1--- -v-C - - -V.-,'-! J EVENING PUBLIO liDGER- PHILADELPHIA', TfettJRSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1918 v . OlDIERSFROM THIS CITY AND STATE WINNING GLORY BY HEROIC DEEDS ON BATTLEFIELDS - . . i ' i i - -V S & $? Pts14 . .fv r H f .4 (-e.iiD- 4" !-Jl; 7 - t;, rOUNGEST OF SIX ; IN WAR IS KILLED t IhlsPrivatc Charles R. Mona- x l,n "W".. 7x1 !.! Tlf -giiau u us miuiiL-u uciuu; Leaving for France .5?- CITY SOLD1EHS 1)1 K Total Casualties for Philadel phia Is 34 Lancaslcr Sol diers Reported De.id The enmplete ru.tisltv II. t. given nut hy the XX er Department Indite tern printed on page It. rrixate Charles Hobeit Monaglnn, killed In nctlon, was the voungest of six brothers, all In the service of their country, Private Joseph, lMwml and Flunk Tifonnghan are now In Frame Private WIHUun Monaghan I, .r.lnlnr ... l..n,i e, Petersburg, n ulill Hie clxth brother, John Moiianhan hn hp, n flrafled and would haxe been In citnp by this time but for the .'panixh Ilu ' epidemic Shortly before he hi!piI for Kr,tirv lust May PrUatH i hnrltx Moimxhiu married Ml" Ulla shatki-x, flllfi p-n RJT 'chal atenue. Iter iimther, Prlxnli' 11 JameB Sharkey, l nl In ltnme, ultli I L" ir J the 116th Infanm ( L Prlxate aionugnan in omp or inurtieni '"SnC-rhlladelphlan-i named iiiumi: lhoi t. nn todaVK list- who hnip died In Prnnre I It it? Thirteen doldleri from till- rltv aro rp-' ported wounded and tun are mlfliiu A soldier ftom Lnne.isier Ins been killed, as han alio nnp fioni Colnui while two frftn ne,irb i int-. are wounded and two aie mlln? The total for tlie da from Phllidel -,n pnill aim iiipii.w .r ,..i. i , -,..ui -is cum- . JI...UI t.. .1.1.1. ...... . j,- yc-- pared with neenM-i xeHiiru I ''Imtpaperatodax contains .M0 uanr-M. in- B'aitun1 , ,,.,,! enmp re 7' iludlnit thlrt.n lne Pennmhan.itis. lhelrn frnlll epr, 0d, recelxed ; " afternoon pipeia llt ront Uns SIT UlK,t ,,, lu,rdlnii to hW mother. , jv-rnameu. IneludlnK fortt- tie from Perm- ,, , nn, n,,wipH, nr.II Poplar street ' -",. hanU Thn lnl.ll fur llm ill, la lb? ....... - .u Mhanla The total for the di l P7, e.QB compared with into fNterdit, and a total of eight fiom P nnii Itanla. as compared with 171 from this Matt In v yesterdays llt Skctcho nf I ho lloruvs llr.l'ThNAM hllW Will II HHCP. died of nneumnnla on .enpnihr 15 L U J''-hlle serxlnir In Frinip wan the son of j nr and Mrs ( narips itoxee or "i.'it ;WalnUt street Lleutenint Itotee earned his commlHsion in an otllterH IVTSf-tlnlng camp In the summer nf lat Jear and was attached to I'nmpanx H 113th Infantrj National Xrmx Lieu- .' tenant Iloxce was ihlrtx and was well Known here i-. P Klin KANT XIII II XI. I t I ON Wtll, 2''JK., killed In action a formerlx ein- ployed In the circulation department of " the Curtis Publishing Compinx He had 5"i!'3 en n member or the National iluaril R 'of Pennsjlxanla foi nine eirs when j j''J.thls country entered Hip war and tried I Nw. for fl rnmmlsstnn nt. thp ottletirs train. L..1 .ing comp. Fort Mamra He it.mpleted vt",the course there but fuled to secure a . , ("I'eutctiancy by n xerx narrow tiiarKln V ie promptly went back to tn puanl 'jfianil soon rose to be a servant In Com- l""! itl. III IMP llllll llllilllllt Ilin mother, Mrs Mary Leonard, was In formed by the War Driinrtmenl that pon Iiunu the ITU son naa nepn hllieit on aukusi I-- unKer brother Thomas l.tonard naxv and at pre-cnt Is help- Kuard framps shlpiards 111 ATK PIIXNK T II X KM. . killed ctloo. was the onlx son of Xlr and T F. Karnes 31K south MMh t, Parby He wbh onl sexentepn n he enlisted In luly of 1917. 1n nse to the pnsldent s call for ttrers Asked b his patents whethei all7ed the rlfck he was tnklne hi ed, "Ve, 1 undei stand but I feel I I must bo A fellow i in onl die 'ce. and there Is no better wax In die fan while flf-htlnK for ones tountri ' The young soldier who was a mem. . er of i'ompinx II llltli lnfanti was .""cut down by machine-gun fire during the fighting aiound Flsnies Xugust It. according to a letter reielvpd bx his i f father from the 11k iMiailes I'onatx ' chaplain of the Seiond llattallon l" jV- 'hlch the 111th was nltnched Private Barnes was a graduite of the l.irh High School, and was a fine all-round athlete. He was engaged In the auto mobile business when he responded lo the call to the colois tiitt I'RIVTK AI.lll.HT X. XXXT-ON, llt4 t ..(., ... Vi.. f t unlnni, . . .- i ,-illlCU ill tlLltuu, "ilrl til pi xriiirrii-x-ti -JV",Bon John s WaiHtut -iJ Ninth Second utreet, Cohwn lip urh a jrrHd- l?vAe-huate of 8t, Clement x f'athollr -rhuol ana eniiBini m uui. m i-ti w-nr ii was trained at I'mnp Hnmntit fthrf Iih ! F wan assixnea iu i'ompinx n. 1 1 1 1 it in- , janiry, anu wai Kiiif-u in in ,im n.rn And at thp samp tlmt hj Prlvnte HariifH t-0 jA- brother, Andrew Watson, Ii In th- fiici- i iic i ui i- JjJ JCOKPOUV1. sCI,, lt)MTMN had DrelouHly been renin ted mlrtdnf. S ""Jlrtbut a telesram from WriitiliiKtmi todav Efc r Afflnlollir annmir.'bil hlu dnl. Ill uiiiwau niiiiuuiii'ii ii' urtiiii - -tttn ten-i t l-rtvi or tiPli.t I hut mlatfii i Ek Has been made for the uthVlal not It o r.r-ltiited that he uhh killed un lul I" tit KhrOi Bf prul lotiprj. Ii m ltcx'ti r- li-t fmm lilm aln ia th.it linw t ti luul x z.": A'."J .:".:".:.. . . :.'. tv. . l one, llHieu epieinuer t leiuilg ins , parents that he was In a ha-e hospital MiMWarlno- fmni tx.ilin.ld Hrliul ll.il.l I I" ...t.... ....... .....,..- ....... , jf-V stein Is nineteen veals old nnd enlisted I. : Anrll 16. 1917 In the National liu.inl of f-5iPennslxanla Ills pirents Mr uml ' ." ,, Mrs Harr) (lold'tein l.xe at .'J19 South, -" ueuian sireei COIII'OIIAl.Tlll.llDlllll: P -.XIX rill'. I "L-4-il1tlri4 la n innntliAS ef I illllifl ti TT E. ! W( f ( III' llll'i i ! ('(J , I 108th Infantry Hi was fninierlx em-. nlnvn n n ill nrrsliinii lit the ltnlilwln Tocornottve XX'orks He enlisted In the l! l-'old First Hegiment, N H P at the time I J fn ' ne i''xlCBn bordet troubles and - -ci-ra 1 vu iniwufiii inui Mniji4tnn 15 ii,J,r'Cent letter to nis nioiner .mis Meita fimxthe. 731 North rortx-flist street hs aald that he had been wounded In the shoulder with shrapnel and that his eats had been Injured b the i nnrusslon of a I high exnloslxe shell A btolher Fred erick Snuthe, Is also In France he being attached to the rift) -fourth. Pioneers. 7-"J CORFOIIAI. -M'.ll. XI. HI. XX Mi. killed Tfln action, xxas tw end -eight eais jlefild and llxed with an aunt Mrs i-T -" lUnngh llarrlle natalaL.r nf tlio litillKe 13 - ,s" Spruce street He enlisted in September. 1917. in the old Third Itpgl ttient, is". O P and whs sent to Camp Hancock for training There he was assigned to Cornpans I, 111th Infant! 5 v1- and went overseas In Mav last He fennerly ltvcl with his parents at Tvxen- ly-aecona ana pemberton streets, anu VM .4llnal.il It.. U, Pharlu lln.. I' - Mma ltd tlilu 1 BknAl In nla IqbI . ...... w . ,v...-. ..v,,uu, ... .n ,..n. . ' Utter, xvrltten only a few das befcrei hi death, he said that the whole earth . J. shaking and nulxerlng as a result f 3 of, the heavy and continuous fire of the w 0rman and Allied artillery I'RIVATK rilAIII.I'S ROIIKKT XIOV A&HAN, killed In action, was .the son of John Monaghan, 5000 Chester avenue, He wan eighteen years old YoMng Mon. M-han enlisted juat prior to the Mexican Mlfln in lvis, serveu at, ine Doraer, vtsl further training a'camp Han- 0jm --Hi rrina w.tiv itiifi , JCTK M qompany i, nun imamry. from mm xvbs aaiea juiy Nor.xm.i: i.ox.n xiiim iui'tiiin-i Xmniia the large auhaerlpllnn to llir fourth l.lhi-rlj loan In Hie I'lilln. lelplila ill.trlrl annoiinred today Mere I Ingnn Trti.t t'nmpiinv, l,flnn,nOfl Ueiime II. Xlrlmlden Co, IMlo,. nno. Orlnnkn Mill-, Mi.oiMin. Xlfred XXnl.tenhiilme 1ln Cti., sirtti.onn. Iranklln ll'OIIrr A Co, MtJVOOo. . II. Klr.rhhnlini ft ( n 1 00,0(10. xnninnlt SHU MnnurnlllirliiK Com. punt, 1 00,000. Thomas XX nl.lenhnlme A inn. Conipnnl. 1 00,000. Philadelphia Tnpe.tr) Mill., stlO, mill. Xllllvlllp Xlnniifeliirlng liitnpnnv, jax.ntxi. Xlwnler Unit Xlnnufac turlnr mil panv's einplnve., J7II.000, Xlrl'itdden smuts ompanv , sfio.lion. Hum O.bnrne, I or., XX, 11(1 ll. Nnrlli Xnierlrnn Inn (nmpanv, MX noil. I, siilm A son. f nmininv, sXo.onn llvile-ltiikp-lrnir Cnmpnnv, JXII.OOll. I ninrl. XXIIIrv A Co, Mo, mill .Inllll I'.. Ilnnlfeil A III, 10,000. N I vlunn I ntitpilliv, MIIJHIO. lame. I.. XXII.on ,v, Son, MIHIOII. Xleinber. of ( lirl.thtii srlentp iiurihi-. nn oiiii. and ham tint In- a Kllilnc In n 1 Ttriiili u(i to hu kriPC" In npr etitinff linril tnrk whlli h wrnlf si,ikii:ni c ii it i i;m m, unon, 'j'Mprph wntimlril 1 twrtiH-otiP enr old nh1 i member of lh Ift nrtcpitirlpr- . '"n."' " .V ' " " ,mi .,.. ."r,"V . I '"! 1 III INI ' I III llir I'lll I mill I fc I I merit V 1 r Imr ie ir uilreil Into tliellotli.liiiHlHui,Htlftf.n l.tt.r rHiei,i l. hit f.itli.r llnrr Wood r in litspMliir for the Iltiroiti of lluilih 1hi IImh at r.:il Iteedland trett u.ih ililed fiimi n Inne hopllil . anil Hiltl I Into In r n knniked about n hit anil inn Htlll Htlff and HUffe-Ini fiotn muMiird kih in'nnlnB Hut I am ircttltiic m I inn ue to artv and ixpeit to lit all tlKlit oon ouni;ei Inolher. rnwiit' nnri - nnu ih a mi-innrr 01 'he mm hlne kuii Intlallon of the 109th Inf.iiilrx anil alfn In I rinoe Mtl(lN MtXIOMi J ll! Il. MUSKI, died of di.p.iiie wan a mem ber of Ilu hind of the Twtlfth Field rtillr Hi w i horn and nled In Port Klihnmnd nml wtll known In tint pillion X hroiliir llc at vn:i I'.iht Itln Ii Htieit tnhlnnnnwakl died of tnnailtliK iifiniilinK " 'he nllldal not IIK'it Ion from thp War nepnrtment fitiri: i.i mti.i: i.. hoi.i MN last lettir dated V'ptrnibei 7 told if tin line treitniPiit ho wis lecelxInR In the tet cinili and of how the doctors and tu.ris did tin nisi lps out" to ni il p thlnKs pit i ml for the wounded iildlers Prixate ICmnlw Is twentx- tht-nft , nf,-J fil.t llllll tllllMlPlI llll 1 0 1 7 I i ,1,. n1.1 Tl.l.1 lli.tmiinl S f. P III III'- ,!' ..II... " I nfpr he was Iraiisfeneil to 1'ompanj K 111th Infnnlrx PIIIX XI I. I III. 1)1 HICK IXM1I I XIIK. wounded on lulv IB durlns the heroic j ile fenne nf the Marne trosslntf bv the Xmerlian units h Inst Hit "iRht of 'hi. loft tie ne teeth nnd his 11 Htlff i right arm Hi haswrlttrn to u lirotner .ears oldillilng at 1121 (letrltt street tint h" Is 1 now .it a ionxalerent i.imp neir Lxon", Prance and Is getting along as well as t in be ppe( tid Well 1 suppose "on bine he ird about whit the Atiurlfin ho did to the tler mins he ixs Xl but we lertalnlv did glxe It to thoe Dutihnien We handed them a lielng thai Herlln will remember for i life time or more I got one hoi In with nn tnxonet before i sliripnel shell got me When I stuck him he begin to ell Kamerad 'Cam era d ' hut who In the world wants a riennan for i comrade' He will not do as mote talking on thta earth i .r.HC.P.WT Oil III. "T -. PI1XXIXII.I ION, woundpil Is a former member of the famous ilrenadier lluarun one or the nark regiments nf the Llrltlsh at my He lame to Philadelphia sneial xears ago and hnrtlx after the I'nlted Statcti drrlared wat on ilermanx enlisted In the regular arnix He wns assigned lo Uitterx- H Nineteenth Fit Id Artillery, and has been In Frinre for nearly n ear lie was wounded on August 25, according to a letter received bs his a'dopted brother Albert II Hramlex 25 1 south li ont strut Hut was not serlotMj injured and Is Imploxlne rnpidlx phixxii: xx ii. 1. 1 xxi m ti:, killed In anion was the sixth negro soldier from this illx to meet death In France He enll-ted In October of last xear though he was thlrtx-llxp wars old, and so not subject to dtnft nt that time spnt to n southern training ramp he was exentiiatix assigned in i iimpaiiy j ,, icsth lnfantrx a negro I eminent n tetl m Prance slncp Max of Aciir nis wife lles at 1831 IMck! ana f this icklnson trept ' piiixxn. xxhon iixi ill. I mi, prls. nni-r wns piexlousiy teponeii missing, j but hns now been located In a Herman camp He Is a memhpr nf ompany M, ln'ith Inf ntn and was captured during the severe lighting of .lulv IB when the lllsth and I loth Ueglnients did such fine I worl: In slopping the hoc lies hi the Marne His patents Ml and Mrs loeph Hac helot llxe at '.'134 South blxt) -"ivtli slrept VBoat Sinks U. S. S. I Tampa; 118 Lost I I iintllillril fruili I 'line line pedi, while engaged In esioiting 11 inn- vov It Is teporteil bs 1her vesels or the convov that the Tamp i foi some unknown rtamn, had gone well ahead of the iniixox and that about S 15 p in the she k of nn explosion was felt The vessel which iiinducied the seatth In the vlclnllv found luge Humilities of wtttkngp and one of the Tainpis lifebelts Two bodies in tiexal uniform but othetwle unidentified wete found The I nlted States stiamshlp Tampa was a foi tiler oat guard cutter and was In command of I'njitaln f Sittet lee ' the ioat guard Her comple ment consisted of ten cilfic ers nnd 10" enllsttd men and It Is reported that she bid on board also one Hrlll-h of flur and five i Hill en emploves The Tampa was a vessel of 1181 Ions displacement and when In the coast guard servlie tarried a crew of eight of ficers and slxts-twn men .She was built al Newport N'tws 'a In 1912 and as signed to Hie Atlantic coast with head, quint ers at Kej West Fla KDWIN DA Ml) PHILLIPS Philadelphia!, xthoie name U in rluileil amoiip the li-l of mi--ing members of the crew of the tor pedoed steamthip Buena Ventura. Phillip home in al 2038 South Txventy-first tlreel i .. ij r . jts $& ----K-Efe. r -u 3 FROM CITY LOST ON SHIP, IS REPORT I. S. Lits A. C. Mussel- man. IC. D. Phillips and A. Williams Missing VKSSKI- I -BOAT VICTIM' i Father Meliees Lieutenant on Htien.i enlura, Sunk Off i Sp.iin. May Be Ali.e Three Phlladelililnn lire nmnnit the nil-liiK from Ihe AmeiliBli tenmhli Hutnn iniurn inrpedred find link b nn enenn nubmnrlni' nlT the Smnlli ..... ,. kci.iniher 1G AeronlInK to an 0rrirlil lepott received todnv from Vnh. IriKtcn tnentt-ilx "in " im',"iB Thni of Ihl. til how fnte ale tin knnun are I Ipiilriinnt Mien ' Mll..eliim. ISnj Walnut xtriet I I. In In llml.l Phillip.. 2038 Sclltll I Tflit-lllt Kit eel I .... i CM. tHilnttlii nf- iriinir "- I""0 ('onfllitlnc tepoitn lne been rei.eleil I here tenaldlnc the fnte of Lieutenant Murltmn tin -eplenther . ', one uien after the llutiia Ventura hHd been eunu i llenn i' Muelmin father of l.lea tetnnt ,Muielmm rerdved' word from WnhlnKtoti that hi" eon had iiirlxcdj enfel ahioad In tndiiN tpport hiweir I leiilenant Mn-Kt Iman l lltil mlHltiK X" Hie re- zi ,;f hv. -MViZn l-ire1;":1!; wan uiiirp a i mate man in' k"""' Mint (nt out In tunlt for inn! unit n tnere ih oppoi - Premonition nf lleutli XX'llllims wh a gunners mate and had In en nboird two tian'ports that figured In wrecks Hint he had a pre monition of death at sen wns "how n bv a recent letter which Iip wrote ills brother Xnilernn William" Some of thee davs I ret knn III be burled at i-et he wiote X tt legram atinnundng that William" wi missing was tecclved at his home 6216 Pulaski avenue, todav Williams who was twent-exen vcars old. c nlistet list Xprll, and was nlgned to Hi. destrovtr .Incob .loncs whiLh was aim torpedoed and sunk The list which Includes three naxnl oltlters an nrniv utile er seventeen en listed men of the nixx nnd five others, whose names ate not in the Naxy De partment lecords. follows- NavHl Lieutenant William C Maws dlev Hos Like I'nglnnd , I nslgn Honrv f Ilronn 0"7 Il.ikcn street, llrooklvn Lnslgn lltitirkh Kilning 'ii I'.ast rremunt avenue Hrnnv, N V lllher Xlls.lng Xlen 'I he follow mg rnlltid men of the naxv nr teporteil missing Hntrs Ileeee Xntrlm 2"i'n P.lvrr avenue C'am elen N .1 , Innies Dennett Negaunee Mich , (iiiMnxe Philip liU'i-e l'rookln Montngue del.iunces .Meridian. Miss , XX'nltcr I rncst Ltzold Ir New X'ork , Paul 1 ouls Kropp Itiulni W , .lames Mnliathc Manchester Tenn . Harrv i Hedtnond Jr , Mount Calm, Tex Charles William lloblnson, Prlnietcm N .1 , lllllot Mathtws Scott Chtlsta. Mass, Louis Mecel llrooklvn, Albert W Smith llevert Mas David Ver-j meulen Paterson N .1 , Weefer Jen nings Whitman Chapmanxllle XX" "n XX'lllloni into XX inters HarrlsbutK Pa The five other men reported missing nre .lokpnli II Sullivan loin A Camp bell I'titnt i: XX'alnlo Carl II Baldwin and XX'llllam (! Morrlsev O'HALLORAN TO CONDUCT HUT Water Bureau Clerk Will Aid K. of C. in Friiiici Having resigned Ills position of clerk In the XX'atcr Bureau Jo'eph Leo O Hi - loran 1751 North 'i wentx -third s.teet, Is somewhere on the high si as on his was to France to take charge of a Knights of Col umbus hut Mr i) 11 illoran is xX ell known tn political circles In the twentv ninth and fortx s e x en t h wards He was at c np time a base bill plavei In a XX'etiiern league Miss Alice O Halloran chief nurse nf the Stale JO O HAM ORAN Health Depnttmeiit Is a slter of the Knights of Columbus .Secietius FINDS FUNJ3N DESTROYER Pliildilcl)liini)V Son Describes K perieneea as Hunter of U-Boatu Desctlblng life aboard a t'nlled StateB detroser William F I.earv the nine-leen-ear-old son of John I.ears-, 628 Spruce street. In a recent letter to his father, writes he 'wouldn't trade his present Job with any one 'I came out here tn see all the excitement," writes the joung ster, and believe me, 1 nt seeing n ' Leary was for merlx a champion school bos swim mer and nil mound athlete at l.KARV Atlantic Clt High School He enlisted In a naval hospital unit the dav the I'nlted .stales entered the war and five months Iatet was spnt to France He later asked to be transfprred to sea duty and was detailed aboard a dcstioser "The last trip out he writes, 'sure was a heautx stormy all the time, and this 111 ol detroser Just naturally did the hula-hula' all oxer the ocean. II wns exciting but I realls enjojed It, j When we ate out at sea life lines are swung along the ship, for when we have any rough weather this old boat Just stands up on her stern and then takes a nose dlvp Oh, boj, how shu does roll I sure will be u sea-colnil bos when 1 in thiough on this de stroyer " We are all patiently walling for Frits', to come up somewhere In our vicinity lird help the 'tlnfish' that comes anv where near this bunch" WILL GRADUATE IN A YEAR I West Point Course for Officers 1 Will Be Limited VXu. Illusion. Oct 3 (ily I N K ) To speed up the graduation of officers from West Point, the course there Is to be limited lo one sear In accordance with u plan formulated by Oeneral March, chief of staff, and approxed by the War Department this afternoon. It Is -estimated that the number nf ?raduata can there!)) be Increased from Od, the present average, to 1000. The two classes now at the Institution will both be graduated on November 1, ' ' f " iB fjSK stL sv hHb XX Jl h f Rfe. d" JP!f r ) v vl HkjMH. licr l(IY f 4 k d i 1 aJIHV ft ? Bk LB. VPr B l Mm "m' LHttV' 1BR9mw. L -l. R!r" - v tHkT Kx' VP H Mtt klf - B9K wf WTi - "' HF'4H HIBfr M lav Pr' ---I M I tfiBJJK- ' IE K$fe Si "4 ' v T "'!!Wf JkiV-Ptts lPFi?'tr' jC . 9r ' b Y 2IGMUN0 JABLONtgoWSKl died or OISCASC FREDERICK WOUKIO HEART-BREAKING MISERY IN GRIP-STRICKEN HOMES Miijoiltiiw Folloits Misfortune Bedfait Parents, With Dvntl Child, I'nable to Whip When Fire Attacks House Mother Rescued, Then Dies Mlseiv and trngedv are following In the wake or the Infiuen-a scourge Mar Urn to clutv are dving almost dally Scenes that mini pviii the most callous to tears are nn lining In nil sections of the cits In one sorrow sliliken home file added to Hie ml"erv X husband and wife, whose dead Infant diughter lav near them watched smoke and flame ap proach hs thex I ix helpless In bed The were carried nut bv neighbors who also'tcscued the Imdv of the child Anothet suffetcr driven to the xergc nf liis.inlt ntteinpted suicide bx hang ing when his wife and daughter were taken to a hospital with the malad He followed thpm liter Neighbor" lesnied Mr nnd Mrs Carl Atxlnnn both bedfast with Spanish In fluenza nnd ci-rlpd thn hod) of their nlne-nionth-old datightet Llllv. xvhn died from the disease ftom their home. 7131 I'astwlcl. nxenue wh'n flames were dis covered last evening Arxlnsnn nnd his wife wete sent to nnr rent iu ., ,.. ii i i. i.i- ,.., tin..t.ni ... the Philadelphia (.enenl Hospital, where IIH 41llliriHI -UHUII1UII4 il,- IM.,111,11 The husband Is In a critical condition . . t........ ....... ..!... I tCtn .v.A.lt... mil the police are trs Ing lo find his relatives The death of Mrs Arvlnson and her daughtei made tbtee xlcllms ftom Span sh Intluen7a in the same houso In a short period Mrs Jan Malande who, with her two children, llxed with the Arvlnsons In an apittnient ovei a gro cetx store Ht the Hastwick iiw-ntie ad dres", died sestetdn)' SCHOOLS AND THEATRES CLOSE IN FIGHT ON INFLUENZA f ontlnneil from Pass One In orclpr to prexent a serious slinttage Twelve men are 111 at the Shnvimntit station which supplies Itoxhorough Ger mantown Chestnut Hill ami Mnna .xunk. This Is one-fourlh of the force at this station I ederal Ollleliil. I onliilent Officials of the Federal Public Health Sen Ice are confide nt tint thev will have the disease In check verx sliortlv It took most communities bv surpilse, they Has, and there was reluctnnce for some time to (uarantlnp against the disease. That now has been changed, and the surgeon general hellevps that b) the end of the month the spread of the mal 111I5 will have been Mopped In tbtee hospitals In XX e"t Philadel phia 100 patients are suffering ftom the dlsjise All but ten nf the ninety cases at the Misericordlti II spltal have de veloped pneumonia and ate In a serious condition Of sixtv rasps at the 1'nl xerslt) Hnspitil thltts'-five are .soldiers and twent) are nurses 1 Iip death rate at this Institution tins lire n extremely 'ow, bowevcr.'einlv two ileilhs occurring among the 111 cases Heated Ptesb) leilan Hospital has fottx cases With all public gatherings prohibited in Camden, that cits Is waging a hard fight ngilnst the malad) which has at tacked thousands In the ells and nearby. Uloucestpi has son cases 1.1 a popula tion of Il.flOO persons Slil)unK ( rippled Influeuii hns spreall to shlpxaids In New In,g!and and ni.it h Atlantic States lo such an extent that Director General Schwab of the I'mergencx Fleet Corpora tion, lodn) de"crlbed the situation as "serious In the saids at Fore Itlxer, Mnss he said thete were about 3000 cases or 10 per rent of the workers. At the Hog Island .vnrds appioxlmately H per cent of Ihe 30 000 men have been unable to report for work this week on account nf Ihe disease I9n new cases being reported I.Ike conditions exist In other )ards in the two districts, Mr. Schwab said but the disease has not sptead to anv great extent to shlp)ards In Ihe south Xtlintb llulf (treat Lakes and Pacific coast dlstilcts The shipbuilding prog! am will be In terfered with milerlalK In any yard xv hern the number of rases reaches 8 per cent of the men emplo)d, the di rector general slid Ihe Hell Telephone Company here has lr,)it:d an appeal to patrons to make no rails bv telephone that are not abso lutely necessar) because of the deple tion of Ha forces b) the disease. There arc approximate!) 600 on the dally ab er.tee list of the cornpans. and In order that Gixernment business and calls for the cases doctors and nurses could ban-phv-leiiin."' mav be cared for, Ihe com-'die and that no others could be admitted pany lira asked mat other calls be Kept at the preesnt at a minimum ' There are thirty-five cases at the Chestei has closed all public places loiWest Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital protect Us citizens and shlpworkera of (and this Institution also Is filled to ca ttle Sun Shipbuilding Company, Not paclty Its officials announced last night nnl) schools, theaties and motion picture that no new cases could be admitted, shows, but saloons, poolrooms, dance At Ihe Home for the. Indigent the halls, club and lodge halls, aoda'foun- municipal authorities loda) will eslah lalni. i hutches and Sunday-schools have llh nn emergency hospital of 400 beds been shut ixly saloons and twenty I to care for Ihe rases among Ihe males In nooiroomii ari an tea ltr.l.l- I - rl U- . "- Iim t1is m.iHii-ti,'ii- iti , ii a i niiiuiiiinivi 10,000 clips of the disease, and latest reports showing double the number of cases of Ihe previous day, all public gatherings and amusement places wire closed. , Klght hundred rases are reported at the Harlan plant nf the llethlehem Ship building Corporation. Reports to the surgeon general nt tne army In Washington show a decrease ON PHILADELPHIA'S HONOR -fc killed FAMIUARE. - D FRANK 5.H0FFMAM vOUNEO A phvslrtnn who attended Hie x Ic tlms told the pcllce ho had not been summoned until loo late lo give much aid The housp was de"troved bv the fire the oilgln of which has not been determined Devotion lo duty caused the death, enrlv todas of Dr John l Ilennett, medical Inspcctnt of the Honid of Health of (lloucester Doctor Htnnett who wns sixty ears old, worked nlglit nnd diy among the sufferers from Infiuen-a He was taken 111 Mnndav There are 3000 cases In ftlnuccster, and the second floor of the firp houp Is being used as a temporarv ho.pltal Manv women are volunteering as nurses lo care for the ufferers and an appeal has been sent to Phlladetphl i and other nearbv cities for phsslclans l'dwnrd Is."sln. forts-five venrs old. of 812 West Somerset street attempted suicide bv bunging whin his wife and fix e-s ear-old son were tnkpti to a hos pltnl suffering from Spanlsli Influenza Anotner uaugniet, sincken wiin ino . ,, ..mi i. ,..!. ... i, ni.il ' s inn' niHciCfe, iu ne iii rcii iu ine: t tin ,,,,,, ., ' r, nn,niini i)P,,n l. 1! -v. - -- In the I'plscopal Hospital, his wife Is In the Stetson. and his son In St Chris topher's Dessln Is a member of I he Republican ward committee of the Forts -third wird XX'hen he learnnl that his wife and oungest son had been taken to the hospital be became despondent Another son, who saw him get a rope and ro Into the cellar notified Police man OCnnnm, of the (icrmantovvn ave nue and l.scomlng sttcet station O Con nor cut Dessln down the numbet of new cases aii'd deilhs In the arm) camps, but a tiyild spiead among Pie civilian population of the Pp. tire countrv Foit)-three States have cases, and ihetc are serious epidemics In tidewater X'lrglnla, South Carolina nnd other places besides New I'nglnnd The new cases In nnnx rnmp In the last twent) .four hours were 13,000, a dectease of 100n There ate more than 100,000 cases In all cimps and Blnce the epidemic started there hive been 2148 deiths of "Oldlers Sixteen camps teporteil new ca'-es of Influenza with the largest number nt Camp .Meade, Mil, I960 Camp Ctiter. Mich, reported 1101 new cases nnd Camps Pike. Xrk, nnd Tujlm Kv .more than 1000 each Camps Lit. Vn , and firant, III had mote than 5no new cases Conditions at Camp Devtns Mass, continue to show liupinvenient onlv nlnets-two new cases being teported there 'I he crest of the i ptdemic also appeals to have been pissed at Camp Dix, N. J, which showed mils 3H new cases against 543 )esterd) There were fifty deaths at Dix Deaths in Huston from Inniieuza an.t pneumonia numbered forts -nine an In crease of twelve over the same period Sesterday Many of the deaths werp In the tenement districts Theatres and other amusement teorls which haxo been closed for the last week were ordered to remain closed until October "14 A total of 490 rases nrs rpported at Ualllmore with eight deaths The New Jersey Slate Hoard of Health assigned Dr Fred C Hobertson to make a survey of the rrlthul situa tion In Gloucester, but he found the illy In such terrible shape that he was forced to attend to manv caseH himself The epidemic has alread) cost the life of Dr John K Ilennett, the Glou cester city phvslclin and one of the best known medical men In Camden count) He worked night and dav attending the sick nnd trslng tn stamp nut the epi demic and on Sunday night was stricken He died last night Dr Duncan W tllnke, who attended his i ollengue In his Illness, was eel-ell with hemurrhagp as he left Doctor Ilennett s hump and there are scant hope for his terovers Director Krusen laid emphasis on the great need that nurses and phsslclans from other sections should come here. He said that at least twenty physicians could he used Ht once, and that he had been authorized lo pay 175 weekly for their services during the present epi demic At the Presb)lerlan Hopilal It nil , announced that the Institution had all l ,l,r ui-nn-i nmi m si.ii-.-u incnup Miss Susan P Fianels, director of the Hurra.l of Nursing of, the American Red Cress, also sent out an appeal for 100 nurse aides "The need Is desperate," she said, "and xx haxo not enough to attend to our calls Trained and practical nurses are wanted nnd nurse aides women who lave tuken (he Red Cross course in ele mentary hygiene and home cart of the In . ROLL I -.hurd Killa Voun3td an3 Gassd rrANK BAHNt5 co-tp unAtL K ilia a CoLOiTtIS Vounded GIRL AIDS DEFENSE IN ESPIONAGE TRIAL Bookkeeper Testifies for Man i Accused of Writing Se ditious Matter Additional testlmnnx to suppoit the alibi of Joseph V Stratton, national sec- etary of the Lithuanian Socialist Fed- trillion, and Joseph Sukvs and the shift- ing of blame bv Implication lo two ml"s. Ing cdllots for the publication of sedi tious and nntl-vxnx propagande In the Lithuanian newspaper Kova, was given loda) at the trial of stllson and Sukss In the Federal Court It Is expected that the tvvo dpfend nnts will Know their fate'on charges of uinsplrac) to violate the csplotnge and selertixc serxlce laws before nightfall an the defense Is nearlng a close and the Government will haxo but little tc buttal exldencc Sukss nnd Miss SHrnh Halatums a bookkeeper In Ihe Kova office, wete wit nessps at Ihe trial this 'morning, and their testlmon), with that of Stllson xesterday, constituted the main defense It Is believed Judge Dickinson will give the case to the Jury Immediate I) aflei argument Upon the mute evidence of i txpp wrlter, eipilpped with the chnrictttH if the Lithuanian language, the Govern ment hanks for a conviction of the two defendants, for con"plrnt.v lo disseminate propiganda to Intel feie with the Gix ernnrent's war alms nnd to affect the drnfllng of an armv While ndmlttlng that the lone tspe wrltcr In the Kosa olllce belonged to him. Stllson cleclnied that K Vldlkay, chief tdltoi of the piper, alo used tho machine, and this wav he attempted to account for the simllarit) In the printing of leafiets on Ihe wat Stllson admits w riling that the Government con cedes to be a harmless digest of the dtaft regulation", but he emphntlcall) denied being responsible for n viciously anti-war and antl-Ameilc.in circular piocluced u I mil his tvpewriler X'ldklns and J XX' Stallornltls, as sistant editor of the paper, escaped from I'edcinl agents bv Jumping thiough n second-stni) window of tho Kova plant dm Ing the laid on Decenibei 7, 1917 Wilson Prevents Unity of Pooling, I ontlnneil from Piirp One pence comes to be made, and that pow er is 1 irgely economic. Pnnlliig t'nlty I'nllkelv XX'lth tlie elefent, of Oermnnx becoming mote reitnin evei) hour Ihe chances of a single command over tesources be fuie the league of nations Is formed, If It exet Is. gtow distinctly less The Allies will have to modlf) their pro giani and teslrlct It within small limits before It finds an)- chance of acceptance It Is almost safe to predict tint there will he nn such pooling a,s has been sug gested We nre making our plans as an In dividual nation. A case In point Is the plan of for bringing back our troops when war Is oxer The acting secie tar) of war, the secretary of the nax anil a member of the shipping board met )eserdas' to censlder these plans There Is' no sign of pooling here. The meeting does not slgnlfv that peace Is neai, though exer)body now expects It In less than a )ear. Along with plans for peace are going forward plans for carr)lng on the war five )ears lougei LA MONTE WINS IN JERSEY - j- . Vote Froih Military Cninps De ciilcs senatorial JNoininntion Trenton, Oct. 3. That the name of former Slate Hanking Commissioner George M. LaMonte. of Hound Urook, will go on the official ballots as the Democratic nominee for the full term for I'nlted States Senator or the te suit of Ihe prlniar!- last week was the conclusion of Secretar) of State Martin today. The last of thp ballots received from the soldiers In tne camps throughout the country reached Ibe Sec retary's office Tuesday and were at once sent out to tne several county election boards by whom they are to be lounted. Of the twent) one counties four were counted last night nnd It Is expected that the balance will be count ed and certified lo the Hectetarv.nf state not later than Friday. This will permit the final tabulation of the leturns for the official canvnss. Frederick Mejer, Explorer, Dies New Vork, Oct. 3 The death hereof Frederick Meyer, meteorologist, said to haxe been the last surxivor of the Charles Frederick Hall polar expedition, which reached the then faithest north In 1871-72, has been announced He was sexenty-two )eais old Drifting 1B00 miles on an Ice Hoe for five months after the Hall expedition xessel was wrecked was one of his expeilencea. Mr. Meyer was once the Government's weather observer at St. Loula. D EMPSEY jack 3me V. Douah-rty presents world a flthlln chsmplnn sncl Philadelphia favorite Olyrnpla. XVednnJay nlsht. Oclobsr 8 Alio Johnny Dundee v quills Lewis nd Jol Purrnan xi Young McOove-ri. Amazlns .'... O.m'nV.'-.nS bBiSK T BATTU-.U--LEVINSK I L iji'i v flflHV iV hL 4i BRAVES BULLETS TO SAVE WOUNDED Philadelphia Hoy Wins Decoration for Extraor dinary Heroism BRYN MAWK MAN, TOO Private Albert Murphy and Additional Ncxas of Pcnnsyl Sergeant John Winlhrop , Vania Bovs Killed, Wounded Honored by Pershing One Phllndelphlnn nnd several from other points In the Stnte nre In the lit est list of heroes decorated by General Pershing for brixery In Ihe fighting xx llh the Iron 1)xlIon In the Marne bittle The 110th tilth, and 112th regiments bore the brunt of the Amerlcm drlxe which thrint the Germans back lo the Vesle and then across the river, nnd announcement nf rewards for gallnntrv during those grilling davs ate Just be ginning o come to the Wnr "Jepartment at Washington Prixate Albert It Murphv, son of Tnmes 1) Mtirph). Sr , 1215 South Twentx-thlrel street. Is the Philadelphia!! Other Pennsvlxanlans are- Sergeant Inhn H Wlntiropp, nf llrx it Mnwr; Cor poral llobert It Itllev. of Chester, Pri vate Lester Cnron. nf Clearfield: Pit- I xale Fred Otte, nf I'alrmotint Clt.x : Cor poral James D Moore, of Krle, Corpoial Iliijmnntl D Hovx bottom, of Avnlon, and Setgrant Thomas Cnxauatigh, of Pitts lurgh. Thev have been awarded the Distinguished Serxlce Order. Wlnthrope is the snn of Mrs John J Wlnlhrope, Summer Grove avenue, Ches.j ter, and Hllev Is n brolhet of Franklin Hlle), 0"7 Kast Thirteenth street, Ches. Ur Ite.rtird I-Up XX minded The citation of Private Murphy fol lows 'For extiaordlnnrv heroism In nctlon nt Flsnies and Flsmette, Fmnce. August in to 11 1'llR Prlvito Murph) xol iinteeied to recue five wnunded men who had become deUiched from theih lompnnx nnd were unable to tejoln it bccnue of llieli Injuries Hv fearlessly passing back nnd forth thiough enemv fire he succeeded In this undertaking" General Pershing's citation of Ser geant Wlnthrope follows- "For exlrnordlnarv heroism In action near the Hlver Ourcci northeast of Cha-leau-Thlerrv France, .lulv 30 Sergeant Wlnlhtop look command of his c6mpiny when all his nffkers were killed or wounded and headed II with extreme courage coolness and skill under nn In tensp nttlllery bombardment and ma chlnegun fire during nn exceptional!) difficult nllnck" Ununited, Hut llmx-ed lliilletn Corporal llllex's citation follows "Fot cxtrnordlnars heroism In action at Flsmctle France, August lu Having lunrd that two wounded comrades xxtio Ivlng In advance of Outline Immediately north of Flsmette, Corpoial Hllev and tvvo other members cf bis company vol untee.td tn go thrnugh micnlne-gun nnd rifle fire lo bring them In On'thelt attempt all were wounded and driven back, but In spile of their Injuries they ndvanced a second time and reached the wounded men Their courageous eftott, however, wns iinfortunatelv In xaln, ns their iciniriyles had been killed " Draft Master List Mailed XX R.hlnrlnn. Oct 3 First of the inistet lists of order numbers for the 11,000 OOti men who registered Septem ber 12 were placed In the malls last night en mute to district boardH ovtr the inunti), which nio lo make them nvnlliblo to the newspiplra nnd post them Immedlntely upon ncelpt The mailing will continue as inpldly as the lists can lip inn off the presses at thp Government printing ottlce SALE OF s SHOES III- sale of Ziej-ler Hros.' xx ell knoxvn high Kiacle samples. Mutch xour gown xvhlle you aie still able to piocuie xx anted colois. Beautiful noxeUie, all colois. Sample sUes 3'j to 5, A ami B xx idths. All sizes 1 to 8, AAA to K widths alunjs canicil in stock at a gieat saving in pi ice, I 'ducat or anil Nahm Bios.' shoes for childicn. Sexetal lead ing makes in men's and boys' shoes. If j ou aie haul to fit or haul to suit, tiy Careys Shoe Parlors 5408 to 5414 DeLancey St. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA m Mf l Announcement to Registered Wharton Evening Students Men and Women rlPt 7v-"HilLV o 52e'- KEYSTONE HONOR ROLLINCREASES State Soldiers Play Impor tant Part in American Army Drives BEAR BRUNT OF FIGHT and Captured In Inters and In officlnl reports from the Wnr Department, news of morn bo) wounded, captured nnd Wiled In tho lighting In Frnnce continues to come to towns throughout tho Stnte. Penns)lv.inla bo)s hnxe Until Ihe last two weeks borne the brunt nf the fight ing In thp Amerlcm drives, nnd nre ex en now still In action. Casualty reports (how how fiercely thev have fought. Setgennl l"arl L Smiling, of Shllllng lon, has been gassed for thn third time. Hn Is a machine gunner with the Bain bow Division. Other men from Reading and xlclnll) whose names, appear on the casually lists nre Hlvvood Vf, Heck, a well-known Heading violinist, wound ed nnd Paul llasson of Heading, gassed Pilvate Georgp II, Herzog, of We"t Heading, died of wounds received In August Private It,i)tnond S. Wlckel. of the same place, has been sexerelv wounded I.eonaiM J. Haln. of Sinking Spring, died of vvnunds, as did Charles II Yerger, of Ilojertoxxn The nnthiaclte region continues to furnish heroes for the State's honor roll William McLean, of Lnnsford, has been sexerelv wnunded XX'llson Fors)th, Twelfth Field Artll leu, Is thn first soldier from Chelten ham township to die for his country, tin was killed In nctlon September 2, according to Information which reached his parents in Cheltenham. Private Raymond Itolenberger, of Trumbauersxllle, Rucks County, was drowned In Frince enrlv Inst month Private 1'merson Park, Company F, 110th Infantry, of Nantvglo, ia In a base hospital, suffering from a bullet wound In his lungs Kdward Frlsbee, of Shenango town ship, reported mlsslngslulv 15, Is wound ed and a prisoner In (lei ninny Arthur Jewell, of New Wilmington, xvas killed while serving with the Rnlnhnw -Division. He was a graduate of Westminster Col lege Prlxile Abe D Smith, Company F. 112th Infnntr), of Fianklln, Is sexerely wounded Private llnny A llarndm, of Scottdale, previously teported sexerely wounded, Is now reported killed In ac tion Ills mother lives In Wjano, XX'cst moreland Count). OKITIIH ,,.,L,A","-,,.,"Menl, Lieut. CAP.!, I'lini"--WAN beloved win of Chsrles I. and Mary I. U ami (nee Xuckel) at I'srlftrnn Ftid Arrailiu, I lorld Ducinutlco of funcrul will be Mvcn . MOOR Holly (Ink. 11,1 , Or! lillJ"-.,,-L-A L',liim-E- "Mow of VXIIIdm xtocK In her S7th jpar. Punerol service-, it llrellduwii Krlcndi' Mcetlns Home, Sal , 3 30 HUM' XtANTFO Kr-.XIXI.y. HtlUSKXX OKU Colored Rtrl. Tier IJ.'il XX " " -'" "Dne wnrs- ......... ........ .-,, Km,, downstairs ffnnil nut At.nl. s. it X' ii. ,.L.T XXOXII..N XX.XMhl) l-Olt JIOO lM.X.NIX KXPhllllJNCKI- COXIPlOXinrui OPERA TOHS l'.PKI!llNl'Kr. Al-'CUIIXTK A.ND W'KKHV SI KNOlllt U'HhrtH op oni: on .xioiin ynxitT uxpuniRNci i:-pi:itiKNtKi) AeepnxTi: ami HPKnnx- txpism op dm: on Mum: xkaiis' i:PKniKNCB KXPKniRNeno onu.s ion hkn'kkxl ei.nnicAi, xx-ohk KN'PKniKNCKl) POVXKns TAIUfl.ATl.VlJ MACHINE OP-'RATOKS LXPI'IIIPACHII IIOOKKRKPKKS APPJ.X' XXOXIKN S KXIPI OV.XIBNT RURKl' l.NOlISTHIAI, HCI.ATION' 111. DO HO(l IS1.X.M) HFI P XV NTKI1 XIAI.K I.AIIORKns Oulf Reflnliur Co . th and Schuylkill nicer. Apply near-it U. S. . Hnmlovment cifTlc- 1'11'K I ITI'KHS wanted, tlulf Rrflnlng Co., Hth snd hchuylklll lllver Apply nearest It s Kmnlovrnent nfflcs DISIIXX ASIII'n.s Stewanl a tlept., RlttPn-hou-e Hotel.. '.V' nnd Chestnut sis. Ap ril viPn-pjitJtJ;JiKmrJownem XOL'.NO MAN. brlBht 17, for clothing modtlt to so nn the road Apply Orryfous A Lang MetrrtrHilltsn llrnod and XX'allapp ata ROD XISXVA NTK I ) XX'A.N'TKI), J or 3 ronitii with board: vicin ity Henry School, tlinuaniownt poaaesalon October Ift Phone ilerriiantown fiRrtT, i; lMIMMrO.B ItfcNT xx eat riiiianeipnia HTII A IIAI.ri.MOIlirivli ) 2d rl front, aim, ht .elrc.lta .iitlj bithtahower ) XX Id 44osY Wharton School of Finance and CorsSmerce Evenin-f Courses The "openinr; general exercises of the Wharton I'venlnj; School of Finance and Commerce will he held in Houston Hall tomorrow, Friday cvcnini, ut 8 P. M. All studenta are expected to he present. I 'l 111! 'V' ' LcA . t,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers