VR77V j"-.!- si,M'xi,j,!?'3 "i "' ' V ' (' 1VI' "J l I v1 w ' V ttyVV 4H -iVi rM,4frHcfcKi'S ' K. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA.' EMDA. DECEMBER 16. 1922 T ? r ! tiViV- " I " . S t , ft,J I Bli" 1 2 ! wri'-.i Bi't.ti B?.S' )' 1 I V L& T1 ?; '1.3!. vm fill fj P?5? ftK tjiwf Lif "4 fc ae P 25 BLAZES KEEP FEIN ON IMP INTRODUCTION COSTLY Phlladelphlan Must Pay $65,976 te "Mutual Friend" Arch It. Ssiinpsen, nil Investment lireKrr uf UrldRppert, Conn., obtained h M'ldlct for ,(i.",t)"(l In the Supreme Court In New Yerk rcstcrdny, n n Mtlt vnneert him. The advancement amounted npthm Nelsen Z. Urates, paint mnnu- te 51500,000, but Hnmpsen did net re fiictiirer eC this eltv for lilf servkes lit ceive his fee. He sued nnd n, Jury en introducing (irnves te OcerRe 1-. Mat- a prier trial awarded him n Judgment tlilrs, u enpllnllst of Seymour. Conn. for 11,000. Tlilj the Apnel nt UN Sampson sold he lmd nit nKreetnent ""n reversed, ordering n new trial, with (JinveH, under which the Intter a te pay him for his introduction 10 per cent of nny sum Miiltmes ml" MOTORCYCLIST HURT .Tnmcs Klngprnlll, of 3537 Joyce street, .drove his motorcycle, which skidded, en the curbing of Kensington nvenuc nenr Ontario street Inst night. Frank Kestelman, of 0510 K street, was knocked down by tile machine. He was treated at the Northeastern Hospi tal for cuts nnd bruises. Klngsmiil was arrested. Families Routed Frem Mana- yunk Apartment Heuse at 451 Green Lane FATHER RESCUES CHILDREN Twenty-five fires nnd four fnle forms Inst night nnd this morning ga''e fireman one of the lmilpt serious they linve hnd in ytnrs. .Several fnmille-i weie compelled te flee te the street in their night cloth ing shortly nfter o'clock th! morn ing when fire, uns discovered in the apartment house at -ir,l C.reen lnnc, Mannyunk. Smoke pouring through n I'nnb waiter en the f-ccend fleer of the Green I.nne Apartment nwakenrd ! W. White, who occupied the rear apartment, lie quickly ureutcd the tiouseheld. Groping his wny from room te room White nwnkeneil the eceupnnti nnd aidid many of them te the street. Carries Ills Children Out Trcd Kellv, who occupies an apart ment en the ftrM tloer wtli hi-, uifennd famllv, carried his two ihiMreu. Mnr nnd Hoje, te the street and then aiu'il in getting oilier te salon. The tire started in tli cellar and spread threusMi the dumb waiter te ether parts of the heu"e. The damage will teach Sf.lKW. ll'c house was owned by M1m Anneti and Sara Hnvnrd , , , The fnli .Varum called e'lt eleien CempnnkM nnd iliw englnei, which mnde their way with dltlleulty through the rain and n1u1i. The tirt t the fuNe alarms came In at lt::i."i o'clock from Thirteenth and DlckiiKeu sticef. At 10 e'.liek an other came in from Thirty-thud street and Grays lVrn r-ad and a thinl alarm was seiimiMl -niily after ml-l-nlght from Thirt.v -'hlnl treet and Lehigh avenue. I'eitc li.-llew ih" sam pern)ii ent in nil time alarm. Anether fiiKe nl.nm was turneil in this morning at !':4." .'. le, k from Twenty-fourth and Chestnut street "When the firemii auneil there tin x found nothing ecept a sinal! beiitne en Twent: -third stn-et, whh-h w.i built hv werltrien t warm tli'-ni Wlil'e the number of lires during th Bight was unusually large, little dam age was done at an of thtm. Firemen re i.il.ed te UUi' l'erter street at :t iHO nMe. k tin Morning te extinguish a bin" In the cellar of a fruit Mefe owned b IIelir Vifi-r , when some baskets and betes caught fire. The fire did no- get bejeml the Cellar and the damage ,.n -iiu'lit. A fire was extinguished with li;!it less last night at the home of l.e na llelcher. 1UIIS Seuth I.eithgew stre. t. when the reef of the building caught fire. Oil Stexe Starts Fire An overturned oil stove set lire te curtains in the home of Jeseph llich ards, '-'.";!4 Alter street, late last night. and did damage amounting te about 1150. Through the cpilik action of two pa trolmen a row of private garages at Sixty-fourth street and Pas drill ave nue was saved from probable destruc tion shortly after 1 o'cle U this morning. Patrolman MeKenna saw smoke pour ing from the garage of Hamilton Par rel, en the lernvr. After turning In an alarm he fought the blaze. Anether policeman aided him. They get a small hose and an ax and went te work like real firemen unti1 the arrival of the firemen. Tue ether private garages were damaged. , Furniture in the dining room of the home of Harvey .l.icksen. I'.iUti Vert'i Twenty-fiist treet. was destroyed t.. dny by lire. The blaze was disoevcre by Mrs. Jacksen, who ran n reaming from the heue and turned In an alarm. It was extinguished bj firemen before .t had spread te ether rooms. NORTHWEST BUSINESSMEN TO MERGE ORGANIZATIONS Manayunk-Roxborough Residents Have Annual Dinner Prominent business men and officials at many organizations in the Mana-yunk-Roxberough district held a "g "g tegether dinner" last evening at the Green Valley Ceuntrv Club. Phnswere formulated for a i-eniial organization. Jehn C. Yeung was tea'tmaster. There were addresses hr the l(ev. Dr Wiliinni H. Ferney, State Itepri -enta-tlve Wallace Ilremlev, Charles A. V ,in agan, Jehn S. Turner, Mrs. Charles Gnueer. Samuel T.ltanham nnd Clmrhn B. nennett. The following organizations were rep resented : Mnr.ajunk ltulneus Mens Association. Twenty-first Ward Heard of Trade, Koxberough liu'lness Men' Association, Itoxberoitgh Ilertleiilturnl Society, Pish and Game AnciaMen, ItoxberouKh Country Club, Green Val ley Country Club, Parents' Associa tion, Manayunk Club, Manayuuk Trust Company, ICoxberough Trust Com pany, Memerial Monument Association, Needlework Guild, Mothers' Club, Visit ing Nurses, Women's Christian Tem perance. Union and the Femsby Hene Club. Pleasing te leek into mere pleasing te "take into" WSL Tea clea - totally DiFfofent ..VTSIf.- a .iiS i VWili'f li mm?: Mn 'i.-! '. ROSS Is Se Little Like the Ordinary Flower Shep that meet people coming here for the first time are surprised et the bigness of the stock untl the unusually geed service. Loek in the windows nnd you'll see hundreds of Xmns wreaths. In the store nil kinds of deco rations for the Xmna table greet your eye, also hundreds of plnnts nnd fresh-cut flowers at prices that will please ;ou. THE FLORIST Dr illt'ul A'" IV '1' " ! ,irif. ( 1 1 Hi art f. in! lunly, fn a, ;i c 7)6Cc 1327 West Glrnrd Ave. 212 nit Girard Ave. 13 S. 60th St. 136 S. 52d St. was Gifts efiJevtelry Our Confidential Credit Plan gives cash advantages, convenient payments and immediate possession. ri'gmm ASimoii&Seiis l53Senllhl3iaaSL NeerYBilnut St. OPEN EVENINGS I'MMIII'lllHiK ll I Geed Overcoats 1 and Geed Suits 1 Fer Christmas ll One man came into the store and said:-- fig "I'm qeinn te make myself a present of one of these occrceats which you arc advertising at pre-Christmas reductions. "I am a practical man and I want te have a Christmas gift that will last mc until next Christmas.'' He received, in addition le the great saving that this event is bringing our friends, a policy issued through the Franklin Fire Insurance Cemuany which guarantees his coat against direct less, or less by theft, lire or burglary. Suits Alse in the Sale! overcoats i 11 REGl'LAK S30' OVER COATS IV mn DOUBLE-HREAST- $21.50 ED L' L S T E R .MODELS, RAGLAN A N I). ULSTER ST LE OVERCOATS Of' . AB REGULAR ?0 J-S28.00 Q U A L I T I E S: v SIZES FOR BIG i MEN INCLUDED.j OVERCOATS. IM- , PORTED DIRECT FROM EGLND MADE OF TYPI- cQO AA CAL B R I T I S H r J?OO.UU O V E RCOATINGS, OF Se0 QUA LI-. TIES. J $25.00 $35.00 Satisfy ing- That's what everyone says of the feed at eai me RESTAURANT & COFFEE SHOP 19 & Chestnut Sts. Three Beys' Specials Eoys' tweed and cheviot suits with ) extra trousers all made of all-wool cloths, new and fashionable, sizes 7 te 17, for. . . ) Overcoats for boys, 3 te 9 years of "J age, in mue and urewn chinchillas, as well as tan and gray coatings. Weel linings for Patrick mackinaws, sizes 10 te 18 ic; lwmt-,r t-ilnirl 1.In1-..4 rtl4-K t.,4V vi win .-, iiuii, jiuiv.t uiuunvi iiulii, nua shawl cellars, patch pockets and all-around belts for I $12 12 $12 TIMELY SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS BUYERS That will answer the question "What shall I give him?" with entire satisfac tion because men always appreciate useful gifts. &' 'RuUi i i OVELTY gift boxes, hand painted and auto aute nranhed liy French nrtists and filled with Adams quality Chocolates and Benben. ADAMS 210 Seuth Druid St. .S'uri I'ujumux . . , , Neckwear.., h(fflcrs.... bweatcra. . . Smoking Jackets.. . Hath liebea. Hosiery $2.00 $1.50 SOe $1.00 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 35c $8.50 $3.00 $2.50 $7.50 $9.00 te $8.50 te $9.00 te $1.50 Belts and liucklcs. .. Woven Umbreltae. . . UinbreUae. .. Suspenders . . Vackinawe. . Fanru Vests $1.50 te $1.50 te $1.50 te $7.00 te 60c te $15.00 te $20.00 $4.00 te $5.50 $4.75 $5.50 $8.00 $8.00 $1.00 llandkerchiefs 25c te $1.00 Wanamaker & Brown IllJll DONWIT TELLER & CO. S Wtftv i "i fTl. iCtaristtr,, rCCvj jd Origination fj-SsSsSS- v fgjj 1 SUITS 1 F I N E S T S3.V V U R E WORSTED SUITS. IN SIZES KS FOR MEN OF O R D I N A R Y ' S T A T U R E. AS WELL AS FOR , BIG MEN. J W O N D E RFUL i FRENCH BACK WORSTED SUITS,, WORTH F U L L Y 830. , m EXTRA TROU- IN SER SUITS IN Sp THE NEW PENCIL gB h T RIFE PAT. r $32.50 W TERNS OF 15 V afi QUALITIES. SELL- 8 ING RAPIDLY AT- t1 BONWIT TELLER & fflu tpaeialy (Jnxp gf Origination CU&STJNUT AT 13 STREET' FOR SATURDAY &iit$ epectall Prtceb Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Sachets and Toilet Accessories, Negligees, Undergarments and Hosiery especially arranged for Holiday Shoppers who seek gifts of distinction at moderate prices. COTY'S TOILET WATER 1.90 and 4.50 i Three-ounce size, 1 .90, and six-ounce 3ize at 4.50 Coty's Toilet Water in Rese, L'Origan, L'Or. A very exceptional offer. Sachet in several scents 1,50 COTY'S Special ROSINE'S Nuit de Chine Per- 5,00 fume Special-- RIGAUD'S SETS Un Air Em- baume rouge, toilet water, pew- Q.00 der, lip slick, sachet and perfume Beaded Hand Bags 7.50 Regularly 15.00 Distinctive bags, hand made, exquisite in design, coloring and shape. PIVER'S Floramye and Azurea 90 Toilet Water DRALLE'S Perfume in rose. Jj violet and lily IMPORTED SOAP in form 1.50 of various fruits three in box Three in wicker box, 1.75. Tapestry Bags 10.00 Very Special Reproductions of old French Tapestry Masterpieces in exclusive bags. fe Wh:r Chestnut at Thirteenth 500 Pairs of Silk Hosiery A special offer of pure sill: hose with re-enforced liIe garter tops and soles in black and the desired shoe shades. Formerly priced 1.95 1.65 I Step-in Chemises 4.95 Of crepe de chine or Georgette, trimmed with fine val lace. In flesh, light blue or orchid. m niiraHiwMmrcii vMarket at Sixth for 61 Years 1 'itniiiniiiiiiiiiiiHwniM 'iMIIMIIIIIMIllllIIMn Petticoats 5.95 Crystal Knit Jersey with embroidered seal lops. French blue, caramel, seal brown, r.avy and black. Silk Gowns 10.75 Of crepe de chine, Georgette or radium silk, in tailored or trimmed styles. Several shades. Heuse Coats 10.00 Heuse Coats of radium taffeta with material trimming and patch pockets, several shades. Regularly 16.50. Strawbridge & Clothier Lewer -Price Basement Women's Smart Tep Coats Nearly One-third Under Price, $15 Se geed te leek nt nnd se warm te wear nre these stylish man-tailored Coats with raglan sleeves, inverted plait in back and patch nnd side pockets. Some nre made of line imnorteit tweeds, ethers of plaid-back or plaid tweeds. A number are lined throughout with silk and interlined. In the nicest shades of tan, jrrny and brown. Sizes 36 te 42. Buy one to te morrow nnd save nenrly one-third S16.00. $10 k Yl V y I " 1 OTO, Ll f Wemen'js Dresses In Twenty Styles Worsted Jersey, Crcpe de Chine and Charmeuse Dresses, simply tailored or trimmed with plaits, panels, buckles, bends, silk braid or embroidery, In mere pretty styles than you would dream of. Dresses in black, nnvy blue nnd brown. Every one worth one-half mere than $10.00. Jj VBtrawliriclKC .V Clothlei Imcr-I'rlce Ilnsement Sterf Satine Petticoats $1.00 Made like the mere expen sive Petticoats, with flounce of fine tucks finished with smnll ruffle. Of fine satine in blnck, navy blue and brown; one-third under price $1.00. HtMwbrldfte A Clothier Lowcr-l'rlce liesfment Hters Bleemers $9 QC of Silk P"e The crepe de chine in theae pretty Bleemers is of a heavy quality, and the Bleemers nre full-cut, reinforced and fin ished with hemstitching. Ex ceptionally fine nt 2.95. Strnwhrldite & Clothier Imor-Vrlce Iiascinent Stere Women's and Girls' Shoes and Slippers $2.95, $3.95 At $2.95 High Shoes, of black, or brown leather with Goed-vear-welted soles and Cuban or military heels; Sizes: A-l te 8; B-3 te 8; C 2& te 7; D 2Vj te 7. All at half price $2.95. At $3.95 Colonial Tongue Pumps, Strap Tumps and Ox fords, in brown or blnck. Kid, calfskin, patent leather or satin satin ivhichcver you prefer. An unusually fine group of Lew Shoes special at $3.95. Beys' and Girls' High Shoes $2.95 and $3.45 Sturdy Shoes of mahogany and tan calf, for school wear, fny unrlnr tirireS2.!ir mid S3. 45. .. AI.H.U.. YA.ATtj4jh 11 n a Am An 6 CIava - HtmMDnnge .v tiemin .- " u..i ...... v self-In Handsome Silk Negligees A lovely model developed of satin-striped crepe de chine, intro- ducing effective drapery and Marget lace trimming. In pastel 04 A and deeper colorings. LiJJ St. James Shep Walnut at Thirteenth Saturday Offerings in the Cljnstutas (Sift Ijep SANSOM 1.50 Powder Bexes . . . 5.00 Bronze Figures . . . 5.00 Cigarette Cases . . ,. Boudoir Lamp Dells . . . 2.00 Pin Cushions .... Camel's - Hair Scarfs . Slip-en Sweaters ... Imported Sweaters .... STREET AT THIRTEENTH 1.00 2.95 2.95 5.50 1.25 3.95 5.00 5.00 Dimity Blouses . . Hand-made Blouses 3.50 Hair Bands . 3.95 Silk Chemises Silk Petticoats . . 2.95 te 5.50 . 2.95-5.50 . . . . 2.00 . . . 2.85 . 3.95-4.95 ii 2.95 Silk Hese 1.95 7.50 Ribbed Silk Hese ... 4.95 IrMilMWmWMlMflMI ft, c ifte 0 At Popular Prices in The Basement Stere Ready for quick nnd easy selection to-mei-row next te the last Saturday before Christmnb and just the kind of gift-things you want. ler your lrienu.i mm iu Smart Hand Bags of d- K Leather and Velvet ) V J-AJtJ $2.95 A new shipment of these extremely desirable Bags in a great variety ex shapes, sizes and muierims. Silk Petticoats of Taffeta and Jersey The jerBcy silk ones have messaline flounce. In plain or changeable colors. Blanket Bath Robes tf P Trimmed With Satin J5U.eJl In neat plnid effects of light blue, pink and purple. Dainty Tea Aprons XOK te &PP In Nice Gift Bexes t LaOXj OtIU $2.95 or gifts. $1.95 95c In round, square and pointed effects; lace- and embroidery-trimmed. Women's Worsted Sweaters Made with Girdle The welll-liked slip-ever btyle boxed for gifts. Envelope Chemises Of Crepe de Chine Finished with lace insertion and ribbon shoulder strnps. Little Fur Sets for ($7 7fT the Small Children I V i O Each Set with Muff and Neck-piece of melinc (dyed ceney), natural ceney, dyed wild cat or wallaby. Women's Felt Slippers (Ii OpT ' Exceedingly Lew-priced )t!pl.&i) In the wanted styles and colors. Sizes 3 te 8 years. Children's Slippers of Seft, Comfortable Felt Just the kind te keep small feet wnrm. Sizes 84 te 2. Satin-stripe or Brocaded 1 Kf Pink Bandeau Brassieres OvF C Seme with elastic section nt wnist-line. Special price. Brocaded Hip Cen filters tf"l ETA With Semi-elastic Tep ) epl.OU Twe pairs of hose supporters attached. Exceptional. Give the Little Girl A Raincape With Heed $1.75 Packed in n holiday box; in garnet or blue; sizes 0 te 11 years. Exceptional nt $1.75. Or a Pretty Dress of Serge, $3.95 In navy blue with bright little touches of braid, ribbon, npplique or embroidery; for the little girl from 0 te 11 years. Babies' Hand-made Dresses X&'i CIK. Are Alse Hand-embroidered ) P JLUe Fer wee tots from 6 months te 3 years. Small Girls' Wlute Party ) QCT in flC Kft Dresses at Special Prices) pUD tpDOV Of fine voile organdie nnd net; sizes 2 te 0 years. Little Girls' Dresses et "fli PA tf0LT Washable Materials Here f tD JL.eJU te ft0K)O In pretty styles and colors for Bleemers. .'- te O.yenr-elds. Sonic with Tweed, Jersey and Serge d?rr AA Suits for the Small Beys J tpD.UU Sizes 2 te 0 years. Special at $5.00. 3&-8tniwt.rldge . Clotlilei'ljwc.r.rrlce Ilmcmcnt flte" I t .! - fe A i .. v
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