this area. He was area have been three times the rate PD 38d R. C. Blaney, of Beliefonie, No information was available im-| A. M. E. Church | 5 spediately t rn Salvation Army sdiately as to whether the barn] Sa A ares have been the jon 30 TC. Blancs. of Benetonte or sixty pupils selected from the stu. would be rebuilt | Crippled Children’s Society last week voted to purchase $12,000 final meeting of the year in the giduds Sons Company a close personal friend of George A dent body will be used to plant the ] fin Serie | N } : : y . ? » i sk A ins | Associated Charities in Ser ; F. War Bonds and to give cafeteria of the new High School on BE Leonard Rhoads, known par- Snyder, of Wingate, and served 88) “In normal times We would have A ili H Id oA tian Be State College American Legion | Tuesday evening ticularly for his skill as a stone- best man at Mr. Snyder's wedding added more central office equipment shrubbet) VFW uxi lary olds ommunity Athletic Association. {ang Auxillary Drum and Bugle, The meeting was opened with mason and bricklayer, also engaged Dear Allentown about four ¥ears in plenty of time to take care of the Tver ax $ 5 Centre County Library Corns $100 group singing and Rev. GG. E. House. “ The two men were Flving Cad- present increases in service dee ‘ " alla ion Ran ue " at eyrt se The firm built 880 q } y y in general contracting. The firm built . ng st n ! The list of institutions is the same At the session, Deputy Supreme bolder, pastor of the United Breth- ets in the same class at San An- mands” Mr. Caum id But the . Yi tt A $8 {Continged om pape Sip) last year, with the exception Governor William L. Bannon, of ren church of Bellefonte, read the . tonio in 1630 War Production rd, in order*to re Loupe officers wh i a { the Library which is a new one | lewistown, installed the following devotions. Mrs. T. 8. Guyer, presi- . mmipt————— conserve critical materials 600 uxiliary and past re Wi Ste @ eonkes | CE" - rie DOr ¢ . Se 1 " Hl Monday night attended the (Continged on Page Three) officer Who were elected two weeks dent, gave a Brief . report, on the Soil Losses rious il S c ited the enlargement - 4 re » Sh iy - ago: Willlam H. Brouse governor: summer round-up clinic to be held, . [| toves ause central offices and expal 0 1 ‘ » A a annual initiation banquet of . ne §—— —— - ~=! Raymond W. Haugh, junior govern. and announced the committee [or Threat to Production T Ww k d Fi phone plant to that Auxiliary ol ihe Brockern po Br Seeks Auditorship or; Edward C. Brown, prelate; w, this program with Mrs. Millard _- wo eeken res rect defense and for g ie San , on Moa or ny M the - + Blaine Port, treasurer; Walter E Hartawick as chairman Soil Josses from erosion are a ser- Mn safety and sec hitid- following ihe besos. xl. th Herring, scretary for three years,| Fred Fisher, chairman of the nom- jous bar to increasing crop produc- | Overheated oll stoves caused two M: Post home on South Sp ig Birent and Edward L. Kelthline, trustee for inating committee, reported that all tion in Centre county this year, ac- fires in the Bellefonte area during are prion periods of th "a 's %} tr Dfers nstalied hard ATS. AS three years the present officers, with the excep- cording to Miles Cubbon of Belle- the weekend the te) hone AYsham i vo nary Wounded Soldier Garis, president Gertrude Young, en tion of first vice president, had been fonte. who helps farmers start soil | A fuel oil heater at the Bellefonte ta ‘ ae ty Ee Seta ra the » sdniot hog Gertradé Emenhizer : bh, renominated. Paul Beaver, first vice coneervation methods in Centre aircraft observation tower at the es ful Sap ity in handing call Writes to Brother on gi hg gion a 3 Local Youth Gets president is now in the service, and county when they request such aid Community Athletic Pield became els An | { $ 3 1 ool . Bom, : werinderabiredd : Mahlon yh was nominated to this gram i unit rinle-A overheated about 8 o'clock Saturday vo” Kathryn Breon, patriotic instructor; bs Air Corps Honor fahlon Robb was ed his grom their community Triple-A overheated i 8 0! BAturday | ment jot McClell historian: C is office. These officers were then voled committeeman night and threatened to set fire 10 = Harriet McClellan, histor Bi. oni Suta————_ upon and given the oath of office Cubbon, whose office iz in the the wooden structure. The attend. |” me lyn Morgan, musician; Louise Has- - The Distinguish Piying Cros Pudi A . off is } W el ns. sls Tt singer conductress: and color bear a fd Th nguished ving Cross president, Mrs. T. 8. Guyer; 15st Triple-A headquarters at Bellefonte, ant, Joseph Carson, ummoned important tc : " iu 85; § i ar- 3 has 1 awar yar 3M. | ot : ' “ > tadine Pir wee | iMportant to ! eto. 1 Marie Rhoads, No. 2 Betty i 3 is beet awa ded by order if Gen-' vice president, Mahloy; Robb; 2nd | put who works for the Scil Conser- members of the Undine Fire Com from telephones in Bellefonte, are rs, No. 1 Ms AGS, NO. < Bell] he ag) eral MacArthur” to Cpl. William H. vice president. Mrs. Charles P. M. vic land ‘pany who were not required to go ‘Tom I a wr md # o Houtz, No. 3 Rose Martin, and No. 4 i Fetzer. radio operator with t A pr Sy b vation Service, said that corn land Pafiy "Ho rs +. not delayed. It is also vital that em- May Faulk Forces in N Si b h the Arigmith; secretary, Mrs. Charles Gar- joet 90 tons of its best topsoil periinto action. An adjustment of the ertency ealls $0 doctors, police X a ir & APY Ae R +4 - " " i +h by ™ REILLY ais VAS Jaa, Five new members are to be initi- a8" rr n A hoy ul rang 17 brick; treasurer, Mrs. Victor Pifer. acre in three year tests at the State stove eliminated further danger the fire department are not ated at a regular meeting of the i “Hy ren ved oY gp Mr The meeting was then turned over College farm, where the College of There was no damage Jup " Auxiliary on Monday, May 10 and Und Mn Chai s Retans, of West to the entertainment committee: Agriculture and the Soll Conserva-| Farly Sunday morning an ofl WL = 0 oa 0 Mrs. Rilla Jones will be installed as — B12 pra h on ., |Mrs. Ralph Dale. chairman, Mrs. (on Service are jointly conducting brooder stove in a chicken coop at are two periods of the day, from 9:30 . In a letter to his parents, Cpl 3, a obert Davi . the Mrs. Mary Coslow home at Cole- | Af is of th yf 9:3 a trustee. Nomination and election Ralph Owens and Mrs. R erosion experiments J to 11:30 a. m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 of a junior vice president also will Petzet said he Was ufable to reveal on This soil Joss occurred on corn. ville caught fire. The blaze was dis- | 0 210% central office equip take place at the meeting the circumstances under which he! The Titan Male Chorus sang SIX Ja.d4 planted up and down the hill covered by Mrs. Joseph Riglin. Mr Bh Re Yu » WIS * v © # » . . ia i" i Pe a w (EOL ML Lely WO . LH ng al CRI bmmilyndu id hg war Dee numbers. under the direction of Mrs. i, the fashion common to many Riglin and Gad Coakley ed ie | full capacity ; Vy 8 to send further i , : e ade a soon had the’ ! : R i d A details to his parents rT yrnast Martin farms in the county. Cornland which bucket brig ng 4 at ‘During these hours there may be rouse Retaine Ss UY N i hy pare ; _ | Miss Arlene Demmy had charge of wae plowed and planted across the blaze under gontrol. All the chicks| and it is important that tele- Elks Club Head A Cpl. Fetzer has been in New, health program and her pupils slope lost a third Jess topsoil in the were saved. The bullding was some- | ys and it is img to respond to Abou ter Ven i War-time demand LeTViee { have caused telephone facilits in and No more telephones can be added to the present system, Jesse jude: yew, F suckle dogwood BE a. of Belle Pvt. Jodon, pres pital somewhere in wrote the letter on without giving any details of hig in- juries sald that his condition is im- proving The young man, who makes home with his brother here, for a time was a member of the Belie- fonte National Guard unit. He was inducted into the Army on March 17. 1841, and from New Cumberland was sent to Fi. George Meade, Md where he was assigned fo a medical Guinea for about tw 1ths. have : am ha . . {phone users wait for the familiar ¥ r 0 months, have ggve 54 play entitled “Two E'S FOr game tests and land which was strip- | what damaged | buzz of the dial tone before starts ing been transferred there from Defense.” cropped across the slope in 50-foot | ing to dial” he said. “Waiting for William H. Brouse was re-elected b : ki Australia where he had been sta- > g . : Re a A. 4 , wide strips of corn, wheat and hay, T |the dial tone will insure the mest Where sg at president of the Bellefonte Elks tioned since March 20, 1042 below the other. lost ohly rw. B. roupe Resigns efficient operation of Bellefonte's battalion. He sailed for England in : " y P . 2 4 : eye & n , Club at the annual organization , ._... pongart, above, of Re-|, JTC Joung man enlisted in the Lewis Orvis Harvey twelfth topsoil ‘From Universal Match telephone equipment during these AUSUSt 1882, and was one of the at 1 Elks ir Corps . P 042 i or i mrdidises ia A meeting of that group at the bersburg. this week announced him- Alr rps on January 20, 1942, and To Head Red Cross ans———————— | overcrowded periods first American soldiers to land In home last week. William H. Brown way stationed at Keesler Pield and a . . in tha Bek " self as a candidate for the Demo- | - ain Calvi by AAR wate | North Africa in the invasion last edd as secre y eas i f franc . y alvin H. Troupe, manager of the “The telephone company regrets = Was retained as secretary and tr cratic nomination for the office of | 1. San Francisco, Cal, before being 8 Pp year res. County Auditor. He is the second “ened to overseas duty. | At the annual organization meet- $80 In Contributions local plant of the Universal Match very sincerely any inconvenience the Trustees named were: Dr. Richard | oo 0" formally announce his | The Fetzers have another son, ing of Bellefonte Chapter, American | To Cancer Control | Corporation, has announced the res- | restrictions on new installations may mer Hyla Seese. of Pine Grove Mills Pvt. Jodon is married to the for- P. Noll, Osborne T. Lambert, O. A. {Richard, who is in the Navy and Red Cross, in the court house last | ignation of William B. Troupe as one cause, but 1 am confident the pub- : candidacy so far, the first being : i d ¥ oe 59 Ys who now is engaged in defense Cay J. Miller and William | 0 H Poorman, of Bellefonte, | Who now is attending a Naval radio | week, Lewis Orvis Harvey of Belle-| The Cancer Control Committee |Of his assistants, effective May 1. lic will agree that war needs must oo. A thicken dinner prepared by Cyril who is in the field for the county | %chool at Memphis, Tenn ifonte, was elected chairman for the of the Bellefonte Woman's Club yes | W. B. Troupe for some time has come first.” i nsui e He suprssds Fred y , {been considering this move due to | uses Moerschbacher, former club steward. treasurership erauing year. He succecds ~Fredterday reported that nine of 27 local |), oye "ty become affiliated in a ‘Four Cases Listed preceded meeting. A social hour 3 : . v : | Warner, who has been head of the : contribu- i preceded the meeting. A social hour Ee Brug Sous Ma 100 Yoluntitp G ive {chapter for three unig J x. the total [Fae eld ate gugieering Wark wl Count LS eokovpirs 3 | F or Gra n d Jury ” : "led as County Commissioner from r asma | Other officers named were: Miss being $80. ‘| 0 r ys . jess sension. {1932 to 1036. Upon the death of {Margaret Brockerhoff, vice chair-| The groups and their contributions | Mr. Troupe stated yesterday that he | a————i i i : : * Cases scheduled for Cent County Auditor Henry Hosterman, of | Approximately 100 voluntary blood Man; Miss Anne Fox, treasurer; and are: Rebekah Lodge, V. F. W. Aux- { had not reached a definite decision A. R. Houser, secretary of the County Grand ae ry Victo Gardeners | Boalsburg, in 1940 Mr. Brungart was | donors reported at the Centre Coun- Mrs. E. Keith Anderson, secretary. iliary, Hospital Nurses’ Alumnae As-| Mr. Troupe, a graduate of Penn |. tre County Beekeepers Associa- . ry “yt named by the Court to serve out Mr. |ty Hospital yesterday to give blood Directors chosen were: Mrs. George sociation, Catholic Daughters of State in i Sainical engin. | don, announced yesterday that a opens 1 he Delietonts Count Bouse Get Additional Gas Hosterman's expired term. He was |for the blood bank being established | B- Thompson, Bellefonte; Mrs. Mil- America, and Ametican Legion, 5 cering, came 1 © oo h PIADt IN |; eting of all county bee-Keepers perry. Bellefonte. Br. F. and. 8 A a capable and efficient member of [at the institution. \lard Schreffler, Pleasant Gap; Mrs. each: Woman's Club, V. F. W. Post 1934 is an gn nee: School Board, | Will be held at 8 o'clock Monday zack Smith, Philipsburg, violation Local boards may, beginning April | the board of auditors in 1041 and! The blood received yesterday win Willard McDowell, Howard; Mrs. and Women of the Moose, $10 each, [ber of the Bellefonte Scho ‘|evening, May 3. in the offices of of vehicle colle, driving while intoxi- 30, grant special gasoline rations up | 1942, and now is engaged In com- pe taken to laboratories in Phila. Harvey Smith, Snow Shoe; Mrs. and Loyal Order of the Moose, $25. ar {County Farm Agent R. C. Blaney, In ‘caved: John Reese. Bellefonte RD to 300 miles for a six-month period 'pleting the audit of county records gelphia, will be processed into|Charles Mensch, Bellefonte; Roy The committee, Mrs. Wallace J. 4-Day Milk Delivery |the postoffice building, Bellefonte. 3 violation of vehicle code, driving to Victory gardeners, | for last year plasma and the finished product will | Adams, Pleasant Gap; Fred Warmer, ward, chairman, Mrs. Ben Beezer | | John Amos, bee specialist for the ous intoxicated: and Raymond N In order to be eligible for the .- be returned here for general use at| Bellefonte, and Mrs, W. Harrison and Mrs. Paul M. Corman, takes Effective Here May 1 State, will be the speaker, Mr. Hous mooks Bellefonte, violation of special ration, applicants must es- War Stamp Booth to [the hospital. Walker, Bellefonte. [this means of expressing thanks to fer said. BIOOKES of oo he, tablish that: a tract of 1500 square ’ The State mobile laboratory and| A report of the recent War Fund the organizations. Eight retail milk dealers serving | Summary cases which will be feet or more be cultivated regularly. Continue at Murphys technicians were here yesterday to drive showed that while the Chapter | Bellefonte and vicinity announce gAND CONCERT IN MUNICIPAL (heard Thursday, May 6, are: Ruell for the production of vegetables; the | — ald in receiving blood, with jocal | quota was only $0,200, receipts to! that effects Saturday, May 1. re. | A AT MI ™ Teaman: Niagara Pals, 3 h ’ motorist can not ge’ to his garden by | The War Stamp booth at the Mur- [physicians and nurses assisting, date total $10,160. Murphy Store To tail milk deliveries will be made on | [tion and Non-support; Saeser : any other transportation; his labor | ,;,y store here will continue in oper- | There were enough volunteers to - Hold Expansion Sale Monday, Wednesday, Friday and The Gregg Township Band will White, Tyrone, desertion and non- Is necessary for the cultivation of gion every Saturday for an inde- keep the entire staff engaged full FORMER RESIDENT IS o pa Saturday. give a special Band Concert on the support: and Howard Miller. Moni. the garden: and he must meet or finite time, it was reported yesterday. | time during the day, ITALIAN WAR PRISONER A spokesmen for the dairies ex- | gtage of the Municipal Theatre Pri- Sipe append] show inability to meet car-sharing| apr Harrison Kline and Mrs. Roy - | tam The Murphy store, which for the plain that the new schedule is being (day evening May 7th, starting | , appeal. requirements. | Jones, of the American Legion Aux- Hospital Contributions Pvt. Donald Moore, 26, nephew of | past several weeks has been under- | introduced on orders from the Office promptly at 8 o'clock. This band we. Amen we Aelia | ilary, will man the booth from 9:30 Easter contributions received by Mrs. Robert Lockhart, Sr, of Mill-| going a redecorating and expansion of Defense Transportation, in an ef consists of 80 members under me Tighten Rules On Aged Man Injured la. m. t0 1 p. m. each week. Girl the Centre County Hospital were: brook, is a prisoner of the Italian program, announces a store-wide ex- | fort to conserve trucks and tires. direction of Harold T. Breon. As an | Lost R tion Book Henry Styers, 71, of Bennage goouts are in charge of the booth | from State College Junior Red Cross, | §overnment, according to a telegram | pansion sale, beginning Saturday,| The order prohibits special deliv- added attraction on this same pro- | a $ Heights, Clinton county, was struck gaturday afternoon and evening. | favors; from second and third grades | Tom the War Department recetved | May 1. |eries and call backs. Individual gram there will be a feature picture, | by the bumper of a car operated by| gales by Legion Auxiliary members | Spring Street school, favors: from (by his mother, Mrs. Ethel Moore of Two additional rooms in the dealers will make their own arrange- | the title of which will be announced | So many persons have been losing Harry G. Glossner, Jr, of Blanchard ast Saturday morning were $64.50, | Woodring's Ploral Gardens, large hy- Indiana, Pa. Brockerhoff building on South Alle- | ments for colletions. in the advertisement of the Muni. [their ration books through careless- on Saturday evenirig at 8:30, as he it was reported. drangea, and from Dramatic Section, | Pvt. Moore, who was first report- | gheny street have been added to the - cipal Theatre in next weeks paper, ness that the OPA has fixed a max. was attempting to oross Route 220, - Bellefonte Woman's Club, large od missing in action in North Af-|store and will be opened to the pub- To Buy Western Horwes The entire program will last a little imum of 60 days before renewing at the Burnell store in Allison town- | Planting Red Pine Tregs primrose. {rica on February 21, lived with his/ lic Saturday. The entire store has| Thomas Jodon, of Pleasant Gap, over two hours and you will be as- them. Ration books are as valuable ship several plogks from his home.; C. M. Bierly. cashier of the Reb-| - {aunt two years ago while working on | undergone complete redecorating | will depart today for the west 10/ sured of an evening of fine enter. As money and are necessary to buy The aged, man suffered a fracture ersburg National Bank, has a crew Shaves Up. the Bellefonte-Btate College high- and painting. buy a ocariond of western horses! tainment. Remember the date: Pri- food, the OPA warns, of the right Jeg.and.of the nase. The of men setting out 1000 ved. pine| Bellefonte barbers this week in. way. He also played on the Lémont| Turn to the Murphy advertise |which will be sold at auction at the day May 7th &t 8 otlock promptly. | Severe fines are imposed upon any fractures were reduced at the office yearling trees on his lands north of | creased the price of shaves from 25 baseball team while Mving in Mill- !ments on other pages of this lssue | George Lolir sales barn in Pleasant {person found using another person's of Dr. G. D. Mervine at Lock Haven. | Rebersburg. cents to 35 cents. brook. for further information. Gap about May 17 or 18. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers