TV - -Tnig 'M'f 10 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1010 p m pmfmtmmum m i M'LISS DISCUSSES WOMAN BOSS AND HER UNPOPULARITY JChe Basic Reason for Employes' Dislike of the Feminine Executive May After Analysis Prove to Be a Primitive One "rTUJE greatest handicap that a girl can have on entering; the business world JL Is to have a woman bossl" Harsh words, these. They emanated from tho older of two women lunch Ingr opposite me. Bho was a capable-appearing, tntlor-marto person In whoso manner thoro was nothing- of tho clinging vine. Obviously, she had Worked hard for her niche and was determined and equipped to hold It against all comers. The young girl whom she addressed was patently n newcomer to tho com mercial marts, and It didn't tako moro than a casual glanco to roveal tho fact that her first experiences up to dato had not been very happy ones. Tho JugubrlouB way In which sho rolled her lettuco would have testified to that, even If her lachrymose expression hadn't. 1 couldn't hear tho rest of their conversation, although t should Ilka to have known tho arguments the older woman used to drive homo her assertion re garding feminine executives. But such disjointed fragments of tho conversa tion as these floated over to me: anything good, sho grnbs tho credit." "Sho comes In nt 10 herself and expects me to bo there at 8." "Don't let her get anything on you" this from tho senior woman. Later, In an endeavor to find out If "women bosses" wcro really anathema to girls under them, I talked to sovcral women who aro tho BUbJectB of a pettl coatcd monarch. "Vcs," said one sanc-mlndcd woman, Judicially, "I think It's qui to truo, most women that I know would rather work for n man than for a woman. I don't say It's entirely tho woman boss' fault. I think It may bo the fault of the sex in general. "Wornon aro not as good soldiers as men, though It might bo possible to find a good woman general. If a man comes to mo and In harsh, unyielding tonos says, 'Mlsa Ulank do so-nnd-so.' I don't resent It nearly so much as if I had to take tho same order from a woman. "I supposo It's tho old primitive feeling that a man has tho right to boss. But whatever tho reason is, I'd count It a disadvantage rather than a blessing to have a woman boss." "Commercial or professional Jealousy," was tho retort made by tho second woman I queried, "Is the big reason why women don't agree when they're bat tling shoulder to shoulder for success. "Women are petty. They don't Btop to give a helping hand along tho way ns a man would do. They nro ungenerous and self-seeking. They don't seem to realize that there's always room at tho top for ono more, and that, ultimately, an eminent position Is maintained by good work, and good work alone. They fear competition as they would tho plague, Instead of courting It for tho health iness It engenders. 1'vo got ono and sho trios her best to bo broad-minded Sho can't. It's ngln' tho nature of tho beast." I publish theso opinions for what they aro worth, but I don't ngrco with thorn. Generosity of Bplrlt, It seems to me, and a recognition of tho principles of fair play are a matter of tho Individual temperament and character, not of sex. As many mean and petty men walk the earth, I do bellove, as women. Do you ngrco with mo? SEEN IN THE SHOPS Going, Going Gone Somo people considered it a bit Indellcato for Julia Marlowo to put her fleshings up at auction; but certainly tho masculine Individual who proudly boro them off for tho insignificant sum of ono dollar was guilty of a greater breach of taste. M'LISS. THE dress which Is shown In today's Illus tration Is' particularly imei to tho figure of the flapper or the small, slght woman, for Its lines are straight and slmplo In tho extreme. Tho cos lumo comes In whlto or navy blue French serge. The trimming consists of pipings of corn-colored satin on tho collar, cuffs and simulated button holes. The alcoves aro of Georgette to match the frock. Tho skirt Is full, with a smart belt and Bash effect at tho front, ending In tnsscls of corn nnd navy silk. Tho bot tom of tho skirt flares widely, being laid In uox plnlts about the waistline. The price Is 122.60. Tho hat shows a rAtlicr now Interpretation of tho ordinary sailor model, Tho brim has ruffled, grosgraln ribbon about It, plcot-edgcd, Tho lop of tho hat Is covered with taffetas. In black or col ors tho prlco Is J1S. Tho name of tho shop where theso articles may be purchased will bo sup plied by the Editor of tho Woman's Page, Hven ino LEDaen, COS Chestnut street. Tho request must j be accompanied toy a stamped self - Hddrcsied envelope and must men tion tho dato on which the article appeared. THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA, SEAT OF LIFE AND ACTION A SMART AFTERNOON FROCK Fashions nnd Fads The pointed overdrapery gives opportunity to re model last year's evening ilresi. Mnko tho ovor Kklrt of tullo In color to match tho body of tho dress and drapo theso oer whlto tulle. If you wish to wear 5 our new gown for bIx months nnd havo It In Cushion, bo caroful not to fashion It with the present exnggorated full Bklrt nnd nlpped-ln waist, for fash ion whispers a change. Marion Harland's Corner To Cheer Sanitarium Patients "T AM coining to you aenln. As I nm JL In a at Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Adclrra nil communication to M'I.Im, rare of llir Evening Lcdltcr. dido of (lie paper only. Write on ono Dear M'LIss I read and appreciated your nrtlcle In tho Evening I.nnoun tho other evening with reference to "keeping company" and "dates." Now, will you kindly give these "company-keeping" girls a word of advlco regarding their favorite expression, "boy friend"? S. M. D. I am glad to havo tho opportunity to take a "whack" at the "boy friend," May ho dlo an untimely death together with his brother and cousin tho "gentle man friend" and tho "steady." I don't know how ho ever camo Into existence, but I suspect ho was born as tho result of fcminlno cautiousness In Bpcaklng of their masculine acquaint ances. For Instance, if one woman says to another, "Jack Tromley took mo to tho theatre last night"; the second woman, so tho first nrgue3, might bo tempted to subtly seek out this Individual with the theatre-taking tendencies. It canriot bo denied that ho would bo an acquisition to any one's social circle. .But Woman Number Ono prefers that nuch propensities bo con contraTtcd ratrter than distributed. Thcrcforo sho says: "I went to tho theatre with my 'boy friend' or 'gentleman friend.' " It Is an atrocious expression. "Friend" is sufficient. "Mr. Blank" is moro tlegant. Dear 'M'LIss Please tell mo If it is correct for a woman to nsk a man to call If ho has not expressed a desire to do so. INEXPERIENCED. Why not? Men are shy creatures and havo to be helped along, though, of course, subtlety 1b not to bo scorned on occasions like these. I don't bollevo I should ask a man to call If I felt that ho was antagonistic to mo. I shouldn't wnnt him then. But If ho seems Interesting and interested despite his diffidence, I can't see where there'd bo any loss of self-respect on tho part of tho woman who Invited him to visit her. In truth, he might be waiting for that very thing. Perhaps ho likes to play bridge or choss, or tlddledywlnks. Ask him. If his eye glistens with in terest, drive homo the direct Invitation. If he receives your remark languidly, rfon't bother with hlra. Dear M'LIss As you say, hedging Is a characteristic of a diplomatic man. Thcicfore, as to your question as to which Is moro to bo desired in a woman beauty or brains the answer is, correctly, both. Both, I repeat, in a curious mixture. A sufficient amount of brains to enablo her to at least give an appearance of keen and sympathetic Interest when ono arrives in the evening and dovotcs much valuable tlmo to rehearsing his wonderful achievements of the day. A sufficient amount of beauty nay, moro than a sufllclcnt amount no one ever heard ,a man seriously accuse a girl of being too good looking when he was in no danger of being ousted from an insldo position to enable her to present an appealing picture as sho looks up at him, and, by her very attitude, impress him with the fact that thero is no man capable of doing tho work or setting tne results than ho alone can do. Does this not require brains as well as beauty? Certainly, from personal experience It has proven to bo the case time after time that a girl who Is good looking, but without gray matter, simply can't nppear sympathetic, so much so that ono erects monstrous and, needless to say. foolish air castles for no apparent reason than this delightful attltudo. "VYe like beauty. We admire brains. But wo lose all senso of perspective at a combination of tho two. AMOIt OMNIA VINCIT. Dear M'LIss You ask which Is more to be desired In a woman beauty or brains? I have no hesitation whatever in answering brains. Tho woman Whose sole asset is beauty will, no doubt, bo courted and admired by tho man of refinement; but It is tho woman with brains he will marry. Such a man expects his wife to be intelligent and interesting. Ho expects her to bo able to discuss with him, and with his friends, tho ordinary topics with which a woman of education and refinement is, or should be, familiar and to under stand, and, in the main, to appreciate his views on each of these. A woman with beauty and no brains is simply art animated picture, or doll, and however beautiful to the eye can never appeal to tho heart. , A BACHELOR. sanitarium. I am lonely times and should like to know If any of the readers of tho Corner would send mo somo short plays, so wo could btudy up nnd give them to other patients to cneor them. I wrlto to thank the Corner for Its kindness In sending the hnnneis. Our cottage looks flne. Wo could use more If any one has any to spare. "MRS. L. A." As will bo seen, tho application is from the resident of a sanitarium, to tho In mates of which wo havo had tho privilege of ministering In the past. It has been cur pleasure to brighten somewhat tho room nnd dally llfo of tho member who nppenls to us now. I need not emphnslzo her petition. Sho Is grateful for tho rays of light the Corner has shed Into tho gray obscurity of dally exlstonco in tho "home," we would fain mako yet moro worthy of the dear nnd holy name. Wilte for her address and ndd jour quota to the beautiful work. Children Want Reading Matter "Hns some kind friend old copies of young people's magazines which ho or sho would bo wllll.ig to pass on to a fam ily of eight children? Tho fnther Is dead, so they aro supported entirely by charity. It would please them much to bo so fav ored. Thoy lovo reading nbove all things. nnd reading la tho only thing that keeps the 15-j car-old boy from the streets. "J. W" Any old or new numbers of young pco plo's magazines will bo ncceptablo In a family that loves reading above all things else. It Is an Innocent enjoyment that keeps tho 15-yenr-old lad off the streets at night. And young people must be en tertained. Would Welcome Organ Music "I read In tho Corner that K. II. P. of fers organ music. I should esteem It a signal favor If I could bharo In tho dis position of this donation. I love music with all my heart and I can buy but little for myself. Organ music would bo espe cially welcome. I can make ox client uso of It. JOSII3 L." It I were not obliged to tell you that the collection of organ muslo offored by our generous member was given away bo foro we nnd your lottcr you would havo heard from us by mall. As tho matter stnnds wo crave a supply for your uso. Will those who sympathize In this wom an's love for her favorite instrument over haul portfolios and shelves In search of treasures they can sparo for her? Recitations of Ail Kinds "As ono elocutionist was fortunate In securing recitations through the Corner, I thought I would try my luck. I am anx- AII communication nrtdrrnneil to Morion llnrl.uiil Mioulil Inrlono n Mampctl, Hflf mlilnvmrri cm dope mill a cllppliiB of the nrtlcle In which 5011 are liitrrmtnl. Per noim ulslilnir to nil In the chnrltnlila work of the II. II. ('. should write Marlon llnrlaml. In enre of tliln pniier, for ntl (IrrnscH of those tliey would like to help, nnd, limine recelteil them, communicate direct with these parties. Dy WILLIAM BRADY, M. D, "I ALL It hist tho medulla nnd never , a retatlvo term, J mind Its shape. It Is the upper en larged part of the spinal cord, tho bulb, nbout an inch long, nnd lies upon tho base of the okuH Just within the opening where the spinal cord enters. In tho medulla aro tho nerve centres which control the most vital functions the centres of respiration, swallowing, breathing, tho vnBomotor centre, centres governing heart nctlon, tho sneezing cen tre, the coughing centre, the centre gov erning tho act of vomiting nnd others. In this little medulla of man, a tliua ture you could incloso Ima nutshell, life resides. Other parts of tho brain arc essential for conscious efforts: tho spinal cord is essential for carrying Impulses to and from tho brain and tho limbs, but llfo itself requires only nn Int. ct medulla. Tho breathing centre lias been supposed to bo tho vital point. When It Is de stroyed the animal feels no dcslro to breathe. But It Is Incorrect to pay that death occurs simultaneously with the cessation of brcnthlng. Any normal per son enn hold his bro-th -10 seconds, nnd by first breathing Just a trlflo moro deep ly for two minutes, ho enn cnslly hold his breath for two minutes. Ono student held his breath eight minutes, another ten minutes, by Inhaling some oxygen i.i v,nfni-n tho ipnt. Probably tho near est nppronch to instantnneou death Is a powerful electric shock through tho me dulla nnd brnln. Even then tho heart may continue to beat feebly for a time. A person drowned may be to all appear ances dead no henrt bent, no breathing nnd yet bo resuscitated If tho bystander knows how to perform Hlincffcr's method of nrtlflclnl respiration, which ovcrv child enn learn In a fow moments. Death la ASK FOR and GET HOKLSCK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED EV11LK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same pric BANQUETS N I'nrilra un to 1150 nernoua accommodated at our nulls 020 Market Street and 1221 Chestnut Street MENUS, BOe Vl HANSCOM'S Office. 734 Market Street A lous to get recitations of nil kinds and would gladly pay postngo. SUSAN I." "Recitations of nil kinds" grnnt3 gen erous leeway for our Junior members of like tnstes Instead oi throwing away ntiny iccltations you havo used onco and again, copy them neatly and send to us for tho address of Susan I. You will Bio pleasure at slight cost of tlmo and thought, nnd n I-cent stamp will do tho rest. , Has No Girl Chum "I am a young stenographer, living with my parents, nnd should llko to mako tho ncqualntanco of a girl about 20 years of nge, of good, respectable character. I havo no girl chum. I thank you In ad vance for any help you may bo ablo to render me. MABKL M." Wo havo introduced divers "chums" to ono nnother. and we .should like to find ono for you. With this end In view wo hold your address. Let us hear from you again when tho correspondence is an accom plished fact, and may that bo soon! THE CHEERFUL CHERU& 1 A.r tko. of hvsy Polka, I Viorttr the whiz of pssinc? yee.r.9. Let other peopla rrvc.Ua. the noise. I'll just be. one who .sits tina ne' R.TCfttvJ No one can say really when llfo ends, excepting In our arbl-ti-rtri. fnohinti nt dcflnlnir death by tho cessation of henrt-bcat nnd breathing. In the medulla llfo resides. And In ono llttlo point tho very centre of life is sit uated. What do we find when we scruti nize this area under tho mlcroscopo? We find cells, protoplasm. Ueyond that wp can never hope to see with theso scaly eyes of ours. Of course, there Is some thing beyond that. It is what various people call Allah, The Great Spirit, God. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Thinning the Blood I am Informed that ono part cream of tartar and two parts epsom salts dis solved In 20 parts of water, leaspoonful on rlBlng and nt bedtlmo In a little cold water, Is good to thin tho blood. Is It truo? Answer It would tend rathor to mako the blood moro concentrated. It would tend to lower blood-pressure which, we fancy, Is whnt peoplo mostly need when they tlilnK tney nave too mucn uioou, Pnln and Cancer Ii pain tho first symptom of Internal cancer? Answer Not nlways. Cancer may bo far advanced heforo pain Is noticed, nnd It may bo painless throughout. Consolation When In disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, I all alone heweep my outcast stato. And troublo deaf hsaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself nnd curso my fate. How to Wash . Chamois (M Tho best way to keep your mJw gloves In good condition Is by ..?.? them when they becomn hMit, w,h'n ntiil wnf tvAldtiH tiMiii if . "l"l: "I? lney 6om4 i-toiS notlceabi, on J enough to walk off." M the poDUl,f 3 presslon has It P l4r 2 "ictliod which Is g00d. J nui WHICI HI1U lllSSOIVfl a BOOrl wt.1,.. "II In It until It becomes like telu! 1 fl nlovn. W.t? 'Mil has cooled, place tho gloves 6n th.i!Ah and wash many times In It, "'' jiuHK mem up in a wnrm i M allow them to dry naturnlly!i?JM ? not be rinsed at nlllin.t Z,lh'y hin! suds to remain In tho chamois th!k,;'lf to mako it soft In texture. ' hey hly These directions apply i0 .... , M and yellow chamois. bolh kltjl Yet In theso thoughts myself almost de spising, Happy I think on Thco and then my state, Like to tho lark nt break of day arising 1'rom Billion earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate. For thy sweet love remembered, Buch wealth brings, Thnt then I scorn to chnngo my state with kings. Shakespeare. 1 - I I Antoinette Cleansing Cream BOp nnd 7.v n, iJi . ORlcnl substitution r, Bap nnd water. It i, frirrni c ennslnp. nnd clears ihYeiSr plexlon. h no equal. COm hops.""' CUn,Cr" of th kt Mnntifnphi... 70S Handera Illdir.. 18th A vln,,i Itnl. Ibfll "Mns. BABY MILK (Dr. ancrtner'g modification!) Ideal at Weaning Time Highest Erndo milk carefully moitl fled in our special laboratory ! t iSa tho normal baby's needs, rresli dllir in (1 oz. nurslnir bottles at B eenii ' Most nnd Snfentl It W heir,. keep Imby wolll Printed mitteV "lift valuable hints on feeding mailed frli on request. '"' Ask your physician. Abbotts Aiderner Dairiei 3IST CHKST.nIt 8TS. Phone Daring 205. Women Do the "Work Miss l,enn ABhwell, tho well-known i.uuuuu actress nnu theatre manager, em ploys a woman stngo manager, electrician and limelight operator. MILLIE AND HER MILLIONS (Copyright, 1015.) ' 1 CV, i 1 . B DOMINIC f )AM 1302 WALNUT STREET !' i" jj ' ADVANCE j JS Lroc mmJ0 ' spring iiXdi Uly OFFERING B 1; e are Presenl'nS an cn- Mli Cikii&Si'm semble of new spring fabrics, ; rf7f Jt!Ls5lk& .s 0 embodying colors and de- ImSy The Fountain Bl U IAJLJ Rns that represent the Wtest ir of Perpetual YouthJj fX , thoughts within the broad j ! This rcmnrknblo Liquid TIenn- 1111 X V .1 TCalm OI taShlOn. I filler Is, In fnrt, nlmost a foun- , V iOv? I ' tnln of porpetual south, for It XVs- I I7A TJfV A MT CDIDT ! J mitorcH that frcBhnosa nnd , ' fAIlL I AJNIJ M UK. I 'I vlBor, thnt softness nnd smooth. I I 1 I neus to tho sliln which nro i I QIIITC I usually seen only In outhI Use H I . uUlld I I Iji Dalntee uluios! Ill 1 I I At your drucclut'n or nsk Ml' I 1 Ct : .1 1 I ' him to cet It for sou. Price 00c. I, I juuwhib we uuvancea ,, i III k iirnilliiili I'jiil I'llTliililiilillil'ii'iii'liiliiliiii'liiPiiii in. I ii ii.iii;'nl 11 1 1 1 weaves with many " I s Regularly $55 to $65 IV I , in j s5p s9 sSfeg ,n tvyj-PP t 5wO- i 2n ii i i.i irrl Dominic cuti.fiti and pTionath I T lf "Y , yiJiSy l O laptrinttndi tht makinr attach g Bradley Market t "( an'v"yM ; THE JUICE OF " FresK I fj2tPf ' 111 OUR MEAT Ct i . t&&m X C J C CL rifm f is a tonic, when a 5trawbemes pSk, Xj oxvn and Jbur bhop mi I Bradley Roast is served Why not break the AltelT foMho Nationaf ' " 6MH I io lurie amount. Of tm- iiiunuiuuy ui ucsacrts oy M ik " XJWaSA v II tritioua beef's blood is servinp delicacies of the Ii grwCw 1 noticeable as well as al- se"on.? , , , 4 &Vir&W l m acceptable. beSVe 'SpS IPJ II Who wants to eat dry tasty; so is all of our J?r& , 0Ar w j- vxeatl fresh produce. 'w-qx Cot- lwUo' Bradley M. Meriano Wm 11 II Locust 70 Race 1156 Locust 3660 II &&$ W l Jn yj Market at Twenty-first Street y' WMrM "Dress-Up Week" to be celebrated from March !7tb to April 6th, 1916. Our gathering; of the latest im portations in Ready-to-wear Suits, Coats, Dresses and Waists for every occasion, attractively priced, awaits your Inspection Tailored Suits and downs made to order from the most exclusive materials. J. ULRICH 1200 Walnut Street STARVATION IS APT TO MAKE MEN DESPERATEJl BY THE WAY. MONTY IB006HT A SPLENDID B0QK ONWHY5ICALCOLTUR& AND HY6IENETODAY rMMONrJSTOTHeRTrllNGrl IKURQISHMU. IHAD FOP HRPAh-FACTlilAr -t HYCieiiETQPAY v-- TOOHuJ-y ' WrS " AWttffi TWdStinG FOR I'D RATHER OieV 'STHlftlLUEy (OLO BOY VC Kfe? Jiwrt I Hi ( TO JandtujO DioflfHPf) AiuHier J l THAN DIET v 5 ' OeClOeO TO 60 J vWlVAfS OODLES CATCH ( J (( )DAH6L?HAf t&XvWs) gT JHLT ) BYWHATTHC J fflWb. MS W ANYTH.NOJ I -" Mr made you Fee u cJ Um T1 V? ' Jf Zooksms 5 I
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