jBjvftNttffr Public TDaERPHrijDELPHiA', ue&day, june '17, im.8 " .7" ru ' . - "'jr.1"'' 4 ADrgan plays at 9r 11, 11:55 and WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S 4:50. Store Opens at 9 Store Closes at 5 WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Fair m ife 4 C him en at Noon Standing Firmly on the Platform the Store Was Built Upori I'r s,f' I ' 'r-Ji $3$ 3fc ft W 4 & I IS1 Sit : l r l& I t f R 8 1 - & - Lamartine in 1848 at Paris in Introducing a Statesman of recognized .integrity and trusted by the people, to a riotous mob in the streets said: "Listen, citizens. It is sixty years, as you know, of a noble life that is about to address you." The multitude calmed instantly when the face of the friend that never misled them appeared. They listened to his words of wisdom, and, at his request, dispersed quietly that day when the city was at the mercy of an inflamed populace. This great city of Philadelphia has more than doubled in size and population .since the first announcement of this business was made, and the man, almost 90 years old, whose card has just come in, appears piloted by his two daughters, who introduce him. Listen to what this aged and honored Philadelphia! says, word for word, to the writer: "Do you remember me, sir? My store was just opposite to yours in 1861, and I saw- you taking down your shutters the first time. "Everybody said you were foolish to start at such a time, and prophesied your failure. You handed your neighbors the first card you printed,4 saying you would not sell clothes with cotton in the cloth. One of us said to you, 'Do you really mean that?' and your reply was, 'You may bet your life on it. We certainly do mean that.' And you fought it out until the people knew arid believed in you. "Thenyou moved up to 13th Street, and we were all watching you and doubting your success when you began the New Kind of Store, as you called it, which seemed so hazardous that it puzzled everybody when you announced that, your business would be strictly governed by certain principles. "And, by George! Here you are yet, still keeping the faith of what you told us in 1861 and what you told your customers for almost sixty years. What next?" Why, just this, we shall keep straight on. The "pendulum of the old clock will swing right on through all weathers and all years, and we shall make good every word we have spoken or -printed. June 17, 1919. Signed H MM New Ecclesiastical Laces for a Third Less It i! some time since we had such a Rood collection of these laces, which are always in demand for church vestments. All are made on fine white net and have ecclesiastical designs. 18-inch width, $1.50 a yard. 36 inch width, $3.25 a yard. (Main Floor, Ontrnl) Cassock Blouses of Georgette prepe Straight picturesque garments, cut hip length and with a self belt and having machine em broidery in soft pastel shades cream, rose and blue. The crepe is flesh colored and the price $20. Another new waist is of the same material, with shallow neck and no collar and heavy clusters of bends outlining the neck. This may be had in white with navy, flesh with navy or navy with red beads, $12.75. (Third Floor, Central) Women's Beige Colored Buckskin Pumps made with very light welted soles', long vamps and Louis heels, price $13. Bronze buckles to go with them are $4 to $32. All in the Exclusive Little Boot Shop. (First Floor, Market) Women's Handkerchiefs. . $2 a Dozen . Summer Specials Good weight Irish linen, plain hemstitched the useful kind. And they are notably good for $2 a dozen. (West Aisle) , New Frames to Make Summer Bags Frames of imitation shell, or the pretty colored effects, $1.50, $1.75 and up to $12. New shell or colored frames with ring handlos are $1. . Silver-plated frames in new de signs are $2.50 to $4.50; gold plated frames, $6.50 to $7.50. (Jewelry Store, Chestnut and 13tli) A Steady Stream of Cool New Summer Frocks for Young Women It's such a comfort to come in, select the new Summer frocks and know exactly how they are going to look and save all the bother of dressmaking and tiresome fittings. And bo often it is less expensive, too ! I , New dresses' in girlish, pretty styles and made of gingham, flowered voile, tissue ginghams and novelty cottons are in. charming colors.' Sometimes they are embroidered, sometimes lace trimmed, and sometimes tucked and hemstitched. " Frocks for all Summer occasions are here in 14 to 20 year sizes, and at $10 to $25 there are literally hundreds of styles. , (Second Floor, Chestnut) Hundreds and Hundreds of Crisp Summer Dresses for Women $7.75 to $42.50 Voiles colored and figured and plain and all-white; ginghams in strong dark colors, as well as the lighter, dain tier ones usually asso ciated with ginghams; handkerchief linens and heavier linens; nets with self -frills; batistes with net sashes and ruffles; all-white and colored gowns of lin gerie materials, such as $$.$$ batiste ies. And colors greens, and embroider- the variety of is very great; reds, rose and pink shades, many blues, both .dark and light, peach color in a w o r d, everything is here. "$7.75 buys a checked gingham and $42.50 a voile with quite exquis--. ite embroidery. (Flrt Floor, Central) L. R. Corset Suggestions - Cool Summer kinds such as A topless model of pink mesh with clastic round the top, $1.50. A model of mesh for average figures, low bust and long skirt, 82. . Ariother topless of pink batiste '"with elastic insert 'in the waist, 81.50. white or pink batiste, topless rith olnstic band. $3.50. ikt-i ' Wtr """- "u"' res, broad elastic band ir. the J" ir1 4 ! '; une aesigneu jor tuu ukuics. tlK'ie .of p'ink or white broche, is Krt-enforced over the-abdomen andy oosu .pv. , 'Ml Inexpensive Large Nightgowns Nainsooks with low necks some square and some round. A square style with blue feather stitching is $1.85; a lacertrimmed one ia $2.50 and embroidery-trimmed are $2 "and $2.50. All of which are small prices for such generously cut garments. (Third Floor, Central) Japanese1 Dressing Sacques at $1.85 The sort which we can never get enough of made of heavy Japanese crepe and hand em broidered with flamingoes in white, gray and black. The sacques themselves are blue, pink and lavender. Price $1.85. (Third Floor, Central) 1 Women's Cordovan Oxfords Special at $9.50 ' About 200 pair of unusually'smart mah&gany-color Cordovan oxfords made on English lasts. They, have long wing tips; low, military heels and lots of perforations nd saw-tooth punching for-ornamentatlon. Very unusual shoes at this moderate price. (Ffnt Floor, Market) 3 f.t L -. 4 ' V i Mv J A Paris Brings Out a New Collar Imagine n very fine white net, cut circular with long ends to cioss in front? Silk thread, lun back and forth by hand, makes the shadow-like design. The edge is wide, real Valenciennes lace. There are also in this new importation exquisite hand embroidered organdie and net collars in vaiious new shapes many have embroidered dots and some hae beautiful eyelet work. . Truly, they would make lovely any dress. Prices are from $4 to $15. (Main Floor, Ontrnl) All-Black Parasols You can get a good plain taf feta for as little as $4; a gros grain for $5, and another taffeta silk with a slightly Japanese effect due to its twelve ribbed frame for $5. Most of these kinds have cords and tassels. Then there are finer ones Qf tucked crepe de chine at $13.50; of grenadine at $11; of a rough ciepy silk at $18; and of the heavy genuine mourning crepe at $35. This last has a heavy handle of jet beads. (Main Floor, Market) We Think Rather Well of This Silk Handbag It is a new style made of blue or black moire silk of an excellent quality. The bag has an inner frame and is trimmed with a little ruffle. The price is $5.50. (Main Floor, Chestnut) Pretty New Cape Coats Specials at $18.75 And they are the same in all respects as we have been selling for much more than this before the arrival of this new shipment. They are full, moderately long capes, with vests, belted across the front and having pockets. Rows of buttons trim the edges of the cape. In tan, rose, hunter's green or gray velour. Or in navy blue, green or deer i shade wool poplin with silk braid binding. (First Floor, Central) Women's Cool Breakfast Coats to . Airy garments convenient slip into if the mSn of the family must eat a commuter's breakfast and there isn'.t time to get oneself properly booted and spurred. One style is of white dotted swiss, with a belt, price $4.50; and others are of cotton crepe pink, lavender andi blue cut with full skirts on straight bodices or else rufHcd. These are $2.85. (Third Floor, Central) Girls Summer Raincoats Comfortable, light-weight raincoats are these, made in simple, practical styles and waterproof, so that they'll protect their wearers in bad weather. Coats for younger girls of 6 to 14 years are of rubberized canton or checked "mohair in tan or dark 'blue, $6.75 to $13.75. For older girls who wear 14 to 20 year sizes the coats are of gabardine or canton cloth in dark blue or tan, or checked mohair in blue and green effects. There are also some satin-striped crepes. $8.50 to $18.75. (Second Floor, Chestnut) Bordered Voiles ' 50c and 75c a Yard One is a Copenhagen blue, tan or pink voile with white pin stripes arid a white tape-edge bor der on either edge, 38-inches wide and 50c a yard. The other is a white voile with a printed bo.rd.er In pastel colors pink, blue, lavender, brown or ros. 45 inches wide and 75c a yard. Men Know What Is Meant by a Baggy Appearance J They know that it is the price some men pay for a feeling of coolness in their Summer clothes. Well, it is far too high a price ; especially since a man can have all the coolness he wants and all the gracefulness of line along with that. Q It lies with the man himself to make sure of both. It depends upon where he chooses his Summer suit. I There are plenty of Summer suits, both of the regular worsted and serge kind and of the tropical kind that will keep a man as cool as he wants to be but only at the expense of his appearance. ($ There are plenty of Summer suits that will keep- a man ascool as he wants to be without marring his appearance but, if anything, enhancing it. Regular Summer suits and tropical suits that will keep a man cool and well dressed at the same time are here in large variety. They have been cut on the best lines and tailored to hold them. I They are not of the kind that keep a man cool and take it out of his looks. I They are of the kind that tone up his appearance and tone down his temperature. I Regular suits of fine, cool worsteds and serges, beautifully tailored and finished, $32 to $65. I "Palm Beach," mohair and breeze-weave suits, cut and tailored to hold their lines, $18 to $35. I Flannel trousers, $9 to $12.50. (Third rioor. Market) Men's Cool, Light Caps of Fine Pongee We took several pieces of natural-color pongee of an excellent quality and had it made up into two styles of caps for men. One style, which has an eight-piece top is $2 and the other, which is made in one piece, is $2.50. (Main Floor, Market) Have a Flag Ready for Peace Day Next Saturday is the day when peace is to be signed and even if it is again postponed, it will not be for long. The actual signing of the peace treaty will mean another great celebration the country over and good patriotic citizens will want to hang out American flags and they should be good flags too, not torn and weather-beaten ones. ' All sizes' in wool, cotton and silk at prices ranging from 5c, for a small cotton flag to $122.50, for a large silk flag. Flags of the Allies, 75c to $8. All these pi ices aie lower than they have been. (Seventh Floor, Market) - BY-THE-WAY A white enameled wire soap dish is a tidy thing to fasten on the spigot of the kitchen sink. 75c. Every well-equipped bathroom has a pair of self-weighing scales, small and compact, finished in white enamel and weighing up to ,300 pounds. Size 12 inches wide and 12 inches high. Price $17.50. Shoe holder to fasten on the wall and hold the shoe while it is being polished, $1.25 and $2. Wanamaker Special -game tables, felt covered and with fold ing legs, size 30x30 inches, price $3.25. Tabourets of weathered oak for porches are only $1.25. . Among the best of all carpet sweepers is a ball-bearing,"easy running sort, with an all-bristle brush. Price $5.50. A bath spray with red rubber massage attachment is more a necessity than a luxury, once the hot weather really gets here. Price $2. White enamel bathtub seats, adjustable, are $1.50. Glass and tooth-brush holders for the bathroom, nickel plated on brass, are handy and cost $1. Cherries are ripe and cherry pie is much better when the stone3 aie removed from the fruit. Stoners are $1.50. Another more rapid1 stoner for large quantities of fruit is $1. White enameled clothes-trees, t& A good preserving tfrne scale and scoop tht -h no weights to get lost is $3. (Fourth Floor, Central and Market) t,t.-s- M New English Dinner Sets Have Come to the China Sale They make an already good collection still better. The new arrivals are priced at $45, which means a distinct saving. They are excellent examples of English dinner sets in their charming border decorations. Each set comprises 107 pieces. The full selection of English sets ranges from $25 to $100, but the choice at $32.50 to $45 is remarkably good. Sets' of other nationalities are here in ample selection at the lowest prices that are likely to be quoted on the same large variety in a long time. This is especially true of French sets, the present output of which from Limoges is not nearly equal to the world-wide demand for these goods. French china sets' in the collection are $32.50 to $175. American semi-porcelain dinner sets bulk largely and at tractively in the event at $10 to $40. ' Japanese china dinner sets are $35 to $75. The showing of cut glass is the best we have had in years. Prices $1 to $400 a piece. Savings are one-third to one-half. (Fourth Floor, Chestnut) The Materials for Making Lampshades, Pillow Covers and Such They will be found in the Up holstery Department, and there is a maivclous assortment of every thing needed. For example, here are the pret tiest and oddest silks at $1.60, $2 and $2.50 a yard, exactly what one wants for candle and lampshades, Summer pillow covers, curtains, table covers, bags and so one. Here also, close at hand, are fringes of chenille, silk, gilt or cotton with which to trim them. And there are quantities of all kinds of gimps, galoons and cords to match. Many of the more unusual ones we bought in Paris re'eenfly "and imported them our selves. (Fifth Floor, Market) A Note Some curiously pretty artificial fruits for decorative purposes ' have just been received in the Art Needlework Store. They are really exquisite in color and bloom, and prices run from 50c for a plum to $2 for a bunch of grapes. (Second Floor, Central) Tub Suits and Othe'r Suits for the Boys For boys of three to fifteen years' wo have a good choice of just; the suits they need for Summer weather. Stocks of wash suits have been constantly replenished and the ' selection in 3 to 10 year sizes is very good in chambrays, linens; reps, galatcas1, kindergarten cloths and fabrics of that class. We have these suits in a large variety of colors and color combinations and in junior Norfolk, "Oliver Twist," short Russian and Middy styles at $3.25" to' $6.50. For boys of 8 to 15 years' there are excellent washable suits in the Norfolk style made of "Palm Beach" cloth and other fine tub. fabrics at $10 and $12. ' T 7 Assortments of regular dress-up suits in cool woolens for boys' of, 8 years and upward are also ample and every suit is a fine example of correct modeling and careful tailoring. All qf thes'e are mithe Norfolk style and their prices range from $18 to $32. j (Second Floor, Central) Two Good Specials in Standard Mattresses Homekeepers, but especially those furnishing newly, "will be glad to know of the special offerings now being made by our Bedding Store. Two grades of hair mattresses and two grades of felted cotton mattresses are being offered at considerable reductions from our regular prices. We are making two grades of hair mattresses in our own workrooms to sell at $24 and $30 respectively, in the double-bed size, 54x76 inches, and at $15 and $18.75 in the single-bed size, 36x76 inches'. These we are making in either one or two parts, as desired, and covering with the customers' choice of the best cotton ticking. We are offering felted cotton mattresses with roll-stitched edges, 50 pounds, in double-bed size, 54x76 inches' at $15 and $18 respectively, and in the single-bed size at $12 and $15. These are covered in a very fine grade of fancier ticking. (SUtli Floor, Chestnut) Moderately Priced Rugs for Year Round Use You may take our word for it that it is decidedly to your advantage to buy these rugs at the prices they bear now. 9xl2-foot tapestry Brussels rugs, $32.50. 9xl2-foot Axminster rugs, $40 and $43.50. 9xl2-foot seamless velvet rugs, $40 and $60. 6.9xl2-foot seamless velvet rugs, $45. 9xl2-foot Wilton rugs, $62.50 and $76. 9x9-foot Wilton rugs, $82.50. (Seventh Floor, Chestnut) It's a Great Season for Sashes Especially Ribbon Sashes And you may choose one in color to match your frock, or a color to contrast with it for both ways are fashionable. The sash ribbons are lovely- soft, satiny ribbons which drape and tio into bewitching bows. The colors are exquisite, and there's a fascinating variety. 6 inches wide, $1.35 a yard; 8 ' inches wide, $1.95 a yard. Two-toned ribbons aro smart and very effective they're .of satin and usually two distinct shades are combined. 24 inches wide, $1.10 a yard; 3 inches wide, $1.50 a yard, "Happy Is the Bride'- Who Will Have One of These Beautiful Dining-Room Suits in Her Home "Happy is the bride that the sun shines on," but all other things being equal, the bride whose dining room is destined to be enriched by one of these ten-piece' dining-room suits will be happy whether the sun shines or not. ' Choosing' a ten-piece dining-room suit calls for thought and judgment. A very"1 little thought will convince any one tha,t it is easier to form a satisfactory judgment; in other words, it is easier to make a satisfactory selection where there is a variety, ofI the best types to select from. We don't think it can be denied that by far the greatest variety to be found any- where will be found here. u! This .is a summarised list of a few between $390 and $750. j ?' Ten-Piece Dining-Room Suits ' f, Mahogany suit, Sheraton style, $395. A walnut Queen Anne suit, $435. Figured walnut, Louis XIV suit, $500. Inlaid walnut suit. Italian influence. $750. Figured walnut William and Mary suit, $665, 8Uth Floor, Market) Mahogany Queen Anne suit, $635. rigurea mahogany yueen Anne suit, 8S7, ?' Mahogany suit in Heppelwhlte style, 510v ' Mahogany William and Alary vutt, 58U. .(-: Brown .mahogany, Georgian style, $475, r wm ft', a M ,tt 'M 'IS .tfl M I 4? m j3S 'ft TzS rw&JOT S. "-L f R4 Wtf i .1. -ftTraWiffiBCWBOMHirMWinTaMF ' T -r- 4 .'&' 7 ijrH '.-tfar . j K !n h ,ii b.,mEnmESP.lyii? . iwf ITT IVfiJK.- - rMMAJx&$Xm&k"jZ . n- JL, . -Ot'i.oirti t V V f-rcvwirv" " 4I Mr Jt.A via iy (Mal Floor,, Central)
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