EVENING LEmlflR PfllLADBLPHIA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1910, ' u MMMBneMMMMMMMBM. vs gALA BALL WILL MARK' IflOTlI ANNIVERSARY OF FRANKFORD ARSENAL fercat Socinl Event Planned by ttfmnloyes to Celebrate Found- K' jngof Institution Expect m- 4000 Guests INTEND TO AID HOSPITAL Ir.val ninl tnllltnry oftlcern and tlieir !" .S.i. nniilvorRnrv of tlio foundlnc of !!" iL.mt,nnt Arsenal on Mnrch 6 with ino """ iii,.i,u,, i.nii ii.. (he 5r.tiocl.il event of such iTinsnltiiilc over 'Km on the nrounii.1. "The rsennl wns foiiiiilcil Mnrch C, 1816. frt ihd 100 yen" f l,B existence there lins J' onrliil event nt tlio nrsRiint 1S1&. ffw reccntlon to Oenernl Marquis do &.tti. on Hcptcmhor 27. 1824. c...iiilmia in the lilu event on Mnrch G Elm bo sent to tlio tnllltnry mid navnl Seers of the Schuylkill Arsennl. the j,tlnny At penal, iro mi lout, annoy !". vr.i tim various rocrultlnir ofllcers (ho city, all retired officers In Phlladcl uhla. to the Philadelphia members of tlio E?.7l t..i9lnliiro nnd CoiiKress, to city Sf-Talg. and to nil ofllcers of the bnltlo JmmViiIcIi are stationed In this vicinity, foitatlong will nlso be sent to the Orel- KjMc6 Department ni wiiHiiuiKiun. V". EXPKOT 2000 GUESTS. E-,Tho cucsts of honor will number nbout em Four thousand invuntiona win do f..t out. The tickets havo been out of Ke0 . . ....I....... vn ilnl'R. Hnn the- nanus ui mu ,.... ,... hiaiimmI hnvo been sold. it 'The proccedi of the hall will bo to tlio V frank frfrd Hospital, according to I.. XV. rnoody. Vlco clinirinnii oi mo wmrauito in Arrangements. He says nrscnm em nlovca feel Indebted to the 1-ranUford Hospital for tho way In which many of '. ... ,... li.nn trnntpil nt tho lnstltll- IT..' ...i n-nnt tn clvo ilnnnclnl support to he hospitnl nt this time. They expect to dear about $1300. Tho hall '3 to uo ncld 'n tnc ncw t,n hoo which wns completed this month. w ' -.. . ., .. ...Ill 1... itBAfl trt .lnt.nl.ir BTlioscCona nur ' " """ "' """-'" Bin orchestra of 20 members will furnish l,nla for tlancinjr, whllo a band will be R'tsed for tho promenade. Some of tho Ernests will bo In full military nnd navel dress. Others will appear In conventlonnl KetenlnS dress. EXHIBITION PLANNED. To furnish an nttrnctlon for thoso who do not dance, the workers havo planned m exhibition of everything mndo nt the Frankford Araennl. This will bo placed on the first Moor of tho new tin shop. Rnventv men mo working oil-tho nr- Irransemciits for tho evening. Tho Central Committee, consisting ot tho chairmen of Mrarlous subcommittees, consists of 12 Ernen. F f Hraml Is c'lialrnicn and I Miy. Boody vice chahman. Their as- Btbtants, all foremen or various depart ments, Include H Vnnucsrllt, . i--ieiuer, A, H. Hill. K A. jiPincr. J. J. AicrKci, ... HcBrlde. ,T S. Montalne. V. A. Stcumuti. hA. n. Grove and J. II. Gill. W; Colonel GeorBe Montgomery, head of tho girscnai, is imciuiiK iiuj uau in ui niij. ,1 .. l.n ...l.n fl-ci. ..n.'A unvniloalnn fti Eihit function to bo clvcn when the cm- nlmn nf thn nrsennl asked him to allow With oAntmt,ilf,l nftlnlirnllmi tn lm liolil. Utv vvm. ....... .......-. ..v.w.. .u w iSTOUGH CALLS DANCE 'SPOONING TO MUSIC Evangelist Delivers Vitriolic but Amusing Attack on Terpsichore ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Feb. 16.- Jlayor John Purroy Mltchel, of New ilork, who seldom falls to drop In nt he Slielburno grill for n fov-trot when nt hies him shorownrd: steel mncnintes. Supremo Court Justices who waltz light nearicdiy at hotel uauccs, aim tnousanus ii soclnllj piomincnt Phllndclphlans. ,ho danco hero, nro literally beyond the pile today, If tho modern danco Is every thing Evangelist Henry XV. StoiiBh saya III Is. Hero nro a few characteristic Stoush- ferns on dancing with which the resort Is ringing, Blnco a crowd which Jammed tho Jibernaclo last night committed them to memory: (('Highest expression of the decadence of toclety In tho 20th century." Jj,"JIost perfect expression ot vulgarity 'ind obscenity hlnco tho orgies ot Bac chus," "Spooning set to music." ("Musical nnd motional debauchery." t una or tho most dangerous agencies ir capsizing tho moral equilibrium." "Demoralizing and degrading for voune ,?! oil," Whllo the houso roared like a vaudeville w audience. Ktouuh tancoed. fox. irotted, bunny-hugged and hesitated, using S Itlff-backed chair as a dnnclmr "nart. pw." I t eald the round dance was "unspeak- P yiir, oiki nayed tho Hoard of Bdu itUon without mercy for oocnlni; tho Jj school gymnasium for faculty-chap- V" Wf audience enjoyed it Immeasurably, , the town does not like It. In many Sorters Inclined to bo friendly to Slough " iiminiainca ho blundered and hurt CaUSe. Kllllv Tft nor rout of thn lnH. Pit1 Jhurc1' members here are patrons of 'hi?' nna "wy who liave not missed Km y l)a" ,or yea are between tho U Slid tllA rlpdn hlllA nan will, r-aanant fSJ fashionable function scheduled for V'"r nignt, &NDY INSTEAD OF flATlNEfilE ilKDAIi FOR BOY HEROES anosky Boys Carry Sisters From liurning Bed to Safety f'n the eyes of "th phllHron wlin llvo In S,Slf'l.borhoo1 of Snyder avenue nnd '" ni street, lleuben Oranoslsy, 13 3rs Old. and his hrnlher Ttii!i,nl 11 Jru??4, of ilst South 6tn wet. en- fin. "J.,anay lemonade, pie and other M Which make a vounirsler tert linnnv EWhen the brothers wakened up today r iounu niany dainties in their room. Wwma from their sisters. Sadie, a - u, aim Annie, 5 years oldj whom rescued ljst nini.fr ........ n iH i.nAfr Woyed. the Qranosky home. ... ,7'. alm thelr Bisters were asleep tile bed In Which Ihn bIuIam ivam Ping caUL-ht n. ...,. n ... tn.,fi 'r,8,ltencd Slrls shouted for help. fwuuen and his vaum-or hnrn... (,,,h,i tot bed ami ;ii...i.. -i. j ..-... 1 the, i -"." kaitvu incir uittirs r was i,n-....i .. . ... . . ..., -''i'"tl u save my sisters "" l am their liAillii-" ,m t,,k SI fi" be wa8 chewing some of the - e-.cu io nun by hla sisters. Seriously 111 as Result of Fall ' totter, 68 year old, a manu- OI Straw trnnrla afr 7.1. ...! A i. I"' ",Ja '. whose home Is at SOU Utton . .t'"BmUn' ' " a critical ""ion as thn ruii.lf nf n nii .. lil rrftnl nt I.I.. ..t.inH .,. trt u " IHIVBIIK. JVf- ' KB10.IJ. HI- T.. . "c Jersey Leirltlaturo. ami President of the" Camrfen CUy CAMDM WOftBEN HEAR APPEAL FOR DEFENSE Japanese Ambulance Corps Work Best in Paris, American Second, Miss Hill Says The Jnpancso Ambulance Corps ranks aH i1 lU1 I'.olnt "' 'nulpment nnd tho American Ambulance Corps In second. In tlio relief work Hint la beliiR done In I-ranee, according to Miss Elizabeth Hill, of the I'cnnsylvatila Woman'n Division for isntlonnl Preparedness, who spoko to nn '""lUslaRtlc mcctlnB of Camden women nt ..',.? c.PiT t'lhrary last night. We hracsed that tho American Ambu- i,,cf ,(r0,P3 "as tho best In tho field,- she told tho women, "but one day I wns '""' l" ln"o a iook nt tlio Japanese Corps, nicy had been In Paris hut threo days nnd I doubted Hint they could show nny practical results. To my surprise, I found a thoroughly equipped hospital, operating moms, nccldent wnrds, X-ray, nnd other accessories all In their proper places and everything In readlncsi to receive1 the wounded soldiers. I was not surprised. I was numb with astonishment. Hut when I asked n few questions, I soon found tho rensou. "Tlio Japanese Government trains nn nually 200,000 women to go Into tho field In enso of war. Tho 2000 women that aro In Huropo now under the Japanese Ited Cross aro the most efllclent In tho field. They hnve had the trnlnlng, can do tho work nnd put to slmine their fnlrer sklnucd brothers nnd sisters." Miss Hill, who urged tho women to or sanUo a prepnrcdness division In Now Jersey, Is n native of Kavnnnnh, On., hut In tho last seven years has lived In Eu rope. When tho wnr began sho wns In Switzerland, but later went to Paris, where she Joined the American Ambu lance Corps. ' Many of tho women present signified their Intention of taking up one of tho eight forms of work mapped out hy the Pennsylvania Women's Division for Nn tlonnl Preparedness, nnd a mcctlnB will ho called In n fen 'days to select nn Executive Cummltteo nnd ofllcers and perfect a New Jeiscy organization. WILMINGTON WORKERS TO PUSH BOOZE FIGHT Christian League, Organized After Dr. Lyon's Sermon, to Continue Battle U'H.MIXGTON', Del.. Feb. 1G.-A. Clnls tlan Works Lenguo was formed hero hist night after tho tabcrnaclo Bcrvlco by Dr. Mllford H. Lyon to continue his evan gelistic campaign and to promote thcantl liquor movement. Similar associations have been formed In Trenton by "Billy" Sunday, in Allen town by tho rtov. H. V. Illcderuolf, In At lantic Qity by tho Itcv. Henry Stough and In mnny other sections of the country at tho close of evangelistic vninpnigns, "Let Clod havo n chance with your life. Tnko Him at His word." Such wns tho truth tho evangelist endeavored to Instil Into tlio minds of (00 persons last night nt tho tabcrnaclo when ho delivered a ser mon on "Tho Convcislon of a Business Jinn." Forty-six men and women professed conversion. Among the converts were en tire families, and ono notlcenblo fenturo of tho after sorvlco was thnt most of the "trall-hlttors" walked down tho nlsles In pairs. In several cases the penitents wcro man and wife, "You hnvo had enough preaching from tills platform to snvo 10 cities," tho evan gelist said. "It takes decision mid will power to inako this choice. It Is need less to think on thn subject, slnco you rnn'l think yourself Into tho kingdom of God. You must act nnd decide and put forco hack of your decision. "Further, you muht throw yourself In tho way of tho blessing. You must bo a candidate for salvation. Tho elect aro tho whosoever wills and the mineleot nro tho whosoever won' la Some persons seem to think that tho Lord Is n special police man, seeking out thoso who desire or think they destro salvation. IIo Is not. Tho cholco rests with you." (JOOD SKATING IN HUNTING AND FAIRMOUNT PARKS Huntingdon Valley Country Club Also Offers Sport to Members On part of the golf course of the Hunt ingdon Valley Country Club, nt Noble, a lako hns been constructed to provldo skating for tho members. Tho lako Is 70 feet long by CO feet wide, with nhout 4000 square feet of surface. It Is about 100 yards from Old York road, between tho clubhouse and the approach to Noble Station. , Theatrical Baedeker NEW FIjAYH. ADKLPIII "The Two Vlrtuen." with n. It, Sothern and Alexandra Carlisle. A com edy by Alfred Sulrn ilenllne with tho virtues of chastity nml charity. Mhlcli preitchcs again that "the greatest uf these Is charity." I.YH1C Harry t.auder on hla eighth Amer ican tour. The program will contain, be sides many old faorltes. the following now songs: "ho Comes Frao llonnle Scotland." "Jean. My Jean," "Como Hack. Nanny." and others. Mr. Lauder Is surrounded by an "International" vaudeville bill. WALNUT "The Li-w of tho I.and." with Adelaide French, Glen Hevertdgo nnd Frank Sterling. A play hy deorgii Hroadhurst dealing with n murder mystery. In which the culprit Is discovered but freed In the end. QAnniCK "Tnln Teds," with Pay Cox. A rnrpi, hv KuliMhurv Field nnd Margaret Mayo, which deals with the comlo ailven turea of peoplo who mlstnko other people's apartments lor ineir own ffniinPST "Arnnnrl the Man." with Elsie Alder and William Norrls. apod music, bet ter acting and singing, urban s scenery dcsi ot all. BROAD "Pollyanna." with Patricia Colllnre, Effle Shannon and Herbert Kelcey. The "glad girl" of the "glad books'' playing the "glad game" with sentlmencl thoroughness. PHOTOPLAYS. CHESTNUT STKEET OPKPA UOUSn "On tho Flrlrg Line with the Germans," the North American's war pictures, shiiwlng scenes during the Oerman oKenslve against the Itusslans. STANLEY "All week, 'Toor Little Papplna," with Mary 1'lckford, Mies Plckford J; seen is i a little Italian. A Ilurlon Holmej travelogue, entitled. "Tho Grand Canon. A Paramount Flctograph. New films will also bo shown, ARCADIA Wednesday. 'Tennessee's Fard ner?' with Fannie Ward; Thursday. Friday and Saturday, "Mice and Men," with Mar- pXtACn-'wednesday. "The nagamuffln." with Blanche Sweet; Thursday. Friday and Saturday, 'Tennessee's Pardncr," with an nle Ward. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Elsie Janls. Impersonator; Henri, ..I: J. K.rrl. and her IS Paris an mode s. the Farber Girls. In songs, dances and chit ter; Charles Olcott. laJJ'AComle Opera In Ttai Minuter"; Joseph K. Iiernard and pahy. In Wlw Is Bhet"! Kramer anc Ion. "Two Ulatk P"'"' ,J and baolev: Harris and Manioc, In .' JO0CUU ii.iiumu n.tu iu.ii- I : tvntiiicr aim wim- mnei Unci Jerrv at the Opera'; Muse ana nicrnng. acrobats. vn.i .m-i, r iib nf th Totem." Cleo Gas- -'""- VY... n-k. Vanliii.il nmlh.ra coyne, nt. ocu....'.".-----v----- .- raniedlans: BHIjn m-i ..i4 ,-...m"j. ... ij5 K'riP Holmes and Wells, ii-.,.. Tli. I'alJroiu. acrobats. QLOBB-J. Davis. n 'The Klnkald KIUte"t Pllcer and DougUs. dancers; Charles Roder. In I rM Night Doctor"! Tho Panclng Macks. Sek Straus, ocallst:' OlyniDlo Trio. gyro. ";,., Emllle Karlt. ocallst; Charles Kenni. Tho Kour Iteidlugs and Bernlvlc aSS?d nr inKU"Bm Wi.h,r.: lawyer'? LadymKSy Mel' vocalist : .Wilkin, iTTi Xvtiklns singing "lul dancing skit, Uen nltonS'i i'rS Mlldrfd BUlr. acrobats; too Frogman, umtoxtlonlst. STOCK. aMcao?.-'. Airm PlWi! MW' Breadhuxst'. uUy of : BW1T n4 '"rlH' punLBSQUB. MISS THEKESA MILLER Thirteen-year-old dauphter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Abraham Millor, 011 North 8th street, who won first prize in scientific temperance con test at the II. Josephine Widcner School, 13th nnd Thompson streets. LITTLE GIRL'S ESSAY WINS PRIZE; SMASHING OLD TYRANT ALCOHOL Miss Miller, Descendant of the Famous Damzig, Is First in School Competition MAKES SCHOLARLY PLEA Miss Theresa Miller, 1.1-ycnr-olil daugh ter of Jlr. and Mrs. Abraham Miller, 011 Xorth Sth street, a descendant of the fa mous Danzig, one of the ablest codlllersof the Jewish laws, nnd who Is still nn au thority on all questions of Orthodox Jew ish life nnd religion, although he lived from 1747 to 1S20. Is the winner of the first prize offered hy tho XV. C. T. I'. nnti tho Friends Temperance Association in the II. .loHcphluo Wltiener School, 13th nnd Thompson streets, In a sclentlllo tcnipcr ttneo essay contest. ' AVhcn sho won tho prize she was In tho 8-H grade. Her teacher was M. II. Hled ler. Sho was given tho prlzo Just at tlio close of the last semester. Now she Is a student nt tho 'William Pcnn High School, where she was ono of the llrst flvo In her class lo icglstcr In the college preparatory course. She wns graduated with honors from tho Widcner School. Tho essay which won tho prlzo at the Widcner School follows: "A man may claim that ho has drunk whisky till his llfo anj yet Is In a good stato of preservation. Such may ho the case, but to see tho full effect ot his habit look at his children, and wo (hid that they will not compare favorably with thoso whose parents havo not been given to strong drink. "Journal of tho American Medlcnl As sociation. Alcohol the enemy to nil." ARDUNT SPIRITS A MI'NACC. "Our bodies rcqulro good, wholesome food and drink, and plenty of fresh nlr. The most wholesome nud-bcncllclal drink for ono Is plain, puro water. It contains no nrtlliclal flavoilng, stimulant or nar cotic, hut It Is a natural drink which nature "provides for tho welfaro of our selves. Hut nlcohol Is mi artificial stimu lant, and often n narcotic. "Wo rend, heir and perhaps know of families which hnve been destroyed by the use of this ardent spirit. The crav ing for this spirit after Its llrst use be comes wcll-ulgh Irresistible. Instead ot n person making Ids future n happy nnd n prosperous one, ho Is malting It mis erable, lingering nnd hateful. IIo loses his honesty, self-respect and oven his decency. In lime, as a result. "Wo nro horn Into this great world so ns lo mnko It a pleasant ono; to help hulld up tho pirscnt generation so that tho coining ono Miould ho stionger nnd better. AVo nro all given tho snmo nd vnntages, but It Is up to us tn make the best ot them, but thoso who tako alcohol defeat this very purposo because alcohol not only weakens tho user, hut It has been proven to leave harmful effects upon tho succeeding generation. "It is very unfortunate for n. boy or a girl to be tho child of parents whoso brains aro Injured hy nlcohol. Tho child may In herit mental nnd physical weakness nnd Is hound to liavo alcoholic craving some timo In Its life. "Railroads will not employ any Intem perate men to fill responsible positions. They know too well that tho risk of llfo, limb and piopcrty would bo greatly In creased. This rule is being more strictly enforced every year. DKATH IS RATHER QUICK. "Many of 'our diseases are caused by nlcohol directly nnd Indirectly. The first effect which this spirit has on tho body Is to weaken self-control or will. The loss of will is then followed by loss of control of the various muscles of the body, and tlien follows the final stage, where there la total loss of sensibilities, and tho man lives In n seemingly unconscious state. Then death follows rather quickly. "The systemic effect of nlcohol proceeds In the following manner: First the nerves are attacked; this is evidenced by the quick action of the heart and the dilation of blood vessels. Tho blood ves sels of the brain are also dilated and the nerve cells then are stimulated. Thus the brain becomes more active, thoughts flow more freely and the speech becomes more fluent, but such activity shows a disturb ance ot the natural conditions of the body, "The power of right thinking Is gone and the fluent speech In a short time becomes lacking in good sense, The ex cessive use of alcoholic liquors Injures the brain, which Is tho seat of all our sensa tions and consciousness, and changes completely In time the nature of the brain cells. Thus we see hqw one becomes com pletely changed In body, mind and spirit by the use ot alcohol. "tt is, indeed, terrible when we stop to realize how a man is changed by this ap parently harmless yet dreadful agent. From enjoying a full llfo with its bless ings he deteriorates into a nothing, very often pulling Innocent others with him into the pit of misery." Schumaiin-Heink In Recital Madam Schumaun-Helnk will appear at tho Academy of Music Monday, Febru. txry S3, in recital 'for the benelt of the Children's Homeopathic, Hospital. The seat sale will open Thursday, February IT, at Heppe's. PART I. a. Dlo AUmacht v Schubert b. Die Forella Schu&ert c. Ich Hebe dlch , Beetboen d. Ahl men nia a. Me)erbeer PART TWO, a. I)r Coppelgawger b. Kruebliugslahrt -. c Haluinab d. LlebesfeUr . e. Von nwlier iJaoo. t Bapphlacha OJ . . . . g WUanllaJ . .Frariz Ri-huhrt . Robert Schumann ... Hugo Wolf Felix Welnxartner . . . . Joh. lirahms Joh. ZJraluna .Joh. lirahms PART THRE& th Forest Lsndon Ronald 'aafift - ...J. L. Uolloy SoBg ... Fritz Kr.l.ilr-I ujx . . W5 La rtirse 4Ui,F Uvm Laerto UrslvOOBlHtU l Ec.wn la CHILDREN 0FXITY PLAN TO DECLARE Boys Will Draft Articles and Girls Make Flag Proclaiming . Freedom From All Earthly Ills MONTH OF JUNE THE TIME A new Declaration of Independence Is In ho drafted and signed. This Is not tho news sent out by tho correspondents nt Washington. A nnw flag Is lo he adopted. It will not Hy from the public building?. It will not he carried by the standard-bearers of t'nele Sam's regiments. ' Tho now- declaration is to he the chil dren's declaration. The new Mag Is to he , tho children's Mag. They will be ndopted I by the school children of Philadelphia some lime In .lime. Perhaps they will he adopted by tho children of America nt the nimo time. The new declaration will ho adopted In Independence Hall, Just ns the declaration which dcclnrcd Hint these colonies nro and of right ought to he free and Independent States. Tho new Hag will nlso ho ndopted there In the shadow ot the ling Mint flics from tho tower from wlicro the nown of the birth nf liberty wns heralded to the world In resonnnt tones of n hell. Tho declaration will dcclnro that tho Iiojb of this country nre to he freo from sorrow, from sickness, from noerlv nnd from nil the other Ills that make tho lives nf grown-ups ns well ns youngsters inlscrnble, It will ho drafted hv the boys Just as the declaration of old was by tho men of the colonies. Tlio flag the children's ling will bo mndo and designed hy the girls of Phila delphia just as the llrst ling of the country was mndo by 'n Philadelphia woman. The plnn hnd its birth In Congress Hall, adjoining Independence Hall. Children of tho Samuel Huey Public School heard of It thoro for the first tlmo and received It enthusiastically. They heard of It hi tho old Senate Chnmbcr from the lips of Fanner .Smith, nnd they nssured him, when they hnd recited tho snlttto to tho flag and sung tho national niithem, that they wcro back of tho schemo to tho limit. All tho tichool children of tho city nro to slinre In the movement, which is to sprend far beyond the borders of Phila delphia nnd embrace tho childicn of the entire country. It Is n movement to make liner nnd nobler nnd healthier boys and girls, not only for Philadelphia, but for the United Slates. Work on the plan will be carried on dur ing the next three or four mouths nnd details perfected. There will be n chil dren's day in June-tho date to be de cided on Inter, probably by tho Mayor the children's Mayor. The big festivities will bo at Independence Hall. Tho teachers who nccompnnlod tho Iluey School boys nnd girls students In tho eighth grndo nnd as bright a lot ns over you saw wcro highly pleased with tlio plan. So wns Horace T. Carpenter, siipeilntendent ot Independence I lull and Congress Hall. So the Huey boys and girls nro going nliend to bo pioneers In n project that will embrace tho length and breadth of this land. WOMAN WROTE OWN WILL Testatrix Distributed Her Small Prop erty to Avert "Fussing" NORR1STOWN, Pa., Feb. 1C One of tho most unique wills probated In Mont gomery County for years is that of Kllr.a II. Tyson, Into of Norrlstown, mndo In 1312 nnd In her own handwriting. She opens hy saing: "I havo very little to dispose of In the woy of effects, but I abhor russlng over the few little things after I am dead nnd gone, so I mnke n list that may help the family i.nd know what to do with m llttlo things, I want Doctor Miller to havo my copy of 'Romol.i' as a token of my appreciation In patchltu mo up nnd trying to extend life. I leave brother my piano. If ho does not cre for It I should llko sonio ono to havo It whose soul yearns for music." STEAMSHIPS NO WINTER HERE The picturesque scenes and won derful climate of lovely, tropical Porto Rico are only 4 days from New York. Go now. 16-D.y Cruise fA 50 and All Expenses iTCs up ? earner your hot.l all the Mar from New ork( tc. and around the idand. stopping at principal ports, and return. lO.OOO-ton steamers especially equipped for tropical aenrke. Sailing every Saturday under Ina American Flag. Write lor illustrated booklet. PORTO RICO LINE Crokug DspL. 11 Broadway. New York llrunch Ticket Olllce 701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia FLORIDA $31io0 trip $31. oU JACKSONVILLE From Philadelphia every Wed. and Sat. Including meals and cholco of stateroom accommodations. Alt outside rooms. Fins sttamsrs. Heat service. Tickets llmlttd t May 81. Merchants & Miners' Trans. Co. City OUIce. 10S Bo. Oth St. Phone Lombard lUOO. Consult any ticket or tourist agent. WINTER RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. DCsi 7rT ANTtC CIT Superior location with an. I unobstructed view of bfjachj andboarttwalH A recojjmzftd I stanaartTofcaccellance I Ca.iv60d. ynLTXRJ.BU3XQ WJtfSSSMSfa has : jervl XAR0E3T VISUtPROOF BtSORT HOTEL ftWHrryrss." imk ,wmtDJwmteai1tt j lilt ItAOINO ItSOfct HOTCL Of THE WORLD nnaruwrousn-iSRnnm A-TI.A.NT1C OITV. N. J. owaccsMir HaatsiHtaT OBIH WHITt s SONS COMFaNY. WestminatBr"',iy- v- or- Uaeh, Elsr. t .. ? Hi. t' Prlv batha. run. water. 11.60 up dly. ts IU-80 uo kly. Chaa. Buhr. SCHOOLSANDOLI.EGES CTOAVCDIC The Bt IKiainaaa Schtol. ' "v 89107 Cbsstout Streat .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeS. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI-' i HsssssHfif (tsssssssssssssssssssssssssBBffiitssssOn. .tssfl'tjtsssssUlWsssBL. nJessssT DUSTIN FARNUM Who will be seen in the title role of tho new Pallns-Pnrnmount picture, "David Garrick." WIDENI2R I1UYS NOTED PRINTS 9 Famous Collection of 18th Century French Art Acquired hy Philadelphia! Joseph K. Whinner, of this city, has bought tho noted Chrlslophlc collection of eighteenth ccntuiy 1'iench prints from M. ICnoedlcr & Co.. of New York. Tho collection consists of 500 examples nnd Is cousldeied second only to thnt of Union do Rothschild of Paris. The prints weie offcied In Paris recent ly for $300,001 and wero purchased Jointly hy Messrs. Knocdlcr nml Thonius Agncw & Sons, of London. The tcims of the sale wure not made public, but It Is be lieved the pi Ice appioxltnatcd $250,000. Tho prints hno been In tills country only nbout 10 days, tho llrst offer of them having been miiile to Mr. Widcner. Mr. Wldencr's father, the Into P. A. 11. Widcner, was n, noted collector, but this Is tho llrst liupoitant purchase made by Mr. Joseph Widcner M?H Of Till: fiillonhig theatre nlitnlu their picture through the HTAM.I'.Y lliiolilng Cniiiimii), nhlrli Is n guiirantrn nf early nhnwhig nf the finest prnillM'tloiiH. All pictures reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the Ihrntrei In jmir locality obtaining pictures through the h'l'ANLIJY lluuklng Company. A I HA MOD A 1-th, Morris i. rnssyunlt Ae. ALHAMdKA m 1u'i,!,iJ",t,V'; ir-'J ft.?;.' Vnuillllo.t I'arnin't Pictures. HAZEL DAWN "MY LADY INCOtl." ARCADIA nni.dw ioth FANNIE WARD in Tn.swnsyuirH paiidnkii" ADfM I C BSD AND THOMPSON ArUULAJ siATiNUU daily VALLI VALLI in '"Tin; Tt'itMOii; Metro Picture BLUEBIRD :00 NOHTH IIPOAD ST. L'nultnhln 1'renelits MAItlD HMPIMHM LOVE'S CROSS ROADS" nri nfslMT r,-D Anovn markitt tJJtjLlVlLIlN 1 Mnts 1:nn &. 1:30. 10c. i:ks n-.ao, s, ftt.iu, l.io Tiii:oi)om: itnnnitTs & rAiii.Yi.r. iii.ack wr.i.t. in -Mil. HKi:x or monti: caiii.o" BOTH AND fPnAR PAHAMOUNT CLOAK AVIJ. UHiArAK. Tlil-ATlti: ANITA KTKWAIIT HAUL WILLIAMS 111 "MY LADY'S SLIPPER" FAIRMOUNT 20TK ,? avK. Pearl White in "Hazel Kirke" rnlhe Ciold Hooster Tlay In 0 AcIm FRANKFORD m FnANra,D0R TIUANULi: PIMWRAM- Marie Doro in The Wood Nymph COJ Ci. "-d J,at"- 3-3 30 50 OeU Ot. Riiiunm Kg. n.10 tn 11 10c VIVIAN MARTIN in MlinilLY MAUY ANN"- Vox Picture GERMANTOWN ".. MARGUERITE SNOW in "Till! I'PSTAHT"--Metro Picture rl s-iDl? 50TH t MAIIKCT. 2tr.-7-n (jLU.DE K. nnd KIMI1AI.L OltCAN CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in THB YLLLOW PAH8PORT World Feature a-MD A TOTTs AVENUE THEATRE CjIKAKU 7T1I AND OlRARD AVE. MARY PICKFORD in "LITTLE PAL" Paramount Picture lireai lNorincrii okhmant-n aves. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE YELLOW PASSPORT" IRIS THEATRE 3 JSiT0" TllIANni.fi, PLAYS WILFRED LUL'AH In "At'QUrrTED" Keyslone-Trlangla Comedy JEFFERSON !0T" W?1" TZO DAYS ONLY "BATTLE CRY OF PEACE" 1 r A TiTCD FORTY-FIRBT AND LiliAUI'jK. LANCASTER AVENUE CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in CAM1LLE" METRO PICTURES EXHIBITED IN ONLY ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Ask for Metro Pictures As Absoluts Guarantes of Quality JEFFERSON 29TH AND DAUPHIN ORCJ1ESTRA AND PILCHER OROAN TODAY AND TOMORROW TWO DAYS ONLY Performances' Matinee- ami Evening VITAGRAPH CO- PrcMnts "THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE" "A Call to Arms Against War" To Ktgltst Oae'a IMhMv it tn Lou It. To KtgUct One's Country It to Perith With It Ceeuncdara Stuart f-T lil IB "DAVID GARRICK" FILMED BY PALLAS CO. Sothern'a Famous Part to Be Played by Dustin Farnum By the Photoplay Edllor Willi the very Interesting announcement of the Vllngrnph Company that 15. It. Sothern, now playing here In "The Two Virtues" nt the Adclphl, hns signed to makes a series of plcttucs for them, and ho would probably make "David Onrrlek," comes the equally Interesting announce ment Hint the Pnllns Picture Corporation has already completctl "David Onrrlek" with Dustin t'lirmim In the title role. The piodtictlon of "David Oarrlek" In Hints his been going on for the past sev eral months, but hns not been made pub lic bcciiusp of the fact thnt contemplation nf Its riluilznllon wns evident among other producers. Xot even Hie members of the New York olllces nf the cotnnanv were nwmo of the fact that the staging of this famous subject was under way at the studios, In tho title rolo nf the Pallas Pictures lerslon, Dustin Fnruttni Is picsented In n pnrt for which lo Is well stilled, ns will be lenllzctl oy the many thousands who oi c fnnilllnr with this subject, "he chief part of "David GnrrlcU" has proved Irre sistibly nttractlvo lo ninny successors of the elder Sothern, mid only several weeks u go his famous son opened In n icvival of the celebrated piny with grent success nt the i.otilh Thentre, New lork city. Tho success of this comedy it Unglnnd hns more than been duplicated here, Its Ini tial appearance hi this country being pre sented with (Jeoige C. Honlface, at tho Kellv nnd i.con Thontrc. New York, on Mni-h (!, 1S72. Her since It hns been re pcntcdly produced here, starring such famous nctors as Lawrcnco Uarrett, Sir Charles Wyndhnin, Tomnsso Snlvlnl, Har rison L. Wolfe, Hogunle Davison, Nat C. Goodwin, h. S. Wlllard and William J. Kcllcy. K. II. Sothern Hist nppenred In T. W. Robertson's comedy on . obruary 8, 1S73, nt Wnllnck's, ntthough nt this time ho did not nppenr In the role created by his father. It was only last month when Mr. Sothern first appeared 1 the main chnrnctcr. Fully icnllzing the Important position this subject occupies in the annals ot theatrical history, Pallas Pictures has devoted every facility ot Iti, extensive plant townrd tho preservation, for nil time, of the classic. The photoplay Is en- PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO Sodm Corrmamu I IRFRTY unoAD and Jj i D n. ts. l I COLUMUtA LULU GLASER in "LOVII'S I'lLCIIUMAtli: TO AMEIUCA" Logan Auditorium nr MAURICE COSTELLO in THIS C'ltOWN PMNCK'H DOUHLK" f dfj TCT r'2D AND LOCUST LiJJJ M, JlnlH. 1 no uml .I.IIO, 10o Digs. o;;o. 8. o.:io. ir.c Plrot showing of Triangle. Plays In Vet Phlla. .MAIUI liono 111 "Till: WOOD NYMPH" Market St. Theatre S33 "'"$$7: Julia Dean in "THE RANSOM" " tl R A F T " ORPHFIJrVf auitMANTowN and v-,IXrlI-',-'i CHLLTUN AVE3. IILl'LIIIItr) KlIATI'ltl: Helen Ware in "SECRET LOVE" fiRIFNT -D WOODLAND AVE. v-'VII-", Dally Mnt . 2. Ke- n 30 to 11, Pearl White in "Hazel Kirke" PATHE fiOLD ROOSTER PLAY PAT ATF v-u MARKET STREET 1 ,rtJtr-Vlli j0 A M. jus p J BLANCHE SWEET in "THE RAGAMUFFIN" PARK-- nmon ave & daupiilv st. a aaaV rniitliiiioim kIiow 'rom 2,u0-ll.30-ll, ALICE BRADY in "THE WOMAN IN IT" PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET "COI.DEN LIES" THE TALE OF THE GOAT" "Tho Ulrl s. tho (Jame" every Thursday RTAI Til OKRMANTOWN AVE. MlrllVJ AT TITLPEHOCICEN BT. RiciiARt) iiri:iir,nit nml iiosnTT nntcE in "THE GODS OF FATE" DPTPMT 103 MARKET STREET IC,VaH,lN 1 ii l-j.lv vairts okoaX MARY MILES MINTER in "DIMPLES " RUBY MARKirr STREET HELOW 7TII 8TREET TltlAXaiiE PI.A.Y Wilfred Lucas in "Acquitted" SHERWOOD'fh?.MoM Paramount Picture Jesse, T,. Lasky Presents EDNA OOODRICH In "ARMSTRONG'S WIFE" SAVOY 1S,ST:RE,ETET CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE YELLOW PASSPORT" T Q Q A 1TTH & VENANGO 8TS. Grace EHiston in "Black Fear" METRO PICTURE VIPTOD1 A MARKET ST. 1 0 1 J 1. 1 .t AUOVE NINTH FRANCES NELSON In LOVE'S ORUOHILE" "THE STRANOK CASE OF MARY PAGE." 1th Episode, CTAIMI PV MARKET ABOVE 16TH ?nlJKY MARY PICKFORD CONTINUOUS 11 115 A. U. to 11 113 P.M. In 'TOOR. LITTLE PEPPINA 5(ifliSt TIIEATREWli:'.'.." ,lli:i.OW Mat. Dally SiSO ai iili iu .iuuiis ivc,tnu.M . JUK4AfO.Yr PIOTUHB Constance Collier in "Tongues of Men" TOMORROW "TONGUES OF MEN" All nleturea aerure.l thru Hlanlay nkr.C. WEEKLY PROGRAMS Appear Every Monday in MOTION PICTURE CHART tlrely completctl nnd ready for release; on the Paramount prograHt. "Fatty" Arhuckle, tho obese Keystone comedian of tho films, wilt present ft monologue In vaudeville, The subject should be, "The Custard Pie, on the Screen." Tho new studio flro department or ganlzed by the World Film Corporation nt lis four studios In Fort Lee to protect the Immensely valuable Investment marts at that location, had Us first call to duty last week. During tho making of a scene in "As In A Looking Glass" the tteif society drama in which the famous Ene llsh beauty Kitty Gordon Is starred, chafing dish was accidentally overturned and set fire to Miss Gordon's gotrn. Director Frank Crano managed to smother tho flames before Miss Gordon wns Injured, but during the excitement caused by saving Miss Gordon, somd curtains wcro Ignited. StaBtf hands rang In nn nlnrm nnd nt once volunteers who happened to bo present In the studio responded, The fire drill they had undei. gone since the organization of the World Flro Department proved Its value. In n. few minutes, tho lire was under control and the members of the Utephant Hook and Ladder Company were Congratulated on their baptism of flame. M. H. Morhangc, nsslstnnt lo Dlicctor i itniiul A. U'nt.i, nnii wilii'an. tty- ni,.,.- J ,,s invited to tnko dinner with filcmls on the outskirts of New York. Mr. Moi'- halige left by motor early In the nfterhoou nnd arrived nt his host's house nt A:M o'clock. From then on until tho dinner hour ho entertained his host's small sou with a fund of stories. Pleased with Mr. Morliango's attention to her sou, the hostess said: "Alfred chipped his llttlo hands nnd cried gleefully when I told him that we wcro lo have Mr. Morhange for dinner." Alfred certainly scorned to be In good spirits, and Mr. Morhanga felt flattered to think that he was tho cause thereof. Ho lecelvcd it rude shock, however, Just as the dinner hour was nearly over. The last course had been served and the dlncis were leaving the table, when tho youthful Alfred pounded two chubby lists on tho table and loosed a mighty roar. "You broko your promise," ho cried, turning to his mother, with tears trick ling down his 'cheeks. "You broko your promise." "Why, how's that, dearest?" sho In quired solicitously. "I thought you said you wcro going- to have that funny kind of plo for dinner." "What kind do you mean, honey?" "Why, It's that white frosty pio," said Alfred, groping for words. And then he found himself. "I thought," stammered he, "you said wo were going to havo lemon mcrlnguo for dinner." CKNTItAL Chestnut St. Op. House n,Ch,asnt2ut TIID NORTH AMURICAN'S GERMAN WAR PICTURES WKST l'lllLVIlKLPJIIA P.R ANn B2D ni1 MARKET STS. VX"11- MAT. DAILY. 2 P. M:Bfl. Ml'TfAL MASTHItPlKCU BESSIE BARRISCALE in "THH PAINT11P tjQUL" OVERBROOK """roTtAVE, Dot'iii.n TittANtii.i: nn.L rrtOSHI3D Cl'IIRIJ.NTS" WKIIKIt ft riUI.US In "Till! WOItKT OK FltlENDS" n ARDFN r,3D LANSDOWNB AVE. 0Il-Cili MAT.. 2, KVO0;i 30. DIGBY BELL in "FATHER AND THE BOYS" EUREKA 0Tlr MAnKET sts. WILLIAM FOX Presents "THE BLINDNESS OF DEVOTION" With JtOHKRT MANTELL Supported by GENEVIEVE HARPER IMPERIAL Theatre "SSSXi IDA SCHNALL in "UNDINE" NOKTJI Broad Street Casino Bno?.,?eI"' EVENING 7.L-. AND 0 JEWELL HUNT in "RY LOVE REDEEMED" COMEDIES CENTURY R,5,XVT,NrEJDAA!?TALI "A WOMAN'S PACT?' 6 Acu Featuring NANCE O'NEIL "nftp flllCI.E" SOUTH P I A 7 A DROAD AND PORTER ;5v ..w... STREETS CLEO MADISON in "A Soul Enslaved," 5 Acts NOUTHWE8T Q..on..nUnnnn THEATRE lTth ;,;, SUSQUEHANNA AVE. Tr,a.Jl!,;C?yJ'',TrMATlv ROLAND In "THE EDOE OF THE AHV88" ' Trlanale-Kevsinne SYD CHAPLIN in "A Hl'rWATllNB PlltATK" NORTHEAST STRAND 12T" AND amAnD AV1 JOHN LOnENZE In 'THE DESTROYER ANITA STEWART IN "THE CRASH" nTHllll B KENSINGTON IIIMRO FRONT ST. AND JumD,J OIRARD AVENUE "THE TRAIL OF THE WILD WOLF. "Mixed KMs" "A Purs OoM Partner' 'Tele's Awful Crime" "Hilda's Huky lWnar" "SAMMY'S DOUGILFULL ROMANCE" Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday la Motion Picture Chart LAFAYETTE 29H KENSINGTON AVENUE LAST DAY THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE l Tsl JsWMJnBl -J I i "TTr w&BB!e&K "3. HIllailBsisH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers