t -' ;:M'Mmmr: a V1 ,'f .' jv .i X Euentng Ilublic feibaer f P- and' ? TEt.WKATBER t J. J! . V 'M Washington, Oct. 2. Partly cloudy tonight followed by unsettled ueathcr . . . NIGHT EXTRA t Thursday; penile southueu tiinds. Tt.Mi'i.uAunn at KUit iinrti I 8 8 110 111 112 I 1 l2j"3 4 I &1 84 fill nil :7 I fi!) i ftd ; THE EVENING TELEGRAPH " tt. - VOL. V. NO. 1(5 l'ulllthcd Dully i:.'ept Sunday Suhsrrlrllnn Prlre lfl n Trar by Mill. Cepirlsltt, 1U1K, bj the l'ublie Lcditet Compviny. PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 19KS Unbred n seronrt flaim Mttr nl th PeitrfTVe at Philadelphia, Ta. fndir the Ail cf Mirth .1 1STH PRICE TWO CENTS v -.), KRUSEN ASKS VOLUNTEERS TO FIGHT GRIP -... t- 1 -M Fifty Doctors and More, J I Nurses Wanted Downtown CITY TO SPEND FUND l7liR WAR I'MFKflF.NC.Y 1'Utt AI 1jI1L.IVjJj1U1 . Suffering Increases as 611 More Cases Arc Reported -"' ' , SERIOUS IN C A M I) E N Public Meetings Prohibited. 'Norristown and Lancas ter Hard Hit triffv nhvsinlmiM u 111 bp sent nt once FIft phjslcians will lie feiu ni once into South Philadelphia under the dl- i-entlot .f n.irtor ICruvpn of the De- partm'ent of Health, to rumnnt the c.,ii. ir.fliw.Mv i .,.,.i.il,. ibn wnrt Spanish lnlllleiua epldemk. the worst that Kectlon of the city has hail In flftv ,, ThP evi.en.n of the battle ""' J . ncalnst the .llseafie will be defrayed with the emerneiiey war fiiml of Liiliii. ' . Which $25,000 remains, available. Soup kitchens will be established In Oil actions of II.., iliHtrlct by the Emcrcency Aid to feed poor families ! that arc silffcilnc from lack of nolir- lahment as a tesult of the epidemic. , ..,.! .. .!.,! " Oilier Illilll IIIIIM l.llltlllll I ii m The nmei-RCtiey Aid aNo has askeil ., n,.n!.OM stuid. who fnimeily when hW Hist leim ended and the for volunteers to act as nurses, to see .luplojed In Hie mhrttls-iiK ilep.irtnieiit rlxU Vm. ,.;ls stnl , that the families are cued for. in .1 to yl-.urdaV nT iin,!i M rriu "f InVbi' 'l'll; ""slderatlons that have welsh, wash and attend babies of stilcken fiiy.i. on the i-e of his pionintlon to a il with them In i inching Ibis con mothers. ' niircnr.'. elusion aie thosi which were nd- The Kituatlon over the cit appeared l'rinie Steed was twentj-two eai nneed in a letent dispatch In thW better today than ye.ac.da. The total "j'.'s"'!? n',Ss,.PPd",Viy";,,,I.,"fi s . iV.'r ""P":'''"-'" "' "'ihlect of ,,.. number of new cases .epoited today J, ft ,' r. , 'm'1-,.,; 'S '",I ,","Lai",r construction. WIMm must be the to the Huroati of Health was fill as "lb. enll-ted in Mu I!.I7. In Troop ' ' cconstnietor. they s.nv . , i.ot me.c of compared with C.3S jesterday. No (J. l-'ii-t PennsjUanla Cavaliy, and weni this counti'v . but. In a de-ji-e. ot the deaths had been i enoi-teit up to noon, with llien to t'-iinp Hancock. Ha. Wh. n world. The l.e.icu.' of .Nations his the cavalry reulineiil was disb.initi.il be cie.ituie. must have his chip during Kvil Imvi to llt'li , ... t. 1...1 r .i... i. tnurira oniii conn ui.iii in iii.-i.im- sylvanla ami Heiawiirc n vision m uie Red Cross, lecelvetl a telegram today from Surcctm (Jenpi.il Illue, In Wash- ington, requestiiii; the Ited dtis to. co-operate In the HkIU ncalnst the cpi- demlc. The Hefl Onss will piovme nurses nnd emei-Keticy Riipplles when requested to do so by local authorities. Tho Ited Cioss has set nslde $u7.'.,H00 to check further spread t the epl- HftTnlfv li' niran w.e ni-pxi't. of the m lltary .;;:. ........ .-. ,- t ,.e n. ,. '.:.,.,.... ,i i i iti. :..... reiieL uiii eiiu. v.. -. .juiii-.. "i .ti vcivniii i renei nui .-.im,..... ....--. """" ,Jtancls. heart or tlie nureait oi nnihiim, lMKOf )H hPI(. t,i,ly n, wll lly ,,,, will have I'lini-Ri' nf the Hod dos i artprnorm and tbnluht tintler the per work in this section. son.il direction of Lieutenant John I'lill p n'oiiki. the "AlaiLh Klnp " ' Uherty Siuss Slniietl , Tlll liam, , t.omOSPll ,lf ; tiaitud .In Camden all theattes and motion itiuIclans and Is touring the cmintr in nicture shows were closed this after- the Intel ests of the -ouith Llbeitv loan l.I.- i... Ji, ii..i p itnaith Piibli.. 'I leaxts lotilKht for .New York, w III noon by the lloan or Health. I til u ,.,, t ,laJH , ,,, ,,,, fl gatherings of nil kinds, Includlni; lib- )u,a,, fnr ,v0 i:nKiand erty tilnps, also were prohibited. , A ,,uM tt.un n( elcht coaclns. In- DrUKKlsts Iw the downtown section , of Philadelphia were swamped with c- t..i. i.,n, iu.i,,ii., i.i,, D''-V""" ' "- " :.' . i, ' aOU fc4lV, ll'llt i"ivil I" of Health to fotm! thorn rlorkn. Sev- ,ny have had l,v close their prescl,.. tion counteiK on account of the rush Three druists have been stricken by Tlionsati.ls of AVrienltiiricts At- til? (USCUHP 1 1 t The action or Director Krusen In, tcul lntertale l'air calling Tor physicians to llnht the Trenliin, N. 4.. Del. 2. Today Is fatm. dlteaae In this section followed a con- icrs' day at the Interstate fair, and Terence trllh M.ivnr Smtlb In wblcb the llivnr consented to tbe us,, nf mnl.A,. f,,rvi tli ..tti-'u , .... ..-.Ilr.? r.....l rnone rrom the cltv s v.nr relief rum to carry on tne enrnpamn. nils fund vvaH tet aside to meet "emergency ex-, penses Incident to p-cparatlim for war and the defenss of the city or Phlla- defa:' Th fund orKinnlly totalled $100.- ""; ' The eampaljrn In South I'hlladelihla ts lieinp made nt the ieitiest of Sena- tor Vare. who went to Director Krusen today with a demand that the dlsti let, in which he lives, bo lven immediate relief. He offered to np? Ihe cost of an organized c.impclcn and wait for Courjclls to reimburse him. jj- JHfTlir.'K Sin-t-Kll,,,! ; 1 .Joteph Oaffnes. chili man of Coun. c.. .-..., ,uv . in,,,, ill...-, KUliKlWd HIP use or tne war teller, rund. and both City Solicitor Courell5 and Controller Waltotf ruled that the money could he UMd to flKht the Spanish inlliienza epl- ,jemCi s0utbaiM:1l";rh;,,l?,r, .,?l!,on '," South I hlladelihla lo Iip pltirtil, whole lamllies being In bed, unable to ohtnln I phyfllc'ans, and, where they have phis- lcians, unaoie to get urug.4, many pilar- maclsta' supplies being i hausted. The fifty physicians will be sent to , r the pollfe stations and will be quar. tered tflore to answer calls at all hours. They will be piovirted with large sup Dllca of drugs that can be prep ired and I given to the patn'ntn quickly Cull for Vnliintrrra . Director Kiusen has Issued an anneal t to all phsslclans who wish to aid In the .. i.-.j......- ...... .. . ... .... 1.. .... Ssht to Oisembc? at hl3 olllce. S84 City HAl. and ihey will le sent out at once. As many more than fifty as can be oh., tabled will be used The medicine situation In the down- (own section, below Washington uvenua ind east or Broad street, became iieute ' today There arc 1200 cases In the lie ills, "trlct. and twelve deaths have resulted .-IK) 'far Between 300 and 100 patrons a ' iky crowd some of the drug stores. ; Samuel Itoslns, druggist at Fourth and ' .Dickinson streets, collapsed while at work today, and two of his clerks were. I.trleUen Jhnrllv iflerwnrH vftrA-. u,.a,"a .fi '..,' v. ' . J. J . """v-v """ tup hio v Ayr ,v.o . inn ocm rlZ ,.,p. ." 01 ', 5,?re sl,1 to, the Munlcliul Hospital, Camden, this dfternoon. Oltlclali of the shipyard sup. piled the doctors, medicine and nurses o care for them Three Camden, toldlers vv ho succumbed were brought home today They were'St Paul and Minneapolis were halted Pri whtf fate who "Bdvv Matth i week ago and died yesterday In answer to an appeal from the CenUnued on I'n Two, Culnron Four -i 1, vate Carl F nicker, 1636 liroadway, loday, when tne noay or Arcntiishop vvnn nip I'ttiitiitinii inne. in rrsine, hy ,le L'nlted nuslceis Men-, i".., ,.i died at Camp Quantlco, Va j Prl- J""? ireiano or ne iioimr, yatnoiid un. ' in tne operations in i wn en tne to tnke th, nci01, -once ln in.i Fiflv Hlii li ren Allionc Virliiii. ..f David H. Boss. 8 It Spruce street. " "''- ""J "or" , """,t';" '-". Jn. " .ZSSW. iV.w '?? tll next Tuesday, the date ""' v... .:.,.., :.. ci' died at Camp Mead.; and Private "hl"V.n'l.v in Vhi" a.i,hii,.. K on H ,jar ' h 1 1 "W" .,l.' . .'" " f.ntct I a- ' "s..v. ard Matthews. 33 VVarien avenue. I'mhedral at 10 o'clock this forenoon have been faced by a greater number inT.;t.:. .li,-S.!""1.??' ?n2 I flv the Asiociated Press ews was taken il) at Cainn Dlx and the funeral procession at noon were of machine guns than anv nrevlouslv nn .i.n, t....j.... n...i...i. ... ' j . . ,... ti,,.. i....,.i.. , . AUTO DRIVERS -MAY ENLIST , Opportunity for Men of Draft, Ape in Transport Corp? . I Automobile mnchlnl'ts nnd drivers of clrnft age will ha for n few da.vs nn opportunity of enlisting In the motor tmnjport corps for Immediate sprvkc, with the army, I ttllssell A Clntk, of the ttade pto. nnement unit elasltlcntlnn branch of the Vnr Department. Washington, oponrd headquarters today at the Auto ninbllp Club. Twentv -third sheet be tween Chestnut and Mntket sticels nnd iwcen iiPstnui ami Miitket sticels nnd wiii remain hete until the war impart-, incut iwvs he has rteiultcd enough mrn Mr. Clark Is one of several nirrtit of the War Department sent-nver tlip coun-1 ' tly tn conduct n inmpalgn tn enlist HI.' I lino inpn ns privates In the motor ttniiH- port corps. Ucciults mav tece've appll. cation hl.inkH fiom Mr Clink at the Au- tonioblle Club mid will bp pain!ned l him. ' All men who have know, ledge of num. """ll" are eligible, but t!me mn.i sought at pietvnt ate niitomobllp repair- inpn. alp and tiansinIslon n5.lst.int. light car drivers. Iinnn. nfwi lu.hi t l ' ditvets, geneta! and tool mom in.ichlii tsls. nmtotcycle lepanets. radlaloi ip p.ilrers. load teitpts. iiouble shoHcts. truekma.tpri' nnd wpldeis. ACROSS-SEA FLIGHT DENIED Al,i(lI(. ,? .,,, Fiom ' Purely Imaginative lly thr I nited Press , I VV llsltlngliili. Oct -.' 1'uM'sll. il icp'Ml that a tinnsitlnntit .i tt Might was iivmIp .till 2 were ilenlcil tml.iv b ihi "n Pi p.irtiilpnt Thp ilppaitinrnt piiipo'i to acieititln uhy th "Cii'tt'il .Sialic nal limtltuti' proiedirnH". at An- tiniollH printed the Hinr which pur. ,,,,,,,, (() hft (1 .., n, i)f n r,J,Uy nicht from N'pw Koundl.uid to li eland, T'"' "'"'''e .i pur.dv ImiKlnatlvp ber of l."ylnc 'I'he d.iie oT the "oue-d.i: tllht," .lulj i. Is III.. bllthda "f v,ln ,. ,;!,., pri.u.,,, f the Aem Club of Aimrle.t. and the Intel entlne bit f Vc""" ""?." r."':n .h.v .:U.f"'' ' ' r . in nonor m nawiej s iiiiiniiay The artlele wan lepi luted in the Cnlted r"i"s .""I iiiunne ..ni.. nliii.niu Ii.'.iiib.. Cioecedlncs It " ,""1 ,ll("ln,t teehiilenl wihu C R STF.P.n DFAIl f)F CRIP I'onncr I'.xcilin I'tllllie I.('l"or Man Die nt Cunt. Mo.rritt was tinnsrerifil to the hospital corps While at Cainn llancoik he niel with an ,, ,.,,r, ,...,,, i....i i. .. , ,irKo1 collat Imne and kent blm fr(,m embark. ni; for Kiame with bis coniiadcs. He was ti.nisfrried to fabip .Menitt and on September 2 ini'iini" in wiin nf". SOUSA'S BAND HERE Great Lakes Naval Conlin-ient to c:..- - . . t.i.... urn; uiiimn nilliiv l lie. -i In f--l ill Lakes .'CawiTTHiliTTpir Station. ne.Yi i-- cludlne sleepers. dlnbiK cats and Ii.ii; Mine cars tallies the h.vul on this ttlp. wni en win mi which will mil end. until the Liberty Loan campalKii Is over. PARMERS' DAY AT TRFNTflN thousands of nKlll'UltllrNtH have taken the; 'lay off 'tn attend the fair w lib their , rn.lll ....I.-.1 ... ..... . l.liiiine-i .null, tiiiltru Ml him KIOUIIUS , i-,twi,., i0Mi -atnomnblles, lnillc,itlnK prnsperll) of some of them at least The midway was crowded iail In the das and the sideshows were well patronized IHunlrmls found liileiestlnc exhibits In ,hTo'mnMoVV-ni ',.,! , J;nTVay" "lM nllVnrt,.bVll"; pieat ctowds to see the political celebi I. ties of the State, liovernur l-Mce and Cnlted Stntes Senators Halrd mul I'"ic - llnlufen will probably be present as "p" H8 ConKiessnien, leKlsl.uors, State "'"dais and "leswr llKhts." SHIP RftARn HAQ HJC. DDnfDAM IllirlcV Asks t!U,()()0,000 fori n" .. i. r - at l llll(lll!: ol l.t cses ... . ....., . ") 'c " ' "-j WhsIiImkI.,,.. Oct. 2.Contructl.,n of 154 vessels nf I.SuO.nno deadweight tons ' the additional pioKram of the shlppinc 'boaul disclosed today to the House Ap- lly the Associated Press wyi"z v. rw:,rnr' ,n """" "; "":"' .l- ,it0i authorizations or JtSl.llOO.uuO Coiillniie.l on l',ur Nine, Cnlnn le for the nresent fiscal venr The program contemplates the build- nig ot sin steel anil 214 wooden snips, The shipping board's figures Include re. 'P'ems ior di,i.iii,iititi ror plant facilities, marine railroads and dry docks. . TWO SCHOOLSJLOSED jLuok of Coal Ciiu?c in One Cae. I Enpinerr HI in Oilier Laik of heat nnd Illness or an en , raiismi two nubile schools in rlns. f '.r ,P"'.Jn'' eJy tw-o thousand ehlT j,J'na,'lUnB y ' uand hll- T-jie llelmnnt School Fortv-flrst nnd Brown streets was c'ompeled tn close because coal ordered sometime ago had not been delivered. In view of the snread or Influenza it was decided bv the school authorities that It wnyld he unvvlt-e to hold sesilons, .Nearly 600 chll. dm. attend the school .., '. " , "' "IT,"' ""lui. r.""' "' '"?... V j i.i..,- . ,r.l,. .. L ..!.' ," , e'nded'h near' Tsoo ouoli, "' : ' ' ADrUDTCUflD IDCI AMn DIIDICn niWviiuuilui iiuiniMJ UUIVILL jL- Solemn Servire in Cnthei nil nt c. . ,, .... . 3'- ' 't"' Many attpnd By the Aisociated Press hi. I'anl, Minn.. Oct. 2 Stnte, munlc. inai. ewc and industrial iictlvltles In solemnly impressive, iiuntirens or mill, , T men uiicnucu me pumtiiiai jugn mass. The mass was said hy Bishop Thomas (larnvan, at Sioux Falls. S. I)., a life mt MBWgnty en ArsBiiw) VIEW WILSON AS CANDIDATE FOR 3D TERM o . C IV senators Assort htilt ratio c Speech Kovoals I'rosi- dont's Decision wuHi.n m:iH "ilimm; PUHPOSK DKI'ICU i League of Nation? Vk ill 'ectl His (rtiitliug Ihinil . Lcalei Say NO "SWAPPING HOUSES ,Kriend Auxiotix Thai Amor- ioan Cliief Retain Hi Po-.-ili'tn as Wtirld Force tly CUNTON W. CM IH'.liT Stuff f'nirrj,tnulcnt Jlvrvuia 'iiliflr .riuzr I vliyrtoltt , ll'IP. '' I'ubllr l.iilll-l In W'l'llIllRtoll, lift. 2 It can be said with the utniott pml tlveni'vo that I'ic-lilcr.t Wilson Is now a caiidld.lle for leiionilliatlon, lie and .,, ,, i,,,iu i,.. ln.,,i0 ,,., ii,B11. nilnd llls fl len,ls hnV( m-,,le l"' thP" ml""s that the national etneiceniv t fol- lvv the war will rompcl him to eek the iroIilcnr once mine. In their lew it will be JiHt as much sw ip pllicr hoist'" miihIiik a stieini as to to.iljf. niirithr.i m.iii I'ti.swlint Inline itl.itih after this war 1 oni, as it "!""!'1 "r T' 'V.'1:' '."."r.?. ,".": the first veai- of ih npetlilinns. War's Km! I Near Mr. AVIUon's rim (-e Is well un teistood iimiMis Hemociatle pulltlcims lu this city. It m.u chanse betme the time ionics for makluj nnmlhi tlons in 15)211. Amliltlons thai 'late fiom two years ahead of nnniimitli.K conventions often disappear before the deleKalcs assemble, lint In this case the future can be foreseen with lea- """able ceit.ilnu. The w.n Is likely to elm wiinin me nei icw uu-iito. Tho peace conference In which 1'ies- l-ident-vitson- win mav iniTiRpwtt die will last well on into I'll!). Thi IiiKUe or Nations will faiily Ret started In 11)20 when nominations will have to be made. At the same time the task of set thiK Industry In this country, and the woild over, hark to a normal basis will besln. It will be almost as deli cate and as Kxave a task as the con duet or the war. Keconstruetlni ror one nation cannot be separated from ' reconstruction for the other nations, It will be an International problem and. therefore an executive problem. I'lliit f I.IKHP "f Nnllnns Mr Wilson has been tho leader of the world In lookltiK towatd International Dtcanlzatlon. If tbe leapue of nations Is formed be will natuiallj be leluctant to abandon Its success to other ImihN. He will feel that Its ruttue Is better assnrpd If h'' lem.ilns rustdent than It will bp if'nnothei man, peibaps less '...... ...nl I. ... In l.'llll It tnl.U .ttllOlt M'llM r ,. 1 1 1 1 .n 1 1.-. i ...... . - ". . - I Mist Tew 5tars of the lfiiRtic will be critical veat. In a sense the war will be orr.' Hut in te.ilit the erf.eta of ,1P wnr m B ,, ,t h plain trnm ..,p i.r(.idpnfs lecent New Yotk speech " he .outempla.es a l...Ke Inlema. '"' '" ,"' .....e for Perl ,, to see that slBiiatui ies to the peace, who "cannot be trusted." aie .nipelloil In abide by the rullnKS or the mnfederated nations. The prediction iccently made by a French olllcer here that there would be a blK International ntmy In Lurope for ten jears after the wat will on- i... fai wionp. Mm cover, on this side of rroiisliuc. lion. H IK aicueit oy tne iieiueni s 'friends, (hat the war niBnulinitlon be .I.,,. pPPt,l ..111 be Die best milehlnpiv --- :-;.-.,,,.,,,, '..,. ,. . .,,.,.,, "' 7",J " J'h .,, ' " " "War '",a " ,"'e , ' '""" , , , " ",r tr-,'n ''""" "' food, fuel and tail. ,to.id administrations have had eperl- DDtCDAWC lWfllllDV rtUCCDDrn UlVIJUrllVL, UiyuiIVl UIJI LIVIVU.U ijspnutp iilicoiniiilllco Awaits Presenre of All Member VVa.ltlnBliin, Oct 2. (Il I Si Investigation (if the cbaiges made against Aithur Itrlsbane, publisher uf the Washington Times by Allen I'lnn erty Custodian A. Mitchell Palmer was ponponed Indefinitely today bv the sub committee of the Senate Judicial 5 Com mittee appointed to conduct such an In- nunee nppoinieu 10 conuuci sucn an in- vestigation It whs t.gieed that the In- ( estKatlon Knnllll) 1)e ma(Il. nn, p, ,i fu" "nc"n,nltt',c, Two members weie 1 "" today. Senator fivennan pinduced a bundle of documents, including checks and bank "".lances, wine 1 lie expia neu lie 11111 ip- lZZff JJ 'L WH'I ,?".'' JN ?L ' . "f.,".: celved trom Palmer and which he or. .."onnd,n tial" '"" "" ; An,iet,mra ' Miessed tn Senator Ovei- "'an by Mr. Hrlsbane ststlng that lie nt ""' oelred but would welconip a "'"'f """l"? ;".'''?""".'' .".''"' V aiieBsinmt- was also ornereu in ee I'rinietl ill Hie reenrn, wim Meiiatnr I IV er. "' le.l'ly thai hsd not el been lie. , lermined vvnat course or scope the In- : eKiipmion pntum (hko, 6,000 TAKEN BY CANADIANS Machine ttn take Heavv Toll f i-w ..,,,, 111 Illlllllllllll p. lllllts concemraien on tno tanaiiian front inn iomw ui m ramiivB lorcts were corresnondlilclv heavy While Canadian casualties since last Friday- have beon heavy. In part Ihey rf jwsot W PfWKHHU WK MT-sri 01 I linn with n vnlllntnpv pobntnilnn ...1......., .1.JU IVluLLll' 111 It. 1 TTIIJrL,rt, The Day's Honor Roll for the City ami Its I trinity lill.UI) IV VC1II1V i.ii:cti:nvnt j. ii. it. in inn. m Culpkl iienn (1'nnfrii tnlb rrr-ortM I NIIIII.KWr IMMIKI.I) V. .IVIK-UN. l'.'ls ll.inmnt HVpnur ipri.vlnu' re cur'.! unelflil.ill . it ntllilnl tint in dlv "THfii:NT i;nu vim vi i.r.N. nn .'pl'mr ll.irdrn iilrrel IjinilJVNT .I0IIN J. lll.Mll.lt. IH-J7 Imrlnif trri t (niM'iiiiAi. (linos vi. .vsi;v. it; ' "nt l.nizati plre"! n rnnnlnwn. IPrfMoUflv lrnrl it llti.irtti t(llt . nil nf. Ill Inl llnl IniliK I , I'ltiV n: ni:m, v vii.. nt-.n sih It mjnld sir. el I'lllV VTK l:tlv Villi IIUV I'.NsTINi:, I'L'l s.'oulli Hill. tr... I nil. li or wot niis M.iti, i:st iivKiii.n eiiviti.. .'-.i iTilWTI Ifpl MtslIMN (,MONII lOIIIONOVVsKI -.'".'.I Ka"l llurih nlr.pl i-hiv.vii: m vititiA j. nn Ki.it, nr.n I ml Mrel VMM Mil I) i.ikiii:nvnt vniuoav vi. t ttuvi. ..es .North l;ih:h iitr.pt iPr.ituiwi' r imrtiil unnlTlPiKlIt on nrfl. I ll lint loti I 1.11:1 ii:n.nt nvmtv u i.i.i.ii vm. .' it litHnitmi Kir... I s IKIIIVNT .HIIIN P. IIYVN. IJJJ Nnrlh I'. in i. k ulre. I limmiMt, .Iiiiin . loiijy. u; ttiiinnke lr... iI'iioIIm l.illv npnrti-il) COIirilll VI. ItVIIVVIil) ItlVI.I.. IIJ Ncrlh Pr. t..n ntr.it It r. III. l.ill r. mitt I 1 cniti'iii: vi llrni.'di n inn re.-1 II. (.Itl.l.N. Mil II VN II l.li;ts VI Villi Vs. ...! .Nnrlh Tn.nl- . .mh ,r. it s.VMt hi. rtNIIINIIIllt. -,js N.rlh Cnurlh sit t ntivvri: ikanu iii:i,vi t ii. hi:: south IMIlil inri-rt .ritivviK .ioiin i. cmv nits. kk .lailtsnii tOrert. PIIIVVIC SVMIKI. ItOllllltVIW. ...inn s.njlh .'oufh i.trort. rim vii: .iii-i.iii .i. riot t v. u.v .Nnrlh Ciirll'lh Ftr . ! i rh-re l no kui-Ii nddrffi I ritiv vn: vvii.i.i.vm stvnuhihii, phi .-.nuiii iniripenin kiiooi rim vii: hi i:viiii i.i.m.i i.int. i r.i Nin tli I'll, thn- n itrH. t. imv vii: i.iih vim r IICIIVI VN. "1" 1 n.inui.ivl Klriet. i'iti vii: iiiiw vi;i .1 VV.st ,mh ,. ,, 1 II. I IX 171' I'HIV VII) M. III. It I- T. I I 111 II, 1 '!."' sntti 1 Hull. i r. ..t (1 ,, ffi ,.11 eorti il 1 I'HIV ITU IKVNIS VV Vli:i!s, .1 N,, lllrt s't- . 1 it n.irti 1 Pi 1. . tt ,1 1 I'liiv vii: '.umt.i: r. hvm 1.. .!.; s ,i nil 1 in 'r . t '''i',?,,1.','' -""i, itomatr 01 it,i.i:v. ..011 W . - linnliin stieet. ritiv vii: swii 1:1. uiiiti.ttT'iiv iv.ir.il f.-eet. t I- ri:iv vn: 1:1 nui. en vimi. -,;i V mull mil i niir il'i.-v ,,n. irpri.,i llinlTl, I11IH id. I i lift iiiih 1 'i:mii: vvii.i.ivvi ntivv i-.t:. m. Vl.'i In 'I n'rei-t I'ltiv vti; 1.. v. t: i,k iikiii.. ,ir . 4t'l ' VV ni'fin tli titn- rnvvir en tn. t.s 1. vivkks. unm Nnrlh sivth lr, , mi, .n,. I'KiiAn: .loiiv r. i vi.i.viivn. mi s iu'Ii Twenltplh Ftn t ittiWTi: 11:0 Moiiisi:, tii.i vvnir Htr-i 1 I'ltlVVIi: Wlt.l.t.VVI VltVlsllMINfl It INN. " l' P.iliHlo in. n,.. M-nor. In inll n-pfifipil fcivvii; .insci'ii vinoKi:. 1 1.1.1 wnir lr..t It n.'ITIi l.ilb 1, pnrtMl 1 pi'ivvi'i: in(,si:soii. (ii.Msini. ,Ir It. WVs- i'h.'ltn itvim iliinin ..im I'l'MMi: VINCCNI' V. VII 1.1,1. S. I'TU N'nrlil Minks .itreet emvM'c in viti. iS r. itvi'p. s:i Itli... Hlirel I'KIV VI II IOIIN '. WVI.sil. .tun Knlr- ttl'.t 111 11 rniin l'M VTi: I -It I I 11. (lltVV. i.it'i Hriinl. IJtl torri! LlJiLl-LLL-lLlUO. r. I.INKefl('ii vn - f Ku ,il,rv.rV",illl.l,,:rlI',, un- Pl.'M.VrC. l-i:i IC N. K, s( HVV l-.NI.. lit . 1417 N'nrlli limed slrnl ll'rev 1. uib relmiii'il unnrflrl,ill . nn i.fTt Ul ItKI lllltrt I I'liiv v ii: ciivsii. r.s iai:iMa, ii.n .IntUinll Ktrtet. I'MIV Ti: CVTRICK l INN. Mil Nnrlh Ilinccnlil ptreet ll'i evlinull lelmlteil tin iflrt.llli nn nffl.-'nl lint led I' I VIISSIM, rim vti: riiiu.i. 11 ( ki'i:mi-.ii. iHJ't I.Hn.fln'Mte nentl ritiv vti: iir.vi.vviiN- 11. hxnkii. Iltin'l Afpen street ri'iVVTK minio 111: vt vio. 1 1 .: smith Tlllrtpenth utreel PltlV VTI! llVlilllll. IIKV. 1.17 Arc-l street. i'risom:k i'ltiv vti: isvvc Si:iiti:Niii:iiii, nun I'nnl.'ir street. IPreilimvly repnrtnl tnlHsitiK I l-tlVVTi: JOSIII'll Klss. r.njl I'.stt- rl.lee s-reet IPielnusli n-niirtril inU. Ins now Iniiitiil nl llsiri-tuh l.ir- ninnv ) I'ltiv.vn: 11 vit iiinitiMiAt evvii'. IICI. I., 77'Jl l.aMinl, mie.t ll'rei-.iilt- reinrlnl lulu-lilt! null Imnteil nt Ciintp IlnrnntHiU tlumiin I'ltlVATC. IIITIO lllll'NO.Ciinliohpiken (Previously reimrleil nilslni-. CANAIII N MM' VVOrNIIKII run.vTi: vv. w. (otiri:it stsi Nnrth Hrnnil H'reet NKVIIIIV. I'OIMs Kll. 1.1.1) IN XCTION I'ltlVATi: J)VII .1. slllia.lts, i',c,. ler. ri. 1'ltlV.VTi: KAVVIONII llltslS, Linens ter, I'M. .('('lli:TVI.I.Y Kll. M.I) M'uiiKVNT I'll viii. i:s r. ni.KNiai, I'Kltstllle. Ph VMM Nlll.l) s,H(iKNT JOsia'll I". M':VVs, fni wn. In. SKIKIKXNT IIVItltY .1. NVVI.OIt. Nil. rlmnwn. Pa H'reilnusb retmrteil itn- nirirlallr. "n nlTiclnl 1 1 -tt bids) ) rilltl'OKM. JllsCPII VV. VIVN.NIMi, VV'l l L'henter. Pa (iiui'iiitvi, iiiini:itr c. uiiaiiN, Pntll'Vllle P tOIII'OK.VI. VVII.MWt I), THOMAS. Turner Stnnn I'nt Orflie lhe. ter I'muits! Pa ((iiti'oit.vi. Mien via, i-vikick, Phnentxvllle I'd i'ltiv.vn: tiiovias it. now ok. pmi. Inntl. Pa (l'leloit"lv repnrteil tin nrrlllallM nil nftliial lift Imlav I ritiv vtk i-Ki-inani'K e. hhnnini;. Nnrrl'lnw n. P I'ltlVATi: KI'lir.Ml A. Ms(j;it, Otiemer, I'H I'ltlVATi'. .IVIOII TK.VI (iKIt. I ile- y tnnn. r I'lll V VTK. CllVltl.l.s IIONIII, I'ntt Ken. neitv, Ta. ritiv.VTi: AKTiu it viaiiiiat. p..tt. Inwii. P.i (Preili.ticly rennrte.l na- i.ttlrlalls; nil nniil.ll lint tml.iv.) I'lllVAir. NUI SON 4. IIIIOWN. Nnrlh l.aniitlnwne. Pa I'ltlVATK livm,i;s I), SNMliai. PhnenUllle. Pa. I'lllV TK SAVIl'ia, II, S.VIITII. Jr.. (). tnrA Pa. ' rinVATr. 11 tnnre Pa . I'l.li.NKKTT. Swarth I'lttvATK. joiiN mat VII VI K IVrkti- ste. i-a. I'lilVATI. S. 1. KOCH. Potttllllt. r.i Ocfofier S, 1018 The nbovc Hit li lompUcit mm the official cniinf' ircon niirl fintn unofficial ie;ior received hj telativet anil friends liam men iierscaa. STORES BEGIN FUEL SAVING 30,()n() Estahlislnnenu'Voliintarily J0'"1"1 ,6 L!,19t Nearly 30,000 stores in this city and ?.'i'InA,KJf,"r?. . 2,c' .'.t night in Thursday evenlmr until furthpr nottee Tney will keep open until 10 o'clock the other nlihts uf the vvuek. The SUte fuel administration today "Wk T I- the a ftr BERLIN TRIES TO STEM THE PANICKY TIDE Yin Chancellor Frantically Submits Plan for Now Par liamentary Svstem AFFECTS GERMAN AND PRUSSIAN MINISTRIES Independent Socialists and Poles Refuse Go em inent Rait PEOPLE ARE IN FOMENT Imperial Minister? Leave Sinking Ship as Kaiser's Doom Draws Near Austria Trembles on lirinh of licrolt Spcrhl Cr.lilr In llirning I'nhlic l.rdqrr nti,;M in,' h'j .VHP York Tmn. fn. Loiiilcii, Oct. 2, The London Dallv Cliii'uicle'n illiilomatle corro spontli nl avs: "Ausitl i must go the way or Hill--rn-in fm the same soc'al. et-nn-'Hile ant! poliiniil pressure i nt vvoik. She is it. tubl.tv on the blink of a rev Mm ion fiom exhaustion." ll the Amuiatcd I'rrn Amslcnlaiu, (i t J Plans an ti'ii'i-r cntislderatinii f"' the n-iii ganiatiim of both the impel la 1 Cierinan .mil l'nisslan mlnltiies on the llms of a i,irllatn('iitiii sstem. according to the Keilln Taeblatt. which iUotes i.'rietlrlch von IMM-r. the Imperial vice chancellor, to this effect. The vice ch incPllor'. the new -paper .i.vs, received the le.iil.'i'-i of all tin- p.ittits vestenlay (till1 ilwcttssed he ciiiitcnip'atctl iiarlininpnturiKutlfin. which the vn e chifiicclloi ib'c'.arcil would exti'iitl to the Prussian as well as to the Impel I'll nilnlsttj He nNu s.-ild that th" iiluo,' ttlou of iert.nns of Articles :i and 21 of the constitution must be taken In hand in mo 1 as possible. f Article 0 ptovides that "each menv ebr nf the llundesnith shu'l have the light to appeal- In the Itelchrftng, .mil .must hhyiiul theie nt any limp he shall so iciiuest. In order to lepte-i a nt the views of his (Jnvernment even when such view a shall not have been adopted In-the malorltv of the Iblliilesiatb No one shall nt the same time be .1 ini'iiiebi of the lliinder.ith mil of th" Itelchstag." I Article 21 leads: "(Intel anient nih il. lis shall not lequlte leave of tibence In iirilei to cuter the Helchstag. When metnber of tbe R-Iohstiig accepts n s il 1 '.oil olllce nf the Kmplie, or a s.'iliiileil olllce in one of the States nf the Confederation, or accepts am utile nf the I'mplre or of a State In v nlvliig hlslier nil. I: or s.il.ny. he shall foifpit his seat and vote in the Iteiclis tic but mav iccover his plate In the same bv 11 new election. "1 Ylciin.i and IJeriln In Panic Tim repi-fsentatlvis of tbe Itlgllt. of , the independent Snclallsts .ind of tin Poles, the Tareblntl state-i have re rused to cooperate in the fin malum of 11 toalltlon government. At a sitting of the m ilti committee of the (if 1 man Itelclistng on Moililav Vicc Chancellor von Payer 11 ad n tie- , en e fiom the Ktnpeioi-aiinnuncliig the iisignatioii of Imperial Chancellor von llertllng lie announced tint the for niei Chancelloi had cilled 11 ineetliu of paitv lenders to ifiseuss the sltua. Hon. An Indefinite adjournment was then taken bv the committee. Satin ilav'n Vienna newspapers which have reached heie. describe tbe tienieiitlous sensation cause 1 In the Austita.11 capital b.v the IJulgailan collapse llumorH spread with light-nlng-hke lapitlltv thnt-Tilikev Jiad fnllowetl suit, that King Ferdinand luii! abdicated, that bis palace hid beet blown up and tlr't a 1 evolution hut! In nkeu out In P.ulgaila These 1 ttmors were piompilv denied, but the Impiesslon temained that lltil gnriii's secession had 'iilmln'stered a grave blow to. the dual tnonnrchv. Muse Losses In the Hoarse Theie was n panic In the Hnui-se wheie the losses. " nci'oidlnr to the, Neues .lournnl, ran up to I'lu points In some cases Tin- panilemoiilum on the lludapest llourse was such that busi ness hail to be suspended The clns li.g or both the "Vlennn and lludapest riotirses was contemplateil ror a time. t'pntlnitril nn Pace i:isltt, ('nliiinti One 10 MORE AMERICANS HONORED . l)isiii"tiisliMl Service (aos-ies Given Them ly Peiiiii; VV n.lllllL-llltl. t)Cf 'J lift t v v IHsllugulsliPil service ciosses have been nwaiueo i" vn. iiii.ii. iiieiinit-is in hip Anieile.ui expeditionary fuice bv Gen- eial Peishltig. the Win I'liiartment w-as notitled Hits nftetnoon The men lion oied b.v i.eneiai rersning are- Flr.t Sergenllt .liillli II. VV Inthrnp, siininirr Omve iivrinie, lir.vn Vltmr, I'n ) Coiporal Socrates Carageorg, slstei leslibni "f Uieece; Wagoner Itobeit L VVorden, Wichita. Kan : First Lleiilen ant llarr) It Wheat. North Cambridge. .Mass : Sergeant Waltej- I.. Chellls, i:is woith. Mich Ctiptaln C M. Williams, nddtess unknown; Second Lieutenant Frank Itatta Chllllcothe. Mo. j .sprseant Tlinnms i-niHiinusii, Ji urnnnviiie me. nur I'ltlsbiirili. I'ii.i First Lieutenant Godfied II VV vke f;ov-ernars Island X V , CnrpnrHl Kol.ert 11. Illle,. che.ter. 1 "' - Q.cn KILLED IN R. R. WRFrif I.UH1IIIM. wvi. - ....... ,.u,,UiVN mm fifty persons have been killed. It Is feared. In a railway accident north of Mahno. Sweden, fcays an Kxchanee Tele. graph from uopeiiiiusrii luuay. 1 Fifty children vvhotTiere returning la I Stuekbohn from the. oduntry aw amgng I th dead, tM -1 w'' ' " i S. !W. v BRITISH JNE FROM CAMBRAI TO REGION. OF ST. QUENTIN GERMANS READY FOR EVACUATION OF BELGIAN SOIL Pl.m- ll M.ul,. fr IJctuoval to Own Frontier. Military Governor Declare Special Calilc tn I'.x rnmt; I'nhlic .eiigrr '"li, .1,,;, I .,v ', ,, 1 ...! i,, . ' C Amsterdam, tlet. J -illlspatch to the i London I'aih lpress.) I understand that th.- nilllairv ec I'Ptittv to Itaron von nlki t.hausen ttprrmn Onvenmr of llelgtum. speitk lug ' e- tet-dni to ." leiidinu lluti'hni'in lemiinB Jiuuninan it Die H-irup said- Plan-, -re readv for tin? cnly evac tint in 'C Helglum 'f It should bo round 1101 es in Th" fieim 111 ttltllv 111 IteJ. glutn wlh n'tu n to the Merman fron tier in order to show the vvmlil that weieullv vvunl to defend nut-county." It is ruinoifil hi'io that the Dutch arm nutlinrltiet- t iklug the I i'.t. are sliengthmlns tltel' ItcWIum frontier In oidei to pis-vem any violation of Hutch tei'iilmv by tiii retivnttnit tier- mint InlllKi'l" ll). limn M'lv IlnuMe Uitnlj I aiif" r. I'" 1 '. .' Willi ps i-ii'- VMS Ml. 1 ' ' ' f-lrit . 'i 1-4 1 1 1 ' r. 11 fl jn, I 11 thr. 11 i-ii 11. local 1 'l-en L.ci-i imp Inst 1 ,. h .iniiouiie.ns that In. '.ii..'a 'f ni 1 hnd b.-ei) rr ached and that Ic omml- Ion- i-er-f tti Mann'., lit; iul m -ip on . to dale amounted tn $125 - Nnr'h Twp'fth street nurse J7V p. r inn. Kfrttt are now be'ns made 10 1 month , I'r Kn'berlne II idlev Ij'ni inli tii the quota All sections of .NorM Plft--second sim' school niedl the tointv ippnrt raild gains, cal ipeetnr. $tinn a ycat. ITALIANS ARRIVE IN NEW YORK TO BOOST L0A1T AN ATLANTIC roUT. Oct. U. Nearly two hundred Italian .-uldicru arrivctl tod-iy to boost the Liberty Loan. The troops arc ninety JJniul anil ninety Ilersaglk'i'l. The Koyal Qi-cuniUer Baud ami ninety. five Saidlnians alio arrved, Captain 0. Lauinupa imni h in coininaiid. Kcnic&ciitatvcb of the Italian cm,bassy and '!:.' Vailed i-'.-Jt.. Wi Vc.riuz'.iK uie tbe rcrii PITTSBURGH DISTRICT NEARS $100,000,000 pITTSBUlvOH, Oct. !i. 'fur tUu i'uuith JTcderul Ucz Cleveland, wtsltrn I'eun&ylvi; iowa.nl tUt "? 100,000,000 mark. lyiul tulri'.'iiptiuos ai 10.U0 ft MAYOR REFUSED BE1, EARING WAIVE y) M. i.ir Ir" 'r-i-i- o i-M -i- in (''iii'i'.c.s in Ir'.flfh (.ItSf Vn- r.OI.'Ul.N "lS OSI-JUITOR Thr C'tdhv Cine anil wnv nt' ii'tor ii"' ! "tisi'i - ' 1 l nr i- l'ri!- -I M 1' 1. lA.inlliuitinii in lil IM ml It ii iltlil'lltis mls -nn pf elBllt inn illitates 1 eriltlrd sa i-IUIIi! Hi.,!-. s.uV nv-rme. 71 IS.- mlnimtjm fnr .llirlMllir tieini: In II, Munr .smith "nreif !hne Inl ni.lill'eri n un-viil er II- en Mtlnil. fnriner S-nslnr Prlii-n! I.. Tmtln. the ll-v ll- II nn l.rkllil ll d Snnhli. I, Hiss r.ill'iivlni llielr r fi-snl In el.rt ijinl. Inm supervisor i-.. II Vivo- Ktli!S r " ii ni. .1 it,. li ,t-it ..f lleer. Ktlnli wih np- i.. n'me-' f f ,i,. n . monii,. rs ,ine In fill n vhchucv "i '1 l mI rt --I- -. l v -, i,h i-. t Will-in .V Slei.r V .. n-v i i -ed In r sii. -fiiiit ." H 1 ' ff, rt i.t . mi- I'm.- I ft in. n. enl. 1 1 P e - .1 ' - ,1 mini" li it.- ,!,' . epl 1. 'tis. IMwr'il VV lliilill,. tiM I f O . '-li -ipiNiipi l n tit'. - I'.'.pfl nf n ireitlnll IS. ll'V". seal 'il W -r i I.I -fiSUMi' ft' Mm,, l s,v s,.. ,,n iiffajvit .if ottn T 'lt- Irrsriute- ef lti rjriinn1it'AspetHlUs, Writ ,in'u , il ie s'i hsvtor and tnls,b'iii'"inr In nffli e sept, 'it Vb I'Wfll"' r s'tlteit m. ni-in-.. . it i.l. t tits rt ,.,in .rlt ffi " ' Wm I'1 err -it In hl i' t i' .n , p.rm'Me.1 t . ..t t.'lino iNtml. Mav ii bnilv g ' '4 V h ni""nipii'ipd bv his I c oriM liens app'-ireil bp. f"i ' '' " ' ' ''',"'' ' ' ' '' 'ai'-i's ,,lllce. '' 'll'ile'i- n"l - e'lfl .IV. lilies this a e Ir.'mt. nlmii tin me mm- mutter no chars.-' SI ''' V! o'4t uf the Miip'vintinem of lidwatd iiinlelius as su perv -vir of playg.rotindi and expected to wa've i hearing Much to his surpiire, the VsglstrntP Insisted upon a hearing and proceeded with the case. on reaching th- Maglstinte's -ourt. the Mavoi. after vneetlng a few friends aniioui I he w-ns not tepresented by ,.u,iH and wulud waive a hearing on ,he rh,,g, h.ch. as specified In the nrr!, Hn.,,MI ut i, ,, viallery. are mtsbeliivli.r and misdemeanor In orllce I -------------. ... JuiIb- noiuii'l insisted on the hearing pioce. fling 'avins i.ere was uocumeni. niy ev flem " Imp rtant to the piuescti. , linn 10 b iiffsi-it The lunr'ng then ptoceed-d a'ld 1! nest L, Tuslln, Habbl Henry Hi'-kjwIT. unit several others of fered testimony. Tills will be the second ariulBimvnt In a year Jijr the .Major The Ilrst time h faced charges of conspiracy In ihe Fifth Ward case, conspiracy to vio late the Sherii law. and' conspiracy to obstruct a fre election In cgpnectipn i I . .... -1 i i II ' Contlouca: ou I'us' Two. Cstuwa lire .' - sV .... BREAK GERMAN DAMASCUS FALLS TO GEN. A..LENBY; TURK RULE OVER (,,..t Cit, j,, . World ami St'ciir of Conversion of St. Pan! I. unci. m. net i liamnscus. the capll.il of Sxrla was ncctinl.d ti i.ttipral Albntn's foites on Tueyda.v niornliiK. necntdtnR to an olli- lal slniPiUPiit iiMueii iona n tin1 urn- !li War office Hainii'i'ii- Is ihe Turkish base In S.vrln ami Pnlest'ne anil Its fnll probablv means the end or all Turkish tetnanc ,al'' "'' nn'' -Vla t'1"1 ancient clt ( ( n(.()n )nh) nf ,nlIloai,, ,,..,. big I" Mi p 'rt fif It'll ut and Aleppo IS' nil'es nortliiast. ihe most Itnp'iri.im Tin li jili has" in this legion or "i Mi ni r i.iniisi-us l the iMitltal or the Vllaiit "f Srli. and his a population of about I fin nee It Is nno of tbe hol.v cltlis "f the .Mo'ianiliiiilaiis ami the Ainhs lega-d it a-" one of the four p.iiadlrs on i.-irtli It was In I i.imacua that St Paul lp converted Here aie a "Supm that 's cal'ed straight, mentioned In .the N'pw Tis'iiniint. and the itilus of the houses "f .Naaman Hie lejier and of Vn-iti a" nldist eliv In the woild. antedating Uat)lon liamiuUM exls-ftl when Vbra. ham erossiil ihe plain of Harati Pimi X'-i'ti"n t.pl f'ilv I0I1. Th fellow tnif muntctpil appolntniptit- were n i"ouml ioi'.bv bv the cu tl Serv- -Fo.u-tu Ltbeity Loan suubcnpuons inBclgium and aie .outflanking yj j erve DUtrict, Including Plttabutsl j1o,d. The Germans hovefe-firaifLal aula and eastern Ohio, today crai.betr,., andeninBHtish nonf- C "?! Fourth Liberty Loan subscriptions An unofficial estimate placed m. nt r,iP7,PO'i.,oOC FOE IN ARGONNE YIELDS TO U. S. I'res.MiiT offjAmeririiu Army breaks. Down Enemy's tuliiiorn Rtii-lanee HELD FOR THREE DAYS Bv i.nV!N I.. .M V'liV V.atdt' tn I'.ii'nins I'nhlic t.edsvr , .,i : i ., ..'. With the mericiti i nv In rniiu-c vvnn 1111 vtit'iiciti .i u.v 111 11.11111, 1 ' - A itc thiec davs nf slubbmn n slst- ll'c. l-fl'lst the I'lif litem- nl esslli e ai.e. ,i,n.ii tin i,nriltut.i piL.ssuie of the American First Anns' th" Or- mans nre icportel to be vvithih-uvvlng tluiratlvancea elements on the lert of . , our Alsiie-Mcuse sector, pulling their trnois nothwatil In thu vlclnlt.v of the AigoaiHi forest toward the Kilem- liild.StelliiiiK positions. On the rlsht our linop ate up against this Hue In the vlclnlt.v of Ibleulles It Is Iflleved that the Ger mai.H are teid.v to make n strong stmul nn tin- Kilfiuh.ln-Stelliing l.ne. Hack of this series uf positions the vlerllians have no orgatllZllI line oil this side or the llelglan holder. The tioops Which have done such valiant tUhllng in the Argomie for- ft nvcicoining the font ear-old German tlefenses, believe: by the boche to bo linin gnahle, are New York troops They come from .Man- Italian. Ittooklvn. the llronx. Long Nlmd and Westi hesler inustlj. These niun;t'iH were tialned ai (imp I'ji tou and have fought with the. spirit of s isoneil veterans, under most dilll-i-'tlt weather coudltloi s. Smaslntl All Defenses When tin" tait"l against the Hln- .i.,,,!,,., c iin ,1,,,. , l t ,.,,, their Memiuig line iiiiv ua i to cut tneir wit. .hroug.i two and a half miles of "ai i"' I vvne ueiinses .ig.iitist t.erm.'Ul macmne-gtiiiH riue una uriiiier nre, as well as gas. Yesterday was relaiivelv quiet on the Ametlcan Argonne-Meuse bector. Vv'o repulsed two Geiman counter-at- tacks one It. the legion ot Cierges and the nthei at Apremont. In the last three das, we have held Apremont. a good strategic point, despite lepeated cffoits by the Germans to gain control. nur driving eased off yesli supplies and ahimunltlon w up over the bad roads ertlav. while ere brought T" vlUr nrt? If . giving greai iri.uoie 10 m uermun ,n . si:Tr0,, Two WEATHKK LUCK HUN i'nrtlictoudy toniuht tnif Miiscftfcti (omtirrotc. CTis the fun's sorry pliyht, . fc'o ho trouble xce'll borrow.) Xelthcr hotter nor cooler (Except for boche ruler.) f-Jair Tears Great Gaps in Enemy's Defenses T3IG TEUTON RETREAT NEAR Allies Sweep on in Bel gium Foe Fires Menin and Roulcrs FltENCH ADVANCE FOUR MILES ON A ESLE FRONT ip i . i r r .1 1 cuuiiis tveure IJCIorc XJCrinC- lot Petitin Presses Past St. Qtientin THIERRY MASSIF TAKEN i;,,;..,.'. I.,,.;.. r. n;...,. IN..I1SU s VrtllieS I'aCC UlSagtCr 'a Foeli Delivers Smash- in;: Rlous London, Oct 2. The German lino in the west i3 cmhililinR ami n hip retreat appar ently is near. The Allies have over run the Hindenbure; line on a fifty mil" front. Tho British have broken the Ger- ijrcn line from St. Qucntin to Cam brai. The Kicnch have captured St. Quentin and ptesscd on eastward. On th' Aisne-Vesle front the French have nlunpcd'th-ee to four miles and 1 the enemy is in reticat. St. Thierry massif fcns been captured. 1 inc .v-ineti nimies orc.swec"ing on tors are shellinp the Germans t , the coait. lly the Ainciated Press London, Oct. 2. Hetwten Cambrai nnd St. Quentin the Herman line or defense has been broker.. It is uncertain what lines the enemy has In the iear. The Brit ish advance threatens the Oerman line or letreat In the OIt Valley and alsp rrom the massif of St Gobaln. I'ield Marshal Halg today announc--I the Ine.iklng or the ("ierman line i.n the Ponsommes-Iteauievolr front mil his report shows that wide gaps have been torn ii the Oerman de fenses between St Quentin and I C.itelot, south or Cambrai, In a new Itrltish onrush. (Ihatlii voir Is two and one-half miles ast or I.e Catelet and Kopsommes is neuiy five miles northeast of St. SSopreJhV'wllh'1 Ne'w : landers, have occupied Cvevecoeur and Iliinilllv. Sequchart, Tour and one-hair miles southeast of Pelllcourt, has been cantllled. nu lias the hnmlpt nf Ptesclles. Just to the north, Cambrai has ben mined, but the ,!l ll,"h foices have rouglu nround the nwn ani, thus lmvi, fol,p(. thp Jjlan(l "r the enemv. The Germans decided "" September 1 to bum Cambrai and "neli ""' dvlllnn iopul.itlon to leave, . Tu, Astrulliiiis )iave finished tho work of clearing nut the German de- f' ''" south of I.e Catelet and Gouy nd hud fiM'd Joncouri. just to the ninth, of enemy troops. Americans ,.,. lighting nlongsltle the Australians in the (lolly legion) nispaiclies trim tne rnmt say that between the Alsne and the Vesle Hlv ers l-'rench ttoops In the last three (lavs have advanced on a front of 'en miles to n depth or three to four miles. The Germans r.ovv are re ticitlng toward the line thej held In 15)17. In view of the loss to the Germans nf St Otteritln nnd tbo llneo tn thn nnltn of ,,at cltJ n enemy retlre- ment on a fairly large scale In Trance nd Helglum seems probable. Given fnllly Kond wolther some very bly , lia. SPH 'i the western front may be s,,n before winter - ROULERS IS FIRED BY FOE AS ALLIES GAIN IN BELGIUM Torch Applied to Menin British .Monitori- Shell Coast Rail road Line Useless fly the Associated Press Loudon, Oct, 3. London, Oct, 3. The towns of .Menin and Roulero, railway Junctions In Flanders, have iJV ben set on fire by the Germans tn ? the race of the ndvnnclng Belgian, British and French troops. Frer.ch guns now control the railway Una running fiom Ostend, through Thour- " cut and and Bou ers to Courtrai t - 11.111,1, ,r,nitna .. .n.nnAw.in -J ,'tl,IO, ,...., I. ,U. ,, . V U-UWC1 Ultlilh , actively In bombarding the German ill llnuu nn n Mrl tAi t It u r-ni nt ll 1 V', ltllV MX U-l llltl VUO I r',ei.ch and Belgian troops hav ,r ' j mado fresh progress In the direction .' , of Uooglede and Boulers and the Brit isn nave (SjIoulers. ISie Belgl 1 Inst nlghi ish have seized Leaeghem on the. Menin railway, according ta Belgian ottlciat statement lsau4 ilsht -5 lly lo Osocialfii Press With the British Armies In Fi Oct. 2. KJeld Mamhal iMffr 4i. i n i W x !'f JV 1 I k& sa 'K hj '&i &' :: I . ff'e --sn i... - 3T--. ? ';,;Mtx:'jl vrw D - jffifcr'ii t " 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers