TtfaaWl V V - '- rw - R1'! '' ' V,V vJf ....y. AiV.j"iPf W'-Q.,- vmim&mmmH w.,'W.rnjnil.i "immammiv ji'jx'tW' 1T. ....!. ' - i . v " Jl "I ". i.n "j8 t.'" . '-- -w ' w . ph1 em, m.& r-W 15;, 1922 . ;J ' V"S .'VfVj.V ' UJO. - ,- : J i V r - , r . . i ST0nt5 OPENS nAILV AT 0 A. 31. CLOSES r. St OBDEllS MLfcED-DELl, WAtNII lOO-KJStBIOKH.MAlW lt: All These Goods en Sale Tomorrow MAIIi AND PHONE This Saturday te next a short span left te shop! Our vast resources have kept gift supplies complete se far, but de mi delay tee long for thousands are making this their shopping headquarters! And no wonder at our low prices! Alse see page 32 Every Kiddie Will Enjoy the Midget Performance Daily from 10.30 te 5 P. M these clever entertainers caper te the delight of the youngster. Santa Claus, jovial and beloved, is also here and will give te each child a little booklet free! ne a e-l of tes n" the Kiddles linve nevcr scn every . nd tejM. mstiu'mi- Mvs, dells nnd nnlmalp I It UrettirM - l"Ot UTII Kt.OOH UMOrimvm BATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Went erder-Fnu4 This price is for the one day only! 1pM-3B TOMORROW! sr-T.$3French PearlNecklaces ?1M $. 4 A . f L Lt mm CIIHSttt tltHltlAlta M1 MlH MAvfAaltx . t I A new importation, euiimu, iushuue oiie, iututiy matched nnd graduated in 24-inch opera lengths. Solid geld catches. Each '" one handsomely boxed, i mothers FIRST FLOO-, SOUTH Market Eighth ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh jW J-ausF M-,wsi. i m reb "flSajl )' H n TWBBBii bi r ;,M lC ' ?t . M Mr? K' ft . ii R' .IS : iM'3 isflw m ml i m m Mm. Please Him or Her With a Gift of Slippers All kinds qre here! Any style, material, color and size you desire! . Women's $1.50 te $2 QQc Slippers VO W oel Kelt in oxford pray, light and dark blue. pink. roe, orchid, taupe and pretty two-tone e,Tect. Sizes H te S. Ouilted Satin 11 p.nk, blue, rose, black and American beauty. Padded chrome i e!cs and hce s Inside satin soles. Sizes Fer Women Superb New Big and Little Beys' $3.50 Colonials and 1 S.9S te $5 Shoes r II i .' t W at S-.He Sues 1 fy jJ$ -!.-.. ..!. Strap Pumps Black atm. iO e kid, pat-nt k:d, reu- k. suede, bioize k d a:.d seven -e-markably oiTm.'.e c.'bi-a: r. Hand-turned !i t r , ...r . weed heels. ,i. -.!.?$. icV La" aid bluchcr styles in tan m. K-.5-I a. K .. ee'' heels. Men's $4 te $6 Brown Kid Remeos, Beys' $2.50 i $1.79 $2.49 te $4.49 fan RemeOS I I -ei te the tee. Turned ea Women's $2.50 & $3 Felt Juliets $1.49 & $1.98 Plush or ribbon trimmed; turned oak soles nnd leather heels. In rose, oxford, brown, light blue, dark blue. vvinn. nv. 'chid and blnek. sin .t tn k I Women's Arctics. $3. 9ft a: : : -' " '" - i " Kine quality rubber. Narrow or Vlpn'c Chnacl ! d '""end tees; high or low heels. ',. vjuvwe r ni.u High & Lew! Tan Ruuia Calf, Chiefty Men's $2 te $3 Hyle Felt Slippers, Special $1.49 & $1.98 Oxford gray, wine, dark blue and brown. HcAvy padjded soles nnd heels. Size3 6 te 11. It M t Hllwllw Finest, Daintiest Mesh Bags a Third Less! One of the prettiest, smartest, most acceptaele girts i Frem Whiting & Davis, which in itself is sufficient assurance of newest style and superb quality! Mere than 2000 bags, divided for your convenience in four distinctive groups. $5 Mesh Bags, $2-95 Fine kid; just like a -11 te big boys' :'. oak ahi . seleh and pibber heels. :e- R n-.c opera and lcntt style. S zes G te 11. Daniel Green Felt Slippers for Men $1 .69 & $1 .98 & Women Juliets, cemfv nnd Hvle stvln. hiim mm Lminren s m.Mm' and children', su. Sizes G te 8 at S2.95. Sizes 8 te 11 i at ?3.49 Sizes UM te 2 at S3.98 New lace models in patent colt skin and brown nnd cordovan Russia. Hread tees, welted oak soles. Spring or rubber heels. Lit !rtlirr rirst I'loer. North 51.50 Felt Slippers 69c te 98c I "glit and dark shades of felt. ( emfy, Puss-in-beets and Prin cess styles. Sizes G te L ft H M. l& H J- tsfi s$ -rni ??k "vgi Silver finish, reversible get5j ring mesh. Leng dome snape Dags mm iiuk chain handle. $10 te $12 Mesh Bags, $6.98 te 7.98 Deme shape, square frame and new envelope shape (the Princess Mary) silver finish mesh with woven wire or link chain handle. $7.50 te $9 Mesh Bags, $4.98 Geld or silver finish, in all styles long domes with jeweled clasps. $12 te $16.50 Mesh Bags, $8.50 te $12.50 Many 'styles, tee numerous te mei tiem II ri II " " -m. M .... .. . M . . m M . $2 Novelty Necklaces, '98c New Importntlen In ji'de. uqtm marlne, red, amethyst, oernl apphlre nnd let Dorethea Pearls, $3.50 .' I .W $22.50 Solid Geld lfflffit Wrist Watehe. . . 'i.f;gi?iTn?i $25 "La Supreme" Pearl Necklaces, $12.50 14-karat, 30-inch strands of lovely penrls, perfectly matched and evenly graduated. Guaranteed net te peel or discolor. EXQUISITE DIAMOND" JEWELRY f80 te S200 Wrist Wntclir.....S0ft te 9240 2S te V625 llneer niDgn. .118.80 te S8l.B0 11 tPlM $19 .65 27 te 105 Cuff Unki I22.A0 te tSS H14 te 1B0 Scnrt Fliu 10.08 te HIS n A M-karat white geld, extra heavy, hand somely engraved, rectangular cases; fancy diuls; lii-jcwel guaranteed movements. $22.50 Geld-Filled Wrist Watches, $14.98 I Guaranteed twenty years. Extra small engraved eases; geld dials; le-jewel guaranteed movements; rinoen wrist bands. $22 White Geld Wrist $1 yl.95 Watches ' Heavy 14-knrat white geld. Engraved ten lneau, round, octngenal and square cases; 15 jewel movements. $18.50 Geld-Filled Wrist Watches, $10.95 Guaranteed twenty years. 16-jewel movements; convertible exten sion link brncelet. UrethMK FIRST KI.OOR, SOUTH ST - TV .1 Delightful Holiday Suggestion! Satin Breakfast Coats 'fftfy sC W In resc' p'"k"' turfiue1- II wO Ji?rA? V .?tSB ''"' e:'t',," atl i change-I JL JL t'tviO&vC' ill i . r - l ' , ii '.'ii ! '.; ' l if ?'il"i b!e With two i cket. '.''' i ii-cuJs and aith raffle; en neik and , ,..... . . $9 "Beacon" Blanket Robes, $6.98 i'leral dc-.gnb in 1 irht and dark colers: ilpen I j cellar fermir a per,: and finished with frog, f I CuiTs, pocket, cellar and fient trimmed with satin ribbon. J $4 Corduroy Robes and Breakfast Coats, $2.98 'P' I ipn. i . . y :rd A c t ue na , 1 .1 I rvt i I' i (,!" ,e Urutlier. -sl.i M H." "P. Holiday Wear for Women & Misses unrivaled Values in a Vast Selection of Smartest Styles! Beautifully finished garments for every winter occasion. Each one a value extraordinary. t $6 SILK PETTICOATS $ Particularly Geed Qualitu e-3 fTTl, "saline, jeriy at. 1 ier P '. , ' " ''y tops with denp flounces - w t'i ; a , . . .. . . unnmea wt;n "sirall ruffle, .r.ipea hem- stitching and pin Plain colors, 1 1 changeable!, and black. 438 Tomorrow! VTfj $7 Extra Size 5 V'iTnet " ,n' tT- Ny an Silk Petticoats, $5.93 ft iija'i ' . K e.l. 1 . K .! i. n 1 ''xl. N, (J ' u d Black $12' $15 Silk Petticoats All Celers I.nd. i" a. 1 . i I it llr.illifr. 98 C&tJM - . A rTJA Misses' Spert Coats, $15 I W "W V Tan and reindeer; box or inverted plaited backs; rag'an sleeves; large patch pockets and slashed breast pockets. Lined throughout. Women's Silk Dresses, $19.75 )f crepe back satin tnd canton crepe, also eme in point twill in the beautiful new shades and with new- Misses' Coats, Fur Trimmed, $19.75 Of velour in brown and reindeer. Blouse model with threw tie tipped with band of st trimming notes as I beaverette ben lowing sleeves nnd a j pockets. Lined ilk cord girdle. throughout. Women's Fur-Cellar Coats. $39.75 ui oeiivia, bcetch tweeds, plaid-back coatings and seal plush with beautiful fur cellars of beaverette, caracul or black nnnssum Pin!., j or fancy peau de cygne lming. Misses' Peiret Twill Dresses, $18,50 In navy nnd black straight line belted model with loose panels, set-in nnrknta r.nj .!,.!.. -Jeeves with bright facings. Trimmed about the j- 4rVK neck, beeves and panels with blrvck silk braid. f V Hriitlirrs SIX O.Vl) 1M.OOI! 7y -O ffltt'X tf.ft WM)M vrA - r aA. i th I f ' iter2KH rl '1, I A ' i'i 4 lEv 74'i i : ffw( .MX 39 t Toilet Articles Perfumes and Smokers' Goods An exceptional selection and splendid values .,......4. I .- Ivery Finish Toilet Articles Toilet Sets, $15.93 Du Harry edge; fancy lined box. Hair Bruihcs, $2.49 Picture Frames, 98c Infants' Decorated Sets, 98c te $4.98 Dressing Combs, 98c i,iSj -,,m,.m,w.H !. Ilr.idlf.v l'crfumefi, fiOc. Cetj' I'rrfunim, Iinlf ounce, $1.78. IIeiiIiIriihI'k (lurlijurs Flcurs Extract, S.1.0H and S7 SO. f Th Three-Piece Shell Sets, 'aney lined box. $4.98j Hlcnud'H Mary Gnrdcn rerfumr, 1.;3 te 3.SB I'lim' Safaner Vfcetnl.1.80 1 Gifts for Men j Humidors, $3.98 te $9.98 Mahogany llnlih and mission oak. Held B0 clirars. Nickel Plated Shaving Mirrors, $2.98 and $3.25 French Briar Pipes, $2.49 Hard rubber stems. Fleer Smoking Stands, $3.98 Mahogany finish. Ilretlifri FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH A Cedar Chest MAKES A FINE GIFT! A big holiday purchase brought ub some of the best values in our history! Cheese any one of scveinl siaes our prices in each case leave you an excellent saving. $15 Values, aize 34x20x20, $27.50 Values. l2sB435te e2s5HSSiegKS3Hua size 44x20x20, SfiBjiSs .& - . x m - - v sv JS-rgJ'iti-Ui-i'1 r -iraei- !K T tfa.H 'SIC -HtT SKS . $21.98 M" ,. '- w $37.50 Values. $32.50 Values, size 48x20x20.. J " size 54x20x20 $50 Values, size 54x22x23. . 1 $OQ.95 llrntlirrt TIIIUD Kl.uOIt e3 ,-..$29-95 1000 Pairs Women's Silk Stockings That Should Sell at $2.25 te $3.50 I Sensational T ) fV Purchase . I ''eJ Z - Jtl.. ZL Just in time for Christmas Shoppers $.84 rfaS Finest Ingrain Silk with open lace clocks A well-known hn-itry n.anufacturur closed thpM- liigh-grade silk hose out te us called "irrfgalar" because there is a slight mi. cave, but nothing te impair their long wearing qualities. In most case? the irregularity is net even noticeable. In black and many of the wanted new shades. Women's $2 Silk and Weel Stocking?, $1.2 Women's $1.50 Spert Weel Stockings, 98c leOO p.ii s m Me let, t. ii .,. antd ipe1-'- sn ti (. j I we toned; smart sport -ha.i' ; plan or ribbed. lirregulais. ' i lit Itrmhrr Flljs M.OOI! SOUTH GLOVES AND HANDKERCHIEFS As gifts they're practical, they're attractive and at this Stere they're exceptionally low in price. Finest French Real Kid Gloves!! .491 Fer Women $2, $2.50 & $3 Values A Well-made Gloves, two-clasp style. Novelty embroidered backs. Black, white, black-with-white and whitc-with-black. Women's 35c te 50c Handkerchiefs, 25c Swiss and Madeira eil'ects also smart colored borders and dainty embroidered styles. Children's $1.50 Gloves Leng, wool .skating Gloves in wanted colors. Children's $1.25 I lllrhisea J Duplex cloth. Lined Gloves nnd Mittens in gray, brown and beaver. Women's $1.50 te $2 Duplex Gloves Qgc Strap-wrist and two-clasp styles. Mede, beaver and gray. llretlirs- I IU.ST FI.OOK, SuUl'II Men's 50c Linen fJCc Handkerchiefs... J T'urc Irish linen with neat block initial. Six for 52. Men's 35c Colorful Handkerchiefs. . With colored woven borders and mtinls te match. 25 Men's $5 Genuine Mecha Qleves,$3 Qfi tin itnf Onc-clapp medelH, I' X M sewn, dray and beaver.T 50' Men's 75c Linen Handkerchiefs . . . Pure Irish linen with block let ter. Beys' 19c te 25c Handker chiefs, 10c te 18c White or with colored woven ber ders. y Tomorrow! Girls' Holiday Frecks All-Weel ; $15 te S20 Kinds Charming styles that young girls will delight in. Medel-s for school or for parties and teMvi- ties. All-wool Crepes, Canten Crepes and Velvets Straight-line or bleus- medeK with interesting bits of contrasting color m hand embroider:--, novelty cellars and cuflV. Sizes 7 te 1 1. $10 kkP,estve(te,' Raincoat Sets t$P.98 Ilubbt r.?nl d utiilf tr ture tan r.a'fi i:tl; mm- i pieti- with hit te in.jtih Sul-, ti t , 1 1 1 W $10 te $15 Coats, $7.65 O'l 1 lets fur trimmed High - Br.iili- poletones, oleura, hovtets and Mher warm ceatlnga. Slzt'3 7 te 14. $5 FlanneHSO-SS Middies. . P. il ,m 1 in tirnld ir nni' d Slrnvi cllo clle (!, SiSf- ij in 22 Cv Tots' S8.50 Coats, S4.95 i lull i jMeti)m and ,tii. i unit, r e.miiKH w ill fir or ceth celltirH. .Sl.'.e te 0 I It llrntlier SlJt'OND rLoen KJSX' 1 A A ' , nWM -V ', M v. "iL-t-f2 ci J..-E?SWJ ' ' N- "A JiKZ27A 'i .- v. mam, : ' . ' 'c e ii 111 -i;li. l i Ti m.-ws-?' r- n-j ' ,'-T v u iirJ ' ' 'i ii 7 i i Cut Glass gfigg 1 jiitii hnse--widest choice genuine Part of a 1. 1 bargains' 1 .159.79 $5 Orange Bowls ... Cembinatint. uttir.g J inch fi?.f "" " - -St . .tt -J.-.nM.,,, $5 Ice Tubs, $2.95 Cembinati- n k 1( n; liuge size. $5 Vases, $3.19 12-inch combination cut ting beautiful shapes. iiTik5- r -. -"-- ltf. S". 7TtfMWS t, Sl $4 Celery Trays Combination Large me. $247 design. 495; LIT HltOTIIKBS- $1.25 Ben Ben Dishes, 67c Asiert.'d hhapcH " 'I 11 1 t I ii b V ur "yles In one cir $9 Large Fruit Bowls $4.95 - 1 I I llO. $13 Punch is Bowls, $8.95 $15 Cande- i 1 . & 1 . iaDra, i.te ' " " fl'-ral'.MlrM ai'l'Mu'tn. cutMiB in -inch j "HUiiB 'r 1 ll. llllhiinic RlftS Ilrnthrrs THIItli KI.OOII SsW5C35j5iC36''' 1 U - j dl $6 Pitcher $3.97 4-pt. size. Floral nnd mitre cutting. Gifts That Will Please by Their Daintiness! $3 Bertha Cellars, 98c Yenise lace the much wanted new cellars se high in fash ion's faer. $4 te $6 Silk Sports Scarfs, $2.25 te $3.69 Xewest .shades. $1 Bertha Cellars, 68c 1 X.II M,.H-llllllW T $2 Bremley Sets, 98c 1 I Imported linen; sonic with 1 I touches of color. $1 Neckwear, 59c Seme all white and ethers with touches of color, llrntlirrN KIlthT r.oen NORTH Send Furniture for Christmas Our Lew Prices Sucrcrest It 2vj, -li ti; en r . . -,. . e -. mis .diu ameKing srana, .na Polychrome or Mahogany Finish Heavy turned stand; extra large ash icceiver with metal cigar and match box holder. !: ii) Marie Antoinette (H MM j Sewing Cabinet j " j$ An Excellent $25 Value! ffls vfa&yj Solid mahogany; interior compartment iLjiv. '. JsJnml lemovable tray; swinging top. cv, llmtlirrs FOL'HTII KI.OOH 9 a Silk Undergarments Exceptional Gift Groups! A beat of delightful models tempts cheesing. $6 Silk Envelope $ M QQ Chemises HcU O Beautiful qualities in radium, tresseau crepe and crepe de chine in dainty colors and flesh richly lace-trimmed or tailored. j. ...,,,,. .49 .Visit Our Bl ItMtatirant ntst of Ererythlnr Len-fSt I'rlcss Serentri Heer of Our Xtw Balldinr, Tthntl Market Ht,; $2 Nainsoek' $1, N,'t,t "... r X '"Bmuumi fh Flesh, orchid nnd white trim- med prettily with laces, embroid ered medallions and hund embroidery. $5 Silk Night Gowns, $3.98 Several styles In flush tint crcpe tle chine with soft im-no -,i , toned ribbons. One pictured. l $4 Satin Bleemers, $2.98 Tailored and lace-trimmed styles. $3 Satin Camisoles, $1.98 Flesh color; with laces or in tailored styles. Wt mothers SIX'OKD Fl.OOn l r.iT nneTiicns fri3 I lm f I li 1 A a wfe cri'.y7 i vWh IB iTAAS-i'fl) J JU'J. t .ISS&&A l. . tv-5' ' -Si-Ai M I T3ll SSiwi i 2.95 V 49 i i h,h jv ''f'i y in.inn.t,.t'j, . , . 1
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