T————— he Centre Demorval EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY SAVING IN WAR BONDS VOLUME 62. NUMBER 12. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 19 43. SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR 5-Day School Dedication BIARD SENDS _ Program to Begi WOMANS CLs MEETING He BHS Student Senate And Orchestra in Charge of Program At a regular meeting of the Belle- fonte Waman's Club in the Presby- terlan chapel, Monday pight, club members were entertained by a pro- gram by the Bellefonte High School Orchestra and the High School Stu- dent Senate. Members of the Otudent Senate were introduced by Miss Grace Cor- man, adviser, while members of the orchestra were introduced by Mrs. Ernest Martin, who was the program chairman, In addition to numbers by the orchestra and addresses by officers and members of the Student Senate, Miss Carolyn Kachik, vocal soloist, sang two numbers, with Miss Mildred Hockman as pianist Student Senate officers and mem- bers who spoke included: Miss Mar- tha Bloomquist, president, “Fred Schools In Pennsylvania,” Prank Musser, “What the Student Senate 15; Guy Korman, treasurer, “The Behool’s Part in the War:” Carmen Hess, “Courtesy to Chaperones;” Jean Rogers, “After the War is Over:” and Flora Stenger, “What | the Student Senate Has Done.” In- troduction included Miss Nancy Wagner, vice president; Grace Scia- bica, secretary; and Gerald Walte, who gave a constitution report. Sen- ate members enacted portion of one of their meelings, every proced- | ure being actual. Members af the High School or- a a chestra, led by Mrs. Alberta Krader| during the absence of Bruce Garner now in the armed forces, were in- troduced as follows: Mildred Hock- man, James Newcomb, Helen Dunn, Peggy Wagner. Beverly Corman, Merton Webster, Pete Smith, Robert Dunn,” Martha Cross, Rosella Le- vine, Betty Rinne, Grace Brooks, Mar- jorle Wehr, Betty Lou Herman, Thomas Fromm, Charles Guyer, Phil Smith, Patty Lou Weaver, Ethel {Continsed on Page Pour) Port Matilda Man Fractures Hip in Fall Samuel Leitaell, 68, of Port Ma- tilda, formerly of Bellefonte, is re- ported to be recovering satisfactorily at the Philipsburg State Hospital from. a fractured hip and other in- | juries received Tuencay of last weck in an accident at the M-Peely Brick plant in. Port Matilda where He is employed. Mr. Leitzell. who is 69 years old, vis engaged in filling the oil cups of p dinkey engine. He lost his bal- ance and fell into a three-foot pit In the botiom of the Dit was a conveyor belt which operates auto- matically. Mr. Leitzel] knew the belt wis scheduled to start in ten min- utes and that in his position he was destined to be dragged into the ma- chinery operating the belt. Despite his injuries he managed to crawl fram the pit and approximately twenty minutes passed before fellow workmen discovered his plight. The following day he was taken to the Philipsburg State Hospital, where reports yesterday indicated that the fractured Lone was knitting satisfactorily. Mr. Leitzell is the father of Mrs. Harry Alters, of East Beaver street, Pollefonte, and of Pvt. James J. leitzell, of Milesburg now in the armed forces. T. R. Rush Named Head of Elks Lodge T. R. Rush of East High street, Bellefonte, wag elected exalted ruler of the Bellefonte Elks Lodge. No. 1004, at the Lodge's annual election Monday night. He succeeds Mal- celm L. Wetzler Others elected were: Edward R Miller, esteemed leading knight; R. R. Heverly, esteemed loyal knight; W. Fred Clevenstine, esteemed lec- tiring knight; John Bottorf, tiler; Dr. R. P. Noll, secretary; and W. H. Bouse, treasurer. M. 1. Wetzler was named trustee for two years and W. H. Kline trus- | tee for three years, Mr, Rush was chosen delegate to the Grand Lodge | and W. H. Kline was | Army-Navy Grants Sec- convention elected as &iternate delegate. Dele- gates to the state convention are C N. Alkey, William Brachbill, and O A. Kline. Officers will he installed at cere- | monies in the home, i 3 3 i | oe ‘Religious, Physical Education, Patriot- ic, Students’ Acti- vities to Culminate o Ceremony Thurs- aay. Complete plan dedicatory five-day held at for the exercises to oe the new Bellefonte High School from | inclusive, were | March 20 to Apri] 1 eenounced yesterday by school of- ficials, who have been working with various student and civic groups for the past several weeks in preparing for the dedication of the half-mil- {lion dollar structure The dedication ceremonie wrk the final chanter in a history of “blood, sweat, and tears” through which the school district has passed since February 13, 1030 when the former Bellefonte High School build. ing was destroyed by fire All five programs will be held In the new building, and at the conclu- ion of each program exept the Sunday program, the building will be open for public inspection The dedication week activities will begin Sunday night of this week with religious services in the torium, and will econciude next Thursday nigh Horace J Hartranft, pre chool board, formally ¥ audi when cent dedicates t Li the ol mame- moth and modern structure Sunday's services will be in charge of the Bellefonte Ministerium and musie will include numbers by resentatives of various local chu hoirs Monday night wil & patriotic program Brooks-Doll Post American Jellefonte, wit} John GQ. Lov Legion Band Chorus will program A physical ex ation cheduled for Tuesday night tivities to be held in the new pum. The evening's entertain- ment will be in charge of Miss Ar- inne Demmy, ©. E. Byers, and Frank Hench, physical education in structors. | Wednesday evening will be devot- | od to a students” program, with High iSchos! Principal O. F. Sollenberger {presiding. The Bellefonte High POT rep h to bw Legion ¥ aevoled sponsored past e presiding. ” Junior and appes: " h Tits thy ‘1 mu on | 1K program |i tha 2 By wil Will | commander n Sunday h ——————— UNDINES HOLD ANNUAL BANDUET ' Minstrel is Highlight of Program; Rev. Downes Scores ‘Complainers’ | wn — how presented | members, a buffet luncheon motion pictures, and other entertainment features of the g4th annual St | Patrick's Day banquet of the Undine Fire Company at the Undine bho East Bishop street, last Wednesday | Several hundred members {and guests of the company wey minstrel by wore " | tught were "nt In keeping with wartime condi. tions the banquet this year was not y formal one and the usual dinner was replaced by a buffet luncheon erved in the Undine club { The program, also informal held in the meeting rooms with Har- old D. Cowher master monies. Croup singing wn Jack H. Yeager The Rt. Rev, Willlam E. Downes, rector of 8t. John's Cathelle church in a brief address those per ns who complain about Lhe gov ernment, about the “sacrifices” the public is called upon to bear, and about rationing “They forget the many blessings we do have,” Msgr { Downes declared. “We have no starve children—we do not live in ad mothers, “weeth will | murdered by the enems to complain.” his rem: Downes. expressed his oom WA Of ore. led by n COG 3 fear our attacked and We Ng $ Tey ul arts our wive Fe mye No Chu 2 1) h | n closing r« w 0 the Undine oompany who now are (Continued on Page Four) COUNTY SHEEPMEN LECT OFFICERS YE. H. Dale Named Presi- { School Band, the Junior High School | | Chorus and the Senior High School Chorus will provide musk The complete program for the ded. {Continged On page 52) a Has Long Service | dent; Speakers Explain New Sheep Ills Cure The annual meeting of the Centre County Sheep and Wool Growers’ Association was held at the Penn Belle Hotel in Bellefonte last Friday evening, March 10. E. H. Dale, State College, president of the association was in charge of the regular busi- ness meeting Officers for. the elected ag follows: president, E H Dale, State College; vice president, P. C. MacKenzie, State College; sec. retary-trensures, W. C. Bmeltzer, of Bellefonte: directors, Malcolm Mus- ser, Bellefonte, George MoCormick, Potters Mills, George Wilson, Zion; and Wililam. P. Campbell, Centre Hall Dr. W. T.8. Thorp, Animal Path- (Continued on page Four) fposociation were ae Santa Claus’ Found i A quarter of a century of service with thé Bell Teléphone Company was marked Monday. March 22, by ale, Donald B. Leamer, 40 North Thomas | street. Bellefonte, line foreman in the Bellefonte territory of the tele- phione company Mr. Leamer first joined the come (pany as a lineman in Altoona and i was transferred to Bellefonte in 1930. His wife, the former Lena May Pet- iers, was a telephone operator for seven years at Curwensville. They have one son. Mr. Leamer is a member of Lodge 268, F. and A. M., at Bellefonte AN RECEIVES OTIONAL AWARD ond ‘E’ for High Peak of Production The Titan Metal Manufacturing | Injured Along Road | An 80-year-old resident of Bur lington, Towa, Who gave hiz name as Frank H. Weaver and who claims his long white beard is his means of livelihood, was admitted to the {Centre County Home here Tuesday inight after he was found lying along the road near Julian. The oldster, who some time ago was injured in a motor accident, was tenroute from lowa to his birthplace {in New York State when the old in- | juries made it impossible for him to walk any further. Residents of the {area notified Sheriff Bdward R. Mii- {ler of his. plight, and the Sheriff j brought him to the County Home, Officials at the Home, putting the iman through the usual “clean-up” i process given all new guests, pre- pared to do away with his great white beard. “You can't do that!” the man protested. “It's my chief means of making a living. Last Christmas 1 made over $200 being Banta Claus!” Frank still has his beard. ‘Husband of Former Lecal Girl Missing Lt. (). g) William G. Warnock, Jr. husband: of a former prominent | Bellefonte girl, yesterday was inclu- | {ded in ‘a’ U. 8B. Navy casualty lst. He is nr missing. Lt. Warnock is the husband of the EGORD GROUP INTO SERVICE: Saturday’s Contingent of | 114 Men Tops AH Pre- vious Ones QUOTA FOR APRIL INCREASED TO 76 USO Post at Y Scene of Activity as Men Leave for Duty ! | Se turday ND of Beli tingent will be World Loca fonte | Drailt rt iu and what Inrge contingent 11. to New Cumberland iy the armed Board ! 2, largest to Gate prot i y : nr ) Ihe group, 114 of om ranging from 18 to 31 yews embled at the USO heafiquarters at the YMCA Saturday morning, enjoyed warmth and sociability of lobby and gymnasium verted with relatives and friend: at at tables for a luncheon coughnuts and hot oofiee provided oy the UBO and served by the L jp Auxiliary of the ¥ Then as in time y were called into the gymnasium for roll call by Roy Schrefller, secretary Draft Board; received ine- tructions as 0 what was expected f them until they reached thel destination received Testaments dirtributed Earl M. Cartwright, retars urer of the local Gid- Camp; were given booklets on life prepared by Brooks-Doll American Legion, Bellefonte, od instructive Ittle fold- religion prepared by the Ministerium Then came a Brief religions service conducted Wy Heineman, secretary of the “Y, after which the men filed out the gymnasinm and received boxes con. teining luncheons to tide them over until they reached their destination When the group arrived at the sta. tion they found a large number of reintives fridnds and interested spectators on hand to withess their Qa early the t v WW Con - of ai | 4 ¥ § Wa neared of the In trends | ] : | oo Lrny Post id recely n ers on ve ¢ but impres 1 of vas almost noon before the 114 men | cimbed abroad to begin Service which might take them to virtusily any land under the sun The previous day a group of other Selectees had been gent be iocal draft board to New Cumbe land, making a total of 170 for the March quota. The smallest group ever sent the board numbered only 6 The Board No. 2 April quota iginally fixed at 72 men, has been increased to 76 was announced These men will go to Al- toona for final examination on April 10 and will be sent to New Cum. terland on April 17 Meanwhile the othe Dmft Board. No. 1. of Btate College sent itz March quota of 58 to New Cumberland, Monday and Tuesday of this week Thirty-one draftees from Centre County Board No. 1, Stale Colieg left Monday the New Cumber- land reception center. They are Ralph H. Davis Pine Grove Mills Marshall Harpster Pine Grove Milla Boyd A. Yarnell Bellefonte RD 2 (Contistied on Pape Twn) Ba 6H 22 L by | or- yesterday » county's I for Spring Mills Cadet Receives His Wings Lt. H. Kurtz Weiser and Mrs. D. D. Weiser Spring Mills, received his wings and was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant, Feb 18. at the Advanced Flying Bchool at Marianna, Fla. He enlisted in the Alr Porces as an Aviation Cadet in February 1042, and was called for duty In April of that year After pre-flight training at Maxwell Field, Ala., he took his primary training at Carlstrom Pield, Arcadia, Fla, and! his basic training at Bainbridge, Oa He then went to the Advanced School at Marianna, Fla, and took the final stage of training Lt. Weiser was made a member of the Perry Command at the Wayne County Airport, Detroit, Mich. Be- fore entering the service, he was employed by the Pennsylvania Rail- road at Altoona. Lt. Weiser, who | married to the former Evelyn Bierly | of Rebersburg, was graduated from {East Penns Valley High Bchool in 1935 son of Mr of i i i ¢ 8 ii m—— AP ——— - Schedule Inquest In Milesburg Crash Centre County Coroner Charles | departure. The train was latemnd it} ¥ New Ci t m Photo above Lacy Hall, of Wing BT.“ GIDEONS AID MEN IN SERVICE TO ACTIVE DUTY DURING FEBRUARY . Local Camp Consists of Only 6 Members, Needs Financial Help The Bellefonte Gideon ting member {f Ce» nx scoomplichment In addition to dreds of Bible end other public county in recent airing ithe past well over 1000 men entering nation For. the Test@msenie Ly men entering the service In fo feat that loral Gideon officials have been hard t ¥ of Nx YRS b¢ small in n (43) #4 rtrd Par Le acing ‘ Fy + £4 mstuiion Years, | # | year has Qistr % Testament armed i we camp ited N¢ - the It pressed Ww 3 4 ofl Dane re hy ircihifssg 1 i oor iet t i Wiity Bi CH ideon Bellefonte n wile Ee exhastod Brea PIVICEs, overs ceived from into oD the od Geox ardeg Cideon them Camp Mr. Carty ar to - Stolen Car Found East of Hublersburg Stolen early Seaturda morning from a parking space in front of the Scott Garage at Philipsburg, a Packard sedan ted at $1000 was discovered Sunday morning by Ed- ward J. Graves, proprietor of a ser vice station on Route 64, two miles east of Hublersburg was parked in Graves’ driveway and was returned to Philipsburg by members of the State Motor Police at Pleasant Gap sub-station Police said that when found the \ Y gasoline tank of the car was emp- | ty. An electric blanket and mining machinery valued at about $100, were not disturbed. The machine was not damaged Industries Add 418 Tons of Scrap + More than 418 tons of scrap was made available to the Centre County Balvage campaign by county indus- tries during February, it was an- nounced this weck by Richard J Kennard, State Colisge, tri-county chalrman of industrial salvage, The scrap, the exact amount of which was 835.550 pounds, was made evallable by 14 county industries The machine | Record Contingent From Droft Board No. 2 « iC TOCHRCALED 472 CONS TESTED os Paul S. Beaver Commis- Dairy Herd Improvement sioned Lieutenant, Jr. Makes Encour- (Grade in U. S. Navy aging Report Asso. Li. Beaver fas Iron Bucknell Unive in 1928 and re- ceived his Master of Education de ree from Penn Stats graduate v { al Western Penlten- tian Belicfonte Hugh Wilson Since his greduation from Buck-|Watriors Mark; J.B. Strunk. Mill jnell, he has been head of the Latin Hel, CF. Beck, Warriors Mark. "tepaitment 1 ihe Behidfonts Hen 6 hr Griech and Boss. Tyleraville: School. He also has teught eco. 240 Brook Farm, Mil Hall, Home nomics, vocational surveys and vo. stead Dalry, Mill Hall: J H. Perree Mackeyville Bhoemaker Brothers St ¥ » n 1840 ate College Mark t the needs « it of the work « “yi y NEW cour M. Pete Kn rede “ “Flip” . ———— Fisher’ Isher s ed in Bellefont« instruction n 194] Having always been much interest. srvin > Tp of ok. 44 ed In sports he was i § Bellefonte-Titan baseball tean ing its sucoessinl years Mrs. Beaver plans Bellefonte during her husband service pile up for Belle Fisher § OC Te tar ts The youth who disappeared last July while swimming in an aban- doned quarm ie north of fonte has been listed ¢ elinguent”™ by Local Draft Board No Belle. forte ' 0 remain in n the Lt. Beaver has rave of Absence position anted teact been BY from his Others a delinquents the boar Donald Williams, N Armor street, Bellefonte; Petro Ha- binisky, 28 South Spring street Bellefonte, and Herbert C. Brown Brinks Hotel, Philipsburg. The board solicits information copcern- ing the whereabouts of any of the four men Fisher last week was indicted In listed { are Lutheran Charge Names New Pastor Donald G. Raup, who will be grad- uated from Oettysburg Seminary in! May. will be the new pastor of the ' Boalsburg Lutheran charge, includ- la Pederal Grand Jury in Scran- ing Boalsburg, Pleasant Gap asnditon for violation ¢ Selective Shiloh churches Service Act. No one, apparently Mr. Raup was born in 1915 at Sun- (knows whether Fisher actually ary and spent his early life in Al- (drowned in the 32.fool pond, or {toona. He has served as student as- {whether he slipped away to begin [sistant pastor of the Christ Luth- life anew somewhere else jeran church ahd the Holy Comfort- | af Lutheraf church, both in Balti-, : more, Md., is married, and at pres- Capt. R. W. Grant Army Music Advisor i { the A ent liver in Oettysburg. He will serve as a supply atthe Boalsburg charge ntl June _—— . Twenty-nine outstanding Ameri- can musicians, including Capt. R W. Grant of State College A — Gap Firemen To Area Music Advisors to assist in the development of the comprehensive Belle- | a1 have’ been appointed jo serve as Corps! he - HONOR ROL Bt DEDICATED HERE APRIL 3 Judge Ivan Walker to Speak; Over 800 Names on Roll BOARDS ERECTED AT COURT HOUSE Honor Roll Fund Reaches S600 Goal; More May he Needed Ve egistration For Canteen Course reson - ech wl oy hide al Pleasant Gap and Milesburg are also eligible for Bellefonte Canteen course. Owing 10 the fact that only the : all those tle same pet ull ©: nutEtion 6 ATK are urged Mrs Cray signed at “a MUSEALE TOBE ELD HEE SUNDAY Two County Musicians to be Heard in Program of Organ-Piano Selections Troubles Multiply © 5 Cirecton State College late Dr. Willlam ’ i Bjalme ivan Bialme a piano st (Kalman de JuHase, ( {8he is a Junior where she at wy ie A silver offering the musical one The program follows Organ in A minor Organ and in C major ro-Andante-Ronde Organ Bonata Alleg rt -Ories Canzona Partita Chorale {Finale from 10th Concerto Handel-Guilma Organ and Piano Clair de Lune The Sunken Cathedral Hunting Song Mendelssohn The Old Relrain Kretsler-8asr gan Offertons for Flutes, Organ and Piano Plano Concerto inn A minor Allegro Moderato Organ Postlude Toccata in D minor Gabriel Bag Be i i Debus: Debiissy Noeis d'Aquin Grieg Bach one course will be given this spring. Hold Spring Banquet) | Shebkler, of Milesburg, yesterday] 1 ¢ total Was derived from indis. isald an inquest in last T wesdny's tries and does not include that nb. {fatal grade crossing accident at '#iNed from other sources. Milesburg is tentatively scheduled . {for Tuesday night, April 2, in the EIGHT SENIORS SIGN FOR Court House here, SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION In the crash Mrs. John McClusick, BR 127, and her son, James, aged 5. of | Eight State College High School | Moshannon, were killed. Mrs. Me- *eniors who have applied to take the Ccmpany, which received the Army- | former Emily Eliza McClain, daugh- Navy “E” award last vear for a high | ter of Mrs. James B. McClain, for- record of production of war Sup-|merly of Bellefonte but now of Phil- plies, has been granted a renewal adelphia. Mrs. Warnock and two- of the award, according to word re- | year old son are now residing at the ceived by W. P. Sieg, president of | Hamilton Court Hotel, 39th and the company. | Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Mr. Sleg was notified of the re-! Immediately after their lim at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, | newal of the honor in a message several years ago the Warnocks re- April 1, it was annouticed yesterday. | from Admiral C. C. Bloch, chairman | sided at Pt. Lauderdale, Pla, where |Clusick's father, Charles J. Guenot, county scholarship examination in All aircraft spotters; black box of the Navy Board for Production | Mr. Warnock was managing editor 57, also of Moshannon, driver of the May are Mitzi Jane Archor, Man ii watchers, wardens, auxiliary police | Awards. The renewal gives the com-iof the Pt. Lauderdale News. Later truck, suffered a fractured shoulder Louise Davey, Robert Kistler, Paul received in the specialised course Church and assistant to the pastor, and - firemen, volunteer workefs, pany the right to add a white star| they moved to Rochester, N. Y., and other injuries, He was dis Margolf, Jane Miller, Nancy Reuf RATION POINT TABLE given to Music Advisors at the Dr. George W. Nicely block leadérs and others are urged to its pennant. { where Mr. Warnock was engaged in charged from the Centre County Robert Edinger and Franey Wood- On page 2 of this section will be School for Specie] Service, Fort! Rev. Fisher is a graduate of to be present. | Admiral Bloch’s message follows: | the newspaper business until called Hospital here, Friday, and attended ring. found an official table of consumer George ©. Meade, Maryland, has Octiysburg Seminary in 1038. While p Spedfiins will include Army officers | Dear Mr, Sieg: into service about a year ago. ithe funeral of his daughter and, The winner of this test rom : becomes values for meat. fats, fish and cheose. | enabled them to acquire a clear pic. | in college, he served as student pas- Pirst Fighter Command. | I am glad to advise you that after] Lt. Warnock spent last Christmas grandson the following day. {eligible for a $400 scholdrship to any | The system will become effective on | ture of the musical activities of the or under Dr! Nicely at the Johns- Civilian Defers workers who have [careful consideration at its last|with his family, sailing shortly after | The Guenot coal truck was struck | Pennsylvania college. Last year's Monday, March 29. {Army and has given them an in. (town church during 1937-38. He completed their respective courses of imeeting, the Navy Board for Pro-|the holiday. He if believed to have by a troop train on the crossing at|witner was Mary Glenn of State - sight they otherwise would not have went directly to Pine Grove Mills instruction will be inducted. : (Continued on Pagé Pour) | been on in the Atlantic ares. J the Kohibecker Hotel | College. fluy Defense Ronds now! had. {From the seminary in August, 1938, The Pleasant Gap Fire Company Music plan now in operation in the will hold {ts annual spring banquet | Army. These men were commis- ul Camp Rayona, Seven Mountains, Sioned in the now disbanded Army Specialist Corps, but most of them on Baturday evening, April 3. it was a Wt hom, ot ; snnounced this week by the banguet ’ commissio n the Army s ui en Of the United States g w is 5 Commis The program will begin While the advisors have beet in | the Palle Stave Mite Lutheran The committee announces that an the field but a short time. all re- me pr Fn Tomy win entertainment and program wil] fol. Ports indicate that they are doing | leave Apel i a BOWE, where jow the dinner. excellent work and finding a genu- | 5° Wi become director of Christion ine need for it. Training which they tducation at the First Lutheran Rev. J. N. Fisher In New Position Rev. James N. Ficher, pastor of County Cc. D. Workers To Meet Here April 7 A: County wide m of Civil- fan Defense workers will be held in the Bellefonte High School auditor- i
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