:! i&zQffinimwmm ,,-.. ,-r - ;. .,,. rvv K.y ' ' ft, ' m !-'' I Tf'TW i DRY RAIDERS START WILD FAMILY WAR i r EVENING PUBLIC rs-t" 11 fur-ma .'i:j 11 i a-i -tr. ti jrn funn,'- r .rs-.zi w.vtam 21 tr. a rj wv iivq?Viv: 1 . r -,.iims -w 1 - . i'l'Ji . ki ijy WX'IJff C V". 'l'- ,KI'T1iB'K.!IJ"""'rt'' . V 'IV ' EBBGBPMtA&ELMtif !!pitiAr.- DECEMBEB 15, 'peg WWRT j w FfTTM TOATraacMrtBisr .' 'wvwjiier wv-'j 1 ".". l.W-lfvh i .. ect!. t-i! ia: fan leilS Wlliueia 111a i.iid Owns Still "Liar," is Re-tort-Uxorious B0UT LASTS ONE ROUND ....t.iMlmi nt'P'its III n rnlil lit the lemc of Vlncent Delnclilpskl. Tl'ten trcft nenr ('iiinl)erlnml, liml te Hm ' lp tl0 man ami M wife 'M ,ln elc . . r I- . .lit V.,,.,.1 tj,l nreiin-d nor 01 im. " - te.ttr,n"'U''." Mr". IneliltiKkl yolled V ' ...1.... ti.timi ulie Iirnril her Iiiih- UP V": 7 .V.' .l,lnr tm. tlll lielmnpil tani icn " - i WM1"' l.,..n,1 In flin SPPOIIll , tl nf thp limine w lore tlie still wns f0Oirfl 'it l'..i- li'ishniiil. I'rolill.ltien in nnnther ral.l yestcnlny Prelilb!- . " ?.:..V H Dnvls lllll tV(l Of 1IT ,nti were mLitiikrii for feeoml-Hery lf,n wIipii they .wcrt neon prylnc .jtici: window nt tlie jwih i. niu, iiifii- menil ami Cnmbrta utrects. Fourteen gallons of rye Were found. Police arrested Sirs. I'MIicr Hereof fifty years nf bro, of Fnlrmeunt rive rive mie near Mrpnnil street, yesterday afternoon nt Main and Levering streets, Mniiayitnk, ns she was carrying a bris ket containing 11 gallon of whisky and two nunrts of gin. Shu was turned ever te the Federal authorities. (Ireup Head McC'lure wild shu had been nr rested three times before en charges of bootlegging. ALLENTOWN BOYS ORGANIZE TO BEAT THE "COAL TRUST" Picked Fuel Frem Trains and Sold It for 45 Cente for 100 Pounds Allrntewn. Pa.. Dee. 15. Half a down small boys, who naively confessed that they had organized te beat the nn tlmieite trust, were arrested this morn ing en the charge of stealing cea'. The plan had its inception when one of tha lads wns .ent out te pick coal .en the railroad bemuse, his parents could net buy any for lack of it. A fuelled neighbor then paid him te pick coal for him. The boy then developed 11 scheme le organize a gang te ink" enl from the trains, which thev sold nt forty-llve cents n hundred pounds, or about ?8 a ten. They acquired express wagons mid sleds and developed u thriv ing buslnews. Residents encouraged them because Allcntewn Is vlrtua Iv without coal In face of the fact that the city is only forty miles from (be mines of theusnndy of tens passing through daily. 1 nn hours GRILLING INGS M STORY ba Admits Weman Is Dead and Changes Location of Plunge Inte River 30 OFFICERS WORK RELAYS tlu Associated 1'rcss Chicago, Dec 15. Arthur Fester. held in connection with the disappear ance of Mrs. Knte Mitchell Trestell, tplegrnph branch office mannger, uh.der stress of simultaneous questioning by thirty detectives, early today, after he nlready bad undergone nearly 100 bourn of examination by officers work ing In relief detnils. changed his orig inal statement regarding the alleged death of the woman. Kurlv yesterday he told the officers Mrs. Trestell jumped Inte the Chicago drainage cnnnl. Today he mid that statement was wrong, but thnt the mli-sing woman leaped Inte the water at n point one hundred yards away from the spot first Indicated. A great squad of policemen dragged the cannl all yes yes (enlay for the body. Tim first change in Fester's demeanor nunc nfler it friend of Mrs. Trestell pent mere than nn beur reading te him from the Hiblc and after Mrs. Ties (ell's eleven-year-old daughter faced him Miertly lifter midnight with the accusation that he had murdered her mother and begged him te restore the body se it might be burled before Christinas. . , Until then officers said his attitude had been thnt or stolid imnnercnce. After the little girl's plea. Fester was said te have admitted Mrs. 'Jrestell waa dead, but denied he was respon sible. He maintained she leaped into the canal. Htnlns en Fester s automobile were mill by the coroner's chemist te have been bleed, and In. his motorcar de tectives said they found a button from Mrs. Trestell's dress imtl n pencil such as she used. LLOYD GEORGE IN CRASH Londen, Dec. 15, 'Fermer Premier Lloyd (ieerge had a narrow escape yes terday afternoon when his motercnr reUlded with another enr outside of Parliament lSulldltig. He was net hurt. -U TO PICK TEN DIRECTORS Chamber of Commerce Will Have Annual Election Next Menth A nominating committee bus been (elected by the Chamber of Commerce te present nt the annual meptlng in Tnntinry the nninpn of candidates te fill the ten places en the directorate thnt will be vacant at thnt time. These selected from the membership Uln.fnrt A .Tnllnlf. nn.ulttntlf tit tlin ,11,; ij,i:n,. . ... ....... . ,' .--.. --- -'- ... Stewart A. Juliet t Company; Frank 11. Stewart, 01 me e runic 11. nwivuri Klcctrlc Company, and ChnrleD F. Hewenr, of. Charles Encu Jehnsen & Ce. Te serve with these the Uenrd of Directors selected Chiules J. Cehen, former president of the Cham ber of Commerce; !:. .1. Lnffci-lyJ of the IL A. Wright Company, and Heward S. Uebertii, president of J. S. Ivins & Sen, Inc. UNEARTH STILL IN STABLE Police Make Discovery When Serv ing S. P. C. A. Warrant en Man The Society for the Prevention of iv 'm,ij.'" w, ea.,s 1 .Brt .'PM-fti n-..,.,.. , Ani.nnlcf oeo North BrMi 'l Au.Vs, .,....., ...., ..irt, ni.ininnil n warriiit 'j-K'J for the nn est of Lee Hcett, SeVcnty'' lll'SI Mrce.l mill nuverieni ." , ' ym 11 ..tniiL'i. nf kernlnir a noise and n litter 51 of puppies in nn open shed en liid premise ' Patrolman Jeseph Fltzjey. of the Klxlyflrsl and Thompson streets sta tion, went le Scott's home le Hcrvn the. warrant. Scott wns net home, se Fit.jey went te the stnble. There, be nivs. in' found n live-gallon still. Scott returned a few minutes later and was tirrested. Open Evenings PCiriflifflinJUBIIII'Purchatine; Agents' Orders AcceptcdllliniiUlliBUIILnjItMail Orders Filled inW!!! !i'!S lllB.KUMa Children's Fur Sets and Coats and Fur Trimmings at Moderate Prices iwt1 WN&im4)tflm 1215 Chestnut 'Street FOR TOMORROW ONLY 4 Extraordinary Groups Frem The Bankrupt Stock of Katz, Reinstein & Weinberg, of N. Y. Featured at Prices Beyond Duplication! f JOSEPH T. STEARNS Counselor at Lnw 00 Broadway New Yerk Dec. 1, 1922. Mawson & DeMnny, 1215 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pn. Gentlemen: The furs purchased from the bankrupt estate of Kntz, Reinstein & Weinberg, of 132 E. Iireadway, New Yerk City, have geno forward by express, nd will undoubtedly . be in your possession by the time this letter readies you. Yours truly, , .. i ... CJ We selected these groups of high est quality furs from this great spot cash purchase and make the prices remarkably low te create the greatest selling day of this remarkable sale. CJ Never before such tremendous savings never before such drastic price cutting en Fur Coats and Wraps of the highest quality and fashion. fj Come tomorrow! Don't miss this special feature event 1 These low prices cannot be duplicated again! ! ! A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE YOUR PURCHASE UNTIL REQUIRED! :Fer Saturday Only: I I'rench A I " I 58.00 91 Fur Garments 53-qe French Seal Coats Russian Peny Coats French Seal Wraps Muskrat Spert Coats Trimmed French Seal Coats Trimmed French Seal Capes French Seal Delmans :Fer Saturday Only: 83 Fur Garments 89 Natural Muskrat Coats, 40-inch Skunk-Trimmed French Seal Coats Leepard Cat Coats, Seal Trimmed Hair Seal Coats, 40 inches long Raccoon-Trimmed Marmet Coats French Seal Circular Capes, 45-inch French Seal Wraps, full length Taupe Caracul Spert Coats Mk LTYi y,H If T.iupe cara cul Spert coat 89.50 SO mil tfjnSSttii I Squir rel Trim. meJ I;'r neli beal Coats 1-'15.00 :Fer Saturday Only 64 Fur Garments 1 OCOO Taupe Caracul Coats, 40-inch Civet Cat Coats, 40 inches long Raccoon-Trimmed Muskrat Coats French Seal Coats, Caracul Trim'd Black Caracul Capes, full length Squirrel-Trim'd French Seal Coats American Opossum Coats, 40-inch Taupe Caracul Capes, full length :Fer Saturday Only: 52 Fur Garments I BS-m Squirrel-Trimmed Caracul Capes Natural Raccoon Coats, 40-inch Self-Trimmed Caracul Coats, 40-in. Hudsen Seal Capes, full length Moleskin Capes, full length Moleskin Spert Coats Moleskin Wraps, full length "' ( '.lH Moleskin Coats, length JS5.00 Js ! An Extraordinary Saturday Event Fer Christmas Gift Giving 28 Hudsen Seal Coats Made of fine quality skins, 40-inch-length models, trimmed with large rolling shawl cellar and deep bell cuffs of Natural Skunk. 2 IS-00 Values te 350.00 Chokers, Scarfs and Steles at HALF FRIGE Natural Squirrel Chokers Jap Mink Chokers Kelinsky Chokers Australian Opossum Chokers. ) $J.50 j Choice Natural Mink Chokers Taupe or Brown Fex Chokers .... V Taupe or Brown Wolf Chokers ... I French Seal Steles Choice S 1 J. 50 '14- Twe-Skin Mink Chokers Dark Fitch Chokers Taupe or Brown Fex Chokers . Jwo-skin Kelinsky Chokers. . . Stene Marten Chokers Bum Marten Chokers Choice $29,5 Twe-Skin Sable Chokers. Platinum Fex Chokers. . . Natural Squirrel Steles. . . Natural Fisher Chokers . . . Cress Fex Chokers Jap Kelinsky Steles ( 'huicp ,50 W MAN .m -iC iff pi m Mln 1017-1019-1021Mai-ket St. -Don't Ferget Your Own Cferlstmas- Save Many Dollars in This Sale of jnSULtaed Plaid Bacfe Mr. Hill's Guarantee Gees With Every Purchase 8Pp$HaW "' ft 3fBSSCi AL-timmim. & .&&& uijmcisis i iiPlm -- IvffiS idaMWjaB MmZs MffM zktJESr Jm h -Si $S?I - I j&zirw I m$6 h mm 1 )lm 9 flu is i $Wt I 1 3hJ's ss. tuar At Prices That Cannet Be Ma ched in fne City Yes. sir remember yourself in the hustle of doing your Christmas shopping for you will surely want your new overcoat or suit for Christmas. Mr. Hill is ready for you tomorrow ready in both variety and price savings the kind that has made THE HILL CO. famous from coast te coast. A B BM.W AW W V H A A W This Is riialaaeiDliia sparse t Exclusive CletMst Stere! And here you are sure of finding just what you want in style, material, pattern or color in and at a price that is sure te save you many dollars. Ne ether store equals Mr. Hill's values and if you don't knew the HILL CO., new is your time te become acquainted. Men's Trousers Great Values Tomorrow A wonderful assortment of pants in all wanted materials stripes, mixtures and plain colors. All sizes up te 54-inch waist and 36-inch length. Fer the Bey's Christmas Bi OverceMs, Mackinaws and ! mi 2 My Pants Suits WUrIe.Sile Ceiti up te 54 Butt Frnc'1 s"' ' 1tA Ce'y WOii'iariBilinniiiiiiiiiniiiMiKW Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted Hudsen Seal Ii Dyed Muikral Clothing is very practical te give and sure te be appreciated. And Mr. Hill's famous low prices make it economical, tee. A size, a style, a pattern for every boy up te 18 years. Mr. Hill says BOYS' TAN RAINCOATS, CAPS TO MATCH, $4.95 1 Open Evenings Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Clothing Stere , i, , k . v "" -h. KsroueB -tmttej , m $mhr .rrJ?M T ' " '"" " " ' " ' ' ' m . STOKE ORDERS ACCEPTED Jt "WiTHKrfitfiT'TTiirH 1017-1019-1021 Market Street WVTL."'.'.Ff . I ' -Trf' -ilil"" .OffLiTIAJCiJW ,xi $s Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Clothing Stere t fill id " ' V, , . .V
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