: 'v rm m r,va, i6". -W. i 1 .VEi :3Wh !M?v H8& ' n-'. w r - ii"vf, ' ? '.rfjry"-- jv-;- .? EVENING PUBHO 'DafeR-PHIIADEIiPHlAr THtJKSDAY, DECEMBER 14; 1922 ... ' ' ' w V . .Hi jf & -2L fat I it .. m --li i . MWiwaKp.ykJuiiii, immmktkmmmMMmM,m jlrs. Wfeen Gives Mincemeat Recipes The Time Has Come te Start Mahing These Delicious Goodies for the Christmas Dinner By MI19. M. A. WIMON THD season for making the Christ mas goodies Is here, nnd the house. heuse. house. fffe should leso Httle tlme gettlnR thins un''ar wnr' Climatle conditions gnd modern housing have mndp It very teccssary te change, net only the rcc Ints but also the methods of mnklng iwnn of the Bcnsen'a specialties. Years ,w with the deep old-fashioned cellar. tnd a much colder climate, the geed houecwlfe could prcpore mince meat, pudding nnd such poodles and store tbnn In the cold cellars. I hare carried en for tins last two ytars a series of experiments In mak ing mlnce meat nnd plum puddings nnd (rait cakes, nnd believe that I have EOw methods nnd recipes that nre a (fcrfded ndVantage ever the recipes of ye long a ?e. Mince meat, plum puddings and fruit cakes made two weeks nnd even ten days before the holidays will be splen didly flavored, If my newer motheuV ire closely followed. All the minces, puddings nnd cakes will keep, and have t fuller and richer flavor, without liquor. Tuhhlng Hellew Mlnce Meat lime the butcher pmpar two pounds of lean stewing beef ns for hmnburg iteak, that Is putting the meat through the feed chopper. Flace in frauce pan nnd add One queit of cold water. Cever closely nnd cook for one nnd j three-(iiarter Hours very siewiy, wntcli ing carefully se that it does net burn. 6tlr occasionally. While the meat is cooking, place- In second snuccpan One quart of cider, One quart of New Orleans melassc Ttce tablespoons of ptnger, Twe level tablespoons of cinnamon, One teaspoon each of cloves und all- One teaspoon each of mace and nut mtg. Bring te boil, and cook slowly nnti1 the mixture redures te ene quart. Dire after paring iive pounds of apples, nnd rtace in large mixing dewi, uuu nuu One pound of eeef suet, chopped very fine, One-half pound of candied ctren ekenncd fine. One-half pound each of candied orange and lemon peels, chopped fine, One package of currants, One package of seeded raisins, Tice packages of seedless raisins, The prepared meat. One teaspoon of salt. One cup of strong cider vinegar, The ptcparcd metasscs and cider. Stir te blend nnd mix. Fill Inte crnr' tr two-quart jam nnd stere in cold place or in the refrigerator. This minci! meat can be packed i ftcrilini jari, nnd sterilized ns fol fel lows, and the minre will keep unti opened, if stored in cool, dry place Sterilize the jars, nnd fill in the mini meat, adjust the rubber and lid, nm seal securely. New place in the he water bath, having the water cold whci the jars nre placed in the bath, nn hare the water just te the neck of thi Jar, bring the watvr te boiling point and process for feriy-flve minutes; re move, cool and then din the tops e the jars In melted paraffin. Mince for the Vegetarian Place In saucepan Ttce cups of molasses, Three cupi of rider, One package of seeded raisins, One cup of chopped and stoned prune. One cup of finely chopped dried anri anri eelj, Ttce cupi of chopped almonds, 7 ice tiaspoeni of cinnamon, One teaspoon uf ginger, One-hall trnspuen ach of alhplci (leres and mttcr, One-half pound of candied citron, chevped fine, One-quarter pound of candled lemon fttl, chopped fine. Simmer for half hour, new .tir in three-quarters cup of the Ikm n'iv oil, and finish wi for the Tubbing Hol Hel Hel eow mince. MRS. WILSON'S ANSWERS My dear Mrs. Wilsen Will you Plcase print rrclpe for mnklng choco checo choce liito layer enke, with the instruc tions for mnklng the icing from un sweetened chocolate? MRS. B. J. J. CHOCOLATE LAYEK CAKE Place in mixing bowl One and thrcc-quartert cupi of sugar, v ' leul'h"lt CUP f luittr' and eream New odd i JF0 cPgu nddln? the eggs one at n "me nnd beating In each cslewIy.. Three cup, of lifted flour, V3 five teaspoons of baking peuder sifted in the flour, One and one-quarter cups of water. Bent te smooth rlne batter nnd bake in three wcll-grcased nnd floured layer layer eahc pans In het even for twenty-Dve minutes. CHOCOLATE ICING riace In mixing bowl five tablespoons of boiling water, Vne tablespoon of butter, One-half cake of melted, unsweetened ""'""""c "nra aaa suijicicnt confee Honors' sugar te make an king ihat tcill spread. Use te put the enke together and ice In usual manner. My dear Mrs. Wilsen Will you f dense glve recipe for orange marmn nde. I hnve bushel of oranges und would, llke te use some that way, MBS. J. Orange Marmalade Ream out the Juice from twelve oranges, scrape the white, pithy part from the Inside of the erange peel, cover this white, pithy part with three pints of cold wntcr nnd simmer slowly for ene nnd ene-half hours, strain. Chop the peel of the oranges very fine nnd cover with Just enough boiling wntcr te cover the peel and cook until sufficiently soft te crush between the fingers. Add the water drained from the white pithy part of the orange ener the juice te this cooked orange peel. Measure nnd return te the preserving kettle nnd add three-quarters cup of sugar fo fe every cup of the orange mixture. Cook until thick like Jam. Then stere in the usual manner as for jellies. LOVE NOTS By KAY- KEAN Happy Endings Verily I wnrn you napplness Is net fdol-preof. Bliss, llke attar of roses, should be used as an Incense, net n feed. Te mnn, wealth, women nnd happi ness nru' n pursuit, net an attainment. Surely 'tis human nature te turn round when the end of the read ii readied. AlnsI Women become uninteresting when they nre either supremely hnppy or supremely unhappy. Yeu will find u woman fears happl 'ness because It will make her fat nnd spoil her beauty. A man is skeptlcnl of It because it sounds llke n beati tude. "And they lived hnppy ever nftcr is Invariably the end of the fairy tale. KNKtOreK. ;JKi&t3KMf ASCO gsKwrss OTrasrarsr xrvma H l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii' Things You'll Leve te Make p-6 lmIj Kindle1 Apron Freck f3'..ln,!lIns ." f-0lIlI(' f aprons and a au- nf'!"nv,"18,"" Llttlp dmisliter can ';l!l,ll"B tr"ck" Ht littlt' C(,st- ne Imlf 0 il,,- pattern ih shown at the "gut of the illustration above. Cut or ni!!?1." fre,u l',lai" "'""-'rialw. sateen t (hamhiay or -ltli. Mnku the un.ler- &." of ''"lt white materials, for &,' Him! r overcast the I J",,"' lL'L', nm;,)U,- Hll,cl narrow Wtfrem A te (', leuWiiK liB ends at ht'rlnii n!,r0" Lut,(,N "' A. Tile toil a en"a ,vBr tb,u b,,clc-" "'i'" lunf t "I0'!'"1 "' ,llC M nn(1 "ed untily at (.'. FLORA. ! WEDDING A0 . i:nhkaved 11.be s,:'' Net KmraTrd at Writ. 'i,-" '"p "'0 i.i.'.r nr rh.nn" "'alnue ;.1.?S for --. ramriF anil rerreri rrm -ueyai f.ncraiini? Mnnn tii tt-..i... & J w ....y, ua mhiuu, i. ANTIQUE FURNITURE a Walnut or MaheBanyr(,r Lt.lnc Keem, Wlns Ucera. ,n, ni-tlnctlve. IndltM uil anl fitrrmi-lr rmaeiintilc. A.sL. DIAMENT & CO. vliut Rt and at p NEURITIS. LUMBACO,-- tiJ-h MUSCLES, ETC. "ni-dtiT- tr" tei1 wh elclrtc hakim :J$"i&M'- F.N.ADAMS ! aJLAZA 111 tin , .. a i Fer Holiday Gifts Exceptional Lamps, Mirrors and Mahogany Furniture Te the man or woman seeking smart and unusunl jrifts, Dougherty's will prove a veritable treasure store. We have e wonderful variety of charming Lamps and Shades. Period Mirrors and Mahogany High Beys, Desks, Tables, Dressers, Chairs, etc.. any ene of which will be cherished as a potential heirloom. Dougherty's Faultless Bedding Hair Mattresses Bex Springs Bedsteads 1632 Chestnut Street I I 111 ' " if I M Xmas Eve put this shoe in' her stocking. She'll love it. It's rather the thing te get the "stocking" here, tee. ioiareru)aH Buy Health Seals nl finnt Shnn lAzQ Chestnut St Silver Fex Nat'l Blue Fex Platinum Fex Eaetern Mink Russian Ermine Persian Lamb Baby Lamb Baby Caracul Baby Fisher Russian Sable Hudsen Bay Sable Chinchillas Heuse of Wenger 1229 Walnut Street B. Chertak Wenger M. Wenger ARE NOW HOLDING A PRE-OPENING SALE OF FURS The OUTSTANDING FUrt EVENT OF THE YEAR, particularly inaugurated for the purpose of making MORE FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS before the formal opening of the new building. The DISCOUNT offered is an authentic saving deducted from the original price, which is PLAINLY MARKED en every garment. At these reductions you are new able te purchase Heuse of Wenger Guaranteed Furs nt prices FAR BELOW actual present cost of production. We Quete Four Values Representing Proportionate Reductions Throughout the Entire Establishment Genuine Natural Muskrat, 40 inches long 125.00 up Raccoon Coats of unusual beauty and quality 225.00 up Hudsen Seal (Dyed Muskrat), 40 inches long, Skunk cellar and cuffs 295.00 up Hudsen Seal (Dyed Muskrat), 45 inches long, Skunk cellar and cuffs 350.00 up By B. Chertak Wenger Medels by Chertak are ever distinctive for their exclusiveness of style and that inim itable combination of charm and beauty. Quality, fashion and creative ability are reflected at all times, regardless of the season. jiiHiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiif H 1718 Chestnut I KIER-HAAS 1 tuArUtu I A Genuine Christmas Shep I Full of a wonderful array of Chrlstmasy mcr- f chandlse, fine aESertmcnts, big fresh stock this a Is the place te select your Christmas Gifts. & CathSent Console Sett Mirror Windier Chiiri Dihi Smoking Standi Euy Cbalri Beek Endi Many Olhtri riNK CrilOMTEKED DAVENrORT A Httmly Allien Anne piece tttire ft)iratn down -nt cushion, nmliecnnj ickh. I'OTerai m denim, nt S12 u 1 ' 11 LYNNT0N H. KIER Formerly Kitr & Ce. .?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiir t s HARRT F. HAAS I Fermtrly of J. C. Darlington & Ce. 5 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH irrniirr:iiiiuiilJ':iimiJ.Ll.i;'?.'TirTmn!Xrn,SILTir "ri!-.... -JZ-j,zn,n7: :t-rtMrtrrr jr"-'v.r'ii-ii- ntut'iHiiBtniiiiumuHdCH O Strictly Hand Made CHARMING AND NEW An Original Thought in Black Velvet A model indicative of the exclusiveness that is Winkclman's. And that steps forward, tee, with our consistent quality. Winkelman Style in Quality Foettvear 1130 Chestnut St. !8-i0 B. Sid Bt. At Twelfth SDGl-S Frankford Ave. - .I.I..I.UI..TTff ziuA-mzw-iT.-:n kcC Jesh t- enM&t n ? II t. A Vr. '5 ty 1 9 I a a ii B '4 Yi. hi ti 1 u f i I p 0 & I H A Ii u n r.i -. U tt Ii p. n 8 A n IS. V A an"iM' aniinWatwrwaiarrjT THE TALK OF THE T0WH 15c WEEK AT THE if Ge, larkei Street m 9 M I Yi Vi . n 'P 4 V- J b SIRLOIN RUMP or ROUND City Dressed SHOULDERS of PORK 15. PIN BONE PRIME RIB -SIRLOIN RUMP Our bi-cf I tin- finest ineceT can liuy Vi ilen'l hanille old cei nieiii I'.vcry ktik mul reiuit we erll jen iu iruar.uilfcl te lie Imli ami leuder or your money lieu k. FINEST SKINBACK HAMS PURE PORK SAUSAGE . . Finest SMOKED BONELESS BACON Sliced, By the Pound, or By the Strip Finest Country Scrapple, 3 lbs for 25c Our MTiipiile. In rniule from (he fine i-erl. prmluets und from clti ilred-ieil hnjr. 1CC in 4 P- ii & -'i K ( f, n p. n fe 1 1 M V 2F Finest Selected Eggs, 35c dez. I'lr"-w '"K" nelc of m,r ..-lecteil r:. rn, -r ,-ks- nre r-tiullnl nml n-lected in our own titervi, lii-r eiw-li uitil ein uuniiiArr run m-, ulmt the I'm-. Tlirt.e efcvn urn carefully .inJIe.l mul put e.i. : i.-.a t. n eirttm. .uuran-te,-il eurh nml fn-rj- one or jour niuni-t Imlt r U- Pure LARD in pound prints 12y2c lb. AMf' ""J mm I ,--mms?wtaii RES CO. IVIV n vi ASCO v:vasKvK Only One Price Only One Brand Only One Quality- .iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinininm.uu and I hat the ffggf rmrniiii i,i,i!,imiiuiiiiiii,iiiiiiiinnii; Coffee nSMBprt asce lb 29 asce TEAS Yeu will find thi3 blend of coffee is just what you and your husband have been loekinc for. It has that "real" coffee aroma and flavor en H sip and you'll taste the difference. Buy Asce the perfect blend, ami insure complete satisfaction. Pki 12c 23c Mb pkg 45c Three Days Mere for this Special Sale fSS Dried Beef lO Regularly nriced at 13c . T.-. T sliced as you like it Selected, suear-curcd beef, trimmed of all waste and Packed in our own plant in sanitary, dust-proof containers. Regular 15c &SCD cul Vz-Ib can Pure Cocea. te firf cans Absolutely pure and a delicious beverage for the little folks. &f cans muC A S c e Buckwheat Pancake Fleur Gelden Syrup 3 25c Three ASCO quality articles sold separately or asserted, as you wish. Calif. Seedlen Raiiiai... .j&g ZHe Calif. Seeded Raiilna fg 16c Faicr Glace Citren lb 30c Ripe Cranberries. ... lb 14e Gelden Pumpkin big can 12?c Fancr Mixed Nnti lb 25c K.JILM'lllllllllllllll'llllllllllll.irTTTT moo Mince Meat. lb 21c The pnreat anil beat for these holiday plea and wttli that cenA old t'me flnrer. Asce Tonuteet medisa can 12c Asce Pet (Yellow Label) can 17e Pearl Heiainr lb 2c Dried Green Peat lb 10c Whole Grain Rica lb pkf 9c Choice String Beaca can 12c 1 2S&' qpSd Stoat Fleur 1Mb bag 49 d B-lb tar 91c Tour ureDratlen tit bite thre hlr. fat bun. Ktenmlne e3a bla rults luclO'j eli" nm! th'ric Iclnied rakei will net be rorael-t. until te-j laT tkn 0 efKKllr iipdIt nf thU fieu- home nii fcl teu. Thl 1 tfc beat famllr flef'r fel mtlli1"nctllT nilantM fnr bik. H Im berauac aoerl baktnf demanrN Hen iiuur j oeuQar once icr holiday baker" Asce Baking Powder "n 5c, 9c, 17c iiiiii!.i!:'!:T I11M11III Mil Orange aad Leanea Peel lb 2Sc Geld Seal Macaroni. .. .3 pic fa 25e Atco Cider Vinegar bet 18c j4ic W. D. Vinegar bet 12c -4ic Cera Starcb pkg 7c Asce Greand Spicei can 5c ffSCO Fari na - pkff 10c If tee bare n.rer trleA thla cereal for breakfaat. de a t. morrow. The children will eojer Big Haltei Calif. Pracbe..caa 23c Calif. Apricelt latll caa 15c Fanej Calif. Apriceta. .bg can 29c Calif. Wbite Cherries, .big caa 3Jc Hawaiian CrnjVed Pineap;la can 19c Sliced Pineapple cl a 25c, 35c Victer Raiin 1A leaf Bread AvC Chockfull of delicious, hcalth-Blvlnp raisins. Victer Bread-'The Quality and Quantity Leaf Nothing but the purest injrredients ' 0- eDiainaDie pecs into this penereus leaf '1 1 Btk . oItlen-brewn goodness. It is nourish- ( lOat TaiC m jr. for children and grown ups; a real ! ' KflVin tr in mnnAV emH nke,. v .U E .... ... aaawai aallU laUUl LIJ Iim TinTlVfal- v,ue; ana paiaiaeie goodness for all. Victer Whole 10c leif Wheat Bread Geed for lvyp ptles and these of sedentary habits. Bread g extra blc Supreme leaf Our master bakers' mas', terrlece. Norway Mackerel.. ea 7c, 15c, 25c Beit Cern Meal lb 2c Snowdrift Shortening can 17c Delicieui Dttei pkg 21c Meaty Calif. Prunei .lb 12c, 19c Geld Seal Oati pkg 0c &SCQ Oleomargarine ib 25c A pure butir aubntltute wld In hundreds of our atere-i r Delicious Cakes N. R J Secial Tea , Sandwiches. . . Jb 27c C. ' Vanilla Bin .lb 21c PfcfFernuesse Cakes lb A del'cleus 11 n d ta.'tj meutbful. 27' .4sca Peanut Butter lb 18c Very Beit Pure Heney jar 10c Temler Grapejtm ...jar 20c Temter Preaervea jir 20c Pure Frnit Preitrres tun ISc Le Cahin Sy rap can 27c 1-: m ic-;,.w ..am tpmmmmmm The Finest Butter in Americ '63 ftich, Creamy I Cheese V the rlaht Hm;,,"JUf,t I $CQ I Perk & Beans 3 cans 25c ai- - n. in '!' n itni win t-M, I,. t i :a: i I Calif. Evap. Peickea B 25c Asce Tomate Cttiep . bag bet. 15c Asce Cracker Meal F, J9e Asce Bread Crumbt. . . . . . .p,r jec Asce Sliced Bacen pkg 17c Asce Pearl Tapioca.. ..Ik pkg 10c Pure, Geed Candies Pearut Erittie lb 23c Aneried Chocelitea. . . lb 33c Ciiec. Bitter Swti b 33e Clec. Covered Minti..b 33c Almend Oari Ca Ac Ckecelate Eatnera... .pkg Ac Repetti Chec. Mint.. pkg 7C Ivery Seap 3 Cakea 20e Lifebaey Seap 3 ctRei 20c Palaelife Seap 3 cakei 20c Diroa Peroxide Celd Cream jar 10c ica Grape Jnice . . pt bet 20.- Steel Weel pWf J: M-rv j-r.i.1 1 n I O' e 1 1 D'lttc.- .-.-. 11 - "he IV ti- i- i '-.tin f em te'i fjnai t . f . r-, Mi"- milk Ti ha- iet i-ne-ih i) Vnew ;-ou wliut f'inl! i' ve rxpert in tl..i; anon? ll.WM il.l FRESH FRUITS Large Juicy Grape Fruit 4- for 25c Extra Large Juicy Grape Fruit 3 for 25c Richland Butler 1 1 1 H V t I ' lfeiaKlMfN :b55c " 1 1 '..II Fr.ncy Flerida Orange O : 8c, SOc dez LOOK FOR OUR CHRISTMAS SPECIALS IN NEXT WEDNESDAY'S EVENING PAPERS Street Seef Ce 5221-23-25 Market St. 5937-39 itekstSt. Sterca Open Friday and Saturday Nighta, at U.iwl, Till 9.30 o'Cleck Week End Meat Specials Economy and Quality GENUINE NATIVE BEEF Finest Round Steak or Re as ib 1 8c Rrap Steak 28c Sirloin Sieak 38c ! in Bec!e?s Pet Ruast k Rib Roast 20 12x2c Boneless RellcTBeef V -n W. "VV Lean Soup Beef ib 7c Choice Cuts Finest Standing Rib Roast ib 30c FRESH KILLED POULTRY Milk-Fed Frying Chickens ib 32c 2ai te ,'llt lb nvernge I I f j f , Ju.-j z-l " .:zz i v, fmrt, - a I Head the ads Milk-Fed ny . . stcwine thickens lb 32c 34 te 4'ii lb averaL'. UMimnminrrrrTTri " I'mntfiTimin ..n...,. i a y .ff ..... ... crrurr in our n.ila,lelpaia & Camden Sterei 4 M.at Markrta ASCO jjuKwa .mW' -L.-L,. tt?- rmt n A tfl I 1$ 4 t i iM t ii ;' i III a 1 ' 1 V S3 m A M Bi ?4 Vi, IS I ''Mr I w .'i M I a i M .tB xmxmmmm ii en the Classified Pages V UUQ HOB ARCH BT." vn i -s tJJ-x K ,..'4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers