Volume-- 27, ®jje Centre Democrat. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY J. J. BRISBIN. OJfi.cc in Reynolds' Iron Front, Second Floor. , Tkrms. $1,50 if P a 'd * n advance or within six aonths after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari ably be charged. No subscriptions received for a shorter period than six months and none dis iontinned, unless at the option of the editor, until all arrearages area Tjvid. . / [From the Tri-States Union. . The Banner of our Nation. Tha Banner of our nation ' Ajoud to all proclaims Our origin and station, Our purposes and aims. Its emblems toll the story. Of toil, and war, and pain, Of men both young and hoary, Our freedom to obtain. The STRIVES reveal • the number. Of States that did decree T.j burst their bonds asunder Ani asand among the free. Its 6TAits proclaim the number Sow in this Union band- Not to i e torn asunder By Treason's ruthless hand. Its pep rcvtals the treasure ' Of blood our Father's gave So bountiful in measure. Our happy land to save. The bi.i x proclaims hi w truthful We ha t ed for the right.— Though feeble, poor and youthful. Against the sons of might. Our kaolb tells the tidings, That we aloft would soar, In Freedom's strength, confiding, 'Mid steel, and, 2aniion's roar Our riii-RTBus BndkrjMiM show many joined in one-ir In national communion, ' As rays meet* i n the sun. Tile WHffK implies that purely They battled for the right— That we might dwell securely In Freedom's glorious light. In God,, the rock of Ages, Our fathers put their trust ; T i y toiled or free o u't- wag s, ' Augured their cause was jtin "] hese emblems tell the 6tory Our history unfolds : 01 men both young and hoary, So strong, and wjse, and bold. To gain among the nations A ranjt of strength and fame. EnXpj' ah honored station, * A lasting gloricus name. Wo stand 'tw.ixt mighty fountains, And reach from shore to shore; Abound in vales and mountains, Fare metals, coal and oar. Q'er all this boundless region Our banner proudly waves, While all the many legions ' In Freedoms fountain lave. The school, and church and college, * Abound in,all.,our coasts, And shed the huoof knowledge Qn ell our numerous hosts >Yhi'e presses all abounding bhed wisdom's cheering rays. To despots how confounding, While wond'ring cations gaze. One blot upon our story, (fives sorrow, grief and pain : four pi'llions rubbed of glory, Are bound in Slavery's chain; pespoiled of Freedom's treasure To toil in grief and woe, And suffer without measure— ilow long shall it be so ? Then may our Nation's banner Forever, ever wave, ...O'er oceans, marts and manors, From dread oppression save, Till all earth'g teaming nations The boon of Freedom gain, Enjoy its great salvation, Oppression cease to reign. Sknex . SOLDIER FRITZ. A oertain bright-eyed boy, whose hibtory I wish to relate, was known throughout the whole city of Bradenburg by the name of Soldier Fritz. He looked, for ll the world like a little general, and was always chosen one of the commanders-in-chief when his lit >t!e friends had mock battles. In fact, every body said that Fritz was born to be a sol dier. When he was- ia his thirteenth year, the ww with France broke out, and th 3 Prussian regiments, in one of which bis father was an inferior officer, received orders to march to the river Rhine. A sad day was it when that man took leave of his family and kissed them all good-bye, perhaps, the last for life. Fritz cried to go with hia father, but that could - not be ; he was too young and weak for such an undertaking.. Siz months passed away without a word from from the distant father and husband.— But one morning shortly afterwards the fam ily received a letter from him, containing in telligence that be had been in good health, and had been raised from his humble posi tion, and made a sergeant. " But what is the use of this new honer," he continued in bis letter, "if one has nothing to eat? Oh, if I only had a single peck of our splendid potatoes 1 How delioious they would be 1— We have to hunger here on the Rhine for three days together; and, indeed, I hr.ve not had a single potato since lleft home.' Thia part of the letter aroused Frits so much that be stood up in the middle of the door, and would not let his mother read an other word until she bad read this over again Ifiree times, nor did be soon forget it- It pained him severely to think that hia father % Jamilj Stfospajltr—ptotfr to tajpaittt, literature, geience, fjjt &rts, Ptcjptato, JBarkrts, ©mtation, Ctatral Intiffijtßee, #c., bad no potatoes to eat, while their cellar was full of the choisest kind- Several days elapsed and Fritz oould think of nothing else. So, on ope occasion, ho said to his mother. " Mother, give me a sock and I will take two pecks of potatoes to nay father." " Are you not dieamiDg?" replied his tnoJher, smiliHg, "just think of it. You would have to carry a sack of potatoes four hundred miles on vour shoulders' Away with such a thought 1" These words were much quicker said than obeyed. Soldier Fritz tried very hard to for get the potatoes, but he could Dot. Wbere ever he went they would come afresh iilto his mind. Eyen when he lay on the bed at night he could get no rust - r and; often ha would start up in his sleep and say to himself : " Father, you shall and must have some of the potatoes in our cellar." One bright morning evfrybody wondered, why Fri'z was not down to breakfast, lie waa always an early riser, and no one ever thought of awaking him. By-and-by his mother went up stairs and knocked at his door. But ehe received no reply. So she went in ; but "her boy was not thire. She concluded, however, that he had gone out in to the iieadov for a morning walk, and wo'd be home aga'm some time during the morn ing. But time passed on and Fritz did not come home. The clock struck twelve —one —two ; but he was still absent. Fically nigh came on ; and the only ne-vs they bad concerning Friiz was ih it he had been-seen on the road about the middle of tbo afternoon with a large sack on his shoulders ! "Alas! alas!" exelaimed his mother. "I shall not eee my son again ! What madness to think of taking potatoes to his father I" Then she went up into his room, and found that his Sunday clothes, his new boots, and a sack be had begged fr m her three days before, were ail gone. "He is gone 1 May the L >rd protect him and bring him sate home again ! ' After this abort prayer she wept a* if bar heart would break. It was the beginning oi many a sorrowful day to her. Now! muqt tell you how Fri'z succeeded in his travels with the sack on his shoulders, lie did not know the way to the river Ehiae, but made inquiries of everybody whom he met. lie had no money; in tact he had started from home with only nine cents in Uia pocket, and it did not tako long to find some use for that. But be thought to him self, " Wherever I go the people will surely give mo a loaf of bread. I need only tell them what "£ have in my bog, and to whom I am carrying the potatoes. Everybody will be glad to help me. And after a while I shall reach my father. What a surprise it will be to him !' Then will I say to him : • Father, I have picked out the bast potatoes in our cellar for you, and here they are.'" The hopes that Fritz had of being assisted by other people were all realized, though it was not a safe plan for him to depend upon thetn. He found bencf ictors in the inn where he stopped on ihe first night cf his journey ; fur when the cjcratng came the guests made biin up a purse of eight dollars. By means of this he was enabled, to ride two. days in the mail coach. But when it was ail gone;h,e shouldered his sack of potatoes again, and trudged i n in the direction of the river Rhine. At another hotel where he halted to spend the night the landlord asked him where he was 2oing. FritZt replied by telling bitn that hia father was in the Prussian avnjy, that he had, written about his having eaten no pota toes for six months, and also that he had said- in his letter he would like so much to have some of the good ones he had left at home. V Here's a boy who loves his pa rents!" said, the landlord ; whereupon he took a paper and pencil, and raised from his guests a subscription of twenty-eight dollars. But Fritz would only take seven dollars, for he said he would not have a cent more than would carry him to the Rnine where his father waa. Finally, after Friz had journeyed many a long mile, he saw in the distance the first seDtinei that kept guard around the Prussian army. " Will you be kind enough to tell me where my fcfhe? is was the question ha asked of the soldier. " Foolish boy," answered the Jong-whis kered sentinel, " how do you suppose I know \yho your father is, or with what regiment he is conneqted ?" " I beg your paidon,"replied Soldier Fritz, hurriedly. "My father's name is Martin Bollerman, and he is a sergeant in the Bran denburg regiment. " All right, my young friend, you pan pass on." Then Fritz walked as fast as he could, un til he came to the second sentinel ; then to the third ; and finally to the adjutant, who took bim by the hand, and, after placing him self right in front of him, made a striot ex amination of him. But the more he ques* tioned the boy, the more friendly and pleas ant be baoome. " Come along with me," he said, " I think we shall be able to find your father without much trouble." So they walked on until they came to a magnificent tent, from the top of which there floated a beautiful flag. It was made of fine silk, and Fritz's heart boqnded for joy as be saw it streaming in the wind. He went into the tent with the adjutant, and only took his " WE STAND UPON THE IMMUTABLE PRINCItLES 0? JUSTICE-NO EARTHLY POWER SHALL DRIVE US FROM OUR POSITION." Bellefonte, Centre County, Penna., Thursday Morning, Aug. 15 186 i. sack of patatoes from his shoulders whenin vitod to taae a seat. He was surprised to see in another corner of the tent,, a man clad in brilliapt uniform, who was sitting at a large table with maps and plans spread out before him. When the adjutant went up to him he slowly raised his head ; as he did so, Fritz was convinced tLat he was the general of the army. After a few words of conversation hed passed between thetn, the general motioned to the adjutant te leave, and beckoned to Fritz to come up to the table where h9 was. " What is your name?" he asked, as he iGoked at the boy from head to foot. " Fritz Bollerman, but everybody calls me Soldier Fritz," was the prompt reply. The general smiled, and inquired further: " Where did you come from?" " From Brandenburg." " What brought yo here?" " I wanted my father to have some of our good potatoes, and here is a bag of them for him." " Do you eav you have potatoes in that sack for your father V " Seeing is believing, respected general— Here they are, as smooth and round as peb bles from the brook," answered Fritz, as he untied the mouth of the sack. " Very well, my son. They are indeed ex cellent potatoes, and sharpen up my appetite amazingly. But do you go in the little room yonder, and stay until I call you. your bag here ; it will be safe in my care. So Fritz lilted the little curtain that served for a door, and entered the room at the back of the tent. As the large arm-chair was empty he sat down in it, and being weary, from bis toilsome journey, be soon fell asleep there. He was eaori g loud en >ugh, 1 can assure you, when the general went in and looked at him half an hour afterwards. But while he was 6ound asleep, the general was busy in arranging for a supper, lie invited Sergeant Bollerman, and all the highest offi ce rs in the army, to come to his tent that evening tor tea. Then he gave the necessary Oidera to bis cook, as to what he and his gujsts would have to eat- The hour for supper arrived. All who had been invited came in good time, it was a matter of surprise to the high officers to find that Sergeant Bollerman bad been requested to take sapper with the general, as he had never before received such an honor. Indeed, the sergeant himself was almost overpowered when he read the invitation, and at fitst thought there must be some mistake. The most remarkable thing on the table was a large covered dish. Everything else was banded round, but this was not touch ed. Occasionally some of the officers glanced at it in curiosity. The general noticed it and smiled at bis adjutant, who was the ODIJI cne besides himself that knew the secret. Final ly the order was given to the waiter to take the lid of the dish: What should everybody see but potatoes with the skins oh them ! Tru ly this was not expected. Some greater lux ury wns looked for. But you could not have pleased Sergeant Bollerman better. lie would rather eat a good potatoe than the richest dainty. " Thus far in our supper, my friends, you have beea njy guests," said the general, as a smile played on his lips. " But for the re maining Dart of our meal—that is for the po tatoeß-you are the guests of Sergeant B'oller lerman!" The officers inquired, wit ll one voice, how that could be. "Tell us," said they, " Imw this comes to pass." "I ? Oh, no. I can't tell a story well," answered the general. " But I ha"e a good historian near at hand. He will satisfy your wishes. " Adjutant, call our little friend from my private room." Everybody was on the tiptoe of expecta tion. Just now the sergeant seemed to have caught the whole idea; and he first turned pale and then red, as the eyes of the general rested on him. The adjutant entered the little chamber and in a few minutes he lift ed the curtain, leading out by the hand a bright-eyed boy— Soldier Fritz. "Fritz, sny dear Fritz! llow did you get here ?" exclaimed the sergeant, quite un mindful cf the company in which be was. The delighted boy made no reply, byit rushed to his father's arms, that were stretch ed out to receive him. The scene was really affieetiDg. Even the general himself was moved to tears. When some minutes of si lence had passed by, the general told Fritz to relate the history of his joruney, to the 'com pang present • I would have been delighted if you could have heard him k He told every thing so truthfully and earnestly. When he had finished, the general made a signal for the company to retire from the tent. But as the sergeaDt was about leaving with the rest be was told that his presence was' further needed, and was requested to go into the lit tle room of which 5 have spoken before, So he and Fritz went in there together. By-and-by the general came in, holding a large pieeo of parchment in one band, and a long purse full of gold pieces in the other. He then said to Sergeant Bollerman. ." My friend, here is your discharge from service in the army, together with the guaranty of a pension as long as you live. And this purse contains a little present for your faithful son. It will help to educate him and fit him for usefulness." " General, you are so kind I 1 have not deserved suoh favors as these," replied the sergeant, so delighted that he hardly knew what to say. " Yes, you, have. Ia the la3t engagement with the enemy you fought bravely, and re ceived a wound which will fnllow you to your grave. More than this, you have a sen whose affectionate heart and active mind will nerd a father's sympathy and care. Go home, old comrade, and bring all your children up as you have done this one, to respect,and love and labor for their parents. The sergeant was deeply affected at there words. He kissed the gsoeral's hand, and thanked hiin for bis kindness and attention. Then tha general turned to Soldier Frhz. and after kissing him several times he said : " Be good and industrious and you will be come an honored man. God always loves a child who honors his father and mother ; and he invariably makes such children successful and respected. Farewell, and may thy Heav enly Fa ther bless thee I" I will not wearv your patience by describ* ing the journey homewards, nor by dw&'.ling upon the joyful meeting with the loved ones again, And wh9o everything was revealed, it was to Fritz that all eyes were turn d.— They heaped praises upon him, but they did not make him vain or proud. liis answer to his parents when they spoke well of bim was : " My dear parents, you have prayed much for me. It is no wonder then that God has made me instrumental in doing some Utile j goocL" V/hen Fritz grew up to manhood, be be came a soldier, for that was what he had al ways felt it to be his duty to bp. Step by step he rose from one position to another.— Now he is a celebrated and respected gener al of the Prussian army. HI, The Sword Presentation. In our last issue we made mention of the presentation of a sword to dapt. Kistler, of the Westmoreland Blues, and promised, at the solicitation of numerous (nerds of the parties who acted in the pleasant affair, to give a synopsis at least, of the addresses on the occasion. Gen. H. D. Foster, happening to be pres ent, " broke the ice" by handing Gen. Stokes the sword, to be delivered by him to Capt ICistler, at ihe same time giving uiteranre to a remark, which though brief, (character istic of the gentleman) conveyed a meaning not 6usceptable of being misunderstood. Gon. Stokes presented it to Capt. Kistler in the most original and beautiful address, which it is, we regret to 3ay, impossible ad equately to report. He drew the sword from the scabbard, and said, handing it to the Captain. " Pake this sword, which I give you unsheathed, that you may recollect that it is at once the instrument and the emblem of war—to be both worn ana used. It is the only and universal original weapon—conse crated by valor in !1 ages, and i s blade shines brightly with glory, from the war waged by Israel, by God's personal com mand, to this present war, as holy as that, and made lor the vindication of the Heaven born truth of man's equality to man. Success w as certain as the Divine Omnipotence, which decreed hell for the first Secessionist. The argument of the Devil for rebellion was far bettßr then that of our traitors, for the Devil Was a scholar aDd a gentleman.— Swords of hoaor are commonly the rewards of successful valor, but wo know you, your officers and men, and we may safely, by pre senting the weapon now, anticipate a result certain in the future." Gen. Stokes a; length continued to examine the causes of the war and vindicate its justice. With evident emotion the Captain replied as follows : My Dear Sir Language fails ma to re press my heartfelt gratitude for this beauti ful sword, presented to me in behalf of the citizens of Greensburg and vicinity. Sir, I accept it as a token of their reepeoc and friendship. Ido most assuredly appreciate the gift; not on account of its value; not that I have as yet merited this noble gift at your hands, but on account of the confidence plaeed in me—a confidence which I will nev er betray. In accepting this trusty weapon I discard any revengful fueling or desire to shed the blood of my fellow-countryrneD, but desire only to wield it in defence of our government our liberties, our freedom, our homes and our families. May the arm be palsied that ever attempts to wield it in any other than tbe cau3# of justice and truth—and iu your presence arid the presence of my friends, I assert my firm determination to sacrifice my life, if Deeds be, in defence of that flag that has so long and so proudly waved its starry constellation under the broad canopy of heaven, and un der whose folds, we, as a united people, have so long been protected and respected. In conclusion, permit me to say to my friends that they shall never havo cause to regret the confidence reposed in me—and I trust that this valued gift in my hands shall never be stained with dishonor, but will grasp it firmly with an uplifted hand and go forth in tbe defense of tbe Stars and Stripes, and to aid in the maintenance of tbe supre macy of the Constitution and the perpetuity of this glorious Union. Capt. Trees, of Salem, being present, was called on, and responded in a few beautiful romarks appropriate to the oocasioD, which were well received, at the conclusion of which the crowd gave three hearty cheers for Captain Kistler, and three more for Fos ter, Stokes and Trees. Tbe train having now arrived the Captain got aboard, and thus ended the presentation. —Pennsylvania Argus, Oreensburg Pa. The Pennsylvania!! Battle Cry. A.A. —" Gay and llappy." Hark ! the trumpet jails to duty. See our glorious flag's unfurl'd. The Stars and Stripes unite iu beauty, The pride and envy of the world. So let the world jog as it will, We are for the Gnitn still ; For the Union, for the Union, We are for the Union still. If we wish that flag respected, liie must answer honor's call; Duty must not be Deglected, Tho' our dearest friends should fall. So let the world jog, &.c. Tr iters have betrayed the nation, But we will by the Union stand ; Let every Patriot seek his station, With tho gallant warlike band. So let the world jog, A c. Tho' tho rebels have exulted. In their treason and tbeir shame ; Yet the flag they have.insulted, - Still retains its honored name. So lot the world jog, Ac. Long its folds shall float above ire, While T7e shout ou. battle cry ; "We will fight for those who love us, But let every traitor die " So let the world jog Ac. Penn3ylvanians to your station, Boldly meet the traitor foe; Fight as bravely for the nation, As you did in Mexico. So let tho world jog, Ac. Then your dames shi„ll live in story, And echoed be from strand to strand ; Then fight for Liberty and Glory, Ths Union and yenr Native Land. So let the world jog, &o. Compromise. The veriest spawn of tho 'TFathar -f Lies" Is that creeping creature called Compromise. A slimy thing in villainot s guise, With tho pompous title—Compromise. The tool of the weak—the scora of the wise— Oh ! men ! beware of Compromise ! Crooked and dark the pathway lies, Before the fiend named Compromi o. Avoiding the gleam of good men's eyes, Characterless crawls Compromise. Two cowards at war—one cf them cries, "Let's settle the matter by Compromise 1" So wrapped in a screen that detection dofies, It stalks in umpire—Compromise. Two thieves that grasp a stolen prir.e, Divide the spoils by Compromise. A country groans and a nation sighs When leavers turn to Compromise. Though fools may hope to strengthen ties By cotton bands of C ompromise. If you wish to soe a nation rise, Dar J to speak of Compromise Accursed be he who sells or buys I. to country's honor with Compromise. T'.ang him li:g'\ and after ha dies, IVrite on his tombstone—Compromise ! Can ye never a plan devise To save your land but Compromise ? Come to your senses ! Up ! Ariee ! 'hire ye strike on the reck of Compromise. Tlae American Girl. Our hearts are with our native land. Our song is for her glory ; Iter warrior's wreath is-in our hard, Our lips breathe out her story. Her lofty hills and valleys grcer., Are "shining bright before us ; And like a rainbow sign ia seen Iler proud flag waving o'er us. And there are smiles upon our lips, For those who meet her foeman, For glory's star knows no eclipse, Whou smiled upon by woman, For those who brave the mighty deep, And scorn the threat of danger, We've smiles to cheer, and toars to Weep, For every ocean ranger. Our hearts are with our native land, Our songs are for her freedom ; Our prayers are for the gallant band Who strike where honor leads them. We love the taintles air we breathe, 'l'is Freedom's endless power ; We'll twine for him on endless wreath Who scorns a tyrant's power. They tell of Fiance's beauteous fair. Of Italy's proud daughters, Of Scotland's lasses, England's fair And nymphs of Shannon's waters. We need not boast their haughty charms, Though lords around them hover, Our glory lies in freedom's arms— A Freeman for a lover. Slavery and tb,e War. Many things have seemingly combined to briDg about the present rebellion ; but all converge to one point. THE CASSE is SLA VBRY. The conspirators are endeavoring to establish a confederacy which shall have elaverv for its basis. It is so declared by Jeff. Davis and his fellow rebels. 7hey do not disguise it; why should wo ? This re hellion is for the purpose of legalizing, by strong Constitutional lay," the vilest system that ever saw the sun,*' and to make it per petual. This is their ovo declaration. How long is it expected that the Govern ment or its soldiers are to stand by and see the property of Union men in the South seiz e 1 and c mfUtca'ed, Northern creditors rob bed ty proclamations and edicts of repudia tion, and make no retaliation, or to resist Ciily in'the mo6t refined and delicate man ner ? Ilow long shall we heed the cry of Toryism, that they are brethren ard must be whipped as little a3 possible? How long ! We are at war 1— Dot only this, but we are at war with a semi-barbarous, and a most savage and unscrupulous foe. They stop at no device to accomplish their ends. They do not respect a flag of truce, cr even, wounded soldiers on the field of battle. The hospital for the wounded, or the green sash of the surgeon, is not heeded ; but, like other sava ges, indiscriminate slaughter is their prac tiae. The field,at Bull's Run has proven this. The brutal mobs and horrid murders of anr f fending men at the South, in time of peace, had proved it long ago, but tho Northern people were slow to believe. Now we know the enemy we have "to deal with. We know that they fight only when entre.nched, and ia vastly superior numbers, nod act like cowards and savages whenever they have an opportunity. They press their Negroes into servico to build entrenchments, and arm them to fight in front of their battles, Is there any longer a necessity for treating this matter so dp'icatelv ? Wherever slavery is found Dot only to be the cause of the war, but is being used in protecting the enemy and killing lcyal soldiers, destroy it—root it out—eradicate it. Especially let this be done wherever whole communities are disloyal and seek to overthrow the government for the sake of slavery. We think it is Yattel who says, when writing on the Law of Nations, that we " have a right to weaken our eDemy in order to render bim incapable of support ting his unjust violence," " to deprive him of everything which may enable him to make war, in the manner most suitable to us." In these statements ail writers on International Law agree. It is folly to allow an enemy his greatest source of strength, when we p Siess power to make that very strength a source of weakness and certain annihilation. " To this complexion must it come at last." The slave drivers are using their slaves to destroy the Government that has protected them, aod to destroy the lives of our soldiers Shall we pot destroy these living engines of our destruction 7 If a ship should, sail up Delaware Bay, containing Rebels, firing on the people aud the property on shore, would there be any hesitancy in destroying it? If tbe Rebels fire on our pmple from a church, will the sacrodneos of the edifice save it from destruction? If a rich planter has his own fine house fortified and surrounded by mask ed batteries, shall (ur soldiers die by his deadly shots rather than destroy bis beauti ful villa 7 If slaves build that housß and fire these guns, shall that kind of "property" be held mora sacred, than his inanimate chatte's? By slavery ha is enabled to pur chase guDs and build earreDchments. Is there any reason why we should deal with the effects when we caD, at once, remove the cause, —both of the defensive works, and the very thing which he is fighting for ? Away with thia false delicacy 1- WE ARE AT Y/AR, aqd let us realize it, and act as if we were determined to discover our enemy's weak point and conquer by it. The dictates of humanity, our instincts of selfpreservation our love of country, our dpeire for National existence, all demand that we shail proclaim liberty to every slave held by a rebel master. Congress has past an set discharging all who are used by tbe Rebels in throwing up en trenchments, or in fighting, from " all obli gations of service or labor" to their masters. Let means be taken to proclaim thia in all the rebel States, and the institution which has so well nigh ruined the country wiil melt away like dew before the sun, and tbe back bone of the rebellion will be broken.— But every slave, whether used or not for warlike purposes, who belongs to a Rebel, should be declared absolved from all obliga tions to perform unrequited labor. Why should we hesitata longer ? Let the war be closed by removing the cause of the war.— Chester County Times. General Butler on the Contra band Question. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF YA. ) Fortress ftloDroe, July 30. j Son. Simon Cameron,Secretary oj War. SIR —By an order received on the morn ing of the 2G,tb of July from Major General Dix, by a telegraphic order from Lieutenant General Scott, I was commanded to forward of the troops of this department, four regi iments and a half, inoluding Col. Baker's California Regiment, to Washington via Bal timore. This order reached me at 2 o'clock A. u. by special boat from Baltimore. Be lieving that it eminated because of some pressing exigency for the defeuee of Wash ington, I issued my orders before daybreak for the embarkation of the troops, sending those who were among the best I bad. In the course of the following day they were all i embarked for Baltimore, with the exception | of some 400, for whom I had not transpor , tatioD, although I had all the transport force in the hands of the Quarter-Master here, to ■ aid the bay line of Bteamers, which by the ' same order from the Lieut-General, was di rected to furnis'i transportation. Up to and at the time of irder 1 had been preparing for an advance movement by which I hoped to be able to cripple the resources of the en emy at Yorktown, and especially by seizing a large quantity of negroes who were being pressed into their service in building the en trenchments there. I had five days previ ously been enabled to mount for the first Number 28 irre, the flr.-t company of light artillery which X h~*d bee" empowered to raise and they had but a single rifie cannon, an iron 6 pounder. Ot course every thing must and did yield,to the supposed exigency and the order# This ordering away the troops fro n this department, while it weakened the pasts at Newport News, necessitated the withdrawal of the troops from Hampton, where I was throwing up entrenched works to enable me to hold the town with a small; force while I advanced up Y rk or James River, in the village of Hampton there were a large number of negroes, composed, in a great measure, of wotr.cn and children of the men who bad fled thither within my 1 lines of protection, who had escaped from the marauding par'ies of rebels who had been gathering up ab'>e bodied blacks to aid them in construoting'their batteries on tho Vorfc and James Rivers. I had employed" the ro> n 3a Hampton in throwing up in trenebmerts, and they were working zeal ously and efficiently at that duty, saving our soidiers front that labor under the of the m'd-day sun. The women were earning substantially their own subsistence in wash ing, marketing, and taking care of the clothes of the soldiers, aod rations were being serv ed nut to the men who worked for the sup port of the children. But by the evacuation* of Hampton, rendered necessary by the with drawal of troops, leaving me scarcely 5,000 men outside the fort, including the force at Newport News, all these black people wen obliged to break up their hemes at Hamp ton, fleeing across the creek witbin my lines for protection and support. Indeed it was a most distressing sight, to see these poor creatures, who had trusted to the protection of the arms of the United States, and who aided the troops of the United States in their enterprise, to be -thus obliged to flee from their homes, and the homes of their masters, who had deserted them, and become not fu gitives from fear of tbe return of the rebel soldiery, who had threatened to shoot tho men who had wrought for us, and to carry off the women who had served us, to a worse than Egyptain bondage. I have, therefore, r. >w within the peninsula, this side of Hampton creek, 900 negroes 300 of whom are abie-bodied men, 30 of whom are men su 1 o antially past hard labor, 175 women, 225 children under the age of ten years, atid 170 between ten and eighteen years, and many more c iming in. The questions which this state of facts present are very embar rassing. /'n-i-f—What shall be done with them ? and Second, What is their state and condi tion 7 Upon these q.ueslluua I desNo the instruc tions of the Department. The first question, however, may perhaps fe answered by considering tho last. Are these men, women, and children slaves 7 Are they free 7 Is tbeir condition that of men, women, and children, or of property, or is it a mixed relation 7 What their status was under the Constitution and laws, we all know. What has been the effect of rebellion and a state of war upon that status ? When I, adopted the theory ol treating tho ablebodied negro tit to work in the trenches, as property liable to be used in aid of rebel!* ion. and SJ contraband of war, that condition of things was in so far met, as I then and still believe, on a legal and constitutional bas : 3. But now a new series of questions arise. Passing by women, the children cer tainly cannot be treated on that basis; if property, they must be considered the inoum brance rather than the auxiliary of an and. of course, in no possible legal relation could be treated as contraband. Are they property 7 If they were so, they have been left by their masters and ownere, desered. thrown away, abandoned, like the" wrecked vessel upon the ocean. Their for mer possessors and owners have causelessly, traitorously, rebelliously, and, to carry out tbe figure, practically abandoned them to be swallowed up by the winter storm of starva tion. If property do they not becorao the prop erty of the salvors ? bu? we, their salvors, do not need and will not hold such property and will assume no such ownership ; has not therefore all proprietary relation ceased T— -1 Have- they not become thereupon men wo* ' men and ohildreo? No longer under own* j ershipofany kind, the fearful relicts of fu i gitiye masters, have they Dot by their mas i tors acts, and the state of war, assumed the 1 condition, which we hold to be the normal ! one, of those made in God's image. Is not every constitutional, legal and moral re quirement, as well to ttie runaway master as tbeii relinquished slaves, tbus'aoowered? ; I confess that my cwn miod is compelled by ; this reasoning to look upon them as men and women. If not free born, yet free, manumit ted, sent forth from the band that held them never to be reclaimed. Of course it this reeeoning thus imperfect ly set forth is correct, my daty as a humane man is. very plain. I should take the samo i care cf these men, women and children, 1 houseless, homeless and unprovided for, as I ! would of the same number of the men, wu men, and children, who for their attachment ; to the Union bad been driven or allowed to ; flee from the Confederate States. I should i have no doubt on this question, had I not seen it stated, that an order had been issued by General McDowell in his department, substantially forbidding all the fugitive slaves from coming within his lines, or being harbored there. Is that order to he enforced i i ail mililary departments? It so, who are to be considered fugative slaves? Is a slave to be considered lugative whose master runs away and leaves him ? Is it forbidden to the troops to aid or harbor within their lines the negro children who are found therein, or is the soldier, when his march has destroyed their means of subsistence, to allow them to starye because he has driveD off the rebel master ? Now shall the commander of reg iment or battalion sit in judgment upon the question, whether any given black man has fled from his master, or his master fled from him ? Indeed, how are the free born to be distinguished? Is any one more or less a fugitive slave because he has labored upon the rebel entrenobmants ? If he has sc labored, if 1 understand it, he is to be h*r,' bored. By the rsteption of which are thfi rebels most to he distressed, by taking those who have wrought all their rebel masters desired, masked their battery, or those who' have refused to labor and left'tha battery un masked. I have Tery decided opinions upon thn subject of this order. It does not becom Concluded on second j>cgc.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers