fSSSfSSSSJiS'wSSfSmiSSP'? -'X "! - EVENING iEDQER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 10U0. FINANCIAL NEWS REACTION IN STEEL COMMON PUTS DAMI-K ON BULLISH OPERATIONS Belief Prevails That Large Short Accounts Have Been setweu rrivaueiy marine issues Subjected to Heavy Selling on Less Favorable Earnings Sigh Points in Today's Financial News Good earning report issued by Lake Superior Corporation for Hear end ing June 30. Bank of England slacmcnt showed decrease in buMonhMhui ihile Bank of France gamed gold ami silver. AUouez Mining and Sal fxei ad Hceta Mining increased dividends. Centennial Mining Seel iredi Hal dividend. P:?n,?aZ?MflacdM.New?"l' 5 London "stock prices vim ....... i .uih,h. inning piace due largely to nro taking. Irregularity shown in foreign exchange market, German and A irian exchange declining. Cotton Strong. Grain closed ivcak. ofit. US' . , . , NEW YOUK, Aug. 21. Tho -toctt marlcct Bcnernlly today wns Influenrcd hv ihn nmim, r tfn.i Slates Steel common, wlilcli, In tho course ot tho day, reflected the heavy urollt taklng snles since the beginning ot tho week. A belief prevailed In gomo quarters that largo siion uraiuui. mm uucii privately settled yesterday, leaving tho bull movement without ono Incentive which hnd been n factor In Inspiring recent operations. With this nccount out of tho way, bear traders were encouraged to put out fresh lines ot shorts, and when tho market recession continued there was tome liquidation of recently acquired speculative holdings; The price ot unucu amies btcci common, for tho first time since tho timvnnl movement started, reacted moro than 2 points from tho high level which had been reached. This reaction bad a deterring Influence on bulllnh operations In other Issues. The Marino stocus wcro in supply throughout tho day, with some heavy jelling In anticipation ot the publication ot tho July statement tomorrow, which Is expected to show a decrcaso from tho Juno revenue. Some of tho Interests which had boon active In United States Steel common nd tho Marino stocks turned their attention to Inspiration Copper, buying 2.-.000 Shares of that stock, nnd putting tho prlco nbovo 05. The railroad stocks were strong for a time miring tno morning, uut later lost nil their gains, following tho lead of United States Steel common on the reaction. There was lack of demand throughout the day for tho minor stcol industrials. i aIU thoso Issues yielded under small sales. i " Two Mining Companies Increase Dividends; One Pays Initial BOSTON, Aug. 24. Directors of tho Allow-- Mining Company have declared n quarterly dividend of ?2.50. The previous dividend, $2, was paid July 5, lDlfi. :. The dividend Is payablo October 4 to stock of record September 13. ft " i Tho Calumet and Hccla Mining Company has doclared a dividend of 20. Tho ioar previous quarterly dividends wore ?I6 each. Tho dividend Is payable Scntem ! ler S2 to stock of record September 1. :, ' - l Tho directors of tho Contcnnlal Mining Company today declared an Initial f, dividend of $1 a share, payablo September 30 to holders ot record September 21, COTTON PRICES RISE IN FEVERISH MARKET Stronger Cables and Lack Kain in soutnwesc Are ive sponsible for Advance of COTTON 1JEI.T WEATHER FORECAST YOltK. Aiic.,24. TH-ro wn mil vcr in rntton Iwlt tliU ninrnlnic nnd f,it. nrpnriiinir in 11 o wpuiner Tfraprrutiii In the outliwel wrrj NEW ram ov nono rap. TJio followlni: femnrrntiire -jrrr- rerorilpij: AMicni-, OK: Oltlnhnnm, 01) i Nnslivlltr. Oil Ajh-vllfe, Fort 8111 th, Utile ltock. Cliat-tsn-- nn.I ICnsy-llf-. 01; Atlnn a and fhrer-nort nncl Meridian. -UiAiieujtu. Snn Xntonlo.llel ltlo. Moron un J MontKoinerr. . Huh n. -I. Hnviiniinli 11 ml I'cnsncnla, 7 Ml Tlionmsyllle. Wilmington. Jnckionjil 0, Mi ClinrWon nnil, Tniuim, DO. Thfro K-nH .01 Inch of prrrlpUntlon nt Aifitr II nnd Jit mphlsi .0? Inrli nt.llionvii.. nnd eUonlirre over the belt New York Bond Sales High. (1000 Alaska Old rv C- Sor A lis 111! Amor Ait deli B 117'i UKlliiM) Anslo-I'rrnrh s nr.Va llHlliu Amer lco Co M 23I)I) Amn Foreign Sec r.H.. UN ciiim Amer Smelt Sec 03...1os'4 70UII Amer Tel clt -Is ! aunt) Amer Tolmu -Is M'i 2000O Am Thread In VXH rjntlii Armour Co lV4a a4 1::immi Atrhlson nen 4n !-' 100(1 Atlnn Co Una lut 4s. !' limn do clt la sas. 1'iOiHI Halt & O n.i loo's oii'j 11.-.U Is S.-.'j tun'. V htlllo nnd Tnnn.ai .01 Inch nt '"'&""' H ji Inrh nt riinttanajita ljn.I JVIImlnston; -.1l Inch nt Hhretf parti .3U I Inrh nt : Mjk lurci 1.20 InrhM nt Knuxvllle. nnd ui "laciici ot IlalelRh. '.NEW TOnK, Aug. 21. At tho opening this morning the cotton market was fever ish with flrst prices G to 10 points higher, based on stronger cables and a lack of rain In the Southwest. Hedge, selling from the Atlantic ami a llttlo soiling ot October by Liverpool was absorbed by Wall street buying, trade buying and noticeable In crease of cutslde speculative demand. Soon after tho opening this carried active positions a dozen points over last night's close. Tho strength In Liverpool was attriu. uted to an absence of rain In the Southwest, llttlo hedge pressure and general buying. At the end ot tho flrst 20 minutes tho market was active and firm at best prices, renreeentlng a net rise of about 13 points. While there wero no fresh bullish news features the market developed renewed strength and activity townrd midday. The readiness with which heavy realizing sales had been absorbed on reactions of 8 or 10 points from tho best seemed to Increase tha confidence of fresh buying, while the broad ening of outside demand probably reflected etrengthened expectations of another re duction In crop estimates ot the end of this month. Tho market became more Irregular J., tho early afternoon under Increased realizing aales and selling for a reaction based on the Washington advices relatlvo to the ralhoad crisis. Fresh buying for outside .-.ccount was, much In ovlficnco on tho setback, how ever and sentiment appeared to bo of a strong bullish average with many predic tions of 10c cotton before tho publication of the bureau report on the condition next week. From tho Atlantic States came reports Ujat spot cotton was being offered nly sparingly. All deliveries made new high records and prices sold about 20 to 26 points net higher luring the early noon hour. Exports of cotton for week ending August 15 were: Georgia, 15,112; Siassacnuseits. (J5; Maryland, non: New York, 21,015; Vorth Carolina, nono; Philadelphia. 295; Jouth Carolina, none; Virginia, 5019; Oal eston, 31,996; New Orleans, 11,562; San rancleco, 1399; Washington, 17,062. To il, 101,515, Ye. close. Open. 11 n.m. 12m. tobr 14,1)0 15.01 1B.UH 14,1)1) ia.111 in.,- ''!'? 15.10 15.1H 15.11 Kli 101 1 Halt & Ohio 4s I1I.-1OII do rv 4Vi 140(10 do l I. K & W X .iuim) uu mvn Jna. 71100 iicin Ktrei j-uiH, wan uovt 4H ID-,, iJ?4 4200(1 do 49 1U.11 U'.) i!0()(l r.n Cam & VWcn r.n Don lllDil Cent (la cons rm llill'i r.000 Cent Leathpr lit .la . .HK!n 31000 Cent It n N J Jis ltd 10110 cent It 11 J J rec ds.iia I.OW. lift U71; .'.. H7 IIS IO.H'4 1)111 H2U imji 112-S 1)2 ' 1 Km looS 111)1, uo ; Close. lift 1)7'.4 Dft',1. H" IIS llU'i II lv. 2'J UHJjl uali H2. 112' I 83i 10() lllll'j M4i sr,T llll'.i wn aniii iniu uo;i .noil teel rW fts ....loold lnoU lon'i ivt 4 102(1 liPJi li'i VU 9 11)31 1)!)JS imn IBl'I 0000 Chill Conner .101)0 Chen & Ohio 4!4... 21000 do rv fts 100.1 Chi at West 4 3000(1 Chi 1) & Q Joint 4s.. 20001) do ren 4s (HUM do Neb 4m 1000 Chi Ind & West 4s.. 3000 C M t St V rfd 4,,is 4011(1 do dlv 4u :io()0 1I0 rv r.s "(10(1 1I0 rn r.H o-i.iuii 123H , 1)0 , 03 , iltili . DM 1)2 1)1 107 102 I4.-.00 do CV 4is 101 10011 do Ken 4'As 101U 1.(101) io -is lU.'.t 11.1(1 7 IT 100 (i 1111 111 123W. UO 113.. 1)7 ll.l H IIS'.I 77 P2 uoj; lllllji 102i 12000 Chi IlUl1 rfd 4s 22000 do Bs 1000 Col Industrial r.s... 1110(1 Den & ltlo Or 4s... 17000 Krlo cv Is Ser II.. 1000 Krlo 1st con 7s.... BOOH Hud & .Man rfd C&. 411(100 Indiana Kteel r.s.,.. 20011 Intcrh Met I's... .1.1110(1 Interb It T ref :'.. (11000 Inter M Mnr ct V,3 11.1000 do w I lis 2000 Kan City Ho 1st 3s. 12O0I) do .Is 1.100(1 Lacka Steel Bs 11)30. 11!) lOO'i 102 11(1 lift 123'5 ill) D3 O'i I)7Ji II3H IIH'J 77 112 lit lll(!J tl, Zr 1(I04 100 mil: limi i:i'j U.1'4 71 JJ 7tH r.7 r.TJi 77 77'i 7li'.i 7SU 74 71 losi iniH 70H 704 102i 102! 7.l'i 7.1'.j u7j; us instv llltl W 07 tt H7'4 ti im't vn d:iJ ii3i 101'. j lol'j 10211 102!i 102U III PI 111 80 Ml 8!) 741', 74 i . IN D04 1)09 OOVi OS 77, 77 101 . r.s . 7711 . 7HU . 71 .los'i 7HVi ,10.1 731,4 DM 10.MW ! 07 . uo Ul .11)1)1 1111 C 1 lO.ni loft), io:ni , 7I'. 74 74 '.i 1112S 112't H2t B-? P-?a n-.1 IllHi !H till l'-7l Vm U.; r.' v uity juua .iim", ii j."', N Y Doc 4i 71'j 71'i 7l'S N Y Oas II & p Bs...10l'l llil'i Kll'f N Y N II i II (1 1121? 112U 118'I V V Tl irn AV.n 117 i 17 i OT l U2K ii.iI us . 11.11 : ot'.j .101, KilH . D2 . Oft . UHV . 73 . 8.1 K!J . 71 7l'J , Rl' hi', ; 7(1', 711 J in in 101 101 oi "5 nft !"' 73W I', l):i 01 iisS II l H 1)1 -i lift DKV h . r.:iTi 71tf hlU Trt'I 111 r ,,..14.UM .Jf.fs.ut lecember ouary . trca ,;;,, lB.io u,y ,...,,..,i5.2i) l? ,.15.30 Kl ..,.,....15.10 15.55 15.2D- 15,25 15 S3 15.4215.38 10.41 p.m. lft.Uli 15.11) 15.22 15.31 Liverpool Cotton , LIVERPOOL, Aug. 21. Spot cotton to y was reported In moderate demand nt n advance of 20 points on tho basis of J6d for mld-uplapd. The sales aggregated 000 bales. Including 6000 bales American, bo imports were 6000 bales, all Amer n. Tho market for futures closed Wish at a net advance of ZSip-t points. -Weld Cotton Buyers and Sellers NEW YORK. Aug-. 21. September- id Bartlett bid, October Wenman, Lowensteln, Powns, ryls, Rosenberg. Abraham, Wilson and W, Vmoens bid; Norden, SchiU. Pearsall, R. ubbard, Moulson, Vanyleit and Brooks tered. Pecember Young, Martin. Sellar, W, Jmoens and Wilson bid; Ceran, Mitchell, Ion. Munds. Schlll and Bartlett offered. January McEnany, Hicks, Wilson, Flnn, orrleon, Mitchell, Uyman. Munds and aith bid; Marsh, Molse and Holmes. Nor i. WlBStn, Watklns, Bchenr, Jlajtcorn, ack and Lehman offered. Ifarch Qlfford. Newman. Bartlett, WIU n. Norden and ilentz bid ; Rountree, Hart rn, Hent. Rosenbertf. Powns, BrooW, well, Hyman and Gum'oeps offered. May Fllnn and Wilson, bid; Norden uraon offered. July HenJ? bid; Sellar and Hartcorn erd. 101)0 I.ucled (las 1st .'....1011.4 1 Hlt 1 ! tH, .Inl, .In 1 1IU II -. I'HIII il I'll liril in lll.nil r.noo i.ir & M t n loot) Louis ft Nash 4s... 2000 Manhattan 4 s 3001) .Mo Kan & T 1st 4s. 2.1000 Mo Pap r.s 11)17 .... l.'iooo Mont Power Cs ... 10000 Not Tulin 5s 3000 jf V Mr Urnlt rvt Os mini N V c I, H .ilis. 470000 NVCS Hud Os 100(1 do 3V4a 3000 do 4 100110 do 44 s 2UUU 2000 1000 1000 10000 rnou riorr & west s ... 17000 Nor Pac prior 4s ... 1000 do Ren 3s 1000 Ore Short I, ref 4s.. 700(1 Pacific Tel .'.a., 1300(1 Penna pen ct 4tiH... 10000 Public. Serv NJ 8s.. 201)0 Ileudlns uen 4s 2S000 ltep Ir A H Bs,..,,, 11)00 ltlo Gr : W clt 4s... 18000 St I, I M & 8 4s.... 22000 St I. & S P adj w t. 8000 do In w I 2000 do iien ct 4s 12000 do Ser II W I loon St Louis Sirn 1st 4s. j i ono no con 4 (looo HeaDoarj 152000 South Pao 111(10(1 no cv .100(1 do rfi 1 lliloo South Ilwv .',1)000 do con 1100(1 Tenn u ret r D . 1000 Texas & Pac 1st Ss JIIOII Thlril Ave rof 4s.. looo do mij as 7ii?i 1000 V S Hubber (is lf)2! 7000 II S Rubber ilDi ,.,0.1 2000 Union Pan 1st 4a.,., UH',4 Dooo no rt.l 4S ui 1000 Va Itwy 5s DK 1001) Wabash 1st 5s 10.1 10000 Wab-P T 1st 5s , 1' tt-VIIOII ,ln la, el t n la. A'T 14000 West K & M cv Bs nts.lDOU 100! 100i ENGLISH BANK STATEJIENT LONPON, Aug. 21. Tho weekly state ment of the Bank ot England shows the following changes: Total reserve 10,060.. 000, decrease 1 97.000 ; circulation 135,536,000, decrease 169,000; bullion 57116,000, de crease 267,000; other securities 59,017,000. increase 5,230,000; other deposits 101,751, 000, Increase 7,889,000 ; public deposits 51, 128,000, decrease 2,793,000; goverr.tnent securities 12,187,000, decrease 1000, The proportion of the banks reserve to liabilities Is now 26.10 per cent., against :m per cent last week, and compares with an ad vance from 23, per cent to 21 H per cent in this week last year. The clearings through the London banks for the week were 259.150,000, against 226,710,000 last week and 256,873,000 in this week last year,' l j, auj os. in? ui7 "ITS CV ..... b7(i 87(5 .! 1 4s .I. IK) 8T 8!lty vy sen U-... llVt 11' Si'i .Is ........ Iloit. 101 lot , U2'.-i V-i VI 07 UJ UI Kit HllS Ht4 7U,a ;,- 102! 102!i 103 10ft Ull'.i Ulltt DO mi V, 103V4 10.1H i Ita ttt : S5 a OS'i 10.114 New York Stock Sales t-nst close. hl8h. Low. Close. Alaska Cold M 17 HiH lJi ""1 'Mlb-Chalmcrs Mrg 23 24M M'i SiU ci A Uhemlcai. ....... 77 7 7S 78 Am Ab Chemical pf 10051 101' 1M) 10,!i .n jjcci sucat,., ,,,.,,. 8SH BOJI cSJI '' AID U.M , 0l m Oat .'; IVly OS't Am Car & Fdy pr 117 Am Coal Products 141) Am ll.de & Leather 10J m nine leather t... 62' Am lee Sccurliioj Am Linked Am Iicomotlre m Locomotive pi,,.. am Man Cotp'n , 02 117 113 101. fi2!f 23U 22 ,8 AOT.M lO.I'S a'f m 2H 22 02 117 1H 10!( r,n 28! ( 22 70!f 1)1! r.a;4 117 lis M!i f2 23 , 22 78 tO.V 10.5' 7J1 7J Ar.i Smell l(ci....100U 10HS 100H 101 ,m omen pi a u( UUS Ullt "ii Am steel Koundrto r.tili fi-l'j M CI ( Am Sugar Itcnnlne IlUK IlUl 110 110 Am Tel ft Tel,, l.'U'S Wl 3H4 lMi Am Tolncco 221 2?.t Am Tobacco pf nen- I0S 107 m Woolen... 47 -17 Am Woolen pf .. . )s 07H Vm Writing I pf 2? 25!i Am X.lnc I. . Sm ;U' !)5U Am Zinc I. f. Sm pf am 0511 Anaconda op M " bSU AlchTop&s V 101 . 101)1 Atch To.. & S V pf IKI PO Atl tlulf & W 1 72 i.TS All Uulf & W I pf CO 0.5 i Hall I ico Wfcs Rn', sl'i Hal I Loco Wks pf in. 10.5 lla.t .v Ohio bSJJ fc3 Halt ft Ohio pf 7;H4 7: Hethlehem Steel 1S1IU -101 llrooklvn Kan Tr. FA S.V nrown shoe 01.4 llutt? & tiipctlor cs Cal Petroleum inij Cal Petroleum pf 4'i Canallau Pacific 177U tv.ittai Leather., ,, o71 Ches & Ohio 02)1 L'hlcajo Mil ft St Paul., llj Chicago & N W pi 170 I'hlcazo It 1 ft I'ae 17! i Ch.lo Copper 11) , Ch'no Copper 52 i Cluctt, I'ea A Co Til 0)1 I'liei ,V Iron SM', Compt T lice Co :t Con Int Cal Mln 2:1 Consolidate I Uai l;,'.) tVrn I'roJucti Itof 1.5 Crucible Stool 71, Cmclblo Steel pf US S oii cs-1 in 1.5 17f CS'l (. 0.5 I70JS mi W f mi 72 GUI. It IS iMi ir 771, US r7M ion 2.5!i 10 a8'i 511. II) Cuba Cane Sujir CGH Denver & i:io Or pf. .. . ,3!, Distill See Crp'n 10H Uomo Alines 2.5' Oul SS ft Atl pf 10 Uric ;i7U Krlo lit pi -1), FoJ MI.1 ft Sm pf 30! a tleneral Klcctrlc lfDW 172'-j tk'neral Moiom pf 121 12.1 Oooirlch II K 7;iJ. 73M Oranby Consol H8 8SJi BS (Ireenc-Cananea JO! -IS ADJi (irrat Notlber.1 pr US 1173.' llili UU (1 N cf for ore prop.... r.O.'f at);. .')S,' 38. Gulf States Steel 7S 7,5 7j 73 C!ulftate3 Steel 1st pf. )Hi 222 107 17 071 i 2014 3t'i C.5'j S7JJ 1 VI O'J 71 0.5' I 703. 103 S3 7.1 ISO 83 Off OS' 17 41 177 37.' i 01 111 17UU 1714 20 f:l 72 lS'i dlii IS 15 71' J US aw, at 10 2.5! ( 10 fi"-. 31 RS 17!)' 8 120U 72'. i 107 47 07' 20! i P4'S 05', S7fl 101 i m 7,T o?.n M'l 105 88 7.1 4!'4 83! i 01 j 03J1 11 II 177Jf (57. G2!( 01 i;oj 17h 20)1 r,x 72 4!)!j 41 138 13 775 118 3S! 3.5 40", 23!i 10 oSM M'i PS 172 122! i 71 bS-Jf I7J Illinois Central.. fnsi Con Cop Int Agricultural Int Harv Corp'n ..... Int Con Cor t c sli Int Taper Int Paper pf Int Nickel v t cfs.... Int M it c of dep ... int M M pf c of dep Jewel Tea Kan City Southern... Kelly Spring Tire IvsnnccoM Copper.... Lack Steel Co Liko L'rlJ West... Lee .lubu.T l-.. Ijehijh Vailov Lorhlard I' Co pf..,. Louis & Nash Mackay Cos Mcckay Co) pr .law.'ii .Motors , Maxwell Motors 1st pf. , May Dept Stores , .Mexican Tclroicun: Mexican t'ctroieum pf.. Mam Copper lllnn St I" & S S SI pr. Missouri Tactile Missouri T.ic tr cfs Missouri T.ic wl Morris ft Esse.- Nat Knain ii a Co Nat Lead Co.... .102 . 53' -.. 1.1 . 7SH . 17U .. 1531 .. 72 . -11U . :.7 .lonjj .. 87 . 2.5' 5 - 73, . CDS . ?"! . 213' . -lOli 81 0.5 11.5 102!ii lt)I2 503. 13 7i 17J, 10!1 72U 415 38! J 101 SS liS'i 733 J 51 7S 2031 40W 8251 -U8'i 11D 130 S3! 5 0735 MIX 85 02 .3 II 73 17 10' J 725S 11U "031 in ES 2.5 ',' r.m 5031 77 2031 40 i M'l 11)1 03 101!S 50 13 7il 17). 10' J 723 i 415i 3734 O'JIj S3 2.511 73! i CO).' 77 20'X 405S 81 51 1111 13031 12031 K031 SO 0755 834 Sfiif 01 SI C7!i 83!1 E051 1)1 101)5 102 i 10U-3 X UUS 01H H5?i 133 l'l IT. 2a 81 ..itii .130 a 5 .23), 81 24 co); Nor Con Copper is;; Nuw Vork Air Ilraku. New York Central ... Now York N II & II. New York 0 & Wcit. Norfolk fc Western... Noriolk Southern Northern Tactile TaclflcMall f.nii italtroad Thliadclnhla Co Pitts Coal c of don. . lili'l vm 138 .138 ..103!1 10031 .. 00 003. .. 2755 2731 ..13131 132 23 23 3; 135 13 431 23 81 21 00) i 1834 137 8' 0715 83)1 S0' Gl 1011 0115 35)-, 133 131 13, 23 81 21M (l.!i 10 137 105!$ 100 0(1 (Wi 2731 27 i 130!i 1303ii 23 .uii urn in 2055 553 i SO'l 27H Pitts Coal Co N 1 pf. ...10231 82H ..107 .. 48K .. 213. , CO 0031 TlttS O C & St L Tressed S Car Co Pullman Co Ity Steel Sp Co ltay Con Copper ileadluj; Heading 1st pf Itcadln.' 2J pf Itcpubllc Iron & S... Ilcpubllc Iron & H pf. Shat Ariz Cop Scars, Itoe ic Co..,,,. Sloss-SIicf S & I Southern Taclllc fcautheru Ky 211J Southern Ity pr 00 StuJcbakcr Co 123 Tenn Copper 20'f Texas Co VM 101 Tobacco Trod pf 103 101 union Ms & Taper 73. Union lias ti I"apet pf .. 42). United C't'ar ilt;s 0 United Fruit 101 Union Taclllc ,.11231 Union Taclllc pf. tjjj U 8 Ind Alcohol ...115 United Itys Inv Co pf,.. 2J U t lluLoer QS 23 HI 20 55!$ 4') 27)5 103 SI!f 5335 1G0J, 4S 2351 11)715 43 40 51 15 WHEAT GETS WEAK IN ERRATIC MARKET Bear Operatioiis Are Aggressive nnd Outside Demand is Less Active (lltAIN I1KI.T 'VIlATIir.n FOItlTAST t'HICAliO,. Anc 21. The nratlirr fnrf nt,for 80 liniir follonsi , Illinois. .'MN-mitl nnd H'lronln Knlr lo nlelit, sllshtlr rnnler l'rliln jr north. .MInreotn nml North D.tkntii 1'nlr tonleht nnil rrlil),.. eooler tnnlnlit, unrmer Frlilnr, Iowa Fair tonUht nnil Trliln.T, slUhtly cooler iiorlhnr.t tonUlit nnd sonlhent 1I l.ir. Nor In tn!totn (Ienrrnll.f fnlr tonlchl nnd IrlOiir. cooler Innlaht eit. Nrbrnl.n tlenrrnllir fnlr tonhlit nnil I'rl dnr. not miirli rhnnso In trnirrrnturr. linns.is rulr tonlnht nnil 1'rlilat, wnrmer tonight soutliern imrllon.. rillCArio, Ahr. 21. Krratle movements were features of the wheat marltot today. At one time prices were about lc net tilRlicr. but from tills level reactions of c and more occurred, nnd at the end quotations were 34 to l"io net higher. Hear operators were nRKresstvo and the outside demand was lep.i active tliati on recent days. Virtually nil the news wns of n bullish character, but It did not seem to have any effect on trading. There wns some talis around lite pit ot nrrnnRcments belnrf made to bring Arpen tine wheat to tills country. This apparently Inlluenccd considerable) selling, which nt times wns very larrje. There was a pnod export demand. An Im pression Deemed to lie gnlnliiR ground that tho technical position of tho market had become weaker, nnd that a new Incentive would lie needed to hold prices nrotiml the present level. Corn did not follow the lead of wheat, and closed comparatively firm, Uo lower to Uc h'Blicr. I.cidlrm futures ranged ns follows: lB (i.iy n Wheat On-n. lllsli. Low. Kent 1.-W), l.an'i l.m Dec l.r.il i.r.ijt l.r.'j., Alny ..) i..,7U l.(..i'i rorn (new Oclltrry) ftrpt KSli .onn. rloxi 1.411'i '1. Ill'i 1..VJ. l.Mk i.:,;U i.Mlt Due .Miiy .... lllts Heit. . , . Dec .Mny .... l.arJ Pent. ... Oct l)er Itlt,8 fi-nt. ... Oct Jllll Torli Sept. . . . Oct Dec JIM. n .. T.'.i . . ! .. W4 ..m.vo . .I.'I.MII ..13. or. ..11.20 ..14.IJO 7Si Ki"4 4S .".a'.i n.n; 11.1)11 13.'.'S 14.30 1I.IU -:)' 77i5 4; 71 4 78'.' 4(1 411 Ji ill IM4 1.1.7 11!.77 13.01) tlS.'J 1.1.07 lia.s:. 1H.DT ia.8L 14.10 13.11.", 1-1.30 11.11.'. I...27 4.1 , . . tl'lt ill ...IM.tU tAakcil. MM M.4I) L 1 1 . "J 1 1 J1I.3U 27. 4 r. mi. n.-i t23.2B 13.117 11.2.', 1 1 iC. 12.112 27. IS an.as 23.30 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GItAIN AND TLOUU WIIKAT Ucceluts. 13I.C3. luislicls. Then won a roihI rxiiurt Inquiry nn.I the market rulct tlrm. (Quotations: 'nr loti. In export elevator No. 2 reil. sixit. tl.r.dWl, 03; No. 2 southern red. tl.4N01.ril; Bteamer No. 2 reil. tl.474l..-ili; No. .1 reil. tl.l7iei.3U; rejected A, tl.tKUH. 17: rejeete.l H tl.' It; 1.1 1. I'OltX Hecelpm. 141)1 bushels. 1'rlces worn steadily held, but trado was quiet. Quotations: l.nr lots Tor loenl trade, nn to location Western "1 2 yellow. ,l)Sc: western uleamor yellow. g(.i!i7e; wentern No. 3 sellow, IHWliJci western No. 4 yellow, Ultli)2r. OATM Iteeelptx. S0.1R7 bush. Demand was only moderate, l.ut orrrrlnEM were Unlit nnd values wero firmly held. Quotations: No. 2 white. '2Dr.2SSci Btnndanl white, .llOSmpi No. 3 white. 11)14 itor.n'.ici No. 4 white, 4sti We: sample nats. ir.Wli;e. . 1'T.OUIt Itecelptfl. 813 bbls. nnd 1.118.028 lbs. In sacks. Mill limits wcro welt maintained, but there was little trndlnir. Following; nro tho quota tions per 1UU lbs. in wood: Winter, clear. (IWU.Sllj do. stralKht, tli.au7: do. patent. tiW7.no; Kansas, clear, cotton sacks. JD.T.'iW 7.23: Ktralcht, totlou sacks. J7.IOW7.7J: do. patent, roitnn sacks, JSdpHJ.'.; sprlnir, first rlear. 50..-.IIW7. IU: du, pat.r.t, :7.,-i)WS.23: do, faM.rlta brands. tH.r.DQli.til; city mills, choice and fancy patent, (8.60011.101 city mills, reau lar urnilcs winter, clear, tH0.3Ui do. stralsht, JD..-IIW7: do. pntcnt. tJ7..-id. J1YK FI.OtTU was quiet but firm. Wo nuoto nearby at JUWO.OU per bbl, uml western nt 1UW7. PROVISIONS , The market ruled steady with a fair Jobblnc demand. lullowlnic nro tho quotations: City beef, In seta, smoked anil ntr dried. 2sci west ern licet. In sets, smoked. 2So: city beef, knuclltcfi nnd tenders, smoked and nlr dried. 2Hct western beef, knuekles nr.d tenders, smoked. w. ucei I1HH19. .'oio'.iu; poric, lam 28: hams, H. p. cured. iKinneu, looso. i:i', family. I27.rnt; t'.4 WlSWc: do. o. smoked. 2014 luosa. IK Oc: do. do. smoked, city cured, os to i7H lo) Mi SSii 10 '.VJ'i am 2VA 10.1 lftl 8IU ai.'r 1C034 lflJli 10JS -IS 2554 2VA 107Jf 103! i 107!, .. 41 II 43 .40 40 10 . S1J1 65 51 .113IS 113K IIII'X 113J1 son aou ma so .L'lU 210JX 210 COii Mli mv oys 'JiH 24. CS14 Srj 1H 127 28!i 25'f 104 8)i 7ii 40' 4 -13 i 50 50 155) 1G1 210 40U 09)1 21 t)Sj 127 27)i 101 101 8!, 40'i 60 101 tlrsts. 3!lft2:i-JI.Ar: flrHtM. :I1I4; Hprnnila. l?ll'4 SV u'c: nearny pruus iancy. iioc: ao. nver. rase 3U4V M3H 111' 1421J b2'i S2!f S24 115,'i 111 111 0 20 LO 57 i 57?.' -7K U H liubber 1st pf 1101' UWi UOU 110'i . tWi 7.11 . 5!)Ji 51 , 07;i OS i Aim n.i . tan ma JoJi m i . tOJJ . 27JJ .128 . cm 2'JJi 5054 271 128j 1)5 Ul 20!f fill ISJi 73 50'f bo; 118 am am 73 51 U7JI 115 8-1 131 60Ji 27 U ti Bra U & At. US 6m II &M pf... U ti btee, Corp'n.,.,. U a bttei Corp'a pf,. Utah Copper Wabash,, ..,,,,, ,,,,,, Wabash pf A Wabash pi JJ WcJls fano I'iprecs. . Western Union Tel,,. Wuot li & .M.,.,.,,i, Western Maryland;... Wheel & Lake Erie,.,,., 5 WUlys uirerlaui 4RU WUlys OveiUa.1 pf 101'j 1034 10514 103J4 Wlsconsla Ceatral 50 49 i 40h' 40)1 Honuinjioa rurap,,,,,, 2'J 20 2U liotth fuiur U "....,. 5S ' "9 6S' 12314 12-Jj 01!t )IU CO'f 0011 2911 2S 5 531 471$ 4S)5 .....li.. n.hnn kB... us.i , .....v. annua. Biiiujieii. t-'iijr i-ui iru. ub iu brand and nvcrase. 11)1.4": hams, smoked, west ern curat. IDfec: do. boiled, boneless. 34c: pic- iiiu auuui.iers, . i'. curcu. 10O3e. Itc; Ull. smoked. 1'c: bellies, In ptcklo. nccnrdlnR to avnraae loose. 11114 c: breakfast bacon, ns to brand and average, city cored. 22c: breakfast baron, western cured. 21ci lard, western, rellncd. tlerres. 4Kc: do. do, do. tutj. 14?ic: lord, pure. city, kettle rendered. In tierces, 14", c: do. do. do. In tubs, 14ic. ' REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but steady. Refiners' list prices: Extra nne granulated, 7c: pow dered, 7.11)0! confectioners' A. O.Dvc: uoft grades, 0.23O0.bSc. DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTHIt The market ruled firm with demand absorbing the limited olferlnss ot desirable stock. wuumiioiia loiiow: western sonupaci.eii cream ery, fancy specials. 33c: extra. 33 Si 31c; extra nc: xtra. 31fff33c: do. tlrstMl altf03:ta: seconds. 30KI) juc: jobblnx sales of fancy prlntJ. ;i:iu'4.c. i:ucis .Strictly ttne eiss wore In cood request and tlrm under Hint offerings. Kollowlne are the quotations: in free cases, nearby extra. 32o per doz. ; nearby firsts. rt.7(W per standard ease: nearby current recelpta. J7.hu08.40 per case: western, extras, 32c per doz. i western extra llrsts JS. 7llit D.30 per case: do. tlrsts. l,H.Ill.4U per caso: fancy selected candled fresh ckes were Jobblnz nt 30W37c per doz. CIIBI3SK Trade was fair and the mnrket ruled ilrm under llBht orrcrlnss: Quotations: New Vork, full cream, fancy. 18cj specials hlrher: do. do, fair to good. lUPU'.ic; part skims, Vtfl'c. POULTRY I.IVn Fowls sold slowly, but ruled steady. Chickens of desirable slzo and qualttv wcro welt cleaned un and llrm. Quotations: I'owli, 1714 tLPlnic; roosters. i4Vlac: sprlni; cnicsens, ac cordinif to quality, welshlnji lh2 lbs, nnd over, apiece. 22tv2lc: siirtnir chickens, smaller sizes. JDiCJlc- white l.euiiorns. accordlncr to iiualltv, 18t)20c; ducks, as to size and quality, 15(Dl7c: plseons. old. per pair, 23U2bc; do, youmr. per pulr, J 8 022c. DI'.Krf.SUD Itecelpta were light and the mar ket ruled firm under a fair demand. Fol lowing? are the quotations: Fresh-killed, dry packed I'owla. 12 to box. dry-picked, fancy selected, 2314c; do, weighing 414 03 lbs. apiece, 23c; do, wei'ihini; 4 lbs. apiece. 23c; do. weighing 314 lbs. apiece. 22c; do. wetuhlnjr 3 lbs, apiece. 20021c, Fowls, In bbls.. Ice-packed, fancy, dry-picked Northern Indiana and Illinois. weurmn? tsa ids. apiece, ..rsc; oouiue.n In diana uml Illinois, welchlns 405 lbs. apiece, c; smaller sizes, mimic, uiu rnuiiers. ury. picked, lllc. llrolllng chickens. Illinois, large, .'J 60 GOVERNMENT BONDS LONDON STOCK BIARKET nid Ul) 81). NEVr VORK RUTTER. AND EGGS "W YOHK. J.IW. 2 Dl ... luiu, sjarxu gyi ou ahade tjslr. Extra M tcatlut, a.3!ic: o ltS, Still D UTTER Receipts, ton ffrea wiin creamery. 321a cl otbtr srdM un- 1S.8S9 cases l nurkl nrylot. Vtttd, r. -: . i 1IIUU 10314 i". 2 registered 1"30 .,..,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,,. 2s coupon laau ..,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,, 3s reglsured 1918 ,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,, Ss coupon ljlj ..,,,,,,, ..,,.,..,,...,. au"i.!v-. .,,,,..,.,,.,,. ts cuukijj ,e4 i-aiiama Panama Panama. t-anama, o. coupon ,,,., ,,, .,.,,.,., ,,, BAR SILVER Commercial bar silver was quoted In New York at 66 c today, unchanged. In London bar illver was quoted at l'd. unchanged.' 2s reglsterea'-fllj' I,',',, ',;,' S 2 registered 103S .,,.,,..,,,,, J) Ss registered 101 :J. 5, .:;::, 10lg 3 coupon ,,,.,,3, .,,,.,. ,,,,,, lOJlx American Railway Shares Aro Quiet and a Little Lower LONDON, Aujr. 34. Although business was quiet on tho Stock Exchange today and jirlco changes were irregular, the undertone or the markets was firm. Narrov mixed movements wero noted in gilt-edged se curltler. but there -4S a s vg den-rnd fcr treasury bills of short date. Homo rala were fractionally Jrregu. r, About 12.500,000 was disbursed in dividends in tins department today. American railway shares e more oulet and slightly lower, tho active trading on Wednesday bavins demonstrated thai mere I were moderate tree parcels of high-priced aauco ,im aiciu iieru uespiiu uia supertax on yields. Canadian Pacifies were dull and South American rails sho-ved narrow fluctuations. roreign securities were rather quiet and allied bonds were Irregular, although Span ish Issues were firm. Realizing was noted in diamond secur ities, DeBeers being quoted at li . Ship ping issues were lower. 2,'U20c: do. Indiana, large, 242c; do. small slies. 2223c. llrollers. Jersey, fancy. 30S:i2e do. nearby, weighing. 114 02 lbs. apiece. 2S4T Sue: do, nearby, smaller sizes. 20021c. Ducks, nearby, spring, luMttOc. Squabs, per dozen While, weighing- 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen. 1 5. 80 uu.iuj niuir, nviM'in'K u ,w v ,!" "' .. i.iiuwa.a; wnite, weigning n iua. per uuzeu. ,,iu, wniie, cii(iiiiii - rt'w' Iu ivnile. welgninff imifiii io. ier ? 2.7.'.: dark. 12.202. 7"; small and 1.25. FRESH FRUITS J 1.11009 .1 TS4B.I I3.256I3.UI: dozen. 12.50 No. 2, CUc Sugar Futures Irregular NEW YORK, Aug. "1 Sugar features opened irregular, with near positions show ing weakness, due to the lower market for spot sugar, a,nd first prices showed de clines of J to 7 points on near and about 1 point hlghtr to l point lower on dlstapt positions. Sales on the call were lv, tons. Choice stock was In fair request and generally steady under moderate offerings. Quotations: Apples. Delaware and Maryland, per hamper 1aiicy, JIM 1 '-'"; fair to Kdod. 35S75c; lemons, per box. lUtfJ; pineapples, per crate, Ilprlda. J I O 2: peaches, Virginia, per carrier Liberia. .6O03; lleTle, I202JSU: Carmen. 11.250 1.75i Mountain Itose. "1.23(3)1.75: pears. North Caro lina, per bbl.. IIW5: srapea. North Carolina and Delaware. ir crate. It.2'l,50j watermelons, southern. Tier car. I10UO223. VEGETABLES Demand was only moderate, but values sen eraliy were ateadlly held on choice stock. Quo tations; While potatoes, per .bbl. No. I Lantern Shorv', 2.2302.7.1t No. 2 Eatern bhore. l 1.25: No. I Norfo k. 126)2.23: No. 2 Norfolk. 1101.23; white potatoes. Jeraey.per. basket, Sales in Philadelphia High. JO If. 1 V u -(, lit ,& 1 10 Am (las . .ix ao Am Milling 80 Uald I,oco. "0 10 Urlll J Q. 371,4 10110..., -:v4 10 Tarn steel. 82 ino Chlno Cop. 3',i 310 Krle 331,4 15 Ocn Asp pr ooi 10 llrsntlrs pr 0.1 "0 Ins Co jf A J"T4 110 I,k Slip Crp 1IW, 33 I.vh Nav .. 75 M 1 to I,eh Val . . R- 300 Ncv Cons. lotH Ola l'ennn It It ROVi 10 l'a S Mfg. oo?, riill.i Klee 2R', 3.10 rnr trctfs lo-fr 20 ltay Cons. 2.1 20.1 Heading ..1()H do 1st pr. 4IV4 475 Ton Uel... 4.1-10 4J 4 3-10 -f-l-llt n Ton Mln., "', r. oio 50-10 3-in 10.1 Un Trnc 45 4I0', 45 " 101 U 0 I ... -8V4 V ""14 Vj o.ijj ti H steel. ost4 ona'. vl Boo Wlllys-Ov. 48"i f, W NY. "I'd II Clo Win Crump & Sons. 8 1', litiMi.o. 1 Hen, $3000 l-:t&tcoTris 8u f.ouo hVc li&n.lni 1000 I, V gen is DO loooo I.eli V cons 4', is 2003 D004 5000 T,V Tr r Ss 01 40500 1'hlla 151 4s 81"', 2U0U do Ga , .lolli 21)80 nonilgrtnls O.l'.ft looo rn Itys tclK 71 H tiw. l'O. 0 80 37 Vi 87 H 8? .isvi 38 GO-i 05 2S-4 11 754 81 k l8Ti no oor 28"i ll)"i 25 107 41 H Close. 120 0 80 37 Vi Net chge. 87V4 1 82 53 V, 4 37 'A DO"', . .... D.I t , , 2.1!fc it 75 M 8 Hi 10V6 no OSJTi 28-', loii. 2.1 107 44 4 474 II 47"', "tt 14 80T& 81, t.ow. 7'.4 101 00 Close. 80 101 00 I-Increase. Decrcaso. 00-1 01 8IV4 J 0 Hi 5 A 71V4 OD-J 01 84-', 104V4 05',!. 71 M -I f Y Net chge. V Local Bid and Asked Hurt .qusi t do prrt Urlll .1 11 Il.ililwln r.tcc lltnrairu lien Ar do pret Key Tet ill t c tu prof I.ale Sun I'orp Lehlirli Nov Lclil.Tb Valley I.cti valley Tr do prcf Pennsylvania l'lilln Klcctrlc I'll I In Co do 5 per cent pref . . do It iter rent pref. . Phlln It V t c lteadlnir Tonopah liniment .... Tonopab tln Union Trac tl II I IT H Hteel York Itwy Toda Kid is f.7 a I 1I.1 tidl Win Cramp t c , si , mi . :i-j , i(i,4 . 14 , 14 , r.H , 11 : Vm ' "J 554 . 2.S4 III :in 111 , lll'i HI717 . 4 n.i a n-iis ;,S' . :i7 . 81 Ask. r.o 1:11 411 si (17 '.4 at 711 mi n; 754 sit 41 r.n 2N4 Hi'-a an 11IJ. i Yesterday. HI, 4S nv its Ml 117 .12 111)14 ll', ll'.i IW It HIH 2(1, I2l no 2S'4 III 3(1 0 4 11 Pi r. 11-in r.'.i in hi Ml MM li-'.5 l)7"i II 1:1 37 5 37 81 ',i 811 Ask. Till lid till Kll'i i;7lil .13 711 14'4 11'? Ill) YA. H2 21 43 cr,u 2.1 4tl'.4 a; 41 in'1 IDS 1 3-10 .if" 1)S 14 :n',4 81 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NUW YOHI", Atlff. 21. Tho mnrltct for coffee futures opened Btendy nt nn advance of I to C jiolntM. Trailing wns fairly active, with sales on tho call 32S0 bags. Net advances of C to 8 points wore shown at the end of the first hour of trading, with salo of 10.2G0 bags. The market lind the support of leading trade Interests and offer ings were not at all free. Whllo firm offers from Ura-ll showed a slightly easier tend ency, there wns no sign of general weak ness there, and the local spot mnrket here wns steady, with a better demand reported, ltlo No. 7 being firm nt O'jC I'rlvato reports from Urn7.il late yester day said that freight rates were higher, $1.60 per bag having been bid, which rep resented nn advance of 00 cents over Inst otllclal iiuotatlons. This also had a stimu lating effect that mny have led to some of tho scattrred outside buying of tho later positions. Todas openinir. AllCTSt ... Heptemlxir October . . . November December January . -February . Marrli ... April May Juno July JJId. 8.71 8.71 8.73 8ti 8. SO 8,ViO8.03 O.'uo 00.03 i.'u'ij Yes'day's clone. 8.dll (id H. 71 H.C3H8.71 H.71K.72 8.72 8.73 H.7:iK.75 H.77W8.78 8.816)8.82 M.S.ItfK.KII 8.UIIHP8.UI H.linWK.lM 11.iMi1r11.nl U.U1&0.65 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NRW YOrtlC. Aug. 21. The foreign ex change market while not appreciably less actlvo showid Irregularity in tho early dealings today. Hot!) German and Austrian exchnngo declined, while Stockholm showed firmness nnd thero was a further creeping up In Itusslan exchange The shipments of gold to Spain nro due to the fact that under existing jorclgn exchange conditions It Is cheaper to ship tho gold than to buy tho exchange. Pesetas aro now 20.10 to 20.25, repre senting a premium as compared with ID In November last year. Belligerent countries In Kurope havo been obtaining supplies of foodstuffs, munitions and commodities gen erally from Spain as from tho Scandinav ian countries. Quotations: Demand ttcrllng, 4.75 "1 ; cables, 4.70 7-1C; CO-day bills, 4.714 ; U0 day bills, J.CS'.i; franc cables, 5.90i. BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with corre spundiiiB day laat two years: 11)10 " 1015 1911 Philadelphia.. I3.iiuu.811 125.2111.152 120.1114.331 lloston 25.0113,4811 1!),15II.I13H 17,723,11)3 New York. .4(11.71)1,378 3(IS.02U, 10 1 112.31)2,413 Chicaso ... Ul. 881. Ull RATES FOR MONEY New York .,,,,,,. Philadelphia lloston Chleaizn ........... Commercial paper, three to six months, l'hlla delphia, -lliWlV-, per cent. Call. 2 3 3. avj hi Time. . si 82" 4 l44 . 4 U i'i USV tilt 87 DO Ul' IDS' 103 2014 lOlltJ 10I4 J4 1832 IDIliJ HJia 1U33 82!f S3!? 1U33 8l!i b.-.ij No Wheat Cargoes Off English Coast LONDON. Aug. SI. No wheat cargoes were reported off coast this morning and none waiting order Other positions were Arm. N corn cargoes were reported off coast and iwie vas. awaiting orders. Other posUiqbs -vera tfim. -Jnslhil- provincial maj-kets wero firm. iuf ()ll.lh. per 100-lb. uuBxei. II. bar. (2.2592.75; do, Lai. 12fi2.23l da. U01.2-. 1'ennsylvanla. wasninecon. YlrsIuU. per LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Aus. 24. HOGS Receipts. 30.000. Market 10c lowor. UUed and butehera. f 10.10 H11.20. cood heavy. I10.0jftll.15: rousb Savy":il0;iuei0.D5: iUbt,,U0.35Oll.S0; pj. IS U510: bulk. ll0.5UWll.O3. ' CASLK-iRicelptV. 'S00j.f Market weak. JOc lower. lecve. td.b5e8.25t cows and hi Iters, 140035: stockera and teedfrs. 53.207.70: mi. X tillEfcP- Natlvu aoil 1U.B5. iiuuim. isnnn. Western. ii.7"8 Uoibs, Markel wrelr ja.ouw RAILROAD EARNINGS LEJIiaU VALLEY t.,iv laid. dross operatln revtous f4.30J.497 Nst oprat.lna rynue. l."71.047 um.- idcodu i..i.. Insresu. 1573.741 .U4, IU4 W.TfV ODratlcir lnooma ATLANTA. BUtMINUjiAJU jmu tu'hv, Second wk. Amrust.... !' ?" Frooi July 1..7? $70,005 S8.183 NEW YUBK. CHICAGO ANO ST. LOUIS. IStJEr-nf Quarter ended -un. ?0. .""'fc-.,. 18,0 . suniu-":::::.::...,. w.3 -75.8M $100 BONDS , Tct. Due. niJ. Ashed Aioeria, i'rovinco or .... -ft ivz ui'.j Am Fur tien Co 3-yr notes r. 11)11) us Anglo-French 5 1D20 t)3!i Arsentlne (lovernment ., 5 1DI3 H3 uanauu. uuiniuion ui ... lua ua City of Jlaltlmore 4 11)02 t)8; City ot (ThtcaKii har con. 4 1017 1)0 City of New Orleans Imp, D 1920 Ino City of Vancouver , 44 11)23 i)3i New York City re? 44 1Ud:t 107 ! da reir 4', 1060 102 Ala it Vlckahure 1st con. n 11)21 0s',4 Halt & uj) & u K tsc ,, a loso us Cent Ver Ity 1st res 4 1820 fcil; i;m ,i w I'enver en ,, -, i.' uu eni -l nt y u n con , , a vm -i a t(. f ronv .... i Col i Ho ret and cit , ., 4 Krle cen conv serlea D .. 4 N Y Cent conv deb ..... II N V 4 o J. IKrle) ist ... n NY Nit & It conv deb ctts Uij do conv deb res ...... II Korf & Wet 1st con .... 4 Seab Air Line 1st & con. (1 So l'ac-San F Term 1st.. 4 Vlrvlnlan Ity 1st 5 Am Asr Chem conv deb., S Am lea Securities deb ... II Am Tel It. Tel col tr ctfs. 4, uo conv .............. its llelh Steel 1st refund., Q Cent Leather 1st res . . O Cbes & Pot Tel Co lit ... B Denver Uaa & Klcc 1st.. 5 lien Klec deb 3V4 lit West Power conv deb, U I.ack Kteel lut con ,,.,,, 5 Laclede Oas lit 5 Lbr is Altera deb res .,., T do da .....,.,,,, 5 P Lorlllard deb res .,,., 7 do do .,...,.,.,, 5 Tierce Oil conv deb , (I Mont Power 1st & ref..., 5 N Y Air llraka 1st conv. U LAKE SUPERIOR CORPORATION ISSUES A GOOD EARNINGS REPORT FOR YflAtt Income Far Above Previous Twelve Months Deficit I0 Wiped Out and Company Shows Surplus Trading Quieter on Philadelphia Stock Exchange Tho reason for the recent strength of the stock of the Lnlte aupcrlor Corporation on the I'hll.iilclphla Stock ExcTifttiRd be came npparent today when tho company's report of cnrnlnpra for the "scnl year end Ine Juno .10, 1010, wan made public. He ports have had It several times that the earnings wero far nheail of last yenr, nr.d the earnings statement boro out these re ports. Tor tho twelve months the earnings of the milisldktry companies wcro $3,503,471. This Is an Increase of $2,137,201 ns compared with tho Fame period of the pravlotis year. After deducting a previous deficit of 331,7C5, which Is a reduction of $333, COC, tlio total earnings for tho period were $3,171,700. nn Increase of $1,743,603, There wan left for tho surplus nccount nfter nil deductions $38.718, which compares with i deficit last year of $331,705, which was paid up out of this year's earnings. During the early hours on Chango today tho com pany's stock did not sell, but In the nftcr noon It camo out ot n fractional gain. The output of the chief subsidiary of the Lalto Huperlor Corporation, the Algomn, Steel Corporation, was 2GS,"04 tons of pig Iron, ngalnst 212,017 In 1015, and 213,406 tons finished steel, nsuinst 183,430 tons of steel rails and merchant mill material. The period of funding In connection with bond and noto Interest has virtually ex plred nnd it Is expected that Interest pay ments will be resumed In October, Tho notes outstanding nmountlnr to $2,432,500 nre due In March, 1B17i and tha directors are considering their Ilauldatlon, subject to labor conditions. The water power of the company was sold for $1,000, 000, which sum Is In the hands ot trustees available for new construction. Trading was not as brisk on the Stock Kxchango today as It has been on previous days of tho week. This was due In large measure to the fact that the New York market was subjected to considerable profit taking, ns was to be expected after the extended rise which has been enjoyed In tho big market. Movements of prices wer narrow, ahd were divided between advances nnd declines, -Cramp trust certificates, which wcro strong In tho trading yester day, eased oft a frncUon after scoring slight gain. J. a. Brill' lost a full point. United Rtates Hteel common continued to monopolize attention, although tho demand for that stock was not as brisk nnd It sagged slightly In sympathy with New York. Financial Briefs The New York Subtrcasury has trans ferred $325,000 to San Francisco for nccount ot local hanks. A bid of $5200 net to the buyer has been made for n Chicago Board of Trado mem bership. . New York hanks gained to Subtrcasury yesterday $1,800,000 and $9,801,000 since Friday. At n meeting of the "Vhlto Oaks Mines Consolidated, Inc., held In New York this nftcrnpoti, Arthur A. llrownloc, mining engineer of International reputation, nnd l.'rcdcrlclc Keith, of Boston, were elected directors of tho company. Cold coin to tho amount of $050,000 wns withdrawn from tho Subtreasury late yes terday nfternoon for shipment to Spain. This Is the largest nlnglo shipment to Hint country on this movement. Ab has been explained, tho exports represent balances due Spain In Europe on nccount of sales ot commodities to the belligerent countries. The Bnnk of England's minimum rate of discount remained unchanged at G per cent today. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOI'AII STOCKS. Hid. Asked. Jim Butler 81 .80 MnrN'nmnra 03 ,07 .Midway 11) .21 .Mlzimh Intension IK .VII Montnnn 'J4 .VII North Htnr 14 .111 Tonopnh Itelmont I'i -t'i Tonnpnh Kxtennlon T.) -r Tonopnh Mining r.'i r.. lteruc Hula v-'l .. West End 177 .71) tiOLDFUULD STOCKS. Atlanta 10 .11 Illuo Hull r- ,113 llonth 12 .14 UullrioK II .1)2 (Mil) 1)3 .1)1 Combination 1'ractlun 1)3 ,U7 Dlnmonducld II J) 02 .04 Daisy t 12 .ll.-i Florcnro r.O .'I lintilrtcld Consolidated K2 .SI tinldlleld Mercer 17 .0(1 Jumbo Extension "3 .33 ICcwnnas 10 .12 Orn 04 .05 Sandstorm Kendall 03 .or, .Silver l'lclt 14 .10 JHSCELIJVNEOUS. Nevada IIIU 13 .20 Nnvaila Wonder 2.03 2.1S Tccopa 'ilnlns IU .12 Condition of United States Treasury VASIIINOTON, Aug. !. Tho conCltlon of the United Str.tea Treasury, nccor.ll ., to n statement Issued tot'ny, was ns follows: Net balance In general fund, $200,700,308 ; total receipts, $50,217,200; total disburse ments, $07,509,330; deficit for year, $30, 703.38, exclusive of the Panama Canal and public debt tranractlo- French Bank Gains Gold PAIIIS. Atl. 21. Tho followlns: nro the prin cipal chaniRH In tho Btutement or tho Hank of l' raiico ior ino weeic cnueu August Rnld .silver Circulation Deposits i.oann & uixcounis Auirust 21 irrancfli , 4,R'i.s.lioil.()00 3:il),3i)(),niio ,111.37(1. 11(1(1,00(1 ' "lo.niiD.ooo 3,(111. liio.ono Treasury deposits. IBH.r.OO.OOU Auruit'27 llrancsl 4,8112.11)11,000 S3M00.IHHI 10.3111,41)0,000 2,120,700.000 3,033,31)11,0110 141,800,000 French Rentes Unchanged PATHS, Aug. 21. Three per cent rentes were 03 francs, 55c today, unchanged. Ex chnngo on London was 2S francs, '7V4o today, unchanged. French 5's r-cro quoted at 89 francs, 9Ec. REACTIONARY TONE IS SHOWN ON CURB Few Exceptions to Establish ment of Generally Lower Prices in Day's Trading NEW YOIlIf, Aug. 21. The samo reac tionary tendency prevailed on tha Broad .Street Curb ns was shown on tho Stock Exchange, with nearly all the importnnt Issues established nt lower prices. There were some exceptions to tho downward movement, however, Zinc Concentrating holding firmly, with snlcs at 4'1.44'i, and Springfield Body made nn advance of 2 points to 85. monitor Sliver was also well held, with sales at 2U0". For a timo during the day Mldvale Steel wns In good demand, advancing Vi to 01 'J, but later lost this gain. Tho motor stocks were Irregular, but most of theso Issues wore In supply nt concessions nnd showed moderate losses. United Motor sold nt C3 14 nnd 03 K nnd Strombere was traded In during the forenoon at 43'i and 43-i. INDUSTP.IA-.3. Aetna Explosives Amerlcrin-Hrttlali Jits .... American Mnrcont Canadian Car Co do pfd Chevrolet Motors Curtlis Aeroplane DrlciiB.Benbury Emerson Phonograph llnskell " Darker Car ... Hendce Mrs knthodlon Jlrnnze prd Mnxlm Munitions Manhattan Transit Mldvnln steel otis Elevator ...."..;;... Peerless Motors l'oolo Enir 2. a ,Kr""'.".w Standard Motors Htrombers Motors Hints Motors Submarine Iloat Trlnnclo Film Kn,.,.,d. -I"0?' Sharlne United Motors U B I. & H com .....".. do pfd White Motors ....!!!!!!!! World Film ..H"".."" STANDAItD "Jnols Prndrl ' ' Pipe ' .' .' .' I '.'''''.'' ! B o c California 51 9".Ji"w Jersey S O of New York OIL. OTHER Oil, STOCKS. co.a5!J S1 . ::::::::; Inter Petrol .......:.:..,,'..' Houston oil ...!!i;!!;r;;!!! .MMeat iter ..:::::::::.: Sabulpa net ........ I ;.":.... I MININCl STOCKS. Atlanta , ll'Suo NTr an,, 2ino :::: First Notional . 2 Til I T 1 1 II 1 1 It " Florenco Ooldfleld poldrield Mereer llecla Mlnlnir ., Jim llutler ....! ". '. . Jumbo, Extension .'.. McJClnley Darrah Maema, Corper .Mines Co of America Nlnlsslnir ?,"n.T,5y. V West End Con White Oalu "!.""!!!"J nid, .. lill !. "K .. 43 .. 70 ..2011 .. 20 .. OS .. 0 4 .. 37 .. 23 .. i7; .. o .. i .. cs;; .. 113 .. 21 , .. DO .. 11H .. 0 .. 43'4 :: T& .. sA '.'. 031 3., :: Bl 5s ..178 ..22(1 ..243 . .207 .am .203 Asked 12 "'hi. 35 80 2IH1 8(1 00 10 -H 30 . 18V Oil 70 23 100 l'-'U L "1 180 22S 2111 200 323 207 Cerro Os ... Mldvale. (!s . Itusslan (I'is. New Ilrlt at BONUS. 3.3,(- ti1 i 10 11 ft Su sr. co M U r, i-io S4 K!) 2 .11 QU m H'i Jfiir 5 7'.i vh "h .oo!i lflllK uu uuk B.A. W- APUBL!C SERVICE 11)33 ll: mm uo lU.'.il to 1U1H 111 18011 8311 lui.i usi: 1830 b3 i 1BII2 8! 1U21 m 1823 SO 1820 01H 1833 11)8 11) 12 100 1823 JOO !r3 "ft iuii U7 ; 1812 fc2 1U23 U!i 103(1 1)2 1810 10011 1941 12314 1831 100 1814 123ti 1851 100 1821 82 1913 U7Vi 1928 102 113i U l'l l)8 hl'i 01 109 101 102') asjj 100 3!1 123 101 125 lut kl SECURITIES1 Public Service Securities era a lien on the success of communities. U, Our PkdIic Service Securities are excellent example! of conservative in- veitment- yielding a hi-Jii return. G, From them you not only get a large yield, Lut the atsurance of safety that comes only with obligations of highly successful Public- Service Companies. C, We now hsve four different Bonds that yield 1st 5-2nd 5'4-3rd 5V-4th 6, G. They are well seasoned and have been issued by companies with unim peachable records. G, We recommend them for invest- ment, and will hand you complete data. Baken Ayliig 0. Yomxs Land Title Bldg. Phlladelphirf ffi03HffiL 3Iil MS mm . j BCU.MARKET B2D4 KEYSTONE, PARK 65S DIVIDENDS DECLARED Harrison Drof. & Co., Inc. regular quarterly of 2 per cer.t on lw common -tock, payabla September 13 ta stockholders or record tieu. tember ,. . , , " Easunsn-Kodak Company, rerular quarterly ot 2b per ivnt on the common and IU mi cent on the preferred, payable October 2 to stock of record September If. Consolidated Gas. Elvctrlo Ught and Power of JJaitlmors. resular, quarterly of 1 per cent on common stock and regular semiannual of 3 per cent on preferred, into, payablo October 2 to 'stock of record September 15 Masnu Copper. rmruUr quarterly of 60 cents a share, payablo September 30 to stock ot record September bv " Spot Wheat Firm at Xircrpool UVERPOOU Aug. 2tSpot what firm, with No. S red winter quoted at Its lid, unchanged; No. 1 northern Manitoba, 15s. a gain of Id; No. 2 northern Manitoba, lis I'd. an upturn ot Id, and No. 3 north, ern Manitoba, 14a SHd, a rise of "4d. Spot corn firm, with American mixed quoted at 10s Td, an advance pf Id, OAd Plata at lis U, unchanged. Flour was quoted at (is, uncha-ged Edward B.Smith&.Co KlTlBLUUto 1682. BANKERS Jcinter- JVeu York anil Philadelphia "lock Exchanges 1111 CuMTNor Snirr, fuiuoztrnu 30 f ikk Srsivr. Niw Yosk INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.496 Recommended by BEN T. WELCH 1323 Chestnut St. UUtEOTOBY Or ACCOUNTANTS I'trtlflyd 1'ublla Aeeoimtaats liAWRBN'JS B. DROWN ft CO. 115 HJiA. B8TATB VfiVWf UVUMmO, OWN tusy ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS . Land Title Building Philadelphia High Grade Pennsylvania Tax Free Railroad Bonds EquipmenU and Public Utility Bonds UEMDEBS NEW YORK AND 1UILADEU?JIU STOCK KXCHANGK . bis UDderlylni arse equity la power, ns fublla properly TAX FREE Utility llond ufiu'jf (alas and csrolu uo PRICE TO YIELD 5 Circular Furnished Cpou Btausst, MELLOR & PETRY 'Umber K, Y. A I'blU. 8tock Exchaaxef 339 COUMEJBCIAt. TUCST UCIUllN'O RiAziERa-Gx INVESTMENT BANKEBS! Broad and Sanson Sta. D1VI11EN1J NOTICES OFFICB OV IX4BBISON IIUOS. & CO.. ESC. -WW Jrogr' Ferry Head d of Directors lkas tlita d&ykdaf tar neriy luvueaa ci s i ntr trutrtl k!VUB yvinuwH LSIUiai 0UJCIK W . PyOM MBUSSUC pt. If if. If nc-rd at It ciiiii) of biilo- Tli Board of Director ta ibU day dvfUrel on th ouutindJB Cvmuuta Cat -ICls wmuor, aiDcklOUiItr o BCttsaio? v, in WllJtWK.K: Sm kuaajjHjKu jyiy gji - I - J . .' - . USti.. A.jJaaraff&fc... '
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