EVENING rUBLIO LEDGER mtiDELltoA, SATIJRD AT, OCTOBER 1 M w m &. c , a-k W fc a ir 1- M- ? K& 1 MX GKHSLOOSEN I HAPSBURG YOKE) Provisional Prime Minister $ Issues Declaration ot Inuc ';i-,' pendencc From Austria WILL FORM REPUBLIC President Wilson Likely to Ue- niand Complete Freedom for Submerged Groups , Wantiinstoii. Oct 19 TlemoldlnK nf Austrla-llungarv. with autonomy and Austrian confederation premised, comes too late representatives or the submerged croups said today that the old mon archy of the Hapsburgs must and will , be- destroyed Ah proof nf lis destined i disintegration they pointed to me riecho-Slouik "declaration of Independ ence" just Irauod here, w herein the provisional government proclaims a Ozecho-Slovalt, republic and refuses to remain a part of Austria longer The chief feature or inn tiec.a..i- , tlon. which Is signed by Prof. Thomas ;. Masarjk,, prime minister and mln-1 Uler of finance of the provisional gov ernment, as well as othet provisional ofllcers, are as follows i The Citeiho-Slovak .tn'e shall he a republic. It will guarantee complete fiee- ; dom In every phase of life, ami pro. ( vide that the Church sha.ll be sep aratcd from the State l Thrn ha1t lie universal surTriige: women shall be placed on an equal footing with men : proportional rep. resentatlon rhall protect the rights ot the mlnorltv The Covtriimcnt shall b parlla mentnr, In f'irni and shall lecog nlie the principles of Initiative and referendum The standing arnn "III be teplacei) by mllltla The nation will assume it part of lira VuMro-llungarlati pre-war tit lit. irtt the d.t.ts for this war 'shall be left to those who Incurred them" All l-eaths shall be entered into" openly and franklj wthnll secret diplomat' Allied successes, it is luld, assure the fruition of this plan Caecho-Slovak leaders sav the l.egin -- .... , . .. .., ntUR or tne enti nas tome n.i ..ut..- aj of ,e ,1(.t.aIa,lon of ,,, rlca of t0,,n tledaietl It 1ms I eaMill to be Hunnary , man Hn,i f ti,t. 0tUen. Kor these prln-1 lieve. AccortlliiK to tilth newspaper's T)upHcllv was seen in Knipvror clples our nation shed Its blood In tile belief, the Kalf-er abtllcatetl for neventl Charles's announcement that he would memornble Hussite Wars 5ti0 j ears aco. bonis nnd prubablv iveii hlsnetl Ills tnrm n. confederation of Austrian na- for thee same nrltu inln i.f uil. li.-r nbtlii atioli All UKreeinent of an ailllls- tlonalitles. a proisisal which Is tUite at variance with Tresld'Ht Wilson's prln- today In llussla. Italy ami France rlple of complete freedom for subject I v shall outline onlv the main prin natloualitles, which Austria's lal nole clples of lhe Constitution of the iVeeho professcd ts accept i Slovak nation: th.. final decision as to The compl'ete text follows- 1 'onstltuiioii itself falls m Hit, "t this (trave moment whin the Ho- , leKally chosen representatives of lhe henrollerns are ofterlns peace In order . liberated and united people to stop the Victorious advance of lhe ( fnlver.al sofTra.e lletocniied Aipeu armies mm u in.n. .... ...- . , - tli.l.tn.tllll.l ICt' It Mil n....t.... a .. Imi. ill.. Ilnnwlitirtrs are memuennriu ui .iu.u.n-......i,.... - -luin, mih. ......I i t -'lurKey. ami .n, - .m,..... ..,...,.. ,,. . . .1,.. it... ...... ..i.i.in.l 1 ' t hnml.iin. the federalizat on of the em- .-- .. Bu.i..iniec complete . . . - .,.. 11. ,.. f..:.... ... Industrial leaders ale tioing 11. ine, success " "" .";:..' V.." .... ""rl '"""' '.'.""". ..... ore and T autonomv to the dlssatlstud " e"n'" ' ton-clen,.,.. r. Ilglon and A iiunuren wiiiuow panes 111 u.e .... , ..,.,.., ... mdtlle uiiisl do 11 If the .anipiilpn Ir.i capturing the c:ote te tnaniiiion ...e charge Vrotn All s,,i 1 lnen borrow the spirit or tho rS .I..MnJiiM.. nmliteil to their rule. we. c'ence. literaltue and ait. speech, the pcil.il palace ill Ilerl ill were Mildhnetl .rl-.. Oct 1.- The (5erm.ni tie- ',., ,,110,,eed. tin; loan committee elllliha 1 iy position of the Krliinhlld Melluiig. , While this was going ou the Iowa . anil the regiment will fight at t the . Czecho-Slovak National ("nuncll. I""t'!'s n1 "'e right of asemblv anil u 11 rlotliiB mini iturniR 11 peace ueui- f,.nSr -oiitheasl of llniges aie le Kze paR! of the Argonne, and our laMiig ttoops weie filtering through the woods ' of the hat If any one suggests it recognized by the Allied and American """ '" 1 nureii snail lie sepa- onsiruuim vf...-e..a,. ... v....... h - prie,i to nave i.ee oKen. Tlie St. that every person may have an' of Hratidpre z rr: L -Governments as the provisional govern, ""f ''m,'u'e ,Mi"", r democracy lepoits l,cc';"J;l'7. "'''V, ' ' '"' " UelKliuis. maicliliig m lleclot. are ap 1 ,,, tllIlUv , enter additional sub.; Thn A,nerlcans In this -eclor have oc REAT, ESTATE FOR SAT.i: KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 ment of the Czecho-Slovak State and " la "'" ."" universal suffrage ; women Hie weie louted, tho advices Ml. ,,ro.-icliing A.ltre. (Fecloo is ft.uiteen .s'.Hptious. every bank and trust com-' ,.,,,'j themselves consolidating nnd - t . . . fSn in complete acord with the dec ,"'" ' ."'.V " " 'V,T"UaI tnottn" xUth TI'-,euM",1 "T, ' VT , r "I !- .1 In Vce "'''" Msl "f ltvw' te" ",l,e- '"'"- '. a. v in IMiiladdpllla will remain ..pen miMig U the positions won "ester- . ' V,ll.WU.lJll WIWTl-HII.AIiKI.MIU !5N. rtaratlonot Ihr ' I-PUtl made In 1 ?"' r,",'"- all, nl culturallj , ; lme and ,1 1.1 . onsideu.ble .laiiMKe ,.-t of (lhet and seven miles , tl, , ,, l o'clock tonlRht. JJoubUilK nf ."""T"' ,;,,, have kept up a ,r f, raiue on January 6. 1918, and real- '' hl of 1 ,h mnorlty shall be safe-' befote I.elnKjUspeise ,.,,, of A1u. , original subscriptions is made easy nm arti,e,y nre. Including sh.-lts S I 2ilne that federalization, and. still more, f, ' , ,T' "r,,on?"I,ref nlatl''t,: - .. 'ni" Am'H i,lM "'- I'Uil'InK 1 niltll by these llnanclal Inslltutlons. which "," 380 millimeter gun. 1 heard SS'L ItSl. .".".. .v.i .1,1., ,. iin.,. nillonai minorities shall enlov roun nnoiivitc ni'nrV'l'n IT C 1 n...i u...... mii .,,,.1 1L111 1.....1 mnnx. '. .n.. twtr 11 1 !hn,rr"m "L. "" ....' n a. fiflArf LtUIDHDIIiy. Illl-rtll li...iup. nn... -.-- . .,,,, w.i... ..... ... . . - . ' ttll Ifl.l I .-S l r.l I . 1 l I. .1. ........ 1 ., ... .tv..,. ,.... ,. ....uui ,11 ny ll.ll ...... ...vi.... .- - - - ----,.. ,,. , ,.ro .nptlH lllllll tl'UllJ. 111.". -rKSj."? .'-i.1 ?rD.ur "'"""' "..V..r.' '";.'"". u," 1 j..no iin imraiiu iti'iun iiiiii nr i K.- ..ui- rn iniH our uectutaituii ui n.'i.-iici...- "tr- lletrayed by llap.biirgs "We do this because of our belief that I no people should be forced to live under a sovereigntv they do not recognize. and because of our knowltdge and firm conviction that our nation innnot fieely develop in a Ilapsburg motk federation, which Is only a new form of tlie dena tionalizing oppression uiubr width we 'have suffered for the past JJOU ears. We consider freedom 10 be the llrst pre requisite for federalization and believe 'hat the free nations of cential and eastern l.urope ma easuj Mliiiitlrt they find It nictssarv. - .. j ... federate 'We make this tleclarallon on the Uiasls ot our historic ami natural rigni 'We have been an independent State since the seventh century, ami in 15:'C, as an .Independent State, consisting of Ho 'hemla, Moravia and Silesia, we joined Jwlth Austria and llungar in a defensive .flinlon against the Turklsli danger We thave never voluntarilj Burreudere.I our (rights as an Independent State In ibis "We claim the right . . . of Bohemia to be jval; brethren of of our national reunited with her Slovi 'BlOVUKia. ui".c ..a.. w. - ..-. '... later torn from our national bod r...a v trara neo Incornorated lo the VHungarlan State of Hie .Magjars. wno, by their unspeakable violence and ruth- less oppression 01 ineir suojeci races, i h.t lost all moral and human right to rule anybody but themselves. " i llual lonarrhy IndliteU t "The world knows the history of our struggle ogslnst Hapsburg oppression. ' Intensified and systematized by the Auslro-Hungarlan duallstlo compromise of 1887 This dualism is only u shame I .1.... Tlw, W....U .li.ua l.p..L . v..s. .... ., 11.11 ir-lll 1-1 IfVfltftlU MWtlilll' I rnlll lit'Ilt' "! I '"! IIITIH .. M..T!f,,:V'i Vu I ''" ' .h.rknisSt,,, .UU--h:,.i;ruM lenlv ... I'.-lden. VM - a.-a. . be.,,l tho high grouiul where 'whicVi'uiey l,adTledged.M,,,-e.ves ,0! M juphold. and we therefore refuse longer j ' wn- j,", 0'?ra.,,l(1 ,,,,. '" '. f, 'ad Uce-. I Ms .reaches American engineers, Jto remain a part of Austrla-.Iungary In . ,; - ' ' ll)(l ; "pl" " I " fl e Ue chstag wi" 1 sri,n. wo. kli.K under heavy muUilne-Rim Hre less organisation of brute force and ex-, I," dispatch to the I erlingske Tldeinlt ntnltatlnn nf the maiorltv bv the ,:!!ecli money Is in circulation, and the ploltatlon or tne majority )) in',,,,, MaB ,, ,,.r nrudsclilu ias m norlty: t Is a political tonspiracy of t(e the Hermans and Magyars against our own as well as the other Slav and the Latin nations of the monarchy The .world knows the JustUe of our claims, which the Hapsburgs themselves dared not deny Francis Joseph, In the mosr aelemn manner, repeatedly recognlied the sovereign rights of our nation. The Hermans and Magyars opposed this recognition, and Austrla-Hungary. bow. lnr before the pan-Hermans, became a colony of Oermany, and as her vanguard i affects the Integrlt) of tlie count. Is un to the east provoked the last Balkan "'' ""; " 'r'" ',f """' conflict as !! as the present world ?"!!!."" ..''I" 'l.'"-".. 'I war. which was begun by the Hapsburgs alone, without the consent of the repre- entktlves of the people. ,. ewe cannot and will not continue to live under the direct or Indirect rule of t tho violators of Dele lum, France and Serbia, the would-be murderers of Hits- sla and Rumania, th murderers of tens 'or thousands of civilians and soldiers of i 'our blood, and the accomplices In num. ideas, unspeakable crimes committed , .. ln this war against humanity by the ,f, two degenerate and Irresponsible dy. nasties. We will not remain a part ot a State which has no Justification for ex- Jstence. and which, refusing to accepl . ,b, fundamental principle, of modern . world organisation, remains only an aril- r f tVdal and lmmorat political structure, " hlnderlngeverymovementtowardde.no. l teratlo and social progress. The Hapr. iburg dynasty, weighed down by a huge Inheritance ol error ana crime, a per Mtual menace to the peace of the world, .3EZ.. .... I. mtw. Hill. .ftU-Q.,1 hill...... WM F UCVlll tl VU, WM. .wnn... I.U...MII- iJMt Its downfall and destruction. "fe reject the sacrilegious aesertjon poweror. ine Jiapsuurg nu aynaiies it or oivine f W Hrow tne Qiv.ne l(tb ITS.. FOE RETREATS ON WHOLE FROISIT m WItrmA. t - - t. - sTflt, r J l A -i jzjxjjw? ... : r'? , ivw'narA i i imitish faffdA -r3'- , , .e"viwrvtCi r ADVANCE SWwVirA?:" rTfciwolVr Ja jMlt7r.-a "WMfti.. jValenrlenne "rTnarlfroi t ' Arras OffMJl9t t' r,uti''tUfZf. ' . 9MI1XSA1XXV0 r Mt '""" 14 t A c 5 sMr)ntuwMi I f2f . r" SiL ,' J ' -v i cX. . VV",'P" !'''0SJVl rrffrrrt'"" ,vg-uTOT?S. S'liem, xTwK!7''' ,P"Cl..ilonjv1 'iSlmiflV ' 'OnitS INiiilonrjiieTv. Cliaivi " V ""MlnrUDuNv. sn'V . i . 7 . PVitrv'lrrncii ''' PROBA.BLE GERMAN DEFgWCE LINK j llapsburc dvnasi.v unwoith) of leailniK our nation and denj all of t lieir claims to rule In the Cretho-Slovak la ml vvliiih I we here alul now declare shall henee i forth be a fiec nntl Independent people and tiutinn "Wp accept and shall atlht re lo tin Ideitli- nf motlern ilemucracv. as thei I have been the Ideals of our nation for I centuries We accept the American principles ,t hi Id down bj rresltlent ! Wilton: the principles of llbeiated man- kind of the actual equality of nations -anti of eovernments derlvlns all theli Just power from the t onsfiit of the i?nv. i ernetl We, Hie uat'ain of r'oiiieiuus cannot but uiccpt these print Iples e pressed In the American I ieelar.it ion of ttl.l.ti.i.i.t.n... .1... ..!....t..! ... , I I.. i.iiijHHurilir, iur lit Illl-illlfS HI I. lilt Ulll. Allies, our nation Is shetltilnir it- blood "Tin- rzecho-.HInvak State hatl he a .,....,,. ' l,u""t In constant endeavor for llaniPlitary In form ami -i.r.lt n,..,., .. ....... , . .... .....- hip i.rmc i. fs or tnit .1 mil lefer . entlum Hie (.landing armv will i.p r.. plated by militia "The Cztcho-Slovak nation will carr. out fa r-ren thing social ami econouilc lefonns; the laige estates ,e re deemed for home colonisation, intents ... i.uuiiii.t win oe anollslletl Our nallnti will assume its narl ,.r it,.. v.,u-. Hungarian pre-war public debt the dehts for this war up nave to thoe who iucurietl them. In Its f..r.i... . .. .. . 1 lie t'ze.ho- 1 Slovak nation will accept it full h.t of respoimiblllty In the mirinls. lo,, 1 of eastern Fuiope .. - w ll accepts fullv I" ,".:. ....'. "'" .'""" P"''P'- "f, nationality and subscribes to the rl ... " . "i " " ..?" . '.I n. "."' '"."- ... ...... .., ., .nii.r in.- 1 ,iivi.riiin..iii u ;. 1 1 .... ...... .a,....-.i .' -.- . . - - .... i... ,i. . . ,... , ... . 1.1 ....------ . m -. -r... ---- ...... 1. ii.-i.i.. in 1.1111T11 1 1111 1 1 ni.i in., niiniiiv m in ..miiiiiiiriiini. iiiii.'.mi. i ... ... v. - v-. 8h.Il be e.itere.1 in o I,, ,,iv . , , , i pt-d as long us tlwre Is no agivenient in Kiigluntl led the assault ugalnst w itlo t sec rir . I loin'-t ' frn"kly to an armUtice. TI,.- i-.ly "i'l nenna'n forces Sntiei.cliecl en the setiei uipioinaij Uw p,.,..,,,,,,,,,, demands, eusteril sldb of the Selle Klvtr. The our oustltiition shall pinvltle an i,t ...in mukf fill tiler iieRiitlttlons were faced b (ieimun mur.ne dlvl etllclent. rational and Just governnient, 1 .... .ri.n t;,.,man war cabinet sinus, which put up n linrtl light. Ac whlch will exclutle all special privileges. ',. al'('j o'cloclf lust evtiilmr to del folding to latest 1 epulis the Allies and prohibit class l.gl-latlon. . . .,, ,i(nitc. form of the Human ' H B"li'l'iB Kiound ugalli.st the "Democratv has .. r.t.-.l ti,.....t n-i Mi 1 i in, nu Hi flKIUCflll fJI October, 1U1S .-phoi.- THOMAS H MASAHVK. Prime Minister and Minister of i-r.ll.e ..luiia.tr an.. .Villi SIrr OI ' fiuvHiiALnii mi lav it utriuvii. "Mlnlt ..f Vnii,,.,..i ii.e ' -Hit IIDWAIIP Ilj:i;S '.Minister of Foreign and of Affairs I f'tKCim iur oi'iwiu'l'rn t.AA.Hb AHL Khl UlilU) VrnVTDnf rtV nr tnm: l (Am I HOL Ot J'ltAGlt. ... . ,,. .,., ,. . 1'epei.l.agen, Oct 1 The Czechs are masters in .Prague, accordlng'to a Her- The llratlschin is the Kiemlln of old I'rague. The castle is the famous struc ture In which the Thlrtj Veais' War was precipitated. London, Oct 19 Tlie version of tlie t mauiiesto or i.mperor t uarits as re iclvcd here contains the following con cernlui.' the recoimtruitlon of. tlie em pire1 "nils leconstruction, wiinn in no way f-c-tlel protect common interests and Wi hrlng them to bear wherever a .community Is a condition of vital Im- l-ftf ""J,"-,, '," '. 'feTwill be es- ,ircal.. nwessary for a Just and rlght- , fUi solution of the great tasks resulting from the irurtlon of the war I'ntll i legislation Tor Hits reconstiuctlon Is completed evlstlng Institutions will r- main in force """J'TiV,.,'". 'jr?r,i !.' ! SSnSh 71 " a'r' everything for the reennstrue , tlon f Austria." , I The manifesto appeals to the people to "co-operate In the great task with the national ';V1"cniM,,.ff.rnX,u 'isi V win I j; ' J"-JmZ toX , Ia0h other and toward my Hovtrn- '',,.. -Mat- our fallierlaitil, ' the Manifesto i , oncludcs. "through unanimity of the nations It emhraces. emeiga. from the storms or tins nr n... '--ration or rreo peoples. Hod's blessings upon our task, so that the great work of peace we nre going to build may lead to the happiness of all my peo ples." The manifest of II mpfror was given In part In a Vnna dispatch yes terday Other dispatches indicate Aus tria to be divided. Into four Wales tier- .USiriail,, VtfTHi.M, Jl.jrr..l i real ment is MW u .,..,... r-1,.1 rin...eio... 1 . ' . . .. .. 1 ..nt iinim tin- fiHiiiiuiiH tlcllrercd n Will of Austrians Must Be Supreme ( enllittietl from I'ne One mints iii bis additss of l brunt v i: eiitliclv lunnrts th. tlet taial Ions matbt in the Motii W I noil atltliess on the Koimli tif .lulv last tv ( m'( I'rei' Ixinilon, uci. It. 1 Intervention b the iuIIiib flassen In Oriiiianv resttuetl the Kuiser after lie had iittuallv abtllcatcU ami Interfered 'With the seiullin? of u icply to Piesl I .1....I lltl..i't lnul mil.. thu f ' 1 1 1 I ill Ifl. III Hi ll ii-iiii i "ml in.iv, .. - ...........v tlee under WINoii'h teuns was reach til ami was actuall.v untler vvav when ,' ,,,1 r ,-t'r " nlmVnrrtrVusP: anc.,l.,,.n, of the ,., and restore,, llic Uitisei I In lonneetloii wllh this uptirt it Was iniifil that tlieie were m.m nimois eatlv this wtek of a reply already behiR n i out v. tin n neutral news 1 1 liters m Ived mndenburg ami' o I . 1. i.l in v lea e.s I ir its lU-ilVpoVtetl in, ae. mints' or lli'i it i rival in neriiu m MAY HE SEir TODAY (v the .Istnriafrii Ven IjiiiiIi.ii. lit t is llifoiim.tit.ii re.eived hele fioni lieu. i-.il Minirces toduv reR.iiiliiig f ler. 1 lllaliv 's leplv to I'resitlent W llson n ' m"'' is t tintllcting. - tlispatch fiom Aiilsteitlum sa.vs the rcpl.v will be fin wttrilttl this after- iition. accoriltliR to ativicen lcceiveti .11 t hi Diiltli capital: and the I'olltiu of l-'i)lienli.iBeil. vvhle not colli lining '---'11... I lliliil. iivr.ii III 1 111111 k!t v h 1 1 i 1 I III l(lH IIIIWIIHll'l""! ... -..- plv "will tlen the I'ie.sldein'H act iisi - ,. , ,:..,,n,, eiueltles and .let lai e ' , Ki.hmarI.iP warfare cannot be slop- innilfll I Illtr till lursinj. , Tim (irund Admiral of the Heel and ' lheVMJlf of .the naval staff lmv e a. - rlvettaS'-Uerlln for consultation over rivenjfln' Urri.l. nil 1-iilieuiiuiniu "in i. ,.1!KpK l. k.'lipllnep.l ili.it the ret.li will 'It ftvjjpellevpd that tlip repl lie nelwltn'a Itlll aciepiiiiiie no. a I e. fusnl. Tilff. Avoided ao that the tloor i will be Tejtij "Pen for fiiither negotla Hulls. ' ' ..n.1 . ......I.. . . .. .. ....1 l.ie lieilltl le.miie niiun .nr innu , mg of u peace demoiistratlon b thou- mna t workmen On Ilia other hand. the patriotic and economic ns-otla- ,tions. OncliitJlnK lhe glcal (ierman, Imuniifactuilng associalloiiH. lu.vo iHtlonled resolutloiih urging the oik. in- u.u.0.,., ....... ........ .;.r...."-h i " '""" "",r'nr- . .. Tlieie .was ai omer panic on hip e Her in iiniir.se r iiirstiav. iirroininu tn advices from Zurich. Maritime seem lties are lei.orted to have dropped 25, per cent and chemical piotluctb issues' '. ... ... . I fiom 10 to 20 per cent. Wilson Puzzles U. S. Politicians scribed llin.ooo and Samuel F. Houston ( untbiue.1, from I'ste One ' iifi.oOu lluougli the Third National make up this Federal Mpubll. all ibisH.tnl. to come uut of a coufeieute of nine-' (ilrsrtl 'Irusl ligures generate liumun beings re.entiy lighting -phe H'rard Trust Company silbscilp each otlii'r ami thinking Imbltuallv only jioas exteetl lli.OOU.UUU, uiul will prob In temis of iiiinpetltlon Is a dream at,) he liiiitused lonslderably by to- Hew r.r I. II l'o..bl, ! "'tJiV- Hank of No, tli America subscrlp II Is not that It has not us inuc.Ii ...,! i,,,r..siiiiielv. 17.800,000. substance as a dream, lie .11,1 nut get free trade, nor even an extremely low tariff out of his l 'origins In this coun try controlled by his own party uud In his own personal grasp. Hence the words or tlie practioner or expetiiene "so ranllf tlle jjm fl)l ,lHHi( ,,,) Its cUHto as iHisslble" ,inets How far is It .oslble- i-ompleie ic- Tn'e j,',ty Trust Fompany h nioval of tariffs all at mice would meini eaL.lltj ilu ,tuuta 0f JIL 370.000, ihuos. It would lalse qurstlnns of tre- Th). Central Tryst and Savings Com- menuous iiii..Jtia..ie unoui iuiliiiru "' living In tho Orient und In the ocrl- ueilt. II woui.i ir.Kii.ei. iirHu..i.et. lauor wit lithe threat of competition with the workmen of Japan uud China, ami' Mr. Wilson" Is building social democracy in this country In consultation with thu lepieseiitatlvrM of organized labor About all that may be i xpected out of the peaie confeience is the liiime.il ate an dunlversat application of the inost-favored-nation clause In lominer clal treaties und perhaps an agree ment gradually to reduce tariffs until ...:. i..t. - .....i...i. ...j" a ceiiuiu .......... mm i q i.-ui.(.i-ii , some ,i,e nice thn ugreeinenl giudually to decrease armament wnien is now counted upon surely All tl. steps toward a world peace organization will be halt ing and tentative of necessity, and "St bejpwially thU oiieof r'rmovlng economic Foe Beginning ' to Quit Brussels rtintlntieil frent rate One oppnslllon In the l.lllt1 Kiilicut and to the mu thwart). In most lilnces tllill. culty Is fminil In kwnliiK I'otitHct with II I I tlm ctiemy'H ninln foicos, tnvltiR uilu icos, mvli.K t,,il.l rapltlliy or the rottnil. llctwoen the .Seiisoo Cauul ami Hie' L..VK Uher tlm ietro.it fntcptl on tlio ' riirmv hi tht Alllml yurnAi.uAH .. tlnui'M. Ilrlllsh troopM. ptrftslnir for. i" rfogiesshiK tiortlnvanl. Jlelglan In :.....! .. ,.. V.y. '..nr K"",l1"' lll,vo (UrUKes has since been captured.) ......... i imiiifi iiiiviintf or over live , I '"'V'" . t inr trtmps ni tut iiiitlsli Mrst Army I iintlci command of (ienei-al llnrm. haw ronchetl the RPiionil line of Mar-tuietto-on-o.strpvniit, Miinny, ltcrHce. Kri'lln, Kftltislili) nntl Avrtj. Xorlh of Ahci the troops nf (Icncnil l'lunipr'a Spctitul A nny are east of ltoubalx ami Toiircoliic. Tnlln-nhuf nn.l llnnli'ilv 1.1. ll. 1 -I been c-itiitintMl bv tlio'llrltlsli. r... i. tact Tiieif an- eo.oon Inhnbltantn In TourcoliiK and 03.000 at ltoubalx, no. eortlltiK In an olllclal rieli(laii com munioation. The mun clnal ndmlnls. tralitins have been taken over audi there Is a milllclpiit food supply for 1 fifteen tl.ivs Several .stations, bildKos1 iiiml amiiiiiiiltltm tlepotfl had been mined ' South of the l.VK the lOllntrv is In. 1 tact, but the relrtutiiiK Hermans took with them a ureat number of men be low the aire of forty ' Tho (iPiiuans estenl.iv offered vIr i (irbuti leslstance on the froin of Urnges. Oosteamp. H'ynKheiie, Thlelt and Utistrovebehe. The resistance was I liruko east of ( lostcamp, between I WyiiKlienc ami Thlelt ami Oostrose beke. The llelKlmis, Hrltish anil French are conlinulnw theli FlanderR drive afier eiipturiiiK Z"ebriiKKe, Hiiikcs. Thlelt ami othei Important jiolnts and dearliif. the co.'iJ ! Ilv tlii' .Ittofi'afeil 'reiv I'liris, Oct ! The Krench tsmtlnile suceessfullv theli ntlvanee soillh of U'asslgnv ami east of C.uIhc, ticcord ins In the Wur Olllce statement totl.o. They have ri .idled lhe Sambie Cinal on n fioni of ijeuily nine mile Bouth of llannapii'". AltuiK the taiuil the French hold the towns of llaiin.ippes. TuplKnv and N'ovilrs. Sine (letolier 17 in this i'crIoii the French First Aiinv h:in taken mole than JIOUO prlsonei.s and Iwentv ruiis. Fast nf Iti'thr I the Germans! have liein driven from the tenitory be tween the Aifleiines Canal anil lhe Alslie. west of AttiRliy. The tuwu of Ambl-Haui has. been captured In ad dition to pi isonviH. On hill h luiKiie Hit Itles of VouzitTH in t'huni. Flench have cro.isetl the i Aisne on a three-mile fi tint nntl taken :; .-"' 'he heights lo Ihe east 11;; tl m''i' I were captilieii and several liiintlieil liiiMiiKiH taken. Further east the tb'hthic which has hetn Roiiiir op since TIiiii silay. hits ib'velopetl to Flench aih.iuliiRe The French suet eeded In making Vumv in the wooded degion I - 1U aiuMUlr.,,,,, Pre purled to be massing Jiuirledly In trout of v alt'iiclennes. rim i.iin.ii.iiliiii ..r Itiinru .. miu.it. hihIv uwaltliig thr 'tt Itimpluil entry ot . ... ,.u......... .. . ..... ., ,..,.... King Albeit .' ''" -"o'iilei Ve ' Willi lhe Allied Armies Iii Frame and IJelch Oct. 1H. British and Ameilian i.hois Mitith- f..,t of I.e r.ili-iii ca ilt.l 1S00 prls nnetsnntl 120 guns eateitlaj ml have , ativancen iiriotii 111111 11. lies since me lttack began, 'lhe llritlsli aie novi more, thuu tlllee nilles HOiltheUHl or Lille. On the Belgian mast. British 1 vvaihhips uie shelling the letreutlng He. mans Tanks manned b.v Americans ttalned ilespeinle icsistiilice or tile eneniv . Al 1 . . ilUlul. ,.,in,rt. l'"' Aiiieilcuu ur.il Urljlnli itifuntrj ' ept across. The tanks 1 e lped to ! el down the eiieiil "f ""V.1 '", ----.-, unl.k.,1 il,.l. ifirl- nn.l leugluteis hail rlnlshed their work, ant! thin went over Willi lhe lliruilirv. Drive On and We Win, Cries Loan. Leader - , , ,,.,,,,, ,lV '" eieefl us tiio.a of JlO.SOfi.fidO by -'." W and possibly more. The Franklin .Natlonul Hank .has e.- . . k.Ip.I lis mioia of $12,240,000 .,.',..,. ,r..e. v,..l,..,al Hank has " '".,":"., V;, 7,,n iioo. ti.""'" "" .." - .-- i- . i.iiiup -i .t he industrial toinmlt- 1 . .. ... ..r.nr. n rm has evtee.ied iih iiuoia or ..,....',"" bj more than U.00.000 V.... V.iilm, il lit... Ninth National Hank has subscribed !!iC:ooo.a'1'11,''',m1, maMnK a lntal of fi..i.ii, Vi.ilim.il It. ink has subscriuet. i.r.00,d(iu Htbllonal, making a total ot 13,000 Outi I'enii Steel I'.viiorl Coninaiiy has sub- a i...... v.iiih1 Hank subscrlp- tlons total approximately III.OOO.OOU. and nre still go'ng strong, The Ceniral Nutloiial Hanic ot run"' !.i,ai,a has subscribed for J7000.000 pany has subscribed I1,31C.UUU. -y hig stores of the city In ave gone .. it,. t,,n" uiii. snliHcrl.itlons ttggre- giitlug IU.058.OBO. This i JJ.ooMBO la exuss of their quota. The following Incitased subscriptions were leportetl lotlav llehnont Iron Compuny. IICB.OOO au dltlf.nal, making u total of 330,000. William Cramp it Sons, o date. 3. U6H.0II0, Hog Island, to date, J.'.KOO.OOO, Khlpbullillug llioup. Industrial Coin, tnlltee, lo date, Jlfl.000,000. "The last (all Is being Blven today 1 ' lielhlehem Experience! Wont Par ll.tlilel.elll. i' Oct. 19, uetnienem Its worst day In the Intttf yesterday had enra nsa epidemle, when 1 "W aJMJ epr7rted with six deaths WtfTlliJ l Official War Reports HKM1IAN Havre, Oct. 1S fPelaycd.) The main feature of the day was the vigorous reslatatlce of the enemy on the front of !ruj(es, Oosteamp, Wjnghene, Thlelt nnd Ooslroosebeke. AVn have nevertheless brohtu that re Hlstanco eusl of Uostcamn. between VI fnvli.MK ..h.1 rri.i..n ,w.V.V",.,:.X"" J",r" " nu east ot Southwest of Unices the llelalan aimy reallietl an Important advance. Al veral polnta It crossetl the canal t utiTilnjr from Ilrures In flstend and The Mecoml llrltlsti Armv Is also prtmesslns; voutli of the I,js and at several points una crossed tne ran nay riinnhiB from ("ourlral to Mous iron, In the cvenlne- It occupletl the towns of Tloubalx atitl Tourcolnjr. .S'oulhwartl of the I.vh the country Is Intact nnd very well cultivated, nnd very many Inhabitants are there. The Hermans, however, took with them a k with them 11 below the .. ,U are ,,.,. , creat nuiuner 01 moll Of forty. ,TourcoliiK nntl Ittiul Thero are bO.uOO InhabllanlH at Tour- I touiK Hint tiUiUUti at Itounaix. i no i Il.ll.llll... I n.lM.I..I-l..lt..... ..... 1.V..M iiiuinuini .i.iiiiuiinir.ttlUIIS llitti' I'Trn taken over, anil thero is a sulllclcht footl supply for fifteen dnvs Sev eral stations. brltlRea ami ammuni tion depots had been mined. llltlTIXII I.UIIll del II We made progress jeslcrtliv evm Iiir northeast of llolialii. taptiiiiiiR the vIlhiRc of Mnxlnjthlen and tom plellnR the capture of llazuel. North of thu SSensce ('anal the inl vancc continues, We have tlrlvtn the (lermau rearguards tioni Cmeitlil couit and I'eciiuencouit ami tne In contact vvlth the eneniv east of Vrnl and I'attelet Further noith our athaiiie tlelach inentH have crossed the Jtuieti Itlvcr between SahiRhln ami ChtrciiR and arc approaching tho latter village. I'ltll.SC'II l'url, (lit. I'l DuiinR the night the tiniipM of the First Aimy pursued their victorious advance ami tluew back in tlli-oiiler the. enemy trooim who altemiilcd at all costs to maintain their position on the west bank of the Dim. I p to the pit pent lhe Frt'iich have uached the t anal fioni east of tin fmest of Antllguy to the north of Ilaliteville. Ilanuuppis, Tuplmiv anil Nujitlm am ln our haiitlH as well ii oilier plans lirudeilng on the canal in the course of the lighting ln this legion since Ociolxr 17 we have taken mote than Sunt) prisoners W also have captuicd twenty riiiis, a laiRe iiumbei of inn (iiinn gnus ami imiitiitaut war matetlal, Inclutllng utile tinln loiitletl with muntiloi.s On the flout of tin lsi.e we have denied out the elifinv fn.ui lilt- legion lietween the canal nntl the Alsue west of Altlgnv. We ha vt IhIm u pos.scMflnii of Ambly-ttnut anil have enptuted prisoners for subset iptloiis It is for the public lo 'hurrv up ut.tl double up.'" Throughout tho I'lillatlelphia district a Hnal inoveiiient is on to fou'e tin subhciilitlons hejond the $.il6,S09.000 tliiola set by lhe Uov ernment. Tlie illuirlel Is nhservlnu "I'ei shll.it Day," llfVliril!IIfII IIV ItllU' I Mil in iitiU'itvino r.ruiniiaugii fin- oil 1,1 iiiul.,. tln-li litt-t supreme sac- I rillce tuMiniHiii the nenvvhoareglv-ltolioldimback Imr tlieU- all ."over tliere. 1 The. api.e.,1 has .,., ..utr..i even, liom! holder to double the amount 0 ; "l; ',&, 'nW an Olllll Ot trust ciiliinall e-. business nrins anil l.ii.-i. . ...! ..,.. Illieiest. Government employes at the riiltediw. "" ,, ,,. Br.a, ,,.,, (Stales Customs House enteitd I'iO ner cent subscription of 7.0nn. Thlt ,. ,.,.. ...... epitSlllM a l." I'll ..." iiuiriirr mi. the amount raided foi the Ihlid loan Two vvnnlH In 1'hiladelphla-th., Flghth 1111.I the Tweiity.thlrd.-have rp - iplved honor (lags for meeting their tiuotas Tlie Hag pret-eiitcd to tho Klgluli vViiitl lieais tour stais, signify- lng that the iiiiuta lias been tripled . Ih. Twenty-tlilid Waul Hag has two stars Tin if ale mine than elghtj towns In the Third Fetb'ial lleseive district ilia,' have rawed their uuotas Many of them ,iaVt, ,lC,.,l honor Hags with ..lie moieslais VIhIii Line liter Tup The Main Line went well "over the ion" The... towns 1 ece V eil Hairs- II. r. it.,.., llni'.in I'llittVil Vlllminvn nil ..t -- ,---.., ............. ...... Itosemont, Stoke 1'oges, Mellon, Swurih more. Meadow In 00k and Itvdal. Mure finnrltis to the ilashlmr cnmii.iteii III I'hlliiilelnlilu Is being given bv a fiont lo.lay that the Kaiser hud abdl flood or big 'Crlsl i'lub' siihMrlpllune. 1 c.itfd, hut no confirmation nf Ibis te Hundreds t the laige nibscrliiloiis poll from Dutch sources hns been te. made have n.a hem let e. veil ar brail- tiuariers as vet, becatihe many of the' ijlieilj I., an woikei's havt nut found tltite 1.1 ten. it Cihiv itinn win. I.:.. Joliietl the "t'llsls club" has been . -: . . . - ------------ - pressed Into -ervlco as a canvasser and today the bet htislmtss and pi.ifession - al l.ialiiH of the city nre at work help lng (o put over the loan Snmuil V Houston, piesldent of tho (luaraiitcj Trust and Safe Deposit Company, be came a member and worker of the club came a memneranti woruer or tlie eiuti ... i... 1 .. .. ...... ,.,.,. .... lutiuj w I.e.. .... eiitrii-.i ti 9..,t'nv sm- Vcrlptlon, Among the others who Joined the or ganlzallon vcie Airs. Sjtlney II. Hut chinson, who subscribed Ilul), oui. : Mrs Henry l. Hoile. $I00,U0H, Joseph (. llllner. $10,00(1; Alfred S. Hltner f.y, 000. and W Ferry Illtnei. JID.f.o.), "Huy more bonds without any cash " Is their appeal "The gnat muioritv of the large substilptlons aie matin on ciiilit. and the smallest 8iibcr,iionfJ tan arid should be made that way. If tho quota Is to be put over bv to- night, there must he many more "mi! lion-dollar buyeis'' and thousands of subscribers to bonds of small denomi nation. ' $1,000,000 offer uy RODMAN W iNAMAKEIl New Vurk, Oct. ID. Hodman Wann maker has sent a leleginin to lienjainln Strong, governor of the Federal Iteserve of the Second District, expressing his willingness to be "one of a hundred New Yoikers each Individual!) lo ,,yr an additional J!,0O,O00 of the fourth Liberty laian " "It has been given to us to do our pari III this wuy." the telegram con tinued, "to show to the world that there Is a great Almighty who cares for Ha lf we th. right. Might Is not right, ns was told on Calvary. Might is jlgin We will back up more American herois with i-ery power we have In sight or ever expect to have. Millions or men, blllloiiH of dollais. trillions pr food and over a hundred millions of hearts on to victory. Wh will fight until every drop of blood Is covered by Liberty Honds." John Wananinker yesterday subscrib ed for l,oui,000 Liberty laian bonds making a total of H, 100,000 he lWN taken In two davs. FEVER STRIKES 60,000 GREEKS icil Cross Rushes Aid to IliTu- gees on Mytileno Islam fly lhe United Pren Home. Oel. 1. The American Iltd fross U rushing aid to thn Island or Mytllene, where 60,000 (Ireek refugees rrom Asia Minor are stricken with fever. The expedition Is under command of Captain Wllklna, of .Baltimore, and Cap- sin a""!?,. " wiuiiix. Large ItantltlM. of fcaid, medicine and cloth- Are BHig ihiwh 10 ine inianti. Yanks Force Enemy From Bantheville Continued frem fi One u renewal of airplane activity with j S Ti Xi, SnAiffrTSm" or ' bodies. Uut the feature ot tlio Jay s aerial activity was tlio work of our bombliiK I'lnn'"". ' wpnt ovcr ln ' an armada of 140 ptnncH. flKhty In one ( i,.t n,,.l Wtv In another. They tilled , ttlie air ln a ureal vvhlrrini; ciouti. Shoilly after tlioy l",l e ir"" -violent and hirne explosions occurred ln ciPryleOinntle, Alncrevlllo and other pUtt-M. Our losses were Hllcht. ThV islvlnc way of the boche In a vvl I ravval of four kllomrt-rn In t ie I renter of our front nas u inwe eip ".",""' vln(f u a ureal vvedgo Into "'rnl.ll." potions It iliotltd he. .romemltl Unit only T.jursday 1 111- IL'IIIVIII." "' " . liotli of tU"- positions were orueteu ... i10 a nt all co.sin. k" The whole flerman line from tne sea to the Melise pivots on un- si-ciui .ivi.. the best troops of the nermali commantl has been thiown ngalnst the First nierlcan Armv to save the nermans' nll-hJiporlalit Hups "t communication. While the least sensatlonul tn ncconi nllshment. the task assigned to General I'lrshliiR's men may be called the nml Important on the whole, front. The Hermans ate paying a Hemendotis ptlce . i.m lien, as mell as they have We are able to pay " bigger price t put in.- ."' ' . . , , i .... i hint back H Is a toURh Jo but f"!?! winning sioi. -" ,-,,, 17 Thero were evidences late toilav that lhe (lermatis were vvlthdiaw i.. 'thfir main forces from the region of 1 undors-et-St. Heorges, the center of the sector of the First American triny leaving behind a screen of Ina rhlnegun nests. Our patrols, ndvanc ,- toward night Into tho llols-dc-llanthevllle, did nut eoirte Into contact with the enemy free llnillng al All Ool (. vet It (s too early to make any ntt diction as to Just what this means. Sulllce it lo say thst vv litre our troops iitel the fleicet kind of resistance nt the 1nvr edge of the IJols tie IJanthevllle tvterdiiv thtre was none today. Fresh flerman ilociinieat.s falling Into ou- hands continue to urge upon the Herman tiops the necessity of holding at all costs the front before the Aincrt- l The Hermans have been hastily con uructlng a semblance of n defense line running-, on tho average, two and ono . .. ...n..., imrU of the nresent line, and i.tw. vet anotlui hurriedly prrp.uctl position limning tnrougii uuzaney. vvc ... . i.iinw now what the enemy's plans nrP We know It has cosf him terribly In the last two weeks to hold on to the Krlemblld positions nut of tha Aigonne. The effect of the American iiillllcry fiie which wuh Incrssatitlj' heavy. Is tald, o have been terrific . . The Tiei mans nay- ........ - -......, lnfl(ll Ucgimm, fr Ohio, with a ' 'n ,eV ";! oppos v- "" ,, -" . ,,",,. ,, '",;",; ,;,,.' ,.. tliai lin -- ' ----- - -- ,.... leitaniv inai uov mm- tnni up .1. ... .1.- m Aui.nl It.... fi.ll.iiA Inn tlin noltimg vm- !...-.- r. -.- ,1... A .ia. nimu iiiulAri nl til ' .i.li.a. " nr eas ngalnst our troops. The wet wer enllur makes mustard gas especially , .ll.agree.n.ie 111.se uaJf.rca,.re .., 3 does the heavy atmosphere calim It to ' stick to the hollows where tap shells are tlnowii. but the mustard gas burns through wet clolhfs much more easllv ... . ... ........ Hum iiiioiikii .id Although htavy flghllng ha of rouise . of 1)(,uc,, Ti,py are sure tlie war li .about to mil. Sliange as It may seem l""- aWe"'' '"!" tight hard now I llfCUUM.- ......v n i iimir u.1,1. u.r e 1 lliej say. They nre ansorheu 111 the purpose of slopping the war before the Allied soldiers get Into German foil. A wilt less e port 'spread along the ''elvetl so rar. During the last two dns I have made ..11 .'ffutl to learn the efTett of' I In: prace ,1i. ....slm. t.nr.n lite Herman attnv from 1 -- u- ---.---- - taplured dncunieiils and letteis, In any statement this effect Is hard to deal with ' In generalities, because In nenrly every case the individual opinion of Hermans, which, of course, i elicits every shade of opinion, differ. Tint there is one result of tlin neflee . m . . .. . ' d scusslon. That Is that the moral ef- . . , ... I been sustained III that he feels happy because he belkvrs he Iiub only umfcw more days to go. Therefore, should peace not come right away, this Improvement may be only temporary. If one tries lo iindetstand the ferllng In the rank'i of the Herman' nriny oti , must realize that every Herman soldier Is kept Informed of the progress of nego- ' tUtlou. Toplts of tho Hetipaii notes and President Wilson's replies arc postid nt all Herman headquarters, and the Herman soldiers aie as well or better Informed than the American soldiers , upon tlie situation as their superluis see It. j Vlilually all the Herman soldiers be lieve the war Is certain to end very soon, I and look upon the cessation of hustlllilet as being just ahead. I Army orders froip grand headquarters and exhortations from ofllclals in Inline- ' dlato coinmnnd to their fighting units ' urge the soldiers to fight Ihelr best now. A tremendous effort Is being made to pi event the peace discussion from in juring the fighting quullllts of the Hei. man troops, and so far as the American flout Is concerned, it baa been success- I fully done. The Hermans have been told that to quit now would not muke peace, .This appears varied oftlimes with the' plea! that to fight best In tlie last round would i Keep the French, American and Urltlsh armies off the sacred soil ot (lorinany. This makes a strong appeal lo the Her- I man lighters, who, bearing In mind what they have done In French-occupied ter. I rltory, have a hoiror or th Allied nol- I dlirs getting onto the boll or the Father- ' land. tl its casualties ou lhe inrst 5 .... ,'Jiiiwfiyjs.. SKl3sEM f'lrl !!ffSWii'3iK'KK;T-'.: v. ' can army, the ordina.y health of f. .iaHtaffl M Mfkf$ gtt merlcans I excellent ln view- of '-"it wJ II WawFVtS-isr W'tftSfTI U isMllbAtllfSfjll ItlOl -j Ct! . AUSTRIANS ARE EXCLUSIVE Captured by U. S. Want Separate Prison Cage From Germans Hy EDWIN I.. JAMKS Special Cable lo Evening Public Ledger CovurtoM, tell, tv yttv York Timet Co. Vtlllt lite Amerlran Army It, Pranre, Cot. 19, A group of Austrian prisoners, captured by the Americana, Insisted nu being put In u separate cage from Her man prisoners, asserting that President Wilson had said he was going to riiake a separate reply to Austria 9.1 lhe peace note, which showed that Americana no longer considered Austrians to be In th same boat, with Oeriwaw. j Anyhow Ikey IflaltM lHt thest, not the same-jOft, 1 v ,J '' 4 j" s U. S. MEN' WIN 6-HOUR FIGHT FOR HILL 288 Ttvo Regiments of Rainbow With Glory First Five Desperate Attempts Unsuccessful Hy EDWIN I.. JAMCS Special Cable to Hvenint Public I.cdtcr, about the hlll.untll they hatl surround fyiirtght. itlt. fcu x-.m v,t, .. r. "Itli the Amerlran Army In Frame, Wet. in. One Ameilcan division which has been In the line more dayslhan any othet t the Fnrt.stcond, or Jlalnliow Division, one of the Infantry regiments of which Is (lie 165th, the ola sixty-ninth New .. .. Thl" crark division fought on the JIarne, fought In the St Mlhlel bat tle and has been In the thick of th nghtlng' between the Argonne ami the Mesne, holding the center of tho sector of the First American Army In the vlcln ty of Iindern at Saint ilcorges, a high key position lo the Krleinhlltl-Stellung north of Vordun. As usual, lhe division has given an excellent account of Itself. Incidentally It Is occupying now the Twenty-fourth Division headtfuailers that It hns had since coming to France. The biggest thing the Italnliow has done In this sector was the acconuillsh- ment ot 0nc of the most difficult Jobs - wiiv- in in.- mini iiiini-uii ,!.." assigned to any Amejlcan dlvislon-the taking of 1111) 283 at the nnr'hcrn end of the Hols Homngiie, liear Landers, s t M. lit tn get, Centrally in warfnre the iianio of some city or town Roes down In hlstoty as mat king a great light. Hut In fact more often there Is .some Isolated point which reptesenls far more In ef fort and Inipoitance than the name of pome town, For llnstiinee. Imeiica is thrilled at mention of the name of f'liateau-Thlerry. I Vetrtho actual rapture of that town was iiifv nnr ntinnrctfiu pair so tnmciut as the taking of unnamed hills north of the Ourcn. So taking of many villages by the Americans hi this sector has Riven names to fights nothing like so sanguinary as the conflict for possession of n bald top hill, wh'ch for lack of other name Is call 288. because that Is how many meters high It happens to be. When the Forly-econd Division was ordered to take Ibis hill It started against It fnuitallv. To make that part of the sloiy shoit it did not gel Ihe hill; it did not evtn get to the hill; but It did find out that hi Hho vvnetlf stirtehlng all aioimd Its I Ides the flu mans had line after line of barbed whe. tiench after trench, hun dreds of machine guns, and In the scrab ble on the ere! Vmie 77s with gunners whu knew how to sh.vi' them point blank I pass over the next four vlobnt at- If mpts to take that hill and come In one lalnv morning just before light, when .' ui'lliwifo YolU "'" '.'T ,"S"A' s,a-r-' '""" ''".'" ' '" ' :".'' ' '? , V,r ., """, ' .1" ".',"' v"'" ,11111 111111 ti nu-- itiiiK '" .i"- ; i vni . "ads nvi i to Hie ran Usui mn- Al.l.... 4 ....1....... ... ...... it.. ,.. I ., , u,,s nun irrm ... ...c,. un iur ... l.... .... ....I..I aa: H iaprj fin' ,1111 ssB-i.-ry1!" iSii f. liffm -"S" ' II '.tv i J III', 1 X r aivWiSs; - TtlmtKGmfammiLva&S i Mb A 1V1UIVI tn WITH GARAGE CHEAPER THAN RENT New homes, leatty for occupancy. Marlborough Itoad. 1.6th anC Marktt Streets Tinlna every 2 minutes on tho Klevated. Hright. airy rooms, stone ftii'place tn living roofii electr'e oi.tiets for fan nnd vacuum cleaner. One 5-Ctnt Fare.No Change of Cars : 14 Minutes to City Hall J'aiqucliy lluu.s, hot-tvattr heat, tiled bathroom with built-in sriowar. Come out today and see the biggest value la .a substantial homo that has been offered In Philadelphia. Take Market Stieet Hlcvated to Mill. bourne Station 63th Slrpet then walk one block south. RFTSI I PARRni I HUii.nr.rc. on i-rkmisks. 1 i i V'VVV,VVVV'VVVVVV - Barbed Wire Trousers A sure means of es cape from tiie miles o f cut a nglemeius laid down bv tlie HUN! One of a series of fanciful inventions, originated by Heath Robinson the fam ous British cartoon ist and illustrated j n li i s inimitable style in the PUBLIC LEDGER TL- M Tf . Division Cover Themselves ed It. This was completed just as aaj llght came, bringing a cold rain from a leaden sky. With water dripping from their tin hats, but keeping their pow der dry. the men of the lCCth started up that hill from nil sides. Let us tell It here that on the hill were 180U Hermans of a Ciuard division, more than 230 machine guns and 7t. The Ohio boys had not started De.orj they struck wire and eacit itir " f let mans In trenches with rifles ana niHcliltio guns. v.. nn. .iie to talk to those lowans ahotit poor Ceiman morale. As .they cut througji the wires the Hermans went at . . .. 1.1.- ...1...B .ml them with bayonets, wane ...... ---snipers' and muchliie-gun bullets, on the slippery hillside, with the German upstalrB, look place hundreds of hand-to-hand lights. our boys got th machine guns Into play, and they tell mn that machine-gun duels took plM nt twenty yanls and less. Five lines of vvlrti hatl to be cut. It cot Americans to go through each one, and It cost Hermans to try to hold each, line Our lads being well up the hill bv this time, our artillery was called off Many lads who did the bravest ot fighting tfld not come back to tell of It. Ilul those who came back tell of a ser geant who, when his lieutenant was shot down, led on platoons, and of one platoon who did not even have a corporal lo lead It ami was Jed by a private, who as sumed command until he was killed 1n a fight with a Heunan captain, who a. moment later was killed by the bunkle of the dead American. , right Lasts s, Hniirs All the time the two 77s were pump ing shells Into the Americans, but Just us often they were hitting Germans, until the gunners quit, The righting kept up slv hours, until Hie Americans got through the last wire, past the last trench, untl there, on the tortured top of that hill they took 107 Hermans The rest of UOO had been killed or wouutlrd. Our losses were con siderable, something more, than half of the Herman lossesv but we got the hill and they lost It. I speak of Iowa, New York and Alabama boys, and so on, but here It should be stated that the workings ot the war machine are fast obliterating that Identity Keplaocments are sent Into these obi regiments regardless of the Statu of their nattvlt) From these seasoned itglmcnts many men are promoted mid stnl to command platoons In raw regiments. Some axe sent baclc homo to train Hoops, nntl then there Is the Inevltab'e war toll of killed and wo ailed. I may Illustrate what I mean by sa.vlng that of mure than 3000 men who came to I ranee as the leath.-reg'- ...... .. .... . ... mem mere are now- sutneimng nae nvu . .. ..i . . ..... . i . OI lilt IllliilllUI Jll'l SUII1ICI. I1UI II1Q flCT old ones the drop i si 5 ip 'Z' i'. WA J VlV'lvVVVVVVVVVVW Jtn -in, WrT Tjm w WHjaaff SkM ..-. 'imi r 1 r ES2E3 tV .). been eVi - ' .AT''- A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers