UW ? ' Vi-NXNjGT LEDGER-PI n i KV 111! XHiifcW t Th first milestone to MtccMa It saving, and the eeond' milestone) Ik wisely taVMUnir your ravings, so M to make) your thrift most profitable. , i, ' But do not delay Investing anni you navs a uiousana Mara or more, thereby , art uHMtlng the run tarn. M power of your money, Betfn when you have a nun- Ai-swt tfalfarsi nr nuin ! I choosing the securities from OpportraitiW Any one who Is Interested In Increasing the earning power- of his surplus funds should regularly receive this valuable publication. It will be sent free, beginning with the current Issue, upon quest for 42-PI.. Including booklet explaining Ik Twarty Pijmait Plan" I Bsupsfment jtnfHties (r-llbllahtd 190S) 40 Exchange Place New Yor't vaemztzzmem wmztoMizxi IK j , A Firit Mortgage Underlying Bond Free of Normal Income Tax Tulsa Corporation FIRST MORTGAGE 5$ Due May I, 1932 An ABSOLUTE FIRST '. MORTGAGE on entire prop- M$i trty of former Tulsa Corpo ?. -ration. .. ... . Assumed by Public bcrvice Co. of Oklahoma and PRIOR IN LIEN to its $1,500,000 outstanding 1st and Refund ing 5s. Controlled by the Middle West Utilities Company. Earnings equal to FIVE AND ONE-HALF TIMES interest charges on this issue. Price 99 & Interest .Yielding 5.10 ' INCORPORATED Stock Exchange BIdg., Phila. t Boston w York 4 ''Thli Information, though not Buarnn tr wed, I obtained from the most r'.Able - ttaMda a .. la K1 1 ,..ei,4 V,-. ....-.- uut vm, tsiiu in uti4c ivu hi .ii i ri I, 7 .OI.eiarkeo. 321 Chestnut Street Philadelphia P k 'wr rt u-1 w ,'i? Income Tax Service Income Tax Synopsis and Record Book for Individuals , A simplified interpretation , of the provisions of the re vised law as affecting indi- viduals. It contains care . fully prepared forms for permanently and ' clearly recording all items of the report which must be filed. We will furnish upon appli cation a copy of this book let PE 100. The National City Company 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia iw jmr tJBicif sin r nncii , Boo fltlsbuiKt) FINANCIAL NEWS CRAMP SHIPBUILDING ADVANCES FIVE POINTS IN LOCAL MARKET Buying Is Reported to Be for New York Interests Price Changes in Remainder of List Are Small The trnrtlnK on the Philadelphia Htock KxrhntiKe today did not differ to any gieat exltnt from recent dn. The traders, hoth In commission hnusrs nnd on the flnnf of the exchange, continued tn adhele lo the Iwllcy of fining nothing: until smile definite newa coined out of Washington oil the ulittul of the L'nlted State on our International relations. About the only noteworthy de elopment, so far as moeinent In prices were concerned, was an advance III I'minp Shipbuilding shates, on which the pi Ice was carried up 5 points to 85 This movement was not an Indicator of llie market, how ever, as the majority of stocks sold lower following the trend of prices In Wall slieet No definite news rainn out to account foi the stretiRth of the Cramp shares, but as on other occasions when the Motk has shown ncthfty It was said that most of the lnilng was for New York Intel esls A majollty of the stock Is now held In the names of New Yorkers, It Is understood, and a plan for refinancing the company l lielliK woiked out largely from the New York end In quaiters which are usually clone to the affairs of the company It was said tnila that It was expected that something would be done with regard to the trnmiiiritilt plaji within the next, slxtv da.v" This was taken to mean that some announcement would be made. The plans. It l understood. hne not been dellnltelv worked out While the sales of 1'iainp sha'res did not reach n large total, jet they weic larger than on recent days. Very little was done by I'hUadelphla llitplri Transit ttust ceitlhVates, although they were n trifle mole active than yes tetday In the morning theie was a small Kitlii In the price, but this was lost before mlddav and liv 3 o'clock the -ertlflcates shotted a-decline of ", The Street saw from the Interview given by the Mayor on his it-turn Tumi Florida that an agree ment between the city and the company on the new tmnsll plans was still some distance away. Theie was little com inent on the tianslt s'tuatloii. however, the lank mid tile being content to wait de velopments fnloii Tiactlon also went off n little The lluffalo and Susiitiehniitia Itallioad issued Ms statement of earnings for .lanu irv The allowing was not .up to the cone Mpondllig month of the pievlou .veal The ot.il iipeiiiilng income declined MB.nhi to tl3tf."i7 The opeiatlng epene. on the oilier hand, ruse $52Tt to JIOO.MI. which ieiilteil In net 'earnings from opeiatlon or fnn.lMiilfi ii deciease of J21.HI2 Non operating Income, howevei. showed n gain of j;n.r,;T the lotal being Jfit.r.TS After the payment of (nteiest. lental etc theie was a net Income of S 18ft, an Inciease of Sli PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR . VIII:AT Kecelpts 1ll!ll bush The liwr ket ruled flrm anil advamed Ji du in bullish western allt-s anil b fair ileinanil guotatlnns I'ar lots. In export elevntor No '-' rid, spot export elHtor No J nil pot II IMH ' . stiMtner No L' red it xsffl '13. No .1 red. 1 S Ml l. rej.cted A HMtilbU. rejiclnl 11 SI MI& 1 .-, I'OUN Itnelpls. IB.'-MHI liuhels ,The marke w nulet but nrni with lleht orrerins" mm tatloni. Car lots for Iix-hI trsile. a" to ma lion Western No '- vellow. II l", II 1 I .'a do. .So. 3 ellow 1 l.-.'iWl.HI't no. Nn I ellon. It.l'.M 1.1 I'l do No. .". ello. XI It i l I'J'ii southern No .1 jellow 1 13'i c 1.14 ' riATS lleeelpls, IH.l.Ml huli The nMrkt rultd nrm under llRht nflerlngs and n fair d mand Quotations No. 'J while, illil'i' standanl white. TOWTOWe, No :i while, HJift c'lic: No. 4 while USfflil'ic. sample oat, liod H'k'. Fl.Ol'n Itecelpts liMi Mils, nnd ini.2111 Ihs In eaiks, Prli es ruled firm and nenerMlly nlBli er with demand fair for spot Roods. Quota lions, per 11MI Hie. In wood Winter ilear T iinirfs. .'.-, do straisht s a'ltfs 7.": do paient $K.7.(irn,lli KalifHs ilear. inlton satks w s.:r. do. straicht cotton aik. m.r.nw s ,., patent cotton saiks IS.T.-idin.l"' sprlnc tirsi ilar cncits.tmi do. pitent. fl 1 S in !i.:tr, do favorite brands. I.7rm ln.s."i: city mills chnhe and fancy parent TAw ln.M: cltv mills ..nut.. ...J.. IVIn,., ...., X? HOW S '1 dll straight. S.3:WH.7r, do patent SH7.iwn.1ii HYB KI.OL'H was uulet nui nrm. e ouuif 7!V'i(ii7 7u tier hid. as to uuallty. PROVISIONS The market ruled firm with a fair lolitilns Imiuirv nnd some kinds were hlitier. Quotations City beef, in sets smoked and nlr-drled ale. western Iwer In sets, smoked 34c, ilty l-ef knuckles nnd lenders, smoked and alr-drled .IV, western beef knmkles and tenders, smoked 3-ic, beef hams IJSi3ii. pork, family. Sil ." 37. hams. S I rured loose 'JlVSl'xc do skinned, loose. mjVi USii do. do. smoked. 'JS'i i6T23ri other hams, smoked illv iurcd. as to brand and aerane. 22ft 'JJ'si . hams, smoked western cured 22fi224c boiled lioneless 3.ic, picnic ahoulders. ! I' lured loose. Hl'ii do smoked, 17Wc bellies In pickle. areorilliiB to average, loose, tk'ji. I.reakfasl hscon. lis to brand and nveraxe city iurcd. 22c. breakfast haron western cured, 22c lard western refined tierces. IH'te. do. do do tubs ls'c lard pure rltv, kettle rendered. In tierces IS'-jc. lard pure clt. kettle rendered. In tubs. IKVjc. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet Iteflners' list prices fixtra fln xranulated. 7Wfce powdered 710'" S.tOc. lonfectloners' A. IHIfl 7 Pi'e. soft (trades II 2.1I&7.R.V DAIRY PRODUCTS Ml'TTKll The market was steadier, with a more actUe denund Offerinss of line Roods were Unlit Quotntlons follow Western, fresh solld-paiked ireamery fancy speilals, 13c extras. 41W42C extra firsts, Inc. firsts, 3c. sec onds. 3:ic. nearlij prints, fnty, 44c. averat-e extra. 4tlf42i. firsts, SMif.Ttc. seionds S'.iB 3ile. special fano brands of prints Jobbing at 47."(iC KOG.s Prices rurther de, lined flllc per case under Increased pressure to sell, but closed tlrm with h kihsI demand Quotations: Nearbv INDICATIONS OF WAR MAKE WHEAT SOAR at extras 3.m p-r doell liearbv llrsls 111 .3 per i as- ne.nli current receipts. Ill nil per case u.itni ,.nri 3"e per doren do extia rusts til 73 cer .use ilo. flrsls. Ill ll per llise fain seleilfd lancllid fresh ess were JoMiImr 37f'l4llc pel doxen CIIUKHK urr.rlnss were er lliiht and the market mini lirnl and hlaher llndr H fair de mand. I'ollowlns are the .imilallons New lork full cream tiuiev h"ld 2 '.' s, ilals hlKher ilo do fair to Rood held .''If 2tl'i. do tiart skims 14 6 ',!.' POULTRY UltKSi:l Th" market was iiitlel and un ihaliRed The iiuntalluns Kresll-kllleil drj ratked fowls IS to box dr pliked. .fancy selcited. 24'jc do. welRhln 4'4 lbs and over apleie 21c do, welnhlnR 3't His. apleie. J3c. do. welshlnE :i IPs apiece 2122c. fowls, In bbls.. fancy dry-picked WeiRhlnR 4'i lbs and over apleie, 23'ji. smaller sises 2UJc old roosters dry-puked 20. "wstlnii i lib kens western, dry-picked, In boxes, welshlnir 8 win lbs per pair 2.102llc. roastlna chickens, west ern. In boxes. welghhiB 1 lbs. per pair, . '3 24c. roasting chickens, western, dry-plcke. In bbls weighing hWIO lbs per pair. 25c; roasting thickens western In bbls. weighing 7 lbs per pair 21422c broiling chickens western. In tioxes weighlie 35?4 lbs. per pair, 23t2c, chickens welRhb.i 5WII lbs. per pair, 21024C. do. mixed sizes. lR20c; broilers. Jersev fncy a.'USc. broilers, other nearby, weighing m a2 lbs. apiece. 30(t3Je: turkejs. per lb Fanny nearby 32433c. fancy western 23Jc, fair to Rood 3031c; old Toms. 29 8 sue. common. 2l27c. ducks, nearby, 23923c. do. western. 22Q24c. Reese. nearbyv1021c. do. e.eslern 18W2IC siiuabs per ilpten VVhtte. welghlnR 1112 lbs. per doxeli. I5.75(l wnite. welRhll.k' lib 111 lbs per dozen, 158 It.MO, while, weighing 8 lbs per doz. I44 5U white, weighing 7 lbs. per'duzen, 1.1. 41103 03; white, weighing II(''i lbs per dozen. 12 50 2 7B dark, 12 238 2 75. small and No. 2. 6Uc (fit L1VK was dull with ample offer I nun Quo tations rimts as to quallt lSiTIPc. stJRgv icosters 171 IHt old nnslvrs 15Clilc. spring thickens soft-mealed 21fti23c duiks, as to size and iualu 2lil 24c pt&eons. old per pair. 28U30c.dll oung per pair 2IIV2oc "i FRESH FRUITS Traders Believe United States Cannot Avoid Entering Fray and Buy Heavily iHHUiiiiwiaiiiiiiniiiitiiiiiiiniintiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiNiiiiiiif. Corporation Uiuhetl to lion Imluttrv. 5 Mil cquippea ana oncruiiiii. uuzi ' for mlt limited number S first Mortgage 6 Bonds 1 -'Carrilno equal amount of ttock. Q i, Bex C 110. LKDUKR OI'FICK. miiiiitjiiiiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiiMitimiiniiiiiniirp CHR'Allt). Keh 28 A belief that the Vnited States would not be able to avoid war with (lermati.v induced heavy bu.viiiR of wheat today and caused pronounced strength,. Late In the dav the maiKet wa affected by a decline In stoclis and reports of submailnes off the- coast of Tuba, but the absorption by commission houses was excellent The Increase in the volume of business was material. Theie wete teports that the British Oov eminent would attempt to char ter many neutral vessels Jlore favoiable weather and the action of the Interstate Commeice Commission In rescinding special car prlvlleKcs helped the lallrnail freight outlook. The high on .May was ll.SSU. against Monday's final price of $177a. and the close was $1.81 S tn , The top on Julv was J 1 .-"..- , the Imttom I.I1" anu tne close ll'si, lo ij against l.ftlis Mon day last quotation The best on Septem ber was JU.IS'V the low $1 3 and the final $1.I234 to V compared with "fl.SUW at the end Monday. leading futures ranged as follows. TIim market was iiulet but tlrm under light offerings (Juolations Apples per bbl York Imperial. I '!)." ."" Hen Davis, 13 3114 75 Halilwin. No 1, II SOfi. do. ungraded, I3i' 3 311. Ureenlng .No 1 1 1 ,".n ft 3 30. do. ungraded 13101.25. Kings No 1 15 50 f II, do, ungraded; I3&4. Mavman No 1 S45 5o, do. ungraded, 12 50133 Ml. Wlnesap No 1. 14 506, do, un Rraded IJ.5oti3 5'i, apples, northwestern, per Lou tt.5iii.2..'ill. lemons, per box. !3s4.'i(. oranges. Florida per crate Hrlght. tS.fillil 3 All. Itusnet, I2 50Q3 taiiRerlnes. l'lorlcla. per strap SKi?ll. Rrapefrult rlorlda per crate, 3(o . pineapples Kiorldrt Indian Hlver. per crate, 12 50413 511. it.inberrle3, t'ape Cod. per bbl. Pancy late varieties. I5DI.I.50. early black I3"'4 cranberries Cape Cod per crate. 11.75 flt2. do Jerses dark per irate. I1.5UW I 75 do Jerse light per i rate 1 50. strawberries, Florida, per uuurt 35ft45c VEGETABLES Supplies were small and prices generally ruled Ann with demand fair Quotations White potatoes per bush Pennsylvania, iholie. ' 7.'i(tf.1 15 New Vork, choice. 12 75 4r3 25 While potatoes. Jerse), per basket 11 liillrl so. sweet potatoes. Kaslern Shore, per bbl No 1. 13(5350. No 2. II 502: sweet potatoes Delaware and Maryland, per hamper .No 1 11751112 No 2 II 50f(Cl 110. culls II. weet potatoes Jersey per basket No. 1, 11.25 1.3.1 No 2. 3uir.il.1c. unions per 1IIO-lb. bag No 1 yellow. IMiffil No. 2 15 5(10(1. cabbage Danish per ton 1150 do southern, per hamper, 12 5I)13. spinach Norfolk, per bbl I3tct4; do. 'lexas per hamper 12 5(1. kale. Norfolk, per bbl . II 2501 S3, taulitlower Norfolk, per crate !l 5llgi2. lettuce I'lorlda fancy, per basket. 1363 50. lettuce, Florida, poor to good, per basket. I11f2. lettuce Virginia, per basket, II Ml 311 do North Carolina per basket II a 1 5(1 celery Florida per 10-inch crate. 1303.50, beans Florida, tier basket Oreen, 13. Soft A. wax, 13 501111. eggplant. Florida, per box, 12 50 iM. peppers Florida, per box, I.KS'rt: squash, rlorlda. pir box 11 752 25, peas. Florida, per haskel 51l 7 tomatoes, Florida, per i rate. 2 75t" 4 50. mushrooms, per 4-lb, basket. 1140 -if 1 75 Wheat ilondaj s Oliell. High. I.OW CIosh i lone May 1 7si. I v.'i. 1 77. 1 W 1 77'. July 1.5I, 1 35. 1..11S 1 5I, tl.si. Sent 1.311. 1.13 1.3'lS 1.12 t J'l'i Corn (new delivery! May 1 mi's l.H2i I oil's l 02 tl imS July 1,oo'4 l.'US lib's If. ot' ill. Oats .Msy 3s4 .". 3IIS 37'. 3(1 July ,. 54S .13, .14 S 3.1', 54 Lard May . .IK.22 1H.47 IS in 'I'.l.l tl7 N7 July .1H17 1H.4S 1R.07 til 42 17 72 nibs May ...lB.Sii 17 07 1(1 mi 117.07 10 do July .. l'l.3 17.07 IH'H.2 17 02 tlit.fl.1 Pork May ...31.25 3111.1 31.4.1 '.11S7 131. no July ...30.7.1 .11.31 311.7.1 31.33 30 30 V. 'T. DIVIDKKDS j AjAJk ssuwtt vujii'Ani, i.-xi;. , ftlSI-.lvai wwmvnnmr New York. Director havs.thls day declared Feb. 20. ItitT. declared a ouir. vMand of 'two and a half per cent (11,23 Tel. paygpm Marea ,oin iui. in biock- f recoro ax IDS ciosa ui uusuieas ,-eoru- 1V1I. ttarota v oiimpsun. ,reas. orrirK of TI(K V: M. 4IKIHT COMPANV. . us,j tituk miiiaii.iu WMiaawania Pa.. February 27. 11117. tHrasTten'oC Freeuort "" omnanr have M tsaelarsvl a regular Quarterly dmdend of -Ssiax per rant liu pr snarei. on ..Mlrjf.fhA.tlonliiany outatand- , 1917; to holders or said clpss of business this date. WEAK. Secretary, Ijyteelattjia.t aps srsH sisi ass, ii r. , ' U. t. UAH COMPANY rkai at., Cajoden, N. J. reurusry-20. 1I7. l4aWast at S aar eaat. or M uae MMfM on tBa capital atocg 1 v. amyawa aaaresi i, isii. xo ia TT'iiiW Z?bTU"r wTxaWiniBn. M. Treasurer. ses aMelfSTSssPsTsssWwf a? i-l NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOItK. Feb. 28. The market for coffee future opened unchanged today Trading on the call was steady, gales amounting to 9000 bags. Today'a Yesterday's February March ... April .... May June . July August . fleptember October November December January , opening. T.MOTTS 7,8d7,88 7'.D7ffn.(.1 r'.iis&s.Io i lose. 7.737.74 7.73t7.74 7 7ll7.Sl 7 8.17.101 7 Sr7 113 8.0008.01 8 04O8.0.1 S.lliKlH to k nfln.u 8. 1 KJtS 111 8 23WS.21 8.27&8.2S LIVE T0CK QUOT'ATIONS CHICAUO. Feb. 28. HOOK Receipts, 30.000. Market ISOSOo higher. Mixed and butchers'. 113618.501 good heavy. ia.3(l(slil.35i rough heavy. !13fM3 23t light, 112.03013,43; pigs, 1(V1S12.3S, bulk, 113.20913,4(1. CATTL.B Recelptv. 12.0UO. Market 10&I.V higher. Heeves'. 7.s.1"t 12.50r tows and belt era. 14.73010.80; Blotters and feeders. a.83(t 9.40: Teians. 8.3O01u uiii calves. iO.SOtT ln.lW. aiJEEP Receipts, l&.oixi Market steady. Natlva and western, l7.2O0l'4; lambs, U.U& H.oO. ChlWfl Ce. Pays More on .Common NEW YOnK, Feb. 2. The Chllda Com- imny haa declared regular quarterly dlvl- !Mls of l,.pr cent on preferred alock Kntl dlvldent of 1 ',i pef cent on the com mon. Dots) payti , aiarcn 19 to stock of word VaaWttavry lt. Boofcn close March A IF STOCKS WERE COMMONLY OFFERED FOR SALE WITH NO BUYERS, OR BIDS WERE MADE WITH NO SELLERS, THE INVESTOR WOULD BE IN A FIX MOST OF THE TIME, WOULDN'T HE? How Slocks are Listed on the New York Curb IS DESCRIBED IN AN INTERESTING BOOKLET JUST PUBLISHED TELLING HOW AND WHY A Market Place for Trading in Stocks IS MADE. AND IT ALSO EXPLAINS THE .PRECAUTIONS THAT ARE TAKEN BY THE CURB MARKET ASSOCIATION TO SAFEGUARD THE INTERESTS OF INVESTORS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. YOU SHOULD HAVE IT '' AND READ IT. 1 Ak for S2S.T. U. yrocK Miiiiiii.:itM Widener Bids., Philadelphia Hell. Wulput n.no 1. ! kejstiine, Itais 223o. Net, Vnrk lloalaa Clih-aKo IMItsbarajk filrnl r-rtnte IVIim J0SK8 BAKBIt H'ldmer BIdg., PMladrlpMa, Pa. Vou may send ma your booklet 82J-T. U. Va ,,,.. .,,.....,.,.,,. sttMraai ...., )..,,.., Vi ssaa. f . V e " ,;.? Waff ,,,'',,b Sales in Philadelphia t 40 30 10 781(1 to 338 30 300 334 3 103 1041 70 30 3 330 1 7(1 '.'103 030 A3 rex High. Am Ons ..1I9V4 Anao Cop, 80 Hutt ft HUS 48 llvvya tn SO O Aaph pf OS Ina'CIo .V A ley, I.k .Suu,Crp tnm l.eh Nhv . . 8i4 l.eh Val . . It Max Mol IM pref. 0814 Nev Cons. tf,W Penna It II S3 Pn Salt.. 93 Phlla l.'lec. 3!) rilT.tr cfs ?9U 113 li 93 V4 ',4 43U 811 V4 I lino -ir 3 11 no '1IO0O I noil 30IIII Iteadiiig So I'ac Ton llel Ton .Mln t'n Tiac t' (J I . I' Steel. 1113 5N t'lamp. 8.1 Voik lly pf 30 u dividend. IKIMIX High Con Trac N" .1 6s.lli,4 City la '43.10. Klec A: I'eo Tr 4s Intel state Phlla I'ltec ls. U9V4 80, 48 30 03 y to 31 70V4 18 !4 S4?fc 34-4 93 3? a, 84, 0.1 0.1 4; n IStt 89 101 HI 30 Net Close, ihge 119V4 Mi 80 1V, 48 1 30 03 V W V 30',4 8UA !. 71 1V4 O814 .... I4T4 y. V. ' ' 4; 1 'A temp os ReadliiR Ken 4s . Welilmch Co Ss 80 101 94 08 1115 '4 I0t4 83 31-i IIS 33 '8 11.1 93 lit fl'X. 13', , 811 V4 ln.1 8,1 3 30 V, Xet 1 'lose, ihge l2 8.1 10li 91 98 101 91 ", 98 .... Marine Insurance Hales Higher NIJW YOItK, Keh 28 Marine luslliaiice tales to the l'nlted Kingdom, which de t lined jestetdav. stiffened up today to s per cent Several unilervvi Iters, however are still quoting- 7 per cent on fast passen ger vessel", but S pet cent Is the tilling; flguie Hates on secuiltles and registered mail also advanced today, now being quoted at IV, as .compared Willi 1 per cent Ttiei day. Rates to the .Mediterranean are un changed at 10 to 12 per cent. February Clearings Good Philadelphia hank clearings for the month weie good, the lotal being $1,251. 517.407, as compared with SI. 397. 091. 175 In January and $960,762,304 In Kebruar.v. 191K Allowing for the additional business dn.vs In January, Kehmary clearings ate slightly better than last month The local clear ings have been Increasing since last August. SECURITIES AT AUCTION Several Important price chanRea were re corded In the auction sale of securities) held today by names and l.oflaiul. nidge Avenue Hank stock sold off tl points at 55, and Fidelity Trust dropped 10 points to 73. Agreement between p, A. Stewart Co. and n, rrsnk Tntem Tor purmsse 01 Isnd. Highland Park, Camden, N, J. 13 FTlH'h'M 10O stirs I.sncsster Avenue Theatre Co. 1 par 11(10 . . .. 41 13o shrs I.sncsster Avenue Theatre Co.i psr lino 41 30 shrs, Pennsylvania Warehousing and Mate Deposit Co.; wr loo Inn ,1(1 shrs Kevstnne Watch Case Co.i par lloo 78 21, shrs Pulaski Iron Co 3.1(1 7 shrs Farmers nnd Meihanlcs' Ns- tlonal IMtik: p.ir SI"" I33W 1.1 shrs, Mitxe Avci!'!" Pin', par I3H. . .13 3 shrs. Third Nine ' lank; par linn . S.m't .1 shrs Chellen Trus Co , par Slon... irit 12 shrs. Contlni'ntiil-Kiiullable Trust Co.. nsr J.io . ' 88 I shr. I'lilellly Trust Co . liar Slllll . 7311 I'.'shrfl, Logan Trust Co, imr Slim 1.1(1 7 shrs. lVnnshanla Co for insurances on I. lies nnd Granting Annultlesi par Sloo 7'.,S. 10 shrs People's Trust Cu. par S.10 .. 38', N shrs. I'hllmlelphla Trust Co. par iloo 8.'3' in shrs Ileal Kstate Trust Co pieferredl psr linn . . I01P, 3 si.rs. b'lre Association of Philadelphia liir S.MI . 3 Win Ssh.s (llrard Life Insumnce Co.i par Ilo . . '4 lo enrs llliaril Life Insurants Co,, par tin 9', KKl ihrs. AlHlionlng ami Chenango Itsllwav and Light Co. preferred, par Sloo. 103 1.1 shls. Philadelphia City (Chestnut nnd Walnut Sis ) Passenger Hallwav Co l.i.ii, .1 altia. Cambria Steel Co. par SS(i , HWi Inn shrs. Philadelphia ami Camden Kerry Co par S.'ti 90 IS shrs lllHIlt 1'ortlsriil Cement Co roiu moo. par S.10 . 4 lo shrs Kalrmnunl Park Transportation Co . Lot SI I shrs Philadelphia llourse common, par S.1U r. U loo shrs, I'ru.lentlal Loan Society of Phil adelphia par $10 . 3 PONDS SI nan Wilmington and Chester Tisitlon Co .1 per cent Collateral trust Coupons April and tiitnber Due litis B' ' looo Pittsburgh and Cbarlerol Slriet IlnlluHN Co .1 per lent First Du Pont Dividends WIt.MINUTO.V, Del , Keh. 28. K. I du Pont de .Vemours & Co. lodny declared a quarterly dividend of l'j per cent on com mon stock, payable March 15 to stockhold er") of record February 28 , debenture stock, 1 'J per cent, payable April 25 to stockhold ers of record April 10. The old K. 1 du I'ont de Nemours Company declared a divi dend of 1 ',, per cent on the preferred nnd t's per cent on the common, payable May 1 to stockholders of record AprH 21 After the meeting of the directors of the K. I du Tont de N'emnuis Company a statement was Issued which said- "The action of the board In reducing the divi dend was not unexpected It Is understood that the directors feel that the company will be well able to continue payment of dividends of 4 tj per cent quaiterly on this stock, unless, because of changed condi tions. It later seems wise to distribute to stockholders In the form of extra dividends accumulated surplus Instead of using the latter to further extend the company's operations." SUPPLEE MILK COMPANY 7 Pref. Cum. Quar. Div. Free of Tax Ft. Wayne & Wnba.h Valley Traction Co. Si, 1934 Public Light & Power 5s, 1945 (20 Common Stock Bonus) City of Avalon, N. J., 5., 1914 Republic of China 6, 1919 Stone Harbor, N. J.,5, 1918-1953 Dayton, Covington & Pique, S, 1922 PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR COMPANY (7 Cum. Serial Pref. Stock) Prices on Application ELWELL, NAULTY & CO. stock i:rii.Mir, 111.110. Cnunona afar and No vember. Du ivsii. mortgage. 3U em 7H4 77V vemoer. xua ivdb. 4 . , 1 . 1 . . 1000 Trenton Street Hallway Co.. 8Pr rent. Consolidated mortgage. Cou pons January and July. Due. 1938 3000 lndlanapolla Northern Traction Co., 3 per cent. Tint mortgage. Cou pons January and July. Due 1932 3000 Lake Superior Corporation. 8 per tent. First mortgage. Coupons June and December. Due 1944,. XEW YORK COTTON MARKET NKW YORK, Keb. 28. Although prices were down 4 to IS points nt the opening of the cotton market today, the tone was considered steady in view of n, sharp drop In Liverpool, to which only a partial re sponse was made. Business was some what larger. At the time uf the start here Liverpool was 12 to 15 points net lower; prices were due to come 2 to 19 points net higher. Later there was an ndvance which car ried May contracts about 3 points net higher and the new crop hack to within 4 or 5 points of last night's closing figures. This was attributed to lenewed covering by near month shotts supposed to be chiefly for ttade account and there was also some buying heie for Liverpool. Otherwise, however, there was little sup port In evidence, and toward the end of the first hour Liverpool was a seller of .Inly on the nairow differences. Theie was alo scattered realizing and prices sagged to a net loss of some 8 to 10 points on the moie active positions. Yes. tloee Msnh .. .. HI no Ma 10.7.1 Julv . . !. October . . 111.02 tWemhet .10.1.1 Spot 10.70 Open 1H.7B 1H 00 III..1II 13 93 10 on 11am. 12 m. 2 p m 10.90 111.90 10.8: 10 119 111.03 io.ni. 10 03 10 02 10.117 13.89 13,110 10.02 Oijn Finney AUTOMOBILE BANKHRS Offer special facilities for In rilvlduals or automobile deal era to finance the acquirement of pleasure cars; and rni huslness houses to finance the acquirement of comhier. clal cars or trucks. If vou are thinking pf put chasing 1, car of any-kind for nny ,hii. Pose the fclNNUV SVSTI M will make ft better busiheH. transactlon for you. "mCK" REAL ESTATE TRUST DUILDINQ PHILADELPHIA" Benson & Packard Mr.MiiF.rts Philadelphia Riork' Kxelmnge w York fltock Kxchange Franklin Bank Building 1416 Chestnut Street Steel Alloys Barnett Oil & Gas Co. Bought Sold Quoted E. H. CLARKE Morton R. Alexander (Resident Partner) Phonr 1140 N print" Mork HxrhfiiiKP IMcic, I'tilla., Pa. 27 William ,iHt , Ntw 4ork Newark, N. J. ASSAYING ORE TESTING Expert advlct on treatment of ores of every description OGDEN LABORATORIES 230 Chancellor St. Metallurtrlcal Engineer Phone Lombard 2730 Brown Brothers & Go. Fouirrii and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA Deposits received and interest allowed For out-of-town accounts, instead of using pass-books, deposits may be sent by mail and we will furnish statements of account periodically or upon request. t ' We also issue Certificates of Deposit for a specific time, with allowance of interest. li'HiiuiuniiiE:itrTmiiiiFErn!i;iinrH:iimiiimiiirii HiuiinifU'i'ttLuitriftnitiiiRiinuiiimiTmMtu.uiiuninEi TinmiiFiimmin:TTrii.i,!.n!K:Lii:!i;nMii;l:i:iiiiii!iiuiTii!.i;M' is the cost of Selling open accounts excessive? nltl:lMl!r'MIiu!lHllHIJl:;lil!JtlnlmliTVTrl1llUllJWlt;l,;l;I;:limltluItlH!TlnlllnilnMJll You may not rcalije the great .reduction in rates we have made during the past two years, and may believe that our charges and our Our chargrforbuy- profits are excessive. We, therefore, submit ing active ac- results of our business for 1916, as follows; COUntS is Usually AccouM, purcha(l during 191 , . tt,ml,OT 59 less lhanaWholf- Oro income 6S06111 saltr's or Manu Openum expense '"''1W "" - . , . I nterett on borrowed money Ki3(lvs97 fae-turer s cash wi,!! ) discount. Net income lor theesr ?',.Hi.Jl Averate Capital, Surplus and Profits , , , J2,U2,M1M Average borrowed money 2.018iSS 31 , Ay era r Cash employed MuSfs rrresrf,rerefifi rWsrsse 181 Per ttnt.net profit ettvtvmt Per tent, net frfljit en nveraxe cafttnl, turfilui ntt trofitt 13 6S7r Per cent, net y?t en averefe tih employed 7 01 You must concede that a net profit of only bout 45 of I on volume, 13.68 -on aver-, age investment and 7.01 fc on average total task employed, is only fair. That our customers prosper is shown by the fact that 27.4 of the total number of custom "ers on our books today; have had'their com mercial ratings "increased since they began business with us, and 77.4 of the same now have first or second credit ratings. The account business is a semi-banking business and the above profits are no larger than those of many Banks and Trust Com panies. Commercial Credit Company Cmah Capital $2,250,000. Surplus $250,000 Non-Notification Commercial Bankers BALTIMORE a Represented at FlULisiLrnu, by Frank Ralchelor, Sll Stock Eichanfe Bldf. 'Phone Locust 919. Haw Ton 200 Filth Are. Chicago 1334J1tis BMf. Bostok (0 (.5ng-ress St. OisciirsiTI (01 Greenwood BIdg. Detroit 744 David-Whitney BIdg. St. Locn 6t4 Boatmrns Bank BIdg. BcrriLO 698 F.llicott Sq. BIdg. Atlanta 1015 Healer BIdg. Q H m m m m 3 s B S3 a i 3 s uifiiimiiiHffl $25,000,000 SOUTHERN RAIL WA Y COMPANY Dated March 2, 1917 TWO-YEAR 5 SECURED GOLD NOTES J Interest payable March 2nd. and September 2nd at the office or the Agency ot the Company in the City of New York Due March 2, 1919 Redeemable, in whole or in part, at the option of the Company, at 101 and interest, upon sixty days' published notice , Coupon Notei in denomination of $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000, regitterable at to principal only GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE Total authorized issue $25,000,000 We quote as follows from a letter addressed, to us by Fairfax Harrison, Esq., President of the Southern Railway Company, copies of which may be obtained upon application. Thit inuc of note it to be tecured by depotit with Guaranty Trutt Company of New York, at Truttee, of , $43,500,000 par value, Southern Railway Company Development ifi General Mortgage 4 Bondt, The proceedt of thit ittue of notet are to be tiled in part to pay $2 1,000,000 maturing indebtednett and the balance it to be uted, in anticipation of the tale of long term bondt, to pay for improvement! detigned to increate revenue and reduce operating cottt. ' , - We are advised by Southern Railway Company that the average earnings for the last five fiscal years, the earnings for the 1916 fiscal year, and the earnings for the first six months of the current fiscal year (partly estimated), as contrasted with the same' period in the preceding year, have been as follows: Average for Five Fiscal Year lix Months Ended Increase Fiscal Years Ended Ended , Dec. 31, 1916. Over 1915 June SO, 1916 June SO, 1916 Total. Operating Revenues S67,US,i&S- (69,997,675 $39,933,769 ' $5,556,976 Operating Expenses and Taxes 50,238,038 3,8,993,670 S7,t78,991 3,161,588 Total Operating income 17,S15,t50 tl,00i,005 lS,65i,778 ' 1,395,388 Non-Operating Ineom 374,952 ' S;1,22,02B 1.0UA81 71,569 Total Gross Income -. , 20,590,1,02 14,426,031 13,699fiS9 2,323,819 Rentals and Miscellaneous Charges.... 3,781,420 4,UJt,288 1,914,794 . 69,166 Interest Charges 10,869,735 10,980,844 5,547649 64,356 Balance oyer Fixed Gharges 5,939,247 9,333,899 6,236,816 t,190fi97 'Decrease ' ( , WE OFFER THE ABOVE NOTES. FOR SUBSCRIPTION AT 99 AND INTEREST, YIELDING SLIGHTLY OVER 5y2. . .Subscription books opened at the office-of J. P. Morgan V Co., at, 10 o'clock A. M Tuesday, February 27th, and tvill be closed at 10 o'cloiic A. M., Monday, Manh 5tli, or tat tier in their disci tttun. The amount due on notes allotted upon subscriptions will be payable in New York fufids at the office of J, P. Morgan & Co., and the date of payment will be given in the notices of allotment. The right is reserved to reject any, and all applications, and also, in tfny event, to award a smaller amount than applied for. Temporary notes will be delivered pending the engraving of the definifive notes. ..I J. P. MORGAN & CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK . ' , NATIONAL CITY COMPANY New Yerk City New Xork City Dated Fekrutyry 27, 1917 'f .i,r X i -. T f m i, MMN. Tl'J..M'iWrasMMi Ot ., fl pr ,fi."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers