Br 13 V I. 1 wmmmmanmm BlgHfff '-imi Electric LigKt Power 'and Gas Mortgage Bond IP' J-? ' ' ' ' Ir -J BBS" , - - - PF- ' '. - - - I f f ; -ji1 ft '. i1) -.' c 'rTT 'a ' ? tf-j-.uj t ; "-wnan"' w8rrf ' Evening public -ledger phil LAifc' V ' J. Property serves pros perous communities of 175,000 population. Earnings steadily in creasing. Now equal to about four times in terest charges on this issue. To yield over 7J8 '' Send for circular D-35 (3HANDLE3 4 COMPANY Franklin Bank Bldg. Philadelphia New York Boston NEWS OF THE FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK P f-m-T ""' RICES r EASIER MONEY RATES SEND STOCKS HIGH IN NEW YORK Declines Occur Early, but Gains Are the Order During Re mninder of Session U. S. Rubber Strongest Issue NEW YORK STOCK SALES High Points in Today's Financial Neivs Stocks advanced on New York exchange, due to lower money lending rates. Many Curb issues scored substantial gains. Corn was under pressure. Cotton advanced. A teactionary tendency was shown in foreign exchnnge. Silver prices advanced in London and New York. II Texas Producing and Refining Co. The important hold ings, developments and earnings of this Company are analyz ed by us in a special letter. Copy sent upon request. H. Raphael & Co. lnetment Securities 74 Broadway, New Yoik Thone Itcctor 5333-4 New York, .Jutic 17. The difference between 20 per cent call money jesterilny afternoon mid ( per cent for money on mixed collateral in the Inst hnlf of today indicated the abrupt change that had occurred in the vpcciilatlte sittintion overnight. There ns no uneasiness shown when the market opened today, although there was n genernl supply of selling orders from commission houses, and the market wns railed on to take offerings on a large scale, but while some stocks declined nil this supply was quickly absorbed and the money tension of yestenlny was w hotly forgotten. , Interest continued to be attached to the volume of banking accommoda tion, canting enrlj transactions in money to be closely watched and when the first lonns uerc made nt !) and 10 per cent there was a general and (iirrect assumption that the money stringency was over. This was fully confirmed soon after noon, when money wns again established nt a 0 per cent lirs. The pi ice movements during the day included some material declines nt the opening, with steady and in some cases violent advances all through the leniainder of the day. I'nited States Steel wns persistently bought by the strongest interests, advancing -V points to 100 and other steel industrials made gains ranging from 'J to nioic than 1 points, The greatest advance wns in United States Rubber, which rose more than 10 points to l-.l'i. with n lioodrirh Rubber following with an, ad vance of (I'-j points to Tll'fc. and Ajnx rose fti points to 11. Mexican stocks reflected confidence over the present situation, Mcxi fnn Petroleum being stendil) bought by high finnncial interesU and advanc ing 0 points to ISO. Southern Pacific rose .Tfc points to 107 nnd American Smelting more than - points to SOVj. A featuie of the trading was the strength of Interborough preferred, which rose more than 4 points to 2S. The bond market did not share in the strength displayed In stocks, only a few issues making any material gains. There was heavy trading again in the government issues, hut without special change in prices. , Last close 51 42H Adams Emfea. Advance Ilumcly AtlV Ttllmltf ,e AJftx Rubber ... 80 Alaslto Goto M... 3H Alaska Juneau . . 2 Allls-Chal Mftf .. 30 Allls-Chal Mr nf Mitt Am Agrlcul Chcm. lOOK 108 Utah 40M 45M 73t 9IJi 31 "42 Ofi Low 40 Ji 72K 80 3 a. 00 p.m. 4W 45 73H 01 U 3H Am Beet Sugar . 81 Am Bosch Mag.. OS Am Can f0!i Am Can pf 107H Am Cnr fc Fdy . 102W Am Cnr & Fdy pf HGJi Am Cotton Oil .. G Am Drug Syndl . 1 Am Hide & I.ea Ara H & t, pf . Am lice , Am Ice pf Am International Am Linseed . . . Am Locomotive . Am Smelt & Hef Am S & n pf 8-tM 08)i Mil 38 42 05 05 107 10S 81H 84H 00 08M 61!f C3H 28 EASIER ME! HELPS MERCHANTS UNION TRUST CO, BOND DEPARTMENT Specializes in FOURTH LIBERTY VA COUPON BONDS 111 STOCKS TELEPHONES I MARKET 2524 MAIN 1562 Yesterday's Losses Redeemed Today Demand for Funds Not Urgent Edward G. Budd Mfg. Co. lit Mortgage Serial 61 Tan Free in Penna. Ontstanritne lue S933.00O. Mriirrd liv plant timt rqulpmrnt contlnu over SS.90u.aoo. and followed by tock halnc a market lue ot r 4 ,000.000. V Price to net over 6fe Townsed'5WheIen '& Co. 505 TCheJtnut Street -$so $100 , LIBERTY BONDS nOCOUT ANI) SOLD Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Members rhtladelphla Stock Eichanje. EI GAINS ABE E E Motor Issues Generally Firm. Oil Stocks Irregular Allied Packers in Demand New cc I Sprues HI Tlace lit) Canadian Municipal Bonds Bought Sold Quoted FINCKE, BANGERT & CO. Franklin Bank ISldi., rhllad.lphln BOSTON NEW TORK LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT and SOLD Anr Denominations Samuel K. Phillips & Co. 507 CHESTNUT STREET Members Philadelphia Stock Kxchann 5 , w J t ,t 9!Jfir BANKEBS f l ISTII CIIESTXL'T T"., N.E. Cor. llimkn of rhllad.bhla and Haw J Tork Staok Zlohanm U. S. LIBERTY BONDS $50, $100, $1000 BOCGIIT. SOLD ANTI RErOMMENDED rOtt INVESTMENT ,IJr'" Newburger, Henderson & Loeb H10 CHESTNUT STREET Membcra N. Y. and I'hlla. Stock Kichanrra tain New Yorli. .Tune 17. The New York Kveninc Sun's tinnneial review tlii nfternoon is ns follows: With easier conditions prevailing 111 the monej supply, losses in , estenla 's stoek market were to n large extent re deemed today; that is to s-ay, prices ad vanced 1 to ( points from the Monday closing level in about the same volume of trading. Call lonns renewed nt .l per cent for good mixed collateral and 10 ner cent for all industrial collateral. but the demand for funds proving to l, not nnrtieiilarlv urgent, the rate dropped to 0 and 7 per cent nt midday. A good deal of criticism of the man ner in which the Federal Iteservc au thorities had handled the situation ex isting in the Inst week or so was heard in brokerage and bnnking circles. If the money problem has been wholly a (jhestion of supply and demand why, it was nsked, have not the banks used more fully their privilege of rediscount iug with the Federal Reserve Hank? Their reluctance to do so may have been due to pride or a desire to nvoid ex posing their need for funds or even nn honest, disinterested effort to keep 1 loaning rntcs nnu spccuiuiiuu iu r.mi I alike within bounds. I The fact remains that Wall street has some reason for being gratified that the stock market has taken the course it hns. It requires no great amount of imagination to understand that at the rate the market wns going prior to last week, one of two things must happen, either there would be a general smash or the sort of pressure exerted to stay speculative enthusiasm nnd thus insure '.ehiehCoal Halea an orderly retreat, xne inner uai imp- Maxim .Munitions pencd and the movement is likely to re main orderly, assuming it continues downward, so long as no untoward event occurs to turn the retreat into a rout. On the other hand, it is regarded as entirely possible that the decision of the Ciennnns, if to sign the peace terms, may well be the signal for n fresh start forward. Such a signal may be given any day as the Allies handed their final communication to Urockdorff-Itantzau yesterday, who at once started for Weimar. The enemy hns until next Monday to determine the issue. Hut aside from improvement in I money and the prospect of an early peace settlement, numerous elements I entered into the better tone in stock j prices. ' The outcome of bankers' efforts to effect nn organization to handle Euro pean credits and nt the same time pro Ivide for a continuance of this country's I large foreign trade will be watched with I eager interest. Its importance can I scarcely be overestimated. The opening wns irregular and uucer- but. after the first fifteen minutes 100K 1(3 105 "08 a 55! i 68 12M 12 12 3W S8 31 110)5121 115H 121 BOX 6H CO filH 70 74 72 74 nOW 102K 07 10W C,T 1 Hi 07H 71 S0)i 81 SI 8: Ts4 80H 78M 80J. .lOOJilOO'4 100)5 100)j Am Snuff UH Am Steel Fdrles . 37, 417j 37H 4Ui Am Suirar Hef... 120 131H 120 131M Am Sum Tobacco 110'i 114 110 113!f Am Sum Tob of . 05 95 05 05 Am Tel & Tel . . 100 106)4 KS'S 100 Am Tobacco ....210 ... Am Tob pf new 101U' Am Woolen ....105).' 110)1 103 110b Am Writ P pf .. 44H 40' 40 40 Am Zinc L & S.. in)j 22 10i 21h Am Zlno L & S pf. 55 57 57 57 Anaconda Copper. 00 70)," 09)5 0)i Asso Dry. Goods . 48),' (") 47 5fl)i Asso D G 1st pf . . Asso D G 2d pf . Associated Oil . . . Atch Top & S F Atch T & S F pf Atlanta B & At., Atl Coast Line . . Atl Gulf & W I. Atl G & W I pf Baldwin Loco . . Baltimore & Ohio. 40i Balto & Ohio pf 00) i 87)5 102 i7H hHlf Ci OOM 08)5 87f 87)5 87H 0 11,2 K2 102 105.U 171i 100 721. 03)5 OS 04 07i 50U 4US, o. 50W 50)5 5fi'j Barrett Co 127)5120)5 120)5 ri Batopllas Mlnlns. lj . . . -;., Beth S Class B .. 82!5 85i 8255 85f Beth Steel 8 pf. 111)5 113 113 113 Booth Fisheries . 21.'. 21! 21K 21 Brook Itnp Tran. 20)5 2UJ, 0)5 2955 Br II T cfs of dep. 24 Bruns T & Ry Sec S)i ... Burns Brothers .152 148)a 14 .. . . ,- , hA UUHCriCK L.O t Butto Cop & Zinc. 12 Butto & Superior . 20' 5 Caddo Cen O & R. 42' 5 Cp.1 PacklnK '"'' Cal Petroleum . . 313, i",1 n.,.nl,iini rtt Si Canadian Pac ...100)5 101!160)a 1015, Central Fdry .... 21 .. Central Fdry pf . 40 47 47 4, Cen Leather Co . . !.G 100U 05 100 Cerro do Tcsco C. fil?j 51)5 50H 51)j CeKTeed Trod . . 40 . Chandler Motor .102 2C:i -'UU..-'- Laat . Pitts & W Va pf. 83H 82)5 '82)4, 82H Pond Creek Coal. 17M 1 10)5 10 6 W . Pressed Steel Car. 7liM 82 70 81H Pullman Co 1?5K 120 125 120 Ponta Alegro Sug. COM Mi 54 ' Ry Steel Spring .88! 87Ji 87 87J Ity Steel Sprlnf pf,10S)5 109)5 108a 109)5 Bay Consol Cop . 23H 23)5 2335 23H Iteadlne 8535 8735 Wi 87)5 Reading 1st pf . . 37 . Republic I & S . 84).' 8735 85 875 Republic 1 & S pf.104),' 102)4 102W 102)4 Royal D A shares.lOlK 109W II 3M lOOjf Hoy D N Yshare.103M llUJt JUdm w; St Joseph Lead . 14)4 13)f St L-San Fran .. 17 19!f St L Southwrn .. 23 21 Savage Arms .... CO 07 Saxon Motor .... 103 10)4 Seaboard Air L. . 0 Seaboard A L pf. 10 Scars R & Co ...107J5 100 ShattucleArlz ... 14)f 144 Slnclal Oil Ref .. 53 50! i Rlnss.Shpff S K, 1 RnU CJi Southern Paciho .1P3W 107 10334 1003f Southern Rwy . . . 2S 29!i 29 293f Southern R pf . . 00)4 Strom Carburetor. 51 65)4 51)5 65 Studebaker Co .. 02)4 103)4 02 101)4 Stutz Motor 00 72 00 7135 Superior Steel ... 45)4 473, 45)4 4J Teiin Cop & chem. 12'4 13)5 12M 13)4 Texas Co 250 250 247)4 250 Tex Co sub r f P.255K Tex Pac Land T.dnd Texas & Pacific . 4fllf 493. 454 4035 Third Avenue ... 2154 24.'i 21!4 24W 00 101)5 9834 10054 107)4 130)4 132)5 130) 132)5 73)4 , 50 5 IK 60 olli 14854 153M 148 153.'.' .124 121 121 121 .181 184 181)5 184 13M 1755 21 07 10 199 14J4 62 01 135 1934 2-1, 07 10)4 100 1455 SO'f 04)4 Philadelphia Stocks Net High Low Close chge. 3070 Klec Stor 84 SOi 84 2 1 O Asp pf,101 104 104 a 10 J C N A 32 32 32 '4 755 TA S Cor 10 47 Lch Vol. 53 'A 471 Pa n It. 40 001'n Rnlt.. 81 5 TIi Co pf 20, 154 do c'm pf 3594 545 Phil Elcc 25 2048 PUT tc 28 3 Pli Tract 00 100 Studcbkr 07 210 Ton Del. 374 50 Un Trnct 30 440 U G I. . . OOVJ 750 U S Stl.100 103V4 1004-2 (unaricta ajj, V4 8 V4 55 W Cra'p.133 130 133 3 II) 53 45 81 20 35 25 27 00 07 3 30 "07 B3V4 15 81.. 20' 1 35 14 25.. 28 1 00 .. 07 5 3 30 .. 00 noNDS High Low Close Net chge. 00 P0 -2 Tobacco Prod . , . Tob Prod pf Union Pacific , . . , Union Pan pf United Alloy St. . United Cigar S . . Lnltel Drug United Fruit ouuu Ulty 4s 1045... 00 4000 Leh Vol gen 4s. 77 77 77 - L 1000 Lib Bond 4th 4'4s 04.08 04.08 04.08 .12 3500' Victory - 4s... 00.00 00.04 00.00 .04 3700 Phil Elcc 1st 5s.. 00 05 2000 Heading gen 4s. 83 S3Vi Un Rys Invest . . 0)5 U S Cast IPSF, ,10' i 02'f . 2034 . 73 . 143)4 45 31W 02)5 20 70?.' 147). 47 20) i 02)5 20 73 14D4 44 34 12)5 28 44)4 0034 34 82 34 1135 27)4 41)5 044 31)5 81. 118)4 111 I'SPIP U S Kxpress . . . U S Food Prod . U S Ind Alcohol V S R & J Co . U S Rubber .... 1 Rub 1st nf . u Km Ref & M. 0534 u o am ji & M pf, 40 K .? r?lee 103)4 100)4 103)4 v a oieei pr . .. .IV'i Utah Copper .... 85)5 Utah Securities . . 17 va-uaro chem . . 721.' .112)4 125)4 11234 .114 116 115 07 04)5 31)5 02)4 20 75)5 147 47 123)5 115 07 12)5 1 Va Iron Coal & c. 2755 4U flG' 34 82 Yorh, June 17. The Ttrnnd stieet curb market showed a strong tone ..m me Deginning of husiness today, with many issues making gains ranging from 1 to more than 4 points .Most interest wns attached to Allied Packers, which was traded in on n large scale, ranging from 02V, to 04 bnft International sold at 54 to 5.V.' o , ,'Ztor st001" WPrp Kcuerallv firm! Snvold Tire selling nt 54 to 50; New Jork. 2 to 53, and Ohio nt 30 to 31. Intercontinental Kubber sold nt "IV. to 341A mu! Fisk Ilubbcr Tirc nt " Tnit'ed Hetnil Stores -n ! !.. n.i .1 1 ,.'," ."", """ '" ...... ....,, rmiying trom 77 to '"72. .w-win J.xpioslves selling down to 0i. Oil stocks were irregulnr, Houston Oil declining from 118 to 110, while Midwest Hefining rose from 107 to -.-,.. .......n iiiuui- 11 gain ot more than 2 points to 20. Cosdcn was quoted at 10 to 10V4. Submnrinc Hoat wns traded in nt 1 . to 10 and United Stntes Steam ship old nt 3 nnd 2. 01 15 0 01 C234 04 wns heavy, 20 20 20 77)4 77)4 77)4 2555 2455 25M 44 4254 43), 40,' a 45 "40a '57 ' 57 57 1434 53" 4 54H 90)4 09J4 09)4 1154 1135 1154 14 00)5 03 05)5 03H 05)4 00)4 33 83 80 32 82)5 00) j 33 83 INDUSTRIALS Aetna, Kxnlmlves Am lii-lt life I Am .Marconi m ll'ri,,nlr Paoer ...: Air Iteductlon (anacllan Car Co Con Car Fdy nfd .... inarcoal Iron Chevrolet Motors CpamD CurtlM Aeroplane ..'.'" Canven Tool Carbon Sleel IJmeraon rhonogranh .. Rendee MfK aae . lorp llont FINANCIAL S ms w $& P '.,!? T N " TO TDK IIOI.IIKRS OF DEIIENTURK Notice la hereby itlven that the foltowlne Debenture Itond, of the University Club Issue of 1918, have been drawn for redemp tion on July 1. 1010. namely: Bonds Nos. 3. i. 2H. 37 and 38, each In ' the denomination of J500. The above Ilonds will be paid upon presen tation thereof, with all unmatured coupona at the Commonwealth Title Insurance and Trut Company, 1201 Chestnut street. Phlla. ' delphla. on the date above mentioned Inter est fia said llonds will rease on said date HOW.VHD COOPER JOHNSON, Treasurer. N V Shipbuilding j5r American PaD Pulp. Otis Eleator Peerless Motor Poole nntr Scrlpps-Uooth Standard Motors Steel Alloys Suhmarln . . Todd Shlpbulldlnie ...I.'" Trlanirle Pilm iiniiea l'ront Sharing . . . u H SteamshlD united Motors 47 Wright-Martin Air 314 Bid . OH . 3 . 74 . 7 . no . 2.1 . HO . i .2.1(1 .128 . 1.1 . 3 .101) : 1? :7 : " 3T SO 3.1 SM 1A 113 1 2'i ! Test elope Aak (sale) lOli II r, N 82 Sii s 3011 132 111 111! o7 oW S3 45'4 8? 3D no (III 7 8 n so 094 OH 5 6V. 44 5l 2 Ches & Ohio . . Chi & Alton pf Chi Gt Western Chi C W pf 27 -.. ; Chi Mil & St P.. . 40)4 42'4 40J4 42't Chi Mil & St P pf. OS 085, tK'i '"; Chi & .Nwm ..,.100 1035 l')0)5 100W Chi & Nwrn nf . . 314 130 130 130 Chi H I & Pacific. 25! Chi H I&P7 pf. 77 Chi ItI&PG7c pf. to Chllo Copper 24)5 Chlno Copper .... 43 C C C & St L 5155 . Cluet Peabody . . 80 . Colo Fuel & Iron. 4434 Colo Southern . . . 25 , Colo So 1st pf . 58 Col Gas &'EIec... 53)5 Consol Gas 00)4 Consol Int Cal M. 10H Continental Can . 00)4 Corn Prod Ref . . . 023 Corn Prod Itef pf . 107)4 Crex Carpet .... 51 Crucible Steel ... 87)4 Cuba Cane Sugar. 32)5 Cuba C S pf 8234 Del & Hudson ..110 Del L.ack & Wes.201 Den & Rio Gr pf. 8"4 Dome Mines .... 13) Elk Horn Coal .. Emerson-Brant . . Erie Erie 1st pf . . Erio 2d pf Fam Players-I... . Fed Mln & Smelt. Fed M & S pf . . . Fisher Body Gaston Wm & W. General Cigar . . General Electric . General Motors . Gen Motors pf . . Gen Motors deb . Good (B F) Co.. Goodrich pf . . . Granbv Consol... Gt Northern pf . Gt NT C for O P.. Greene-Can Cop.. Gulf M & X pf . Gulf States Steel. Haskell & Barker. Illinois Central .. Inspiration Cop . Interboro Consol. Int Consol pf Inter Aerlcul Inter Agrlcul pf nn Wabash m Wabash pf A .... 3354 Wells Fargo Ex 71 Western Md njj Western Un Tel . f.9 Westing A B . . . .110),' Westing E & HI . 5$ Wheel & Lake E. i,)S White Motors .... 55 White Motor rgts. l'f Wilson & Co .... 0' Wilson & Co pf ..104J5 Willys-Overland . aa'j Worthlngton P . . 73' Worth P pf B . . 7C)J 110)5 88 18 75)5 100 110)5 110'i 8534 IS 70)5 10 34 08 1 154 90 US 501,' 10)4 55)5 1)5 91 '35)4 7C)4 70)5 05 33)5 08 II 80 11034 61)5 10'5 53K 1 88)4 33)4 73V5 70)5 .iduidf.n'1-nall"ay s,(,l Spring American Can Co. Tr.. 1, . S7.'i IS 75)j io 34 08 11. 0 118 50 10), 55H 1)5 01 '35)5 70)4 70)4 and 05 Ss. 83 U. ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY, f STILL ACTIVE AND ADVANCES . 11 M Lake Superior Corporation and P. R. T. Certificates Also Turn. Upward Other Stocks Dull on Philadelphia Exchange There wns only a moderate turnover of stocks today on the Philadelphia i exchnnge, but the undertone of the market wns firm nnd ncnrlr nil nctlvc Issues scored advances, Bcveral of them making substantial gnlns. , "Q Electric Storage Hnttery continued to attract more Interest than anything else on the list. It was the forenoon nnd advanced 1 points nbov? j cstcolny's final level to 83, nfter having sold down to the low of the previous' session. Hut during the remainder of; the dny, with business limited, the prices held steady nt nround S3, un 1 noint v Rapid Transit trust certificates and I.nkc Superior Corporation showed S fair activity and both gained fractionally, while United Ons Improvement,, oa"j n moderate turnover, held steady, as did Philadelphia Electric. ' William Crnmp certificates, which were slow, scored n fair gain. Tononah-.,' Belmont registered a Mnnll upturn and Philadelphia Traction nnd Warwiekji Iron were unchnnged. The only losses of consequences were n decline of Z 1 points for General Asphalt preferred nnd n 1 -point dron for Philadelphia Com pany preierreu, Dotn on small sales. -j Steel common was slow, hut made n substantial ndvnncc, while StudebW wns marked up 5 points. Pennsylvania Railroad receded slightly -and Lctlgh J Vnlley recovered n fractional loss. In the bond division tire only fenturc wns a sharp decline for Lcoigh. valley genernl -is. ' a, ... i.T,"!iTPI,"'1(,cIpl'la Kcd(,rl Reserve Bank today withdrew from deposltoViei in this district the balance of the Victory loan deposits arising from the payr, crfl ..l un- usmument uuo Jlny 0, -amounting to ?34,GS5,r,Gl. MONEY-LENDING rATES NEW YORK Money on call, mixed coilnternl, wns quoted nt 0 per cent for lending nnd renewing. On nil indus trial collateral, the opening rate was 10 per cent. The impression was general that, in the interval before preparation has to be made for the heavy July interest nnd Dividend disbursements nnd collections, the money market will show relaxation. The time money mnrkct, however, is still constrained ,nnd comparatively smnll amounts nre nvnilnblc nt 0 per cent. In 1014, time and call money ruled ns high ns 8 per cent. PHILADELPHIA Call, 5 per cent; time, S'JiQG percent; commercial paper, three to six months, 5t,451A per cent ; six months, 0 per cent. STANDARD OIL STOCKS Illinois . . Ohio Prairie Pipe S o of Cal a o of n j s o of n y ...175 . . .3(1.1 ...288 ...2118 ...70.1 ...3(15 180 3711 203 274 713 370 373 290 Dlrldenda r ,-tl , KEVHTONB AUTOMOI1II.K FINA.NCK CO. ' ?v -1 t ... . .. ... Philadelphia, Pa. " , j The rtlrvtors have thla day declared the ' 't M ,r rejcumr uubiicii; uit.urim 01 inrre) Hollars e ia,P, ,s'i,K,p"'.".h"r1 "".P"'"' eapltal stock SW pable July 1. 1010. to stockholders of ' ,fX record May 31, 1010. Checks w III te mailed. . 'iSij - C. SMITH. Secr-tafy. IhoTTO KISKM.OIIII 4 IIKOI.. INC. - , I'hllaUelnllla. l'a., June 14, 1010. T- Th directors have declare,) the reimiae u , a nimnfrij uiviurnu .14 vu inree-qnnrtera it yf't. "' I"r "nt on " outstandinK preferred ', V, vv stork of the corporation, payable July 1st, l.' ( . ! stockholders nf record at the close ft V' it business June 20. 1010. " "0"B f 1 ' - " HAItRT DIRT8CII. ftt ' t Treasurer. t - I Special Notlfea L r Ifis?" Kl'ECIAr. MKETl.NO-. WI'UCIAI, f Tneetln of the shareholders of ilis Tradesmen's Nstlonul Ilank will be held at Ita banklnc house. 3l Chestnut street, PhllikdrliihU, !'.. nn Friday. July II, 1019. at If. so. ..for the purpose n( votlns on the kliun or increasing- uio rapuai stock" or Bank from Five Hundred Thousand Dol- iu L..I. ali.iiuii AjQiiars sSdlllonal shares to be Mr of record at ir aare. nnn f . .skill pjuMI iujioe.ocHii WW'. . . it&wTl 4 JfcUii stall UWtttMAM'V'' In definite trend upward developed, which continued through most of the session. Steel advanced some 2 points. Pro nounced strength wns displayed by vir tually every industrial group. The rails were less expansive, although mak ing n very good showing. Still more vigorous buying power came into the market In the later after noon. United States Steel. Genernl Motors, United Stntes Rubber and numerous others, including soine"of the rails, were outstanding features of strength. Steel puslied through 10ft and Rubber crossed 122. The quest for bargains, apparently, made a consider able impression on the shorts who were impelled to cover in consequence. Liberty bonds were mixed. Victory 4:hs nnd trie third anil fourth 4'4 were steady to firm while the others were heavy. . Tliere wasn rea'ctlonnry tendency in the- "foreign exchange market. Francs dropped 8 centimes to G.35 francs to the dollar and lire were 3 points down at 8.01. Sterling yielded cent to $4.C0,. Rates on Madrid nlone more than held their own, advancing some 12 points to 10.07. Announcement that the federal com mission appointed to Investigate pub lic utilities would hold a sitting here nest week with ex 'President Tnft as the firt speaker was of considerable iatreit and bad much to do, doubt how, vHJi tbe jrUe . Jn the prices' of kaearriaaMMMov- - .! INDEPENDENT OIL STOCKS Harnett OH & Gas J. Commonwealth S7'J Cosden A Co 10 Clk Ilasln lii Federal Oil a International Petrol 27 Houston Oil lift Merrltt Oil 2(1 Mldweat Refining- 170 Met Petrol a Ohio Fuel 20 Ranulpa Refining 7 Sequoyah U Sinclair Oil 5 Island 7S Glenrock ovi MINING STOCKS Big- Ledge lioston & Montana 78 nutte New Tork . Con Arizona IU OPS Jerome J. First Nntlonal in Ooldfleld Merger 4 (loldfleld Cnna 17 10'i 10 3'4 27i 120 172 So H fl'J r.7W 1(H. n' .1 27 118 211 Va 170 3 51 OS (loldfleld Florence RO (loldfleld Kewanas 3H Oreen Monster ltecla Mining r. Howo Sound 4 Independence. A Jerome Verde at Jim llutler 32 jumbo extension .. 10 Magma Copper 3 tl Vi Mother lde .... ... 40 Mines Co of America .... H Nevada Hills 3 Nevada Wonder A Ohio Copper H Ray Hercules 2 Han Tov 0 United Verde 40'i West End Con IS White Caps IS Yerlnctori 5 IIONDS Bethlehem 7a Cosden Oil Us Cosden A Co 11a Cudahv 7a Russian flovt AH, Ruislan Gnvt (IHs ., Southern Hallway fls ....102'; OS OS . ....10214 47 . . . no . ... to 8214 "3 10 en 33 12 ? ,? 42 liS A 102S 10.1 103 'in R3 OU'i SO 'iu 4H 10 44 OH 'I'M 10 s 47 00'i 0 13j 34j 33l 2754 20 114 9 131i 34 83! f 17 27H 20 113 9 13' J4'i 33'i 17 27H 20 114 34 33H 17 275 20H 113JX 13 40!,' 40k 40U 40U' 78 80 80 80 32 31J 3US 3IJi 79H 82 81 82 lfifl 163 103 103 201 210K 203 210Ji 92 93Ji 93H 93W 00 90H 00M 90i 73 80 73U 80 105 100 106 100 70i . . . 95ii 4011 41k Neiv York Bonds Low 07 00 2-.10 00 & T (ls.103 103K 103 70 78 07 OS niTs 120 S0'2 ..70 70 78 78 '20 07 07 . . 08 OS ni ai 7s.l20 120 ... soy2 so p ... 78 78 07 Cift .1074 78 07 00 .1374 94Ji 455i 41H 9oi; 4PH 4Ui 50i 00H 7H 3UK 56H 58Ji MH OH 245 50 60M 69 7M 30t 83 82 82 95 40 415 38 56k 59 98 67M fiJi 24 24k 82k Inter Harv new .137H 141K137k 141k Inter Mer Mar .. 48k 49k 46 49k Inter Mer M pf.H2k 115 112k 115 inter Nickel 28H 2951 28k 29k Inter Nickel pf.. 16 Inter Pape'r 61k 54k 62 54H Inter V pf stpd . . 75 Jewel Tea 37k 38k 37H 38k Kan City South . 2I 21k 21k 21k Kelly Sorlne Tlre.118 122 117k 122 Kenneqott Cop . . . 38k 39H 38 39 Keystone T & R. 05 101k Lack Steel 77 80k Lake E & W nf . . 23 22 Lea. Uub & Tire. 30k 31H Lehigh Valley . . . 53k 53k Llg & Myers pf .112 Loose-Wiles Uls.. 73k 72k 72k 72k Lorlllard (P) Co 183 Manhat Elevated 87k 86k 80k 86k Maxwell Motors . 44k 40JS 44k 40k Max M 1st pf .. 72 73JJ 73 73k Max M 2d pf ... 3 30k 35k 36k Mav Dept Stores. 102k 104 103 104 Mexican Petrol ..174k 181 175k 181 Miami Copper . . . 26k 26k 20k 26k 47 49k 48 49k 10k 18k 16k 18k 8 H( 7k 8k 17 k 17k 17 17 28k 30k 28k 30k 64k 55 63k 55k 77 70k 75 76k 35k 37k 38 37k 80. SOk 80k 80k 19 20H 19 20k 72k 77k 72k 77k 102k 102 102 102 77 7 Ik 77 0 8k 0 18k 10 04k 100k 31k 53 k Sflles In IKJtO High 104 Anglo-French ."is OT-ft II Am For Sec fis. 00 Jii Ainer T 1 Halt & O Cs 7 do cv 4s. . .' Can Govt .Is "' do Ml ... 10 Chile Gs ..., 1 Chile Copper 48 C & O cv Cs.. 3 Chi M & St cv 4s . . . 12 City of Paris Gi 07 J 11 4s (Jdij 10 Intcrb Met 4s 3!) 200 Lib Itond .'$s. 00.40 00.4200.44 200 do conv 4s . . 03.00 O.l.ftft 0.l!so 111 do 1st 4s . . . 04.70 04.00 04.00 1572 do 4Mb .... 05.30 0."i.!5 n."i "s 1 do 1st 4V4s .. 04.00 04.00 04.00 118 do 2d 414s . . 04.0S 03 04 04.0S 033 do 4th 4VSs . . 04.18 04.04 04.10 777 Vic Notes 4sl00.00 00.02 09 00 320 do 3s ....100.00 100.02100.02 20 Mo Pac gen 4s. 01 01 VI 01 . 14N.YC II0s...00 00 00. 2."iXorf&AV cvt i..10S 10S ' 10S 1 Penna 4s 1021 07 07 07 2 Pa 5s '08 .-!; ),- )," 40 St L&S F in w i 50 50 50" 10 Scabd A Ij ndj 5s 51 51, 51 40 South Pac cv Cs.100 105 100 1 do rfd 4s 8014 80 VI 80 4 Term Assn St L ref 4s 73 73 73 10 U S Rubber 5s. 80 SO 0 50 U S Steel 5s...l00Vl 100 100 ?. TTtrtM Pon J. COl Orti on. .. uu.u.. ...v. -,0,. iswys OU-H OO'S UO US WlY-y. lOS-!! 103V, 40 U K of G It I 5s new 1010. 00 00 00 20 do 1021 03 08 08 Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, .Tunc 17. Spot cotton was quiet today with prices firm on the basis of an advance of 40 points for middling at 10.G2d. The sales were 4000 bales. The receipts were 0000 bales, including 4800 bnles American. Futures were quiet iu the early dealings. Spot prices were : American, middling fair, 22.15d ; good middling. 20.72d; fully middling, 20.12d; middling, 10.0?d; low mid dling, 18.0"d; good ordinary, 10.42d, and ordinary, 15.89d. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, .Tunc 17 Allied ex changes were weak. Quotations were: Demand sterling was quoted nt 4.G0 nnd cables 4.01; franc cubles 0.33, checks 0.35; lire' cables 8.03, checks 8.05 ; Swiss cables 5.33. checks 5,35 j guilder cables 30, checks 30 3-10; pesetas cables 20, checks 19.03 ; Stock holm cables 25.40, cheeks 25.80 ; Christinnin cables 25.40, checks 25.20; Copcnhngcn cables 24.30, checks 24.10; ruble notes nominal at 11.55. In thoMast hour of business the mar ket improyed moderately in the Allied, exchanges. Francs recovered n centime nnd lire improved 3 points from the earlier quotations. Swiss rallied a point. Sterling was steady at the open level at 4.G0 for demand and 4.01 for cables. Other quotations were 0.32 for franc cables, checks 0.34 ; lire cables 8, checks 8.02; Swiss cables 5.32, checks 5.34. BANK CLEARINGS Rank clearings today compared with cor responding day laBt two years: 1010 t.1818 1017 Thlla.. 185,483.110 t(l,,4,7Bl jr.6.303.807 HoMon.. 00,Bfl0.4BO 01.724.072 32.724. 8-S4 N. y 1,138.052.118 000,l!i,444-710.7UU.(ij4 No Change- tin Reffned Sugars New Yorh, June 17. Refined Btigars were unchanged today on the basis of 0c, less 2 per cent for cash for granu lated. Haws were unchanged at 7.28c for 00 centrifugals. GOVERNMENT BONDS 11 I'd ranama coupon 2s, 1036 08a; Panama registered 2s, 11)30... 08 i Panama coupon 2. 1038 08i Panama, registered 2". 1038.. 08i Panama coupon 3s, 1001 80 Panama registered 3s, 1001,, . 80 Philippine 4s, 103 J 00 Philippine 4s. 1085 00 Philippine 4s. 1036 00 U S Gov coupon 2s, 1030 00U II 8 Gov registered 2. 1030.. 00i U S Gov coupon 3s, 104C 80 U a Gov registered 3s. 1046... 80 U S Gov coupon 4s. 1025 100 U S Gov registered 4s. 1023..,100ii Dls. of Columbia 8.05a. 1024.. 07 Asked 00H Slitf 02 02 06 S 06 00 SS 02 02 10BU ioa 100 The difference between STEAM RAILROAD EARNINGS nnd RAILROAD CORPORATE INCOME tsxplained in our June circular, a copy of which should bef inho hands of all persons interested in Steam Railroad Securities. , The circular lists a selection of RAILROAD TERMINAL BONDS which, in our opinion, are desirable and cheap at present quotations. We invite correspondence on any Investment subject. Edward B.Smith&Co Established 1892. BANKERS Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1411 Chestnut Street 30 Pine Street Philadelphia New York LOCAL MINING STOCKS tonopaii stocks Kid Aak Jim nutler 3.1 8 MscNamara 75 .80 Midway 40 42 Mlipah Ext .00 ii Monttna. 20 .23 North Htar nn n Rescue Kula 18 ,'J1 West End IS i OOI.DFIEI.D STOCKS 03 Atlanta Ulire Hull . ) ltooth ....... ntamt n n . . . Malay Kewanas .... Oro Silver PIek ,. Spearhead .-. , MISCELLANEOUS W'iw "f" "f f "! M",wrt .0. .01 ,03 02 .on .08 .05 01 H . ,03 ,0 ,m ,08 .10 Mldvale Steel Minn & St L new. SIo Kan & Texas. Mo Kan & Tex pf. Mo Pacific .... Mo Pacific pf .... Montana Power . National Acme . . Nat Cloak & Suit Nat Con O Cable. Nat Enam & S. Nat En & S pf National Lead ... 75 Nat It of M 2d pf. 8j i Mf 1"1 M Ml Nevada Con Cop. 18i New Or Tex & M. 37H N Y Air Brake ..115 N Y Central 7SJJ N Y Dock 1!05. N Y Dock Pf .... 52 N Y N H & II . . 'Mi N Y Ont & Wes . 'ilii Nor & Western . . 108U North American . 57U Northern Pacific . 0'J Nova Sco S & C "$ Ohio Cities Gas .. 54 Ohio Fuel Supply. 51 Ontario Mlnlne T.l Okla Prod & Ref.. O1 Owens Bottle ... 3 Pac'.flo Mall 38H Pan Am Pet & T. 80l Penn Seab Steel . 3d Penn Jtallroad .. 46H People's Gaa Chi. 62 Peoria & Eastern. 12 Pere Marquette . 21H Pere Mar prior pf. 65 Philadelphia Co . 37 Plerce-Arrow .... 67 Pierce Oil tt 21U Pitts Coal ,,... 0OH Pitts Coal Jf ,.., .93 Pitts' .W Va. , f; l,i' 10 no 78Jj 31H 50 05 77J' 53)f CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS fhlcaao. June 17 iutttrmi nAnQin.. 20,440 tubs. Market ateady. Uxtra firsts! stock 4044c standard, ale; packlnic jjqbs Heeelpts, 40.300 cases. Market steady. Firsts, aui, tD4HV4c: miscellaneous ailJ4(&40c: dirties. 34S5Hc: checks 2H& ?2Wc!joifl!5;'Pa:ked flrst"' 4242Vic; ex- Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes $1,500,000 SALT LAKE CITY, Utah ' SCHOOL DISTRICT 5 Gold Bonds Due July 1, 1039 ' Principal and interest payable in New York City Price 105.19 and interest to yield 4.60 EZldridge: AND" Company bBVBK IfAU. 8T, Assistant Executive Also Secretary and Treasurer Broad experience' as laiyyer and Irr ordnance department durlns wari now employed, but desires larger field; can advise In corporation law and taxation matters: worklnc knowl edge of French: cohere graduate; highest references. B 810, Irfdeer Office. To Holders of Austrian Notes Maturing January 1, 1915 The Allen Property Custodian announces that, having received the assent of the Austrian? Government to the application of certain funds In his hands to the redemption of Hi Austrian Govern ment Treasury Notes which matured on January 1, 1018, notice of their claims should be presented to the Allen Prop erty Custodian by the holders ot such notes on or before July 81, 1010. Forms for presentlnr such notice of claim may be obtained from the Bureau of Law, Allen Property Custodian. Sixteenth and P Streets, Washington. - No payment on account of such notes will be made until August 1, 1010. AAAAA4 FINANCIAL PROPOSAL FOB HALE $15,000 BOIlOTTOn OF NORTIIA5IPTON HRfOntS FIRE l EQUIPMKNT 4V4V- Hold Uomls, Berlea of 1910 The llorough of Northampton Heights of fers for sale Its bond Issue designated "Fire Equipment 4H Gold Bonds. Series of 10111 " In the sum ot 113,000, consisting of coupon bonds ot the denomination ot 1300, or In case of the purchase ot the entire Issue bv one person or .corporation coupon bonds nf such denomination as the purchaser shall nrefer not less then 1100 each; bearing interest at the rate of four and one-half per centum (414) per annum, free of taxes (nther than succession or Inheritance tfcxes).. dated May 1st. 1010. and maturing May 1st. in4B! the Interest being payable semian nual (y. a evidenced by Interest coupons ..--. n attached. 1 .1,4. ri the nurehaae of the whole or any nortion of the Issue wilt, be received by. rm undersigned up to ana inciuaing riant lifrfll&pVa. June S4th. 1810. at. 1837 Fist Fourth street. Northampton Heights. Vi...,lB fnr nrrsentatton to .the Coun cil of said borough. All bids must' be ac c1' il hv rerttned check in a sum iSus 1 to five (5) per centum thereqf payable fS the ordtr of the Borough ot Northampton "The'liorougl of Northampton HelBhtj re .,rvs the right to .reject any '$' 'I'W. AETNA EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, Inc. To the Holders of Common Stbck of AETNA EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, INC.: vt Terms of Settlement formulated by a Committee appointed b; Hon. Julius M. Mayer. Judire of the United States District Court, an! embodvinrr the Dlan Dronosed bv him. have been nrjrjroved bv thai Court and accepted by the representatives of large holdings of thfc various classes of the securities of the Company. Pursuant to thf provisions oi sucn j. erms, inusars. r . n. rnnce oz company, as large owners of common stock and representing other common stockholders) have entered into an agreement with Messrs. George C.'-Holt!Tahd Benjamin B. Odell, in form approved by the Court, under which the common stock will be voted for the purpose of carrying out said Terms of Settlement. These Terms are the result of the able and dis interested action of the Court, aided by the various interests of the Company, mnd provide an adjustment which is believed to be fair to all security holders. i , The Receivers, George C. Holt and Benjamin B. Odell, took over yhe control and management of the Company's affairs two years ago under annointment from Judrre Maver. As the termination of the U Receivership is now imminent, it is important, in the interest of the I 'tinTrimnrt crnlr trinf Trinro rio. nc fni- n rknaQirtlr. n nnTtrmnTio r.f Via WV......V..,.., V.. V V..U.V -, -w MU WU.W..,J .M .W.. V...W WHU V, V..U same efficient and successful management which' has contributed largely toward bringing the Company into its present prosperous condition and that the Company; pass immediately into the. hands of "officers and directors representing the common stock. We believe that these results will be accomplished through the adoption of the Terms of Settlement. - The Terms of Settlement are on file in the office ofMJie Clerk'of the United States District Court in the old Post Office Building,.New York City, and in the office of the Receivers, 165 Broadway; ''New'1 York (Jity, wnere printed copies can De obtained. They provide in effect: J (1) Common stockholders retain their existing holdings and will control the Company through its officers and Board of Directors; (2) Bondholders will be entitled receive, at their opiop, eighty-five per cent, in cash of their holdings in bonds or par for their present holdings in new twelve year six per cent, bonds; (3) Preferred stockholders will be entitled to receive $20.75 in cash and $75.00 in a new twenty-two year six per cent Tnort- ' gage bond for each share of preferred stock; (4) The Terms of Settlement are to be carried out under the supervision of tho United States District Court with the co operation of the Committee. heretofore appointed by it, repre senting' various interests in tho Company, acting in conjunction with Messrs. Holt and Odell; . (5) Messrs. Holt and Odell are to approve the .personnel of directors and are expected to become members of the Board and officers of the Company, with Mr. Odell as President, assur ing'in effect a continuance of the present management." Forms of proxies for the necessary' votes and consents tocarry out the Terms of Settlement will be mailed by us to common stock holders within the next few days and may also be obtained at i our offices at Court and Washington Streets, Boston, Massachusetts, and 25 Broad Street, New York City. Prompt action in executing and returning these proxies and consents to us is important. The Terms of Settlement will be carried out witlut the payment of any assessment by the common stockholders. New York, June 12, 1919. F. H. PRINCE & COMPANY. Referring to the foregoing? the undersigned approve thereof and urgeithat common stockholders execute and forward to Messrs. F. H. Prince & Company proxies for the necessary votes and consents to carry out the Terms of Settlement. ,. ,Ai( GEORGE C. HOLT. BENJAMIN B. ODELL, Receivers of AETNA EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, INC, The undersigned, being the Committee appointed by Judge Mayee and referred to in the above advertisement, approve the foregoing and urge that holders of common stock promptly execute and fo ward to Messrs. F. H. .Prince & Company Sheir proxies so that their stock may oe votea to carry out me lerms oi settlement. Dated June 12, 1919, - ROYALL VICTOR, Chairman. GEORGE MURRAY BROOKS. WILLIAM M. PARKE. ' JAMES N. ROSENBERG, SAMUEL .STRASBOURGER. HENRY WOLLMAN, D8oo Committee. J . NKK- tnss' II . ... . XI g- "-r'-- Kik.'Jl. " 9 . - II I lUltuui OtMCV I I 111 Ft'-'"i.l I -', - - - ' -- - - .... .- . ita i . - - i-' TIi ii ii s" i ylir"firm---v--r i ffliiiTnwiraffiiwwM '$&'' ' .- .: ""'S?V- ' " ffir,Tr .' ' ?,v "W!.- "rfS ALASKA MINES CORPORATION An established gold dredging company with proven ore reserve! of ?20 per share. Ou circular describes tho property, equipment personnel of the management and this summer's development cam paign. ree upon request-, xor circular uf. DAVIS & BAYLISS ( OMlwfty, Nw Tk' ' TVUi ift7iiw M i a i T. ,,.i.,v,uttHltMHUii.. . -?. l rT3&xLbf,vt- . iL.. S-Jia-.Ajii.iffiViX'A.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers