r'j . lEuenino public-Sebger 1 , TOE WEATHER IT athington, Oct, IT. I'air ami uarnier tonight; Friday, probably cool. TESirritATrnn at n,cit iiocr f 9 10 11 I 12 I II 2 3 l 5 aT' 56 I 66" I 57 i 60 I 18 ' t j MIGHT EXTRA. THE EVENING TELEGRAPH VOL. V. NO. 29 I'ubllahril Unity i:cnl Hunday. Subscription Trlcei JO a Tear by Mall, Coro riant, 1D1S, by lira Public I-edser Cuinnun. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBKU 17, 1018 Kntercl hp! Sfioml Class Matter at th PnstnfTIrp al Philadelphia. ! Under tho Act of March n lain. PRICE TWO CENTS ir , i Lille Is and in Captured; Whole Retreat; Teutons German Army in North Overthrown Hi J'4 3? Near Rout; Belgians March on Ostend 7010 DIE OF GRIP IN PENNSYLVANIA SINCE OCTOBER 1 Pneumonia A 1 1 & 3076 Deaths to List. Selling New Record CITY LOSES 711 IN DAY Fatalities Decrease, 1ml UJ88 New Cases Are UcporW'd, Advance f 202 Penus.vlvnnlas death rate for Hie first, half of this vnojnth has doubled beeaue of the influenza epidemic. From Ociober 1 to October IS. theie were In this .State 701" deaths caused I by influenza and 3076 e.itisid bv pneu- J monla, State Commissioner of Health P.oyer announced today. This total Is i equal to tho mlrmal Ue.itli rate for mi entire month in this Slate. Deaths In Philadelphia, are now de- ' creasing- Although 711 deaths wcio re potted for the twent)-four bouts cnrtliur at noon yesterday a number of them ' really occurred In the prcicding da) ' Undertakers burled tlm dead tlrst ami , applied for death certificates aftcrwnids, ' a sanctioned piocedure, and the tilllclal death ralo was computed from the dcatli , certificate applications j New Ce InrrPHsrd A slight Increase in tho nunibri of new cases of Influenza was reported for the Ian twenty-four hours The total I was 188?, an lm.rcae of 202 oer the picccdlng twenty-foui houi" 'Hie 188s j new taes icpoitcd were distributed as, follows- North of M.trU.l street. 78S;j south of .Market street, 383 ; West Phlla- ' delphln. 532. and Germantoxx-n, 18.' nven though the epidemic lias been mastered In this city, new agencies con tinue to spring up- to rB-ntojS l,e' health authorities The Inloit is the North Philadelphia HmcrRciiiy Itellet Association, with headciuiiuers at the home of Joseph P lluttel field. 2S"'G North, Twenty-second sited, a member of the committee In cliatge Will Provide uri.es .1 Thornton Kinei-y. a public Hihnnl Pllnclpal, Is chairman of the new organl 7atlon, Hail) Llbeiton Is secretary and Mexcr Simon, tteasuier The associa tion plans to furnish nurses and ined1 cal aid, provide cnkets and care for the families of the sick. Volunteer nurses are wanted Health authorities now are laj Ihk em phasis on the care to be exercised by convalescents, not only to guard nRalnst l elapses, but to prccnt further spread of the disease. Director Krucn leRards call' for phy sicians as an excellent barometer of the disease Appeals for medical aid hae slackened in neatly eciy police dls trict. A MR Improvement has been noted even In the !!nt. second, third and fourth wauls, where the epidemic was unusually sex etc Dr. Cairns dlsngices with f oroner William It, Knight on the efficacy of whisky as an influenza cuie or jireve.ii tive. 'There arc tinny physicians in this city," said Dr Calms, "who do not use whisky at all In the treatment of Influenza cases. In fait, whisky has been taken from the American Pharma copoeia as medicine Whisky Is an old time remedy that has gone out of prac tice. There nre still a few jihyslcians who use It, but I do not legard It as an essential In fiKhtlnR Influciua. Tho plans now made. I believe, are adequate for getting u sufficient supply to. those who need it " Tho burial situation has greatly Im proved, according to Doctor Cairn, al though numerous comjd.ilnts of profi teering by undertakers have been re ceived. Deputy Coroner Frank Paul, who has Investigated n number of these complaints, said he has tho names of fifty undertakers who arc alleged to have charged exoibltant prices for fu nerals. After the epidemic has passed, Paul said, action will be brought against these profiteers In death and the licenses of some undertakers probably will bo revoked. LIEUT. W. A. CRAIG ILL . Influenza Attacks Former 1'liiln. Athlete ami Reporter in England First Lieutenant Walter A. CrnlR, for mer star football jilayer and track ath lete at the University of Pcnns)lvnnU, Is 111 with influenza nt Southampton. KnRland, nccirdlng to word received to day at the home of IiIh parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cinlg, 30G1 L'ast Thomp son street. Lieutenant Craig, a former newspa per reporter of tills city, enlisted In the army at the outbreak of the w al and after winning a commission ns first lieutenant nt l-'ort Oglethorpe, (la., was asslKncd to the 35lh Field Artillery. In tralnlnff at Camp Pike. He was tent across shortly nfteruuid. Although but twenty-six years old, Lieutenant Craig was acting adjutant of Ills regiment when taken ill. Lieutenant Cinlff made a record In athletics in high school and university. He was one of the best defensive back fleld men ut Pennsylvania as n litem ber of the 1912 and 1913 elevens. He was also a consistent performer on the track, Ills specialty being the HO yard run. City Hai $13,032,998.52 in Cash City Treasurer Shover'js leport for tho past week shows receipts niuountlng to $118.6:6.50 and payments totaling $2,270, 536.57. The balanco on hand amounts to 113,052,998.52. Liberty Bonds Will 77ic Day's Honor for the City mul Its I trinity iiit.i,i:t IN AC I ION I.IM.IIANT JIIIIN V. IAIN. 17.lt Trail els slrrPt mh;i:.vnt nrssixi, n. umiiti:, illTo ire"l mud uiprlirooU PKIXATi: JX.XlKs A. C.OI.I., HIM Cross pkix.xii: ci.aki:n('i: r. Mmiiu:. r.oia Ad llson strep! nii:ii or iii:xm: rilltri)lll, IIIIIIKUT .1. iiiaii. .nt.. ISSH North Klftloth strp"i uoiM)j:i) si;vi:iti:t. H:i(li:NT A. Ih LTT. tj: MarkPI strcrt (prcHouil oftlclallj ri iwrtpil kllp.l) -i-.iKiHVNT wii.i.iwi r. mi. i,. :.- I'lorrticp rvpiiup (unriffirhilu rpportPill (iiiti'iiiiM, mim.iwi j, iki:i:n., 1.-..MI .smith Vim t lilnl atfppt tprl nulv r, tiortril nnnftlrlalH) ( (iitidi: vi. si:iikiit v ri.imi. s.ijo WpsI 'I'ltiim s' rot . I'iihati: iiniiiaii' ii. Tium. sass North l.plhKo.v itrppl (prploul n prtrfprl uniTflpHllv i-itiv vti: t ii.viti.i:- . rxititia.i.. ISOl Ifntlmnn sirpM irpvloul rp pnrtPft llllc-'lllKl kivati: jiiiin r. viiiitm: it-:? wi IliRlnrt nptiup (prcl(iU!U rrt.irlil i'in ti: iiiuiih -i. ni()n. ;aj.- Vafr stt-ppt Mill Mil, II (llfirrpp I iiilelrrinlnnll ( lllll-lllt VI, I'llll.ll II. 1IIIKN. 3311 urtli .sixtppnth sitppi (rpiorlPil unof flp'nllx vpkIppiUvI i'kivati: .ivii:-t j.. .ntii-tiN, wi7 -pf,rnl lrpp' m:k(,i:nt tihi" itum. I7.ts si I'llll'S Kirp'i NltPtiin l'KI TF. JOHN P. I.I'.IT.. 31151 Prank- fnr( nrnijp ... r I'ltlVATK HUVIONII . Mil, 1. 1. II, V33 Vrirlh Wiirnppk flrppt . m .. I'HIVATl! mm lllll It. I'Al l Is"' v Mth V' p pth "Isp'-t rim tk si.nr.iir n. ri.iiu. '-Mjn v TIpbii sirppt IMnrlii" 'rH!J.. I'IMVVIi: JtlCPII II llVlltl,Klt. 170 Ponlir strppt IrppurtMl unw- Ui-liil iprdavi I'KIVXTi: III IIIN slUli, 2IIJJ Norlh 1'im.xTi: i.iau- Mtwir.n. 737 enfon-i-itnvii: rnNK HMWtuniT. l.-.n VV.-t I Ipplnrntt trppl .. Mtnn 1'im Ti: (IIAItl.Kf 111 I.NI.K. 41311 .North ."Ih sirppt (I'rlonor ( V.NAIIIAN MtVIY l.l-T Will Nl)i:i) 1'IIH III: K. ItdlliaiT-. PhllailPliilns ii Ikmisp 1ddps t'lpil I'ltn Ti: A III llsON. Ihllnipplil.i (nn h"U"P nddrps elvrn I'lllV VTi: VV. (IMIK. I'hlmdPliihla no hi,tlp nd.lrpj. Klipnt I'lin UK s. It. 11:0. I'lilladPlphli Inn ImilMt. nddrps bIpiiI l'KI TK lll'NI'XN P. VMII'lliaiMIN, i'IUni;iwnod N J Itr.TTRNI.I) TO IH'TV rim ti: . 11. lllN. 2iu:i iipp-.p Hlrppt II'ipvImum rpporlrd lill-lllK I'lllsOM'll (llltl'llltAI. ritKIII.UICU ('. Mil. I. MAN. lil I Nur) licwpj trppl m:vkii points I'APTMN AI.I1KKT V . IIIKil V.T. .Nor wood fKHKHPdl ( OKI-IIK VI. I'.IIW XKII IMIXIi;, Inr.l !. Ilupks i-ount I'n (VIM. d in fiction) 1'im ATI'. II. T. MI I.I.UI.W. '.' XXooiI- limd iicnup Morton iKiutmU) ,,1'ltlVATi; IIXKUX II. OTT. I'hopiilxMlle. 'I'J (marliiP turns UMIpiI In nPllonl COOK XV. 1. KOI UK. West riieiter. I'm (untllidPill l-IIIVATi: ions .1. KCIs, Norrlalonn, 1T fwnundPdl PRIX XI I'. JOHN II. OltN'I.lt, l'hocalx vllle l (woundpd) Vrlobcr I-!. l'JlX , The nhnre ff Is compllul fium thr official iiiniinlty ircoitli nnil lium unofficial report irielval by iclatUci nnil litcniH of thr men 'jrcrscas. 1 lip Mininlftp nikiiiiltv lUt- UupiI lit tlm XV nr Dciiartment tudu appear on p.IRP II. 22 PASTORS ASK END OF GRIP BAN Episeopal Clergymen's Res olutions Say God Would Proteet Worshipers ONE OPPOSES PROTEST KiMiIutiuns piotesting against the cloving of churches because of the in fluenza tpideinlc were npiirovcd and b'gned today, ly n number of Kplscopal ileigmen at a special meeting in Oie Church House, Twelfth and Walnut htrcets. Copies of the resolutions xvlll be sent to Doctor Kruscn, Director of Health and Charities, and Ulshop Ithlnelander. Although luvltat'oys were sent to ninety lCplscopal clergymen, only twen-ty-tliree were present xxhen the Ilex, Kloyd '. Tomkins, lector of Holy Trin Itj Church, introduced the resolutions. Vhtually nil those jiresent indorsed tlie resolutions. It was reported that the only dissenting voice wns that of tho J!ev. Dr James DeWolf Perry, lector Emeritus of Calvary Church, lierman towu, who did not want to sign the resolutions and left before the close of tho met ling. Tlie Hex-, ltobert Johnston, rector of the Church of Our Sax lour, Thlrty (Igltth and Clustnut streets, wrote to Doctor Kiusin several days ago ap proving the closing of the churches. Tut of Prolent Tho resolutions adopted today In part read "Y, the undersigned clergymen of the Hplscopal Chuicli in the diocese of Pennsylvania, hereby protest against tho closing of the churches and the sus. jienslon of liubllo worship because of the Iirev ailing epidemic. "'c recognize fully the seriousness of the situation, nnd we ale doing all we can to help the sufferers and to jire enf the spread of the disease. Hut we bellex-e that such a trouble calls for re liexved nnd redoubled public prayers and worship, that Cod, our only help In time of need, may lecognize our trust In Him and send relief , "With due respect to those In authority, we believe that It Is Inconsts. tent to close' churches and yet allow jieople to crowd together In cars and stores. 'Duslness must go on,' It Is argued. Hut business is suspended on Sunday by law and, besides, In such a time of suffering nnd peril It 1 more Important to Pray to Clod, all the people being called together for that purKse, thiin to carry on business. Moreover, there la less danger. In churches, where Contlnufd on Pate Two, Colo mo Three Bring REAL PEACE. AMERICANS HURL FOE BACK BOTH SIDES OF MEUSE Press on From Grandpre and Wrest Monlin-les-1 Pas-From Enemy lliUIvAK IJIT'J'Klx DEFENSE cr.slmij: Summit Hold Troops Capture East of River. Loire." Wood ll III ,f--iriflfr- l'm XV lib Hip Xniprlian Xrniv nrlliwpt nr Xprilun, Oct. 17 After capturing lliund Pre. tlie Ameil eans have advanced their lines to the eastward and occupied Moulin-les-Pas. , They surged forward until they had taken control of Loses wood, one and ,1 half miles north of Chevleres The Anicilcan aitvnnce was cvci.v where desperaleh n. slated, espeLlally 1 during the crossing of the Alio Itlver, I but the Ameilians pirsnd on. 1 In its silicesiful advance north ihe Argonne forest the AniPiloan flist aimv jesterday rcailicd Cliamplgneiille, oiip mile jiorlh of M. .luvln A little fuither last toward the Meuse the" I Rained possession of the Cote do C'hlllon I".il of thn Xieue the Amel leans iinoveil forward In the Itnis tip I.ngi.inde Mi.ntagne, the sununlt of which the , now liold I A pirt of jesleidav s woik ((insisted I In thn consolidation of positions on Hill I 182. Just north of St. .luvln. The Ameri can nrtlllety was active all day and the 'German Runs responded fieply, Infan ! in fighting, however, was limited to the left flank of this sector Additional evidence has been lecelved fiom piloner.s that i:ip Ceimann aie I putting In Hip be.st-jlv"lslons tliey have In the effort to check the Amei lean ad vance. ' , iiv i:dwin i j.mi:s Special Cable to Et ening Public Ledger Copyrlaht. I9IH. hu .Vein York Tlmen Co. I XX lib tlie Anierirnn Arin., Oct 17. Orand-Pre was captured jesterday by the American troops, Kast of tills not inconsiderable town we dioxe our wedge deeper ncross tlie Aire Itlver Into the ' edgu of the Hols des I.oRes, reaching a line two miles noith of Chevleres Mean while the l-'iench on the left jiuahed their I line forward wct of Clr.ind-rrc . ! tlrand-Pre Is an Important defense point before the Krlemhlld Hup and was ! held by the Hermans against lepeated attacks lij the Americans for three days. It Is a Junction jiolnufnr r.ulwajs that feed the enemy. All day yesterday stiff fight ins con tinued especially on the l fi of (irand Pic toad, and the advance of tlie Ameri cans north of St. .lux In has created a Herman poiket In the lower end of the forest of Iloulte. Tho Hols Hoiirgonne Is one great nest of machine uns. The l.prnians are making It hot for our men, who are hoiiUiig a wedge I driven 1 nthe Krlemhlld Stellung In the vlclultj of I,andrcs-et-St. , Oeorges, and widen heavy gassing we withdrew one tompany at the Up of the edge until the liirninn guns ranging over -that vicinity had been silenced Hast of the Meuse we have driven Into the Hols- Uiand Montague. To better our Hue we have withdrawn slightly northwest of Hrleiillcs, but tills Is unimportant In this part of the see. tor a new (ierman division has appeared, having been In ought from tho vicinity ot Metz. In the center of the army front the hottest fight jestrrdaj has been tal: Ing place for the jiossesslon of tlie Tulierlc farm, which we have been try ing In vain to take for two days against a heavy (Ierman concentration of ma chine guns on the Cote Chnntlllon. On the left Hank ot this position our troops, with the aid of tanks, splashing thioush mud n foot dcej), have penetrated two miles of wire Our front jiosltlons In the Bols Chantlllon were heaxlly gassed last night. The Hermans continue a determined effort to hold back the Americans, and are succeeding In making the ndvanco painful and slow Although German divisions have been shot to pieces, this does not hinder their remnants from being thrown In In large enough num bers to man thousands of machine guns. One of our regiments took prisoners from fixe Oerman divisions Formations Aiade of necessity follow to fast that often prisoners don't know who are their com. nany commanders Tho prisoners are Imbued with the iiin that the war Is all but over. Thty had been told that the Kaiser's terms would not be refused, and that an armis- ile was about to ue signeo, nut that they must make a last grand stand to get the best terms for the fatherland. Ho far as the Germans In front of J'ersli- 'Ing's men are concerneu mey are cer tainly obe ing may urucr. TIIK BEST rBKAT-NTION AOAINHT IN. Rueiisa snet pneumonls ti a wll.nourlhed body. Tako Imnerlnl Or.num, tho Un.wtot enpd Food, between meals and on rttlrlnn. jWt'l. Three Day? Left of Kaiser Striiwri of Right to Make U ttr tttul I'vttrc IU thr Aotialrtl Vrrw 'oieiili,icen. Oct 17 Cciiiiuny's IY1lc1.1l Council has ncoeplcil thn irnji.i,, mnpnilniciit to llif Coiislltiitlon Aitlili- II, link iiiR It 1 cad: The consent of the I'cdunl Council and the Itcii'list.ii; Is n tiulictl for a declaration of war In the omphe'H name, except In n case xx lino Impel lal tcirltin-.x :il rentlx has been lux ailed or Its coasts nttnckeil Alticle 11 Ih further amended to read: Treaties of pence and 11 cities with foicij-ii States which ileal Willi uffnlis coming under the (oniielcnce of the Impel ill law giving bodies reiiihi the couseul of the l-Yilcr.il I'oiinul and the Keiclislug. The licrllli Ki Iclis.ineiser prlnlH (ill Impel I, il' dccKe, ditctl October 13. lil.-lkltiK nil aRiceinent with the civil ntltlioi itics ucci .ssai.v In the udmlnisti-iitlon of 111,111111 i.ivv with cfeicnce to the mmmindi'i in chief 11 tho ovrnt of .1 dlsagie, mutt but xlth final lefeience tn the impel lal Clmncelloi 111 ,-i ic)i - 111 itlvc up lulntnl b the I'hnnct Hoi 'BERLIN BENDING, LANSING ASSURES Secretary, in Bond ppeal. Sajs Germany Will I'reak Under Pressure NO TIME TO SLACKEN Ih the Aiwcinteil I'rex XX tisliliiKliin, ( ii t 17 '(einiiin.v is bendhiR Mole prcsiite and she will bicak." sas SecrUnr.v Lansing In a statement today warnliiK tile nntlon Hint tlie war is not over nnd that Hie fourth t.lheilj Loan must be a success at a time when ever dollar ns well as every man and evei gun (.mints moic than xer before. Mr. Lansliig-is.statPiiiriit lollows-. "Our men In Krnnce ale dilxlng forward Our (loxeinnient Is icdotiblliiR its lfort lo send men and munitions overseas Tile battle M an going well, but they must go better The war Is not over. This Is no time to Blacken effort or to fall to do mir pail hcie at home. To keep up nnd to Increase the pressuie on the letieatlng (.eimans Is the onlv i el lain wax- in win. To do tills, the Government must have all the money1 it needs We an- asked to loan It, and we ale aslxd lo loan It now "Tho fourth l.lbert Loan will put new armies in Krance . II will supplj our men with munitions. Ii will dp stioy every hope of the impeilnl Her man Ooxerninent, Its tioops nnd Us followers; It will make x.Uorx, -me "(leiiuanv Is bending. Mule pies nire and she will break. Lveiy man counts, everv gun counts, nnd ever.v dollar counts mote todnx than ever before Tlie (ioxermuent must have the money It needs. Loan it to wiumcouii trj. Do .xour jiart to win the war GASLESS SUNDAY BAN LIFTED BY U. S. FUEL CHIEF Garfield's Order I'erillittill"; Itsiand passing quickly In German). Tlie t.i-m.nuu ,.f il.mrnplltT'lllnfi lintrin ltiln.. T ' fll T I 1 upc on i nut uay Iminrdialely KfTectixc tty the Associated I'ress XX nshiiiKion, (in 17 I-uel Administrator Garfield todax lifted the ban on gasollnelcss Sundas effective nt once hliould gasoline stocks again fall dangerously low, It was stated at the fuel administration, the lenucst xvlll lie lencwed. It Is probable that priori!) ; , ... , , , ,, ' ordeis will begin for shipment of gaso- line overseas. nu,ocrd0y nnd a limited monarchy, but Ti, ni-, r i, a.i.. u. i i between a limited monarchy and a social jne first of the raslcss Simd.ivs was . ,,. ..i,,,,,...!,,,, ,i, ii el,,a,nceTnh0,.,LU,:i,;":;t,,dM,1,,,l;(,u!;-! d".!,.. q'Sy'e lIse'rn out tho Suntrr "" ,,,r"U""-..roliably be able to sax e something for Philadelphia motorists expressed jubi-' lllN '" nasty, a title for himself or for latlon this afternoon at the Iftlng f tlie 0"p ' l1'' I?""' , ,',ut ,lelaJ '" ",c"n uan i even this xvlll be lost ' ' I Xiltorrar) In Ipi.prnt Sltllallnn Culia Interns German McrdunU , Politically, 'diplomatically and mill llavnnn. Oct. 17 Cuban seciet serv tarllv the situation of tho German au- Ice otllclals have arrested eight of H.t - vanas most prominent (.ernian mer-' chants who were promptly intertud with other alien enemies LOAN HERE MUST HAVE YOU DONE A Lait Call for Liberty Loan Must THK Fourth (lulcklv. O (lulckl.v. Only Three Duys, Including today, , t.ett in x iiicli to Holl Up the Needed Mlllfons. Here's How the Hooks Stand: Quoin Subcrllif(l .Npptlpil Philadelphia District $316,809,000 $239,331,450 $277,477,550 Philadelphia City 259,198.000 125,376,000 133,822,000 UOHROW FHOM TIIK HANKS AND I.KNI1 IT TO TIIK UXITKI) STATKS! TIIK HANKS AKK HKADV TO DO TIIKIIt I'AHT. DON'T VOU I(J. the Campaign Don'f Ut Philadelphia KAISER SHORN OF HIS POWER TO MAKE WAR State Department!? duees Confirm Reports of Fed eral Couneirs. Aet PEOPLE GIVEN OICE i IN NATIONAL AFFAIRS 'roccss of Coiivcrliii"; Co r-' main Into Limitci Mini- arcln Now Under Wax RAPID CHANCE GOING ON l;orlli((imiii"; Likely lo T. Note to WiUon I in Detail llic i rogress ixladc liv I, LINTON W. (;il.IIKHl' Sin" t ,1 ' m t ft - Ihtc t .' c In I'ltbUc l.nlnrr i ,:;:;tr;:;,::::,,:;,,,, ' f the fact that the Kaiser has The nun o been shorn b constltiitiim.il amend incut of his vvni-m-iktiiK and trentv making power It is o,pl,ilnod Hut tills confirmation is "not ollleial." bv which It Is to be'prtsunidl that the 1 Information does not conn' from the I Gei man (imminent, but Is ineielv sent to this count r.v Ijv Its agents fiom news published in the (Ierman IMI'SS , It Is apjiai-ent thai the State lie partment lias no doubt that the proc ess of I'onveittiiK (ieiinnn.v Into n. limited monaiolix is under vvuj. It is understood olllclall.v that the amend menu to the Herman Constitution xxhleli h.-ixo been accepted 1 the i Gel man l'eili'i-al Council, xvlll be sub mitted to the Helchstng. This IiiIiiks the llelehstni; Into new Importance In the Herman Govern ment. The representative of the ptople now have power at least to pass upon and accept or i eject the amendments to the German Constitu lion. Vllllliirv lliniilniitloti llnil. lo It Is noted with satisfaction heie thai the llelehstag will have along with tho I-'edirnl Council power over war and peace. That ( nds Hie domination of the mllltarx gioiip ' It Is acknowledged th.it th amend-1 inputs to tlie German Constitution de n'llbed In tndax's news dispatches ro I a long vva toward meeting the demands i of tills Hoxeinment with rtgard to the i railing of autnciacy In Hcrmanx I The ICaiser hlinsflf Is inade lespnn- ' sible to the federal Council and to the I'.pichstag In the all-important matter of war and peace. It Is not dllllcult to assume that tins lesponslblllly will go all the wn . V, i ,V . , T i ell I illllhnrltlps slinll li.ne eo-i.'l dllinte power with the mllltarx- authorities Loan In Hie Philadelphia district now oxer the application of maitlal law, Hum total $:'3'.i,3ol.iS(i atcotdlng to the lat Administration has no infoimatlon. Ap-Iest tiKUles annouiued this afternoon by liarently Hint was a pafl of the decne i ,,.,,,,., , ,, n,i issued by the Kaiser upon September j " n,lr'' ,M,,r'" IU"""ne I,a",, TO corelatlng tho mllllar.v and clxll au-1 This Is a gain oxer .visterdav 'h (lg ti,oiitle3 lures of $28,317,000 PliiladeVhla alone subscribed more than JU.nOO.OOO yester Itnidil i Initigr. Itping Xlnilp fdav The il.ixu of militarism are oakslni? i Although tills blir caill rll (tie otliclal Prince Mux was made Chancellor and before Ihe new (Ierman Government ap- proached tills country wllh a request foi peace. News comes out of Germany in sucli fragmentary f i in and constitutional eh.ins-es are now so rapid that It Is likely we shall not know precisely how I ,.,.-. ,..ii r,ir ""' ''"!"r "' one lowaru mailing Itself a denioeiacy before she transmits ,,,.r next note to President Wll-(,n. in wlihh it is expected that she will set forth In detail the constitutional changes i , , Thn best opinion here Is (hat Ger- ,'.. ., Ph, no... n.. , iltflwn ,ioirac) grows constantly more desper ale lver) day the power of the At. riintlniied on Pare Mt, Column Tlirpp BE PUT OVER. YOUR FULL SHARE? Patriotic Dollar,! He liaised' And It Must He l)u,n BIG ENEMY STRONGHOLD IN FRANCE TAKEN; FOE'S BELGIUM LINE SMASHED FOURTH LOAN PERIOD WILL NOT BE EXTENDED ' VASHINOTON. Oct. 17. Theie will be no extens'on oJ the Liberty Loan bubscilptlon neilocl p.-iht Satiivdixy n'gh', tjecrctary McAdoo btnted emphatlcnlly today. Puitherniore, sad the Secretary, it will be neccssaiy to have a fifth and peihaps a sixth lonn, lcgaidlcsb ot the outcome of Gciinnny's piesent peace uesotlntious. FOF'S LINE CRUMBLES EXCEPT IN ARGONNE ATilS, Oct. 17. Keslbtance by the Germans is crumbling all aionij- the battlcfiont except in the n-glon of the Aigonne 1 1 i(iu Champagne. Theie Ameilcan tioopa under Gcn- ,- (U, Cameron and Bullavd, and 1'ieiich tloopa umler C u.aud are ciignijcd in dc&peiato fijjhtliii;. Tlio Vm-- 11 GuAiUH, cedlnrj (riountl inch by iii?h, me dylnjj but not .uninu, In un effort to wive their lijjht wuij-. $28,347,000 GAIN ' ' IN LOAN FIGURES District Total No;x $239 :l.lo() Tu wan! $5167- 09,000 Goal i PERSI1INC DAY Sfc'1' " BttvM Us Up With Bonds, Grnrrtil ' I'ertihing Urges I io" of ii inhlr ,i rss(f( fiom Jcncntl Prmhlnn, fintiin llic ptaplr to bnii bniiilt. inn rrrrtvrd toilinj bn thr Libiilii Loan i nmmiltcr. In Ins message General I'ershi. s alii: "We have toiled chef i fully against tlie day of battle, and the spirit Hint has urged us on has been the determination to lie worthy of those whom we left behind when we crossed the seas The news of America nvvake, 01 the national spirit more stiong. more unified, more determined, thrills us. all. It is the knowledge of that sjilrlt Willi Ii makes us certain tint our people nt home will stand behind us ns the haxe fiom he .beginning, so that we max leturu soon to you. tlie xlctoix won. Huj Liberty ltond.s to .xour utmost and nakc vlctoi sure" tfub-cilptlf.nM to the fouitli ISlbertj ' i figures did much to take the district .....p. I.- C R 1 ll Clkll llllH rrnil IHtfirll' flnll. ble the present total must be subscribed in- midnight Saturda when uii- palgn ends, Man) large suliscrlptions reiiorted to- dii) nnd tho hundreds of small ones that are pouring Into tho elearlng house, did much to revive the confidence of the directors of the loan here that the quota will be oversulisirlbed A single HUbsiriptlon of $lo,000,non wns made this afternoon b) the Penn Mutual Life Insurant e Compan) Todav s suliscrlptions and those of to luol ioh are expected to put the district within leaih of the goal, and then on Saturday Ihe Anal push, It Is predicted, xvlll brliiR an oversubscription Sntlirils) "I'pmliinir llH)" Saturday will be "Pershing Day throughout the district A proclamation fixing this dale as the time for a tribute to the commander of the Ainei lean forces overseas was Issued this afternoon by Goxeinor Brumbaugh, who called uion all I'enns)lxanlans to buy Libert) Bonds In sulllelent quantities to put the State "over the top with Its quota ' Pershing Da)" will not be confined to Pennsylvania, but will extend through out southern New Jersey and Delaware to all points In the Third Federal ,He serve Dlsirkt The orllclal figures of the loan made public thLs nfternoon showed that Phila delphia has subscribed, to date, $125, 37MC0. eastern Pennsylvania, outside of tlie ell)'. $88,701, 600 : southern New Jersey. $18,002 000. and Delaware, $T, 251,950 The subscription of $10.000.00Q, an. nrunced today as coining from the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, Is the largest made to date In the campaign In this district It xvas made In addl Hon to an original subscription by that concern of $5,000,000 Other Add to Iltilillng. Tho Provident Life nnd Trust, Com pany announced an additional subscrip tion of $3,000,000, bringing Its total for Contlnufd on Pate Hit, Column b Lag in the Race for ALLIES OPENING . . -nnT FOE'S MIR DUUK Massed Armies in Flanders Driving Toward End ot War GREAT CENlEKb TAKlMN , iti run. ir (uii3 ' . ...,.,, Snecial Cable to l.ienine I'nbllC Leilger rnnvrluii iim. ti .Vrie Veil; Timet ro. '.. 0,r nrUUh A ... rr.-e.. Oct 17. tn in Klandeis wliere tho war began fp- tlie rirltlsh and French after the1 open oy ue- ....r. .- a moxement of massed armies lowaruj tie end of the war. .. ... nf Itnlrrt-ltl Prniirh ' ti neatly piffiun- .m..., . ..... and nrltlsli King Albert troops under command of; ., r.pnn..n. ni. hPini? "" " ". diiveu back from places which were on their main lines of communication be tween the coast, and, their center now being lost to them, are like oiien doors Inti their back parlors. Tin Belgian cavalry are reported to he working around Thlelt, sixteen miles from Ghent The French haxe entered I.lchterxelde and their patrols are about Tliorout. ten miles from Iiruges. Ost end Is almost within sight Knowing that their Inexlt.ible with drawal Is at hand from the western part of IJilRlum. the Germans nre not Incliii'd to Rlxe battle heie on a big scale Biid their rearguards are being sacrlllced to gain time for the main re treat In Loop of Hip Atlaek ruither south, xvherc the Ilrltlsh Sec ond Arm) troops are lighting on the right of Belgians and French In this group of armies of Flanders commanded by the Helgian King, the enemj is grad ually finding hlmseir in a rar-nung loop of the attack, which, by the British cap- .,-,turo or ,ne oui.iir. 01 v.uuru.i, joi - lowing me sirnuy .,.aiii:o nuiiu .t nu . r. . . east of Cambrai nnu nouai, is grauu- ally encircling a large territory of north - crn France, containing the great tex - tile and manufaciurlng cities of Lille, Tourcclng and Iloubaix. from wlilch so much of the wealth of France (lowed In time of peace At various points in that' wide half circle, tlie Br' j.h troops tightened their loops nnd drew it closer to those i itles. They crossed 'he canal south of Mpnln iv the fine gallantry of some engineers: xvhn bridged the canal during the night and so penetrated the town of Halluin. To Ihe south they advanced on the east side of Haute penaW canal, where scxeral xlllages were captured, bringing v i , tnem er) close to the western sides of Lille southern and i A1I t),lg mfans that they aro ri.xuu nlly closing In upon the district where I the enemy bad many or his headquarters establishments nnd cowed great jiopu latlons of civilians in the first wild stampede of lianlc stricken people when the enemy's columns stru( through Bel glum toward the northern edge of I'-rance I saw croxvds of refugees, xxho poured down to Calais from Lille and Its suburbs, nnd In those days of August, JSH, It looked as If the xvorld had been tipped on end and that nations xvere falling oxer their boundaries They were lucky onts who escaped In time, but tens of thousands were not quick enough or by poverty were unable to leaf", or thought the war xvould end so quickly that they could stay without much misery, . During recent da)s there has been ' another exodus from Lille, Tourcolng, and Roubatx All the men and boys between the Bges of. sixteen and slxrr have been driven further back, so that when the Continued on Pais l'lte. Column Una Victory 220,000 Bochesin Danger of Being Trapped SECOND DEFENSE SYSTEM BREAKS i British Launeh Heavy At tack below Cambrai and Plunge Forward ALBERTS TROOPS RUSH I NINE MILES EASTWARD Focli Wins Mighty Victories. j Von Ariiim Faces Dig i aster the Associated I'ress Ixmdon, Oct. V l.llle, the last sreat bastion of the German defense system on tho west ei n front nnd the largest city In Krance held by the Germans, has been captured by the British. The- great fortress lias been In possession of the enemy since the Kaiser's armies swept Into Krance In 1914. The whole o.f the Germany army of Generiil von Arnlm Is In retreat from" tin' North Sea to the region of Lille. i,,. , . . "iwybutii ueaien uacK ana over. thrown by the Allied nttaeks. trul.iv' . The letliement Is assuming the pro- ?'" 11 (about 222,000 men) Helglan forces under command of King Albert, vvhlch crossed the Yser iiruisu torces nave captured Cour .-fri trni, a great rdllxva.x center in Flans- va "c. JS lftflll lllViriI(' IlrIIA )lt ....,, .... r leui AiaiHiml Halpr's forces this "rniiiK' ie?nn mi attack on the Bo- linl.iT,. r. i .!- .. .. nn.i-i uucuu i rum, aion mo aeiio iiier Houinpnst of Cambrai. Rails. factory progress xxa.s announced hv the British commander In his official statement. (The nttack I on a ten mile front In tho direction of the foru ress of Illrson, tnc cajituro of which would cut the Hoi man armies on tho west front In two! . The Germans on leaving Ulle did not set tire to the buildings in the clt) or cause any explosions. The Helglans besides marching to ward Ostend, have made progress in the region north of Thourout and ad vanced In the direction of Thlelt, a great railroad center French milituty observers here be lieve that General von Arnlm xvlll have extreme dlltlculty In extricating himself fiom his position. It Is held that ho icmained too long against all stinteRlc and militar) laws, when he was outflanked nnd virtually sur lounded. Hiltisli foices in (dunging ahead In Flanders, besides capturing Courtral, have assisted in capturing twenty vil lages. Push Kaplill.v Ahead The Allies jesterday advanced on the thlrt) -one-mile front In Flanders from Dlxmudo to the Lys, and made IU, UVeingo gain of three ar.d a half nines, j ue neigians crossed the yser I -..-.I. Tt 1 . n . " '" "' iiaiiiuub nnu xook ecnoo 1 Klc ; " " j Thp 1Je,ians ,' PvfPnrte,i tb.i- I battlcfront north of the Handzeema Canal, xvhero the) liavo made protr less in the region of Schoore, Ave miles fiom tne North Sea southeast of Nleuport. and generally gained ground eastxxard as far as Coolscamp. Tho adxar.ee paved the way for tho plunge toxvnrd Ostend The Germans liax-e been counter. i nttrii-tlaitir I" n la.u Tf 1-. a a ''""." V.'. ".. "?. "r " ''?'"" " u strong local thrust at Haussy, In the legion souin or x uieiiciennes pressed Hie Ilrltlsh back' in the western edgo of tlie village esterda) !) the Lniteil Press I.oiidoii, Oct. IT. A complete bieak-tnrough has been effected lij the Allies tn the Germans second defense lino In Belgium, at cording to battlefront dispatches. Dense masses of cavalry are pouring' through the breach and nre reported tu have advanceel nine miles. The break-through probably was in the region of Thlelt. where Belgian cax-alry Is reported to have entered that city after a sudden advance of; more tnan three miles. An additional advance of nine miles in this vicinity would carry tho Allied cavalry to Nevele, only six miles 5' southwest of Ghent. " c' If the breach vvvre made farther V south It would brlnif the Allies within' -. two miles of Audcnarde, while If H', " Continued on Pace Vifp. Column Tfcfee fourteen Pined for Spitting - 'f Nearly all the prisoners arra'rned bi. . fore Magistrate Mecleary at the Centre! Police Station this afternoon were vV- "' latora of the "spitting" law, Fourteen v 1 in an were arrnueu. tne magistrate fined eacll one $2 60, BUY! BUY! BUY TODAY i ' xi ii m -m M vi .ni P X 4f .- . . " . 1 :,-! - , ," . 4 V J '& .La f4iB&fe-'. V " ,, a 1 U.llvl " 4lV t 1 I " ' " -sV-'- ', v. B. fkfifi (is '1 T x
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers