vfl 'if rfw&tt WV(T -t . wpNn HP" yire's Harmony Dinner Gets Rude Jelt by Next Gever- ? nor's Talk PEOPLE TO HAVE REAL VOICE By a S(e ferrMMiirfciit Wsslilnstun, Dcc' 1". CeiiRrcfrsmnn V're ksvc n dinner Inst nlglit in honor j Gmcriter-rleet ritieliet. There were flowers nml foeil nnd nuili-. teft "Khl "" B0" ' Ii wan u delectable dinner njid a liar . .,..., fill snltllir- noniei ci i"" ....-. Thi-ir "re ..nrlinriiie Mprrrlir.e. lioneu'l words, litre little philosophical Jiciviiirsi (111 U(V HlUIIUffl "I VIJ.IHI- Italian and llie fully of lilnylntf u lone "JJ.,.',..-. nr., nil set for Mr. IMiu'liut . -rim mill down the points of his Md test, unleiibh a ltuOPCVcltlllll inille, and tay : "Gentlemen, 1 am with J en. Count B. at one of ou. If there's one thing I am mere than an thing else. It's reg ular. Drep in te see me in llarrisburg. The latch ftring'a out." OF BOSSES ui . . , ., . .... 'evcrwiu'iiniiiK. n iumei nn , .mi t. .I'.n't liminpn that. war. lhiitu..i... i ...- .t.- .., . .. . " ii "" :,' ,, li.i , , i dlntrrlrMiii1b;. nil pe It cinnf.-d.d their best ie uiiin.- ii i.n-. '! mm J.ll !.(-. kllMl Hilt lie refused te Men. TuKiml with n pintle en in face but t gleam In hi J rjr, (nuenter-elect I'in I'in cbetsai'M , "I nhuest regiel te sec the tune come when I hnll ha" te dclixcr the kicks flat are coining and tliej'ie coining." There'll He (he Deuce te Paj '. And from around the tables, from these who knew of Mr. I'lneliet's plans. arae the werd: "He'll r.'itee Hecuba at llarrliburg; Jtrh him." " , . , Mr. Pinehet uttered a blunt wnrnmg te the powers In rennsyhania politic?, jatherwl for the dinner, that he Intends te seek his own counsel, blase bis own trail and put the inteiest', of the people of the State ahead of that of the Organ Organ iMtlen. , Harmen was the watchword of the dinner- harmony and the Organization. Almest without exception the noenk neenk rs laid stress en the Organization's contribution te Mr. PIcliet'H election, en the urgent need of regularity and co-operation, and again en the shining qualities of the Republican State Organ lotion in Peuiislvnuia. If the pregnim had been deliberately designed te intimidate i,r impress Mr. rinelmt with the Organization's strength inni unity. i( could net have ben liiiiined upon. In ibe mid.-t of it Mr. Pinehet de clared : "It inn .t be reciigiiizrd thai the Stalt' A'lntitnstiatieii will rise nr fn Ils it ' lias tlic barking of nil the people uf the , Cemmuiiwcalth. M. pledge j, te tlie1 Pep!e. And I de net mean te csap- i reint their faith. I "I propose te Maud Mpiniely feri tleir interr.'; and against any 'oilier j lnterrt wbntsi-exer. I ptopese jis neiirl) It I can te gic tliem a i-euarc deal. ' ! Wants lllglil Kind of Help , j "I ireeguie lltf. nred of lirlp. I , Wflmnie it. ct I inuM keep in mind . that the interests of the people ef1 reniiMlwinia arc paramount." I sain Iir said: "The pledges that bate come te me time tli election arc ery weleeuie. I ni'cepl .liem nt their face alue. junl rtdll continue te de se at. long h (be ptrfermaiirc square with the iiromfeu. "If I am given support in my pre- I grim, ns I Innc been preniiscd.' there Piil he no need te iiuarrel wi'h anv I enf." rrem tlie sideline mine word that ! Mr. I'mellet'M ivnei'imiin ii illi , Iw. i Organisatien leadera en the selection of tke ne.t Speaker of the Heuse left hi,n mere coin inre,) than eer that it would bp hia wisest course te cheese his own ai'ies rattier than hnve them .lieseu for him. nnd furthermore te let the' State knew thev are his selections first ' and tlie Organization'?! if it i boefes j te go along t creud. ' I'n t'.iddle Ills Own lanee Aside fiem tlie uetlie te the Organ Uaiii'ii of 111- intention te piidilie bis' ejv.i ramie in the troubled wnter-i at Hnrri'biug. Mr. Pinehet told of his Plan, te reerganise the State tieveni- , mnit and trim its evpenditiires te meet tlie limitations of il.s levenuex. He told ('eiig-iMiinu Vnre nr.il the ether K'jtsts he would welcome their n sist nee mi I'ln-r.vlng out bis program, lb Hid lie weu'd trj te give the Sfite h feed nilmtiilsti.itien. and n the end of his four e:ii-s as tioverner wauteil te go tislimg ' , lednj Mr. Pinelmi m ,n en PfcM'Jent Harding, making his first TiMt Knre In., election. He will lunch with Scn.iters Hied. Pepper, f.enrnet Dd etlnr friends at tlie fnjdtel Among the pic,ts :u tlie dinner Pr0 B'eretmy e Hie Tre.ibiiry Mellen, who dclined te make a sp(och : Seeict.ir "f Lalnir H.ni , Senater-, Peppei nd Iteed. Ilepnl.lic.il, .e,n..,. Meinb II of 'lie Heuse ( Iniii-iii.in Madden, of the 'ou ' V'l Pii.'tiiiiisCeuiiiilllen men'. brs of ih. Pcui.fjlvaiii,, congrcssiemil ).esatif.ii mid n luiM'e'l.ineeu nsM.-t meat et guest from Piitsburgli, Pbih-. wlnhia ami Harrllmrg. W. Hnrr.v I laker and etlier figures premiiiciit in the s,t.M0 oiganizatieii Me hen- Se were i be traders of the Waller G. Becker Carefully Selected Gift Suggestions WM BANDS l-UIS, BAIM ROBLS Hri( SLIPPERS 1 OLLARS, CUrFS U.OTHING. CANES. (.APS 1-VENING DRESS VESTS . ',LOVESAUTO. DRESS CARTERS. GOLF COATS 'IMS. HANDKERCHIEFS HOSIERY. HOUSE COATS JEWELRY Ladies' Hosiery LOUNGING RODES MUFFLERS NIGHT SHIRTS. NECKWEAR OFFICE COATS. OVERCOATS PAJAMAS SUSPENDERS. SWEATERS SHIRTS READY TO WEAR SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE SCOTCH WOOL VESTS TOCARD3 UNDERWEAR. UMBRELLAS UNION SUITS g&dffi , . Cerner of 11th & Chestnut I wu zfw&tr Vnrn nrennirJitnn i. tii.iu Ji. . ... Leslie, of I'illfcbiirgh, was ene' nf 'theso jtiiu .rrei jiir iMiivc iiearO and drank in .'in iiiKUOl H MOI'MS. Hcguhrs Talk "IteularH" Senators l'epprr nnd Hewl and Con Cen Rressman Vnre and eilm dwelt en I he ncccwilty or devlniliilily of co-etiorntion regularity, icninwiirk and orRaiilzntlen! It is only when "the freedom of (he Independent and (he rcirulnritv of (m OrBniilzntlen" are hrdimhl leRetlic'r (hat the best results are achieved, Senater lVjiier adtimnifhed (he Kiict of heimv. Again h' wis told by the Senater Hint only by "iircoininndatien ()f rv te lytic tenilieriiinent te liiiinermm'.ni. Miltll te ilrlt." Ih micccm pewdbln in Mieiir iiiinii'H. i ne "nxtilieranee of the ndivldnal mils! be entlent willi ".slew . Senater mex iiif lillra-i'eiiM'ivatlfin," Pnhlini' fllrtllnr iilianm-ml Senntur Heed. pmphiisiltiR (be leynltv of the Oruanlziitleii In the elections, said of J'inihet nnd the Organization : "They put him across with con cen con fpiciiens Mireen, nnd the Organization is going te de its level best te nialie the new Administration en a conepleiiens pnr-ress." Tn his speech as (nasi imiMrr Mr. Vnn dealt frankly with the guberna torial primary in TViinys Ivnitiii, f,'i ing", "There were Miriens mint.s of view as (e who Hint candidate iJmulil he. The gilCBt of the evening had one point of view. There were ntheis, including myself, who had another point of iew. These differences were adjusted (. tlif primary election after that geed old American fashion, the ruin nf tlm nm. jerity. "lly e plurality which, Hhile net overwhelming, was substantial, Mr. i i coot (ii'caiie iiic uuurrnni r a nein- of hp j,,,,,,,,,.;,, ,,nrt,. , Venn. Mlrnnin. nm n9 i nntn In V,.... l' .,,,. f .,-, ,,, ". .':.",. lil.OOO was icu'ic( in Philadelphia. vvn organizaiien jd'piiiiitennr. in I'hilnilelpliiii fellow an inviolable rule. We niiikc our light for the eiuididntesi we favor at the primar.v fleetie Hav ing made our tilit, however,, at the primary, like geed s-pertw we m pt the lestilt. and give our very beft effort h 1n .the I'lisulng general election for I lie candidates designated by the ICepttblican voters. "Mr. Pinehet had our vigorous oppo sition in tlie priinnry. He Imd 0ur undivided support in tlie general elec tion. In tlie work which lies before him be will have all tlie hrlp (Inn the Ilepnblicati organization enn properly give him. Ter hi self, I Imp., te de my sliaie." MacDonald Men's Inimitable Winter Overcoats Complete ashertment of all tlte latest American and British styles., freiy Great (.'oath te Dre.-iH Oveiveiits, in all the, approved fnh rier., colors find weiclils for weather, hiisines or formal iiccapieiH. Tailored te our hipli slandaidh b I lie Merld':. aeknewledjreil Musters?, and Rivinir ou everythiiijv tin Ovet coat f-lieuM have and that yen can wish for. Fresh New Winter Suits Suits that v iU fit perfectly into every day-time occasion. Medels and fahries thai are the very hest for Miiartnrr.s and service ability. Specially selected styles and patterns for ' yeiirnr men, and many ethers equally adapted for 1111.11 who will net lie old in spirit, itaic values. 1 334-1 336 Chestnut Street l?!-?1! IrfF. V IT IS SHOT IN HEAD William Gould, Weunded 'Twice in Germantown Affray Early This Morning HIS CONDITION SERIOUS .WilMam rieuld, twenty-one jenrs old, 151 Wct Price street, (iermati. town, an onlooker nt n llglijt between, a man snid (e be Albert Mnlrre. a, West Tndlnn, and .Tames Morten, 14?! West Price itrcel, it Xcgre. wiih siiet and probable faintly wounded early (his morning. He Is in it serious condition In (.iermnntewn Hospital. The fight wan caused by Morten's refusal te admit tlie Wet Indian te a part being held nt Hie home of Mrs. Jehn Ilrewn, nt llii-West Price Mrei't. Mntere became insistent tlint he be admitted and iieunded en the deer after It bad been closed In his face by Mor Mer Mor eon. The latter, te ilrle the West Indian away, obtained n pistol and returned te the deer. Mntere seized the run from him nn.l fired at the Negro llve times. Twe i of the bullets entered iieuld'a bead, and another riftcred his back ns be I turned and ptaited te run after being bit the first, time. I Tlie West Indian disappeared after i llie sheeting mid tlleis describing him were sent out b.v peliee of the tier- maulewii station. He vvns nrrnsled later this morning at Thirteenth nnd l.em- j hard strectw liv Patielmnn rrnsler. of the Twelflb and Pine streets Millien, i and will be given n bcnriiig tedny. At the (icriuiintewn Hospital it was said today that Oeuld is in n serious condition. Although shot twice through the head, he in net uticonseietis. Gems Stay at Laundry .Icwelr.v worth ?H00, placed among soiled clothes rent te a Inumlr . failed te return with tlie laumhred iletbing. Isadora Kwatc. IISII Seutli I'eurtli 'street, told police tedav. Among the 1 jewels were diamond .lnrl itiids. n geld vnteh and cjinin nnd a lavallieie. I & Campbell $30 $98 $30 le $65 AS MUCH AS 'V'0'"1 iane' lf V.JI can bu:.? XXM. -y or meniiuy . .....?, Le.iiv.il auu LiIdiiici i in u ii in ; A well-made Player-Piane, if carefully handled, will last from 25 te 33 rears and be a constant source of pleasure and entertainment te its ewnere STYT FThn..?Tningha,7 N-P11"0." manufactured with the celebrated REO .SrYLE patents, owned and controlled exclus vely bv us, in our meHrrn wii equipped I factory. Se perfect in construction is this fnaSumentThS a child ni play with all the expression of the master composer himself. Every Player-Piane we manufacture has a double valvA n.i, a i 2uS-Jh T h T'hedy ta,k ye,u &wMtAtel action, as it has net the power or endurance if it had. whv shrmlH w r!j . as much money in developing a double valve action? C Spend tW'C0 The very fact that for ever a quarter of a centurv we hnv hn rr $10 ,000.00 for a better piano than the MATCHLESS I lNINGH JL ShSln" sufflcient proof nf its quality! -wUNCHAM should be All our instruments are priced from 20 te 30 ner cent lnwr th .. i ss2rr.(wheU,er ,;irh'u or "? can afrerd te SSisrjriz CASH, OPEN BOOK ACCOUNT OR EASY PAYMENTS IPSilO CO A 1 1th and Chestnut Sts. Open Evenings i Factery: 50th and Parkside Avenue) Teresa- iMcMceliln. forty-six yems old, or OCO North Tenth Mreet, C feet !J Inches (nil, 1 HO pounds, gray eyes, Idnek hair, brown rent, blue one-picce dress, black uliees and stockings. Fred Ilolle. twelve, of l'.MO Seuth Thirty-third street. 1 feet 0 inches tall, sVvonty-llve pounds, blue serge suit, blue cap, brown shoes, black stockings. Jehn .Marine, sixteen, 7:1," Seuth Handelph street, 5 feet 1' Inches tall tl.iik hair, dark ejes, dark suit, light Inn Mventcr. Uglit cap. brown shoes. Clmi-lr Kllllnn. ivventy-twe, -.'OOO Seutli Wnipsett street. T feet 0 Indira tall, 170 pounds, blue e.ves, sandy hair mixed with gray, blue suit, bind; BiisaiiiiniiiiiiiKiDiiiinTBiniriniiix i $250.00, All plntlnuh l$nnrr rin containing tue lartn Hlammtda and our umallrr diamonds. CHOOSE NOW ' Our Chrlntmas steeks of lirll llintlr brantltul dlamendn mennteit In illttlnctlTe rlnis of rlntlnnm and telrt are mere eemrlet and rarer 1 wider mtiKe of Tlnm thuti eter liefere. Krerr Mitchell Diamond ! (iiaranted eiact)7 aa reprc. , rented, , A milt depD'lt vltt reen vttur trleeUen until (7ftrtfiiii, Ditncni f'nlalea rnt FREB uten trquctt. Mitchell's Established Diamond 37 S. 8th St. raiiiaiiiwniiwni!:!! isrs Stere SUnrn Ontr K'IIHIIIiU'IL!! " J Socks make easy mailing as well as useful Christmas gifts. A splendid variety in wool, silk, cotton, lisle some with contrasting clocks. Alse Scottish and Eng lish golf hose soft as this.de down. r'nuiplrt.' list ft' I". hristiuai .iit;5 .iit;5 tieim mailed en request. Winter suits. Rogers Peet overcoats exclusively. Prices moderate. Stere Hours 5.-.7C te 0 FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Pcet Clethes Exclusively Chestnut St. at Juniper $400 nc' Mffh-srade and cnarantecd payments, with several de.cn All Makm f TIUuc Murlilen nt We arm the Only Piane Manu .faetarert in Penna. Fameui for Selling from Factory te Heme Direct overcoat, gray, beh iimi, mhii-k ru I,,, ulif.na linu nrtlilileil 1ef(hllllfl. ""i.r""'.." .:;;i .:.' :.,: iiinry ii:rriiiitr, prriii.-':e. v.". West Huntingdon street, fi feet "1 InelicH tall. 1117 jietinrts, light complex ion, brevfii hair, brown ccs, blue coat, with black soft cellar and cuffs, silver cloth hat, black falin slippers. FIRST PENY SAVINGS BAN 2ln&BainhridQeSis, 1343 Chestnut Sired yiMwmExaLUsiVEmv&&w&$ ft XMAS CARDS I Select your penenal Greeting Cardi and we will t encrave them from yetir ' plnte in 24 hours. Charles Barney Burt '25 Rrnl Estnla Truit Blrftr. IS. 'fi HP,a'f'A&'i!tftghoiie Walnut I.MttiP.attl.'AVrit'j'; I " - "Out of sight, out of mind" says the adage. The consistent advertiser never permits his name te be forgotten. The Helmes Press, 'Printers IJ1S.:9 Cherrv Street rhlladtlphli suits and instru vnuic S r PjibU mmamMi- u ra01 nrwH JQ, Tl-ie radiance of The Polished Girdle Diamond will be mere fully appreciated by direct comparison with ether diamonds -fteld only by this Establishment GIFT SUGCESTIDNSrenWDMEN Bar Pins Lavallicrs Breeches Ear-rinqs Hand Bags Manicure Sets Qvernlqht Baqs, Fitted and Beaded Baqs GIFT SUGGESTIDNS.O.CHILDREN Silver Cups Benks Napkin Bands Porridge Spoons Bewle and Plates Porringers and Platen Rattler, Brushes, Mirrors, Combs, etc. Knives, Ferks and Spoons rUeaMAa. VDsens eti the Seles of tuur Shoes ia a riiin-Hf,..! 4H4 aiat Thev Are Rtffht e 16 te UJ J The Season's Smartest PumpS and Oxfords At ;i Very Lew Price for Oualitv 8 The utmost in valuc givintr for styles that arc new and correct Hosiery Special .sLV.O Quality ,Silk and Weel Guaranteed Silk. $2.50 (TinfAlm 1204 - 06 Our 'coat Ov e ii Contains hy far tlic largest and most com plete as?eiiment of really choice creation? in Overcoats in this citv. c; Cle pea thing of the ordinary type lias no ap I te us wc have built a tremendous njsincss by our policy of t atering te dis riminating buyers men who hnem geed lething and will take nothing elsr. In ncs Kie pa i development of this growing busi e have found it necessary te gie increased space te our clothing de nt hent-c, our rcccntlv cnl.it cod tni-ilitirs. C Or ir second fleer salesroom will be all the worthwhile styles in Over or this season. All models are of vest and most highly favored types ens. single and double breasted nnd C hesteifielrl I IUive i l r leun i eat- he n in SI style, belts slieul and with belt all around. ' Plain Iders and Raglans. arc made of Imported and Demestic Bca- .h1C,1lan'ls.'.Ch!llc.l,illaf- lysiars and Irish velch Uicviels in A vide Variety pf colors in tones of browns, tans. nm. nJ i .. C'rs, .mcl rich ivl.iny colors. Nhe also 5i that l( appeal . till . ' t"V- "MSI I..UH-II hae plaid backs in original designs and 1 here arc hardfaccd fabrics for the man ants semethuiB durable and serviceable, and aft. fleecy, warmlh-witheut-ueisht fabric me tncmseives te imc s en;c Priced $30 te $95 JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-1426 Chestnut Street ."?. ii Bracelets Lecketa Mesh Baqs Unfitted Opera Glasses ie?? nci jMiaic 1 1 1 . Yeung Women Their Footwear Save en Cress-Strap Pump in Patent Celt Black Satin Black Brocade with Satin Dress Oxford in Patent Celt. - Black Calf Tan Calf Street Pump in Patent t nit Black Calf -Tan Calf THE BIG SHOE STORE - 08 Market Street New Salesroom well te tailoring and th that of luMjrv. u i ... - - ..... t - - Let This Sink In , We den'l want te sell any man who thinks feri a second that he can de as well elsewhere. Wc stand pat en the slate menl that our Superb Value policy saves you $5 te $12 and even mere en any Suit or Overcoat you buy here. v 1: K K Y s Keep this at the front of your memory for con-' stant reference: Our Super-Value Policy of saving you many dollars applies te every single ar ticle in this store from a pair of pure worsted trousers at $5.25 te the sumptuous Crombie Mentagnacs, made our way, at $85. Loek Everywhere and Compare WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS The fine the finer the finest at our Super-Value Prices $28 $33 $38 $ 43 and up PERRY & CO. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men Roots and Arctics for Family USEFUL GIFTS Beys'4 Girls' Raincoats $e Tail A. Illnrk 1 nlui. ;.5i le 18 GirlsXapes 'Ilk llneil he "I'K- and It $2.95 lieJ KM ii ml Raincca s nhmrrp, t at ter and Twerl; a ! 11- Rfpulur jC val'ie 10 pO 3eys' Black Rubber Coats, $3.75 Men's, Women's, Beys' and Girls' Beets s2 e $5 Rubber Toys, 25c Goodyear Rubbers i tillilrrii' , Kulilwr. OOr Jl") Hlilr II. tS 1 iiillf-.' Uiilibfn, ii.oe ""' 'I 11.(10 KiiMirr (.leit.,, 60c Het lntr 'I t I 1 erdrr. Illlril If nr rnmp.iiilpd Im lunnri iiriler nr rhwU ,'i0 llmtlr. Sl.MJ i'rlt. Jlim., "Se rtxillmll. ii no Men's $8 Raincoat, $3 Men's & j Imp. fiabar- Jeg Women's t dines J 15 t. CO v in Mttetn ur imvt ir Mir, IIKJll.lts X? 3k. .'.svSw . i r tr Mf . . . FtTmm , iC r?! Kf l?evs' 63'W hi -BiftJ. i Ah "820 CHESTNUT ST. (h an y
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