jrr THURS .- fBrJEkJF April 6, jvJIk4'(41 4Z CL.W ncHTURIOHU r . n I gsjTft-.g L'g3a' A. VARIETY OF PICTORIAL SIDELIGHTS ON THE LATEST NEWS OF THE DAY FROM MANY SOURCES 4 . .a . . t Hi ' I'M m liii ' -i j whhhhihe idPiFJkmgi&gif.j'lM?jraa x"v a&sfsff' E27 riioto liy Umlerwoo.1 & Underwood. Ttunrno rtn xipvtiam TVTipnTTTnT a m r a c a c nDAvnra Colonel II. J. Slocum, who was in command at Columbus when Villa mado his mid there (at left), and Major J. L. Hinc-s, official censor, ns they appear in campaign clothes. AT THE PLAYGROUND TEACHERS DINNER Miss Edwlna Ginder'nnd Peter S. Schmid in a Dutch danco at the annual frolic at tho Athletic Recreation Centre yesterday. liTufn" " Photo by Medem. FIRST GERMANS CAPTURED AT VERDUN Both extreme youth and middle age are taking part in .the Teutonic assault on tho French stronghold, which began more than a month ago. Photo by Uedem. "POCKET WIRELESS" TRIED OUT BY THE FRENCH This wireless apparatus, while a trifle large for the ordinary pocket, still can be transported by hand and is declared to give entire satisfaction. PARK GRIZZLIES IN A WRESTLING BOUT These two veterans of the Fairmount Park Zoo were caught by the photographer as they started a friendly scuffle, caused, no doubt, by tho spring air. A GLIMPSE OF A BOARDWALK FLIRTATION That the open season for this favorite outdoor sport is now on at Atlantic City is evidenced by this snapshot by a staff photographer. Note, the spring bonnet, too.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers