®l)c Centre Ormocrai. NHUGKRT & VAN OHM Kit, Editor*. ' AI VOI/. ">. (The Centre democrat. Tnrma S l.&O oor Annum In Advance, S. T. SHUGERT A J. H VAN ORMER, Editor*. Tknrselay Morning, July 19, 1883. Democratic Stato Convention. The Douiocrotii ?Ule Cnt "tillon will meet in t'i hottoe, llarriabarg, *o >V*ln< *Uy, Aug 1, tl n. in., to it s% cumlt Ut* f r An Iltor . r.| .1 it'l II . milliUte fir st iff Tn-HailfT. *nl t • ti.nw t Mich oilier l#ulneM the roiiv.-ntioii limy let unit. There will *l 1-e pr.- ntM *1" m- titl n * resolution which liu I ♦•••u ml"| trl l> 'I" s t.*t> liiittee, < Intuiting the rule* the { ;*rt> - at • fix j the time of the anil (Ml ni< - f the Mate I intuit- it 4|> in .on thu WednMltftJ o!t'r the tl.i ! M it j •ley of J inuary, ineteud of tli tillIt! M nela> a* i w provhled. Under the new rule\ f the party the r*pr - • • t tion in the State Convention w ill I •> hy topr- - ntatHre j delegatea from eiinting r*|>rMnUlm -Intro t -tir for o*. Ii I.INK) Dem<K ratic vote* "-t t the lot • ! j (tutorial election, or fori fract|.>n of !,•< Mich \ t • , nmounting to ur tnore ; l*t vithni that •< h repre eentative diatrkt ahull hare at I *t one del- **t There will he a meeting • t tin Ien r,iti State Committee in llarrWburg on Tueaday July 31,t ► p. tti. W V. lIRNSKL, J. It Ltcatr, Clerk. Chairman State Com. Tin: Republican platform is a weighty affair,ami will test the strength and capabilities of Niles and Livsey to hear up uuder the load until No vember. GEN. WEAVER, the leader of the Greenbaekers in lowa, is iu the Held as a candidate for Governor. <)f course, he has no prospect of election, hut may worry the Republicans, who are considerably divided and disor ganized. THE real estate taxable iu the Dis trict of Columbia is estimated at \ 000,000. The people of the I >istrict and the National Government form a kind of partnership, by which the lat ter provides half the funds required to carry on the District Government. IT does look that way. flic editor of a Wyoming newspaper says that all talk about controlling the Mor mons, is absurd. They are so well ( drilled and so thoroughly prepared for resistance that it would he amusement j for them to aninhilate the whole Fed eral army. MAYO, the Commander in charge of the Norfolk Navy Yard, it appear-, j has had his fingers so deep in Ma hone's dirt pile during the late elec tion, that very earnest demands are made for his removal under charge of. misappropriation of the public funds and unwarranted colonization of vo ters. SENATOR lit rt.r.u of South Caro lina, has paired with Senator Cameron a- long as the latter may desire to re main in Europe. A warm personal friendship exsists between thc-e sena tors, the origin of which is exceedingly creditable to both, and fullv justifies Senator Hutler in maintaining the pair, however protracted. THE New York World believes that in theory the civil service reform places the claim of women for office upon an equably with the men, but in practice the female applicant i crowd ed out by the male striker. After one or two more trials it is thought the examiners will put this at the head of the rules, "No women need apply." F A FRENCH ENTEBI'UIHE. It is said that over #150,000 have been already subscribed to a company organiz ing in France for the purpose of dredging the Red Sea to recover the submerged chariots of I'baroah'* Ar my. The undertaking looks decidedly cranky, but there are those who believe that great profits are to be derived from the enterprise. THE Democratic Congress will not lose much time in arranging for the redemption of the trade dollar, and t those who arc able*"lo hold them nhould not allow themselves to be swindled by the present speculation of, the sharks who have brought about the depreciation for this purpose. This trade dollar, the offspring of Repub licati legislation, should never have been authorized but when issued, ami F put in circulation under its sanction the government was bound in decency to protect the people against the specu lators, instead of facilitating their ope rations by repudiating the currency, as was done in this case. Republican Convention. i The Republican State Convention was held on Wednesday of last week, and resulted in the nomination of William Livsey, of Pittsburgh, for ; Stato Treasurer, and Jerome 11. Nib s, of Tioga, for Auditor < ieueral. 'I hose were the state ring candidate,-, groom ed and trained under llos.-es tjuav, Magee ami Cooper, the acting agents of the greut boss now in Europe. The Independents are given a sop by the nomination of Nile- merely u- a tonic to strengthen the digestive organs of i ... .Stewart to put down his eli.-h of crow with a straight face, while the Stal warts hold the fort and retain control of the party machinery. To say that the notorious John Cessna was ehuir mnn of the convention, is all that is nece-sarv to mark its character and the kind of proceedings and resolu -1 tioiis to he expected. The most signi- I Scant of tlu-e resolutions are as fol lows : First—Wo unqualifiedly approve and demand the continuance of that system of protection to homo industry which ! hit proved itself to be the basis of na j tional independence, tho incentive to j industrial -kill and development and the guarantee of a Just and adequate -cale of wages for labor, and we de nounce all attempts to reduce the rates of the tariff below the level which will accomplish thee objects. Second—That any surplus in the pub j lie treasury arising from a redundant i revenue should, after paying the nation al debt as fast as its condition permits, t>e distributed from time to time to the several Stt-s upon the basis ~f popula tion. to relieve them from the burden* of local taxation and provide mean* for the education of their people. Third -That as the depreciated trade dollar is locally in the hand- of our laboring people and i- a disturbing ele nient in the business of the country, 1 we declare it to tie the duly of I ongre - to adopt such legislation a- will ensure its full redemption and convers.mi into | other coin for circulation. The other resolutions, composing , the platform, protest ngnin-t pauper immigration ; endorse the administra tion of President Arthur including of course the coalition with Mabone rc | pudiation and his forced n--e--nii nts ; demand- continufd efforts for civil service reform? pledge- the Repuhli ican party to secure nee< --ary reforms in the -tate government by legislation, j and charges the Democrats with mak i ing the extra se--ion of tlie legislature necessary. All of which of course, honestly given in good faith according to Stalwart capability and randan will he received by the | pie, with a large degree of allowance, so far at least n- they shadow Stalwart friend ship for civil service reform and locate the responsibility for the extra se--ion. THE Democratic State Coiiventi >ti of Virginia i- t ■he held at Lynchburg >n the 2-" th in-t. Most of the dis tinguished men of Uie state are to b" members of this Convention, and the citizens of Lynchburg are making ar rangments to entertain them in private houses, in regular "conference style." This is a new and plea-ant departure which will no doubt be appreciated by the as-emblcd politicians, if not the j hotel-. GEN. H. F. HI TI.EII in accepting honorary membership in the Jefferson Democratic Association at York, Fa.* in a letter addressed to Lieut. Gov. Illack, it* President, says of the great founder of the Democratic party, "To no man does this country owe so much j as to Jefferson. Hut for him our form ■ : of government would have descended into a government of the few, which is worse than an actual despotism, for in that the |>eople have only to contend with the vice, ignorance and extrava* gatice of one tyrant, in a government of the few the people have many tyrants j to contend agninst, until they become an intolerable burden, only to be re- i moved through such a tremendous up- I t iieaval as was the French revolution. From this Jefferson's example mid , teachings have thus far preserved us. j j If the country wander* much farther away from Jefferson's doctrines and ! the monopolies and special privileges increase much more a despotism must ho the result, if the people are not obliged to appeal to other moans." , AND KX ACT JUHTICE TO ALL MAN, OK W'IIATKVKK STATU OH I'EKSUASION, HKI.IOJOUS OH FOLITK AL."—J f!ef*on. HKI/I/KKONTK, I'A., THURSDAY, .11 I.Y la, IHKt. Tho Hypocrite Unmasks. The mask which the Independent ; candidate for Governor wore last year iu hi- -truggle with Seiiutor Cameron l f<>r tho bo-ship of the Republican i party, which lie coveted, has fallen,! and lie now appear- in true character —tin) mt'Ulie-t and 111 0.-1 contemptible of the whole hutch of politieians who "throw con-cieiice to the devil," in i order to obtain annua political ad vantage. Senator < 'amcron i- a hold, ! un-rrupulou- partisan leader, hut no one will charge him of being a sneak ing hypocrite. Hut St. wart i- without ! claim to dee, nt re-je-et from those lie betrayed, leii-t of ail of the holiest men who credited him with a sincerity he did not posse--. The Philadelphia A'< l'ord state- the case mildly, thus: "Senator John Stewart i- beginning . I to cant once more about hi- conscience and hi- lofty sense of public duty. We suspect that < ielieral Heaver and 1 the rest of the Stalwart- have no more : : faith in his prole—ions of superior j political honesty now than they had a year ago. In -pile of hi- pretensions, the fact remain- that the Democrat-i of the legislature have otii-ri 1 fair terms of apportionment not only hut ! have made what would he regarded as 1 unwarrantable coiice—ions in other cireuni-tance-. Hut iu lh ir extreme I de-ire to comply with the mandate of the Constitution, and to nib ve tin people of the -liameful g. rryruamh r fastened on them ten year- ago, th I •eniocrat- haveg. tie In yond the limit of equal ap|H>rtionm nt. They have yielded to the Republicans, a- the re cord show-, greater representation in I Cong re— and in the state legislature I than their opponent* are entitled to in any- jut di-trihution iu accordance ; ' with party strength. Hut their projs>- -ition-ar- rejected Ixeans. tiie Repub licans are iu the enjoyment and j--- i se-.-iou of a roost di.-hom -t gerryman der, the advantage- of which they arc it'-olvcd k> keep. That is the prcci-e meaning of the apportionment contro versy at llnrrishurg, and no amount of protestation on the part of Mr. Stewart and his lndeqcndent as-ociote wil 1 obscure it from the people of Pennsylvania. The pnrti-an motive aml aims of tlie Stalwarts and Inde jx iidentA are m arly the same. (>n the part of the Stalwarts it ha- long In - n inculcated that any undue ad vantage- in making an apportionment i- within the bound* of legitimate party warfare. Tlicy Construct fraud ulent gerrymander* of representation because they believe ami i xj>ect that tho Democrat* would do the same thing on the first favorable oppor tunity. The Inde|>endenU>, on the other hand, make louder profession*of political decency, hut iu their greater narrowne— ami more intense partisan bigotry they think they are doing the state si rvice by any art that would le--on the representation of the Demo* j crats in Congress ami the state legisla- j tore, and thus diminish Democratic [tower for mischief. Willi tliem the ! lend sanctifies the means. Ilcncct marching from different standpoint* the Stalwarts and Independents of the Senate come together in support of the existing gerrymander and in opposi tion to any honest plan of apportion ment that threaten* it. With both 1 wing* of the reunited faction* the ! obligation to ol>cy the Constitution must yield to the interest* of party." THE legislature of New Hampshire j which for some week* ha* been in a dead-lock against the re-election of Rollins to the Unite*] Btatcs Senate, are apparently quite as much divided a- at the commencement of the strug gle. Rollins has retired and the effort is made to rally the disorganized par ty on Secretary Chandler of the Navy, hut the name of thi* distinguished radi cal wire-puller docs not *eem to har monize worth a cent, and it is proba i hie he in turn will be driven to the rear. SUBSCRIUK for the CENTRE DEMO CRAT. A Vory l'rotty Arrangement. The candidates on the Republican state ticket, remark* tho Hurri-hurg I'alriot, were chosen through the j>< r- SIIIIHI exertion* of M. S. Quay ami I Chris. Magee. Mr. Nilet wai selected j for Auditor General because he i-a corporation man ami soil- and because as the inventor of John I. Mitchell it was supposed by tin I - lie would he able to reconcile the in dependent vote. Mr. Livsey was forced upon tin convention because lie i- tie p< r.onal and confidential r< presentutiv Chris. Magee. He ha- no qualifica tion for the office of State Tp a-uter not po--i -id by a tic nsnml other competent cll rk-, hut lie la- In en trained iu the methods which the peo, | pie condemned at last fall's e]e< tion i and the bo.--i - are resolved that those ; method.- -hall he continued iu tin- inam agrnit nt of the state finauci -. While the Humes funding act will cut off the opportunity for hanker like Magee to use the surplus in the -inking fund for private gain, the gem 1 eral treasury fund still remain* for deposit in such bank- as the state tnu-iirer may designate. Hence tie anxiety of Mr. Magi e for the nomina tion of Livsey. The matter i- simply one of dollar- and cent- with the Pitt-- I burgh political hanker. IF i- nt ready to di.-gorge the state nion< v on dejiosit in lus hank ami means to hold on t i it if pi --ilile f r tw o y> ars 1 tiger frorn the tir-t Monday of next Mav. Hut the other hankers who imw have -tate depo-its can l<Kk out for them -ilves when Mr. Magee'* 10-s of tin sinking fund deposit i- to !• made giKwl out <d* the general fund. It come- to about this, then, that H"-- will run the corfKiraliona ot the state through hi* auditor gen eral, Mr. Nile-, and ]{ Magee will e introl the state deposit* through hi per-onal rejiresentative, Mr. I.ivw v, in the state department : alway- |>r - vided the people give their a- ent to thi* nice little arrangement hetwun the Ix-ses, at the poll- next Noveniher. Thus the jair-e of the state and the |e,wir of the < rporations would 1' unite*] in the hand* of the bo-ms in I'-Ht lor the election of a legi-lature to return < ameron or hi* [H r-onal legatee t the United Stati - -i nate. Df course every anti < ameron Repub lican in the state wili Ik> so enamored of this programme that lie will throw : up hi- lint nml slmut for Nile- and : Livsey. Till New rk Her '</-ay- n broad smile will ripple over the country, a ev< ryl< dy r< ml* that the P> niuylvaiiia Republicans have declared for "a dis tribution of the surplus revenues." The Republicans having for many year- enjoyed a monopoly of the pub lic revenut* ought to be satisfied, but it seem* they are not, and now want a j gift of what they failed to steal. THE New York Sun generally talk plainly ami to the point. Giving it* views in a recent issue of the unenvia ble |>o.*itioii of Senator Stewart it say* "John Stewart wa a gallant and able leader of the bolt which liberated I Pennsylvania from the thraldom of the ring*. What ha* he seen to cause him repentance, and induce him to crawl hack to the loathsome embrace ! from which he broke with so much apparent horror. He admits that Pat- , tison is pure, that hi* administration is above reproach, and that if it fails in any important particular it will he for lack of majority in the two houses of the I/cgislature. Mr. Stewart'* idea of reconciliation is a very remarkable \ one. Wc do not believe it extends to the file of his party. The voter* who made the triumph of reform |x>s*ihle lost year will continue in an attitude which will make it possible agaiu. And this is as true of New York a* it is in Pennsylvania. If the Democrats give us honest government in the States, they wili have an opportunity of giving an honest government in the nation." TKH.WN: $1.50 per Amiuni,in Alliance. A i oRKi.-foNin Ni <d the Timet writing from Wilkcsharrc under date of the loth i list., says: "A writer in the A'• u ' 1 Unit e of to-day who claims j to he on intimate term* with ex-Gover nor Hoyt, deelarcs that the ex- Governor will not iiarmoni/.e in the . coming camjiuign, and that the day i not fur distant wheu lie will cast his ballot for Democratie candidates. '* I lie publication of the -tatemenl add* the correspondent, "ha.- created quite ' a -i nsalioii among the polite iam ; here." <>l TOM TIM MI; DI.AII. < harle 11. Stratton, b< tt< r known to the pub lie a- i ii-ueral 1 in Thumb, died at bis re-idence in Middleboro, Ma--., on Sunday last of appoplexv. H<- wu •lightly indi-p -ed !i,r a li w day-, but nothing -< rb u- wu.- apprehended, and hi- sudden d< nth was a great surprise t i his family and friend-. He wa- a native off ■nueetieut, and almut F> years of age. At the age of 1 1 the di minutive (ii :n ral appean d be! re the public under tlm direct; >n of Mr. liar mini, and ha* t mtioued to h Id hi.- levn - and entertainrai nt- ever since. IF- leave- a rnigit widow, Minnie War ren, to whom he wa* married in l H ').'b and an • -tale valued ut COII.IMMJ, Tin civil service regulation* went intoeffi-it OQ Monday last. It i- said that the administrate u, who claims to favor civil -• rviee reform, ha- bun preparing ft this < vent f>r some we. k-, and has made all the ehang' - and supplied all the vacaucie- in the DE|iartmeiit. a: Wa-hingtori, and i! • where, which it i- alleged amount t > five • r -ix liundrt*d. - • that none of the hundreds of candidate* Ix'.ingexamiu l i ! under the civil -ervice rule- fir posi- ; tion- will he- needed now or in the near futenc. It will 1H- .- rue gratification how. ve r, to thi- horde of capable*, to j know that the ir name- ar>- on the civil service roll, subject to call, if death j should remove a deqmrtment *' ' and make a vacancy. lit u- the recently appointed In ternal Revenue Commissioner ha pr ve d a failure, if not a f J. About the 1 tir-t thing he did wa- to re-move a couple of competent and experience*! clerk- against whom no ohjex'tion were made and supplied their placers by two wh > had he. n removed for in eonij* tency by hi* pre*le-e. -sor. Next In demand* the rcsignati .11 of ..ne of In-appointee-, Revenue Agent H >r ton, of Boston, accuseel of taking , bribe, not hee-ause he Indieve-el tin charges, hut Iwcause. it would he- in convesnient t>. have to investigate ail the- charge- of the bribery and eorrnp tiem re-ported to him, Mr. Heirtoti ele-cline l to r<-ign, alleging that he could not "afford to lost' both hi* char- j actcr and Ins office without a strug gle. The e-onimi—ione r revoked hi appointment. SI N A TOR WAEI.ACK says the Phila delphia lieeonl, was much censured bv some of his friends for a *}>oech which he made in Industrial Hall, in thi* city, last October. Mr. Wallace very plainly asserted that the leader* of the Independent revolt werono Iw t ter than their Regular opponents, and that they had no higher political aims, to judge from their act* anel public declaration*, lie said they were fight ing only for their share of the spoils, anel if they obtained control of the i Republican organization in Pennsyl-! vania they wouhl tice-d cjuite as much ; watching as the Regulars. Recent events in the Pennsylvania Senate fully vindicate) Senator Wallace's stipe rior political sagacity. It wiP> take sharp optica to discover the difference be , '.ween stalwart* an<l lode[ieneleata in the Senate when it comes to viedating the eNimmand of the Constitution and chelating the Democrat* in the matter of ap|M>rtionnieut. Tlie only difference ( i* that tho Independent* put on a show ( of conscience and virtuo to cover their , partisan unfairness*, while the Kegu- , lars frankly aelmit that they have a < foul aeivantage, and that they mean t to keep it. NO. 28. i ill. cituution at I Jiirri-burg in un iliaugiil. i lit-.Stalwart* of th: s-Oiiato •till stand to tin '.r original fiurp>o*i: to [ircvi lit tin ja - ag'- o£ anything like a fair, cjiiitablo apportionment. Hold ing tin outrag' hj- gorrymand' r which they have cnjoyi <i for ten yeam jia.-l the Stalwart council 1< lermiued before the master bos-sailed for liurojn-, that no hill -liotihl | a - that would not yii Id tlio came unjust and unmanly party advantagi Thin is the motive which ha- governed the course of the radial- -ince the meeting of the legis lature in January ia-t. With the 1 ><-iii urate a fair apportionment is a 'pt'-ti a of principle, as well a- the right el r. jin -en tat ion, and whatever the < on-i-ijui on-, they dare not yield the rights of the people they represent, to the unprincipled minority who happen unfortunately to have a con trolling vote in the senate. After offering every concession possible to decency and honor, the appeal of the I>• lII' , rat- to the pe oplc of the state will not I" unheard in tilling disap proval of tin- treachery and disregard ot the constitutional obligation of the -talwart radicals of the senate of IVun-ylvania. All Sort-. I.ngliih csp.tal to the amount of $3O, Ok 1,(100 was invested in American cattle ranch'-- last year. It is said that 2.450 watches are man ufaetured in this country every working day in the year. If ratio Seymour ha* in his library an . i deed showing that Washington once peculated in Mohawk Valley land. Angels visit* would not l>e half so welcome to the Kay Stato Republicans ; a* the rising up of "the man to beat Pen I'.utler." lix "-enator Mcl'onald is a member of the Second Presbyterian church, In lianapmhs. and a liberal contribitor to all religious objects. Prince Jerome Napoleon is trying to • -I.'- friends with the I'ope. He is •< iv to l>e ail things to all men, but he i p.refer to bo Kmpieror to the I u dl. I-r. J. M. Kendrick and J. M. Trotter, Indianapolis, have left for Kurojie to .. after the interest of the Trotter heirs. The alleg. 1 value of the estate is al>out f200,0* 1.000. A delegation from Trie. I'a., headed by Representative I'rainard called on the President yesterday to urge him to make a change in the office of Collector of Customs for that District. Mr. Pan is the p.resent incurntsent. I'r. Mary Walker has received notice (rom the Commissioner of Pensions that her servii-eare not required. She is at •ent on h wo, Imt -he lia- written to the Commissioner that she will appicar at her desk, notwithstanding her dismissal. Senator I.ogan has lieen silent for some weeks. We do not know how long a time is required to hatch a boom, but the country is momentarily expect ing the Senator to complete the process of incubation and let the boomlgt be gin to grow. There are four generations, each well represented, in the reigning families of the Herman and Pritish Umpires. The little pwince born the other day to a young son of the Crown Prince is a great grandson of ( % >ueon Victoria as well as of Kmperor William. <'oloncl Wil ism C. (toodloe. who vu recommended for appointment to the vacant revenue eollectership in Ken lucky, declined the office for the rea son that he was expected to restore har mony in the Republican party, not only in his district but throughout the State. Reports from the cattle regions of Texas say that careful estimates place the number of cattle driven up the trail from thit section at 600,0tt0 bead, an increase of 250,000 over that of last year. The bulk ol the cattle will (HI driven to Kansas, Nebraska, and the | Western Territories. Wawixgtox .Inly 13.— Within a few daya a large reduction will be made in the force at p-reaent employed in the census bureau. This reduction ia made necessary by the insufficiency of the appropriation for the current fit cat year and because the preaent force cannot be profitably employed ia eon tinning the work which to to done.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers