LEB EEE EE INWAR BONDS Rokk hh @he Cenfre Democraf EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY SAVING IN WAR BONDS VOLUME 61. NUMBER 52. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1942, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Woman Dies After | |MECOMPANY Being Hit by Car Mother of Memb. Gf ting Class is Vict, Injured in Acciden: member of the at Penn State Col-| injured, and the and aunt were les seriously hurt last Thursday night when they were struck by a car wile valking down over the cam- nm commencement The mother of graduating class lege was fatally student's father attending » College M:s. Annie Moyer, URED BY EXPLODING STOVE Frozen Pipes Believed Cause of Blast in Craig Grassmier Home Craig Grassmlier, aged 73, of West Bishop street, Bellefonte, suffered painful burns about the head face and bruises about the che abdomen shortly day, when the Kitchen range in hi home exploded and he was showe! with t } metal Attendants at Hospital treatment is satisfactory Mr. and Mrs. Grassmier returned home from a severa visit with relatives in Pittsburgh and Mr. Grassmier had started a fire the range when the blast took place Later investigation revealed while the family had been water In heating coils range and in pipes leading it frozen and when the fire was b sufficient steam generated to bu the pipes. The man's wife, and his two daughters, Mrs. Robert Hassinger and Miss Amelia Grass- mier. who were present at the time were not injured. A general fire alarm was turned in when hot ashes from the stove start- ed a number of small fires in the kitchen. Both companies responded and soon had the blaze uhder con- trol Damage was siight The injured man was taken mediately to the hospital where hi injuries are not believed to be of a serious nature. The range was tered into bits by the blast ——— ee ———— OUTDOOR LGATS ARE PERWITIE Defense Council Lists Rules Governing Christ- mas Lighting and { AIK jer Su al noon steam from th where report te £4 4 in § : injured shat Centre County Civilian officials during the weekend an- nounced that outdoor Christmas de- corative lighting would be permitted this year as usual, providing such lights can be extinguished at any time immediately upon notice. Earl- jer, it had been announced that out- door lighting would not be permit- ted because of blackout regulations Officials said there are no rest tions upon the size, number, or rangement of outdoor lights, but it] is advised that all such lights be connected to one switch so that they may be turned off quickly. Residents | are warned not to leave their homes | even a short time with Christmas | lights burning since blackout signals | may come at any time, i For the information of county res- | idents the Council has listed these | (Continued om Page Seven) ! rie as ‘l L ————————— Ferguson Pupils Sell $650 in Stamps } Ferguson township school children contributed more than $650 in U. 8 war stamps and bonds during a drive ! \ 63 ty " { Defense iNg Father and Aunt are ollege Campus mvertown, died at the Cen- Hospital here at 1:10 o'- day morning, death being caused by a fractured skull Her husband, Prank Mover discharged from the hospital day morning after undergolr ment arm I'he student's aun over. of Mifflint t he clock . e 61, wa Sun- WN treat. left knee f ¥ 3 th 10 an injury Lhe and chest of head and der and remains under treatment g the hos Her condition WE TI10U Centre Counts Coro Sheckler, of Milesbur an sometime wile when ingue probably the day to colle I'he ca a Re Tuffy” Krumrine Members of the College Campus Patrol who investigs { the accident ’ sald the axl the Ha COMMUNTY FUND 0S GIRL SCOUTS Money Received From Welfare Drive Main- tains Active Group » camj \ i and play in a 8 About twenty years troop of Girl Scouts was formed The original Goop of eight girls now has grown to number 151 and ago the first several troops of “Brownies” of Jun- ior Girl Scouts Many people necessity for the Girl money claiming y K have fee] that there Scouts to the children for every- is no res ceive th i “ry anda camp, ‘onting ed on page 84) Wo Set Aside Two Coasting Streets Two of Bellefonte’s choi hill been officially designate s being set » preser aside it winter are as folle Or Spring llegheny north Police these protection will be provided on streets when coasting is in progr nd motorists notified to keep the restricted in mind i ming sea during ti — are Arent B.H.S. Band Master Penn State Gradua-| SUFFERS LOSS FROM FRE American Lime Garage; Trucks Saved OFFICIAL PRAISES WORK OF FIREMEN Other Buildings Threaten- ed; Loss Estimated 85,000 to $10,000 mage estimated at somewhere n $6000 and $10,000 resulted irsday night when 1 the garage at the / | Stone Company jellefonte blaze, believed y defect covered 8:30 p heavy sn form, and wa ounded the entire west of town was glowing red. Hun 0 u oene about 38 alarm kK) to the a ireds of spectators heavy mas street but fire caused ' 4] WCated in the oe mit brick building of the plant Lure tht ys three. eastern end and kK fire wall effectively House some the built Vears flames that direction from but flames bre blocked spreading be rick Warner } ent of the plant, reported this ¢ of damage wis ich would cripple pro- the plant. He declared work of the Undine i Logan flremen was particularly ef- fective In checking the spread of the flames &nd in preventing their spread to other bulldings in the area Upon discovery of the fire all com- pany trucks and cars were removed from the garage. Several old ruck tires, office supplies. awnings and screens for the main office building and wooden barrels stored loft over the garage were destroyed 8 tires were saved Firemen water from (Continsed on Page Four) general 1s Egencia pe ih iE that t hae me used three iain i. Wl ———————— ASSESSOR SYSTEN MAY BE CHANGED Council Turns Down Pro- posal That Boro Feed the Ducks Bellefonte's tax assessment lem could be solved by a legal pro- cedure doing away with an asses- sor for each of the three wards and setting up a one<-MAN AKKEAOr Sys- tem, it was revealed in a letter from Borough Sdlicitor M. Ward Flem- ing at a regular meeting of Council, Monday night Under the plan, the first step would be to have petitions signad by at least 25 qualified persons from each ward presented to the Or- phans' Court, requesting the change The court then would appoint a non-partisan committee to study the matter and make a report. If the committee report was favorable to the change. the court could approve it and make it final. Under this procedure a single assessor would be named for the entire borough. The change also would result in aban- donment of the three-ward divisions as they exist at present, and seven i Councilmen-at-large would be elect ed instead of Counesl members from the individual wards, it was reveal- ed prob - No action was taken on the mat. ter, Herbert Auman, Jr., on behalf of le It's been a year of changes tement-filled, joyous spirit of and peace on Christmas Day excl JON of as il The doctrine on In America always will Christmas is alway them. Despite war to be made a Merry Christine The family gathers erently in silent prayer cent of holly and pine tself all these the make re ma Cl And don't fall to visit Especially y mucl attendi more divine find the by ervice true and friends y« of you have Ww neighbors than any Again Joyous Christma and your most for Victory May profound Or a fortune we look “ Sincere Wishes for a Very Merry {vid lmas | TO ONE AND ALL Blaze Sweeps Through Peace on earth, good will tov a time of memory and strife and nbsen about the feulive and thanks, the church i ow, when Christmas and all re-pledge your faith in the There In simple Yuletide spirit we extend to all our patrons and [rie your home - the or but nothing can destroy Christma A fervent desire still dominate live f ou rd mei tables ¢ Children -telling of wrisima aughter Lorie 1 and of vou Chri for ulin of it stands brotherhood of mai words and cheering the Kindly greeting more Merr many ye Lmao inean In wi will find enjoved in sincere nr nds every with every good ' New Year good wish be bles realized, in the eel hope THE PUBLISHERS MURPHY CLERKS BUY AMBULANCE Local Girls Among 10,000 Who Contributed to Fund to Aid War Effort Because 10.000 1 207 GCG. C. Murphy and ten cent Is in Company “five Lo 12 eastern District Columbia w their determination win war, the Red Cross will re- expensive Christmag pres. in the form of eleven mobile field units for use of the Red Cross in ten cities where they are needed most In four weeks’ time the girls act- ing entirely on thelr own initigtive, raised $21,000 in voluntary contstbu- tions. The Bellefonte store employes participated wholeheartedly under the leadership Miss Florence Fromm. ¥ W. Clarenc daughter of V Fromm, of North street, a slates and th Sante ts ah wanted 10 sho no of to do their bit to American ceive the tOoay an ent of i € T | wis born in November al 8 mee ng of a Murphy company tee in McKeesport, One | committee member suggested that a fund be collected to buy an ambu- lance for the Red Cross. The girls went to work, and pledges plied up so fast that the committee found it had enough nickies, dimes, quarter and dollars for not one, but eleven mobile units As a result liver to the Red Crom vehicles: 2 disaster 3 ambu- ances, 3 canteen units, service truck, a station wagon and a blood donor unit we idea irla* ro1 gilis COE x will de- following 1s we ri sons MP ——— County Growers Can Boost Income keting Centre county's 1.997 farm oper- ators can increase their cash income | h as as muge £50000 a year on {riits, nuts and vegetables alone by work- ing with retailers in developing group marketing programs, it was estimated this week by a leading dis- tributor of Pennsylvania &rops. “With approximately 210 farmers in this county and more than 17,000 farmers throughout Pennsylvania using farm marketing cooperatives {Continued on Pape Fight) A ms s— Rev. G. A. F. Griesing To Leave Aaronsburg Last Friday evening at the Re- ay . DRIVER BLAMED IN FATAL CRAS Coroner's Jury Finds Jas. Heath Negligent in Driv- ing Without Lights A Centre conducting of Cou an i AcCigent wher 25. | 14 of Howard Monday nig! med a verdict which James Heath of the ard vicinity, driver which she wa with negligence The jury's decision was based .on iestimony by Heath and other wit- nesses that he was driving without when his car and a machine En By Richara Alison, 16 of ‘Howard, RD. collided at the inter. section of the Hublersburg-Howard and the Jacks ville road the § ¥ road Members R. Hughes H. Macker Pinge Belicfonte Witnesses called by the and cross-examined by District At- torney Musser W. Oeitilg, included Heath and is companions on the night the accident, William Ert- 14, and his sister, June Ertley Richard Allison, driver of car, and gompanion Bechtol, 19 I withesset from the Howard-Jacksonviile third person in Allison's car Fulton, 14. of Howard, has recovered from his in- Juries and was unable to be pres. ent. Pvt. W. C. Moran, of the Pleas ant Gap sub-station State Motor Police, also testified. According testimony (Continued on pape Four) of James I William James all of YY Were yer Healy Kuss nt iarry ) Fred B ¥ . Me Bix coroner of 1" ¥ wry ii ais tha oth 4 we other his Louise were area William ” not fully Al- to the Christmas Sing Here Plans have been completed for the Bellefonte community Christmas sing sponsored by the local Cham- { ber of Commerce, which will be held at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday night around a burning Yule log on the Diamond The choirs of all churches in | Bellefonte and vicinity, Boy Boouts, Girl Scouts, the High School Glee Club and other music groups in this area have been invited to partici. pate a ht Hipple New Cashier of Petersburg Bank | Clifton Hipple, of Pleasant Gap, | for the past seven and a half vears ASH BON ALL EMPL Amount Based on 5 Cent of Earnings Dur- ing Past 11 Months PAYMENTS RANGE FROM $219 TO 2 9 ie [ITANGRANTS Bellet Al [0 Big Naval Battle tS Per Employes Now in Armed Forces to Receive Check for S100 employes the amount iny approximately $100 000, as « with $18,000 in 1839: $38,000 in $64,000 in 1841. The 5 per n represents nearly adaditi ved was OM Pare 1940 and cent Aigt rit tis weeks AOrRers mal pay for I'he hig by any employe wa mallest amount it was repor Checks for $100 each ed to each of the who are ving in of United States nounoea i 100 men Les int to ix $219.50 and Mis ted a Ket the ment ar #0 ane In commenting the Titan News say This bonw t efficiency hie dire most « t resu i“ auring : raced ly mace WATEx ’ A be distinguished Crease In Wages An wages Increases manula ing cost These coils must be passed on to t consumer ness bonus WAYS ct FH aban bed or It of { 1942 WRLR Today we are faced with inCreas- ing taxes mounting operating risks and uncertainty a: to business vol- wme making it imperative that Ou costa be under control. We will bes faced with world competition afte; the war is won and machine tools are being intro- duced in countries throughout world. Low labor costs in all fore countries make mand we here in the United States main tain a high degree of efficiency “As we entered 942 we OO fortell] what the future would bh Today we know and are in position pay a bonus to ail For are glad. Free enterprise a dual initis proven selve I's $ id 1 fo ve have BEALL A year ago we War Bonds. You with this mean: finance the w { your earnings year we are paying in cash suggest that you earmark this payment of Income March 15th?” a bon acquaint mmenst paid became ef of gove to effort by saving n per in bonds his May we check bE oent « ta for a a —— New Bus Service In Snow Shoe Area Will Facilitate Travel tween Mining Towns and Philipsburg A new bus service, scheduled be put in operation Wednesday this week, will add decided advan- tages to residents of Snow Shoe and vicinity by linking them more cloge- ly with Philipsburg. The commun- ities benefitting by the new sched- ules are Philipsburg, Snow Shoe, rence, Drifting, Moshannon, Lanse, Grassfiat, Winburne, Manson land other areas in the lower end of the valley. The bus service will be in opera- tion for trial two days weekly-—each Wednesday and Saturday--accord- ing to announcement by the Ful- lington Auto Bus Company, oper- ators of the new stretch American methods o Today you are contributing on Be- fonte Man in A. KE. N. Parker Describes Fight Off Guad- alcanal as “Barroom Brawl;” Burning De- stroyer Blasts Jap Ship in Night Attack - | | | i BY FRANK TREMAINS PEARL HARBOR, Dn» The t RPA 5 . N. PARKER ward N. Parker SERVE PLANED ON CARTRAS EE Candlelight Service at Lu- theran Church Will Be- gin at 11 p. m. 00GEANDINES HAS PRIGRAN = Services To Be Held Masonic Temple at 11 a. m. Christmas Come, Em- Magnificat Manger,” Lu- Sloop, argan- Krecke! in ther—Miss Mary ist Processional Hymn ness Men of Old The Introit—The CG The Kiyrie-The Gloris sis-~The Collect Scripture Reading—-"The Bir Our Saviour”—Luke 2: 1-20 Christmas Carois—-"0 Come Fai Rest You Ger Provi ia Awa As With C Kocher . lad in Excel- th Officials of onstans Command. Knighte lar & yesterday ; program io | Temple, North Christmas morning velock ory ¥ ny ] e annout nd All ¥ God Liemer Old Jeanette Isabel Male Chor The program | Hymn-<"Joy to the World Greetings by the Commander Hymb-—-"I{ Came Upon t night Clear Greetings from 7T Commander—T1 Response Hymn nem Scripture Reading and Heineman Hym Vocal un ollows zarth”"--John 1 14 m, “Come And Worshij The Choir THE OFFERTORY Jesu Bambino Miss Mary E. Sloop " Offeric 37 4 o Silent Night Selection—Mrs. J Ernest Mar- Send and Husbands The Pastor Sermon, “God With ww Arnold THE CHRISTMAS PRAYER THE BENEDICTION Recessional Hymn-—"Joy To World,” Handel Organ Postiude—~"And the Glory of Lord” Handel—-Miss Mary Sloop, organist Her! Faithful i Ye er Us Pas~ Address Re ¥ ™ IE J. Ernest Martin ganist Helen Olson Committee 1 C. Heineman chairman, Fred 8. Hanson, Jr.. Leif Olson, Thomas W, Mason, Egil T Risan., Elwood B. Cassel, and Or- lando W. Houts the the a loo ome ansfiil., LE J Something that will not only be Fa appreciated every week of the year, but be a constant reminder of the giver . . . send THE CENTRE DEM - OCRAT as a Gift Subscription to some friend or relative . . . and be sure to include that boy in our armed forces overseas, or in the training camps at home. Nothing you can think of will bring more pleasure at so modest cost. You, really, are sending fifty-two gifts for the price of one, the Logan Fire Company, asked formed parsonage in Aaronsburg the a clerk at the Farmers’ National At the present time bus service : church council received and acted Bank Belleforite, has accepted a Council to pay for the Installation ;ypon the resignation of Rev. G. A position as cashier of the Pirst Na- Now is the time to arrange for your gift subscriptions, and which began on Pear]! Harbor Day | does not extend beyond Allport and and continued until the end of that | week. An average of 81.75 per pupil | was collected. A picture of Hitler, tacked on a wall of the school building was com- pletely blocked out’ by stamps. In connection with the school’s drive, about 20 tons of scrap were collected, and money from the sale of it will | be used for the school library and | other work not included in school taxes. School pupils were shown a free movie and were served ice cream paid for from scrap money. Home For Holidays After taking part in the “Little Christmas” activities at Hood Col- VITO A. FERA Through the courtesy of Doll Post American Legion, Belle ‘onte, the Bellefonts schools have heen granted the services of Vito A. Fera who for several months has Brooks. wen full-time director and instruc | iat the Logan House of doors and a | boller recently removed from the (Continued on Page Fowr) Thrift Corporation Declares Dividends On December 16, the board of di- tor of the American Legion Junior rectors of Thrift Investment Corp- Band. oration of Pittsburgh, declared the Under the arrangement completed 27th consecutive quarterly dividend it a meeting of school and Legion | of fifteen cents per share on the 6% fficials during the weekend, Mr.! Cumulative Preferred Stock, pay- Pera will become director-instructor | able December 31, 1042, on stock of f the Bellefonte High School Band record as of December 26. 1042. n addition to his duties at the Leg-| A dividend of fifteen cents per on. | share also was on the Class Since Legion Band members also A Common Stock, payable January Frederick Griesing as minister of the Evangelical and Reformed Asr- | onsburg charge Rev. Griesing has accepted a call to the Avon-Quentin charge, just ‘east of Lebanon, and will begin his labors in the new field on February i 1, 1943. There are three churches to ‘serve on the charge-<Avon, Quentin, and the Templeton chapel at Rex- mont Rev. and Mrs. Oriesing have {served the Aaronsburg vicinity faithfully and well for almost seve enteen years and they leave a host ‘of friends who wish them well in ! their new endeavor. i a McGinley Wallpaper {tional Bank at Petersburg, Hunting. ingdon county, and will assume the {duties of that post on January 4. | | Mr. Hipple, son of Centre County | Commissioner Charles F. Hippie and Mrs. Hipple, of West Lamb street, Bellefonte, was graduated from the | {8now Bhoe High School in 1832; (from Rider College, Trenton, N. J. | i residents in the lower communities are handicapped because of lack of | transportation. Lt. Milton W. Etters Gets New Assignment Second Lieutenant Milton W. Et- this is what to do. Cut out the blank below, fill in the blank spaces by writing plainly the name and address to whom the paper is to go fo, and send or bring it to this office with one dollar and a half-—the price of a year's subscription. If the subscription is to go to a soldier, be sure to include full military address. We will begin sending the paper immediately with the first issue of 18943. We will also mail a Yuletide card to the recipient bearing your name and greeting, in time to reach him or her by in 1834, and since then has been a ters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W.| {trusted employe of the Farmers’ Etters, of State College, has been National, | assigned fo duty as Assistant Ad- | Mr. and Mrs. Hipple and child jutant of the Base Headquarters (will move to Petersburg ns oon as | Squadron, the Public Relations Of- ‘suitable living quarters can be! fice at Napier Field, Dothan, Ala. | found. Mrs. Hipple is the former | announced today. | Margaret Smeltzer, daughter of Mr.! LL Ftters, a graduate of the Snow i Mrs. A. D. Smeitzer, of Pleasant | Shoe High School, received his B. a». : b i |A. degree at Pennsylvania State Christmas Day. {Use this form when ordering subscription gift) —-——————————————————————. ————.—.——w,_ THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Enclosed find $150 for which enter a Christmas sub- scription gift for one year to the following address: mm WP ——— lege, Frederick, Md., which included | +n sehool students, individual in-|1, 1943 on stock 0 % = Christmas wvespers, caroling, com-| tryetion of members of both bands cember 2, vy § Futord an of De : munion, parties for orphan children, | gj] pe conducted at the high school The Class A Common Stock was. and a formal dinner, Miss Lois R. hyuilding. Group rehearsals will be | originally issued on August 15. 1042. Shook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laid there and it is planried to hold | " a———— Ralph Shook, of Spring Mills, re-!onoerts in which each band, indiv- Is Lieutenant Commander . | College in 1932, He was employed as | Store to Continue | County Supervisor, Pennsylvania Ration Board Office | Department of Public Assistance. The McGinley wallpaper store on’ * until he enlisted in the Army Air] west High street, conducted for to Close This Weekend ;..... June. 19, 1042. He was grad-| turned home last Thursday for the Ohristmas holidays. —————— Food Stores Open 23. and Wednesday and Thursday | evenings of this week. i idually, and both bands together will participate, At the Dr. Herbert R. Glenn of State Col many years by the late A. L. MeGin- | ‘ ley, 1s to be continued ax the Mce-! present time lege, a leutenant in the U. 8. Ma- Ginley Brothers’ Store, with the {uated from the Air Forves Officer ‘Price and Ra there are 57 members in the Legion rines on Guadalcanal in the Solo- founders’ son, A. Linn McOinley, Jr. High street, will be open Thursday, | out. (Continued on Page Sis) in a letter in which Commander Glenn ent location in the basement of the reported that he was well Band and 69 members in the High mons, has been raised to the rank and Samuel McGinley, as owners Bellefonte food stores will remain School Band. Each band will retain | of lieutenant commander, according open all day Wednesday, December its separate identity, it was pointed | to word received by his wife | According to present plans the ' business will be retained in its pres- i L. ©. O. F. building. December 24. a second heitenant. Lt. Etters is married to the for- The Bellefonte office of the War Candidate School at Miami Beach, Board, on West | Florida, December 9, 1042. and coms | : : i The office will be closed Friday mer Miss Roxie Barto ‘of Warriors (and Saturday, December 25 and 286, it was announced yesterday by John : A Te Mirk. They are residing : arily at 400 North Oates stree Dothan, Alabama. i Bt CF Ta A ———————— hc
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