wmz jr - " ' y A W' 1 ,H EVENING .PUBLIC LED PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER JL9, 1918 'A y t ' fiJft .r. i f i V is :' 1;i.-i'i k " v l to1 P&n P' mi Vt --- K-W. ,.J r ft. ft K . m B? I?V l 1a - U ' fi ?..-. M.P WANTED MA "(Other Classified Ads on Tare 8) EftKfl. wlfh VnnwtaM nr nAnlntp Tnn. klllA. Srtshlnv tn ,!. tiAtiMin the hmtrs iP. tn. and R a. m. will And steady (in rment In an essential business, with good sriuniiijs ior anvancement, by applying wn, j.rager umcc. mate age. expen- ana salary desired. "COMMISSART DEPARTMENT OF GOV ERNMENT SHIPYARD. HOO ISLAND, RE- R;BIRE3 EXPERIENCED WHITE COOKS. ..V4XFERIENCED FIB RAKERS, WHITE: tTOIITB KITCHEN MEN, WHITE BUSS N mn n.irp.TEtiii9! m.ejsast OUNDINGS. APPLY V. B. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 300 .yALNUT ST. SEE .MR. SCULL. Oil Mil. SWAIIT55 1S21 AIICH ST. (Do not apply at Hoe Inland) h22Wi Atmlv 2737 W. n Irani. ary r Houuhtnn Co., 240 V. Snmtri-tt t. Ap EKrh t$T U. S. Emplrn merit Office. Front ntvl A jpt Jk, rx- ntr ninih iim mi mill t uu. . J. i-s ntvtirt tt . i paper: must no abe to read with Intent ,--ii-'irence. y,au icinnj-, alter p. m., ai uu'j T V fe wnestntn si., nrtn noor. fcC-'S ..Tt iMnun Trfuu i.'Prni'no a vt uptti h' ERS WANTED. CITRTIS 'PUBLISHING 'lidV-t 'T" AND SJSSUll NTS ATPT.Y NEAREST II, S. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. SJ 't BniNO THIS AD WITH YOU lT-v' DRAFTSMEN v DETAILERS AND TRACERS J- WANTED ON U. S. WAR WORK ' P 805. LEDCER OFFICE DRAFTSMAN Experienced mechanical draftsman on fixture and tool designing. B. H. E. Co.. Erie ave. and II st, Dm LI, PRESS HANDS, englire lathe hands. . bench hands on Emergency Fleet. I"7 N Pth. Apply nearest U. S Employment Of llce. Bring this ad. . ENGINEER WANTED TURLtC LEDGER COMPANY OTH AND CHESTNUT STS Apply nearest U S. Employment Office. Bring this ad with vnu ENOINEER Wanted, a machinist engineer: . must pf both njrciianir. x nna. .-counna "&, and Carbonizing Co., Tulip and Somerset. ,J?', .Apply nearest U. a. Employment Office. miiih .... n.. ...... j uu. FIREMAN, licensed, to work In color dept. . and to fire In emenrenclos. Charles Eneu Johnson & Co , not S. 10th at. Apply near est U. S, Emplomcnt Office, lirlnc this ad with you AMERICAN RATI.WVT EXPRESS CO. TREIOHT HANDLERS CHAITKKTjURS DRIVERS i HELPKIIS ? SHEET WRITERS c 1800 MARKET ST. Apply nearest U. S. Employment Office J HANDY MAN To assist around power plant In a"neral - work and plpeflttlnff at once. Miller Lock 5 Company. Orthodox A Tacony sts.. Fkd. J Aptfy nearest U. S. Employment Office. HARDWARE and contractors' supplies; yount? man in order department; experi enced preferred. Apply J. Jacob Shannon & Co 1744 Market at. HARDWARE and contractors"' s'lnpTles; stock man wanted: good oprtortunltv. Ap plyj. Jacob Shannon & Co 1744 M irket st. KITCHEN MEN (WHITE) R$j EXPERIENCED KITCHEN MEN FOR Vl. HrtWtnn-Tm ofrinviinn . n- nM f! IS1AND: PLEASANT SURROUND INGS. C: e,Tr tm W n nwn. An..n wauu sxi. u. .5. lj.-ni-L.ux.lli;rsT OFFICE COR. 3D AND WALNUT STS. SEE MR. SCULL DO NOT APPLY AT HOG ISLAND ''k "'" wun. i'Ull ALL ilE.V LEAVING SA s . r ,illt 1.11A.-.UI-. i-uil INSIDE MEN TO ENTER A PRODUCTIVE FIELD OF USE i FUL, HEALTHY WORK. . HOO ISLAND SHIPYARD OFFERS YOU A JOB AT LABORING. IP -vnit inw nnm. (, - " KiPfAND NOT USED TO PHYSICAL WORK &WS WILIj put you on special work H&felTNTII. YOU become hardened. RaV ,AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO WORK E&Df THE FIRST LINE OF OFFENSE AT ySHOME. YOU CAN SHORTLY INCREASE fe!TOUn EARNING CAPACITY. bV''i THIS OFFRPl PYTPVTia .Tn rrrm..o f1-OFFICE MEN AND ALL THOSE FORCED ll&vBT SELECTIVE SERVICE REGULATIONS talf ?0 SEEK EMPLOYMENT IN A WAR. BTJ ... Kj(JE9SENTIAL INDUSTRY. AND TO ANY .OTHER PATRIOTIC AStERICANS WHO W&fXRE W1LUNO TO START AT THE BOTTOM. Rr$"jlT TOU MEAN BUSINESS. PUT ON fi'UTOUR OLD CLOTHES CUT OUT THIS $SflX AND PRESENT IT AT THE NEAREST K V. B. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 8D AND WALNUT STS. MR. SHATTUCK OR STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 1519 ARCH STREET MR. SWARTZ HELP BUILD SHIPS BE A LINK IN THE CHAIN rttiMHiDC)ttM4l.J tt a 'in "" . colored factory helpers for printing ink isi 1h aat llj1 saasal B AlBBnfflal tnBe1. a aam - Ji.. Kf work. Charles Knue Johnson & Co., 609 jivui i. ur ciTVMiiauu unu miner. Apply 0. UIMWHI1V VHVt. UMUB HUB HO you. BL1SHINO CO.. TTH AND RANSOM .APPLY NEAREST U. S. EMPLOY TTOFFICE. BRING THIS AD WITir nnvnaiiiiM i. v 1.1 i- rx ; ii . . ' IlOUKaiun Fa- 'r "JfiT" "U APPx nearest J S. Kmplovment OITIce. Front and York. Ww this with vai LABORERS Whlta or colored BRING REFERENCES ws" - &VAT7B 8TEEL AND ORDNANPE CO. I. , EDDY8TONE. PA. 'PHILADELPHIA OFFICES: ,' isai Island road (Mr. Mooney) ' :03 -Market at. (Ur. Plecbner) 'te APPLY " TT. S. Employment Service Office, v JM1 Areh at.. Philadelphia, pa, & t' (Ak for Mr. O'Connor) W f". "W., .v-..T,r. A. !. ivr. . iirinuarrf fPLKx&Ff y-rk.:... HELp WANTEDMALE (Other Classified Ails on Pate ) I.AI10RERS GULF REFINING CO. 58TH ST. AND SCHUYLKILL RIVER Apply nearest U. S. EmploMnent Scrlco OITIce Hrlng this ad with sou I.AllOREttS COLORED IUU CHESTNUT ST. APPLY NEAREST UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE IlIHNO IT1IIS AD WITH YOU LABORERS GENERAL LABOR A NUMBER OF GOOD MEN WANTED FOR INSIDE LABOR ON ESSENTIAL WORK COME READY TO START WORK PIIILA. STORAGE BATTERY CO. ONTARIO AND C STS. APPLY TO THE NEAREST U. S. EMPLOYMENT OITICE BRINQ THIS AD WITH YOU LABORERS' wanted; India Swanson nnd McKcan sts. U. s. Empliment oim-o u Ith ou. Refining Co.. Appl nearest Ilrlnz this ud LABORERS Two wanted aged -411. 100 N Water st. Apply neanst V. t. Emploj- rmnt OITlie Bring this nd lth ou LABORERS wanted. Inside work. S. W. cor. lith and Thompson als. Apply near est U, S. Emploment Office. Brine ad AT ONCE LABORERS WANTED UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WORK at IHh st. and Keystone road (BucUnam tract). '-' hloiks west of Highland ave. ; nearest railroad station. Thuriow. on Penn sylvania ltallro.td MacARTHL'R BROTHERS CHESTER. PA. AND 33 S. 1CTH ST.. TIIILA ArrLY To any United States Employ ment Office AT ONCE LABORERS WANTED UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WORK Washington Park, near Wesiville. N. J., on Pennsylvania R. R. (West Jersey and Sea shore DtMslon): also by trolley from Cam den. MacARTHUR BROTHERS WASHINGTON TARK WESTVILLE, N. J. 33 S. 16TH ST., PHILA. APPLY To any United States Employ mnt Office. AT ONCE LABORERS WANTED UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WORK On main highway (Broadway) between Westvllle. N. J., and south Gloucester. N. J., nearest railroad atatlnn South Gloucester, on the Pennsylvania Railroad (West Jersey and Seashore Division). MacARTHUR BROTHERS S. GLOUCESTER. N. J. AND 33 S. 10TH ST., PHILA. APPLY To any United States Employ ment Oftlce. UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE LABORERS WANTED FOR WAR WORK AT GOVERNMENT YARD FOR SHIP AND YARD CONSTRUC TION IN SOUTHWESTERN PART OF CITY FOR PARTICULARS PRESENT THIS AD AT NEAREST U. S. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. OR AT MAIN OFFICES. 300 WALNUT STREET MR. SHATTUCK OR 1521 ARCH STREET MR. SCHWARZ LABOR WANTED IRISH. MEXICAN. SPANISH AND ITALIAN TRACKMEN; ALSO MA CHINISTS. PIPEFITTERS, RIG GERS AND FIRE BRICKLAYERS. 227 N. 13TH ST. APrLY NEAREST U. S. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. BRING THIS AD WITH YOU. LABORERS MEN WANTED FOR PENNA. RAILROAD WHITE OR COLORED rOR CONSTRUCTION WORK. TRACK WORK AND FREIGHT HANDLING ADVANCEM'T FOR MEN WITH ABILITY NO LOST TIME CAN BOARD WITH THE CO. AT REA SONABLE COST IF DESIRED APPLY 43 N. 17TH LABORERS wanted at once to work In wallpaper factory BECKER. SMITH PAGE Water and Snyder ave. Apply to nearest U. S. Employment Office. Urine this ad with yon. LABORERS Drehman Pay in Co., Cramps' Shipyard Co., Richmond and Norrls. new office bid. Apply nearest U. 8. Employ ment Office. MACHINISTS OR TOOLMAKERS WANTED PHILADELPHIA STORAGE BATTERY CO. ONTARIO AND C UTS. APPLY TO NEAREST U. 8. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE BBINO THIS AD WITH YOU --' rWL HELP WANTED MALE (Olhrr Classified Ada en Parr Z) WORK OR FiailT 18 to 45 years MACHINE LEARNERS wanted to operate various machines: no ex perlence, necessary. This Is a piecework cejw IT, I program ana is up to you. BRING REFERENCE MIDVALH STEEL AVD ORDNANC iJUursTrwi; mi lb plant ' EDDY8TONE. PA. ritlLADELriHA OFFICES l 2201 Island rond (Mr. Mooney) C203 Market et. (Mr. Plcchn-r) Applv U. S. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES 1H21 Arch at . Philadelphia, Ta. (Ask for Mr. O'Connor) 018 Snroul st , Chester. 'Pa. (Ask for Mr Reinhart) Tn Insure being placed with this company, hrlng this ad wllhvou . MACHINISTS Wanted, first-class floor arid machine hands Marls Bros., fioth and Gravs ate., W. Phila. Apply nearest U. S. Employment Office Bring this ad with you. MAN. WITH STRONG PERSONALITY AND PLENTY Op INITIATIVE. I'OU STAND A,RD1.T10N WORK APPLICVNTS MUST BE PERMANENTLY EXEMPT FROM DRAIT' POSITION nrFEHI OOOD SL ARY AND EXCELLENT FUTURE CW.I, EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. CURTIS PUB. LISHING CO . Till' R K DAY. MAN. while, middle need, for helprr In color department: war essential work. Chirles Knue Johnson i Co Sw-insnn and turner. Apply nearest U. S. Employment Office. Bring this ad with you. MAN BETWEEN L'l AND 30 YEARS OP AGE MUST HE MA'tlMED AND HAVE HAD EITHER DHPWlTMfNT STORE OR VIII, ORDER EXPERIENCE CALL AT ONCE CURTIS Pt'HI.TSIIINO CO . 7TH AND RANSOM STS THURSDAY MAN Strong imn wanted for packing de partmMit In large mltl supply nous. Fair, hanks Co . 701 Arch st Apnlv ncirest U S Employment Office Bring this nd yyllh you MECHANIC On- who Is a handv man In operating and looking after turret lathes, drill presses nnd generally assisting fore man. It Is not necessary to be an expert mechanic, as we want a man who is after n stend position and who desires to ad vanee. Independent Aetna Sprinkler. 232.1 N. lllh Apnlv nearest V. S. Employ ment Office firing this ad with vou. CO.ME IN WITH THE RIG CROWD and hiin us aid the r.nvnrnm,nl In 11a n. dcavor to crush "Kill nnd his Polrd.tm gnng. i.ierv lndlMdii.il munis Wh.it we need nt proent Is MALE OFFICE BOYS SOLDERERS MEN WITH CAN -"HOP EXrERIENX'E DIPPERS FEMALE CLERKS CIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK STENOGRAPHERS We need vnu at once, po don't Ioe a second. Tiie sooner you heiti out. that much sooner will your (husband), son. brother or frknd return to you. THE It M. HOLLINOSHIJMl CO. , (ITH AND MARKET STS. CAMDEN N J. Applv nearest IT S. Employment Office MEN Will you deote your energy to a good cause? Wo yvont ships and want you to he.p finish tho plant LABORERS WANTED Work or fight Herd's a chance to work A patrlotlo duty Real essential yvork MERCHANT SHIPRUILDING CORP. Agent U. S. S. Board, H. F. C. Harriman, Pa, (near Bristol) Philadelphia Employment Office 1301 Race st. Apply nearest U. S. Employment Office Brtns this ad with you. WORK (ASK CONWAY: HE KNOWS) MEN WANTED AS QUARDS outside and Inside of factory dolnc Government work HENRY DISPTON i SONS Tacony Philadelphia Applv Goyernment Employment Bureau 2420 N. Front at. ASK FOR MR. MOORE MEN WANTED AT ONCE FOR GENERAL ALL-AROUND WORK JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPANY 2D AND MARKETS STS. CAStDEN N. J. APPLY TO NEAREST UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT OFFICE BRING THIS AD WITH YOU MEN WANTED ON GOVERNMENT WORK DELIVERING TELEPHONE BOOKS HOWE ADDRESSING AND PHIVTINO CO. 20S SOUTH FOURTH STREET U. S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 3D AND WALNUT STS. MEN COU1RED WANTED FOR PORTER AND STEVEDORE WORK CURTIS PUBLISHING CO . 7TH AND RANSOM STS. APPLY NEAREST U S. EMPLOY MENT OFriCE. BRING THIS AD WITH YOU. COLORED MEN work In an essential Indus try help ayve food for the nation's needs next winter ye neen men at once to unload fresh tomatoes, nnd It Is a p-itrlotlo serv ice. Joseph Campbell Co.. 2d and Market st. Camden. N. J. An n'rest U. s I'raii, Offlre MEN WANTED WITH SOM.l EXPKRI- i;nck akuuii iiAi in;si:iiv. ct'RTIS PUBLISHING CO . 7TH AND s.ivsmi STS APPLY NEAREST II S. EMPLOY- MENT OFFICE. RHINO THIS YOU. t .Ml I Elderly men. active. for ork at night In ne IIS AD WITH required ntwmaii.r ofTlce. Apnlv after 5 p. m. to Mr. Stringer, third floor. Public Ledger, (ion Chestnut st MEN AS'ANTED FOR WRAPPING AND TYINO BUNDLES CURTIS PUBLISH ING CO 7TH AND SANSOAI STS. APPLY NEAREST U. S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. BRING THIS AD AVITH YOU. MEN yvanted to do cssentiul yar work In vatious depts. , no exper. necessary; good chance for willing workers. Abrasive Co.. Fraley and Tacony sts.. Brldesburs. Apply nearest U S Employment Office. MEN WANTED FOR ELECTRIC TRUCK DRIVING. CURTIS PUBLISHING CO TTH AND SANSOM STS. APPLY NEAR. EST U, S. EMPLOYMENT OWICB. URINO THIS AD AVITH YOU MEN wanted on lee cream making machine white or colored. Crane Ice Cream Co. 238 S. 23d. Apply nearest U, S. Eraployl ment Office. MEN yvanted to work in express depot, 47th and AA'oodland ave. Apply to nearest U S. Employment Service Office. Urine this ad with you. MEN to fill cushions, 244 S. Sth st. nearest U. ti. Employment Service. Apply Bring this an yvnn you. MEN wanted: outdoor work: past draft ace preferred. Bala Oolf Club, Belmont and City Line. MESSENGER BOYS AVANTED- AVestern Union, l.lul Chestnut Mr. Chambers OFFICE ASSISTANT AVanted at once ac. tlye elderly man for office assistant. ' An. ply today to Mr. Joyce. tlrj floor, Public InPFICC BOY. over 14. for ofAca worir .A ?--. I deliver1 small paekaires. Apply after 8:8i m. m.. Undervfood Txncwrltcr Co,,- 100 HELP WANTED MALE (Other (lasslned Ails on Pace 1) SOS HELP! HELPI Wo Need at Once First-class Sheet Melal Workers Acetylene Burners and Welders First-class Shlpfltters. Marine Machinists Elcctrlo Welders Boltcrs-un (night and day) Erectors (night and day) First-class Ship Carpenters Flrst-cliss Boilermakers Stage Builders Toolmakers Riveters Reamers Drillers Wood Caulkers Holders-on . Heater Boys Husky Helpers Legal Aid for All Men In the Next Draft Call We belieye you can make your sen Ices hero lust ns Important as any military scrylce you can render. If you nre not on Goyernment yvork apply today. Bring thla ady. yylth you. MERCHANT SHIPBUILDING CORP.. Agent U. S Shinning Hoard. Emergency- Fleet Corn 13th -and Hso sts Phlla Plant Employment Oftlce. lUrrlmin. Ta .. Applv to Nearest U. S. Employment Office. MVt.F OPEP. TOR tt .JVpopm'RY RAO 'O.UM.VG PLANT United Sttes Gov.rnm,nt w 'rk Wi.hlng ton Pfi-L rr WfvfTlj V T .... tt...... i. ynU Ritlroad (West J-rs-v jtnd seashore dlylslnnl .itso hv trril.v fmwi i'dni.tH This gly.s ynu an omwetunlfv o sNow your patriotism ard do your bit & the opera tion of this plant $ essemiil to our Oyersea rorces MicRTHUR BROTHEP.-5 CO. 33 S 18th t sen. 1.1, Scor PhlUd-Ip-iU Pi. and Washington P-k Wcstytlle N J. AonlT Nearest United sfyies Er"Plnvment Sryl,- OH-e Bring this ad with vou OPTCALSrRFACE GRINDER "all-around min. Charles Melster 41 s. 17th st. Applv nearest U. s Employment Office OYSTER M VN winted with exrerlhcr-. good yyagrs Apptv Steward dpirtment, Rlttrnhous" Hotel. Chestnut and 2'.'il sis. PAINTER wanted Steward. Majestic Ho tel W.iM st off Glrard av" Applv near est U s Employment Oftlce. Bring this ud w lti vnu PAINTERS House painters yant"d at once: it K. luth st. Apply L s. IJmployment Office pnnTFRs i-ot.nrirD 000 CHESTNUT ST. APPLY NEAREST UNITro STTE9 E.MPIOYMENT SERVtCE OrFTCE BRING THIS AD WITH YOU PRINTER Wanted, a fl-st-o'is. printer. Quaker CItv Wall Paper Co . E Thompson end Wesimorelnnd pts. .PROOFREADER A real proofreader, yvlth neyvppaper experience, can obtnln per manent Fltuntlon on a morning dallv by applying at 000 Chestnut st , fifth floor, nfter 3 p m RUNNER for monotype casting mschlne; night work Composing room. Public Ledger. 000 Chestnut st. Applv nearest U. S. Employment Office. Bring this ad with you. SALESMAN or represontitlye", v,!!h fully equipped offices In Phlla . lirge ac quaintance yvlth architects nnd enntrnctora throughout the Hist yvlsbes to represent a manufacturer his had 20 years' evp In all lines of the bldg. trades. J 44. Ledger Cent. SALESMAN Ynung man to travel In east ern Pennsvlynnla. New Jersey nnd Dela ware: must be a hustler and nnt at present sublect to draft: must haye best of refer ence; good salary. Address M 211, Ledger Office. SALESMEN A largo specialty house carrying a first class lino of silks, ribbons white poods, handkerchiefs, laces, embroideries and la dles' neckwear, hayo a pnlendtd opening for a thoroughly experienced salesman calling on the drv goods trnde in Eastern Virglnln. We also solicit annllcatlons from experienced rdlk and drv goods salesmen for West Vir ginia. Western Pennsylvania and Georgl y. Answer nromntlv yvlth particulars prepara tory to lntery leyv Confidential. MAASS & KEMPER 1 07-1 no 'V B-iltlmor st Bnltlrnorc Md. SHOEMAKER, good, yvonted. Apply 211 Mir!et st Csmden N J. SHIPPING CLERK Capable man: wholesale business: must be able to superylse de livery nnd get results. J 47. Ledger Central SOLICITORS THE PUBLIC LEDGER REQUIRES SEVER L riBST - CLASS SO. L1CITORS FOR CIRCULATION PROMOTION: ADILITY TO MEET AND TALK TO THE BEST PEO PLE IS ESSENTIAL. BUT NEAT vvss IN 4.PPIHR VNCI1 WILL RECEIVE FIRST CONSIDERATION: A OOOD PROPOSITION TOR MEN WHO CAN DELIVER APPLY TO MR. CORREA. SECOND FLOOR. PUBLIC LEDGER BLDG STEAMF1TTERS AND STEAMF1TTERS' HEI.PFRS WANTED FOR U. S GOV ERNMENT WORK THE PHILADELPHIA STEAM HEATING CO.. 131.1 CHERRY ST. ATPLY TiO NEAREST GOVERNMENT EM. PLOY.MeJt'T BUREAU AND BRING THIS AD WITH YOU. STBAMFITTERS' HELPERS yy-anted India lleflnlng Co., Swanson and McKean sts Apply nearest U. S. Employment Office. Brlnit this ad yvlth you. STORAGE BATTERY MEN WANTED, EXPERIENCED MEN ALSO MOLDERS AND CASTERS PIIILA. STORAGE BATTERY CO. ONTARIO AND C STS. APPLY TO THE NEAREST U. S. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE HRING THIS AD WITH YOU STRONG. HEALTHY AMERICAN CITIZENS AVHO ARE HANDY AVITH TOOLS TO LEARN SHIPBUILDING IN GOVERN MENT SHIPBUILDING TRAINING SCHOOL AT PHILADELPHIA. YOU ARE PAID WHILE LEARNING ANY ONE OF THE SHIPBUILDING TRADES. LENOTU OF COURSE AROUT TWO WEEKS. AFTER WHICH TOU GO ON THE SHIPAA'AYS OF THE LAhGEST SHIPYARD IN THE WORLD. AT HOG ISLAND. WHERE YOU INCREASE YOUR EARNINO CA PACITY ACCORDING TO YOUR ABIL ITY. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL OFFER TO LEARN A USEFUL TRADE. APPLY NEAREST U. S. EMPLOY. MENT OFFICE. OR MAIN OFFICE. 300 AVALNUT STREET. . ' SEE MR. SHATTUCK OR 1519 ARCH STREET MR. 8WARTZ URINO THIH AD "WITH YOU i TOOLltAKERS and machinists, first class. (or hiib-cuss work; modrn shop, -with up- to.rtt mkcblnery. S. S. E. Co.. Erie ao. and 11 St. Anuly np.lt IT. H. Sarr. ".-..-. - ..- .l .'---. .--..7 T-T- HELP WANTED MALK (Other Classified Ads on Page 8) TYPIST nnd clerk for lsrge manufacturing rorporallnni steady position. II, W. Johns- ,M.,mn'e in. -jni j Ttrnntl. .. YOUNG MEN WANTI'D FOR t.lOHT MANUFACTURING WORK It NIGHTS' A WEEK: RAPID ADVANCEMENT CI7BTIS PUBLISHING CO 7TH AND HANSOM STS. APPLY NEAREST U S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. BRING THIS AD WITH YOU General O R E E N 13 W A L D S Men for executive office & factory positions: office mar., head bkpr , cashier, cost acct : 3 asst. bkprs.t sales, purchas'g. traffico dipt, men: time nnd payroll men. foremen, aunts.. Inspectors yvlth mfg. exp : wages excellent; private secty, ; nsst, to employment rntrr.i Interviewer, machinery foreman: essential Phlla, concerns; permanent positions; no nd vnnc charges. Booklet nnd blank gratis. 2.10 S. 11th, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CLERICAI. Exp. bookkeener des. clerical po'lllon: reference furn. G B1W Led Cent. SECRETARY -Young ladv. unusual abllltv. desires responsible position yvlth reliable concern former employer enlisted In yvar work: Interview on request. P 001). Ledger Offlre. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE DRAFTSMAN Instruction draftsman de sires position yvilh contracting concern. I .UK, Ldger Onlce. 'EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED nt Episcopal Office. 312 S 12h st.coojts.yvntt'sch'ds, nurses launes. M.ME PLATZ reonened private" help sup plied, wanted 30.1 S. 11th Ph. Walnut 1713 USED AUTOMOBILES ArPERSON Jack rabbit 4 new nonskld shoes: car In fine condition: repnlnt'd: cash or terms. De Luxe Auto Co.. 723 N. Broad. BUICK' ROADSTER, 4 cylinder: purchased April 4, 101S. cost JM.-.27. cxtrna $100; first-class condition, will sll for Jfinn each: owner going awjiv. M 040, Ledger Centril. CADILLAC automobile for sale. In good con dition, electric lights and pelf-starter. Ap- Ply 231 Dock st.. second floor. CHALMERS 0 40r 31 R P". M. motor: this car is absolutely perfect in every respect: a rare b-irgaln for quick pale: cash or terms. De Luxe Auto Co . 721 N. Broad at. CHEMtOLET. 1II1R. same ns new; price Is very loyv for this car must be sold this yveelc for flrt reasonable offer, Seo Pop. 7"1 N Brond st. COLE 7-napsenger auto, good ns new. Apply Apollo Thentro. r,2d and Thompson. , DETROIT ELECTRIC COUPE Perfect inndlllon Ind' hIi u l b Itdl-mn Int lery; battery alone cost 11230: la sultnblo for physiclnn nr yvomin to ilrlye; this car pohes the gasoline and chauffeur problem; price MOOO, Tint Mo'nr Co.. 1827 Chestnut. FIAT tral LIMOUSIN!' 4-cy price J 139. Cen Oarage. 13 O'l Cnllnwhlll. l'OBD 1017 touring, demountable rim1 1 extra lire; reoaonable. Central Garage, i tun i-aiiowhiii FORD rsrttatnrs nil (nn,l(i 1017 inrliidert! IRerJ allowance on old olies 332 N. 13th. HAYNES. (I original n.ilnt. cord tires. 2 ex tra summer nnd yvinter top; this car looks (and runs like n new car nnd cannot be told i from a new one: owner In draft and must ' sell at once. Telephone Brvn Mayyr W1 W. I LOXIER good ns n new car: elcitrlo lights ! and starter slip coyers nnd extras; ca"h I or terms to suit. Do Luxe Auto Co. 723 N Broid st MACK Truck. In A-l shape; oyvner retired, frnm burlniss nnd hns no use for ssme; mnke offer De Luxe Auto Co ,723 N. Itrotd. MAXWELL 11)17 louring, "full enuliifoent. In fine condition cb--ap for quick sale 1007 Land Title Bldg Phono Locust 2.120 after ' P m Phone Wyomlng3l4S. J. OVERLVND i-cylinder 3-pnnsenger tourlnT enr In perfect condlt'on: fullv equipped. with bumper mirror, extra tire and rim tool I oox. tire cnain etc Apply to J. c. Dow, 4014 Onage ave Will demonstrate; owner lenylng oltv; bargain. OVERLAND 1011 tnur.,r,-paVs ": 3 good tires, new bat , self-starter, fully equip.: A-l rond : Sinn 4 IS DeKalb, Norrlstown. Ta. Phono 1000 0'E1'.LND 11(1. mis 2-peated roadster: run less than 3000 miles: orlvalo party. Telppbone GermTntown 01(12 W. OVERLAND Touring, original paint nnd tires; electric lights nnd starter: the same as new; make offer. See Pop, 723 N Broad. PAIGE 1010 TOURING. 0-10. 7-pasengcr; In excellent condition thloughout; spe cially priced tS7.1 Illgeloyy-AVIllev JMotri- Co , 304 N. Broad. PAIGE 1010 TOURING, r.-passenger. 0-38: fullv equlnned: paint nnd general condition verv fine; 5S10. Rlgelnw-Wlllev Motor Co. 304 N. Broad. PAIGE 1011 TOt'RING, U-40; overhauled ana in A-l condition. . Illgeloyy-Wlllev Motor Co . 30 1 N Broad. I'AIOE 11)17 touring. 7-nassenger. 0-.11 : Just like neyv fullv guaranteed, bargain: S1400. Rlgelow-AVIIley Motor Co. 304 N. Broad PAIGE 1010 7-psssenger touring. A-l condi tion: reasonable. Central Garage, 1300 Cnllowhlll PULLMAN LIGHTS AND STARTER; GOOD TIRES: ORIGINAL PAINT' CAR COST NEW J2000: MUST BE SOLD FOR 1100 AT ONCE DE LUXE AUTO CO., 723 N.BROAD. IlOAIiPTieu. 3 passenger. 0-ryllnder, .10 II. P. 1017 mndl: A-l condition, owner In nrmv 744 S 00th st. SCRIPPS-BOOTH: like new; 1 extra wire yheel; neyv paint: make offer: owner nwav; enph or time payments. Seo Pop. 723 N. lfrosd st. STEARNH-KNIOHT. 1017 model. S-cyl.. 7 pnpp., sneclal-bullt nluinluum bodv; II yylro yvheels; Goodrich Sllyerton cord tlrea; one of iho handpomest touring cars In the city. M 340. Ledger Central. STCDEBAKER small 4; nrlclnnl paint and nonskld tires; in guiranteed condition. ch-ap for quick stle: cash or terms. See l'nr 7'.. N Prosd st llllll FORD. NEAV TIRES: CAR IN FINE I CONDITION: MUST SELL THIS WEEK. Ur. I.UAI. AUTO (.()., 723 N. BROAD ST AUTOMOBILES WANTED oAl 1 LcK b Inc. vjii tviv spot cash. r r i . a 2824 V. Dauphin at. 1C01 Sprfnpr Qarden. The RpHnhlf Hnu- for Automobile Parts. o3,(i rpt or noor nnac apotPn 10 AUTOMOniTJ nnPAlR PARTS 1010 BTUTZ ROADSTER, rerentlv painted nnd oerhanled; new lop nnd slln covers: (1 new tires, bargain for quirk sale: owner entering ecrvlre. Inaulrn Sterllnc Motor Trurlt Co 2 1. Clmrrh lane. TIRES Sole aeent Marathon and Kaure tires; service siaiiou ior Bianaarn maxcB of tires, accessories of every description on hand LOCUST A1TTO SUPPLT CO. Ppruc ft.". 141t Iocust. Rare 24.. CKNTTRAM,Y IX)CATKD GARAGES .American vininr-r, uu jm;ui. Racquet Club Garage. 1002 Chancellor. Short storage, fiOn pr da.v; each garage provided with comfortable chauffeur rooms. TRUCK REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY jrices reasonnDHj AMERirAN GARGE & MACHINE SHOP Spruce, nn. 1411 locust. Race 24 S. AUTO REPAIR SHOP OP THE RETTER KIND AMERICAN GARAGE &. MACHINE SHOP Spruce fir.. 1411 Iocust. Racft 245. - OUR ANNUA!, fall sale trucks and touring car sold below cost: all kinds and makes; huv now and nve money. Glrard Motor iIs On , 2M7 Glrard ave WANTED On hundred trucks and tourlnff cars for nvrsas service: highest prices .id Pre Mr. Van Dvke, Gtrard Motor Sales Co . 2M7 Glrard ave. FOR SAI-E 1018 Dodge Sedan touring car: t months o'd; 'perfect condition; can see sume by appointment. Phone Moorestown HVS GarngeM GARAGE, ROOO square feet, near Glrard a'nd Prankford hvm. will clve long lease. DIETERIPH 737 Walnut st. automobii.es to hire IIAUusu AuioirucKs to nir. h to 5 tan. .i'uA' "".' ..""S'..".""' Sf ""5'Y. inn 81 Rnnstfnd st. Spruce 11113 Race lS7l' TO HIRE -New Franklin anil Packard auto, for yvMlnes. funerals. American Taxi, cah 1411 Locust. Sprucn Bi. Race tfis TOURING CAR. T.passencer llmousuie. 11.39 Vr liuui mm nui, 5MS!TO20-ATSAUI.cnEs FOR SALE no-fodt jxpressTcrulser,-nTw: Van Ulerck gng. C. HONSOR. 18 S. Front. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCXE3 FOR HALE. Excelsior twin cycle. 7 to Til horsepower: side car; td. cas light. SOB N 4Ulh St. rear. " ' am NEW and second-hand blevcles: tires tt ii' ANDREW T. RIRCHETT 803 8? S"d st! BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS WANTED If you have any diamonds to sell. aca , ., once: we have several large orders to nil Im! phone Wal. TIM. 1j.ki.y CO.. 032 Chest. nil) it., suit gl- over Child.'. He.t". DIAMONDS prVatI? .t1?rw BOUGHT J"88 ffir- ?SJ- Real Est. Trust llldg.. Broad - Chestnut t. PAPER8. rags, scrap Iron and Junki highest f prices paid. Bell pnone. Germantown 2017, w: d7 Iventhal, 630T Chew at.. Otn. DIAMONDS Highest Prices rAld, tor ofrj gold. liv0.l"S.ie !,,l Platinum, pawn tiets. T.'PK'IN. 18P0 Filbert t.. jd moor. ritKSa'i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TOR RENT Drug store silo In a town of 15.noo: store will bo yacatcd October 1: this property tins been used ns a drug store for tho past 30 years. M 217, Ledger Of fice. ron, SALE 2000 acres No, 1 virgin whits nnlt, on rallrnad: yvlll cut 2ci.noo.no0 feet. Address Box B. Moundsyllle, W. Va. TAILORING BUSINESS -Owing'- to draft; established D years. 0101 Do Lancey st. FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, comn't'n. 2dhand. bought. sold, rented exe. Keafer. 30 Olrard ave, $12 Up, Hammer Guns 113 Up, Hammcrless Guns Bargains In Hlgh-flradn Scotts. Greeners. Parker Bros , Smiths, I.efcvre, etc. Every Onn Guaranteed Fridenberg's Loan Office Cor. 9th nRd Buttonwood Near 0th and Spring Garden sts. U N S GUNS $5.00 UP - RIFLES GUNS 300 h!ghtrrade, double-barrel mim: rump jrunn: rtflpn: all mnkes nnd pa u (; rare l)arealnn. Walter! loan Otncp, j. 1 eorllth and Arch. mritr'K inmNlTtllin. Large line desks, safes, Oles cahlnts and general cfflce furniture, store fixtures. We buv pell and exchange PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARCH ST RACE 2008. SAFES Fireproof closlnl out 00 slightly mod: some with thin yvnlls 72 N. Fourth, TIME CLOCKS Rebuilt: Day, Cincinnati and Simplex always on hand: time stamps, cnlculagrapha nothing but time recorders nnd supplies Time Register Repair nnd Sunplv Co, Gardner. Mass TYPEWRITERS All makes bought, & sold: rents 3 mop.. J1 nd up. OVERHAULING a ppeclaltv. C .1 Glhbonev & Co.. 101.1 Chest. NINE CYPRESS TANKS. 3'x3' stnve: 22 no-gallon stone Jars. 3 Brass melting fur naces bevel-gear mixers, drvln oven, air compressors, exhaust fans. P 517, Ledger Office . fS.SO IIP TRUNKS, bags, suitcases: hlh grade; big yalucs. yvardrobe trunks. S18 tin Waller's Loan Office lllh nnd Arch. HIGHEST grnde nlTlce furnlturo at 1401 Nnrth American Building. . AMERICAN FLAGS All sires, service fllgs, banners, ,10s up: homes, churches, bus. Places, op. c H.mgTt hill Arch. I'll. 2747. MACHINERY AND TOOLS HALL-HEARING HANGER BONES, loose pulleys, pillow blocks complete: Stanley hlnge-yvoen collon belting; Hllllard clutches, plain nr yylth lnll-bnrlng pleeyes Edw. J. I'aechle. diet rp 1.14 N 13th st. PQWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynnmos motors boilers, steam and oil engines numns air enmnressors FRANK TOOMEY INC 127 N. 3d St. ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS POWER EQUIPMENT O'BRIEN MACHINERY CO. 110 N. 3d ST DYNAMOS motors belting Tiullevs h-intf. ers plinlsbn't. Yearslev H Co . 221 N, 3d. DYNAMOS nnd motors bovht. sold t. "Xeb. rep. Delta Elec. En-. Co 110-42 N. 3d.-, PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY Long nr short runs of commerclni si'itlnnerv. forms etc , nt ren Pombl. n-lres Anlomatlc prepsrs Insure promnt dellverl-... If vnnr nrlnte- Is sloyv. tn- up L riNK & PONS. ,"H N 7th st STAMPS" AND COINS STAMPS ALBUMS AND SUPPLIES fo l-tmn collectors PHILA. STAMP CO. 21 S. 17TH ST. STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE 1817-1810 MARKET ST. MM.Mnv.rHM.nn conrret firepf. yvar-hs. N Pbll-i S,e re 2011 T.ehleh Ds TWH. PfK AP.D AT'Tfl SCI'VICE r.T PRE F SQUARE DEAL STORAGE CO. 18 N. B2d st : special rates to and from New York, Boston nnd AVashlneton. Belmont 0281. LO ADS and !. wanted everv we k to nnd from N. Y ; hnns'd "oods taken In ptoag"; reas ra's. Ci" Nnrlbe-n Storage. pick 1 4 1 3 OIRARD Storage fn . nll-Olrard ave. s mov. pick . storo7e, Phon Pon. 3201; Park 423. WANTED AGATES, antiques American furniture, car pets, pianos pi avers, brie-a-brae. house hold poods in gen. yvanted; prompt att'n to n'l nr-'crs. no miliar hoyv liree or sma'l; lot us est before selling to any one else: wo pay highest prices ft remove at once. Sam Furniture Co., 3120 N. 22d st, Tioga 4278. BEDS, ruas, carpets furniture. Ftoves. new'spinirs. rigs, metals. Iron old clothes: yve pay- 20 more than peddlers. Write or call Preston 3081 UNEEDA PAPER AND METAL CO. 3712 Lancaster ave. CAST-OFF CLOTHING of all descriptions bought: gentlemen's. Indies' nnd children's; look around ynur home and gather nn all vour o'd clothes dressis shoes, etc : drop us n postal or phone, nnd you are nssifed tn pet the right prices it Stern 837 N. 4th rl Bell Market 2448 AA-. CAST-OFF CLOTHING shoes, hats bought: positively nav more than others: send pos. si yvo call nnvyvhere. nnv tlm. Phnne D'k'sop mil Frledmnn Bros 1444 South St. Ol Tl c-otd stiver, nlallnlim false teeth, talk ing machines nnd records bonwht: highest prices paid. 4r, ?., loth, mono wainui -ini, ROOMS TOU RENT CHESTNUT. 1027 Rooms single nr double. yvlth (it yvltbout bath: modern cony. CHESTNUT. 'JOim PnriMS AND PPOFFSSTONAL OFFICE!! CJirTNUT 'jni'j Superior room. furn. or nnfiirn , In iip-to-dnt onwrtm-fnt hnnn CIinSTN!'T, 2024 rrnl-ihid room with prl vi tn hntli for 1 nr 1 "f-ntl.-mpn: rpfprnrf. CIIPSTNITT. 2infl snllf with hath: rooms with u-n of hath- f.-ptor's offlr- to rnt. ORI3KV, 1S12 Ie. 2d fl. pulto: bath. 1 In-"" frontrnom; 2 prpAnt. with board i7OITPt7 312-14 BRWtlfulIv furnished r o om i ; Hectrlc 1 Ighta nd wtpamh en t, , SPUrcn RT.. 2022 Dpslrble furnished room, ndlolnlng bath: gentlemen. SPRUCi: HOO Perond floor sultn of two lireo rooms and communicating bath. THOMPSON. TV.. 2723 Furn. room: fam.; cents; 4 mln.Hopr Island train. rop.72DIW. HEAUTIFI'I.I.Y furn. ants.; attrac. cent.; some hskg Sherwond gr (n.. 1721 Walnut 1RTH. N.. 1401 Two rooms furnished house. keeprng; single rooms. $2 up. 18TH S.. 2(in Reautlfully furnished room gentlemen preferred, rllESTNIJT. 2009 ROOMS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES htt pnn.Anwr.pniA RARING ST.. 3024 Tvro nlcclv furnished rooms; uttracthe and homelike. Harlns 1TSN yv. WALNUT S00." Nlcelv furn. rooms: single Or ell -UU, ' M.. .....11 , ir.iuil ...I) . . 34TH. N . 412 2d ami 3d story attractive Tlirn T"'ii". i-ii- in. ., ni.ii rt,. .inn. J'lionc. REFINEO PRIVATE FAMII.T offers verv desirable front room, with bath to 1 or 2 gentlemen onlv vicinity 49th and Walnut. rnone narmis ." ATTRACTIVE large front rm.: smaller rm.. bath com't'g; prl ram.: gentlemen; vlcln'y 40th ana pruce jeirpnono yvooajanu ui'U4. HOOMS WANTED TWO or 3 unfurnished rooms In Qerman town. preferubly yvlthln 4 or 5 squares of Germantown ave. and Harvey st ; give full particulars. M 458. Ledcer Central. REFINED, .settled business woman yvlshes board and room yvlth private family, within easy walking distance City Hall; $8 to 0i give full particulars in reply, J 45. T.edgcr Central WI'.ST PIIII.4.HKI.PIHA FATHER and daughter yyant a pleasant single rooms and board in high-class, ex clusive house, with refined, quiet surround ings In West Philadelphia. APARTMENTS . " APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a specialty. Sherwood 4 Co 1721 Walnut st. Some very attractive 1 and 2 room furn. apts.. some houselteep'r WANTED Four. 8 or ll-room unfurnished housekeerjlne apt. at once or by Oct. IS In West Phlla.. near Rroad St. station or vicinity oi ur".. " -. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT yvanted. S or .0 rooms.and bath; Logan Oermantown (jnesmuy ' v .-.. . - M.v, cuger 1700 PINE. ST. (DundasV Three rooms and bath: dining room modem. Janitor on premises or Taulane. 900 Walnut st. B'JTII. S.. .44-New and attractively ,ur. n shed ana """;!. ".";' nr','.Vi "tn. to 8 rooms and bath. Harlng T122 J. APARTMENT to accommodate 3 to r gentle men: modern conyenlencea: vicinity nt Overbrook Station. .P 0T. Ledger Office. WKST PHILAnF.r.PIHA UITES of large rooms with or without prl. private bath; table board and tea room service: a home of comfort and refinement. 3218 Baring- st. Phone Baring; 7263. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Unfurnished apartment. 5 rooms, general vicinity 40th and Chtsteri sure pay; good care premises: 3 adults. Phone LUnerth 218. No, 6 I.landatT road, Llanerch, Pa Fnrnlshed TWO gentlemen wish small furn. apart, vicinity Broad and Pine. C ISO. ted. Oft, HOUSEKEEPING APABTJCKNTS BEAL ESTATE TOR SALE MAIN LINK P. R, B, gnniiiiiiii iBMli OVERBROOK SINGLE ALL-STONE COLONIAL HOME Ready to move Into, In Overbrook. Excellent transit facilities. Fine neighborhood, beautiful surroundings, Alt-stone single Colonial home, I.nrgo lot room for garage tastefully decorated rooms plenty of closet space hardwood floors handsome electric fixtures, tyvo baths, yvlth built-in shower. Prlco $11,750, convenient terms; easy monthly carrying charges. A more up-to-date, better home cannot be found. Located on Columbia ave. east of 03d st. Open every day. Take Market St. Elevated to 03d Freo ras3 to Columbia ave. One five-cent fare. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. ?& ffiVWsV. iiiipmniiiiBiiiiiniiiniii APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APARTMENTS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED I.ONO AND SHORT . TERM I.ESES THE CLINTON 10TII ST. REI-OW SPRUCE MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Furnished nnd unfurnished apartments. Ono to four rooms with bath. Ionff and short term Ieas?s. If. If. HICKS. Manager. THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan ' CHEI.TEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST. OERMANTOWN THE SWAHTHMORE NEW 12-STV.. MUEPROOF APARTMENT HOTEL. N. E. COR. 22D AND WALNUT: 1 2 OR 3 RMS. AND HATH; FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED II II. STOTT MOR. THE LITTLE HOTEL. iS.1 S. TTrond St. A good paco to uo yvnne in i'hiiadelphta. HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE pitv RIO BARGAIN FOR COLORED RUYER 2012-2014-2010 Alinln St. Four-room dvyelllng; rent $10; for quick sale, JDno each, clear, must ho sold to close estate. T. MUNRUE DOUBINS, agent, Kill Sansom St. Small Fireproof Hotel Centrally Located; Possession J. A. Patterson, 130 S. 15th St. 2828 N. 2IITH ST. Desirable ll-room porch house, yvlth modern conveniences; imme diate possession; open for inspection from li to .1. H. .T. MILLER. 2R02 W. Lehigh ave. HOMES FOR SALE Little cash needed- lo cnted near the elevated station nt Ken sington ave nnd Somerset st. : renting for J17: price S20O0; lot 15x110. CAMERON. 2tl1 Kensington ave. 2111.1 N 1STH ST. Three-sforv cor. dwell- Ing. 10 rooms nnd bith: fine condition: asses $3200; yvlll sac. for quick sale; llttln cssh req. Julius S. Lam, 424 Wldener Hldg FOR SALE Small nronertles. In good loca tlon: renting $11 and $12 a month: yvlll net 20 per cent on the investment. CAMERON, 2111 1 Kensington ave. NEWKIRK ST., 3241 Six rooms and hath. electric lights, nil modern coins ; must be sold nt once: one-half square frnm 20th nnd Allegheny aye. Sacrifice to quick buyer. TURNER ST . 3212 .1 sty.. 10 rooms, laun dry tube nil eonvs . porch: nenr Park: imm. nns. WM. J. MARTIN 121S Chestnut HOUSES In nil sections of city; loyv prices: terms to suit: list on request. 1001 Chest nnt st . Room 000. 1221 W. SOMERSET ST 8 rooms and bath; large ynrl: must be sold: cheap. O. C. SEIDEL & TO . 4th and Cnllnvthlll sts. Tlli-21 WILDEV ST. fl rooms: rented at S17..-.0; nrleo tITOO. G. C. SEIDEL CO , 4th and Cnlloyrhlll. $!).-.no MODERN: 3 npts.. dwelling. 1724 Master st . hot-water heat. elec. Pght. A. J MINNICK. lflth above Ridge av. ISM s. OTH ST. N. r.. cor Slcrel st. TrrlT .fore ami ihvr : U.Vlnn .e-'ns ta ut lleeht ft Wnlter, 4th floor, 121S Chestnut st. 1712 N. 27TH TEN-ROOM ''Tnnr'RN DWELUNO: TRICE $4000. IIENRY 3. WW.TP.U 121S CHESTNUT ST.. 4TH FL. nUSCOMll ST.. 402 Or.. 4 bedrooms; posa.; open 2 to .1 p., m. Amfln, 121B Chestnut. Hulldlng Lots. Factory Sites. Etc. FACTORY SITE, next to Dlsston'n Saw Works: about fi4 acres- permanent: P. R. R siding; State road and Magee st., Tacnnv. HECHT WALTER, fourth floor, 121S Chestnut st. Factories. Warehouses. Mfc. Floors FACTORY lUln.DIMO TOR SALE. EQUIPPED WITH STEAM POWER AND ELEVATOR: NEAR NORTH PHILADE!, PHIA FREIGHT STATION. P. R. R. P-51U. LEDGER OFFICE. DYEHOUSE nnd ground, about 100 by 1B0 feet: 3 fronts: adaptable for manufactur ing; conveniently located. P 010. Ledccr Office. flnrages GARAGE Owner's death compels sale: 3127 W.Huntlngdon: excellent location: capacity 3r cars: splendid opportunity: big profit for the right man. Cali Wagner. 31st and York. Stores and Dwellings SEVERAL good business corners. In the best section of South Phlla.; dry goods, meat store, shoe store, delicatessen store, house furnishings store; all needed In this groyving section: big; money to be made by Ilve-yvire merchants. J. It. PARK. 18th and Oregon ave. Hirer Front Properties DELAWARE RIVER FRONT, with wharf: 4 acres: P. H. R. ; natural surface. DIETERICH. 737 Walnut St. WKST PHILADELPHIA 8445-47-40 LANSDOWNE AVE. Porch front dwellings: lots 10x100; good location $4300 each: nssessed $4,100 each: terms to suit purchaser. Hecht Walter. 1218 Chest nut st.. fourth floor. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Addison St. be tween fi"th nnd tilth: 0 rooms and bath: tyvln houses: side vnrd; Dutch hall, hardwood foors, electric light, hot-yyater heat: sample house, &733. open afternoons and eves. nenj. II. Lcltorman. 1201 Chestnut, or on premises 5040 OSAQ- AVE Modern. 8 rooms ana bath, hardyyood floors: detached: one of the few In Weat Philadelphia; best of con dition throughout: larce lot; reasonable: Im mediate possession: near high and grammar school r,2d st. and elevated. 61 J,3. ,Y.oc,yM ST", around the corner from Drill's Car Works; 2 story. 0 rooms and bath: porch front: Dutch hall: price. $2350' little cash required, Julius S. Lam. 424 Wldener llldg. $32.10 NEAR lloth tc Raltlmnre ave.. 2-sty. porch, hot-water heat, electrlo light, hard. wood floors. T. PLANK. Land Title Dldg. 1014 N. ALLISON ST. Two-sty. porch-front t ".'. "'"" iiuu: terms to suit. Heiht Waller, fourth floor. 1218 Chestnut. fiBRWAXTOWN Pimiiiiiiiiiriii!ii Hi. . . El $5UUCash $27 Per Month PRICE $3500 New Air-Light Homes iil)uim Aivn nATH HARDWQOD FLOORS B LARGE YARDS 1 MAYLAND ST. 1 Relnyy Washington lane, at Chew st S :awylne charges. Including 13 per mo reduction of second mortgage. - Sample House Just Being Completed See agent on premises or H SAMIIF.I.STRRN "oi m w. ..., ,, CHESTNUT i li!llllll-IIIIM G33SvlU aERHANTOWN.AVE. Urlck stores ana dwellings. $5000; terms to suit. Hecht Walter, fourth floor. 121K Chestnut. """" CORNER property, lot 21x101: 8 large rooms and .laundry: all conveniences; good loca tlon- garage space. 2010 E Chelten ave. Frank ford ALBRIGHT ST. EAST OF1 FRANKFORD AVE. $3000 At Frankford Junction, P. R. R.: through line to Cornwells and Hrlstol; modern 2 story houses: porch front; electricity; laun dry; built about a year and a half ago at old prices. Schweitzer, 44 13 Frankford Ave. AOENT ON PREMISES Open Sunday, T . TT & iff .1 dTT.V fT-rrv ..'. J.i.l' aa ri titrnun f"11Hf?ftf'-'-M-j mmsm, rv wrJUsB REAL ESTATE EOR SALE T -s . 3IAIN MNK P. B. W. Toriin IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5010 to 5048 N. Hutchinson st.; 2-story brick dwelling. T rooms nnd bath, steam heat, etectrlo tights, porch front, etc.; $47.10: $4000 may remain on mortgages. Agent on premises. I. LEVIN. . 801 Commomveallh Hldg. SALE, IXIOAN Tv,o story, porch. 3 bed rooms: hardwood floors throughout: 942002 only $100 rash needed. Oehlhaus. Dallas -Hartley. 4700 N. Broad. Wyoming 871. Olney OI.NEY 424 Fischer av. ,1 bedrooms.; mod. throughout: nrlce J4000: terms to suit bur ert must ho Innn tn It. fullv nnnreeln'd nehl.. -.. ,;..;j -. y;-.."" -. -.-- -v.. -. r-' iitui i.iiims iinriiey.sjim iN.iiroan. wr.su PF.NNSYI.VANIA SI'nURItAN BALA, CYNWYD. WYNNBI'IELD. MERION" Modern suburban homes xr.nnn tn ion nnn JAS E DO LAN - Co . Cvnyvyd. Ta. Cyn.788. LOOAN AND OAK LANE REAL ESTATE UKlll.llAUH. IJALI.AS HARTLEY 470! N.Broast, Wyoming 871. FOR SALE OR EXCJIANOB A beautiful tract of high ground. In Huntingdon Val ley, containing about 11 acres, can be ex changed clear for a modern city or suburban property, suitable for owner to reside In. HIPBERD B. WORRELL CO., 555 N. MAIN LINK p. rt. R. OVERI1ROOK. PA. To close an estato: at- tractlye twin house, north side of sta., 13 rooms. Overbrook conveniences: old shade and shrubbery: lot nnxl.lo ft.: assessed at $0200. . . PRICE S10.000 Chas, IIarbrt. 1218 Chestnut st. rh Fll. B88T $27,000 NEW detnehed house and garage; corner lot: In best part Brjn Mawr: chambers. 3 baths, large pnrches open fireplaces, yapor yacuum heating, electrlo and gas lighting, hardwood floors; entire house piped for vacuum cleaning; a beauti ful house which cannot be duplicated for the money; terms to suit. MAURAN. DOLMAN . x-,., ... ... uir, iiruau ana nesinui. NEARLY neyv house; Just repapered and .j-,.a,i,ir-.i in mm,, mrougnoui; nying room, hall, dining room, kitchen pantry, laundry, fl bedrooms, 2 bathrooms; lot 00 by 230; excellent neighborhood: fireplace; reasonable xvSv".,i..r?ICP,..?S',n0'T, Address HERMAN UKNDEI.I,, Wayne. Pa. nf.w .iimsrcv stmimruM DESIRARLE suburban dwellings and farms ?-r ",'J,10 ?' ""sonable prices. L. R. LED. PQ?. Clayton. N J. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. Illlllillng Lots SPECIAL ATTENTION of real estate derel op.rr7TT;7 hls ,!? an opportunity that In all probability will never occur again in a life time: owner of 200 desirable home sites rlose to the shipyards. Gloucester City, unable to glye hlj attention, owing to othe? In terests, yvlll sacrifice entire property If sold A? Jl-nv!h,0, at M5 r,"r Ioti "! for sale. O 4.i2 Ledger Central. Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Flooni rc?,n nnnXldD ''flldingB containing about 2i.000 squiro feet, Pennsylvania. Railroad siding, power plant. 2 acres of ground. In a grow Ins Neyv Jersey town: terms and possession arranged. J 48. Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE PT. HOUSES' Will exchange equity for tm2l' ,V'""Xl" ln B""'1 location in nort" "taccilon. Cameron. 2811 Kensington ave. REAL ESTATE WANTED Wanted A Factory Building or vtarehouse, about 20.000 sq. ft. floor, space, can be on 3 floors: yvlthln 10 blocks of city Hall, at 551. Ledger Central. STtF.1" "ROUND FLOOR FOR THH 550.TADOaR.E,NTftILMAC"INERM CITY PROPERTIES bought quickly for cash. Wesley Rockett. N. W. cor. 17th 4 Sp.Gar. iEAL ESTATE FOR RENT 1EnDorAOST-Tot"ek1.i,c,b0nrr 2-10 ST. JAMES PLACE 12 rms. " baths convs ; li i ran,.i. n:, . . .: r uain.. convs ; yy repair. Llovd 714 W.Tt,"? Factories. yVnr.honscs. Mlg. Fleers MODERN ONE-STORY BUILDINO 200x120 NEW ,82d & BARTRAM AVE. KENNEDY, 1001 Chestnut St. S. W. COR. 8th & CHESTNUT 2 Floors, Each 50x80; Steam Heat J. A. Patterson, 130 S. 15 th St. C0H0CKSINK MILLS' HTUAH AND D C. ELECTRIC POWER Laran and small (,.,. J iiVr.. y.w.E 1782 Randolph. Gnrnre. i.ux o ' suitable for repair shop or man S-lvatS SIraV- motof'"i':,alsoP,pace,,m On,By?rnFe9rryheroad APP'y McaunI,s' iri.iw' ,on "ouare feet, near Olrard and I'rankford aves.: yy-iu BVe long lease. Dleterlch 737 Walnut it ' ,,6k Stores nnd Dwelling. ltA,l'1i' ov Tonc on S. W. cor 17th anl OFFIt'KS. IHTSINKSS ROOMS. KTO. OF,K,lrlt VrT ntflVTm H. H. WATKINS. Jr Besl; Room DESK SPACE In light office: Broad and Chestnut sts Q 0311. Ledger Central . WEST PIHI.Anr.I.PIIIA 3403 HAMILTON ST.. 11 rooms. 2 baths." butler's pantry, gas. electricity, all cons' ooS'nhCee.'tnu8d.l,yr1- PrCh- " " Foulk- 81AIN TJXR P. B. l POH BRUT 321 Nat-berth ave., Narberth (furnished) 1.100 Tier mnnt pie garage (00 caralNarberYh i Mf. " " 0nt Mill Creek bungalow (5 baths) 12R ' Wells property, Wayne 125 New stores. Including heat, Narberth . .. $15 and 123 per month Apply HARRIS Ileal E?tate. ?JarbertS Pa. Opposite station. TOR RENT FURNISHED PENNSYLVANIA SIinilUllAN LOOAN, 034 Llndley ave. Delightful 1018 model home, completely furnished, yvlth garage: satisfactory lease: can be Inspected by permit only. OEHLHAUS. DALIVH HARTLEY. Inc.. 4700 N, Broad. Wyb 871. MORTGAGES 1100 TO J3000 TO LOAN to real estate owners on note or mortgace. Long or short term: Installments If yvanted. Settlements same day If necessary. Loans to heirs of unsettled estates. ARTHUR J. LBUPOLD Ralley Bldg.. 1218 Chestnut and 424 S. 52d. -XII nT..' ,-.,. ,.nn . ' ISO NOTrJ Olt alORTGAQB jmmeuiate settlements T0 ..Unsettled estate loans Building Association Fundi 11000 DEMPSEY CO. i n. mm st. WHAT IS OFFERED for a ttO.OOO 6 mort. gage on country property; am In need at ready money and yvlll sell at an attractive figure; full details given, it 216. Ledger yjnicr. TRUST FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT "" HAZLBTT & MOSS, M8 WALNUT ST. A fVl TO LOAN ON CITY AND-" $OJ,UUU COUNTRY MORTOAaES R, TAYLOR MIDDLETON. 703 Walnut at,' V3' MONEY TO LOAN -READY MONEY. United States Loan Society 1JT NORTH BROAD 230 Market st. i548 Oermantown are. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY $25 AND UP..,;, 2 PER OK.MT .17? AND UP,M, H PER CEN i2vu iu ui-. t . t. 1 , rM km r4 r y-jr IBDER'S i , .1, !.... -jr : -' VAf""" " nl '?.! T- I "Stl n i 'A . -' l: HT1 yftdj Wes? t;r: "".J- fW" -"""r t. -jt is ii.t. J-.- vnacs. 'jn,mi uwum . :t -u 1"jSO, v ? it . t . I. T-. Ju,l ' --V-V ,' Tii'Jlr' ' . .- T.- , , - i"' nr Ji rV;vV5. ''!&& Sr.-J A'" I t V f. II M ! ' -" - .,.' Jlitf' '' ' ?-& ii' '7sHI -
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