- adhe Cenfre Democraf =o — VOLUME 62. NUMBER 1¢, BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Air orp! Flight Training FALLING BEAM [ceruatey in atric ve KARTHAUS MAN Many Plead Guilty lo Begin at Airport Monday CAUSES DEATH oui [SES LIFEIN At Special Court orice vay zeae i ees wes OF |, KWERT QE TRUCK CRASH rc so vi iss yn for First Group of Cadets; C. W. Taylor | After License Suspension; Navy Strag- ARRESTED H RF Named Manager of Field; Government Remains Conscious Over © ‘ Sylvester McGovern, 19, gler Sentenced; Others Receive Sentence Rules Bar Visitors at Airport. An Hour After Fatal ” : Victim of Accident on on Various Criminal Charges. Flight instruction for Penn State's merous buildings comprising the alr- Injury ‘ § J Mountain Road Nine men were . a nn Ainlots . 1500 Alr Corps Cadets will begin at|port facilities are being subjected — . . C4 ' Pleas of guilty Trio I ined F o1 \ iolations the Bellefonte Alrport on Monday Overseeing the entire job of get- FAILS TO RALLY L 5 pe Ef INQUEST TO BE rE Qitata (Fe " morning, it was announced yester-jting the airport ready for flight - ‘ oe Sy 2 Ah rr pp | fore of State Game day by officials of the New-Way Fly- | classes | C. W. “Buck” Taylor, of A FTER OPERATION A p 4 HELD N EXT W EEK l.aws ing System which will conduct the | State College, who earned a reputa- ————— 4 school under the lirect up rvision | tion for getting thing done When he Funeral Held Tuesday For PAS Police Claim Disabled who came {of the ivil Aeronautics Authority V nanager of the State College y ; unty on hen the first 50 Cadets arrive at |American Legion Junior Drum and, Well Known Tusseyville A Truck Parked Without ini to the wild { Centre cx what had the appearances of althe airport Monday morning they! Bugle Cor he Cort it will be iu i y . . | he alrport Monday wrning they at > . i " : hunting expedition, landed in diffi- | will find oselv-knit. businesslike | remembered, bowied ver district Resident Lights or Flares culties and vesterday were in the Ds of instructors. officials and (State and even national champion- a a SOEs #4 i wralting 3 refvat g " Y 4 " shins with azinie reotila rts + th Although iffering a fatal kull , Rel x a p ha {above \ 19-Year-old Karthaus man county jail awaiting the arrival ol hnicians on hand to direc hed Hg with amazing regularity in th " ’ vard Muirn al hat hy 1 . " ¢ wl . ik A#4 ¢ Be 1 1 tly itt 1 . — find buildings | balmy days before World War 11 Sih when a heavy timibx Ci [son Mr. and MN Edward Muir he nslantly kiied about 1 homas R nier, ol Howard on an assortment of charges ASE rounds spotlessly lean and This is going to be like th J Kenneth Wert, aged 3 head unsid Street wa PT ATLINY 01 hen ho recently was released from The three were: Thomas E. Hal- lw RY canized . » suckye ¢ and Bugle Co farmer, walked acre wounded : ’ y : action in Tuck, disabled siong the Bnow Shoe ’ io ht ‘ ‘ . og co ' : | y ! his h o . "oe ’ . 2 ‘ Mounts rot Pe the Ns loran, 19: Joseph J. Ronan, 18. and nit students into alreraft pilots permen ve rdas » will b 0 Dis home, changed North Africa. accor ) a HIESSRE n road near the Beech Creek ” ad Bl " : the y ory b 3 3 ¢ vpnct } 2 st risk tus raze + fread Franklin A. Reuse, Jr.. 18. They were They 1 nt 4 it y foolishness and lefinit my y went to a Centre Hall pl hy ed ¥ hi [MAT frog h ym was struck by another truck arrested Tuesday in the game pre- condit for thei wn routine will be ny ' ADA Was being brought partment, Saturday 1 ung Victim of the accident was Bylves. r the i ts bh p pro ter MoGover who suffers Pe serve on Rockview lands by membe; tures into the alr rawing a mental piet the Centre Coun } fur r stalls were given in th fcGovern ho suflered a fra of the State Police at Rocky station ing i ning H xpi ha % . All three youths were charged! ‘The 18 training plane cured by about 7 m. a bus bearing the first ' ” yor Ay : Wi hin GAL ‘ob January 21. 1042, and from the "Mok n with iil gal possassion of game thas ‘Al {fo he cc Hox ol have been 2 “ jet ill rriv at the alrport : l y Rise] v nt my Raion Lid § al N y y } od . yo 4 J Reuse and Ronan also were com rly overhauled to meet rigid! Instructors will be in their own ‘ert was engaged In cleaning oats land was sent Am 'heeler, | 0 iy . FA charged with possession of firearms covernment requiremen The ready room” at the western end of arn about 11 o'clock Satur Georgii Subsequently he “1 0 ne in a State Game Propagation area. instructors. who began to arrive here the row of airpor ding {et iay morning when a heavy beam Camp ndi ] 1 fuck began lo fal In addition, Ronan was s charged with | last week ve demonstrated an un-| will go int wn ready room Used lo support flooring overhead camp. the road, and : ily wt 4 . eat ih. 43 abowme ol hair [8 dd from place and fell In its bein ent to ) I 4 passing car to Snow Shoe ‘ : 4 rv? ¥ ir free o » At a hearing b » Justi f the pi g in and helping with the flight tr \§ descent it struck some machinery Pvt. Muirhead was a member of ) oy The mek, ueeorcing wd | broken somewhat America bh Gap Motor Police who in- Africa on November 8. 1042 Vestigated the fatality, was parked ed guilty to the charges. Ronan was pite the fnjury, of a type which | #ng he “had n In action there Without lights and with no flares fined 300 and ts nies 395 and sunlly resals in immed 3 {nee burning. a short distance west of the rosts, and Hall 1, $10 and ts ciousn let mined co oT On N weber 8, 1041, he was ma Highway bridge near the trestle "At the sal vesterday the boy: r more than ai ur and % as n ‘ bh mer Shirley Casher, of McGovern was standing on the faced the prospect the | the lines ! » from C . all to Bell Show Bh and they as he par gn Youre beside the tad with . ef he 'd , : hen edd and co were not paid old baby ick Goor open when the Neid be required to spend on das in jai VaDmnr iste a ma. AR Pg BT hter he has never seen. M igh truck Iso traveling toward for each df ! harged again was performed at the hospital in a: asher and daughter are living at a wh » hos Tuo , Re - them ficrt to repair the injury. but paren home in Snow Shoe i hd Urving an ang faila wh mg ith WP laurie Pt Muittvend’s alwmss on in the front part of the bed ! Fanina ld ———— ' 3 t cleared, Lhwey 1 ined for money froin home to pay thelr fines ft t conscious THES 2 red skull. T iriver of the other he hospital at 6:25 o'- wi. Muirhead enlisted in the army TUCK wa rs Neidigh, of Kar- Wooster Wa Aa Ne oe p Karl vere | fine of $100 f 3 OWA! Snow 3 wher Are % J \ a Ebb» 8h tee having a loaded gun in h usually fine spirit of co-operation by await the signal to begin yesterday morning the youths plead- i general cleaning which the nu bi wane: Biz before it struck his head North - < : ‘Where It struck MceGov. up — County Participates Former 1 eal Insurance B i& Ho Ith Offic oo Placing Tag hinery In he am Milesh M I m's : Centre County Native ( hairman Reports Only in Surprise Blackout ” er cal BUTaNCE, Urges, ICY: as a brace to hold it In place. and] T Mesburg Man in Too] he sam Hime fe isooem; Served Overseas in Expenditure During - Man Was With U.S. Council Unite in Clean- it is believed that vibration of the Hospital In England (Continued on Pape Four) World War | Campaign Was $I Infantry in Africa Up Drive at hing CAUSC Mie RID 8 Gloom mtn i ——— 4 . 1 p MSIOUg eu Pic. James P. Holt, son of Mr. and el Prederick Allport Dale The March of imes campaign — " " : Colon 1 . James Kenneth Wert was a son of Mrs, Patterson Holt of Milesburg, County Running Low Centre county native g Lt. Edgar A. Spicher, son of Mi A lack of co-operation of the Bur- . and a brother | conducted throughout Centre county i I the} ‘ ‘ : " h h John ng Mart nan Wert received an injury tf ds ell high { the late i Dal 1 in lebratio he esident plete surprise. Civilian | and Mrs. Boyd Spicher of Pl sasant gess' office with the Borough Health } B. and Ma: ha Rooks : hi iis sash Ty n In War Bond Drive of Lhe late Dr. David Dale, of Belle- in celebration of we President's fic ted 7 | Gap. and husband of the rmer [Officer in the matter of .enforeing “0d Was born on the Wert home. | al yin an Army hospital in Eng- fonte, died Friday evening in the Birthday in Januar ‘netted a total » officials reporte wha BO os nadie 3 a Th. rts tead farm, which he had been op- laid, according to word received by arin ; i= ao f £3 07710 it srted w a 10 previous blackout was the Mary Louise Johnson. of West Linn saniiary provisions in local restaur- ag uch h o d en Sif bor em : wos ceived b Al the present rate of War Bonds Bahtitaore Marine Hospital. His age of $2077.10, it was reported ; ester HO PIEVIOUS UIRCROUL ’ vil " Fran tre ts and eating pi erating for the past five years, on DN parents, Few details of the acci- : i . was 70 day by Mrs. Balser Weber. of How- element of surprise so great, for on! Street. Bellefonte, has been missing ants and eating places was correct- a . AAMT were Yaarind cntet the purchases in the Becond War Loan : A a TY : B . . a” BL] 50 sit : tiene: 4 inrtd ¥ - od at egular meeti . } March 31. 1908. making his age 35 Ont were learned except that he J Born in Lemont on August 7, 1872, ard, chairman of the County Infan- earlier occasions news of the com- in action in the North African atea ai & regu m ng of Borough = : A ols, 1 red in an Arms 4 campaign Centre county is not go- 2 ; ; " ; S 0: : : Couneil, Mondy night, when Coun. Yrs and 16 days. He is swvived “Ws Injured in an Anny camp mj ne dh Col. Dale graduated from Pennsyl- |tile Paralysis committee ng blackout always has leaked out’ since April 3. according to a tele- [C0 e Than, ty tory hy his parents, residing in Centre England ne to reach lis Api GUote of 83- vans State College in 1803. After wd otal for the county was to a small group, at least. Last Wed-!|#ram from the adjutant general cil, Burgess Hardman P. Harris, and Han his ite the HA flo . Hairy A Jotter wiitt ale toks Ab 200,000, it was annbounced yesterday studying medicine at the University The gran otal "x 3 county was > Late d v > fii H APH the r # I's f ) i W BN Rs Wl A ws " 3 i il H . rer rs 3 nesday apparently no one knew be. Office received Sunday night by Mrs. Health Officer W. W. Bickett, after °° saliseriion and ten: danse ialtés: 4 Amst: aintne: that . by Claude OG. Alkens and Mahlon of Penrsyiy sn) |€ven larger, Mrs. Weber reported N ibe My . a lengthy discussion of ti b. | Eleanor ( Hherion and two daugh- # he actiden ates that h . : o insylvania, he entered the ‘but the comununity chairmen of Sricher ¢ Ww liscussion o© ie prob. | =i hig + hig dora ims Tren fagn he larcest Amer. | K- RODD, co-chairmen of the COUNty | Army fr 1901 as : : 9 ‘but the community chairmen of lem, agreed to co-operate on a 30. ‘67. Mary Ann and Ruth Naomi PAULL Coe U1 110 [RIES Ames v : as a frst leutenant Smullton, Aaronsburg, Woodward Grive day program to “clean-up or close- Doth at home can hospitals in England Rate. 2 in the Medical Corps. Previously he |gnd Madisonburg said the sums col rd . N aa Joos tate total _ a bursty . rivate i+ " ‘ % up” offending establishments Surviving brothers and sisters Oil member of th Hi Sales to date total only about had been a private in the Pourt} jected in thelr districts were u " 1 : tt $600.000 and the half-way mark in Pield Artillery warded direct to Wa : 0 ak Bn ’ The dbehind-the-scenes picture of are: Mr. Mary Trevorrow, of Pitts. * ne Nationa] MIG unis. el hd . i t « Vash the all-clear at 9:30 January. 1941 nd upon graduation ; oe nn a eS af EE Ts 4 nit g ‘amy Bhelbs ’ the drive has been passed. they re. Jolonel x militars eer COV - | 4% - 1 rot Official ad tl ti t he off 0K a Ft Ben. Conditions in eating places painted burgh: Rossman Wert { pper. 2 aaling , Sy : - ‘ Na been: passerl, Guy Ye bn: 4 Sain Dale : A CA x the county will not be Ciass sald that citazens are 1 ircm the olhcer 3001 al £n- : " . : : ported ered more than forty-two years at So” Ne " 3 ith " " On . by Health Officer Bickett to Coun. Darby: Mrs. Ralph Dale, i ’ : mo than | y-iwo } al al suc gs familiar as they should be with nin a was commissioned as : ’ ' 1 the TTT 1042 ro ER chim it y intad owt £3 his tirement 1 nded & st e N c }) a " 3 Pr . Be * eil was not an attractive one. He fonte John Wert, Ji entre 9 SH y i Body ter Ripe ie co-chibirmen pointed out that | TE ay Which ended ahno The money this th ew signal system nd rules second lieutenant om Ft i= ‘ ‘ apitaey t AY Fas ssrboed Mile . . nivsbaim six vears of service as Corps p ; ’ n ' ok ris 4 po an F 4 said that because of the tremen- Hall and nna W wo Wg We Army he atten Mi { the county ls to maintain its high (MX yea T yh foe as Corps Area tirely through and that lack wa he Mise ! : en y a dous turnover of help in one restaur. Lock Haven re ools and U liefont gh record in meeting War Bond quotas, Irgeo 3 ervice Command § nees or parties violations reported Wednesday t.iwas t sferred to irginia avd . " 3 +46 , ¢ I the rat f Biireiins i have § the new designation of the Corps " ) ; 1 ant, he signed 290 health certificates AE, bh cams ww ch SCH he rate of purchase will have to be ¥ _ s No incidents were carried ou he remained until last October when Mr. Wert » fn Achy mer Area , ax " in one month for the establishment. |. ; 15.u Toenpreiiie 1 rithoran shite etapa increased greatly {rom now until the blackout rich oc i! he sailed of the Tusse re His military service : : Or Alrica Was a MC- paproperly washed dishes and sil- i wr Sa, Sian , the end of April ; n U moon unished ample! ber of the U. 8. invasion fore hich Sos ek of . was assistant superintendent of the To Report May 3 For China, Japan, the Phili Verware, washrooms for the sau —— Helhit for possible air raid landed at Casablanc m November . _ " 5 4 y Sunday school ana member of . ch (Continued on Pepe Beven) eur SAMMY TE 2 i : public, washrooms located in close |." 7 as a : tributed $330.23 to the fur Sb ames 5. 1942, and was in action five G8YS broximity to the Kitchen and oor | the church Council. For a year afte: Training As a WAVE rt — a1 W proximity to th itchen, and poor hi aduation the Centre In the list bel ) t re belfote resistanc naed ortinral a ' A HE ETACUALION m 19 4! Jntre : _ehhwy is 11 ” Democratic Women HTS byron a |Seheral sanitary conditions, were nl. eoliohis High School, Mi y “Pomtmar- daxtlvke. Karthaus Man Dies recited with colipctis some of the complaints cited by Mr re Mar 3 i } ! a LL ¢ ut. gasiazund s niters Hall Per ; wd Clmtamirs, TEES ually the theatre Ma: To Hold Supper Here vr, & Er Iuate of the Bellefo Bickett to Council In his plea for “€ i SCLI00¢ oi Li wii even) For | Ms Cormeen, wo of Fractured Skull campaign netted $1.01 — 1 the class of 1934, was n enforcement of sanitary regulations a page iy Nx ons fats no 4) INTO SERVICE ws of that amount was sen { th wi forehand of the statewide tost The vellow signal was received at Lt. Spicher who fore entering 31; the blue at 8:57; the red at'the service was in the insurance bus- ):07: the second blue L 9:20, and ' iness enlisted In the Infantry in The Women's Democratic Club of £ promotion to the rank o Bickett reported that he had in- vege Paul C lifford Rauch, 33, of Kar- Continued om Pope Four Centre county will hold a Jefferson! first lieutenant vestigated conditions in various eat- ONIX, iver : (OF R, I as gin training thaus, died Saturday in the Philips- rm ——— i ——— Day covered dish supper in the Odd Lt. Spicher and the former Mary D8 piaces and had submitted the in 3 Wiad Wi] nusied Nn burg State Hospital as the result of . Fellows Hall, Bellefonte, Wednesday | Louise son were mariied in (Continued on Page Siz) a aL, TTL OVD vi “9 From "State College a fractured skull suffered about ten S€f Tentative Date 4 ~ 3 A——— EP ———— 4 evening, April 28. beginning at 7 October 1 is last visit home was . fas T days earlier o'clock made while he was stat loned in Vir- B ]) f Gi | | auss Teaman, a gradudte of the Group Assigned to Navy . Rauch was engaged in putting air For Grange Fair 4 M ales s Sex E2vp : x € e onte ir Ss Bellefonte High School in the clos: | into X TT eae — A guest speaker from the Nation-| gini y+ sho ty be fo re he sailed for ¢ 4 33 Go to A rmy ! Ho a truck tire when an improper ” > snitbe 5 bond pebahpmn . eat : of 1941, has been emploved at the oh . . {ly ed st in ; id 1 { a recent meeting the Commit- al Democratic Commitice will be Africa. He has a brother, Russell. Awarded Scholarship Hoo Dats en CD ——— [iF placed steel ring which held the| Af a iecent slim resent and mu entertain. " she rt ob Semel ng niry Store on Wes igh tire in place slipped and struck him |! ior the Grange Encampment am p Sen v.. ¥ Bd music and Mer an who Is stationed at the Ab rd en mssm— Street sines that time i Posty wo men from Local Draftion the head Centre County Falr eflected its or- nent will be in charge of Miss proving Grounds, Aberdeen, Mc Miss Mary Ghertity. of Heft ” sed] WN wares 1 1 : fo 3 nD. ME DA Te Je Ju i lh Proving G ; A id Miss Mar) Gherrity, of Bellefonte, County Salv age Chairman i Board No + Of State College, were| The deceased was a son of Ray- | ganization for the current season All Cer tr ount 'Democ ats and Since the original message report- was awarded a four-year scholarship Exo Q Ne med ODT Examiner went to the ‘Teotption center at New mond and Rena Wadsworth Rauch |G. W. Ralston continues as chadr- rritre county EIMOCTats and |. mw icate tes “Hie relatives | in TT PR aA “att ) oh GE orig " 3) Centre unty Demos Bs Hod | 8 him missing in action, relative in musi to Marywood College. “Xp ains Need of Silk William B. Swartz, of State Coli. Cumberi and, Tuesday, as the board's and was born in Pottersdale. Sur- man of the committee and other de- Lod G5 H i VEU ne N furth iy yr nti ranton ace ting ¢ 5 receit > - ' " to be present. Tabie service will bel = © ad No IURHE SH Og on vo a gts MC a Pet vad For War Uses lege, was appointed last Pridny an |QUota for April. The men passed | vivors include his parents: his wife, | partment superintendents and their & is we od | L$ Wiis Teste % + P Be ’ ¥ or ” . " . furnished and there Will be a cover a——— p—— rday from the Dean of the : an examiner for the Altoona district of final examinations at Altoona, Tues- | the former Hilda Rougeaux: three assistants also were re-ciected to iA : a 8 { 0 LUVET ‘al lpge — . . : Coliege - ] ithe ODT. Mr. Swartz has been in| “8Y of last week { children, and a sister, Mrs. George serve during 1943. The only new a hate = nis > Ww at- . THT " Every woman ent ounty | I aa, Thome “a Blood Donors Needed wh. Stents : ei Wer Jo was asked a ie Oo ny private trucking in State College for! Of the group, nine were assigned | Doherty, of Snow Shoe me mber of the committee, Joseph ered. dish At Local Hospital hot I ro i. be Some pie least one pair of silk or nylon stock- | 8 number of years, owning a fleet fo the Navy; 33 to the Army, and STATE —— Mitchell, representing Union Gr ange ————————— | Heart of Mars at st ge Ly WAKE ings to the war effort this week by Of Over 15 trucks. He attended Sus. three of the men were transfers! COLLEGE MU SICIANS | will assist R. W. Reed of Pennsyiva- . ; ———— ol Mary at Ot John's Convent, i np" 3° Kennard. Chaifman of the Guehanha University and Pennsyl-|from other boards. | TO APPEAR IN BELLEFONTE nig Pumace with horse sheep and Pine Hall Home Is The State mobile laboratory for pelisionte was awarded the $800 Salvage Committee of the Centre Vania State College. specializing in! The Army inductions were | hog exhibits D . collecting blood Jor conversion into 8¢ » Arsh Pp as the result of COm- | county Council of Defense. dairy husbandry Ronald A. Barto... Huntingdon The regular monthly meeting of | Barring some unforseen event amaged By Fire piasma will be at the Centre County | petitive examinations given at! rue woman of the county dring — | Rict SCOL | the Bellefonte Woman's Club will be which cannot be anticipated, a Hospital here Wednesday. April 28, | Marywood about three weeks ago. A | this week are purchasing new Easter Buy Highway Bar 1 arg = on. Pi Sas | open to the public and a program of | Grange Pair will be held this yeas A house owned by John Spotts, of | And additional donors are needed. number of Pennsylvania and New| clothes, accessories, and hosiery,” Negotiations were closed recently | Harou E ire oe pb ot music will be offered by talented |The dates are Saturday, August 28 Pine Hall, was badly damaged by Donors are asked to call the hos- | York State young women competed | 554d hairman Kennard. “We, there- whereby Kofman and Company of Guy R Bride are oo {State College musicians {to Thursday, Sept. 2. inclusive. The fire about 5:30 o'clock Friday after- | pital. dial 757, immediately, to make | for the prize which entities them 0 fore, are asking them to remember Bellefonte became the owners of the | pred L. Carson. Port Matild ool Those participating will be Mrs. | camp will open on Friday, August noon when gravy left on a stove ig- Arrangements. Blood received next a full college course our fighting men by giving us their former highway barn located at the | | Francis E Confer 8prin Mil RD John Lea, pianist, Mrs. Alfred Man- 37. The Fair Committee plans to nited while occupants of the house | Wednesday will be taken to Philadel- | Miss Gherrity Is a graduate of St. discarded stockings, which are to extreme end of East High street, | povert 1. Corl. _ 3 Mills | {willer. vocalist, and Mr. Edward |incjude a number of new educational were absent. phia-laboratories and converted into [John's Parochial School. Bellefonte, | be manufactured into powder bags. | Bellefonte. According to Edward | Harry J. Dugan aw Eu Abramson, flutist. accompanied bY | features in the program, many of The blaze spread through the plasma. The plasma will be return- and is now a senior at the Belle-| “These are woven silk bags Into Kofman. who completed the deal! prank P Graham, Jr. Bate Coli of Mrs. Kenneth Hutchinson. The | which will center about the urgent kitchen, dining room. and a second ©d to the hospital for general use fonte High School which charges of powder are placed the building will be used to store: |Beott R. Pogle. State College | group is being sponsored by the mu- need for maximum efficiency in food floor bedroom before members of the, It is necessary for donors to make Sa for generating the power required to iron, steel. and other materials : (Continued on pape Four) sic Department of the Bellefonte production. Victory gardeners will Alpha Fire Company, State College, arrangements as soon as possible Plane Forced Down expel a shell from guns of major m—————— = | Woman's Club. Interested mem- pe interested to learn that there will got the flames under control with a with the hospital in order tu avoid calibre. The powder bags are plac- bers of the community are urged 10 pe classes added to the exhibit lists ier Bit” ees "vl ey oT he Near State College Fx Sil Sl iss POSSIBILITY VISIONED FOR [fmt tig be Fir rely fi eas heavy. according to repor ts, mobile laboratory is here — ————— On a routine flight betwen Pitts. | Xplosion that expels the shell. Apr 26, at 7:30 clock. . burgh and Philadelphia, Lt Eg. J.| Only silk can be used for powder CENTRE COUNTY ORE MINES | Canteen Committee BELLEFON TE RAT POPULA TION | Nelson and Sgt. C. H. Rice, of a Nav- | JW BORNE © Sone COUPIILY eer Boy Scouts to Hold Prepares For Classes al Air Station in the Middle West, Centre county's “ghost” ore mines | mally the winter period is required REPORTED TO BE INCREASING Ix fo foun, new” Sie Col Tab, sie 2 50am 15 wu cere” on” Geports wre i ovrma ths smi | 18% Aid Competition ——— ~ {lege by a blinding snow storm and “Nylon is used for the manufac. 9Uickened with new interest on Fri The old deposits which are pro Muncy District Boy Scouts from !8hd disaster committee held a joint —— | Ice formation on the wings about day when a House appropriati posed used A t i - ¥ Pp ons | 1 Whether you've discovered it for the bprough prohibited the dumping [5:15 o'clock Friday aftvrnoon. They ig of Other Important war mater sub-committee in Washington was! tions ois. Has pons ot souge- | | elitorte. Milesburg and Pleasant | meeting Monday night at the home yourself or not, the fact remains of garbage and refuse in the old! landed safely on a plowed field back | , asked to consider a recommenda- | Gap are expected to participate in a (0! Mrs EE. Widdowson. on North that Bellefonte is suffering from an Pike Quarry, just north of Belle- Of the Penn State College poultry ier odd be Sieroughly tion to provide $30.000,000 for devel- ich ou Rh Be shed Sit in “yg ng: Fring aid competition 10 be held in| Alicgheny street, and perfected ten- epidemic. of rats. ifonte, Dumping was prohibited be- | farm. | ceptacles have been placed in all oping of and capturing ore from old! ' eral the Spring street school gymnasium | "ative plans for taking care of feed- Proud as we are of ‘Bellefonte and cause the quarry was over-run with | After getting tHéir bearings they | sores where hosiery is sold for de. !lmonite from deposits in Pennsyl- n gen these ores, it is stated, + here on May 6. Patrols will compete | {ing possible evacuees in the event of the people and things it produces, rats. Council considered, in an aca- flew to the Bellefonte airport, left) positing discarded stockings, and in | Vania, New Jersey and New York. (are near the surface and easily won, for o cup and other prizes disasters. we definitely are not.preud. of our demic way, taking some steps to kill the plane for the night, and return- ‘many places collections are being The purpose of the recommenda- hut ave somewhat lower in iron and | The competition will be directed The canteen course will begin on rats, They're just as evil-looking, ‘off the rats when the ban against [ed to State College where they made through the schools, ition, urged by the Bureau of Mines UE ! in tmplrities than lake ores. | yy Gene MacGregor, while Roy Tuesday, Apdl 27 at 7 p. m., in room just as destructive, just as filthy as dumping was prohibited, but the rat [spent the night at the Elks home. “Pennsylvania is making an effort end members of Congress, is to meet he 4 je r benefication by modern 4 qamg will head the judging stafl. 311 of the Bellefonte High School. any rats to be found anywhere, program was one of those things | to collect 2,000,000 pairs of silk hose lan expected serious shortage of iron! can be graded up equal 10 The public is invited. |The course will consist of 20 hours For some time reports have been| which never seemed to get any- | SEEK RELATIVES {during the month of April. and I ore in 1044. jor Rights than lake ores, and will study and 10 hours of practical growing about town tliat families where. | Chief of Police Harry Dukeman, feel sure that this county will con-| Representative Augustine B. Kel. “Tet With much less ooke. : Car and Truck Collide | work: All persons interested in tak- which never before have been both-| As a result, when food became of Bellefonte, yesterday received a tribute more than its share.” ley of Pennsylvania, himself a min. Use of contractors, road building! A car operated by Miss M. Isabelle [ing the course are urged to report ered by rats, have béeh discovering scarce in the quarry, rats began telegram from the = Kassly Funeral i i pt ling engineer, told the sub-commit- 8nd excavating equipment is recom- | Thomas, of Milesburg, and a truck (at the first class April 27. There- them in their homes. In the north- leaving for greener pastures, and Home, Collinsville, Nl, asking him CAN’ COLLECTION FRIDAY tee that late opening of Lake ship. 'Wenhded for recapturing the ores, driven by R. Stanley Brooks, of Cen. after classes will be held every Tues ern end of town, particularly, but!that's largely why you're finding rats [to notify Prank or Ed Wrye, of A collection of tin cans in Belle. ping this year, together with ex With beneficstion plants to be locat- tre Hall, collided on Route 53, north | day and Thursday night for five also throughout the remainder of in your home today. At least. that's Bellefonte, or Centre county, that fonte borough will be made Friday, cessive use of rail facilities, is ex. 0 and several centrally located of Bellefonte, Friday morning, caus | weeks the borough, plain-speaking citizens, |the most plausible theory advanced their brother, Isaac Wrye, died in’ April 23. pected to create a shortage of 5.- ‘ Me ing total damage estimated at $125. Members of the canteen commit- upon comparing notes, find they to date. | Collinsville. The funeral home 8! Borough trucks will canvass all| 000000 tons of ore by Pebruary, No one was injured. The machines tee are Mrs. Widdowson, chairman, have caught a rat or two lately, or| The matter was discussed al a awaiting instructions on the disposi- | streets to make the pickup. Placy 1944. the stockpiles. were traveling in opposite directions | Mrs. Mary Gray, Miss Helen Geer. have seen for the first time evidences ‘meeting of Council Monday night, [tion of the remains. Anyone knowing cans in strong containers on the! Many of the locomotive engines | If the proposal should lead to act- | when the Thomas car skidded on the and Miss Catherine O'Conner. Mem. of rat invasion of their homes. land a Councilman reported that a Frank or Ed Wrye is asked to notify | curt early Friday morning. {use hauling ore to Lake ports in the ual operations, Centre sounty should | enow-covered highway into the path | bers disaster committee are: There is a reason for the sudden firm of rat exterminators had view- | them or to get in touch with Chief | {summer, were this winter lent to|be able to a large share of | of the truck, according to police at| Philo, Johnston. chairman, R. C. influx of rats into town. Last year | (Continued on Page Seven) Dukeman or the funeral home. | Are you investing in War Bonde? | other roads and kept in use. Nor. [the needed ore deposits. the Pleasant Gap sub-station. ‘Blaney, and Lewis R. Lenhart, :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers