V, ' r. Euentng public ffiebget .----- THE WEATBER NIGHT EXTRA Washington, Oct. JoV Fair tonight and probably Thursday; slightly uarmer tonight. IKMrKKATl'M? AT EACH HOUR .f I.I 9 10 TTl 112 I 1.1 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 syTU i r.r. f.i I 60 f. I 70 I i i THE EVENING TELEGRAPH 1 nrerrd b Simnil-l-'ln-s Jl tier tit the Pimtufflce nt Philadelphia, 1' Inilor tlif vd .f Mirih M, IS." VOL. V. NO. 28 I'ubllthed ly Hirit Huiuln Hutim rlpilon Price. 10 a Year by Mall Cu right! HUH. In the Puhlli l-Klnor CoinimiiJ PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1G, 1918 Berlin Banking Circles in Panic Over the President's Reply; Fighting in City Streets of Austria; Czecho-Slovaks Revolt -M i PRICE TWO CENTS' ? jr i; DEATH THREATS IN MANY LETTERS TO BOARD NO. 3 Members Ask U. S. Attor ney to Aet and Accuse Police POLITICIANS B L A M ft D Say Attacks Due to Induction of Ward Heelers ami Criminals in Service Tellers thratenlns death to mem bers of l.oejl Pratt Board No ". be cnuse a number of small fry politicians and petty criminals were Inducted Into tlie nrmy, liavn become mi numeious that they lmve been turned over to tlio' fed eral nuthorlt'es for Investigation Dr. .lolin P.emlg, medical otlleer of the board, nlro i'lin'- tli.it lb" police of tbo Second and Ch!!tl.iti rtie ts stn tlon. where the board has Its head quarters, bale co-opf .iteil with Vare political followers to hamper operation of the releotlv'e Ferv'ce law In tint ills-, trlct. Or. P.emlg aleo c.illeil attention to lb" fact that board N'o. ". recently leoehed a letter from Conure'stnan Vnre nuking reconsideration of the cui-e of Itaffnel Camllll. now at Camp Cmmleaf. who nas lncllcled on the charge of coiipjiIi Injr to Induce a soldier to desirt. Besides Or. llemlg, the men tlne.it ened with extermination bv the forces of tbo underworld are Augustus W Mur phy. chairman of the board, and Kugene McCarron. A vcrltnb'e bombardmont of thieal entng letters followed the, Induction ot certain questionable ehuiacters, uccoid lnc to Or. P.cmls. Almost without ex- ccptlon they referrid significantly to thn fate of Acting Detective (ieorge r.'ppley, slnln by a Krog Hollow Runman tn tin. Fifth Ward primary ilots. The letters haie bn placed In the hands patrolmen, given draft notices to deliver lo leglstrants, turned mom over to vnre division leadeis. nho. In turn, notllled the, registrants.'" (-aid Doctor KemlR SHIN MirprUrd ".Mr. Muiphy Jiinf I went to Assistant District Attorney Walnut and com plained. He furnlslud us with a IMlcr to Captain Mills and the latter appeared greatly surprised when we told of the action of the police I "Caption Mills th' n nnd there wanted lo have the offending patrolmen brought , before the police board for trial. How ever, this nould have. 'been of no aiall, as these men were only serving the higher-ups." "Then theie tinvn been many other ways, In which the police have shown that they were unwilling to co-opcrato with us. We arc offered Inadequate protection nt all times. There Is never . ny effort of the police to maintain order when we lire examining Rroups of regis trants. In fact, matteis have del eloped to a point where vie are In actual fear" , According to the membeis of Local Board No, 3, their trouble started when they remoied Ilaffael C'anillll, u draft I eligible, living nt 800 South .Seventh i street, from Class 4-A nnd Inducted him I Into .the service. Camllll was recently lndlcfed by the special Fedcial lirand Jury problnR draft conditions here' with A, II. Oordon Davis, n lavijer, Ca mllll being accused ofN conspliacy to hamper the draft. t'ninllll Wiin Itunner " Canillll. now at Camp Oreanleaf, was s, former runner for the indicted at-' torney and Is said to halo lieen the man , i ipiiera nan- ..-j iinini it. n. "" ot T. Henry Walnut, Assistant United J. I States Attorney. I I' Ilcfcrrlng to alleged police Interfir-J j 1 ence. Doctor llemlg h.iid: ii "Wa have affidavits to show tli.it the' S that mulcted a soiuier or 400, telling I i mm no couiu tiun me iiiinv anil ' niai- ters would be fHed." The change In classification made by thi board, according to Doctor Hemic, followed the presentation of facts show ing that Camllll never supported his wife nnd three children. An agent of the Pennsylvania S'ocletyt to Protect Children from Cruelty placed a series of reports In the hands of the board, show., lng these facts and that ho beat his' wife. The case was appealed to District Board No. 1, which sustained the action of the local board after reviewing the facts. Camllll was ordered to camp September 3, but the draft officials Charge that he did not leave then. However, thevfotlowlng day they took measures for mVentralninent to Camp (Ireenleaf. Some time afterward the board re ceived some papers from Ilarrlsburg pertaining to Camllll. Among them, It Is alleged, were two telegrams, one from Herbert W, Salus, demanding a reclassification of Camllll, and another from Mrs. Camllll, saying that she wan willing to testify that her husband did supVbrt her. Jlecently a letter fiom Congressman Vare reached draft olllclals, asking for a' reconsideration In the cases of Camllll and two other registrants under the .Jurisdiction of Local Hoard No, 3, SAY HE SLURRED SERVICE MAN Crowd Attacks Lawyer for Al leged Discourteous Remark A statement that "all sailors, marines and soldiers are bums," alleged to have been made by Paul Wlnthrop, an at torney In the Drexel Building, nearly precipitated a riot at a hearing before ..lUjstitrate Baker at the Fourth street 'aM jknyder avenue station today, ' "Persons In the hearing room, many of whom have sons and brothers In the service, rush,ed at Wlnthrop. but the police' saved the hitter from bodily In jury 'by escorting him througli the threatening crowd to the door. Wlnthrop was defending Klve Kkves ska. Hltner Btreet new Fourth, against a obarge or ussauu una uauery pre- red vy nis srvcuiri-nrxar-oia naugll- , ttther. The . father- declared ,tbat rilM ij to - allow.. bt dtwUr t iufMer wfa et tun Vini VVW ' The Day's Honor Roll for the City and lis Vicinity till. 1. 1. It l VCIKIN PIUVATK IIKNKV htKKKT. Ullv t.w refn rtret ritivATK Jtiiiv n. o-iioitsi:. ntr.t North Klltt stre'i, (t'noitu liillr re 1'llTvATi: .IOIIX r, KI'.I.IA, mi.' North rorti-MPVpntli streft nit i) ir Disiivsr. rmviTi: iikn.mvh( ihmti.in. lot"' McICrun tret ifVmllv Imp nioie.1, ItHilnc no fnwsrlln adilr-p ) iii.i or win mis PlflVATK I.oris KlliPVUA. vo; Nor'li 1'r.inKiln ftiect. l'iinl( l.ills miortin i M01M11.I) , I.H'.l'TrN.WT IIAKOl.D , l'Mllt. I". I.I'TTKNANT W. 1 KHH.i:. .till V rtin ,-n ,t n H , . p,,,,, ( SKIKIKINT r. .1, ItMVhlt, ISIS r!low 111 ,T.rt (ii'M'dkm, Jtur.i ii, tiii.i,, '."jr. X trill Knurlli t. ( lll'I'Oll M. M 11.1,1 VII , lltltMW lllrici Nnrth TlilrtiPivii "trret (l n "Tlrl-ll icit'lnl I I DIII'OIt.M, .l1tl s , Vl.llllll.. Ml' lor.'- fifp Ii.r'.) tl nn-'fl ( iiitrottAi, I'lin.ll' iiniiN. :n:ri N'uriii Hlxlernri ilr.et (Ciiuiriil ill re. ..n-i,..l i l'tIIATi: .1. II II PH ltlSV. tt. l'or l.p I,. nt U'HOITI! il!v riinrlri1 1 rmvATi: , r, unit, : Soutn ll'.h(litt. h'ip l'lMVVTi: .VI. V.l 'K',TT 'Jlt! VV. t -"! - ,.pr. '"norrl'lnl -.1. 'I I MM'MAMI' IRM . CXMI'IIKI.I., tent ll-ltnont iiieieip. l'1'HA'il; Jill N II. Ill UN- tlJI Mini 1,1 -.,. ..- l'RI TK HVKKl lll.t-l.n. ST4L' i:m i'H'Vvti' miii f. viiti,i, r,-.fj 11 "m'n.t - n...,, i.itiv.tTv okiii: ( kih ii. .v.ii Mh lc. lrr'l , ,.,, ,.,. ..(,111,1;-! ltl!, .""II Tl I.m .rnrl pi'M'vti; imih ii nAtiMii. :i". vvt pwionn rnp ""VT", 11 11.11 Ml P'M'.I I !' N-"i1hIii tr, it 11 n ffli I 1. r 'liorl i I'lf'VMi: l!IIV t.i'VPl.lMi. -IH Vnrlli lif'i -Iri-rt (rnnirfiinllv repo-tril I I'mv.vrr riuiiivs iimmii.k. .m; . "... -t- t t' -rt ' ' r-"'- I rim ti: vv, vv. v vkicn ii im i Itp .VlHllMlll. Il'iotr1 'I ill If -. .1 fpil'tTi' I'WIPIM! IIWIII'MI'K. III. i'M4 i-'n-i .., iimr-n-l'i' i" prctp ''H 1TC IIIIVMI lI l, tits u .,.. M, nt. ihlnl rflt (it'VM'H" '""; mil 'it .i 'ritiiTrv, I. . .. 2SI.1 linn (eiirilld utreet Vlss(J I'IH.1K TIKIMXs .?. ; licit, 734 ".ii TM-lpenlh tr"et. .,.-Vlti: I,. ,. 1IKIMV-. IM-, South l'IIIVVI":r41ISKI'll slliril. -IS37 ObIp s'ree PRISOM'.Tt ppivvii: istM! .i. Kiii.v. ti;i Tlif-cenlh stlrpt f,t ,"l !tn (Hit l'-Pl lousl" rprsrl.il m'"-'T I 'IHII!HV fH'llltTI'll HINlNd mi iir.roiiTMi rniMiNF.ii at I'AMI' KSTAIT. tlKKMtXV I'KIX ti: rUAMi .1, KKI.I.Y, nits rip.ilh Tv-nl pfiTvill. firrct. , "I'lm.VTK ritM ilf'tlSTA. 1727 NoVtli Tpnli.?rcon'l Ktrvpl, I'lllVATK HII.IJ1I1 JHlOlli:, not Hmlly flrprt. vp'vati: w. . sT.ii'ri.ii. wiiiow I'im.vrr, hhhva. tit'i'r. isn .vt ltrn 'fpp. ll-r'nnntoun i'ivT rndiiAs ii, rim.i.ii's. S7t lleclll itlrcf i'lllV VTH IIICH .1. (CIKXII.I'.V, ll'-'.l l'IU,n-l rel i'HivT'vi,itMi J. kih niAV. :n-,o M UpM lr-Pt, 1'ini itk riiivAitn ut'iiKRT. it? i:.t I" ln.H jiie.itip riin'XT'; AKTIU'II'IJIUV. t.anilonr. fcvenie. I'ANUH.VN AKSn I'KIVXTi: K. vflNTi:i". (No house ,.tiin. vlieii'i 1'im Ti: V. II. Kllllll NTP.R. (No niiir -fMresM plipn 1 I'KIX Ti: It. hiiI'MI.K, (j lmupe ad- ilrein uUe'i. NKXRIIV POINTS l.lKt II.NANT JOHN 'ICIIIIli: I'WTIIN, TrelllPll N'. .'. (I'l'l'il n nellnnl l.iri-TI'AXVr KICIIMtl) U. VAt (IIIAN, Ilox . rTru. ii " ii"'" i'i -i-ii (Illtl'OIIVI. (IMIll P IIOHAM1. Piitts-lon-n I'n (KlllP.l In pillnnl pitiwri: w.M.ini .i. in iiicr.it. sjm VVV"lfM'Id avenue Cnlth'li N J IICIIlP'l In nrtlon ) I'ltlVATi: IIOItK'H IIAVIIII.vtoV, In. muter In (KIHeit In BCtton.) r-mVAIKAI.ritKO MIKKl.tlCH. lledls. i 111 piinitril 1 rIVTK DAX'II It IIINKI.KY, I.an- iiHlcr. Pa. (WoumlPil.) VII.siN(l M'lK.KVNT VMI.I.IAJI I (Vr.Nl, Pn'lsillle. Pa. 1'K1VAT: ttll.l.lAM II. II Mil. Potts- vllle, Pn. niivvTr. i'wnjxmin rAJiiiARTo. I'nitnllle, Pa. PFIVATK tWI.I.IAM .1. fiARIIM.R, , Pottnillle Pu I'RIVAT" JOshPIl KRSMSKY, Potts- villi.. Pi I'lllVATK I.. A. MlXdlli:. CliPster. Pa. October 111, 1'JtS rhf nhore lis Is- coniplfcd from the official casualty rreonli muf fmtn unofficial irporM m cirri? I'll rclativcH one? filcndi of the men o vertea i. " " PAXSON DEETER MADE CAPTAIN t LllWVer of This City CilllimiS- . . - tv HOIlcd HI UrdlMHCe UcpurtlllC.lt Paxwin Deeter. nil attorney of this, city and law paitner of John C. Bell, former Attorney ijenerai-oi i-enn.si-unlii. bea been made a captain in the ordnance department. Ills appointment was announceu louuy i.y ...e vnr ue partinent. ... , , The Philadelphia!!!! who recoiled com mlnhlons were: Sanitary corps i .Second lieutenant. Mervln Itosenberger, 3010 Bambrey btreeU . ,, , Air ssrvice tnerouauiiis; neconu HeUteiiBjit, lMuurd U. Bhepatd, 1154 South Ituby street. 4 HURT IN TROLLEY CRASH Accident Caused by Mistukc in Signala, It I Believed I'our men were Injured In a trolley crash at Tenth idreet and Snider ave nue today. .. , , ., They aie Maurice uogasn. :;i nuum Klghth stieet. cut walpi Andrew Morris, 1812 South renin sireei, iiuciu.r.. i-si imuuiu ..r ,"7"V"'-"'1,rll.iA,1 ,.ny mnilA Joseph BlMo. IM Kater street, fractured I Pl-coveri of the '"ru?,VN1.trnn knee, und John ITiilnmn. 715 Jackson bv Hairy A. hflilinyr lilt 'ist.vi n st eet. cuts aiulbiulses All weie taken of records. Part of the J "f orna to Kt. Agnes's Hospital. I mental brass screen that fo ins Pin The nictuent is oeneieii to nave uo curred through a mistake of slr.nals. I fUN PAPC THKKh R II I II NX liUnii iniwuu u"w w.uu.v.ii Wasniiigtou Receives Fiwt Rettlly .Encouraging Report lly the Associated Press vi.i.i..inn. Oct. 10. With four more. fiiBHStorW WS SUS fourth Liberty txian race lomri sx iillllnns I.efnre Saturday night. Head- iiuarters Indicated favorable conditions for the closing days of the campaign. "The first really encouraging reports began to arrive today," fcald the otllclal announcement. "These reports carried timnle evidence that the country reallred the 'Mrloim business It had ahead dur- MAINTAINS PEACE ;. NOW WOULD GIVE RUSSIA TO KAISER General Knox, at Vladi vostok. Points lo Grave Peril in East IIAK STUArGI,iM10LD Sciiii-liccoiifttriii'lioii tf But- tlffruui Urged to Break Grip of Tfiiluii.s llj CK1, W. ACKKItM N .iirtin Cable to Ia ruing Public l.vdgir ' Oli'jl ii7ll I'll. Ill Vi alk Ttlixrt Co. VII Turpi!?!! IIUIili. riP!rlpil Urillsli lle;uIiii:irliTs, Vlittllviislnlt. Oct. Ill (lJel.i fil i ' 1'iMce with (!ei nianv now vi III m i'to Itussl.i a ,it fnito (iciiuin iuluu." alii (ieniisl ICnov chief nf the Ihlt lh military' mission tml.i.v "While It Is tmpuhsui(. tuiw tu ici'iiiiHti net tlic Husulan fiont In the scne of a lontlntious line of tienchcrt l'toiii th" U.iltk' tn the lll.iil; Set i think th.' Allic I forces should move to the fials. If vie hud done that u month igo vie should h.ivp been In Moscow this n Inter. AVliile it Is now too late to ie.ich that Utv. I think tin Allied ti oop's should nilitune to sliou the Czechs and Husians that vie r ill Intenil to help." I met (Jeneral Knos nt (ieliei.il firuven's reception to the Allied otn- toi s iiinl local Itiihsi.m and Czech leaders In honor of Anibass nlor Mur- lis tiinl Ailnili.il KnlBht. Helm? uc- credited to the lirltlsh foices here as well ns to the Anict leans and ktioiv- 1 iuir Ceneral Knox to be tlie chief ' Allied e.spprt In Ilussld. following ) seven .ve.ns residence. ineluuiiiR teun ns inllltiirv attiiche to the IhitlNh inilhiMiy In I'ltiosrad, I boimht his vleii. liec.ui'-e he knows the ex- 1 act inllituiy situation of the Czccuo- Sloviil.s and pattlrau Itusslaim, Ills v ievvn uie iiuiuriuui. "A few dd)H usio." he went on ' met u IlUMKl.tn olllier-wlio had crossed l:uHln fiom Archaucel. He mild Hus ' sla vvtia boilliiB now: tint If we did I not do something immediately ever I thins would fall IS.it. Now l the 1 lischolo;lcnl moment. The peasants 1 have never been for liolshevlsm. It I made headivu only In tlie larRo cities. IThe llolshevlkl'aie woiklnwmen. Tliey licpienint only n very i-niall nhare of the population neie, not as 111 i.ai;. 1 In nil and Anierleu, Here nc.ucely 10 i ...... .,..,. ..e lii. iiii.nil.illi.il lid. in tlif. ! ...i i .,t,s. Tint the i,...K..nts nnd intelleotuals a,e aa.nt the Col - slievlki. n . t II I lll.nl.nll 1.V I tll'dlClltl f I tit A I ., '."""ur , ',; .nn .... a' mone Is of no vulue to them, for l.n., urn iipliil I.ii' minions of rubles .,'.... ... !... ..1 T .,,. Infmmul (lauy hi . c. .'..iii, i ' i...i ..-' tli.it In the Sainnru dlstilct nlonu the I Holshcviki client three hundred mil lion rubles for piopaK.ind.i The Iiol- tit ...1.1 ntl . . .i limnii lit n I nlilna ' .U v n'."l m o them 'on- ami "0 '" h", S &rr ,Uil NOUe U,S ; P-""dTnied dmhu.".';;. Zlt U or rciulred to v.oil. ( n.H wefl ntn(,,e(, , , ,., "The poor Czechoslovaks have been lwi1(,n !h tompohed of drafted mm Horn fldhtliiK nB.lsnst such people for ull,lhu llx the Alller, flshtlm; continuously for three months. Their comp.inleH are, , DDIIICIi TMT , educed f.0 per cent. The Volw is AIRPLANE BRAVED TNT r.nnn miles fiom V ad K.stok and the bis. i .oh and powerful Allien mo nlt - tins heie doliiK notlilii'--. "I don't ine.ui tliat we liould Ko into tlie Intei'.or and establish a front iiBuliiKt the (litinuiiH There will never be a continuous line of trenches an It wan in ID1C. 1 mean that there --liould be a Ural itnlcr for" nil the Allies Cenn.in nron.iEalidlsts aie now irolnt; about the ccuntiv HavlHB tli.it thef AUh don t in- ' tend to help Kumla, that they are Klay- 'Sa'JSTM- S. ahKT'i'K; 1 believe these taleH. "Kurthermore, there are b.in.lH of Hus- ... -..i.iinu hiiiIai .urliiiw creneralf. en- .S Ttow ,i.e Volga Tl.ee needj i ('u..tl..rd on I'sice Kleirn. ( ulii.iin One' - 1 mrrrnrn COURT RECORD ROOM ENTERED Valuable Papers Ma) Hac Been Stolen From Prontlionotury's Office tue Some one Rained entrance ' .win.- "... .,.....-- -'--, ..,,,., .... loo.n or ins p:.'-....'. --' .,". second floor of City llall Ut night and !. nit., tiiriiiieli 4he henv.i brass screen that guards the court leu.rds tV'eth" an" pp"'rs iere nlnlen can not be learned unless the contents of .i.ch of the hundreds of tilling c-Ses r.1B checked up with the dockets In the main The pilnilpal records stored In Ibmni J70. the one enter, d. are of u.K'ine-t notes, liens on re.l e-lt iind tbi . iBllinl tPinr-C'rl.l'r- f leM"."1" ' A '"' IK1I1.M um.r.. -.. r -. ,.1,.,1,i,. . ,. qmm i. """' "", int.. t- "- r " 'nln ot int.. cases. Il might ne 01 ni..... . ..uC man t .""" i.e i lit a key. or posslblv H hnifi blade, had been Inseiled st :t llThlZXlTei to have been 'u-,.7andUl,,n, ,,-ute protei'thig It. also were touted. ( GENERAL ROBERTS TO GO OVER r ivt i !l'.,..n. Moiiiii'IT ot INlltlOllllI l.ilv x i, rinir tn Kranw ' Bank UOlllg 10 1'rancc iimnlilnitoii, Oct. 16, (By 1, X. S.). jrgIdler General Samuel Itoberts to- V.!....,.. ..iiaved fron duty as ohlet of the procurement Mvk oi iw arniy oranancM! ary.."r-v.' . yilMMM. . Hi HOPerw about the tiling can" "- ''V ,...... ' nnd bent back far enough (' P fit a o squeeie iiiii" ......... .!... i,.nu in. the door Itadlng to ;& ' fM- r-BI 3 lfcllw' XEEjm i 1 mm t.M'TMiN JOr-KPH . 1)1 tf VHin Thi fit, ulio lia- been viouiulcil in ! 1'riince JOS. N. DUBARRY FALLS WOUNDED ON BATTLEFIELD Cnmlltiim nf C mlnni Ki.nnor' ucilllllliuit ol (.aplillll, t'nimei i Ledger Man. 1- ol Thought Serious t'aiiliiltT Joienh X l)uHniii.::d.ofiliis Mil. 1ms tit-en unniifleil In V'rn r!,... nc. i imdlinr t,. .1 .ililemnni from Id lecciwi! ' bv h's muthir-ln-hiH. -Mis. Arthur llroik. slot Spruce (duel. He w.is stria k In the leit bv f,, ,u shrniml Khell. bul th bullet Jnjuiy f idoed not appear to have bei ii heilou. 'tifaptaln fiutljnv'H wife, funnel IvMIs "''Kiln Hrod:. Is'oufTlf the cili7roTcr?nif is. i .i.... . ... from a mci Iouh lllncs? IVpluIti DuUimy Is piomlnent rouiully. He is a iirdduate of Princeton rnlvcr- rlty 1011. and ua n blar of the T.h.ngle . tun. tie i-rinccion.ira.i.iue o,B.in.a- , , if T1eiI Tllllt ,(1U t on l'..r a time after hailui,- colleKe . lmiu Miew , H,.lllnv,, (..plain OuBnrrv vum a nportcr for the ()f (.,,',. Ti1P nelirlan a.niv -i'i.-I'.vi:xinii Pfiii i. I.kixu:u. ,.. ..,, u messin- on v.iiil.llv lie Herved at th-Mele-in border ijlih the Kirct lmii Pllll.idclphl.i I'lly I'm- ... 1 .. I. ..!.. . O. .,...1 .1 ur., ... in n.i-ii i .uini ...... unuw... war on flermaii pinned his oinmlpsloi , .. ,. . " ? J " I roil .MilKlirn mill 'la 111-er nimi.i-iru a- Camp .Meade He vviit. traihferii'il to 1'ic leadiuar.i..- conipan of the :11.1th In- funtri :unl asslirncd to lhe Intel'lRenco dcpai ttnetit I'loinotlou to a cai.tiiln.y ' I'WIW MKIU after his unit inaue din . Kra nee The 313111 h.is done eallani Hinlie duilns the l.-cent haul ibiiiihb hi Finnie Captain Kiederlck II. l)r.ilon, , l-!" '-'-"' ". "u , Aviator' P ' i.,,.,1 110(1(1(11 3dL(l o,uuu.oi cat til Mor'.ui 0(10 PoiimU !) cue usoir uklilnu'liwi. del. I pound. of TNT iveie ... ..... I.... .liil.i.r ill., i lly the Assochted I'reis HHlllllBton. del. lit Clclii inllllon pound. of TNT iveie "raved f mil .1 Ktrucllnn durinit the recent tin Hi t.u nnu.il. ill .-, ..- ...... '"., (Slllespie sbell-IoadiiiK pbint at Mnir.m X. .!. by an army airplane which i I lew over th" vv reiki it lurks at an aliliuib .., 1...1I .llrectnl th, nht again-t the tlames vi. ir nipuiiuii'iii iiiiiiuun.eii mi- fnit today, disclosing that the plan, was pllolid by Ijliulinant C'vrus ! Sm)ib. !' Slnjor II I.. Arnistiong as b Beiver. 'COLLISION SINKS BRITISH SHIP 'L. 3. WUMllll) UlllliagCll llV I'tlll pi,ii!p i Cra.i, ' lly the Associated Presi Srxr i.rk. (let IS The HiitlHi ' Ig'it sie.ini.lilp !".it Philip, outbound, was sunk In a collision with a I'n ted i,i,. ... iv ir vessel ore sMinourne imuiu. in ii, imi.r bnv thb. forenoon The . i. ....- ....... ..... ...... .-.- - ... -..- -- -------- pinup crew ui miiy men wiiH iMie... nue cutter Tho bou of tho naiv vessel V . Iiiil ' ' ' or na npofted to havo been damaged. The Poit Philip u i a' 1 grohs tons she sank In about sevent- Hie feet of water. Pershing Cables Thanhs to Eddystone Gunmahvrs (jeneral PeihhhiB appieclates the woik of the Kddjstone rllle plant of the Mid vale ritcel mid, Oidnance Company at Eddystone, Pa. Heplylns to the recent pledge made by 14,000 employes a ml woik era of the plant, for earnest, tegu lar and steadfast work, which was made thiough Hihfadler (Jeneral Thumpsnn, director of ursenals, Cenernl Pershing today sent the following cable: "Tlio American expedlllnnary forte sends thanks lo the tmploirs of the Kclil) stone rllle plant fur their messaee. We IhunU )ou for wlint ou have done, for what you are now dolnc, but most ot all for what you are going to da during the v , V "RijAiWIKG." fc - " - i 1 'HAM'S TROOPS1 IN SUBURBS OF BASE XT LILLE lrall of German Stronghold Near Others Are Menaced Til TOiNS IN KETKKAT BOTH SIDES OK CITY Allies Bejieli Oulskirl? of Com- tnii and Approach Tiueh HOSTILE FLANK BBEAKS 12.000 Prisoners Taken 1 Al bert French One Mile From Bethel Tin full of l.llle. the most I'lliiin tiint clt.i li iiinthei'ii Fiance, whleli has boi n hi Id bv the Ceinian sitae l!)U is iiMiir l!il;ish patrols have pene tiiiti'd the s'lbuil.v of that base. The tleimiitiN me In tetieat both noitli nnd hoittli ii l.llle. The Alllis nre piesv.ns ulu nl In thill' c'landois (hive nnd the whole Ceiiimn ilifht uini; on the vvesie.'ii fiont In Kiunrc thieatens to cullapxe. The I'lenih hnve piisheil lo within n mile of the i.illro.id bane of I'ethel '" L'liiimpni.'ne. The Aliierioillis me f.glns nhead In tin- Aigonne. . . i(f Al)c!aU,d ,,,c,s l.iniilon. Oct 16 . Il-ltish Pdtiols entered tlie soutp I 11 Ostel'll HUllUlb of Ulle tills mill 11 1 1 1 17. 1 The uviti'liatlon if lite iiienl Industiial ' ccnteis of l.llle, ttouum nnd Tour coIiik bi tlie tieunans neelns In uvltuble us the lesult of new Allied guitin. (A (llintch fiom tlie fiont todai kirn th.it the Ceiniins ale In retreat hour lint'tiTlntlnBn'mPMJT-r.lire.'Tlbdj tlie i'thement will Invulvu the whole Lille Hallent." Iiel'Ian cdvnln .'till Hdvunulini in 1 i In,.., lUl.i i . 1 1 nr ii nu tlcil iml ! , " . . ,. ",,'""; , ,, r . i )o lhe Cm tematclc Thoiliout I n.ul. mi.. r..ii r ti.,. m u-lnwn runtiiiei il" "' "'" ..! - --,.- . , nniiunieil vester.la.i S;S: rSs! Is e.pec ' (0.1,.,. dls, . ...ssctl "".V.?" ...,,!,, hum out N twelve inlleH fiom lluic.s and twenlv miles frpm tlie Dutch frontier. The Allies nlrcud have advuneed'1 'ioni two and a half to seven miles In riniuleis 'on n thirtv-mlle fiont. On the i-lcht tile I! ltlsh I old Mnln , n id W'eivlca mid have Couitiai, ,.,.11. ,,.,.1 iim.-tloii. ulmost wlllilu ' 7. . .wl, ,.., lt,d..hed the out- sUn-ts of that toi" n Cuius of ground li lliltish pitrols clurlnv lu-t nisiit in the Duunl-Mlle ectol (lie leported by I'lelil .vi.irsniu UulT In his olllel.il statement tocbi. tTlie (Jeimans uie It. retieat in this e"ior) The tieim.in e.tienie iIkIu wlnu Is idinr th-entcned more and mine as me rti.ieu ncuh" in .,....,. ..v,.. (ii iinaii lehlHtmiee Is hi ickenint,'. T'-ere aie hiun.s tint the t.einii ns .calij:" the dais of heir occupation .,' TlPlilnm aie uumbeied Uiev nl leauv liuve i.i-4ui. mi- ". ". '""of. jp.i,,l 350 our these of vrfiteriin; Tlie. i- , i..t" " ' -- . llt' HUM I1IIIUU Ceuiians mo leported prep.ulnp; to,...-., t.,p t0. f , t c)Ut of uiukci nr.il Client and ev en ,., ,, KUm , ,,,..., I ' ',, . . Miction 111 vnsir.ii i.eiK...... I'i"""1' The lirltlsh Second Ami) Iuih iiach- (,t iolcll.it (ill lliei-ounriii-iiiKeiiniiu.. ter load ami capiure.i liiiiieKiieni ami He tile. Since the murium? of Octoher 11 tho Allioh have eaptuied U'.OOO pi iMiuern. lly the I niled Preii Willi the HrllWi Army In l'ljndcr, (let. 16. Allied foues drlvIiiR Into Helulum have thrunt their1 wedge iic.nss the road from Hinges to Court- inl. M'verlm; another artery of commu nkallou to the l'-boat bases. Krench wvuliv has Hwept over TJchteivelde lin( Thourout. nuvancn.g toward ,. ...i ,i... .., Trtwm.i i.A iirii't?s uiiu nm c-v... .....u... .,-. tlll,..rll pni, llf ,i,e flRht nir fiont iihikx ...en u.c ... ................ ,,.,,. of Unubourdln, thi'-e mllos from Lille, , . . , , By the Associated I'rett .. .. ,)(, jc, Armies In Belgium. Oot jg , Menln has fallen Allied troops uio n mile oust of Itoulirs nnd advanced patrols aie, nccordlng to latest leports, within a mile of Courtrnl. The I.yp Hlver seems to have been crossed be-, . . tf 1-..- lfjtl- It IU ltfl-kBk llk. ' TVVC"'l V..IUI1IICS, lillill ." "n-. w'- tuied. and Warni'lon ItepoitH indicate that another cross bit nf the Ls has been effected at UVrvlci. although this has not been conm med nt this hour. , t2iiitl. nf fha zone where the mud. . ......! A I1t,l l..ll.u tt I1n.ill.. Xlr'wav forward tiiiougli the rain and the moist nnd over Htlcky giound .i,.i piminv hns beaun n vvlthdravwil. liJ " ." " ,. -..,-. His troops uie being moved backward I fronf Pont-u.Vennln and Heiclau and i Contbiiiril on I'line Wl, Column Three. ' NOTED FRENCH FLIER KILLED Berlin A"otiiiccs Fate of Garros, I Missing Since October 7 lly the Associated Prfss Vm-lrnlsiii. Oct JO. Lieutenant lto land . Oarros. the noted Kiench avia tor who was posted as' missing (on Oc tober 7 after a fiUht over the per liwn lines, was ehot down and Wiled Oc- InliA.. i. A 'i - Jr , Vl'- it f U. S. First Army Wrests Grand Pre From Germans Pershing's Men Pass Through the Argonne and Are Rapidly Advancing Despite Resist ance of Teuton Re-enforcements Jl the I nttril l'rri Willi the Ainirii.ni 1'lrst Arm, Ott. n; I'luiit'lmr 'Iiiousb belts of Cumin vi I' e 111 the fuce of f-lioucis of luill'l iiiiiMib-H the men of the ilrsl At my have luoppeil up CSratldpic, noeJ the puss llnoUKll the Aisonne uml in f pushlin; on. Ciptureil (icim.iu, utdci s vtiited that (Iranilpre must be held ill all conl". A umv I'lii-slin Ktl.il it illusion was lilentilieil In this llhtlim. inalslnc; n total of tiient.v such divisions cniuup. teied sIiilp til" beKliiuins of the Amer ican cifiVni.lt o In this legion. At the sturl of the lucent pliiiie il the assault the .Miitrleans Jumped olf nt Si.'.O o'clocl; In the inoruliiK ninl B.iliml thilr llr"t olijtctlies nt some points i.itli fjie.it i.ipiillti. Ill 111 my i a-e there" was tlon. due tci the only slight uppo"l- (le.ulllne"s of the Viinl.ee urtilteri lire. In the lesion of Ouncl mid IJoIm' de 1'oicl the tlerm uis use cluckers." INFLUENZA INCREASES IN NEVT YORK NEW "3T 0X, Oct 16. New Spanish influenza cases tn New York showed an increase today. The new cases totalled 51 T3 against 4925 yesterday. There were 317 deaths, as npafust CS3 yesterday. The Spanish influenza victims tcportecl since September 18 number 48,084 with 2206 deaths. There were 5S5 new pneumonla'cases reported today. Yesterday 479 were leported. AVIATOR LIEUTENANT KILLED IN FALL TULTON, Ky., Oct. 1C Lieutenant Edwaid Little was killed here today mid Instutctor K. C. Smith received serious in juritVwheu,'thelr airplane fell out of control from a consider able height. The Accident it the ?lxth of its kind to occur at l'ultou in the l.iat year. PATRIOTS HEED DT V A Q V(T 1(N I LiLirltJ 1 jll lJvxTll Inm'U&iMl Renpon&es Fol- Also S 100.000,000 fol low "luformal" .Mcclings Na and 70.000,000 lot to Slir Interest Family Allowance , ,.,()- oi - --Q A V ft ) j, j -T..oJO..nu 11 i, u w There leiimlns lo l.iv hiiI rlbed $J03,- ft. -- . . ,1. . (.....it. I lk..li . .mi. Ii, ! the Phlladi'hihlu churl, t before the cam- i li.iKU cIohps Siturdnv niKht. In tlic clt ,e ,p WM , f,UKi:,x.:m molo w, lhP ,JinPlment within that time .,.,,,,,. t),e ..Mil lal flituriB k1h.iv a pain ,.,,. i.. 'nil. nmiini is J.-..T..7.1I11U liioi e for Mnnd.i. It is far he dm let must mid- ncrllie ever tm -nlv -four hours If the (Uota of ?r.lG,8U0.(i0U Is to be icncneu. Tlie l.ileHt figures show an average of $i3.3ii(i,finft must be subscribed everj , d.iv, liuludlng Inil.iy. u in- rm niicipiiia slrlet Is lo.tand vlth the rest of the eiiuii.li' In hind the Pre Idem in lib ic- fusal m jfrnnt a (Jrinmn-mntlp pe.u average f $3.1,71 4.8(10 dallv. To date Phlladelphl-i has Bub'eilbnl only SI1 33S.SH0 to the new loan, and the entire Third Koduaf Ite'.ric Pis - tilit. including Ibis ilt.. only llin.asi. - 450. This is a d.iilv aveiage for Phlla - ir'""!1 "KhM' "" f0'' ,h" uisirici oi-.i,..uJ,..u.. "...me l.urge ,sul.sirl.tlu. .cfi.u.' ................... .... ""' iirscr bed t as the in.iMinum enori ,;;, ,,i..dpj i.iln nd prince Alexander the entire district, b, cause its rchlmtsl f u,fl e limxlniuin performance." , '"da "ef, ' "ct SSt the meanTto at. have been lagR ng ever since t be cam-. 0 , . llola) cffecl ot BUch , u not th i o I Ject but pa gn opened, indications are that tlie ,-, tain it, no sain. iiuota set iilll bo ,cnef,ed by Saturday a ,''('a"u", Advices from Berlin say that ' the night and probablv passed I "It It the best piopaganda 111 the ..sldent of the Reichstag has post- I ii ,ii lil f.ir Ceriimni.'' be uld. ' hecause ..nnc.i Hie slttltnr of the Itelchstag which Seiei.tl large subicriptlons uniiouiiid knowing that the I'nlted Slates Is put today seemed to buoy up the dheiturv tlwr these billions of dollars Into this of lhe loan Among the subscrlbeist u el e : Joseph (liier, $ 1 .".(..(jl... llenrj K. Wumpile & Co., $H..".,..(ni. Kiinei.il Ohectors' Association of Phil adelphia, IOO,000. Suiithuark Kouudiy and Machine Coin piny. J200.00O. Nlles llement Pond Compauv, .lii'.iiiid Roberts Kilter Miiiiufacturiug Com- . 1'lHO I5G.6..H. i '"" W"h' i'.faaur.g Company J-,;" . . . .. .... ,. Haltelgh A. ( o loO.OUO n.llvldnal hslei. (,r..n lTl liftln dodr ineetln se of boi: bidders of b lifting of the ban on public out gs has done much to aid the bonds among Individuals; the,nir Horinuitural aitlvl'les on land con- bnnds of small deiiomlnatloiis who huve failed to date tu do their That the lestdents of the district will now respond to the appeals for subscrip tions Is tlie expectation of the cam paign directors. This afternoon In creased sales of bonds and n big boost in the total number of subscribers to the loan showed that new life .In the campaign hoe started Id ihow results In !ii awfikenln Interest of the public. The bwlnM InKi'" induetrlee of vvlih h tii.idc the hatue ound as ma-( chine Klin- to uinfusp the Americans Opetateil h, wires simultaneously with RiMiulu" ni'itblne kuiis. these machines led iisl.av our Hoop searchliiB fur the timchlnc-Rtiii nest. This was es pet hilly the el it when tb rlacker bov vv oio locattd behind tbo ilou?h boi ! South of the Aisne the Americans weio diseliirt 1" AMERICANS IGXORI-: ' ILL OBSTACLES Hi I'DWIIV. I JUIl'.S , 5)cc in? Cable to .'t eninp I'i ubtic Ledger i . i'i l.i Vi nrt Tlntri Co. 'Hi tit nierlran Irni.v In 1'r.inee, ( ii ' I fi In Hi" eild lain of the Inliimi mid- nctnhit tf noilhern France the doURb- i,k of i'ii" Amerliaii tinny nir.iin hit j,p n,-! Cenniiti line north of Vet dun. ,R.ilti"t n iiniieutrallon ot maclimc ( nnlhiitPit on I'lire sl. ( nliimn One ' 6 BILLIONS MORE ImU A R IVI V N tttil . . -. - -. -w 1 A wll fllllll 1 LWJUMJiJ , $36,000,000,000 I'OK YKAK the .Ivciciacc Vcic t .iIiIiikI.ih. tiet t; v 'lhe miliar dede.e l -y blP. carijini; tli,Jt.".,Tu.".,.iJi). fen the enl.irfrtr ivar pro- 'Grain, uas r.poited to th" I1.iu.-p today by the App oprlatlous Ciiiiimltti.' IU i proi lil S. l,2,Uii:,000 for the nrim. I SKiT.Jt7.fi"" for the uavj and ?T,O0O.nu0 , . .. ....... .. ... .,, ....i.,.., , .i r.u.i.ii. An anii of i olsht' dl'. hlnns about 5,111111,11(10 men. ii I'-rame and ilghtien . . , . , , , , , '" falnh.;,- at home by Jul 1 next, is I 'ihat the new piogrtm calls for. r.i pre - j nrro ilHl maint.iin It. tho amount now ' Propo-ed Is -ougat In addition to seven- I " and a lm" billion dollars provided by Hie annual lit ny bill ftnd the fort'.tl - 1 callous bill It w 1 bring the total of 1 appiopilatlons and uuthorUatlons fui the fvear up to thlit-fl bUllon dollars. ""-ral .March, appea.lng before , he csmimttieu when tl.e b II was ill .if ted, ! they can not keep their people from war. It Is a concrete tangible thing anu Is veiy liiipm taut from that standpoint. The know they are becoming Impover ished They know they are getting dun n to bed rock and here Is a nation throwing Its whole stienglh Into It." Leglslatlie features of the bill In ilude a section authorizing President Wilson to establish u war-s.iliage com mission which would recommend lo Con-KU-iH what disposition shall be maiiu of piopert acquired b the Govern ment during the war The poll el a of the shipping board wodld bo Increased .o as to authorize extension of the faillltles of shlpvards, dry docks, mailne railways and pleis. Antlinrltv Is srauted to the War Oe- .,., ,,, ,, 1250.000.000 In deielou- ,.,...i bv the armv. bureau, told the committee that the new head of the oranance program calls for 14.600 new guns for : . ... ...in . -. v. in. Ti- ad '0" .Vanr'near PIMsbuTg 'for constructing II, 16. and is-lncl " WIU be Increased, he said. .0 that it vt 1 jirov do tpr :np enure coast n ieiylieeils a. ilfo partfof the navy' demands. The output of ammunition at the,p)t will begin Ib Oeeemtier. ixt GERMANY MAY DETERMINE TO KEEP UP FIGHT Supreme Command Sum moned to Capital to Con sider Recruiting liNCREASE OF MILITARY AGE TO BE TAKEN UP, Strengthening of Defenses i Also to Be Plaecd "Before ' the Council ,-.-.r ,-,iav tt .TTrnnTl "lUJJ.UIIl-U AU31JTHA Martiul Law Declared as Army Moves on Czcclio Slovaks Ily the Associated I'rcss London, Oct. 1G. I I'icsidcnt Wilson's reply to the German peace note produced w "most , unfavorable impression" in Berlin, says a Central News dispatch from Amsterdam today. The publication of the reply, it adds, was followed by a panic in Berlin banking ciiclcs and on the stock exchange. 1 I Tho German supreme command,, e. the advices state, will como to'Ber-V lin nt the end of the present wetk? -"to delibcinte on mobilization, coa ecnlration of the national strengtlT ' ami the laisinjj of the military age.y V President Wilson's declaration thtit .1 it must dc cicany unaers;ooa um ' the jirocess of vaguatjon and ther j-, conditions of an armistice must b l' left with the military advisers of the i United States nnd its associates has 'Cientcd doubt as to his Rood -faith. It is expected ,that the GerinaB'cj , impciiui lllliucuiiui will i.iaivi: & ub- jcision today on the matters contain- ) ed in President Wilson's latest note, says a dispatch from Copenhagen, to the Exchange Telegraph Com l'H pany. , The German newspapers point out. jjle mossa(J.p adds, that President Wilson's note hud the effect of a cold douche on the hopes for peace engendered by his first note. Some of the newspapers comment en the note in the sharpest terms and with unbridled woids, adding that the "language of President Will " "ow na uceome excllcu Buer conferences he has had with the Allies." ll the Associated Press ItnOr, Miiterlund, Oct. 16. n.oidlnK to Berlin dispatches r celled here, tlie Oerman Socialists hav decided, In view of the general political , t Ituntlon. not to oppose Prince Jlaxl- I mlll.in, of H.iden, rctalnlne his pout of 1 1., 1-1 -.,n,,..iiI,r. ,t ,,..... Mnvlmlllan. accotdhig to ad- vl.es trcelvod here, has made a state ment to (he party leaders In the Reichs tag concerning his famous letter to Prince Alexander, of Hohenlohe. vvhlcn, sin, u p.! that Prince Maximilian was re- ' nctlonary In Ills political attitude and .h tinu supporter of the German j,imw MaxninlaIl lg nuote.l as having told the party leaders that the Ideas he i held now were not of recent formation, He caul he had repeatedly expressed hinibelf In 1!U7 and 1918 In favor of a categorical declaration on the subject or , ''''' if Zd 1, Sn2 ":.... ....... ... ui, ...v IVha i. ,.. m have becun today, rcservlnr to himself the right to summon the legis lative body at a later date. vvii.liliiBton. Oct. IC (By I N.8)-, The Independent Socialist party ot Cc-imany has split Into two factions, . . .it ... 1... 1... n.irsn.iii.r. nf VM aill'.l....H '" ..;, .......,........ . -- . i terday wincn reacnea iieiue luiiay, b-m ., ..instill iilvnatch to the French War ..,, ...... . . - -. ..K Mlbilon. ' S The radical group among the Inde-1 liiii'ent socialists win lonn now vujhih ..j ..,1,1.1.1 i..irt wltli the aim of enf&ralikK. an early peace, the dispatch states, Ma.blnilon, Oct. 16. Presldent'-WW f-onn program io. ucimib . . "pence offenslie" of the Central Pe?ej ; .1 . i...,..l ..nnlalHtllal.. 11A HdW I It IS UIIUCIBIVUS. . v..."'.- -. -y-r.- .Irlvlnir of a wedge between OwsM-MT . nn.l Austrla-IIungari'. The Dual ItM- ' larchy has been regarded bj the ylV3 'dent us a mere vassal of the mtttMHtT IU masters , of the Oennan lwto masters 'of the uerman empire, asm for that "0X"?C0J" iiniwn bv the President, in the ; oulhn.ng hi. progr. irr , (or w. I nb, Vienna vvhohfvll ''' . "a.J.ho.i,,f,L" 3 - ' ., ,! I VU,?L ?f ?! a.1 IfitatWf I. J, 7 tiZ ti ' vlJLj2 jSLS rm , ' V3-&& p--a lx.C lf Burigj AnnaWMMNMAt C Jhli m i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers