EEE EERE INWAR BONDS LR I @he Cenfre Democra EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY VOLUME 62. NUMBER 13. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1943. SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Army Mechanized Unit to Visit Titan Plant, April 6 Completely Equipped Armored Force will | Four Men Leave to Show Workers How Products bor are Used in Field; Equipment Fmpht asized in of Their La- | >mmunications | ynonstration Titan tal will wy an Employes Company. Bellefonte, opportunity to “meet the Army” on Tuesday. April 8, when a specially- equinped mechanized cavalry unit, new touring nearly forty industrial plants in Fenns comes to Brlicfonte. The tou lanned demonstrate » maker of tronic devices e¢ of the he produces in the military Announcement of the tow ule was terday Office of War Info: delphia The touring detachment draw: from the 76th Cavalry Reconnails- sence Troop, stationed at Ft. Meade Md.. and will be commanded by 2nd Lieut. Lioyd J. Rainey. Included In the caravan will be an armored scout car with full equipment arms and communication a towing a 37-millimeter anti-ai: gun. and a second jeep with a come ol the " y i ve to ' 4 slo WO iE ew thas 3 fel ie u artic ervice rel by the Phila- aseg ve mation in is of C1 aft plete field tele UN. set in its trail- | + ¥ el equipped with rifle follow: sance One phibian jeeps, 2g automatic automatics, #nd reconnals- | ' radio, of the ney Ir and Garand A command car, with “walkie-talkie’ will lead the caravan, Luggage and | additional equipment will be carried modern military motorcycle will also Undine weor and other lethal equipment, fal War itine den reason the jeep the tions a one-half ton cargo truck and a in the train Crews of the various helmets carry will sidearms and actual steel] 50 | as possible will simulate conditions ‘All but one are of var of the plants on the yroducing electronic ious kinds For that emphasis has been laid on cimmunications equipment of | vehicles. Two-way communica-| will be maintained at all Umes Continued on Page Four) rary ices Announces Tor Treasurer | Be fore h je | Etters, | Bchools, the BE “Bam” Pootiman foile garageman, sportsman, this first Democrat to didacy nty clgred his intention of County Troasurership Although a newcoiner he is well known in Centre through nearly 30 -veals® activits the garage business and through ing and active participation sportsmen’s affairs 8. H. Poorman is a 1. and Maria B. Poorman born at Scotia, Patton November 7, 1806. A few years later the family moved to Penn's Valley where “Sam” received his elemen- tary education in the pil schools FUTURE PILOTS BEEIN STUDI Contingent t of “About 500 Men Arrive in State College, Monday Belle . and, the (abower, merchant, week became announce his cane office. when he de- ecking for cou in poiit county in his on of Siduey and vas towns Some 500 future air force flyers ar- | | of the Yeager home, climbed un al his startling resemblance to Abra- rived at State College by rail Mon- day night to begin a five months’ course of instruction. Academic sub- jects, military, and ‘physical training vill be given at Penn State and each student will receive one month of flight training at the Bellefonte Air- port. eight planes for use in training the group. Members of the grdup, known as the Air Forces College Training Detachment, range from 18 to 27 vears in age with the aver- age being about 21. Bellefonte aboard a special tylvania Railroad passenger consisting of nine coaches. The train | continued from here to State Col- lege over the Helléforité ‘Central lines, Penn- HN Pr rode $ spring of ( aug Zettle had one daughter, reg Anna Johnson the n wis 18 years of age he wa h by the late D. O Superintendent of two years taught in Benner town- ertified to teac County and school for Rock ip At that time automobik oming into popular use and the new of transportation fascinated young school teacher. As a ult he gave up teaching and in 1917 invested his savings in business in Pleasant 's were just re- the he automobile ap The ma following he was united wrriage Ethel Zetile hter of Charles and Carrie Eve; who died In June 1831. The Jean, who is mar- On of Mrs street, Year with to William Johnson, of Valentine Bellefonte ”~ 4 vi) In 1920 he entinuing in th Bellefonte, garage business, Move and in 1927 moved to his present lo- ication off Southx Walter street. On Angust 10, 1838 “Sam” married { Mrs. Priscilla. Young. widow of the | late Dr. Robert Young. of Snow Shoe; and daughter of Stewart and | Myrtle Williams, of Monument. Mrs. Young Barbara. member of the had one daughter, Mr Poorman 1s a Evangelical church. is one of the or- Ch air rafd warden for ment Treasurer of Centre county, conduct an honest and 1 will personally after the affairs of the taxpayers members of the Bellefonte Commerce, and is chief Bellefonte hi candidac: following state- office of 1 wil the affairs of that office in and businesslike manner see and look 4s al amber of announcing issued the “If elected to the a In ‘Sam™ they come before the County Treas- A SII Ll {left urer.” ‘Susan Yeager Injured In Fall From Stairs Plunging 15 feet from a porch to concrete sidewalk, Tuesday eve-! ning. Susan Yeager, aged 2'% years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Yeager, of North Spring street, Bellefonte, suffered a severe bruise of the forehead and a fracture of the wrist The little girl. who had been play- ing about on the sidewalk at the side! stairway leading to a porch on the i second floor, and upon reaching the ‘home advised that top lost her balance and fell through the banister. Despite her severe in- juries she remained conscious. A physician summoned to she be kept in i bed for several days until the sever- To date the airport has: received | {was re which is} ity of the head injury has been de-| her condition | termined. Yesterday ported to be satisfactory Philipsburg Youth They came to train | i i The students are ‘being ‘housed in | fraternities and other quarters pro- | Confesses Robberies A Philipsburg R. D. youth has con- {essed to six robberies, according to Chief of Police N, R. Lamoreaux, | who is holding him pending action by county authorities. As the youth's age was not given! {and there Is possibility that he may | vided for them and -their activities {be a juvenile case, his name is not are under almost constant army sup- ervision. During . their. course they will have weekends to : i being published at this time. According to Chief Lamoreaux. themselves, ithe youth confessed having robbed | but for ‘the remainder of the time | geliogg’s store, the Bowling Alley, | ‘in the Army.” Ean Clarence Girl Joins 4 Brothers in Servic Enrolling in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps at Harrisburg on her 21st birthday, Josephine Drap- cho, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emro they will be ’ | {Percy Pierson’s garage, i i iHenny's Pool Room, Hopkins Pool, and Booth | and Shoritz Bottling Co. Although he stated that he was) € rot Involved in the recent Pennzoil | {gas station robbery, police stated that he disclosed who the offenders | were, Drapcho, Clarence, joined her four] older brothers in service with the Army and made the Drapcho fam- ilw's contribution to the war effort a 100 per cent affair, Two of are Heutenants in the Army and the other two are non-commissioned of- ficers. All unanimously approved of her enrollment in the WAAC, Mr. and Mrs. Drapcho also proudly urged their only daughter to join and Miss (Continued on poge Two) Miss Drapcho's brothers! juntil the present semester is com-! FRATERNITIES VACATED FOR ARMY TRAINEES Twenty-three of the 45 social fra- ternities at the Pennsylvania State! College have been vacated to make | way for a new crop of Army train. ces expected to arrive early in April. | Fraternity members offered their! houses when College officials made | it known that an acute shortage of living accommodations would exist | "pleted carly in May. applicants for admission into the begin basic ied to the i Ben Hartman Herr Centre County Boy Gets Service Star For Cited Bravery DEFENSE KERY GAR Six Sylvania Employes Es-| | cape Serious Injury in Crash HAD STOPPED TO PICK UP FRIEND Truck Driver Tells Police He Must Have Dozed at Whee! m Howard vicin- serious Injury fay morning they were at the hd pin was str from rear by truck-tra ne outfit accident hoppened at 6:15 8 m about two miles east of Howard on Rou le 220 The car, a sedan Louise M. Lyons Enter Army V. O. C. Four Bellefonte men, all of them Army's Volunteer Officers’ Candidate { School, departed Monday morning for Altoona to undergo examination From there they went to the recep- ton center at New Cumberland to training. The men are mi rig 1 Thrift Glen nn, fices,; Donald Klinger of the Centre County Corporation offices: Gus employe of the Claster of. Edward Kern, steward at the fire house, and Ralph mughenbaugh, an employe of Titan Metal Company Kiinger is scheduled to enter signal corps: Glenn has been ass infantry; Kern is to enter medical corps, and Daughen- baugh will receive training with ti Army ordnang 1 i, the Six glils Ir and ity narrowly or the escaped ester wich 1s arly We CAr to work in Mill Hall ign- deaths ¢ 1) waen en route in the LIEUT d DAVID L. BAIRD 2 nlant the Me By Bilver 1943 Har tt a re i March Mill the ent in 18 ard F United LIST 77 MEN FOR APRIL ARMY GA BR = 58 Seldcions and 19 Volun- teers to Go to Altoona on April 10 1 Cen nanding roe H Bit eit eons Fr ri States Pu ] Phillpsburs infantry for ps ated hy . Of How ard, who was accompa by Martha Plet- her, Eleanor Mapes Genevien Yearick and Charlotte Tice. The were traveling east on the highway eid stopped to pick a dellow worker, Edna Kl Schenck’s hill In stopping pulled partly the highway, by State Motor Gap sub-station ortfit, driven by of Altoona same direction and of the car. Guyer nied by Merrill IHdaysburg Police said ared he must have de before the ’ JWARL OPC ' neg Hheutenag - nited Stat £1 " n in a 1043 t Gi wale Anal Lieutenant Baird led } in a succe position ns ful attack on ap enemy capturing large stores upplies. He then established fensive block to prev an vithdrawal from positions on & combined attack was being OF Marines an up near np ne, the a de- enemy which made infantry regi- driver of the car off the ight ’ side of ent according to a report Police from Pleasant The truck-tratler George M. Guyer, | ment cling in This rammed into the ership displayed sas accom- | in establishing Berkheimer KCTO% ww 9 Local Draft "Board No Belle Jonte, has released a tentative list of names of 77 men who will go to Al- toona on Saturday, April 10 for ex- amination and Induction the armed foroes Included in the list 18 men who have volunteered and are being sent along with those picked by the Board f The Steve Joseph Rodavich David lewis love Leroy William Grubb et exceptional bravery and by Lie thie wi tras the | rd 1 11a nio IENan av strone a dans the only avenue fC af Pes are of of egress 4 3 H atinged on page Three) tin [3 s—— - ick yoreed ng nver de. morant aid "a Het § ras! al he ist front m off the rig s as follows ¢ ot of 0 EE Both de of overtur: Miss Ties wired of the g i ¢ De car in Bellefonte ; Bellefonte Bellefonte Bellefonte Bellefonte Theatres Post-mark seriously in. of a ten-minute tied to be shown at th Bellefonte, Avril the State Theatre An i was announced yeslerday The fim, produced by Paramount | Pictures in cooperation with the Na- | {tional Association of Manufactorem, | i 0 ory of wu ietler Irom Hottie freeeived by a young American avin tor “somewhere out there vi of LH drama. and the hor vehicles ran § tf he frst a feld Of road Hilo a Ne ’ no ¥ Ww most oun, escaped with ¢ Milford Ellsworth Fetzer t Bellefonte RD 3 Moshannon ' (Contizaed os pope Tuo) wlre CA ——— —— DEDICATION T0 I BE HELD TONIGHT Near-C apacity Cc rowds at Dedication Week Activ ities at New School Dedication week activities Bellefonte High School will tonight with formal dedication cere- Wilbur Bovd Quick Earl Wilkam Brown Bellefonte William Earl Blake Philipsburg { Richard Raymond Ammerman Philipsburg Jumes Daniel Hodges. Philipsburg | George H. Spangler. Blanchard! Blair Kenneth Davis Bellefonte Datrell M. Eichom.. Anacostia Samuel B. Mabus, Jr Bellefonte (Continsed on Page Four) War Stamp Booth At Murphy Store Sale of War “Stamps will be given uew impetus in Bellefonte and vicin- ity during April when the G. C Homes in charge of R G. Bike Murphy Company will set up a spec- chairman of hool building ial booth in the store the sale committee of War Stamps Activities in The booth. to be manned by local tien began Sunday night volunteers, will be open every Satur-! have held : every nigh oa day during April, and will be spon-| " Ey te ot cap) e sored by the women's division of the with néar-cabacily crowds al each Bellefonte . ARS . program. A religious service was held + af terion County War Savings Staff. Sundas a patriotic program Mon . 2144 21000 In the morning hours the booth aay:’ iy ohysical education Program mnduros $1.120 will be In charge of committees Trosdng d std i students’ ProgIain The business | UESGAaY., ¥ 3 a ol 4 LE: 8M working under the direction of Mrz. oo 0 0 4 "lof the late John Junious who died Elizabeth Marshall, president of the Music tonight will be furnistied bY last December 4. has been operated VFW Auxiliary, ‘and Mrs. Harrison the high school orchestra. snd] Pee his death by the First Nation- ial Bank and the other trustees 1G. Kline, chairman of the War Ac- " peakers will include Earl K. Stock, | tivities Committee of the American supervising principal of schools: Dr In pd under the will lid Legion. In the afternoon and eve. Clarence E. Ackley, deputy super. | ning. Girl Scouts under Miss Mary 0s of the Department of | fied Baum as supervisor will be in charge Publi Pity . + | vents vblic Instruction: Dr. HuBert C.}/ An additional aitraction Sa’urcay| p. ,... chief of the school buildings |Junious, spent winters in Flor- night will be the personal appear- |... "=. 1 H Frank Hare, second- | 1a, and during Hi times he was ance of Abraham Lincoln Hite, Penn | _ 0 0 ot cor lurable to look after the lunch room State College employe Who is using =o. oq 00 of the evening will be {himself, Mr. © ommnduros was in given by Dr. Pred P. Corson, presi- |%ole charge of the establishment dent of Dickingon College Carlisle, | After Mr. Junious’ death, Mr. Com- ang the formal dedication ceremony | {mndurcs was retained by the trus- as ‘will be conducted by Horace J. Hart. tees to manage the business ranft, president of the school Board ———p— West Penn Names The program will begin at 7450. | Pine Grove Man New Div, Manager| Rev. J. B. Musser Goes to Rockwood Rev. James B. Musser, pastor of the Second Evangelical and Reform- ed church at Scranton for the past two years, and for nine years before that pastor of the Hublersburg Wounded March 4 in action in the Evangelical church, has accepted a | Tunisian campaign is among recip. call to the Trinity Evangelical and ents of the Air Medal given by Col Reformed church at Rockwood and |John H. Hayden. will be installed as pastor there on! The Pine Grove Mills man, son of | Bunday, April 4. | Mr. and Mrs. Grover Corl, Is a crew The Rev. Mr. Musser is to be a member of a four-motored bomber : “Hoa 3 . MB WW tle vidnons the comedy losophy of me In back loving fas mely phi 31 Bmith | news reoila €, ICRINAar if his all home, as writ Postmark n termed by) ten by rr thsoraandsy © } dia th iis iad been have seen tie af the { ad ) { the fin War moran h it as LAR i ¢ conclude a ( Harry Conmmdurss Buys Texas Lunch fi . vie % for with | night and connection Yaar tiny 00 I Foo Plaza day Com- ’ for the estate new owner has been identi- with the iness for many When late vwner, Mr bis the am thie kam Lincoln to stimulate the sale of War Stamps throughout the county. The appointment of J. E. Fife as ‘manager of the Keystone Division, { West Penn Power Company, effective [April 1. was announced last night | by Vice President P. H. Powerg at a imeeting of the district managers and department heads of the divi- ion held in Ridgway. Mr. Fife, who will now be in full charge of the company’s activities in the Keystone Division, succeeds V. E. Rockefeller { who is transferred to the Pittsburgh | {office as assistant to the secretary. | Mr. Fife hag been with the come pany since June 1919, starting as an | Sgt. Hubert Corl, of Pine Grove| a bomber crew in North Africa, it] was announced headquarters of the Eighth Air} Force. Sgt. Corl, who was slightly! i pr Ass gh « {Cl of | & Postmark U. .S. A. "” at. With all Gets Army Honor {guest of honor at a farewell recep- He arrived in England last October. | DRIVER FOUND NEGLIGENT IN FATAL CRAS Many Witnesses Heard at Inquest in Milesburg Tragedy DAUGHTER SHOUTED BELATED WARNING Trainmen Testify They Believed Truck Was Go- ing to Stop AC t death anda HONEST 5 Jury investigating of Mrs. John McClusick son, James, aged 5. Moshannon, as the res crossing accident March 16, Tuesday night verdict that the two ha result of “negligence part of the driver’ The driver of the machin was struck by a troop train on Kohlbecker crossing was Mr: wick’s father, Charles 1-year-old Mosh he 217, both of Trace on rendered a d met death her ult of a ’ at Milesburg as the on the cH thie Mec- J coal truck- annon Cuenot, the Bppearing atl the inquest Court House with his right bound as the result of fracture, testified he train until his dauth- “Oh, Dad there's arm tightly shoulder jdidn’t see the ter shouted a taint” Cuenot, who since 1924 with has been driving a record of only one iminor mishap before the fatal crash, { ‘ the window and on top of looked out ol oe engine said he saw aimost them He truck * i punned the mist wd clearin one foot motor and the g the tracks by tou d A jong list witoesses Was hy Centre County Coroner ne s of called Charles (Continued on Proe Thres) PNEUMONIA FATAL 10 SERVICE MAN Grandson of Li Late Sheriff. Yarnell Dies in Naval Hospital attack of nneumonia suffered he was training with the U Newport. R. 1 proved atal to Harold Yarnell, 20, grandson u # at f C 0 f Mingoville. Yarnell died Thurs- March 25. 1943, in a Newport, Naval Hospital after an illness ss than a week Decrased, members Ca) 2 of le of the Nittany Country Club where as a Youth he served as a caddy during the summer months, was a son of the late Ward F. Yar- nell and Mrs. Ella Yarnell, the lat- ter of Chester Following graduation from high school. he scoepted a position at the Sun Shiphuilding Yards in Chester and was empioved there in Novem- ber 1942. when he enlisted in the Navy. His death apparently was quite sudden, for only five days be- fore he had Written to relatives in Mingoville and told them about some of his training experiences, He was then in good health Surviving are his mother, a former resident of Renovo, and a brother and three sisters: Lloyd, Clara, and Della. all at home, and Mrs. George Trossier, of Woodlyn, near Chester He was unmarried. Funeral services were held Tues- day afternoon at Chester, with in- terment in that city Is Ordained at Rev. Francis Paul Davis, assistant | | Mills, was decorated for service with | rector of 8. John's Episcopal church | & signals went into operation was ordained to the deaconate at a | this week by the service in St. Paul's church, Lock na! was {Haven at 11 a. m. last Thursday ‘morning. F. Graham Luckenbill of} the Lock Haven church was ordain- ed to the priesthood at the same service. RL. Rev. Hunter Wyatt-Brown, | DD. Litt. D., bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg, performed the ordi. | ation and Dr. Herbert Koepp- Baker | {tion to be held Priday night in the | nce nacre social rooms of the Scranton church. | In Scranton he “ook an active inter | {est in church, community and civic | {affairs. While he was in charge of {the Hublersburg charge he became electrician in the substation depart- ment. He is a graduate of Penn State | i College, class of 1018, with the de- | gree of electrical engineer. V. E. Rockefeller has been Division | Manager of the Keystone Division, oa OW u to | since January 16, 1033. He is a grade; vel kno ne metiper of the ror) jvate of the University of Kansas, | 1 giwanis Club {class of 1910. BELLEFONTE! Utopia fi hand for Bellefonte! A number of leading citizens of | Belietonte and surrounding towns | yesterday amazed the editors of this | newspaper by calling at this office fin a body and presenting reams of Bellefonte Men On pledges, whiohi, {f carried out, will {result in a vast change in the social, Tax Repeal Board | Hardman P. Harris, Burgess of business and civic activities of this Henry A. Brockerhoff and 8.) Bellefonte, yesterday issued a warn- little city. | Claude Herr of Bellefonte, have been | ing to dog owners, cautioning them| We haven't heen able to learn who | ‘made members of the Centre county not to allow their dogs to run at started the drive for pledges, but it’ committee for the repal of personal large, particularly during the gar- is certain that some group or organ- |property tax laws, William Lilley,| den season. | ization is exerting a vast influence | (Jr, schairman of the state-wide! Mr. Harris sald that garden dam- on the personal lives of many citi-| Mayor Warns 4 Against V Garden Damage | | | group, announced yesterday. The committee Is comprised of members from every county in the state and declares that, since the (existing tax was passed as a tem- porary revenue-raising measure and the emergency no longer exists, it [should be repealed. {age by persons or by dogs will not be condoned and that violations will result in prosecutions and fines. Dogs, the Burgess added, must be kept at home, or must be kept on a leash, Dogs running at large in the borough have no legal rights under the law gens. The editors of this newspaper wete | left so breathless by the avalanche. of pledges they heven't been able to 5 the situation calmly and from all angles to predict just what changes may result. 80 for the time being we'll list a few of the pledges i UTOPIA IS AT HAND FOR | - WELL, ALMOST jand allow readers to draw their own conclusions. Here's a pledge from Ben Crossley, (solemnly proclaiming that from now on he will refrain from telling stories. Dr. J. J. Kilpatrick's signature ap- pears on a pledpe that forever and a day he will refrain from any type lor form of fishing. Henry A. Brockerhoff pledges that | he will no longer mention taxes or | taxation. “Jimmy” Hughes promises that henceforth he will never mention tite Bellefonte Academy unless spec. ifically asked to do so. Council President Bill Sieg has signed on the dotted line to the ef- fect that from bere in hell never, never speak about politics, Magr. William E. Downes, one of (Continued on page Siz) G lenot, 1 late Sherif! George Yarnell, who was well known to Ceremony, Thursday Abandon Plansfor Local Blood Bank Assign High Cost of Producing Plasma In Small Plants as Reason; Equipment Now On Hand to be Returned to Factory The Centre Bloo Hospi accoraing roposed County abandoned nouncement in charge this week Reason for project tl ing the last ar of plans brought ithed product Wo than Pp made by ( 1 y rele air atl nroe ’ ML progres 4 “8 in i" the figure M the produc Hele The by the story “Short Dr. Leroy Rota SONS bank for the County Ho “A comm the chairmanship were of Bel following stat commitiex 0 Pp Lment resent ed Bloos or of the after D. Lock ib of Bellefont he tered or y I pu penelit rift a Pitan fttee was notices clube and sent Nefont Vice f Hugh Quigley Army c aptain Cant @uigie ¢ Tr Warden of Ww Episcop al and recently re- signed as treasurer of the Episcopal church and as secretary-ireasurer of thse Nit BL Club. He. n liemtber of 10 Bikes Club, the Am- jerican Legion, is a thirty-second de gree Mason, and a member of the Moose Lodge Cli ib, Senior ol Wg LARCH ‘Hagh MM Quigley. “well “known | Bellefonte insurance agent and son { of the late Judge Henry C. Quigley bas received his commission as a Ceptain in J. 8. Army been notifies rt April 8 to the di ' Service at Washingtor Capt. Quigies ervice in May captain in the liams College d of World War his education fantry and training schools missioned a was preparing auty ed gd and ha for duts of Selective 1942 ROT C He th second ¢ three chiidrer Hugh, Jr. will famils street BLACKOUT TEST COL L . ADAMS HELD N COUNTY TO SPEAK HERE Surprise Alert Finds Civ- Other Officials to Attend ilian Defense Workers Civilian Defense Rally Ready for Duty April 7 “This is Charles Freeman ing. Yellow at 10 p. m.; blue at 10:20 p.m; red at 10:35 p. m.: blue at 1 10:45 p. m.. and white at 10:50 p. m. (will be a speaker at a countywide Good Juck!” I Civilian Defense rally to be held Those brief instructions Fessived the Bellefonte High School auditor- by telephone about 9:30 p. last [tum here at 8 o'clock Wednesda: Friday evening at the Bellefonte night, April 7 control center provided the schedule! Col. Adams will explain in detail for Centre county's first surprise {why the effective operation of Civil. | blackout test since the new warning [lan Defense units is credited by mil- itary authorities for the total ab- sig- | Pence of enemy air attacks ypon this flashed throughout the |COUDLY $0 far during World War {county from the control center, het Plans for the meeting, to which a immense countywide setup of Civil- [Civilian Defense workers in {tan Defense organizations went nto | county are Invited, are being pre. action. For the next hour conditions | Pared by John Popson, chairman of which could be expected to be dupli- | Civilian Defense in the Bellefonte cated in actuality during an air Area raid were met and proper measures Other speakers will include of - were taken. ficers of the First Fighter Command In Bellefonte there were a num- | [70m the Philadelphia area. Motion {ber of “Incidents” such as bombings, |PICPUres of especial interest to Civ. fires and accidents, all of which flian Defense workers, aircraft spot- { were handled promptly from ‘he ters and others engaged in defense | control center 4 activities will be shown {Continued on Pape Siz) ee John A. Bryan Named State May Purchase = Commander of VFW John A. Bryan, of Milesburg, was Lands aot Rockview elected commander of Jackson. The Department of Property and Crissman-Saylor Post, Veterans of Supplies would be given permission Foreign Wars, at the annual organi. to purchase four tracts of land near ation meeting of the post held Fri- Rockview penitentiary under a bill day night. Bryan succeeds John N introduced in the Legislature by Sen. Mong, of Pleasant Gap, as head of iator A. H. Letzler (R- Clearfield) {the post. The measure called for a $6800 Other officers named were: Robert appropriation to buy these tracts: |T. Willard, senior vice commander, ithe Catherine Pravel property, the Willard M. Neff, Howard, junior vice |H. F. Smith property, the G. 8 commander; Harrison G. Kline, Smith property and the Martin Lu- quartermaster; W. W. Hampton, ad- ther Ishler property. All four parcels jutant; Harry C. Martin, chaplain; are in Benner township, Oentre L. R. Glenn, judge advocate, and El- county, adjacent to the penitentiary. mer E. Richner, surgeon. Senator Letzler said the es| George Sunday, Phillp Shoemaker were designed to “rectify property |and Niles E. Davis were named trus- lines and make possible use of the tees. The officers will be installed at Iands and buildings they contain by | | ceremonies to be held Friday eve the prison.” (ning: April 8, at the post home. io cave 107 he speak Col. Lymn G. Adams. State Chief Alr Raid Warden and former of the Pennsylvania Motor Poli hear Ww At 10 p. m. when the yellow {
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers