p MmmmW&fBi V afCM p Ji i V Kl 'fw trt JV JjeyTells Mrs Wilsen 0f Meals for Sunday jlc Gives a Well-Arranged Menu and Alse Several In valid Dishes Ills Mether Likes By JIBS. M. A. WILSON -,H, J. ty , Jf. ,1. WiUen. .Ill nun""'" rieMa rcaarved ))Cr Mrs. Wll&en lteeently my metlier, who lias been in peer health ?toiie time, linfl te plve up and jce la Led iinrlr I hn doctor's rare, nnd I, Mns the 'M"t i-hlld, undertook te rick UP da huidcn of the home heme IteplnB wliern mother win compelled te ie&c off- 1 nm n '"'' of bnvcntp.cn, ird in tnv Inst jenr of high pcIioeI. in'd havlnc studied chemistry, thought I tee could cook, se urn indlnp M'ti f",r hm fundiiy dinner ter your opinion. Vnry trulj . geular Menu for Three ."Meals en Suit- BREAKFAST Sliced Bnnanas Otcr Ccrenl (Jieam Buclculient Cnkes, With Bacen Coffen DINNER JVimate fcieup, With Toasted Ousts Celery Pickles Boiled Ham. With Cabbnge Mushed Potatoes listed Oinnid Tomatoes Lettuce Swiss Tnrt Coffee suiter. Creamed Hnm en Toast fried Potatecb Olcry rklHd lltle Sauce Ginger SponKe Cake Ten ter nwtlier's breakfast I prepared Orange .Tulce Coddled Htrg Te;ii "off co DINNER (.hi'c Cream Toast Tematu Salad lie Cream Oicim SUPPER Buttered Toast Swiss Tnrt This Is my own dih. I saw Mime tbln? that looked like It in the bakery Hd theuelit I would try il. Place in bowl Otm-hilf cup of ru.'jui, '. One cyp, j Three tablcspauiiv nf hiitlri'. ' Tire ri;n ul flour, hv tfiuiienuH of bnUimj pewilci , One nip nf tenter. Heat lmrrl te mnl.e nice and bnineth, and Fprenil In well-greased pan, push leg (IeukIi up well en'tlic Bides. New cever thi" dough thickly with thinly sliced apples cut In wedgch, nnd with the round outside part sticking up. (Pare the apples before out- tiri.) Det with bits of butter, sift n i tblesp"Oii r( iliiur eirr im tipples nnd thru vpread Willi one rtip of brown :cat llnki in liicjder.iie 'ix en ter iJilrlj-lne minute1. ''lit in fiiuare.-, nnd nr with thin .ipple .vi'ien. ( eleiy .alad Mince the fnt part of the ham Hue and, cook about one cupful brown in tt skillet. Lift and drain well. Place In bowl and add one stalk of celery rheppid Tery tine, using the green Imves Hi well ns the plulk of crlery. Add 7irn 'mull Aiitet", MiltenI mr, Olie Mtinll run uf nvnnrnnt l.n. rut ( tmnll bitt, inrl add Oie in )i i,) siilnil duvmiw. tilnser Spenge Cakn I bought i-penKe coke from store and nlit In two. and placed n maruhmnllew fllling In between the cake. I dtifted tbe wnrnliniollew with ginger and PUHctl the cake well together. Cut In Mecks and nerve with ginger muce. Ginger Satire )m: nip nf jfnit. On i',i ejf tiff.'ci. Tire iiifiJciprmii-i ul i in i, (,irei . 't(D lefTJiiiOf n( qirirjri . Stir umll the irrh i- w..rked n;oeth In the r iter nnd Mrup. and boil ter "tb inintttei. The feluiw ju; lndillcd I.'gg ttub h drinking glass with butter nd break in two fresh e?gS. Place, li In pan of cold water nnd heat fcOHly until the whites of the eggs tifgln te become- firm. Stir aud drop n a pice of butter that is about the te el h. walnut. Cream Cheese. Toast TAree lohktpeuM nf fintly chopped 'I rucked a much en ihe spoon ns I Ceuld get i Onr-hal' triijioen of a(. I Klrrcd this for n while, and then Ma? the. tefiht. Pour ever the cream m cheese sau,.,. nnd place a big spoon speon spoen ni of whlnped i ream en tept Dust "Itli pnjirlkn I ceukwl for two .eni's with the ceut and think fe-ne .lav I will write cookbook Vew net. 1 rend the cook. r,Ii.airt":lFS n,M'' hil,t- ni'f l have 10 su for mi- hitbj MMcr te go te nbvp. Gnr,. 11 ,1.1 ... .,... i. i ... .i j t :n1"' B'''ls en"1,1 ,!e llS Will Ia 7 ii hl, ou "'" W,t" me again wa tell me of Kmie ether meal. 1 nra waing j eU b,,m n,eCiui rwwa I pre Hred recently f,,,- Mine of the ,ceut. 'VfiS. WILSON'S "ANSWERS My dar Jfrn. WiU.m Will you ,7" Sivii rnetlied hew te reek nnd '"J ing tails ter ,i ate 1 ruin iinpther's .Vei piKiall illnnerV IUS M. A. C. tb, ,i?,iran 6rlT ;1 splendid dinner with lJ tails un fellow p ; SWEDISH j.jOTAir DINNER clcr5' Liven Union i uv.33.rfl1i'"''l Pigtaili. Heur Sane iisaed Potatoes Carrots eik I'.aI,,-! nm , V.VI' aii.IV fj;ranDCiry I'ie e ud Pens ('effce le ?ncl1nic ,,,") ,?,lb' 'ciifiHr. well and " in large kettle, and add '"tee Inrnn milenn, rut in then, 'in? c-irrut. (t t j;,,, "je bjnwh i,f teip ,,r,v. reri .,',kt .,M'""'""t I'liling v.iter te H ,1T ,,in,: ",ok ",l,il '"nder. Lift testiu , n,", !,","' ,lK'" ,J1P ' Imi..('k1"i"1 """' "l"1 vell in dim iiiekin.llli,b,.r,J " ",,lrn wwii i. n?!'. 'V,'' '"! I'hice in baking pan. the ta , ft ti-etu tlie pan in whleh )" mill were fried. entlni inct i.. ra' cP, add ' ' vu' an1!.0. ""'7 '"'f-'i"' runs nf flour, Wwn ,rt '"" " hen " ,lic'e mahogany .fh cup) 0f fhe itnd. u u.,llch ,h(l vtt,"m,tcr c"'' of "'-'-stcrsh,rr Oilf.iaf c, nf rlnli minr, ;'" 'P "f i tiiC'inr. i "CO tttlllt aptHM llj fillt, '" tollMpeon e '.f;irii-A-ii. I mini, t0,b'"m, "n'1 1",'S ,rt heilin,; otSt.l0fH,fer X"n "ilmiti'S then pour. ffiV.. t,nilH "nd I),Rce in het eren for "'"i mlnuieF Allew two tall? for "III ICu, ' ""i Wanamaker'sDewn Stairs Stere Has Thousands of Fresh Gifts at $5 and Less and There Are Only Seven Mere Christmas Shopping Days Women's Gay Felt Slippers J Attractive $1 Gifts Nk-H warm ones, softly ribbon run and pompon trimmed. Chrome leather soles made en real ahoe lasts, se they will surely keep their shapeliness. Jluc, red, gray, , brown, green and lavender. ' (Hew n hlalr fiterr, Clirnliiul) I Sale of Women's Dimity Blouses, $1 Frcsli. erinp. tlnintv and nil nut un in hellv boxes for ChrisL- niaa givintr. Peter Pan nnd V-ncck stylcH trimmed with luce edgings or embroidery. Sizc3 30 te 40. (Down Stelrs Stere, Market) fMWMIl'BHfl0Mf Women's Gray Squirrel Trimmed, Seal-Dyed Ceney Coats, $140 and $150 First we have ever had at this low figum! It would seem almost tee geed te be true if the Down Stairs Fur Shep wnvn't always finding some such pleasant surprise for Christmas shop pers. These coats arc cut like the mere expensive models and are fully lined with silk. All have both cellars and cuffs of beautiful gray squirrel. 40-ineh squirrel-trimmed seal-dyed ceney coats, $140 and $190. 45-inch squirrel-trimmed seal-dyed ceney coats, $150 and $200. 40-inch skunk-trimmed seal-dyed ceney coats, $150 te $175. 45-inch skunk-trimmed seal-dyed ceney coats. $160 and $185. , (Down htelrn Stere, Market) iff-- ' ft " JLTirth!J'Vvj "! m r UjNJ I I I A. i Night Gowns of Silky Plisse Crepe, $3 Daintiness and practicality admirably combined. V neck models arc sleeveless and finished with piceting. Bateau neckline models show the merest suggestion of a sleeve and are very effective with silk fageting. Flesh, orchid, peach and white silk-and-cotton crepe (Down Mnlri Mere, Central An Expensive Freck Copied in Geed Silk Crepe at $27.50 An especially fashionable gown has been cleverly duplicated for us by an excellent maker. Developed m Canten crepe y black, with centr mings m blue, r 'fhM ' ' longer-than-the-hem t remarKaeie nnu 1 ' who appreciates the unusual. Peiret Twill and Silk Frecks at $27.50 Dark brown, blue and black and plenty of the lighter tan and cocoa shades among the silks. Tailored and trimmed models, including something for almost every holiday occasion. il'iiwn Miilrn store, MnrKrll Women's Geed Shoes Are $6.50 and Less ItiKh black hhecs with matt kid unners and calf vamns at S5.D0. or oxceptienul quality black or tan calfskin hijrh ehnns at S6.50. I veiled selus, Julian or military heels with rubber top lifts attached. One-strap puntuM and oxt'erds in black or tan leather with welted soles and medium heels are ?5. Cuban heel u.furd and enc-str;ip pumps are ?5.50 and $0. Dress puinps with one .strap have flexible soles and Spanish Leuis or baby Leuis heels at iJu'.riO. Amene; them are proed-lookinc; styles in buede, and unusual brocade and patent leather combinations. (Down HtnlrH Stere, f'limtniit) Children's Warm Leggings, Special $1.75 Warm, protective coverinjf all the way from ankle te waist for little folk. Thrsc li'URiJiu.i nre well made of jeiey-like material brushed en ihe reverie :ide for additional warmth. They button securely at the vaisl and have an adjustable. elafUic-riin hack. JiCather htraps held them under the instep. Silt's for children of 12 te C .wars. Ulack, dark brown and navy blue. (Ileivn Hlnlm store, lietl mi I Cretonne Gift Aprons, 55c te $2 Cr&teniic and unbleached muslin, or cretonne and sateen ar. combined in theso especially pretty encw. Band aprons are uec; bib nprens, Heme of which cover a person almost completely, are ?t te S'2. (Ileirn Stair stnir, Mitrliet) Sale of Full-Fashioned Silk Stockings, $1 Women's smooth-finish, pure silk, full-fashioned stockings with mercerized tops and feet. "Seconds" of our regular excellent quality that sells right along at almost double. Indeed, the kind is identical, but miner imperfections occurred in the weaving which bring down their price extraordinarily. Black, Russia calf and gray in all sizes. (llenn Stnlm Stere, Central) Women's Strap-Wrist Gloves of Brown Capeskin, $1.85 Seft beautiful skins that feel almost like velvet. Colored the det'p brown or lighter beaver which gees with 'practically every sort of wrap. Made with quite long cuffs and strapped at the wrist te keep her warm. Outscam sewn in brown; pique sewn in tan and brown. Charming St rap-Wrist Mecha Gloves, $3.75 Luxurious e;i.ftH, because while the price is moderates the mocha is delightfully fine. There i-i choice of the mere desirable; shudea of way, beaver or brown. Suede Strae-Wrist Gloves S2M' for -trap wri.st gray ami mode i olercd suede gloves, pique town. !:i for Kiu'de gloves with 'engpr ciffs and strap Trriats in ecru, medi' and bravct. Lined Capeskin Gauntlet Gloves, $8.75 If she complains of cold handf, b sure Mic will like a pair of these line capevkin gloves that come well up ever her wrists and held closely with elastic shirrinjr and are snugly lined with seamless knitted wool. i Dun it M.i!r Mere, (ntrnli A i &F1 t"nw ii it a. I !'l " fir First $1.15 Silk-and-Weel Stockings for Women We Have Had This Season Smeeth and soft and pleasantly warm. Woven of artificial silk and wool in an attractive drop-stitch effect. The backs are seamed. Black in all si7.es. Mightily line for gifts. y- ' JIT yMV y 1 'i.. -'Z 1 "VI llpk.1 -. , 1 1 WHBVa. J r'.l'Vil.'J1.-.'XrV-' k. V-T ... ... ....... . WL7 HBMBISKSSafflN-J (. IIOIV11 9IUirN lerr, tnurai VV '"v ' t f V' A KTjMiaS??S fc. " w m m -s m d V j dm "i tw st m -w-i ,.' -m - . HXrebr;rimr : Wew lber Silk-Mixed Shirts ler Men, $4 - exceptional Hand bags ter Gifts ed or" tan! Hand ; They leek very much like silk, but they are actually -Xr J2K1L$ &!?d ft."" Si? Zii 1 i.l ...lii. i .Avn.i r uVii'niiifv f inn 511- U-,tA ,A4U rtff e 4Uni 41rt. f v. v.v ..t4, un umui ivn, i;ivnn, UlUV cilIU UCOl"l 111 pleated panels. ! will wear and wash well. Cut ever Wanamaker patterns and &' ji 0IW ;r another ,tI.. and el Jabric or leather, w thn M'nnimi ! liuide vein beautifullv sn tlmi. tlinv will hn iiMilonsin-e fm f"' JsC'Ss. Clever little silk bags in pouch shapes have easy-te- .Vf vV liviiinu ' - -..., . . - ,.... --w - ,,.w,.., -,. - vr- H ,- ,, - ir,;. --a any man te find among his Christmas gifts. Various colored stripes combined with white jacquard i)utterns- ' Men's Weel Mufflers, Men's Shirts at $1.50 $1, $1.50, $3 Standard percale and woven Something for the children te madras in all sorts of colored Gve Dad 53 ones arc almost as stripes. 2 shirts include the p!tt,a!V1heSOi f-nCal ""h"e-' , , : . . . , But the 91 and $l.e0 ones are nice, wanted plain colors in blue, van tee nnd lht.rp ure ,,,, 01. slrjp.' and gray. ed ones at each price. ri..n CU..J 1 e;ii. it -vT-..i-i-. en v iiiiL-iii! mriiien .-mik iten .ei'Kiies. .i ir...i. .. . . . Th,. arc the "BEST" college stripe,. Ties iuen s P".11,1 ta"J0a,S un.' collegian would like. Tics any ether man Specially 1 I'lCCd, 12 would like also. Undoubtedly vcrv geed loekinc. ' ... Bt'ltc!1 'I11,. "round raincoats of geed tan cotton Put in a Christmas box upon request. Yes, they .1 ffifSg Iff'JISS perfectl t ' arc of all soft shimmering silk. ?5 raincoats are in nn casv slip-en box tvlc. (Ilewn Stlr Stere for Mm, en tlm tinllcr.T, Mrkt) ' Wmmm carry strap handle:.. Hitr, capaeieu. cum Inpc bnek- witn 21 compartment for almost cvpjy possible u-e, in -..-.chetti', long grain cobra and pin seal. Plain and novelty stripen duvftyre and elvct bugs in flat and pouch shapes with unusual chitted metal frameti, covered frames and frames inlaid with enamel or trimmed with marcasite. Silk lined, attracti'-ilv fitted. itinuii "tnlr Sler-, Central.) Men's Special All-Weel Plaid-Back Overcoats $32.50 A geed maker going into another branch of the clothing business had iust a limited number of overcoat patterns still en his shelves. He made them up te our special order, and because they were the last he had he let us have them "at a price." scthese overcoats are very exceptional at $32.50. Deuble-breasted ulsterette style with big storm cellars and deep pockets. Warm looking mixtures with gay or conservative plaid backs. Chemically tested all-wool, of course. (Down Stair. Stere for Mrn, en tint Unllrry, Market) "Best Linen Handkerchiefs at 50c and Less People Are Saying About These """ N uewn stairs JianaKercnieis .v'; ?? .V no J Give Her a Dainty Boudoir Cap New satin, net, lacy and frilly flowery ones are eOc te $2. Trim med with .swirls of lace or frilled 'silk, with rurhings of ribbon anil lleuncings of lace. Sento have quaint bandeau fronts nnd ethers are like adorable little Dutch caps. Pirk, peach. roe, orchid, blue and white. (IlntTii Stnlr lnr. Central i Hand Blocked Bed Sets of Bleached Dimity 70x96 Inches, $5 90.9l Inches, $li First in ever se long at these moderate prices. A special group which came in for Christmas gift cheesing and is 1 sure te hurry out quickly, for the sets are ever se pretty and practical. Each spread has a bolster threw te match, both with scalloped edges. Hand blocked in pretty ilewer effects in rose, blue and geld colorings. IKuuu Stulri Plern, Central Men's Fleece Lined Black Leather Gauntlets Remarkable at $1.85 They are geed looking, they have big leather gauntlet cuffs and the lleece lining is very warm. Similar gauntlets of still better quality at $2.G5 te .$3.50. Men's Black Leather Mittens With Lambs Weel Lining Arc $2.75 Quite the nicest gloves we have had in many a year at such a low price. Similar mittens with one finger and a thumb, lined with lamb's wool, are $3.50. Then There Are These Fine Gift (Moves for Men at $4.50 te $10.50 $10.50 seemed se cheap for these oxtra-leiiu black hersehide gauntlets that one c.ustemcr bought some for all the three men in her family and felt she had dene n line bit of Christman shopping. ' They are completely lined with fur. Any mnn who likes the out- deem will nppreciate them. S't.&O for men's strnpped-wrist black leather rIevcs with lambs' wool lining. ?fi for soft brown capeskin gloves with strap-wrists nnd lamb's wool lining. Sfi.fil) for grip palm black horsehide gloves "ith larnh's-woel i lining clear te the top of the full flnre cuff; strap wn.-t. Similar gloves wna lur linings are ?i.ev; uiey nave straps all nreuiui nnu grip (3Itn' newn SUlre Stere en the duller.', MirUet) ' We knew they were the best handkerchiefs we ever had in the Down Stairs Stere at the prices. But new customers right and left tell US they are the best liniulkfrhief; in nil Philnrh.lnViie f fl,,, n;n.. And the mero people shop around the mere convinced they seem that ' 'V. these are astonishing handkerchiefs net te be eeualed anvwhern nt xe,- ,- or less. ' -v ' Tft: - MV ". rer emcn While and rose linen and eoleted -ports silk haiidkcrchier-. lLMsc. Plain, tape edge and white and color embriiidered handkerchief p. lee. White em broidered, spoke-stitched and neveltv colored handkerchief- 'J.jc. WhiU embioidcved ai.d drawn- rei" Children thread colon.-! liandke.rclnef-, .'iee. White, novelty- I'Uni white and colored ;,,., , ,, , , , v colored and solid-color enibreiderc.l handkerchiefs, White linen handkerchief ,ii ,', ',. r,i eim!,-. , i ' '1'' eiy, 2'ic. Ileiin Stnir lore, teiurnll It is' well te remember, loe. that all Wanamaker handkeivhir. are either all-linen or all-silk. Fer Men Plain white linen hnndkerchiet" . White linen handkerchiefs wi jOc. V V . - 'c, ".."c and .0i', roll Ir hoi der Down-Filled Quilts, Remarkable at $12.50 '.'' l'"'"; "i v.-iiriNuna.S gilts: Ih'lK'lntlSiV soft warm quilts covered with prettily flowered sateen and hor her dered by plain color. Hese, blue, pink and lavender ffTivt 10 nuitch her room. They arc filled with snnitan d-mn and the covering is heavy enough t6 be satisfact.m Weel-Filled Ouilts v.. ' ,,..,. 1 .. eii ...l etn ilc, UllOil VUJH.s, Z tii ?u iiiui eju . arc net in waimth. The aic lnepen.,i',,.. ,i(". n.v im, filled with NRW wool with all I real warmth and ,'tuactiene-i its native warmth and durability. rnu,. n i , .' ' Flowered ei Paisley cevers; ' lj I uisle co ..r ,,,nil.,rin- some with plnin berdeis. tiens. Seme Very Geed All-Weel Blankets at $8.50 Pair ure wool blankets both wan s that every thread Is a WAIlA! i Pv i.'i h. Immmwm Necklaces in Real Jewel Celers, $1.50 te $5 oral pink, amber color, jade green and lapis blue are these levt'ly new necklaces. Plain and graduated styles in ' lengths all the way from 18 te 54 inches, according te kind and price. At $3.85 and $5 are strings of remarkably tine indestructible pearl beads in lengths of 18 inches and mere. Gifts certain of giving pleasure, for they are something I almost every woman enjoys -wearing1 yet seldom buvs for I 1 1 or .-elf. i lien n Mlr Meri', eiilral Dressing Table Sets of White Celluloid, $5 .Mui-e ul the same sort that hurried out se fast te happy Wt seekers.- Each set includes a comb, brush, and geed size mirror, attractively boxed. One of the nicest things one could imagine te give a growing girl who needs an incentive for keeping her room neat. Or te give mother, perhaps, nhe always thinks of ghing pretty things te ethers first. i Hew ii stlr Mere, en trail Seme of the Best Gloves for Children! SI ler mittens et gray or reindeer suede with cunning cull'- nf iu Xet cnly warm but children will love them. SI. 25 for capeskin mittens with reversible fur cuffs thai tan be long or hnrt and also for leather gauntlets with fringed leather cufK These are all warmly lleece lined. .I.!."i te .1.7.-. fe. ,-ap,. :,nd suede gloves in practicallv all size3. I lecce line". f-'ic ler x-etrh Weel (;ievci in heather mixture 'i.'ic for Knitted W ,i0i Mittens in gray or brown ."..V for lleece Lined .Jer.'cy Cleth Mittens, 'liiinu Mnlr lerp, Lentrill) New Shawl Cellared Blanket Robes for Women, $5.50 Spu.-iaib kue,! blanket doth robes with the deep shawl cellar ami cuilV Inn nd w rh -atin. Secured in front with a sal in-covered li.itt.u, ,,ini ,,,'ip and a silk cord girdle. Con Cen "itinnal iati "'us 1,1 i ark ami lighter shades. lilstuUft Cleth Vests, 50c I. et- ..f wei.i.n ; ... .. .'I'.u.en-,' warmth of these lcevelcjs Uniiii irtirs 'lore, (eiitr.il. Rhinestone Bar Pins, 65c te $5 lb:f i.eii.,'. are t no r rtt.eht y-1 '. Tie in.iiajit little rhltlt """ "'",-" '"''Tin.: -'mm- mount in.-., intr.e.itely dei&neS or ' - w,.ul, be ;i iit U) , . dpti.nj j,, j,.i;.t. "- Meweled" I'emb te Wear in the Evening 82 te $5 ' l;'tili- -;0'...v .- ".'itruif; then, tin- H,ur)n, and if veu lu.e a young nil f.i. v..- ,-,ft l,,- ah wnifi i, i ,lu, ' i " JJi "He te wear, tee. Small s. niechun -sire nn n,A l,ri".; green, amber or ot'e-. Amber ,.lir ., ,.., . ,,,, ." r.r '" ""- r"a .. . .. v.. u, .-.ii vnn Kiccn. limner ni ,., -i..,,i in milium , ,j;n- iHie.ii vtnlr Mele, (entruli V- ,- v ran-w oei Ulankets. S5. S(J. S7.50 Par ire XOW pretty Otlea JUSt unn.ielnrl. r:nerl.linfcin.r nica" t i A . . . . n pvwr nnnn. . ,. .Ul. i .. nerciers ei pint; or biue and they have colored' bind- Vi; ,!,. U . K"VB tllnt nuuil """' aimth. ings te match, A pair of them in a Christmas be: thv Z -? l?.i b',.d. "Pl? ' " 'el and wm maKe n tine gut. ' . n,v n 'rcHil tti ty Vi.. -. i ii . r"vu mimic 1 ou they ceme in attrnrrivn uu. ..' 1.1.. (Vmrn , t.?e.WC,JntrJRr,UndB- KdKft bed " '' ' ' or t..'i pnlms. Beautiful Umbrellas With Fine Sample Handles, g4.tu, $5, 5.50 rc eeiignuui miki-i ei 50 and S5.f0 for hilk iimK,ii i-tXtTumb,;,,, w,h !teffhj enn-cd Imitation amber of the hnSd K worth ere SfSr1,?nr1"' :aT tip,, ferrufc, and top, umbrella Xuvy, SSTr "p , rd ' bl kkMd Special puichase of three, delightful kind" of unusual umbrellas te give te wonien. R50 for eilk-and-cotten taffeta umbrellas with nun cases and plain and and ether fancy handles; te match. Why Net Give Mether a Rug' for Christmas? Miu probably looked at her old ones and wished ehf could get at least one ueu- rug and, after all, the home 'is 30 plealVher'imire.1'1' "' hV' hH""V ftnythln thai would f'M' ft. j'lnnt ii',.il,:,. n0; chenille rugs, ?20 S'xlJ ft. plain iei ihllile wee! chenille rUf:. S'?7 ,Mi ej it. M'aiiiics.-, velwt niRH, .O. 'j. tt. HiMtuifHr. ebet 1 ig, $:;;.:e ('.t ft, ,-tand.ird A Minister rug-, .f'J.T.".. '.'l-' ft. standaid AMiiitter i-ijrv, Wi. i'M ft. Wilten rup,., Mi;. 'M2 ft. Wilten 1 tig-, 7:1. -.e. lUeun -tulm -lore, I hrtlnui; v . Jiitl --- 4luiThd.iU j4in4 tmkttfi b 4gj -wM''t-Bii.wi, Vir'WJ lr&XJtltJiUTfcMr4 &.-' A& nf..JJA
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