tff jr. - . v-. -V - -. ,, iyi W-1" - MjiM$m if 8 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 102 vt. ,x i i r j-1' uv Iffl OTM m m M' m t IS f ' i 1 Ir W '. t; .h Hi i I i w llnlll m I M Ml m W Irllli HOI BARKER AGAIN LOSES CASE Court Rules Bryn Mawr College Within Rights in Expelling Girl Frem Institution EXCEPTIONS ARE DISMISSED Judge Miller, of Xorrl-tevti. I njjnln dtciclfsl iiR.iinst Miss Marjurie 3!nrkcr, of Mirlnpin i'.t, ltnl., m her Action tu In reinstated us n student nt j V.rjn Mnwr ("nllrjif. Yfsttrlii- lie dis missed .isl. -tlnre cccti"iia te Li former dcr-is..e. in U1M1 it wis lii.'.l flint Himi Mnwr. belli! a rintv 111 111 Millien, hail a light t nu' a1ie should nliil who ulieu'd wt l iircejitalili- a BtndPiU". rl,'he eelli'ce nutheriti""- ilisimsfil Jliss Kur'ier en thn fti-mimls that hi' was an "iindeiirnbL student." 'I'hnt nrtlen was tiib'ii alter thw had been petty thefts in one e tli dormitories of tin "ellep"-. hhi n' taken liefute ilie deiin and eonfreriU-d wllh certain evidence, and. while she was home, dnr.tic the lielidiijs, nIic was Informed tl.nt li mislit net return as u student. In disiiHMii? the e.'ucnti.'iif-. JiM,:. Miller nas. "It is raielj we lind di-id.'ed 111 the jireM'litatien nl n i-iise the son I, skill and iiidutr wlueli u both miIls tif tlie table ha" ehar.iPterieil Oils, uiu . 'u therefure iire ii:itinall cum- t' it the. mature i i-:ihilT.iti.iii whieli its uw:i Importance iKiiiied .mil s-'ich presen presen tntlen Invited. "The decision, hiih .Wis tiled en Februaiy 'it. I'.V-".', I'uileatcs elem'.y lltnt it ui's based iinm three taiun .oneliisietis : "That i-vi'i. where r1 -tuiKnt Las ben, Aretigfully iifllisl fieiii a juiMite. Incorporated iiistitutmii !' Laniliu'. inamlaiaiis v ill net In- ( i..-ii1 tin oiperation tu reinstall1 him. or. i.i ether word, tin- I'mir' wnw wrl...'it 'llllsilietinti 111 the trenilC. "Thnt t.wler the evident e t-. mIh 'Of was, however, nui v ruinjfinly e polled. 'That. ven reivedmc the f.t.'t 01 he jurisdiction, 'indcr all the iri.n. -slnnrc"'hised lv the i nden.-c the f'eiirt was power ithe;- t.i . --erfciv with in- control the . wn iv I he jiresidint the lullegc nf the rth ial dlsereti"'i este.l in hfr te tr .e r set aside tin- cleeit.n whl'-h t"l! ' '.; U exercise hv In i. "After further oensidei.ilio-i, ue -c iialn uf the opinion Mint all ti.rei hese eoni'lii'ieiis li.-no .1 wmi I . id.i id.i ten in tlie f;ic'. aiid the li .i,'Le. e their. "Such heinft the . a-e. i.,.i -W-.f . rmst remain wri ur.ngeil." JULES MASTBAUM AGAIN 1 HEADS JEWISH CHARITIES Lean Association Has Annual Din ner and Raises Special Fund V total of lS.'.'eO wan sul'MTlbed last tiicht as additional werliinc rapltal for the rederaled Lean A'soelatlen by lending .Uwvlsli (itiyetis at tin iissoeiif tlnti's seeeinl annieiar dinner In the Morcanttle I'lub. (Umbel lliether subi-erlbed .CiOOO in metuerv of .laceb Oiinhel: Samuel V. Lit. Srjr.O. ntul Claren. e .!f, I'hllln HeM'iihach, .1. AValter Kesei). .laceb Ml, Albert 1'leisher, .lilies MiiMhatim. Albert M. (ti-eentleld and Alexander Lieberman. Sltx0 cmli. and Albert Marks, $r,w. The nssoei.itien. with headquarters at '' :' Seuth Sixth ,'tieet, lendu inene. ut low tntes uf inleicst te tieedv per--eiis, and In two ynirn ',.is aided tnnre ihnii 17IMI taiuilii'i. I'he uipitnl steel, is i,i In- liiiivasid te S!!.f)iNi.(itMi freni sMiil.niiii. Siieal.ers at i In- niiiii i ii-i i med .Tvii;i neiiue Stern. .InK'- i: Mastlmun.. inesiihlit of I he "iKi ii Aitieu ; .lesepll Itilllknpf. i.iiertnf et the l'eili ration el Jewish rhiiiitits mid Wi 1'iifi Hirscl.. iiuiiiiiKi r uf tl e as'oeiatini eiVnvrs to-elootid in-: '' ' Masthiniiii. presnleiit : lheit S. Mnrl.s. fust 1m preslden ; 1Iiiit lli's'iiser, su-eiid moo president; Hurry ti. Suud Suud helm, seoretary. and Albert M. lli'Cen I lli hi, tre.isuter. Pf3 s .r . ir - i - r- m m- WINS DEBATING PLACE Lansdewr.e Bey Is Member of Drewn University Team iloreoi K i n.'iiii r-rs ,.f'i i . will he ,i ii'eiuU r it t i" r.rnwii I id .'iii ;, 1,1 tie if mi that will n.eet Vo.le.iii ,it .Miudli ' n. t'eiin., te- lilRl.t. !! .1 iiihe the liV'ButiM.' side I of the iiistinii, ", CeMT'iiiiit t ownership of foal nnr ' would I di'sirablr. oeiis'iu.tiomlly Kriiiited " I'haltiii is. p sopl1r.,.ero, will !.,e as hN iti - W: Iter I, Wu'n.i", 'JA. 'of I'.ncle .ml. V. .1 . and Jame- '. fiill.iliiin. ff .S.wpei-. II. i. His Wr. 'hev. Will .mi I. t'halnnrf. nl.. i s ' ,v. -i or. - nteil Ittuwi. n?n'.iis! (' .I'llldl..! e.i II I Itllll.l.tlM' ,' i , '1 e ipir-ll.i'i "s'i'iinlii i en.. i ' i ASTOR WIRES ASTORIA $5000 I Asteria. Ore.. Dee IT, ,i.'eut' Astui, et Vew " ! . ii ilin ' ues.cnu- i rut e ('olenel Jeh.i Jm eh A.te!, who I t. .undid Asteria a .1 !.. -t'.nhnj: 1 est i .u 171. wlred 1 e Aste'i.i lti-liefj i ..i .'.Is-i. .s. .mill te- is tire re'.ef t ii d Shave, Bathe and Shampoo with one Seap. Cuticura CatieurSepfi thfter tafcnifatjrueMliavisf Wf .hmumK AM. L'AlOt ON 'iKa. l? K Y '.'( - as i --t3 ill Mfe BHK ( 114 III II HIPS ill a i 1W-.H Philadelphia Responds "pHE RESPONSE of Philadelphia 1. pie te the announcement that c arc new paying 4', Interest en Savings Accuitnt is indued jfratifyiiiK. The lai'Kf number et' nicu, wuihui,, heytf and girls who are joining our hank ing family in order te take ad antage 01' this new rule testifies, te the alertness and thrift of our citizenship. We cordially invite you te enjoy this new rate of interest here where safety, service and convenience are assured. Central Trust & Savi 1114s Company Market and Fourth Street I'hiludeleliki i Capita! and surplus. $i,(iuu,uuu.uu raii'iiiiiipHBilWiijil 3Mi FINAL REDUCTIONS IN wijittfg 1426 WALNUT ST. 1 WM f s I C. R0 J MAKKE .n BEH WE ARE showing mnny new (IcsIriis hi diamond rings. Ilrilliant coins uf our usual IiIrIi .stnnd nrd, nintinlcd in diHtinctive stylcH. All iilntintim iind cmrtbiiiittiuitfl of green pelil and platinum. $75 te $500 Mitchell Fletcher Ce. Charge Accounts Solicited Bell Phene Spruce 84-40 Gtn. 7000 C CD. ebrJrkfs fi CHOICE collection of delightful color prints, containing the best efforts of many modern masters, are en display in our galleries. Among them are noteworthy examples ef: Mezzotints bi .vm.nNT r.nwAKDs sydSt.y p. t'LiKrnnu .tajiks ii.MAcnr.'ni and ethers Etchings by 1WM11.1: tii.Nfi; run 'iiiai and ..'.l'l'-s Dry Points b:i V. UAltUV ' 1UI IS H'Alir an. 1 1 th( is Holiday gifts of exceptional distinc tion will be found in this collection prints of artistic merit and decorative effect especially suitable for this purpose. Prices from $25 THE ROSENBAsCH GALLERIES THIRTEEN TWENTY WALNUT ST. SHOOR-TREDS" INVIGORATE Safeguard the Strength and Beauty of Your Child's Feet-in "SHOOR-TREDS" .?. i is i w i ,v' Nete the i ,, ITr I) - TIJI'II' Arch . And besides tiu.- correct ie and .strenyth .strenyth develeping feature of "Shoer-Trccls" they're simply beautiful, made in the luxurious Russia tan calfskin that we u.-e. Vet they cost no mere than imitation, .size.-. 2 te e, turn sole, are $3.u3 sizes 4 te 8, with wedge heel, i" 1.00 and in welt soles, $.1.30. In genuine white china buck thev're $:3.Ss" te S3.2S. Prices en Children's "SH00R-TRED" SCHOOL SHOES ,l)u $4.00 4.25 4.75 5.75 Sizes 7i'jr, 5 te 8 $4.00 8' 2 te 11 4.50 I Vi te I 5.00 21, i te 7 6.00 Beys' Sizes I 1 te 2, High or Lew 5.00 Beys' Sizes 2' j te C. High or Lew 5.25 Mice price are going up H bur NOW! iThe "SHOOR-TRED" Lastn Iif.s Leesi l'I... - . uu ..t" t '-.;, 'k.-.. j ,i i jn l'u." yreur.ff feet --i:r.i', .. , -.tra!i ,,unv , i u.niai , party sli'jpeirf, heuse ilippi-j . sl01. , Ulll cv,. u our famous 'l-oetlito" iJa..ft -lipiMir--, . i-l by lead iinr profusbieini ..r.U Lrnitmn-, Children' Three.quarter Length Weel Secl $ Three HeMher Mixtures, Fancy Tep 1.15 0CTwPRONOUNCEOpT.NQ) ITtyemt of Fmouee 1230 MARKET 1308 CHESTNUT (Sheea and Stockings (or Alt the Family) 19 S. ELEVENTH Quick-Service Men's Shep Every Feet, Professionally Fitted-T1 re Ge i'ing Brethers H tifrv'ilwj Like, talking te a "Sanla" 3000 miles away buying these little Eng lish Ankle-Ties for "baby." 18th & Chestnut Sts. 12th & Market Sts. 5600 GcrmanteWn Ave. Atlantic City, N. J. $S5SK55 -4 STSCSi SUGGESTIONS Helpful in Selecting (he Christina's (Jijt GOLD SILVER Culf Links 6-v23 Vest Chains H- 30 bcarf Pins, s-4.-3 Cig.ii ("ultcr, IG-?"2") Key Ring. 9-'l3 Belt Buckles 29-33 Pen Knives -8-30 PLATINUM AND DIAMOND SCARF PINS DRESS SETS Mi-'JOO 1 53- 300 RINGS 90-2000 Van Dusen and Stokes Ce. 1123 CHESTNUT ST. .5Zi? CC t csz -hl jr ) MARKET AT KICUITEBN'TH STREET Vj ' I r i i ' ffifry I fc- 1 1 " i i fi N n n ft K i n fc P-s 10L M s-seT ""C u d-..- Wff,,.M. . 1 Attractive Hampera and Baskets Fancy Fruits filled with a tempting variety of Fresh Fruits and Christmas Dainties $5, $7.50, $10, $15, - $20, $25, $30, $35 WHY WE SELL CHEAPER LOCATION rfteiqeru)ali S y 'Beet Shep f tJOf r'hn&innt St. xmzwzvrecBZZMjrMr "'f SI Christmas Gift Suggestions On Lew, Liberal Terms Cleth Bruihw. -3.30- H) Card Cases. sl3-'30 Fountain Pens '5.30-'' 1 2 J Key Rins, 2-3 T, Pen Ktmes. M.50-M2 Pencils 3-l0 Bell Buckles N.75- 7.30 Exquisite 10-piece Queen Anne Dining-Roem Suite in American walnut. d l Q Going for. JL i7U 2fl r"$fe? LAMPS! Tremendous Varieties U , jr.' iiiiiI.Iii ii Kiti-rinl fi-iilnri- .if a mull,, mi llli lii'iiullfiil rlili sill, nlimlf, a.'l mill. Ji 1 fl l-k-li' in tills silc fur its lilt !- us PlOi f AK " :Oic -M 726 Arclv St.- 43 N2 8St.. 1 l4i Jtrrscxrxjrzrrjcrjn'xj-.'xxi JT mawmwmwLM ;;. (i-.v; i r.nfs VV ; ' ,.. Slwlc Rc'n.irir.ij (Vui Rrii.'jit- iiuij Dene at ()i,i 0n h.rttji. 1115 CHESTNUT ST. C Opposite Keith's Theatre) Tomorrow Saturday at 9 A. M. VincluiiiMi iltjcnti fJittiit .li'ii''tnl. Mail O r,li it I ill til iiiyy m '& Offerinii Our Entire Stock of Le ;,i. S'.ll ',,",,,.' ft 40-in. Muskrat Coats 40-in. French Seal with Skunk Cellar & Cuffs Raccoon-Trimmed Marmet Coats Trimmed Leepard Cat Actual Savings oilste1 The magnitude ej ihis opportunity will he impressed upon you by the hii'Ji type ei Vur Garments in the Sale. They are distinguished by slyle-euginality and superiority of materials. Prices would net cover the present cost ej production. The opportunity is NOW the savings are manifest. A Small Deposit Reserves Purchases Hudsen Seal Goats- (' iAJ, III kl' t ? - Q i in' J Miulditriii t- Mmhl. i iL-li iirth, ', e.0P J wir"fij v . ,S,-nil Vim. i" '( )irh Sea' 05.00 $ s !S An etferinu et Ce.its el .n-lci ted p,.th jn ,-..-v 40.,nL., te B-inc!i medeU. C.ipes. ,u,d Wmp, .1U0, liinnnecl witli Skunk, Squirrel. Kelinsky, Well. l'u:; or C.iratul. French Seal Capes Russian Peny Coats French Seal Wraps Brown Marmet Ceals 40-in. French Seal Coats 40-in. Hair Sea! Coats K V A Special Selection of Coats 1S.").()0 Kluck Caracul Coats Xew 125.00 1f).").00 liaci'oen-Ti'iiitmod Mjhkial NOW 4,)) 215.00 Natural Uamien ('oath. . .New ffij) .'200.00 Moleskin Capes and raps -N'J' )$) 100.00 Natural Mink Ceat New 2V5.OO 150.00 Natural Squirrel ( ea( NOW 295!()0 050.00 Alaska Seal Wraps NOW 54f5 00 050.00 Trimmed Persian Lamb... NOW 3950 Hudsen Seal it Dyed Muskrat rf) v , D , r 'em Jl'afJlRSfl Ii li , i.uich ', en-'li Seal ('(iiff. 05.00 e . .. ..,. , , w.-( ,-.
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