dhe Cr nire emocraf SAVING IN )\, WAR BONDS EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY VOLUME 62. NUMBER BELLEFONTE, I w THURSDAY, FEBRU ARY 18, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Registration for NewsRation Books State College) lefonte, and Spring Mills Boards Anno. Schedule of Registra- tion Places and Hours; Task Begins Mon- day; Point Rationing Effective March family. Th vriting in the Centre nty variou tioning (tor the entire boards this complet plans for registering the « the count new poir in MOET comes M 1 n for 3 pace for Vv I membe family n No. 1, Bellefonte Spring Mills leased schedules she nd places where i be received for the var hips ang jurisdict cise in the tion Board Board No. 2 No. 3 towns other thei ion Registration f No. 2 is com Consumer Ix on page 1 of t Democrat member uggested from the registerin and coniusiol places of omnis FUGITIVE TAKEN 10 PITTSBURGH Was “Fed U Pp” \ With Rock- view, Brozeski Says; Com- plains of Medical Care FARM LOAN GROUP 10 MEET HERE ing to Stress Methods of Increasing Production Stanley mate who Ia escaped irom the who was captured near Centre Hall serve from 4 to 8 vea: ern Penitentiary at afternoon |, Hun 3 Ir annua meen 31 5 sentenced n FOUR igAplag w) in the West. | February 25, in Pifer's Music Hall on Es B reet, ‘Bellefonte Ward C Pittsburgh, last Bishop - : 3 Thursday morning when he appear- rape pres«fds ed yester. ed before Judge Ivan Walker to en- | ter a plea of guilty to escaping The same afternoon Broeeski wns token to Pittsburgh by Sheriff Fd- ward R. Miller On the wav to Pittsburgh th cner minimum term Ha Wis have expired in December this veal bilities of the a lation told deputies he left Rockview rt t expected t Callse } oCan fed Up of v- play in the war eflort will thing > I'll wall, stitute Aannouu While busy Krape them to ke our members are this is the p informed 3 sociation At and re Mr vid, best coOntern- ind whose ane 10er ion) better and ti ter medical The plained received prisoner about I point out the farm omen ve the goals asked wht OF yr War elit alleg he dispensary | tomach ailment + no mind! escape treatment of “they didn't | At he time Rockview, Bre 8 vears tor Vinango county Theatres To Aid In March of Dimes Drive NFLA men te mpted County Has Coldest Weather Of Year est temperatures for the year ’ this PIAS will co- Low through- in Centre vee ) 1 alt Marcel week, and al h of per- oct Bellefonte's two theatres operate with other theatres out the nation in the Dimes campaign, and at every formance at the Plaza and Stat theatres from February 18 to 24 in- | Wi clusive, Boy Scouts will pass through The the audience to receive voluntary contributions y as 18 below Part of the funds received at the Monday morning, and local theatres will be turned over to closed the schools because they were the County Infantile Paralysis unable to raise the temperature in while the remainder will be the rooms. Although it was 20 de- national headquarters ‘grees below zero at 8now Shoe Tues- The canvassing of audiences will day morning, the schools were well be preceded by a tral {ler in whic heated and classes resumed flim star Greer Garson will explai Other briefly how the funds used Monday and below at Centre ant Gap. 11 below State College The cold wav were recorded hough yesterday show- rmometer indi- it the cold ome rise in thu t mgt not were th ed « | Cations la ve had temperature in icebox”, Snow Centre coun- Shoe and vicin- zero at 8:30 o'clock authorities unit, sent Il h n temperatures recorded Tuesday included 16 Hall: 12 below at 10 below in Belle- at Howard: 7 below on ave a Centre Hall Youth Breaks Leg In Fall Harold McClellan, aged 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin MeClellan, of Contre Hall, R. D., suffered a frac- ture of the right leg, late Friday afternoon, when he slipped and fell on the ice near a neighbor's home The youth was brought to the Centre County Hospital where he is undergoing treatment Plea fonte : at began Friday morn- ing, and lowering temperatuies, ombined with high winds Sunday «i Monday made heating a real rchiem in most homes and business Plumbers busy with {frozen weter pipes and in several in- stances where fires were banked curing the weekend heating systems were damaged places were MILESBURG FIRE COMPANY VALUABLE ASSET TO TOWN The Milssburg Fire Company re-! burg and other towns along the Bald ceived $116 through the Bellefonte Eagle Creek periodically suffer from Community Welfare Pund during high water, and the fire company is the fiscal year ending May 1, 1042. always of invaluable aid in pumping This fire company bears the same water out of the cellars and in many vélation to the Milesburg community other Ways. as the Undine and Logan companies The Milesburg Fire Company is do to Bellefonte. the only agency outside of Belle fonte which is supported by the Wel- There is a working agreement be= .... pnd Many Milesburg residents tween, the fire companies in the are employed in Bellefonte and are county by which, in case of a bad. .ked to contribute to the fund, fire, the engines from the different 0p, they a5 most generously, towns will help out. During the year Hence it is only right and proper 1942 we had such major fires as the 4. vuoi fee aompany should bene- school house and the Friedman ‘ny oop, the fund building, and the Milesburg Fire : This fire company although small, Sonipany did more than Ite share In oom an Indispensable task wiping Keep this in mind when asked to The fire company does its part, too, give your yearly pledge to the Belle- in times he recurrent floods. Miles- fonte Community Welfare Fund. LLOV IN PLANE RASH AT SEA Nephew of E. R. Owens And Mrs. J. C. Gfrerer Missing in Accident MOTHER VISITING RELATIVES HERE Was Penn State Graduate —L.oses Life While on Special Mission of Colonel ic learned m Houston st when the Pacif ’ Speakers at Annual Meet- ith at Penn- On August irst leuter March siinued on Page Tour) and on oH iC LLHEIM BUYS WATER COMPANY PUC For S Approves Purchase 23.000: No Change in Water Rates ania Public approved Pure Dass Vater Company by the igh for $23,000 in cash No hay is contemplated Tie y has been operating in parts of Pen April 6, 1903 we borough proposes to finan » purchase by payment of $1,000 rom general funds and $22,000 from proceeds of a $22,000 bond issue. The borough will receive all income nc cruing from operation of the water- works bubsequent to April 1, 1942 The number of consumers served is 212 which 206 are in the bor- and seven in Penn township Service lines supplying consumers outside borough limits are individ- ually owned by property owners and are to be acquired by the bor- ough. These patrons, however, will purhcase water from the borough as they have from the SOmPARY - i Bellefonte Home Is Damaged by Fire viv Utility IAS no protest llheim and p since of ough not A porch glider in the basement of the Mrs. Robert Gehret home on Fast Bishop street was destroyed and the house was slightly damaged by fire and smoke about 8:45 o'clock Tuesday morning The blaze is believed to have re- sulted when heat from a blow torch & plumber was using to thaw frozen pipes set fire to paper insulation about the pipes. The rafters and ceiling of the cellar were somewhat damaged and the house was filled with smoke sponded to a general alarm and quickly had the blaze under control with booster lines — si MR — ——- To Report Tomorrow For Service in WAAC Miss Betty Rev. and Mrs burg, has enlisted in the WAAC: and | will report for duty at Ft. Ogle] thorpe, Ga., been employed in the agricultural economics office at Penn State Col- lege. Her brother, Melvin Jones, an in structor in radio division at Scott Field, Belleville, 111, has enlisted in the Navy and is waiting to be called Their father is pastdr of the Boals burg Relormeq church Now is a good time to RR that disarmament Jones, daughter Both fire companies re- | i Vonada of Bellefonte, of | T. G. Jones, of Boals- | | that his car skidded into the path i of the other machine, Peck’s loss wns | iabout $500 and damage to the other Fill Out He Form and Time on New Ration Save Book Porm Ay OFA Form No, -1801 UNITED STATES OF OFFICE OF | AMERICA | | PRICK ADMINISTRATION One copy of this Declaration must be filed with the Office of Price Administration by each person applying for War Ration Book fwo for the members of a by each person whe js not 8 member of a faraily Coupons will he deducted for excess supplies of the foods listed below according to the schedules announced by the Office of Price Administration ( weoved. Budget Bureau No, 08. R126.42 a.50 WEEK of C. Lists of FUND § HIRST family unit, and wait, File at the site designated, Names a War Ration Book Two for member of my submitted to the Board; That none of these person tion, ence in kind or eating command ; That no other application for persons has been made hat the all indicated Declaration ColNee following inventor foods owned fis Mt Declaration whose age Declaration whose on War Ration years or older age as Book One Canned Foods Include all commercially canned vegetables: canned | soups, chili sauce Do not include canned olives and « relish; noodles bles, owned 21 on February Declaration. . . ¥ ' Print Name The name of each number of his or her PNP NOTICE «~Bection 35 (A) of The United States ( criminal Code makes it a criminal of ence, punishable hy a matimum of 10 years’ imprisen ment, 310.908 Ene, or both, a false statement or represeniats as ie sny matter within the jerked 0 make the | nited States, CONSUMER DECLARATION Processed Foods and Coffee I HEREBY CERTIFY that I am authorized ta apply for and receive family unit, for whom I am acting whose hat the name of each person and number of his Ration Book One are accurately listed belo i confined or res or is a member of the In ~ ravine 1. Pounds of coffee owned on November 23, minus | pound for each person include d in thie ated on War Ration Book One is 11 years or older. 2. Number of persons included in this canned fruits ain jellies, jams, and preseries; or home-canned foods, 3. Number of cans, bottles, and jars (Bounce size or larger) of commercially packed fruits, juices and soups, chili sauce and catsup 1943, cach person included in (his Declaration. {. Number of persons included in this recon incladed in this Declaration and the ar Reotion Book Oae is: 1f additional space is needed, attach separate short tion of any department or agony of Contributors: Two Large Boards to he Erected GOAL OF CAMPAIGN IS SET AT S600 Names of Men and Wom- en to be Displayed on Individual Plaques each person listed below who is a or the other person or Bar Ration Dook One persons I have or her War ident in an institu. Armed Forees receiving subsist TEBE under olbarer » an Wear Ration Book Two for these trie and include included statements he all mre Ca LE in this 23% 1912 stated I i. (including spiced) ; rust and vegetable juices: canned T hire and sia lish spaghetti, favined saeal Jras macaron, vegeta for minus 5 Number i Wewk erican Lime i Claster & Bons ale is and Stone Co Eastern Stas (Continued on Pape Four sg HO ISS AIENS BRIDE. = OF 1.8. GRAIG, JR. == are » Com - ville * 15 A COPS their holding: Book N declaring obtain Wa: of foods will » schools The Office of clipped holders * ADOPT NEW PLAN IN SALVAGE DRIVE Two County-wide Cam- paigns Annually Will Re- place Present System Ration be based Pri the Centre ADDEATring fr " 4 ¥ rv irom Democry be fe We A new plan wherebs Paigns in the Centre counts niformity in alvage cam- various of wiil be conducted with time and other de- tails, has been approved by the County Salvage and Waste Com- mittee. The plan, which also includes 1 program for the entire year was presented by John H. Henszey, chairman of salvage in State Col- lege, at a meeting of county com- mittee members held Sunday at the State College Hotel The program, known as the Hens- sey Plan, wis released yesterday by R. J.-Kennard of State College, county chairman of Salvage and Waste. It calls for two general sal. vage drives, one in May and the other in October. Drives for farm serap will also be conducted during those months Campaigns to collect tin held four times ga vear. {Continued on pape Siz) sections will General —————— py —isinds $600 DAMAGE WHEN CARS Damage lotaling $600 when cars operated by Earl H. of Howard, R. D. 2, and Edna M R. D 2, col- lided in Hublersburg, Tuesday morn- ing. Barah Louise White of Belle fonte, R. D. 2, a passenger in the Vonada car, received lacerations of jcne knee, Friday. Misg Jones has | The cars were traveling in opposite | directions when they crashed. Peck told Motor Police from Pleasant Gap wag about $100. Slight Fire at Pine Grove Mills A chimney fire at the Liovd Ripka | iarmhouse above Pins Grove Mills! resulted in the Alpha Fire Company Car did riot keep usiof State College being called out Pleasant Gap that he was driving | were late in learning of the out of the present war, even though | about 8:30 o'clock Sunday evening. Ath rough Coleville when Registr Auministration | board, man; | R. Rowles and E be | CRASH AT nenerssurc Coleville Sisters Are resulted | Peck | | man, aged 8, and Naomi Holderman {collided with a (tied arm and {bruises about one leg. Well Known Couple Wed- ded in Colorful Ceremony at “Willowbrook” must Ail out wd goods, in ore C1 CONSUIMEers and cans 3 which thu will be held point ration next week in that this form t home by sugrest i filled hous tration RATIONING BOAR FOR PHILIPSBU Newly Appointed Board is Separate From Belle- fonte Office Philipsburg is now working un der a newly appointed rationing separate from the Bellefonte office, it was announced vesterday The following residents have been appointed members of the Philips- burg board: John C, Burger, chair John C. Fulton, L. Ed Hess, Norman Holt, W. Gray Meese, Roy | J. Thompson It was stated that Mr. Pulton was selected as a representative of in- surance men, Mr. Hess as a farm ing representative, Mr. Holt for min- ing, Mr. Meese to represent labor, Mr. Rowles to represent civic groups and Mr. Thompson as a representa- tive of the legal profession. Mrs, Lucy H. Merrell was desig- nate chief clerk to the board and Nellie C. Folmar was named clerk- typist It was stated that the Philips- burg board is now independent of (Continued on Pape Four) James Brown Mrs ong was decorat dragon. Iii by banks Harkin church. State College ficiating minister The bride, giv her father, had as her sole at Miss Emmy Lou Craig, { bridegroom. while James B. Crs Ar. was his son's best man. Tre tioral wedding music was on Page Four a A———— To Dedicate Honor ra Gre age tendant sister of the aves service men from the Valley View United Brethren church and the Valley View com- munity, will be dedicated at services to be held in the church at 9:15 cclock Sunday morning, February 21. with the pastor, Rev, O. A. Wom- er, in charge. The honor roll, bearing the follow. ing 17 names of men in the service, has been placed in the church Clyde L. Rhodies, Harold E. Cor- man. Max Lose, Charles Benn, Har- rison Walker, John Lose, Lewis Lose, Oscar E. Rhodes, Herbert G. Yar- veil, Edward Lose, Mack Eckley, Wayne Eckley, Cecil Shuey, Mahlon { King, Calvin Qarrety, Lynn Stere and Richard Waite. BR a ‘New Type Air-Raid An honor roll of a ——— > ————— Hurt While Coasting Two Coleville sisters, Janet Holder- aged 12. children of Mr. and Mrs Emory Holderman, were injured late Sunday alternoon when their sled car operated by {George Evock, of Coleville. The younger girl suffered a frac- lacerations of the | forehead, and the other girl received | system, yesterday morning, and of- ficials report the test was satisfac tory. The preliminary “blue” steady blast of whistles indicating a | possible air raid, came through at (10:50 a. m. Ten minutes later a red” signal, an intermittent blowing of whistles to indicate enemy planes overhead, was sounded. At 11.05 the “blue” signal again was sounded to indicate planes had passed over this The driver.of the machine took both girls to the Centre County Hos- pital, where Janct was admitted for treatment, Her older sister was ners mitted to return home when an ex- amination revealed no serious ine jurien Ares. Evock told State Motor Police at. Some Centre County communities “all- ‘this nation led the world in disarm- boster line wis used to extinguish coasted into the path of his car and | system is given over radio stations ing ‘ "the blaze. Little damage resulted. {he was unahle tp avoid the accident.’ in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh . Sclections by the Titan C Roll at Valley View Drill Successful Centre County had its first air-| raid alert under the new signalling i a | starred in this entertainment treat the girls clear” signal, which under the new | HONOR ROLL List 53 for Army ervice in March Will Report to Altoona March 12; 170 More to Go Following Day; 93 Selectees, 20 Vol- unteers to Leave Monday; Quota is Coun- ty’s Second Largest SIA JOBE J.B. HEBERLING © HELD WEDNESDAY DIES AT COLLEGE Local Musicians and Titan C ohiducted Funeral Home at Pine Grove Mills; Store in State College Chorus to Appear at Presbyterian Chapel taken ™ ¢ i IE $e 1 Pirs $e Serenuds Amon he coum: h Mr. Heber- 1 took over the § o¥ . uch conan ind in that section of Upon his father’s des and W. H 8m! hsiness wi Violin Solos: Spanish Chaminade - Kriesler Bornschien hotly Know p iretis . . LE Negre DT ~ part Jora ted Dances M Plan 3) 80 14 < i i Hunga Ken Mayes Named Extension Assistant coMmpanists Hockman Scranton Girl In Two Films Here Hew irect exter College Williamspor Muncy Wells! divide hit time betwee liamsport and State College Maves, son Frank Mayes, is 1 county as ¢ graduated llefont Milt Het offic “ player from { Joilege Plumber's Torch GLORIA JEAN Causes Fire Here and talented Gloria Jean sensational sixteen-vear old songs. tress from Scranton, will appear in two motion picture hits next week at the Plaza Theatre, Bellefonte On Monday and Tuesday, when the Plaza presents the flashing, star spangled filmusical “When Johnny Comes Marching Home.” Miss Jean does the solo work in several of the more-than-a~dozen song hits. Mon- day and Tuesday's program stars Allan Jones, also from Scranton, | with Jane Frazee, Donald O'Connor, Peggy Ryan and Phil Spitainy and his Hour of Charm Al-Girl orch- estra Gloria's musical and dramatical | talents are displayed again on the Plaza screen next Wednesday, when she appears in “Get Hep to Love” with Jane Frazee and Robert Paige Gloria's seventeen-vear old boy friend, Donald O'Connor is also Clever The Thomas by fire & blowtorch being used by to thaw out frosen pipes leading the bathroom. set fire 10 sawdust it sulation around the pipes The blage was confined to an out side wall facing on a back porch Both companies answered a general alarm and soon had the blaze unde control with booster lines. Some damage from fire resulted, althougl the Joss will be small, being confined to several lengths of siding, a wood- n receplacle containing sawdust, and some plaster damage scan WB —— a enes—. Foster Appointed Rockview Physician Rockview penitentiary officials this week reported that Dr. J. V. Foster of State College, about a month ago was named official physician at Rockview penitentiary, succeeding Dr. J. E. Dotterer, of State College. who was called to the service. The appointment was made by Dr. J W Ciaudy, superintendent of Rockview Dt. Foster had been treating eve ailments 87 Rockview for some year: prior to his appointment as general physician at the prison, officials satd OTT Nort lightly d AMAR { AY MOrming wi a lamb 3 Howar street late vestery Q Casper h + WAS II OSs. McFarland Named To Parole Office WwW. J McFarland, of Pittsburgh, former deputy warden at Rockview penitentiary in Bellefonte, has been named as an agent of the Parole Supervision office of the Justice De- partment at Pittsburgh, according to reports received bv officials here MoFarland resigned as deputy varden at Rockview in 1934
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