tP m IMCTJiK mW i, . ' ,W - ' iii i-v i nr 1 1 " nalii1lr rr i-J ISft'" rf,fj !'1 T . fhi St bf n i t . .-i ' HAMU1 fflVE LOAN BOOST ST. - ;ak Record With 124,850 for One Dav t MOVIE SHOW TONIGHT ;Films With Screen's GrcalPdl IT fl . .Stars to Be hxhihited at Libcrtv StuUte too v iti.roiir (Chestnut Mill, Mm. V. . Mi r "' Ilhenny, chairman ni,;mi .DK.i.10 j 111.1..1.10 . :;i.(;:.u ! i IX, 31)0 ' i li i, mil 1,4 IK, I no i :!!)(!, HDD wermantown, Mrs. n, II. (Inr- ,,,r ev, Morth PlillHilrlphhi, Mr.. T ChretamAii Derrick 'J West Philadelphia, Mr., II, I'. '-v. Rlrhsrdann '" ' Ji'orth Iluriil, Mr., ( tinrle. " " 8. Wnrt. Houlh Philadelphia, Mr.. W nl -1 ter 4, Frrrmnn .. Central Clly. .Mr.. I'uiil Hen rfcta. Mill ZSorthra.l 1-lillailelphln, Mr. t. W. Mojrr Kensington. Ml., Hellish Pen Imore W Fall of Mchiiylklll. Mr.. II-.-ale l. AKrniiih f.lll.'.lillll 1 Toils)'. Inlnl (Jrand tntnl x:.i-jt.K.Mt ' . 1 l I.MHI.'.MHI j Women Liberty all records today. Loan wotkers broke Their leturni .honed $7,124,850 fur the iHvt twenty-four hours. While Hit! iiuula Is slill fin off. Ihere l the fecllllK that tomoiron w III 111 int marvelous icsults From 8 o'clock till uiidniitht lonlKht nnd lomonow n'Kht. thousands of Phlln. lelphlalis are expected to crowd ltro.ul street about the Statue of Libcity to see the first movie show the city lias hail for two week. Douglas i'airhank, llnrj Plekiotd. "Marguerite Clark ami othei turi will I"' featured In excellent reel" There will be four-minute speakers ami evtry one will be Invited to take buniN Olrls of the war savings (oinmltlee. headed by .Mil"- .Mahle .Molllik. lode about the city In 11 motortruck (Jt evening and sol Uteil sub.clpllons At Thirteenth nnd '"hi stout siriete ihrv obtained $U',SSi Aircraft rurtoM "Over 1 up" The Athletli i'IuIi of PhiludrlphU sub scribed $"0,150 thruUKh Mr Milton Herold, Central City district The naval aircraft factory, at l.eaKui Inland, hax raised Its quota of $4:!',uim Mrs !'crt,'e IHxim. ihalrnian Df the t'emmylvanla WunienV War Kellef, rtimrted a tutul of JT'J.ttm for yeKterdaj Mr V II Jljem In charpo of the booths, and a 1:1 ami total of (1,33, 2nu The Ilo IxiuW 1' Washbuin. rci'tor of Old Chrlit Church, turned iner Jlt. tCO to the Centrol Clt dlMrltt, Mra 1'aul Deiickt.i .Mill... t'hairmau. The Junior of the Allium e of Catholic Women linn obtain, d 1 47,500 Mr. Henr) I) Jump, chairman of the Third Federal lUecne Dlntrlet, n day received the follow ins froin New Jirey counties, Mlc Anne Murlhiine. chairman Hurllnetoti. Sl.Jlti,vSu: Mercer. $n47,Tui)t Atlantic 'ltj, JCST. 200; Atlantic iVunt, -.M!8.uMi ; Saletn. 1357,100: Cumberland, $41,73o, ilou cester. $17'J,8U0. Ocean, SISu :'i)0 To tal, J3,083,2IJO Mix t)tho Xewland re ported Wlliu ustoii, Lel . had a Brand total of- 4.2iJ,()60 1 Olrl Hcoutx have JSSl.ij.'.n - Troop 87. Miss Mar- Farnum I'aikard, -f cJiptalnlH In the lead with nuhHcrlpt on aggTeeatlnit SISS.SOO. Troop US. Mlx l-Irnllln ICohu. lapiam. Is second with 1129.000. MIm Acne lliotkle. in thiuue of the booth nt the Commercial Trust Com pany, under the direction of the l.'mer j;ency Aid aides was Rlen 1 redlt to day for two I la.-.uiMi Mibscrlpllons from lira, James II MacFudden and Mrs Jasper V. Brlnton $34,000,000 Advance for Loan, Recorded Continued from Puce One Iwrs committee has gone oer the top The following big sub-, rlptions weie reported today In that committee Hardwlck & Magee cnnip.un JK..". 000; C H. Masland & Sons, fi 20.000 Thomas Potter Sons & Co. Inc. Jloo. 0007 Bush & Diamond. $70 Odd , John Bromrey & Sons. Inc. $511.000 , (!eoig W. Blnbon Company. $5d OO11 ; Con Koleum Company. JCO.uixi; Phlladelph a Axmlnster Carpet Company, $30,000 , John Gay'B Sons. Inc , (37,000 , Archibald Holmes A Sons, (31.000; John Hamilton ft Sons, $3n,oiu; Ilugli Nelt.011, (.10.11110; Philadelphia Carpet Company. ("S.iiini . nobert Carson & Sons1 (18.000. Oier hrook Carpet Company. (lii.miO: Alva Carpet and Uug Company. (15. mm, Itobert ('Iceland's Sons, f 14.000; Fdd man, Armon & Co (; V 1 lnni T Smith & Son. (12.000. II O Fetterolf 9ompnny. ( Hlrat-ltoKer com pany; (10.000, and Henry Holme Ji ' Sons, Inc.. (10,000 In Clly Hull Tlia Mayor's Liberty lian 1111111)111 Ue reports that the eniployeH of threq City- Hull olliees hae gone oer the top with 100 per cent subcrlptlons. The Bureau of Surveys' office has subscribed (67,500; the Department of Supplier (57,050, and the Department of public Works, (63,050 A. Schoenhut & Co has subscribed (50,000, of which ('.'S.Oou Is from the company and membeis of the ttrm, and (25,000 from employes Of the forty -one districts of the Lib rty Loan organization In Pennsylvania two ore oitlclaily reported as having exceeded their quotas. The Main Line district, with an allotment of (1,453,. 370, and (l,i;o:,000 subscriptions, old dally reported, and Mifflin County ills trlct, with nil allotment of (1.108,400. and subscription otticially reported of (1,456,550. Additional members of the Crisis Club, an organization composed of im tHotlc 1'hlladelphlans who pledge them 8ti? ("elves to "borrow and buy" various sums ffl Vto tih the city's quota nearer the (59,- vlf S 000 goal are' n.i...i i.- ........... ... ..,.. ....... v. 7.7..L ..... . .' ,. . -...'.IV' ... pun, tiiiv,vv.. i any limes, .a,uuu , Heorge W. Kdwards. (85.000, and Frank M. Itardt, (10,000; A. V Morton. (iO.Oop ,' Charles C Knight, (6000 ; Isaac Tatnali Starr, (100,000; Itlclmrd I.'. .Vor- t ton, (15.000; Howarf Heinz, (100,000; 'Samuel M. Vauclaln, (250,000, and Mrs - Jt. T, Stotesbury, (500,000, The textile groups of the Industrial committee have boomed ahead with total subscriptions to date nf (30.000.. BfO, The allotment of these two groups wss tiu.uuv.uvv. which was raised tho Arit day the loan campaign ooene.t Vnllv in nnn nnn of it.ut ii.i i ' V , iyi .;'... .! ll lm? btenl Mteed through the borrow.und-buy" I ws of ine nanKs. Tberei Is romp uuestlon as to whether Aldlne Trust Company or the Box- .hi m-..u ., . ,17T ,. . . . - ' " ... miiii null i uiiiouiiv uhm in. op.r 1,1 ,BL complete its allotment Tho rvcsirieu io.,uuu anu ine Box V. tann nni il ..... . ".i'.,u'. "" exnti uiiiounts re. 'U them rattvr rMtt In Infbients ia. vrr aiestltl. FATE OF SOLDIER fflD FROM MOTHER ' Sister of Missiim Man Fi ears to Tell His Aged Parent KOll? I-'KOAI HKK1. DKAI) j Caauully Lift? iNuiiic .': I' nun nun Pliiliulclphia and 16 V Noarl carltv IVtitlnc that the xliock nPtw,ivm a teliKrain ttlllnif of hi helliK wound ed, dead or a ?rloner would iro t -n much fur li'.s aed mother, who live III Xeu York l'ilnte I.eomtril I l!n ttel of that clt, olllclntly lefolted 11 mllilR n toda) h i'tiUMlty 111. Kae as hi emem-noy nddte-s the ledenco! ,.,, UlaMrf ,,,. ,,u lliallc ,, . of lil .Istrr. .Mrs Maurice Mlc'iul. hunn in .Ids I Fmiikfnri! Heiiue 50;'1 Schuvler -tieel I'hlladelnlila I l'"M Tli II.I.IAM MKI II i:i. -'""Jier Mi.ei, 1 niiniiPtpiiiit ,iTled l a member of th- field 111 .Mf Mlihal Intends to keep the tie liller milt attiichcd to the .T-'Sth In to heifelf until she receHes deHnlie I f""" He had III left linnd blown otr II11 11 K'enude durltnr oine I10.n1 HkIii woid as to the fate (,f her brother. Ilcr'liiic ali.111; the iiikhi IIImi aic-oidini: i,.V1u i motlter N ill ami the unrertnlntv 11 to 'V " M'r, r"eleil b friend 111 th -.... . cll l'i'ate Noida.ihei fnnnerh na? tiBlipemil to I.eoliatd. Iter onl) .led ai ISIf. I'JasI Vlnioieland street son. probably wou.d proe too much' ttl'TWN AI.IICUI . IHMII i:t , . , ., , , , , , . 1 cosed 1. one of the few otllcer of Tor lier. pliyslclan have Informed the the old Thud lleKiiueiii. National tiuard daughter of !,eiinlMinla who wa lelalned In I'rhale Cneel was born nnd edn- 'cotmniinil of hit tointiariv w Inn th" linn ci. led In Haltlmnre. Kraduatinc frnin'";' mergpil Into the IKitli Infnnlr John Hopkins fnltersltj with honor Hn wp'" ln, busine In New Yolk. nnu wa one 01 me wa one of the first men drafted from l.iat city Trained lit Camp l'p ion, he wa tent oversea spring ( ID. I Nt tut 11!. :n imin, The total on the omblned ca.u.iliv I im todav from Phll.'iilclphtn Und vliin It.v Is forty -nine, thirty -three of thee being from Philadelphia, while sixteen are from ntarby pout. The day's total for the country at 'large is only ?1T. or which nuinbvi foi-' , ty -three an ftmn Pcmiylvanla ' Three Plilladelphlalis have been killed In action, one ha died of wound. twenty -tlitee have bi en woundid. two are inissilig. thrie, uclnilly npiiied. 'missing have 1m en located at Camp, llastatt. 'iermniiy, while fiom t'earby town ,11 e dead SKETCHES OF THE HEIiOES n;.i (ifioiidi; iiovvimi, nlHM.te corp. was wounded oti Septem ber 1"', according to u cabligiao 1. le.wl by hi falhei Ceorge 11 Howei of ToneMiale. a metnlier of tji . . . mum luting firm of Henry Bower and i.tay's Ferry 10,1.1 1 uu. Ilowir enll-ted In the summ r of 1 year when just past hi twenty-flr-t i.litliu.n He .'lowed a natural aptitude I for a soliliet s life, was rapld'y pto- Iniottd and eventually won hi cotnini slon tlirough sheer merit Lieutenant Bower Is a graduate of th" Hpi.copil Academy anil of the I'tilvi rslly of ' Pennsy Ivania Hi wotiiid Is not serious and i piogresslng satisfactorily llli father In en Infni tned i,ii:iTi;xr ci.inton p. MlWtlOll). ollieially riotted a pri omr a c.mip, Cermauv. had previouslv In en ic potted killed by Ma jor Theodore ltoosevelt, Jr The latter ' wtote to L euleuant New hold's wife that Inr husband had dli d the diatli of 11 vetv fine solillir and gentleman ' As l.leu'eena'lt New bold was latei of- Ifliinlh repor.ed missing. Mrs New bold refused to abandon hope, went to Wash ington hixlcgid the lied Cms olll-lals tin 1 e ami vesturuav was successful In re.eiving di Unite word that hi 1 hus band was alive and well, though a !. r tnan prlsonei Liiutinant ami Mis NewboUJ were married during the short furlough v. Iiidi pn ceded his depurturo fur France Ills wife was toimerly Ml Alice lllitrldje, of Washington. D c. ' Lieutenant New bold Is a graduate of iiie iVntial Hah School of Waslnttgtoti, and aftctward attended the rulversitv if l nnsy Ivant.i He left colli ge before the end of his iviurse to go lino hiisino for lilinself. and at the time of his eti IIMnuni In the olllceis' training Corp. was a patent attoniev at Akiou. . lie was .0111111111 tied on August 10 1'Jli. as IliM lieutenant The father of Lieutenant New hold i I! M Vewhiild 11 special ugent ot the Pennsylvania Ilallroad, lesldltig at I2'i Poplar street. Wayne, where the voting 1 tile, r's w-.fe is nt pi event making her home i;;ti.i: wr iiti;ni,itit it I., n vt 1:11. killed 111 action, vvas the uineietn-y ear old ton of Dr and Mrs. Lois ! B.iuei :u;S! Nurth Nineteenth street. "Tell mot lie. I died game" wa hi last mrs Mige foiwardtd bv a .onirade to 111 stricken p irents Sergeant Bauer was a' member of Conipam !. luifh Infautiy He enlisted In the old Flrl Kegltmnt. in lcH3. serveil on tile border and at Head ing. Pn . trained nt Camp llamock. and went overseas on May J, PMS. He received hi seigeant's ihtvion while on the trunspoit On August 31 he wrote home thai he was In good health ' I Bauer was iinplojed by the Hlectiic Storage Battery Company, Twentieth street and Allegheny avenue, and was born and educated In Philadelphia He , is furvtved bv his parents a biolhui, t August K Bauer ami tluee half brother. , pin ti: wii.iivm .i. ui:i:s, .lit., was Miunded in action on Septeni btr 15 lie wrote to li's parents, .Mr. and .Mis William .1 Ci-cenan of 15'.'0 1 South Fifty -third streit. thin he was getting along niceiv 'Just 10 make you feel good I am sending you the piece of shrapnel that they took out of ml leg." he 11 ilrt id He is a member of Company K. Twenty -eighth. Infantry I.ILI TI1N.WT .IWOII IXI.IlMW, killed In ait on on September 5, wa the son of Mr and Mt.' Isaac Felduian Menhanlvilli , X .1 He wa formerly employed al the Philadelphia potolllce and was a member of Company D, lluth Infantt I'linvii; sii'tii, ii'. purled wounded in iiition. was only nineteen yeJirs old when lie Joined tin old Third Keglmeht He saw' servlie on the Mexican burdir This Is Ills sec ond lime In the hospital, being hadlv gassed lHst June His shtei. Miss Alice Scuttl. icceived a letter infoimlug liei that he is rapidly recoveiing at a base hospital i'iti.Ti; jmi .1. initm. wounded In ui lion, lived al R34 South Vogdes street, with a slater Mrs Maiv SJiotwell. He enlisted ill tile National Cuanl In June. 1SI6, served on the border and went oversens with Company' c, 110th Infautiy. In May. 1917. in a let ter dated July 20. he tells of going over the top "Last night we returned from our fliht trip to the fiont We have gone over the top I have played foot. . ball, imscouii anil ivery otuer spoil, but 'none of them gives one-half the sensa tions of going over, lie wiole He was president of the Westmoreland Catbullc -'lub and has two brother In the service 'one Ul niiom, i.ruouiu, litis lieen ill i France for u year COUPOUAI. fl. li II. COItilllll. rcporieu missing on .vuguex i', last lias been located at Camp Langettsaza, Hei many From the camp he wrote to his father, Kd S Cobaugh, 3734 North Klxttenth street. uklng for letters and a box containing food from home He wrote I was captured ut 6:35 a, m July 15. while engaged in the battle south of Chatenu-Thleriy of course I lost ei ei j tiling except what wan on my back at the time 1 suggest that .vou send u box containing lazor. soan. 'towel toothbrush anil paste, tomb and btui'li. two suits of underwear, socks a little munev. small mirror, cigarettes nnu also fome eninuies wu en win st the trip. Advise my friends what happened, and give them my uddi and nlso some eatables wh ch will stand has opened, and give them my uddiess, Tell llifin to write as often as possible ! lull it., mil li.ol: for nunc lMrters front ' me- ' understand we ure allowed to u,nH luri letfelii opr moiifli iin.l one I - -- .- ----. ,-- ... ..... -.... v..v ..rt-inl ,. m u uaL- " postal per week I PltlVATi: JOHN I', I.BIT, wounded, lu t iiatiheiii' rt. Iluirnliiiiiti (fliiltiol 'P n n iitjuu ii uvivinniii iiv.ii'ti;! (. i Doyle, nf the Trenton avenue and Dim ' phln street station He was drafted 1 in autumn of last year, trained ut Camp Meade and went to France In I May of this year with Company J, VALIANT BHIHmSEii?, i n5sfcd? i3S HJ5JHBh HHlsiiiflH&iZl IH iL. A .VICrOKCRAIG CCRfFCMlLLMAN NuourwJed Pnrforver ," I I I I I -JESSKM MILLtS-rt7ANKUNWEHMAt4.0LtWEDIClMAt?T aA(?ENCEfXX:KLEW vourxded vourvlcd He 1 now in a base hospital at Paris nnd 1 riciverlng tapidlv I'lin mi: i:iu win .1. vit i.i.k.vs, of Motion Pa. s'ud to a leiiir to hi inotiiei. Mr Sanih Mtilligan tliat hi had been gassed lint wnf recovering rap- dly He enlisted tli week wai wa de ilarid when lie was noi eighttien veal ' old He Is iitl.i.'hiil ' to Company A.. I loath liifitntn, and was employed bv the Petiusv Ivania us u clerk t I'UIVMI, JtMl! ski:m:, wounded I In ailton mltsttd In the llfith Canadian1 Oversea Battalion In October of iHSt yeat He ha In en In Fiance for more than six month and has seen mm It ac tive seiviti teligrain fiom the1 Canadian War Otlice at Ottawa lufoinieil1 hi vi lie who live at i83.' North Orme stteet, that liei lnisbanil bad, bien admitted to a base hospital. nitpoii i. i'iti:i)i:iticK t-. mill. MN. prlsonei wa pri'Vlousiv repoited nilslng bin ba now liei n located at Camp Itastatt. tieiiiinuy lie enlisted in the old Third P.eglliieiil. , t! P, III Mar of 1'ilii. served through the Mex ican uuHh i 1 ampaigu. nnd at Catnti llau- 1 . k wheie lie was's.'tit for final trail'- 1 eg In wa attached to Contpanv C. I lotl. Inr.iutiv Wltile al Camp Ilan .1. he x'curtd forty-eight liotir leive 1 line t., Phlladeltiila and uiairied M's 1 'atliarln Flaiinlgati, of till city Site 1 as I., e.i informi d by the Intel national ' I'.'d i'-os that her 1iu"hniid i alive audi well Mllhnan was fornuilv a waiter iMin ri: .ions .iii, wounded, j enl'sKd In the Sixth lleglinent. N tl P , in Vupust of last vein and aftei several nioii'li' ttainiug at Camp Hancock wa ass'gne.l to the headiiu irteis companv of the tilth liif.intrv He I twenty seven veer old and wa eniploved In a grouiy stole befoie Joining the nrmv III parent live at I ll'i Vortli Dovir street IIIKI'OIIM, .11(1 OK . t KAIL, wi.tinde.l joined the Sixth IJegnnetit. N" c, P at the time of the Me can botdrr troubles served through the Texas ram luilirn did guanV dutv In the State vva t ruined Hi CaniTi Hancock and (liiallv i.sgned to Company :,. 11 till Infant rv Ills pirent. Mr. and Mts William .'ifiig. live at 2JII North Carll!e strict Peace Demand Causes Wild Scene in Diet I intliiiiril from l.nte One Tli-re ii. e Island of Slavs- ,.ni mg lie Human and Islands or liirinnns mining Hi.. Suvs m their an man twl "gin iuies wheie the ia.i tin nnxei IllexllldlhlV Jl.lliv stlitesini Ii believe lliat the only w.n out nf the iPllli ulty will be llm Men tion of a IVdii.illred State. In which all i.ices loiiierned will rccelie a fair repre sentation one obstacle to such a solu ton Is that Auxtila has wa'ted loo long The national independence of the Czciho Slovaks has been recognized, and thai of lite Jugo-Slavs is sympathetica!! te garded b the hading Allied countries But whle tile pence colifeitnce wail utua I doing her best to . nine to terms with her own subject peoples Hudently Hungary Isopposul to Fd- i .1 1 Ion The Mngyiii. In any Justlv rtpreenlntlvu Stale votlld play an e ictdlngly minor role. .More over they have bun l.arsh In their Uoverium tit of the subjul Slavs and si composition , with them In v'ltltally Impossible Tlteie-, fote she hu broken away from her old i.ssociiutlons Pirltaps bv tnakliu ' iUli'k rusll Id covei slle lloo to ga " something as Bulgaria hoped to gain something by deserting the CentluI group A .ign of surrender Bui in liny case the break-up of Aim- ' nla-lliing.iry Is a sign of the sumudet thai Is i ouilng. The Ucxtlnu now ho lore each country Is one of saving as much 'as poslble out of the wrickage Appatently Hungary has uu conlldem..' In her capacity to save much luting as a part of the old dual empire On the military s'de the Ins. of i.i'le and Doual Increase the piftiie upon He! many to hasten her ac i ptam of tin Piesident'H leriii . I.llle w a a pivm ii JUDGE GILPIN GRAVELY ILL i Son of Former Mor icliin of NorvoiiH Hicnkdow ii Judge Bernard Hllpin, of the Munic pal i ' t is seriously ill at hi home. :I'.'.1I Spruie strict, following a nervous brink down lie was foiced to relinquish his duties on the bench about six weeks ago S'uc'e that time his coudilloh has grad ually giown worse. At his home this morning members of hi family said his condition was grave. i Judge Hllpin was botti In thl city, December 22. 185. He is a son of , Charles Hllpin. who was mayor from 1850 to 1853. He was giadtluted from ! the Fnlversltv of Pennsylvania Law School In 1878 and was admitted to the bar the same vear He is a member of1 Hie I'nlon League and a number of other organlatious. lie was eleited a Judge of the Municipal Court on the Republican ticket 111 19M when tho tilbunal was wtarlnl I'hoto-i raftr Jll)(.K ilFH.VUU) GII.IMN l Im It seriou'ly ill at his home, the retult of a nervous lircukdowu CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM LEONA.RP D ENQEL- VWM.MCCLIMTCCK- MlSStna wounded. . vwounded Killed HIUU xjeourvded position in llo 'ietmaii line in Ft an. e It wa In the noitli what Mit. Is In the south lis loss Is tremendous In". And whit! Is of most liuimrla'i'C the slgtilllcatice of the loss I'linrot be con cc.ileil fiom tile Human people I'iielr ! write! h have told them over nod o cr again of the Importance to the i iei man aiiny of holding Lille The oioin'e of I the nation will be vastly ufi". 1 1. d '. the latesl Allied vlilon i rniy Opinion 1'onsrrvallve Aimv opinion hue tipon Hie military situation Is i onieivatlvc, s dispatclns I ruin Huglaml Indicate hint it I In l.on I di 11. nnd that conservatism has much j to do Willi the doubt expressed by many thin pe.ue is icall.v near Ulllcer say that t lit- ieiniaii army I letlilug In goad order that there me no lgn of c f detiiorall ntlon and that Hie enemy sieiii cipaiile of long leslstance But ami) opinion iia all thl sumiuei eind on iiie side of ovvi est limiting 'lerinatiy's iiinalnlng iiillltniy capaclly. In June It wis the opinion not merely of the Ailnilnlstrallon here but i.f the Allied inmnmmliis at the front, Including Foil' himself, that tho Oennnns would be i.ble to keep the offensive In their own hand all summer and until cold vi il.i. i stopped mllltaiy operations The be.i they thought tile Allies mid thl iinintiv could do would be to re store the deadlock by next spring. Vet' a mouth Intel the iiioce.". of Herman de feat bt Kim. As the Hermans approached the lllndenbtirg line on their way back army opin'on was that they would be able to hold Unit position till winter siooped the lighting The best predlillon March lould make only a few weeks ago was thai the war would be won In I'i!i. Now even Hie most conservative nrmv opinion se(s the possibility nt least of a uilll- tarv decision this yeat AUSTRIA IV ILL DIVIDE AS FEDERAL STATES II v tin' Amoiinti'd Vcvv llerne, Oct. Ix ll.n on von llu.sarck. Hie Austi'.an Pi'tniler. ha tirade the announcement that Autrlu I about to be ttans. foi tiled Into Federal State, accord ing to advices received licie Ih the Awtclnted Pre I iinileii, Oct IS The federalization of Auslila ts foiesliadowid In Willi dispatches lecelved through P.euler's Mnsttrdain eon e'spondent The dis patches declare that Baton ion litis sarek the Austrian Premier, lias sum moned a confeience of the party leaders to discus the Issuing of a pioclBina non liansformlng tinla Into four -tates namely. Heiiuan Austrian, Cz. . lio-Slovak, Illyrnn und Ituthenlan. with a common head, common repiesen. tat ion abroad nnd common defense. According to the Berlin Tageblatt's Vienna cornspondent. savsthe dispatch from Amsterdam, It I expnted lliat the Austrian ICniperor will issue a prnclaina tloti today Invlt'ng the iepectlvp races to prepare for the formation of Federal States. The uuestlon affecting Buko wlna, llumaiilH, ft nla. Heizegovtna and Poland, the dispatch adds, will be left for further arrangement with the nations concerned The Federal Slale will be under the Hnpsburg scepter. Dr.- Aloxander Wekerli,. the Hungar ian Premier, says the Amsterdam dis- patcli, referred to the matter In a speech In the Hungiiilaii Diet, nnd Is quoted as having said "Austria has organized herself on a I'edeial basis. We shall tnke our stand on the basis of a personal union " REICHSTAG GROUPS DISCUSS IVILSOK NOTE v ifie Aiaciated I'resi neritc, Oct 18, Piesldcnt Wilson's icply to the Clcr mini nolo has created u new stnte of affairs In diplomatic diffusions rela tlve to pe.ito. It Is ii-poi'trd lyre from (iennan sources, und the Gerniiit) re ply. It Is said, will make It clearly untierstood that the tone employed i by the Piesldent wuh oppn to objre- 1 tlons. Tlipre Iiuvp. been passloiiiite dlsuus slops of the President's reply ut meet ings of till the groups of the RelchRtnB, hut no line of policy luiu been deter mined, lilt lioiifili them has been pro louvcel dellheiiitlons on tli" subject. The presence of Field Marshal von Hlndenburg In Berlin Is believed to foreshndow the drafting of the Ger man reply to .Mr. Wilson, Under tho 1 circumstances It t tuicertnln whether the Helchstus will meet tomorrow. I. . UNUSUAL, YET DIGNIFIED FAT Thm Matttr Car For immtdiate delivery. Choice of colors. 1827 CHESTNUT STREET JOS mambbrhv Nvourde3 ?J.l XL CHfcSM AELEY.. -THOMAS SMITH ourvded wourdc3,. Americans Capture Important Hill ( niilliineil frnni I'slte One the heart out of a brass monkey Sun ny Fiance may seem all light In books, but just the same I wish thiy'd linns fir till war to the deseil of Sahara 01 some place where the sun shines. any bow. once a month. V fellow. don't mind the boclte and silt lis und inacliine guns so much, but (be mud and lain"' This lad meant everv wind he said. 'nnd theie are several hundred thousand young Americans chewing al the .foe .JAMES SKENE. .affJiajMgllflaKM. p)JHBpw,waHN 11 line noith of Verdun who ague with inoniu, nflcr an lllmss of elglit tlays. Ill feeling Their job Is not enlivened i I'tieunionl.i numlieis among Its oilier by personal contact Willi Ihe '(iennan. , tecenl victims William It. Oppenhelm, bringing the jnv of combat, which our 173!' Nortli Btoad street, president of the bovs love and which rnubles then! to ' laiglc Sucpender nnd Belt Conipiiny, reallre their feeling against things In.1-18 Hu,'v ureel Mr Oppenhelm w ho general. "'"" thirty -seven yeai old, sueccedi'd to Life on our fiontline In tliese days ' the presidency of the ICnglc company lit meiiiH climbing up sllpiirv hills, .plash ing; from pool of mud to pool of mud -called shell holes--with counties ina rliliin guns pcppei Ing incicllessly from every point of vantage If thl Isn't the soldier's Job it is tin ashing tluough thick miderhrunli run tluough with wire, with tlie same sort of machine gun ending out spurts of lead and copper ! at Ihe slightest provocation We had learned to use 75 to put out tho style of luai'liine-giiti ne.ts which the foo used along Ihe Mnrne. where, shelteied in little dugouts, he poked the nose of the gun above the ground nnd swept appioaelilng Hoop On thl sector be makes a play against ( the 75s arid has heavy machine gun In concrete pill boxes Willi rounded I Ion. of steel and stone and earth which ' Hie 75s cannot put out or tle he1 wheels the guns Into natural vantage, points, shoots until the 73s start ufleri him and then wheels somewhere else i( Theie seems to be no end of machine guns at his disposal On one division of a sector tliese guns numbered one to eveiy yard. Our Infantry has not for two days come In contact vvllli Heimntiy infantry Of 900 piisonerx recently examined 701) wetc machine gunners. Kntlre Infautiy companies have been withdrawn from their leglmctits and put Into inachlnc sun units. High Grave Fee Angers Coroner tunliniicfl front I'usf One J lis ple.lRe t It ti t Hurh oxtoi tiotw unulil . b, cmled cunt.- a welcome Hiuiounn-nuut fiom ii!Oi,tor Kiut,tr utiU'p Or, Knt-u iinnotinred Unit in the piiMt tf'iit-foiir ltoul'M Xhv number of! new canes renUietl tin Iou-ht point in 11 w eeie Tile n liei'lease of new caes totaled 14:15. 453 ovei yestotday s tig- ure. '1 be New Cases Tile ii. w ease weie distrthuti d a foi-, lows: North of Maiket stieet C85 : Routb of Market stieet. 197. West Phil. I adelpliln, 457. and Cierinautowii and Oak Lane SB Doctor Bo.vei Uas refused i.'oionei Kulglit's plea to lift Hie quarantine placed on llnuoi deuleis in connection with the Influenza epidemic j No modification of the order closing theatres, churches, tllm th. altos, schools and other place of assemblage will be made before the middle of next week at the earliest. It was announced. The Board of Health will meet again next Wednesday and review the situation ' Should tho disease fall off sulllclently In , the meantime, the ban may then be lifted. , Influenza has come to a serloti point I as to production, foi the unthraclte In-1 dustiy. L'nless there Is a marked drop In sick mine-workers and members of their families, there Is likelihood that the dally output may he cut In half while the epidemic Is at Us height it Is said FALLSUITor $ 25 UVtKCOAT TO ORDER Heal J0 Value riiere U no reason why iinv man nbould buy hen we tailor u perfeit lining suit of , vvnoleiiH. Come ami see our iIIhiiit. GOODFRIEND 37 North 91h Street Mbwvi ftW'f u Ilu.lnr.. men ft n il here the genuinely sutl.fsrtory kolutlnn eif the "lunrbeon problem." I.unrbron Cniutlea Afternoon Tea' Orf.i i l'i' etfiibto fill Vfrtm-lhlrli fori cd.i and jor ccnidirnr P16 Chestnut St HKII" tVANTKO FrlM VI.K OIUI.H, over IH. to snet wrap boitlti and small psckarrs: Hunt, clean, t.lea.Hnt work; lieulnnrn ran learn In a short time cuarantesil minimum pan gnnd pleeew nrk ratea ml s.rinsnent work Apply nmptnv iiient Dtiuitmenl B K Mulfon! Co., 4'J0 si. 18th. , BTUNOOItAI'liBil Oooil iaary to CHPable neraon Stata experience and rafereacea, ConHdtntlal, F 81', Ledkr Central, Jii M ' " ' .. STRICKEN BY GRIP I Rev. Walter H.Ellis, West- monl Methodist Pastor, Infiucnza Victim SISTER ALSO SUCCUMBS 'Father, Critically III. iNot In formed of Son's Death. Many Others Attacked JnllueiiKu struck down lltrie members of the CIIIh family, of Camden. The llev. Wallet II Ull's, pastor of Weslmonl Methodist Fplscopal Church, cllitl today, two days aflir the dentil of his sister, .Mis Bessie Hillr ' Their father, Waller P. Hills, 4.10 Clin. ' ton street, Cntnden. Is dangeiously III. lunnwato his son died this morning I The father Is a brother of Mayor Hills. Camden, iiud of Wilbur B Kills, president of the Ciiindrii lloaid of Asses- . SOI ! Itobert H. Fleming, tiofi Coupe i sit eel, j Camden City Treasurer. I III, as ate his wife, daughter and fatlin -In-law . Mr. Fleming became 111 early thl week Ills I wife, who hud been nursing him, was stilcken today Another Cnttidin oMlelnl, Councilman Liiuience II. Bender, Is dangeiously HI, He and hi wife aie patients at the 'Cooper Hosplt'il The IJev IMwaid S Hale, lector of St. David's Ptntextiint Kplscopal church, of KraniM avenue, Mnnayunk. died yestei- day ul tin- Hplscopnl Hospital of pneu- the death of his father live months ago Do Witt Onion Smith, thlity-slx veurs old, of Ulciislde. local manager of the Detroit Hiapliite Company, with of fices In tho Land Title Building, died at his home oh Wednesday night fiom pneumonia developing from Influenza, lie was a inenibei of the Manufacturers'. the HnglnieiH' anil the North Hills Country Clubs. After an illness of only four days, Houioc C Seely. 17.10 North Twenty seventh street, the youngest soldier ill the Fulled Slate to serve ifh the .Mex ican border, died yesterday at CnfiiP Beauiegard La. of pneumonia, which developed fiom lufluenzn. City Surrenders to Legionnaires - i iilboieil from 1'iiKe One unfuiled the ttlcoloi of France and saluted It. with his comrades. A salute was then accorded the Stais and Snipes, The crowd roared a great welcome. The soldiers responded by taking oft their helmets and bowing hlierihes at Maine Hovernor Hruinbugli, Mr Passmore ami M Fonteneau made speeches fiom the Utile stand In fiont of the liberty itn'ue " Hovernor temliided his heaieis was Pennsylvania llgliteis who, .. iapp chance, wete placed on tint FAME flf1if 1j lUf my tiuy Liberty " tl ,Jgl ) r'"1 J ' 1029 MARKET STREET Store Open Friday and Today & Tomorrow Every Man Should Buy His New Fall Suit OR Overcoat and Save $5.00 to $10.00 und every man who needs clothiui? should come to the Hill Co., where Men's, and Boys' Clothinp; is handled ex clusively. Come and share in the Greatest Clothing Values in Philadelphia Our Mr. Hill thinks only of clothinp and his energy antl foresight in buying before" prices advanced enable us to offer remarkabls values ut the following prices. Every new model every new color every new pattern every material. Smll end Ttp Caafa Boys' $15.00 Suits & Overcoats $Q. 95 The best clothes for the money in the city. Good, sturdy wool ens in military styles. Sizes up to 18 years. ' THE HILL CO.. Lr ' faafTas. Caafa ) 3tA50 ,'?' W"' -tin imtidf Wrti JVrwrtni iVl bmt iMr M-MJtrml 8Me dt.JVtr 15. "iN'ow tlm men from the Keyi-loiie; Plate are drjvlna; the '(lermana entire ly out of France," lie milled, "Penn sylvania never has faltcfed nnd never will falter when civilization calls on lier for aid. Ohr lighting men abroad, with their rllles, nnd our business men at home with their dollars, are putting conclusive end lo the iiutocraOc iitnl plutocratic curse of humanity." Mr. Passmore predicted that the people of Philadelphia, spurred on by n.e lieu oi ine legionuatles, will send I the fourth Liberty Loan over the top j with n comfortable rnnrgln to spare. M. Fonleiieati lauded the deeds nf hi countrymen and or in,, t,,....i. Vimla soldiers und a so predicted Hint thi Liberty lajati will be H huge suc cess hert. und throughout Ihe nutlon. lirnii ul llolel Following the speechtnnkltig, Ihe Llglotl, heideil bv the lo..ll.,l.,l i.ll,.e detail mid the Lnk.s Band. marched as follow sr Fiotn ihe stutUe last on Kuutli Penti Square lo Juniper, noith to Market, enst on Market to Tenllt, south on TentK t() Wnlnul, wett on Walnut to Thirteenth, norlh on Thirteenth to CliMtmit. to Hotel Adelphln. The veteiiitiH at the Intiunial lunch J"on nt the Adelphla Hotel met a num ber of prominent society women, well Knew n flguies of the French i Olony help, and u group of A'merleiiii ami Bflllsh olllciits Among tlie guesl were Mr Coine'lu Sliveiison, Mr. Juines F Sullivan, Mrs Joseph l.cli'v. Mr Heorge Blddle. Heorge .Maene, Hip llev T. II. Malan. II. Uemnieho. Professor Hlroiil, Dr Chillies i:. Saiou., Dr. Albeit lli.ussel, Mis. William C Speakmali. Mrs. F.rnest L'i Place. Dr J Beithler and Victor Lb berninii Ah the, procession passed fhe Wldener Btilldlng, three Hags lha! formed pail of (lie decoration of Hun stioeinre caught lire nnd were consumed rill afternoon's inoiriam nt Hie statue Included short addresses liv for mer Hoveinor Fdwln S, stunit ami foi liter Hovernor i: c Stokes. The leuloii rormeil three sides of ii bellow nitiare In front of the statue At the conclusion of Ihe stnloe .lem. onstrulloii the Legion entered nutninn. biles for a tour of Fiilnnniiiit Park. ," ,:" ociocu with their escorts iney win leave the hotel, and march to Independence Square. Visiting In dependence Hall, they will sign Ih,. book und have the place explained to them $1 PER WEEK llt.MO.V!J tVATCIII'.S nnrni.ttv tin Credit nt t' I'rlre, No Serurltj ttegnlreil $30, worth $50 Coll. Write or I'hone Wm. O'Donnell 13 S. 10th Olien Nut. i:ves. A step in Ihe raht direction - Underdown's SHIRTS $1.50 Each You can't find a bet er shirt In the city vt the price Cutis Attached or Detached A. R. Underdown's Sons Itubber (inotU and Men's Furnishing' 202-204 Market St. IMnlillsliril slnie IK38 Store Orders 'CCPtlte-'l Saturday Until 10 o'Clock Store Open Until 10 o'clock -1029 MARKET ST.: mm 3for$4 Y 'JI Sample MlKwklft S3 A $6 W'4m $s & f6 W7' VsBi Troutert Wk $3,,J5 m 4mit nmm whi ht fchafnin ' erf" th rej'rfWlVanln eotitiw ,i ui iinueriai oeienae.,ana auug jonn .. Patterson will speaft. A hollow aquarA nlso will he formd,by th'oX,fglon nt the conclusion of this meeting. They will be driven out Market street to City Hall, around City Hall Plaza and return to tho hotel where dinner will be served nt 6115 o'clock At 7,15 o'clock the Legion wilt be driven ninth on Thirteenth street to Market, around City Hull to Broad street, I hence u Hunting Park, where another meeting will he held. The speak ers will be llnynrd Henry and Thomas M. Armstrong. At 8:30 o'clock n similar meeting will he held In Vernon Parlt In Oernumtown. The (Ireat Lakes Band will he present at both meetings. RED CROSS ASKS MESSENGERS Will Pay lixpcnsc for Delivery of Hospital Supplies in Slutr The Bed Cioss wants fifty Milunleeis who will be ready when called on lo take supplies In persons fiom Philadelphia by train or motor and personally deliver them to State health oltlcers In charge of emergency hospitals In different parts of the Stnle. Such service Is greatly t eeded and will lesult In saving many lives. Traveling expenses will be paid by the Bed Cross, The congestion of the trnnspoitiitlon t .. nl I I I .... ....... .. 1...... .. .1... I.aIi... inL.iiuiK ...usee .1 lortn ul ui.jn uv.uiD 'a- IBJ such supplies can be delivered lo the jVB emergency hospital, and In seyme ln stances many patients lire without neces sary diugs leiiuhcd for their treatment, Applicants for this service will apply to the Pennsylvania-Delaware Division lleitdtiuniters of the American Bed Cioss, Medical Alls Building, 134 South Sixteenth street WE PAY HKJIIKST CASH I'llICKS t'OK Old (lulil I'nl.e -Irrtli sillier Old Pottage slnntp MOIILKN KLKI.MVti CO., 137 H.I lib Women's Scotch All Detirablt Wool Hosierv Make & Ontr One spire Cor. llth & Chestnut Sts. Warner Truck Trailers Two and Four Wheel Type Yt Ton lo 7 Tons Capacity INSTANT tUfMVKTVr JOHN W. ADAMS. Diitributor 1427 Melon Street Warehouse Space Available. Nov. 1st 8000 i. f 'il floor. P. .V II. Sldlnt, Two lileintors. Low Instirnnee. Price fle Per Pont Wr Month Address P 7."ii, l.edger Central N. business can be aDandoned tor the (duration of the war and . taken up again exactly j where it was left off, unless its advertising is maintained. HERBERT M. MORRIS Advertising- Agency iery Phaee of Sales Promotion 400 Chc.tnut Street. Philadelphia llllATII'i o .V'.,.,I!H'"1 ' " l 7 CIIAIII.KM 11AR. IVh-iT."" luner"' Kt "n '-' or- IIOVOIITII or; 17. BI.IZAHKTB MAV. vviilnu nf Kre.lerlik T llovnrth sml ilsushter or Oeurge hihI Annii Keller Kimersl .Sal., 7n." ii" .i31 V"1"- " Blililontlcld, N J i'"illl"l I (-III nui IJ. Or ."V i.f 1111 1 1 1 11 it nuslmnil f l.ollMlIn ll,i, .1 Ii.Aa ln-l., tnemlu'r or Anturua Lodce. Ni) :t.". 1 A. (l! . ',"""! i-ci.i . i;.io ii. in . .'.in . j'eacn t ,. 'tit. ornate, yiomrose Cent . "t.BlsIS Oct la, of pneumonU. JltSEl'll I llrltkh. llU.hat.d nf llnao .VI lturke Mtl.l son nf lliuinss and Itosu .VI. Ilurke, sire jn yesrs. Funeral -Mini . fiom Imi7 Jf fiLM at. lot llo Sepulchre iVm t.'.'ft'.rr01'..1-' nf pneumonia. .VIAItV tA's,NO:i' wlf" ot Jnh Cunmiii and iiuuuntiT of s.unuel Ituieiell Funeral rhurs. la ei'elmk. .J.lll VV homcraet al. Inr WeKtmhiRter Ceni I'llADIIOCK Oil 17. JOHN, sou of Ml ihuel slid Ihe late Ann Orud.lock. Caatla liar. I outitv .Vluvo. Ireland Due notlie of 'l".'.".r.".1..V. !'." 'ven from Jn:i3 Daly at CHI1WBI.L Oct. 13. of Influenzs. MAHT, daushler or Pstrlik and lUlznlielli Crlawell, huneral Snl . S.'lll ii m aliurn. nt parenta1 resilience, loll 1",. Allen al lut private, llolv Crn.s I'etn CIKI.s.sCJltOVn (K't Ut, of oneumnnU. l W.illlnsfiiril Pa . IllA MAV. dauuhler ot Huuh P. and Prist Ilia P e'roasgrove. need -II Due notice ot funeral will Im Klien, mini her !ter'a residence. Mr. It. lMnkerlnn, ll-Ml X. Frailer at. DOWIi Al Port Nnnltsn. Ind . nf pneu monia. COIU'OUAI. JOHN J IHIWI). Pu neral. Sat., ltl..1o u. m . parenta" residence, ."nil S I'limne at Int private. Holy Croat Cein Auto tunersl. OAltONKR. stem L'i killed In aitlou In Kranre. WILLIAM AKTIUJIt. hualMiid of e'amlev efnrdtier Inee yrcNeunsnl, aged 3ft. late nf Vd.a Wendli live I'hltadrlpbta. anu of inte eieorge nnd Slurj Oardner. iIIhskhw'. Kii.tlan.l In Canadian armc. HAKKINti. oet. 111. of pneumonia, NEL I.IIO K.. wife of A;exandr Hurklna and itHUicnter vl tae late James and Nellie Cutler 1'unernl Hat. lit 1 p m, from Otis Wood :Hnd live, Int. private HKl.l.RK-s-oct. in. or pneumonia, wn,. HKLM1NA CAWILINK. duusliter of Klala Heller VVIlMin tneu llnffnianl and the lute Henry O. Heller, aged 11) veara. Due notice of funeral from Olive at.. H, Weslvlnv. N. .t Kiyil'AliK.Oct. HI. nf pneumnnU. JOHN, husband or Bella and son uf Thnmna nnd Anna Kimcade, nt ! Harden me , Narberth funeral nnd Int. private, Muu, Int Odd Pellnns" IVm , elladwvne -a KLBI.VnilT IVt t7 HKNItV IL. hu I'snd of .falilim V Nonnemsiher sud tli. Due nellie nf funeral later. TIPS V. 4.Vh Hi KUUKIB.L -Ltt IK. at I'lalntleld N.J of pneumonia, Al.K'K UITI.KV KltKKBI.l.. wife or K O KreKell rind dauehter of Wm T nd ttlma Itliley, aged 33. Due notice or funeral will lie ixlien. I.BNARTZ rniVATK. LOUIS IIOSB I.BNAItTZ. nt llasn Knapltal No. '.'. N" I run-rsl Inlnr-nent nri.. LINTON. O. t, P. Ml. I'LARA H. LIN TON, nl IKS N, 7th at. Kunerul from B Kim eve . Fox e'hase. eiet 13 SIAltKH. Oct. HI. KllUAUl). huabalid of Hoaa Marks, aired ft.'l, Punefal slat, at p. m..'trom 1411 Allen svr., lladdonfleld, K. J Int. Harlelgli Cem. MeCeS.NK, eict. !1 of pneumonia. JAMES ANIlltBVV, aim ot William J. and laabella .McCone. ased 33 yeaVa. Funeral acrvicea at Dsvon. Pa Int. prlvuta. Odd Felluwa' Cem aladwvne l.i MeOLINCKV. Ort. la. of pneumonia, SAMUEL P., husband uf Annie M. Met elllncey tnee Arniatrnngl. funeral ed let. private. Dot al at 8 a. m., front 1300 X. llth at. MlKEON Oct II, nf nneumnnla. WIL LIAM, bualiand of Nellie McKeon (nee Larkina). aieed 30 yeara, und ann of Mary and ihe late Steven McKron. formerly of blienanduah. Pa. Funeral at SISO Turner at Int. Holy Croaa Cem. Shenandoah pa pers pleaae copy. ytOHOAN Oct. 17. of pneumonia. OEOIIUE A., husband of Hannah Roblneon Morsan and son of Joseph H. and Sarah Fields Monraif. aned 31 veara. Ilealdence. .1.1 h N, nftth at. Due notice of the funaral will be irlvell. MORTON' Oct. IB. of pneumonia, ('HARLEM S.. son of Charles and Mary ilor- I ton. Funeral Hat., at 1U..10 a. ni. from par enta' residence, 0.12 W, Tioga at. Int. pri vate. Holv Cross cm. MPL1.ER Oct. 1.1. of pneumonia, OEOROE J,, son nf John and late Chris, tlana Mu'ler (Horde), aged 33 eara, Ba was n member of the Mouklers' Union, No. t! Ilavarlan Beneficial Society. No. 1; Voisllander Ileneftclal Society. No 1. Fu neral aervlcea Sun.. 2 p. m., from nn Wet York at., Phlla, Int Uellevua Cem. PAIUIOTT Oct. II. of Influenia, ALTCB TERESA PARUOTT. wlfa of Richard Par rmt. Funeral from parlors nf Scaler McUuIre, IMU N, 1'ilth, Sat., 3.30 p. in. Int. private. sril.S'ni'P. Oct 14. of pneumonia. HER IIKIIT. aon of Eneelbert and Elltabath Srhneno. Funeral from a.ia S 80th at . Hal., TrtO a. m. Int. Lebanon. Pa, HfillMITT Oct. H, ANTIIONY, husband nl Annie Hchmlit (nee Milllll) t"uneral Sat . f om 33.11 N Waterloo at. Int. Holy Croas Cein NIMKI.Ml ori. 17 KATIHtYM RRAO. wire of Daniel IV Hlmklns. Due notice of the f .moral will It ulven. - SMITH At Oranne. N f, Oct. Ifl. BAR HAIIA 11IS. dauahter of Albert Tata and May B. Smith. Funeral and lot. rrlvata. Bat., Oct.J, i S v V-tK .v"Ll i V I i .- tf-fo-O -i JaTi .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers