LEB EE ERE kkk kkk adhe Centre Democrat EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY VOLUME 61. NUMBER 51. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR State Buys 5,000 Acres in Barrens T. D. Boal Estate Sells Nearly Nine Square | Miles of Land for $14,486; Tract Will Be- come Large and Complete (Game Refuge which held title The transfer reservation on all ore rights to a 275-acre section im- mediately around Scotia. It is on this part of the tract that the Scotia Mining Company is now mining ore trucking it to Waddle for shipment by rail According to the Commission will establish on tract one of the re Res st and complete game refuges in the Plans call for experiment lous kinds of game birds The Barrens, vast tract of land covered with sci heavy underbrush ite ws td orite hunt FARMERS REACH 1942 QUOTAS == ==. Many Honored For Year's ine ea: Part in Nation's Food *™* ss Sater tC] SHA HEAD OF SCO who last week 1 AWA merit from the Federal Farm Other Officers Named at Annual Meeting; Com- ity Administ: for meetin exceeding their duction mittees Appointed in 1942 in Stewart of approximately 5,000 Barrens, north to the property includes a 10-vear and mineral A tract of acres of land in the of State Collgge—an area covering nearly nine square miles—was sold Tuesday to the State Game Commis- sion for the sum of $14,486, it was annountccd vesterday by Claude G State College, executor Davis Boal estate, Game the most Stat y with var Tepors rolling ub trees and Is One ( in the kinds, deer killed spots all have been is Secur ecelved of ation pr nation were the releas? Oakley 8. Havens Sug Freedom effort week by rone, Rural Rehabilitation or for this area All of the farmers listed their production quotas All of them rec feed, seed or Farm Security was established in ancial assistance ers who arc u through the usual The list of farmer week, and who rec attesting to the completion of year's program, follows Bigelow, George Boob, Albert Brown, Ira J Burd, Paul Continued page 7- M elected Bellefonte, chairman of Muncy Scouts of Americ ion meetin Administration which + 1835 to lend fin- to deserving farm- l organizati istrict held ceived ce program that followed Other officers Suing Year were ant Gap chosen {or Roy Adams chair man ho ) Jesse H Caum, of Bellefonte Earl M. Cartwright, Bellelonte, missioner to succeed Carl Hall Commissioners of the Bellefonte Council named in the election were Mrs. A. C. Heverly Thomas B. Beaver and William W. |Sleg. District Commissioners-at- Girl Scout Head large elected were: O. F. Sollenber- Mrs. A. C. Jeverly was elected ger Martin J. Miller, E. Keith An- rson, Jack H. Yeager, Burton an Counett at a meeting held on Tn gue, Dewey Sorenson, and Rey Co }, officials reported *'E. Foster Piper day . Other officers named we: Mrs Coun " Thelma Kline vice commissioner; 8% i ye Mrs. Florence Everitt trea Mrs. W. W. Sleg, secretary Iona Miller and Mrs. Mary Walker advisory commissioners: Mrs. Mars Craig. publicity Mrs Winifred Crawford. Juliette Lowe representa- tive; Mrs. Osborne T. Lambert, badges and awards; Mrs. Mary Rog- ers, camping; Mrs. Elmer Hauer training; and Mrs. Ralph Owens recorder. The organization chairman is to be filled later Girl Scout leadership training! classes will begin at 8 p. m., Wed- nesday, January 6, in the Little House, under the direction Mrs Frank E. Hench. At that time re ular meetings will be planned the en- Plane od Le RD ™ RD 1 Matilda RD Rebersburg Second Section Rebersburg Rebersbu Port succeed and com- vige vester Mr follow name ar Ale and Act Raymond irman ‘Henry Frazier Sorenson and Prank Web as Ci \mping N. Br Dewey ster Pt ures Mrs reoks Jack H. Yeager, Th on Page Two) iblicitsy ma {Continged College Police To Get Two-Way Radio Installation of a tw transmitter for the State College Do- lice car and office will soon be ap- proved by the Federal Communica- tions Comm it was reported = this week Equipment has chased from the Galvin Manufac- Mosier Declares Deer turing Company in Pittsburgh and will be installed following approval Season Qa Success from the Commission. It will prob- — ably go into operation within a The deer season which closed Sat. month after installation since only urday was declared to be a stuccess- licensed operators may use it ful one for the comparatively small Although plans for operation are number of hunters who were in the incomplete, borough authorities have county woods ACO rding to a state- stated that present borough police ment vesterday by Came Warden! forces will probably be trained and Thomas Mosier. of Bellefonte | licensed to operate the set, and that Mosier added that violations were additional men will be placed in bor- light, and that a large proportion of ough offices to supplement those hunters “got their buck” during the | Working in the police car season. He was unable to give any S————— st the be ff d Seiimate on Wie umber of deer! Employment Service In New Quarters “Way radio of Fn a ASSon, ¥ already been pur- sr MP cm———— Three Generations Each Get a Buck A Centre Hall father, son, and grandson each got their bucks dur- ing the deer zeason which ended on Saturday. Gardner Grove bagged a 4-point; hig son, Guyer, got an 8-point, and his son, Styrl, brought down a 6- point buck. Russell Grove and Arthur Me- Ginley, New Kensington real estate agents who were guests at the Gard- ner Grove home during the deer geason, went home with a nice buck. Lee V. Alexander, manager of the Lewistown office of the U. 8. Em- ployment Service of the War Man- power Commission, states that the Bellefonte office was moved {rom the Court House to the Undine Fire Company building on Bishop street, December 15. The office will be open Tuesday of each week from 9:30 a mtod4p m Mr. Alexander requests all persons not employed In war work to con- tact the representative of his office in war industries and vocational J Sruining opportunities an SS Y. M. C. A Aiding J Japanese War Prisoners, Local Secretary Advised “Encouraging” information con- Mr. Strong was informed that Swed. cerning the treatment of American en's Minister to Japan, who heads fighting men taken prisoner by the Japanese was received today by L.| C. Heineman. general secretary of the Bellefonte ¥Y. M. C. A.. from New York headquarters of the War Prisoners Ald of the World's Com- | mittee of Young Men's Christian Associations, obtained for distribution by the War | Books, athletic equipment and|Prisoners Ald the 2.700-volume li-| musical instruments have been ac- brary of the American school in that quired by the "“Y" and permission city, including hymn books and) for their distribution to seven war |other works, He algo obtained foot prison camps in Japan, Korea and ball, baseball, badminton and table! Pormosa has been given by Japanese tennis equipment, musical instru-| military authorities, Mr. Heineman ments and Indoor games, permission | was advised by Tracy Strong. gen-! for their distribution directly to the | eral secretary of the War Prisoners seven camps having been given by, Ald. | the Japanese military authorities, From neutral diplomatic sources, (Continued on Page Three) ing the War Prisoners Ald in that country, is in “direct contact” in Tokyo. Mr. Strong was informed that the a commitice of neutrals represent- | with | the military prisoner of war bureau! neutral “Y" secretary in Tokyo has| BUSINESS MAN 5 FOUND DEAD IN GREEK HERE Searchers Find Body of Paul McGarvey, 57, Be- low Titan Bridge CRIES FOR HELP HEARD IN VICINITY Coroner Attributes Death to Exposure. Funeral Held Yesterday Paul H. Mc- 57. well known Bel man wa fo of Spring Creek footbridge leading to Plan ¢ Titan Metal Compal orth Water street, about Monday night sy body of aged sine: nd in t just b Minn Has tream wit) they dis W~COVeT water when the {Continued on Page Seven) ding above TE COLLEGE LECTEES DRA 85 to Undergo Final Ex- 'mely ie an aminations Dec. 19; County Total 184 he names of 85 men re ¢ December quota of 1. of State Ce Thursday by als. With the 90 men named week by Board No 2. of Bellefc as its quota the ¢ contd from Centre county Doce will be 184 men The State College gron Saturday, December 18, for physical examinations at Altoona. and those who pass will have a two weeks’ fur- lough before leaving for the recep- tion center at New Cumberland Since those passing final examins- tions after December 21 will have only one week's {urlough before go- ing to the reception center Bellefonte board contingent of 99 men, scheduled for examination on December 22, will report to New Cumberland one week later, or De- cember 29 Belectees in the December 18 group from the State College board follow John H. Hoy State College Joseph L. Wyse Penna. Furnace RD Milford C. Eckley Bellefonte RD 3 Silas F. Rager Lewistown (Continued on pege Ave-—Second Fection) SEE a 202 County Men In January Call wesenling al Draft lege board of- : Ware released last fici last mix y the Centre county's two local draft boards will call a total of 202 men into the armed forces In January, according to figures released yester- day by board officials Local Board No 1, lege, will send 70 men to Altoona for | final examination on Monday, Jan- uary 4. Those who pass will be sent to the reception center at New Cum- berland the following Monday, Jan- for information about job openings |Uary 11 Local Board No. 2. of Bellefonte, will send 85 men to Altoona on Mon- | day, January 11, and 67 men the fol- | lowing day, Those who pass will be sent to New Tuesday, January 12 Cumberland one week later Flag-Raising Rites At Milesburg, Sunday A replacement mony will be held on the Diamona in Milesburg at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, December 20. to which { all residents of the area are cordial- ily Invited. The ceremony Is In charge of the P. O. of A lodge, of Mileshurg, while members of Jackson-Criss- man- Saylor Post, Veterans of For- {eign Wars, will assist. The flag is {being given to the community of Mllesburg by the Bellefonte VFW | post, Watch our windows day Christmas specials. changed every Monday and Thurs- The Athletic Association keeps *|force an insurance policy of $10,000/a more than important part. day. Clasters. flag raising cere- | for three | 1 The coun Mon Hl and vea san cl the T 111 led le irfeits £1.500 Cash Bail; Defendant Fails to § Appear For Trial | ave Found Guilty But Jury Recommends (f Hy y; Centre sion here shen IIOW term of al court in se Tuesday should net profit in dollar th it was re- summoned to to appear and hi December ty crimi: day and 1h cents for when a man d trial falled of $1500 wa tantial county, | cotint s ( il defendant cluntarily W Glover falled to OMAN MADE ILL BY ESCAPING GAY Fu APAar Ae wT { Can ator mes From Leak in Coils "ill Apartment; Police Aid Vietim tments C. E w iwa d escal in the kitchen xd {rom she had entirely recovered yesterday morning u Robb noticed no trace of gus in apa od by piu 108 up will leave pon retiring Sunday night Mrs the riment. but upon being awake: n ing the in the $ ex he tel tice, Office nn Oacalds thie call sted Mrs " night » refriger Student Gets Buck With Bow and Arrow A 10 Sta and T syd] ently gun Edward 8. Roth, and seven-point buck has been killed miles from the Pennsyivania Coliege campus with a bow ATTOW he student nimrod won't let shells ruin te who appar 8 shortage of ahot- his hunting, was A Junior in arts 320 Valley Road, letters, of Lianerch R oth joined the select few of suc cessful bow and arrow deer hunters on Baturday stal The buck was killed in- itly with an arrow in his neck —— Change Market | Days T in winter quarters Garman store street, will be held Thursday, cember 24. and Thursday, 31, of State Coi-|"™0 For Holiday Season he Bells fonte Curb Market, now in the former room on West High De- December instead of on Wednesday those weeks The change is being made to en- able patrons to buy produce the day before Christmas and New Year's Days 4 market offic ials said December Court Session Ends mind was bl from Rock: forfeited to J WOMEN INJURED IN 2-CAR CRASH Machine C arryving De- fense Workers Wrecked East of Bellefonte w Centre operated Mrs of Valley demolished, do 4d at §500 ment al Their oar. L$ Campana, virtoally heii eatimate spital Mary View, Amn bry Robb hn Miles tinued nu Pape Three Nurse Bags 10-Point Buck Near Clarence wnting dur which ended Bat ake case ff M Heler anassthelist at the Cents nty Hobpital, for example Miss Rogus, who never fore this year went Saturd near ence. 8he sp pied a large buck n along the ridee of a mountain fired six times. The buck fell When she went to examine her prize she found that only one shot had missed She further proved her mettle as a woodman by helping one of her brothers drag the big 10-point ani- mal more than a mile and a half through the woods to thei 31 the hunted deer hunting Ciar- Ning her home at anc el Car To Organize Volunteer Fire- Fighting Unit Thomas Mosier, Bellefonte county game warden, who recently was appointed chief forest fire fight- er of Centre county by the County Civilian Defense Council, has an- nounced that he plans to organize members of county sportsmen’s clubs as volunteer forest fire fighters He stated that he would attend any sportsmen’s club meetings, {if told about them, to discuss his plans and to arrange for an initial meet- ng of Bellefonte Athletic Field Definite Asset to Community, Figures Reveal One of the most important factors, doliars to cover them in the event in the life of any community, is the lof any accidents occurring ability for that community to fur- nis} and the older people, may enjoy all | competition. Several group of publiceminded citizens the Community 1 a place for the young people in which they forms of athletic years ago, headed by a! on the premises. Men have to be employed to keep the turf in good condition, ! and the bleachers which seat 1500 people are in need of almost cone {stant repair Since the beginning the Bellzfonte | Welfare Fuhd has done | Bellefonte Athletic Association was! its share in maintaining this impor- formed. With money donated by tant part of Bellefonte's lif2. During | Bellefonte's ‘leading clubs and or-ithe fiscal year ending May 1. 1942, ganizations and supplemented by a the Welfare paid into the funds of mortgage. Field came into being. the Community Athletic! ithe Athletic Association the sum of | Since that $926.63. which was used to help with! some unexplained reason. tims the athletic field has bseome | the maintenance and in retiring ihe he shoots: left-handed. an integral part-of Bellefonte’s life indebtedness against the astociation.! much of the force of the blast on with many an exciting football and! | As far back as history goes there | baseball game having been played has been provision made for sports, | on its field. Also the field has been! ‘and in these troublesome times it is | County y Hospital where he remained’ other community affairs, even more important for us to see | under treatment until Tuesday. Al {for fireworks, concerts, and the like. that ag normal a home front as pos. To maintain a Items are scope requires considerable money. [the Athletic Association, helped by geons believe that no great perma | in/the Welfare Association, has played | nent ill effects will result, members used for project of this sible can be retained. In this respect, Rockview F ugi- | RD PLANS County Again Hits ATE Top in War Bonds NEW BUILDING Full Week of Activities Approved. Committees Appointed CERE MONY M. AY BE HELD IN FEBRUARY l'otal Sales for Seven-Month Period Exceed Total Quotas by More Than $3,000; Coun- ty Sales to Date Pass $1,180,000 Mark J ount ve fata Final Date Depends on Completion of Finish Work =t School ARGE RED GROSS HEART ATTACK 1S SHIPMENT MADE FATAL TO HUNTER 590 Pounds Clothing: Fireman at Mill Hall Hundreds of Other Items Plant Dies in Local Consignment turn ol the | |} Brick on Re- ing to Home Continged om Pope Siz) CLUB PRESENTS PIAND T0 SCHO Clear More Than $100 Card Party in New Building At - NOTICE TO PATRONS wn Pape Fiz) - Community Christmas Sing, December 23rd official: i given pupils grade WTS at the card party Miss Annette Decker's making 200 tall DeWKDaj fContinsed on 8 Pape Three) County: Has Third Daylight Raid Drill county's participa state-wide Tyhe raid drill, Sunday noon, was clared to be fairly successiul County Civilian Defense officials Beillefonte’s alarm signals were sounded at 12:07 o'clock and the all- clear sounded at 12:23 o'clock. The control center at the Logan House was manned nearly 100 per cent and other air-raid officials were well rep- resented at thelr posts, Auxiliary policemen and alr-raigd wardens were on duty and an officer was stationed iat nearly every street corner. Most of the workers responded when they (Continned on Page Three) BE TE Something i il appreciated every week of the year but be a constant reminder giver send THE 'CENTR E DEM- OCRAT as a Gift Subscript some friend or relative and be sure to include that boy & forces overseas, or camps atl home think of will bri at so modest cost sending fifty-two gifts of one of C the third entre aire On Ge~ hn i Wwaini Noth ve ¢ g pleasure really, are rice r the pr Now is this is what 0 do. writing the paper is to go to, and and a half--the price io go to soldier, Cut out the blank 1 the blank spaces by plainly the name and send or bring it to this of a year's subscription be sure to include full n } to whom office with one doliar If the subscription is wilitary address a Local Youth Injured When Gun Explodes Robert Benner, aged 17. son of Mr and Mrs. Harold Benner, of Burn. side street, Bellefonte, suffered seve ere injuires to the right hand Sat- urday when his gun exploded while he was hunting deer in the Rattle- snake area north of Unionville The youth, a Bellefonte High School student, had fired two shois at a deer and when he fired the third bullet the gun exploded for! Because hw received with the first the recipient by the paper immediately mail 8 Yuletide card in time to reach him or hei We will begin sending jssue of 1043. We will also bearing your name and greeling, Christmas Day Ww (Use this form when ordering subscription gift) THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Enclosed find $1.50 for which enter a Christmas sub- scription gift for one year to the following address Name Street his right hand. City and State He was brought to the Oentre] Sent by Address . | | | | | | | | | | | | [and pach the blast tore off his glove and badly mangled the hand, sur-| —————————————.—————————— ——. —— —. —" a" RENEWAL UJ NEW ] m—— of the family reported.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers