LIE EE LEE AE he Centre Democrat EVERYBOD EVERY PAYDA AVING IN AR BONDS VOLUME 62. NUMBER 8. BELLEFONTE, PA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1943. SUBSCRIPTION — $1.50 PER YEAR Addition Planned [sown [List Activities of Borough in 1942 For Mui Company Takes Long More Rooms ing. modeling Plans. been con ted furphy Compan -to-a-dollar " 1 "wor building, Negotiation wh the G owners of the Brock sro in the company adjoining storerooms [i gheny street which occupied by the snd by t T 5 AP PRISD IN PH POINES Pfc. Earl J. Ww alizer, 20, Officially Reported in Hands of Japanese Reynold Witmer Friday nigh Chapter of th The messag ment read Witmer Christinas Walizer. A nu have been received since then all of them were writlén before the fall of Corregidor. Eighieen et- Wrs, a Christmas BOX, and money sent by the young man's mother ave been retufted to Bellefonte Pvt. Walizer first 5 nidssing May 2 Leen on the Island 1941, and when Ia tationed at Pyt. Wa at the & f at the age of pat reported He had } pemner on 6. since Sept t ard Fort Mills lizer ted in After training for eral mont} New Jersey camp he was Philippin Fort Mil He att schools and was freshman class in ne became a mer t in Clearfield county 7500 Register For Ration Book No. 2 Last night when registration for War Ration Book No. 2 closed at the Spring street school, a total of approximately 7500 persons from Bellefonte and vicinity had been registered, according to O. F. Sollen- berger, Assistant Site Administra- tor in charge of the work Fifty-two teachers the fonte school system served reg- istrars, and Mr. Sollenberger report- ed that the public, generally, exhi- bited a clear understanding of the requirements for registering and of the procedure to be followed The three-day registration was conducted with little confusion and with considerably more speed than was the case in previous registra- tions. Growing familiarity with ra- tioning rules is assigned as the rea. son for the speed-up ——— > vo" 194] undsre ning UnGergoing 3 enlis 18 Wy Ma) member school y CCC in Jelle as Potters Mills Man Trampled by Horse John Treaster, 21, Ernest J. Treaster. of near Potters Mills, was admitted to the Centre County Hospital last Wednesday for treatment of injuries received when he was trampled by a horse | Treaster was attempting to mount | one of a team of horses after they | had run away, One of his feet caught in the harness and when he son of Mrs fell to the ground he was trampled | by the frightened animal. He suf- | fered injuries about the abdomen and underwent an operation Wed- | nesday night. His condition is de- scribed as Being satisafctory Miss Alene Crust Enlists In WAAC Miss Arlene Crust, 610 Pine Williamsport, was accepted last Wednesday at Harrisburg for the! Women's Auxiliary Army Corps, and | has been ordered to report to Day-| tona Beach, Florida, on Thursday of | this week. Miss Crust is a daughter of J. Earl} Crust of Bellefonte, R. D. 1, and was! graduated from the Bellefonte Hi: gh | School in the class of 1835. She also | is a graduate of the Btate Beauty! School In Williamsport, and has | been employed at thé East End| Beauty Parlor at Willlamsport : street, War Restrictions { and of { on { terrace at his home hy Store ome lease on Two in Brockerhoff Hotel Build- Will Delay Re- the Mu Allegheny street Because wartime riction perations, it Is expec em } Lot the two nen will be t l dy sizeabl¢ uth of rphy Store annex, facing on of rest deling « room alrea tem CTZENS SERVE CORPS ORGANIZED Rev. H. C. Stenger, Jr. Is Chairman of New Civil- ian Defense Group aR, (Aas Lid 4 fonte under the le Rev, H. C. Stenge: weal chalrman Fourteen women, chosen as lead- ers of certain sections of Bellefont ahd approximately 60 oth tute the complete acer , J FAD Win 5 ers wistie organ From time months making s needed . fut i be town re I'e COUNCIL DROPS ASSESSMENT PW Proposal For Outside!’ Study of Assessments is Tabled A comprehensive report tivities and financial the borough and water department the Bellefonte Borough Au- thority which operates the sewage disposal plant, was read by Borovgh Manager Philip Savior at a meeting oi Bellefonte Borough Council, Mon- day night Councilmen, express being well pleased port covering the year the ac- on condition of ing with 1942 {Continued on page Four) ——— Leg Fractured When Sled Runs Into Car Donald Breon, aged 8, son of Mr and Mrs. Clair Breon, of Valley View, suffered a fractured leg last Wednesday afternoon when his sled which he had coasted down a ran into the path of a car driven by L. J. Thom- the re- gave it ! as, of Pleasant Gap. the car and the The driver of boy's father took him to the Cen- tre County Bospiial for treatment ci A ait Kicked by Cow, Man Suffers Broken Leg Christ Shook, of near Spring Mills, was admitted to the Centre County Hospital for treatment of a broken | leg suffered last Thursday morning when he was Kicked by a cow Shook was milking when the ani- mal kicked him, causing compound | fracture between the ankle and | knee of his right leg themselves | ! from monoxide gas of rents in pat 1929 the Belle - graduated from High School in (Contingrd on Page Four) PT. A. OBSERVES FOUNDER'S iy Quiz Program and Playlet Feature February Meet- ing of Group He fonte was Das P ¢ DPeliel Ie eaa |i Rev. Mrs Hay rt Smith following over Lo chairman, Mr: and Mrs. Robe charge of the tainment Mr. Ilings: Bellefonte High School {Continued on Page Three) hen ba Miller Mattern ti rr irneg who fx a + tune nad 0 enier- vorth. a teacher in th CONG Brother Centre County Woman Asphyxiated Andrews, of Mrs Melvin 1 port, a brother p of Pine Gien, of Williams- Ira Plubell died of asphyxiation early Saturday morning while sleeping In the cab of hig truck parked outside a diner about one quarter mile north of Mil- ton, where he had stopped to repair a broken axle Surviving are his wife of two years, Bernadine Dapp Andrews, daughter Ann, at home; mother Mrs. Anna Nicholson, of Morrisdale, and two sisters, Mrs. Plubell of Pine Glen, and Mrs. Lucian Campbell of Read- ing . iii a wir Bacon Catches Fire; Man Painfully Burned Fred Lucas, of Bush Addition, an employe of the American Lime and i Stone Company, was painfully burn- ied about one arm Tuesday morning in an accident at his home { Bacon frying on the stove in the kitchen of the home caught fire and i Mr. Luoas picked up the blazing frying pan to carry it outdoors. In an attempt to throw out the con- tents, a quantity of the boiling grease struck him on the arm | As a result of the severe burns he | received he has been unable to work since the mishap | the class of | Borough Manager Philip Saylor cil Complete Survey Suggests Projects The EFver above Bellefor OMAN GLUB IN MEETING HERE 3 New Members Accepted; Mexican Student Speaks on Country's Customs Beil Section chairman Ward accepted Gerson posiii and Mrs survey of verious members Christian Harman (Continged on Page Four) n as cancer chairman Paul Carner conducted the war work in which are engaged. Mrs brief a gave fa Correction In a Centr story appearing in The Derocrat week r rd« ing contributions the Pleasant Gap infantile paralysis fund cam- paign, it was incorrectly reported that Mrs. Ray Noll was local chair man of the fund. The chairman is Mrs. R. W. Noll and it was largely through her efforts that the come munity turned in such a fine cone tribution to the fund last og to ceeded the (Gives Coun- of Town Government For Coming Yea it Ww title of Ihe " FATHER AND SON BANQUET TONIGHT More Than 200 Reserva- tions For 15th Annual Dinner banquet YMCA ndications y be he » YMCA gyma WM ton vear fe because of in the Ices feservations vier 200 mark vice armed sterday ex- Entertainment ald instrumental short reels of motion pictures en- titled “The Relocation of the Jap- AICHE and The White Clifis of Dover.” Cecil A. Walker will lead the group singing and Mis. Earl K Steck will serve as pianist. Arm strong L. Francis will be toastmas- tel The ham dinner and served by the Women's Auxil- inary of the “Y.” of which Mrs. E. O Struble is president and Mrs. LL. C Heineman, chairman. The program will begin promptly at 6 o'clock and all those who have made reserva- ticns In advance urged to be présent on time vocal two will consist of selections and will be prepared are TO CANVASS COUNTY FOR The Centre County Hospital again makes its annual request to the people of Centre founty for contri- butions to aid in maintaining and | improving the institution during! the coming vear The Community Funds of both Bellefonte and State College do not | include the entire county, so the] request for aid at this time applies | to those who did not have an op- | portunity to contribute through the | above sources The increasing demands for the services of the hospital and staf] i make it necessary to sak for whole- | : | hearted and generous support of Ray D. Shoemaker State College. | the entire county, so that these ese ential services may be continued and improved The county is divided into seven listricts from each of which there Hollow and requested the family to iwithhold most of the information in ithe telegram is elected one or more trustees. The i trustee from districts not vet éan- vassed will arrange for an author. ized person to request and receive is hoped, A canvass of each person in the {county i fonte and State contributions which, i will be generous. it residing outside of College ig Belle- being | planned. please send your contribution to. { Fort CONTRIBUTIONS TO HOSPI TAL {late last week by the United States ithet he was on convoy duty N VINALGASES Jury Trials, Pleas of Guilty, Complete February Session STATE COLLEGE MAN SENT TO PRISON Two Two Be- Prose- Tiff Jury Divides Costs tween Defendant, cutor in Settling TIN CAN SALVAGE DRIVE PLANNED RT CLEARS Will Examine 172 KETOF FOUR Draftees March 13 County's Largest Single Contingent Drawn y Draft Board No. 2, of Bellefonte. ass Physicals at Altoona, Monday oF hrs ( - YOUTH WOUNDED BY COMPANION Friends Carry Youth Two Miles Down Mountain Trail Pleasant Gap Man Injured in Accident oe Countywide Collection to w Be Made March 3 to 6, C hairman Reports ire County's salvage car npaign and end M WAT yvesterdc il Can March 3 annom aly Bellefonte n the waste aAge- h arive The those new plan throughout by npaign all hed for part of the CAM; on dates led davs all counts commit to conduct the the county AIRS sot {oe chairmen in the various dis- tricts complete plans the collection of cans sometime during the period set for the drive. Details will be announced next week Persons are urged to continue to save cans and have them ready for collection on the day or days set by salvage chairmen in their district The cans will be taken to Bellefonte where they will be weighed and placed In storage at the Gamble Mill. When the required amount is collected the cans will be shipped to the Pittsburgh area Although Bellefonte conducted a drive for tin cans the beginning of this month the committee also will collect cans next week, Mr. Kusse announced. The date for collection in Bellefonte is March 3 sn Aa ain dass Former College Man Missing at Sea Officer Raymond C. Kelly, State College and McAlevy's is “missing at sea,” his mother, Bertha Johnson, was informed | Local will for Petty 2%, of Mrs Navy. No details were message received from the Navy de partment although it is believed The Navy stated that more details would Ray Kelly was employed at the (Continued on Pape Two) POG LICENSES RECEIVED A new supply of 1043 dog licenses hes been received by secured there during regular busi- ness hours, + given in the brief | } Without All 1 have suffered bones in one Continued on pape - pi Malicious Information James Heath of Eagle Je Monday for an arms tion camp. informed hat the publ “ee iA Mais od last week of his marriag June Ertley of Howard, urtrue. Heath declared not married and has no entering matrimony. We to add that the party who the Jetter SRROUREINg the i= flirting th a punishable Wy law Injured County rk. POTATO GROWERS [MEET MARCH 4 Farmers To Be Asked To Increase Po- tato Production 307; “HONOR ROL TOTALS $349.25 Additional Listed: Goal of S600 FIN Contributors Fund Nearing 14 incl ly enamels ned on uld present ; was on Pape Five) list pu Continued ABSENCE OF AIR RAIDS IS CREDITED TO DEFENSE SETUP Almost any day cal residents say you can hear ic. “1 don't see any sense in ing the “Black Box” and the aircraft spotting services here any longer Lodk! We've been at war more than a year and none of our enemies nas {even attempted an air raid!” The argument does sound convine- | ing. Sometimes those on duty at the “Plack Box” and at aircraft spotting posts get a feeling that their time and effort is wasied--that there's no sense in continuing the lonely vigils But that's just where all these doubters are wrong, according to 14 Bertram Canaday, of Philadelphia, a member of the First Fighter Com- mand, who interviewed local civilian defense officials here last week Li. Canaday stated frankiy and candidly that the Army is convinced that the reason why the east has not continu. the County had any air raids is because the Axis If you should be missed, | Treasurer's office and they may be countries know how well prepared’ (we are for such emergencies the “Black Box" and without aireraft spotting ocnemy would have tat his boambers objectives—that th not be prepared fog that the raid would have chance of success, It Canatiay saic With those vital services in opera. tion an airplane cap scarcely move an inch throughout the east without beng under constant observation Through “Black Box” the entire east could be waned within a re- merkably short time of the approach of enemy planes. Meanwhile, as soon* as an enemy plane was sighted, in- ereeptor squadrons would take off from various fields to attack the in- vaders, the officials pointed out The spokesman expressed consid erable surprise over the difficulty be- ing experienced in Bellefonte in ob- taining volunteers for the “Black Box" and the aircraft spotting sta- tens. Elvewhiore in the east, he said there is no trouble whatever in se- (Continued on pope Three) posts, $1 Some assurance oouid reach e pOPUIsce Ww attack ard some the 4
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