M$p$$& WW '"' "''"icv-M " ' '"EP fji IV A? i.. .. EEINa PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1919 ... '1" - 's 2 ,lU 1 In I h iv AT WEST CHESTER Dolawaro College President De livers Commencement Ad dress at Normal School CLASS-DAY FROLIC HELD West Chester, Vn .Tune 18. Hun dreds of ft lend nnd relatives witnessed the commencement exercises of nesirl 300 young men nnd women this morn ing In tho auditorium of tlic Stale Xor mnl School here, of which Dr. Oeorso Morris Phillips is principal. The chief ' nddrcss was dclUercd by Samuel C. Mitchell, l'h. D., Mi. D., president of Delaware College nt Newark, Del. A largo number of the graduates will take teaching positions, In the schools of this state in the fall, while others will con tinue their education in a unUersity or technical scliool. An alumni meeting will be held nt noon, just nfter the crnrluntloii eei cises, nnd an alumni luncheon will fol low this. Last night the olnss of M!) held ItB class tlnj frolic in the school audito rium. Ulfts were distiibiilcd to eiub member, the class historj, prophrc; nnd poem were' lend and tbcre were musical nnd humoious features. I'ol- lowing arc tho gtaduates: v-"ft"" Alicrnethj ..West Cheater Helen K. Adam Maliunoi C t , Mubel A Aitkin Dlckaon nty Itutli 1' Albertg lleaUlnll 1SS.a,.W Al'"n -"nhanMlle. "Katferfna T tnn ir2f--Vot'a Anna 11 Arfnnii Allen town. Helen Armatronv llerwn ii. ntPa i!ae"- "-a'llnB. Huth H llilen JJIPhK, Maryaret M Hnrfcl .eberr Jen ",o,J', HartKja Sprh'P .Mills. lar K. Hartholomes H(chlls1le. Helen K Ileditr H?lf,,0!V '"V? i'.l'ld-l'ie" Norrlatimii. Antoinette i tloljskowskl Shanioklni-Mty A Iftnaall, Darin, Viola H lloyer, (llidnMi Harriet .1 llraaalnslon Ilaaton, (511ilnlh II Breat; New Oxford. Anni I. llrninan, Iejur. Julia V llrriinaii, Hechsc henlllc John It. Ilrond. WishltiBton JJ J s l.nilh Ilrpwn CoateaMlle. Fsther A llrub'clter lebanon, Annlo V Hui.hnnnn l!onelirunk Margaret Huck. Sunburj , Helen r Uurke Ilazleton, Catharine 15 Hums. Mllnenllle (Iraca ( llurrouithi Jti Mnle Anna llurell, I'aoll, Helen I, liulton Mchol on Mlin M Garden "-rranton Charles rATM' Sltllllllo 1a1 t. ., .'..-II .1 N- ... -a , ... ... . -..-,-, .... . I jllll, -.Ill-Ill- , , f,l . . 1 I ,1 J .Maude j irir piMiiouth. itoin rt i Lntlies nf Mnt'cnbees, Shi uic Aiitoinobllo cwat,,'n5eV''weMrVheVert'f,lub. Sons u.id Daughters of Liberty. .'lTe!"He,ekS-;,ervl.,!i?n UeT" CZJ L" t,T' 1T"nl,,C ?a"nit cC"h' T,I,Pf "" thster Marv j c'onlin Mllnesvllle Kutli of I ofnhontns, Lntlins of the l.nstern erlno f "olinoll sornnton Ldlth M tin nin- r nilios nf tlip Cnltlpn I!lfflp lln- rad Williamson brhool Mara 15 Cooper Mar. 1-ntllCS 01 HIP IjOltlPn I.JBU, im Uarh Helen Costenbader Pilmirton Mii A Cole. Reading, Helen I Crotnwdl West i nesier jiary ij . rosson l otnratnllle. Clara K Cuinmlngs Oh pliant Mi A Walter It Crossan. I.Htidenberi,, Clara 15 Cummlnss. Olvphant. .Iar Cumminus Chester, .Susan C. Currs Suatara station Marparet Cutler, Tjronft. Kosi.nni Cujler. Headlne III da W Darby Cecllton Md : T5mma V PaUKherty Dallaetown, nthel M l)jls, West Chester. Irenlous Dals Philadelphia Hosa A Detrer. Allentown 15dna I) Temple ltexdlne. Ruth H Detwller F lat fit 1 1 l.ll. i beth Deees Anselma OIIe I. Olrklnon Marcus Hook Sallsta J Dlller Chrlstlina, Huth H Dolison Mlllsboro Del I5dllh Dod son. I.OT1K Island Cltv, Marv C DuuaUns, Cape Maj . Ollo Douelasa Cape Jhj , C. JI Kathleen Downing Scrantou, I5mma P Duckv.orth Newtown. Ha7el It Dunkle Cochratnllle 7era Dunnlck. Stewartstown Louise A. Durr lork. Mary H 15diniiitoii Athens. Lucfnda Esan. Wllkes-Harre. Cirollno M Elko. .Saro, George O I5lsley Newmans town: Orate K 15IllnKsrtorth Philadelphia Margaret Kaul, t'olllnKswood, N. J , Mar aret A Fahl Auburn .... .. r. James 15 Farrell Mlnersvllle, Kenneth It Tetter. Si.haenerstown Marian I. Kllbert Auburn: Anna '1 I Isher Donnlnstown Ethel F Fisher HarrlsburB. Thelma Plkk Initer. ranneltsbure, Palmer riowers. Wood aide: Nellie C. Prel. Darby. Sadie M Pried bers Shanandoab Miry It 1'rledmann Iteadlnr. Kthel It rn, tiprlns Cits. Ilosallc Oarrlty. Johnstoun Lillian K. C,arey, Ixiit Creek: Fllrabeth A Oealv. &n anion Helen T filbhons Wllkes-Barro. A. Jesle C.lbbs, Oermantown, Anna M. Cllbnes, Gap, Vera C Gltbert, Hath Dorothy T, OUen llonevbrook Gertrude I) Oodshall. Souderton. 15la H Cootchlua Altoona Cella JI Goodmin Dkksnn Cit Pearl M Goodwin. DownlnRtown. M tier trudo Grant. Upper Darbl . Florenee M Grlh ben. York; I.aurenoo I" Grim Hosertnwn, Joseohlno I. Oroer, Poeltllle Samuel r tlustlna Wavcrly. N. . t. lllzabeth Hu(,j, Upper Darby. , Earl a Hamilton Coehranvllle: Violet It Hannum. Lmbrcevllle, Ilarbara It Hanson Johnstown, Anna O Hart Uutlryn .Mawr, Marian t5 Hartman, Hunbury Hmmi 15 Ilartranft Norrlatown: Helen I Hajs ling horne. Irwin C Hecknian Ilamburc. Pauline 15 Heller W'elsiport Webster C Heitroir, Ilechtelsvllle. bleanor C Hetrkk. selers. Mile. 15 Pearl High, Hedmlnster W Hir tram Hippie. I.roomall Hdlth T Hohhs Portage, Hannah J Jlolllngsworth fair llle: tydla M Holllster, Mount Carniel. Al len W. Hubler. Hegins. Kniily 15 Honarl Steelton: I5llzabeth U Hudson Smjrna Del Hannah H Hushea Perth Anibo. N J Roberta T Hunter Cnchranllle Jennie A James Pulmerton. Chrlstelle E Jebb, Coehramllle, Hllzabeth Jenkins Kennett Sou ire, Corlnne M Johns. Slia mokln. Harold S Jor.es. Oi ford Elliabeth Kauchcck, Scranton, M. I.uther Kauftman. Stonersllle, Miriam M. Kouler. Boyertown: Kusle Kehs. Schwenksvllle: Elizabeth Kelser, rottstown: Mary Kennor thy. Coatesvllle: Ida M. Kern. Ma tlniton. Louise Kirk. Lincoln UnUerslty, Lucy M. Klrst. Frederiiksburg; Grace c. Kleckner, Tamaqua. Miriam E. Meckner, Nazareth: Ituth 1. Knott. Kayre Mary A Lady. Arendtavllle. Hoy A. Lady. Arendtsvllie. Grace Ledelle Hwarthmore, llaa II Leedom, Newtown: FranclH A Les son Kingston. Elizabeth M. Lnt7, I.ang liorne: Sadie B Llddlngton Northumber land: Margaret V. Liggett. Went Chester. Laura A. Ixing. West Groo: Nellie A. !.o!ik, Mlllvllle, N. J.: Edna N. Lowe, New Park. Pauline A. Lucking, York; Lillian II Lup ton. Wliawana. Nora F. I.jnch, Kennett '"jlaHe McAllater, Tork: Hara r McCabe. Selbyvllie, Del : Katherlne L MeOanrev. Coudersport: Alma -MoCIellan. Preeland, Ethel M. McConnell. Shatou II III . Marian (I McConnell. Mlllersbnrg. Mary s McI5l henney. Mahanoy Cltj . Lillian Michlnee Gerniantown, Ethel M McFall Boston, Her tha V. McGeohan, Harleton, Mary I Mt Grath. Lost Creek, ntholjn P McLalne, Todd. II Aahton Marsh, Coatesllle. Eliza beth W. Mattlford Smyrna, Naomi L Matz, . Harrlsburg: William A. Maurer. Heelns, Velva V. Mercer. White Lake. Elizabeth Miles. Chester. Dorothy Jl Miller. Wilkes Itarre. Leola C. Miller. Allentown. Emilia E Montgomery. Kennett Square, l.oiella M Moore, Newtown Square. Anna V Moran. Ilazleton, A. Vella Morrison, Parkesburg. Mildred D Morrison. Athens John M koser, Schaefferstown, Mary C Mpscr. Sou rterton: Folrenco M Murphy. W'llkes-Barre. M ituth Neely. Philadelphia: Mary K Nelman, Thomasvllle. Lucille E Nelson, West Chester; Olive V. Newcomer. Wllllams tort: Huth L. Miles. Coudersport. Matilda Oberle, Lafayette Hill: Margaret 13. Oberlln. Columbia. J. Jlarcsllo O Ilourke, "Dorothy O. Tage. Scranton: Emma M. Park llatboro: Anna 13.. rasrhall, Herwyn: 15mlly L7 Pancnall llerwjn: Esther E Per mar Doylestown: Frances M. Peterson, lior Lharn: ilyrtie M. Purnell Frankllnvllle Sara l" Clulckel. Waahlngton. D C Mary Happ. Norrlstown: Hose IT. Held Itrvn Mawr: M. Gertrude Rhodes, Neer Albany: Helen O. nichle tllouceater. N. J , Edna . i". Uichman. Wlldwood. N. J., a' Buv (iMmk Insist Now isp PX-UKrttA m Heat and Steam Without Smoke rOlt nOMKHTIO USE Er. Store, Ohaitnot an re, roil OTliAil USE lluckwhtat. lilt ana Urlr. The Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company Tlleim. I'erkmlet Marian M nohmon. Somervliie. N. J i Walter II Jloblneon, Chentert ''""fr Itnesllor, llremn.btirR. Kuscnla M J'0''ir?f.. Went Clienten nvelin J nuth. Slnklm; ' Prelf 11 Banmetf Wllllnmntowm , Pearl C Ketmerfer, Kaaton liva II. .c'1"n.t.' Hehnefteratnwn. Ida KehefTler Nararelli. Heasle U, 8. hllmme North Wale. Mary II Fchrov .Tnlinatnvin, Jeaiclo V Poller;. Kp nott Sonar-. Mildred r Hh'wV,.2.,'k'i'i llarr- Jr.net Sheridan Otadnn. Oakley M Hhnllj. Lelinnon. w Allen Slemmi". l ,nplen. i:.ln 15 Rlwifmw rineraylll Julia. V Blade Iwland Helen M. Hlavln T"iJ: kenamon Helen n Smith, naaton Harrljt M Hnowrten. Williamson Hehool Irene e; Itillda It Hpleee rnjtalowni Vivian . stark Tunkliannnck. Mary n ,Jt"'nJrf?,5 ftiateavllle. IMmr T Stephens W alllnKfjra. Matilda V Stroine Treernrt. Huean J -"J-micl Shenandoih. Anna W Swclsaft. llor- g"inie"l" Tnrnen frrnnton Mildred J"'!;';'. I.anidcmne noroth Q Jhomaa. Fri aer Inn 15 Thomas Phoentmllle. Horn, I.. Ilinmraui Sparr-nfa Point -Md "''l".'l Ti.nmton (1 ladlle nrltlne .1 Troeino, iWuoillcn' Iilml A TroLli MonejtirooK Reia'ls It r. rA Wnalilnirfftn 11 1 l"lla V I'nirer Pehwenk'vlll? lrclnla )5 Wnde. Pnttavll e . Tlietrna T5 ... . -. ...... tii . ii-Aih a.v 11 mi ncr i ton Del Mar "1 Weber. North Walee. !:'i?... 'rV,1"" Man'r''.. fine c'niwleranort '1 Mane r mpiiit .-i'm ...-.uniti .,.j,...v, ""-".. -.,,-,,-- ,-...,. Hllzabelh I, Wenrlrh, Wernersviiie a Illlzaheth Wharton, Houston, Del . Muriel r. While 1 nndonnJ. Sara C "h'tP? Iloneybrook Mnrlan a Wilkinson rt heslSr Hattle Wlllard. WlllUmMown. ltll it wiujams I'ousMue, i,,";j. '"v;""'' l.antford. Mjrtle P WIon. l?".n JJ?I' Sara r llsnn UelleMMe, Carl I "''" Pine Ornio, Margaret T. Woodland Olen S"v"olet T Tenser BI-itlnBton- Thelma J Terkes Southampton, Katherlno 1 oeum, s"ellacr Xartman, Wernersviiie: Hilda M Zeler. Lebanon PLANES KENDRICK'S ESCORT Big Demonstration Planned for Im perial Potentate of Shrlners Six airplanes will net as a midnir escort to AV. rrecland Kendrick on the occasion of the "grnnd fraternal -welcome home leception" to be held here rridnv evening when he leturns from Hip Shriners' conelnvc nt Tndianapolls. Three of the planes will be of private ownership, and will fly oer the city from the I.nnsdale flying field, weather permitting. The others, under govern ment control, will lly from the field nt Itustleton. Charles TI. Ornkelow, chairman of the "welcome home committee," an nounced today that three sightseeing busses will hcntl the line of march, carrjing seentv-fie children from the William , Klkins Home, of which Mr. Kendricl; is president. Twentv-pight fratprnltirs will be rep tpvpntPfl in the parade. They are: Ijonl Order of Moose, I,u Lu Temple Shiiners. "Woman's llpnefit Association I inmpfl Order of Ited Men. Knights ot Ilhias. Knights of Malta, Artisans Oitler of Mutual Protection, Voresters of America. 15. P. O. Hlks. Independent Order llrith Sholom, I.ojal Orange Tn tsitution. !rand Prnternity, Hoval Ar- (nnum. Imleppiiilent Order of Odd Fel- lows. Manchester Cnitj, T. O. O. 1 . ; Jun'ir Order Cnited American Alcchnn - ics, Fraternal Patriotic Americans, lirotherhood of Americans, Tnll Cedars of Lebanon, Ftnternnl Knights of Mys tic Chain. Knights of Oolden F.aglo, Knights of Columbus, Sons of Veterans. 1000 GUESTS AT CAMP DANCE War Community Service Entertains Service Men Here Almost 1000 ex-service men and soldiers and sailors still in the service were guests nt n reception nnd enter tninment Inst night by the wnr camp community service in Moose Hall, North Ilrond street, mnrking the close of the Indoor senson. Durlug tho summer the organize Hon will hold sings in the parks and public squares. Last night's entertain ment was given under the direction of James 13. Corneal, director of singing of the wnr camp community service, assisted by the heads of tho eight sec tional centers. After the musical program the serv ice men danced, l'nch center provided girls, so Hint cverj man hnd a partner. Tho pcning's fur. ended with refresh nicnts seryed by the woung women. City Appointments Made City appointments made today fol low: John Toner, 142T! Church street, wiremnn, FJIcclricnl Bureau, salary, $.1200; Jnmes J. Bonner, 2141 Oxford street, inspector, Department of Wharves, Docks nnd Ferries, salary, Sl'JOO; John It. Kisslcr, C028 Schuy ler street, lnboratory nssistnut. Bureau of Surcys, salary, 51000; Franklin S. Lewis, 1113 South" Fifty-first street, and Howard L. Schiller, 250.1 Master street, teachers, Boa id of Recreation, salary, .$000 each; Dr. llandnlph It. Pnxon, 2414 Ilryn Mawr avenue, as sistant resident phjslcinn, Buicait of Health, palmy, S000, and Mary C. Comber, 1!!02 South Seventeenth street, matron, Bureau of Fire, salary, $780, Satfemik Infants and Invalids HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL ftlALTED EV31LK Rich milk, malted pain, in powder form. For infanto, invalids uJgro wins children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding lie Wholebody. Invigorates nursing mothers ui the aged. More nutritious than tea, eoffoe, etc Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking. Substitutes CojI YOU Same Prica That Your Dealer Gives You Laura, nidille, I.annhornet Alice T ScilE PUSEY & JONES HEAD GETSBIGCDNTRftCTS Hannevig Hore, Visits Glouces- ter Yards Conference With U. S. Officials Is Hold ClirUtouYr !lannpig. president of the Piibcj A. .lones Shipbuilding Company. , wlio reeentlj returned from N"orwn nntl said o nP brought quite a number oi contrnrts witb blm from that conn try for ships, paid his first lslt to the .. . - - 'Moueesier Miipynrcis of the rompail M,,co "' tra Into interior after noon. He wns accompanied by Captain ('. Froelich llnnspn, tlip mannglng dirpctor of the company, and Ills secretary. C. T. Vpttelson. The InttPr two now hac olliccs at the Gloucester plant. Plans were mapped out for enlarging the two shipyards, it is said, nnd for the Injing of keels for ships within n few ilnjs. Tim officials nnd employes" gae Mr. Hanncig a cordial greeting. The employes look for plpntv ot work as soon as the company regains control of the two shipjnrds. which have been operated since Inst September by the shipping board. Mr. Hanneig is virtually the sole' proprietor of the Pusey &, .lones Com pany nnd when the wnr stnrtcd he was building ship for Norwegian interests, md nil of the ships were lequisitloned bv the gopmmpnt A conference of the officials of the compam nnd the Cmprgency I'lict Cor pomtion Is snid to hac been held jes terday, and the proposition of the com pin will he nccepted and linnl settle ment leached within a few dajs. The compan owes S2,G7fl,S5S.41, according to the balance sheet of April P.O. This does not include the mortgngp held by the r.mcrgcncj Fleet Corporation nnd Din id ltuird against tho plant. The negotiations for the snle of the Wil miugtou plant hnc been under way for a month past nnd nre about fb be consummated, and much of the money reccUed will be used to impiote the Oloucester plant. The company, in its letter sent out esteitlav, asks the co- opptatinn of the creditors, nnd sajs that the suits or other proceedings in liti gallon instituted lj the creditors can onlv serc to senouslj embarrass the company nnd possiblj pt event the carrj -ing out nf the plans ns prepated. Such mi event would, the letter stntes, be disastrous, not onl to the companj , but the creditors ns well 1'nder the plan of the company the Wilmington phnt is in lie sold. The Kmprgeiicj Flept Corporation will pav the coinpanj about 5.1,000.000 for work I done for the shipping board, and this I amount will more than meet the iu- debtcdness. And Seen by itself, Swift & Company is one of the largest manufacturers and distributers of animal food products in the country. Seen in relation to the total food busi ness of the world, its size diminishes to small proportions. We handle only about 22 per cent of the total output of the hundreds of pack ing plants under federal inspection, and only about 12 per cent of the total meat supply of the nation. We handle only about 6 per cent of the total quantity of butter, eggs, and poul try sent to market in the United States. Our tanneries handle less than 15 per cent of the hides made into leather in the United States. Our soap factories make less than 10 per cent of the soap output of the nation. This is done in keen and open competition with every concern handling these products, and at a profit of a fraction of a cent per pound. In the meat packing industry there is no one dominant concern handling a large proportion of the "output. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Seven Wholesale Distributing Markets Central Office, 9th St. and Girard Ave. F. M. HALL, District Manager SMITH MAY SADDLE LOAN ON SUCCESSORS Administration Plans to Divert Funds to Pay for 200 Jobs and Then Borrow If the plans of orgnnizntlnn coun cllmen to load down the city pay roll with L'OO or more new places are car ried out the money will hne to come by transfers tint later can be coered up by n temporary loan to tide Hip Smith administration opr (Iip closing months of its last year in office. This fart came to light todoj when the question of raising R2.V,000 for the city's sharp of Hip first year's work on the Philadelphia Camden bridge wns raised. Chnirmnn CnfTncy, of Councils' finance committee, frnnklj admits that theie is not a dollar Hint can be np preprinted to (his or other piojoUs and "'17; "" n,,t; considerable I E(u studcnt8 at Overbrook Fie monej can he made available would be i M , ...,, T. , ., , through n loan celved Diplomas This Morning Other tminicipil finant iers fimiliar ' light pupils of the Pennsylvania with tlip Kitu.ition pxprpss doubt ns to Silirml for the lJllnil, at Ovcrbrcmk. ie the possihiliU of ninklng elTectiM all ci ncd diplomas this nioining when the the new jobs nnd snlni iintenses nnd eighM seenth commencement iorcises nt the same time psv fm ibsolutelj , of the si lino! were held needed suppl items without resorting Si of Hip pupils arc in the lilernrv to a loan th.it would become a lieu I dptmtincnt ot the school, one Ins mm upon the first revenue under n new nd- ministration Uyappnning the new places and snl nry increases members of Councils' finance committee nlaicd Hip iiupstion of finding the monn scpinrplv up to departrnpnt heaiN Director Wilson, of public safetj. is expulcil to obtain the funds to increase -lbiries npprocd In the financiers thiougb transfers fioni police pn items imt used bunusp the entire authoiied foice 1ms not been in sen ice all of the ycir. Recorder of Deeds Ilnlett hns not et indicated where he will get the 1."i,000 be has had approed for clta ileik hiie. The county commissioners have a number of items fiom wlmh funds cifn be taken to pa the snlai i s of lifleen new inspectors for Hie bureau of weights and measures but it is likcH the money would hnp lo be replaced before the end of Hip -dir lor use as originally appropriated The same situation eis(ing in the county commissioners ofliee is true of other departments and pntiliwnrk linnnce is being resnttetl to in order that the mone can be found in time to put on tho new placeholders dining the summer or e.tih m the full Historj is expect" d to repeit itself In j ears pni-t monej tnketi fioni ticc css.ir items hnd to be rrplated bv tern pnrar) loans tloated neni the close of the j ear's work. Councils under the ne.v charter revision can borrow tern porarflj np lo S'J.fMIO 000. I nder the present law the limit is SI, 200, 000 and 1 the time limit four months. Yet VTf ToSMRuxrJJ S. P. C. A. FROSECUTES 28 180 Horses Ordered From Labor by Society During Month The lionrd of managers of the Penn svhnnin Society for Hie Pretention of Crurltj to Animals reports the follow ing operations for May: Prosecutions, twenty eight; cases remedied without prosecution, 17!H; horses ordered from labor for curious causes, Ml: pntls adjusted lo pment rubbing sorts, fiH."! coops of poliltn rcliecd from oerciotllng, 1717; nnl mnls mmetl in societj' nmbulnnces. thirl nne, nnlmals hiimnnely killed. Hi", of which fifteen were borsps of fered foi sale at the wirlous bazaars. At the stock yards our agents in spected MI2 tarloads of cattle, in whhh were found fortj-one nnliiuils disabled nnd splpnty nine kilbd in transport!! tlon Stoning and healing (tittle pre vented, two; bogged tows relieved, nine overcrowded cattle in wagons re lict ed, fhrce; cattle ordered to be fed, 11" cattle wntered, 1 t!t. BLIND PUPILS GRADUATE 'plilnl n miirse in music nnd another in piano tuning O. II. Iliiiritt, prinetpil nf Hie school, presided nt the cxcnisps BARRACKS is made with this reinforced Ob' long CablcCord Buttonhole. An exclusive feature of OLDEST BRAND IN AMERICA f' 1 I tK OSITKDMlWTCOLtWCO TROr.N Y XW) I V8' I M ' I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I ' 1 M I -III! Iiin.geffi mall Iii'i UWB.'Mm T"jl:lllJ(lJLJIillLXi3MdgggCT!Jj II FRANCE ACTS ON IMPORTS Removes Ban From Same and Raises Customs Duties on Others Paris. June !.( Hy A. P.) The Oflicinl Journal to be Issued today, will print two decrees affecting Importations 1 Ink A -iTvKlL 100 Pure Turkish Tobacco Reason make a real Turkish tobacco in their brands. Then, don't yon think Melinar should play a brass band about its 100 pure You have the answer fust as "the Governor "says Turkish is the Mildest and Best tobacco ior cigarettes. JbtWUM to France. The first will remove the ban from most of the Imports, the fen exceptions being luxuries, atious ar ticles forming the subject matter of In terallied agreements nnd textile mnmi faclurcis, tho principal producing centers nf which are In devastated re gions nnd consequently requlro spcclnl protection. '' $sM pv ' yiWiw g Vim "3'V5aSi W ' SKarMii B7i it tit yerself (6 bundle" cigarettes noise using ,nt Makers of the Highest (fade 7urkfsfi JO 1 EV...K. SV ... jt-IIZ-iJ vi iu LAjijfJuuii uyuruiua Ui The second decree will plncc extra customs duties on imports, Ihcse belriK ' calculated on nn nd valorem bads, existing duties falling, by reason ot Increased prices, to accomplish the ob ject of affording protection to home In- dustrlcs. These duties, however, will not be Imposed upon foodstuffs of ar ticles indispensable to manufacturers. a "clash" ol ISM KCTU M A ,j all &v i &, r hi V . M ..J n 4 rv4 J f). 1- ' fj fVhtf ,. - 1. i v 1 tehi KLMj J su. l"" ; Vw., ijit-,wy& iiaLi-wAt 'i s, XhLkW ? ni rjf, r vf'i " ' v j v " t' k ' " '" ,.l.. - r- """" "T.1:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers