iKM. i itjiJuujijLijiiwmiftijymfiwL iw-wtMPiiiwwiiap-Mp'ft 'wwwMWMiepi r 18' EVENING- LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1C, 1016' When in Search of a Better Position Advertise Your Capabilities in the Paper Employers Invariably fteati MUSltJAX. INBTHUMEKTa R VTCTOIl VICTROLA VI, Including SI se lections (12 10-tn. D. r. records):. this Instru. tnl has 11 double spring and nil IM latest teuton. Including 4ha new concert sound box, and Is an excellent machine In every wayi can be paid for at the rata of T5 cents veeelily: call or write for complete description! and large llluttrated catalogues. HEPPETH UPTOWN BTOREB Corner 6th and Thorn p ton at. $500 rnAYnn-rtANoa REDUCED TO WIS ffisay payment elub plan If deaired). DIG SAVING IN OTHER PIANOS We nro solo distributer for the celebrated Whitman, I.elpsto nnd Weydlo Wenkelmnn makea. PIIILA. TALKINO MACHINE CO., INC D00-0O2 N. Franklin t.. Phlla. l'lAtfO Gabler Upright, In mahogany case, medium alie, good condition. S4". HOWARD VINCENT. KM Al&fllO N. OTH Eatnbllahed BO Yeara. PIANO Full-alie Weber, coat 1500. In geod condition. $133. HOWARD VINCENT. MO-MS-SIO N. OTII Established 80 Years, PIANO CMckerlng Upright, good condition: coat t'OO: can bo bought for 1110: tenth or eaay terma. HOWARD VINCENT, R10-MS-S10 N. OTH Kstabllaiied nil Years. PIAXC Chlekerlng Upright, beautiful mahog any caae. like new: coat $350. First reason Jhle, offer accepted. IOWARD VINCENT. MO-RH-SIO N. OTH 4 , Established 50 Yeara. PIANO Angelua Player, bench, mualo end mualo, cabinet, nil In elegant condition. J1S.1 cash Or terms made tn ault. HOWARD VINCENT V-W-MS-IIO N. CTII Established SO Tears. frlANO Emerson Upright, full alio, mahogany caaei a very lino Inatrument Can bo bought on eaty term, nt n great bargain. HOWARD VINCENT. Md-KIS.RIO N. CTII , Eatnbllahed fifl Teara. PIANO Baby grand, In handaome mahogany caae: exceedingly small, only In use two montha: cost IT.V): will pell for fW3. Easy terma could bo arranged with rcllablo party. fo not mlia thla opportunity. OWAHD VINCENT. RIO.K39.RI0 N. CTII uauiniianon 00 xeara. PIANO IMS New Unrlpht piano. These pianos were made to eell for $S7n, $100. $3.10. Guar anteed for 10 years. Having purchased the entire Block of these 1015 Rtyle planoa of a Iiromlnent New York manufacturer nt rldlcu outly low flRUres, I will closo them out nt rrlrea never before heard of IOWARD VINCENT. MO-M8-810 N. OTII Established f,ft Yeara. pLAYER-PIANO Knabe, full size, mahogany caae. like new; will sell for I2M. HOWARD VINCENT. K1O.S38.fH0 N. OTII Established M Yeara. PIANO Fischer Unrtght. full alio. In good CI1U IliDll, ,, .till. 10 n- Kirn, unin.,. ... ,R n.t.t . .Mian. liI.a.lH JiUWAllU VICUl..-! MMn'MW - OTII Eatnbllahed B0 Yeara. PLAYER-riANO-J2T3 will buy new RS-note player-piano. Wo have 10 of these instru ments in stock nnd It will pay any one who really wanta a plover-piano for one-half the original price to call nt our factory or write for particulars. Lose no time, na theae few Flanoe will aeon be eold. Torma made to ault. IOWARD VINCENT. Md-RM-mO N. UT1I n.stnniisnei in, ipiiiw. PLAYER-PIANO Electric, foot and hand. In use two montha: coat 11000. Will bo aold at a ridiculously low figure. HOWARD VINCENT. KIO-MI-RIO N. OTII Eatnbllahed Bfl Yeara. lift CASH: IBS. l weekly, for mangnlllcent HG0 piano: been uaed: decided bargain. TODD ft MICHENBH. 1103 Columbia ave. 1100 HANDSOME Lcatcfr mahogany upright arand. guaranteed: coat $.',00; open ovenlnga. TODD & MICHENER. 1003 Columbia nve, t65 HANDSOME upright piano, good condl- tlonr ooat WBO: open evenings. TODD ft MICHENER. 1003 Columbia ave. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, allver. platinum, plated ware, old- atyle Jawelrv. teeth platea bought tor caah. get. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Banaom. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold, aliver, platinum, falae teeth. I'hlla. Smelting A Ret. Co.. 1 B. 11th itr CA91I paid for dlnmonda, precious stones, gold, allver, platinum, false teeth. Reliable R. fining Co., 9th and Walnut ata. OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold, allver, antique clocka: will call. Bell phone, Locust 121l: ROGERS. 27 8, 17th at, MtlNTINO SOCIETY engraving, wedding Invitations and vttltlnp cards, embossing and printing. Card Shop, 1001 Chestnut at. Open evenings. STOBAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE SOTII ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVINO, SHIPPING Ruga, Carpets, cleaned, acoured, atored, Bell. Locust lOflO Phones Key.. Race 41B0. JJTOELITT FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES Mll-lola MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAOE WAREHOUSE RtnrHVM moving, packing, aMppIng, carpet cleaning. Ph. Raring 732 for estimate. Market and 37th. McCANN'B 8TORAOE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th st.; moving, packing, shipping; auto vans. BolJ phones. Let ua estimate. WEST-PHTLA, MONARCH STORAOE CO. WEST PIIILA. Auto packing and shipping. WEST PHILA. 3870 LANCASTER AVE. FIREPROOF. Mothproof. Concrete Warehous-.. N. Phlla. Storage Co., 20X1 Lehigh. Tlo. 7250. Planoj and Furniture nought and Sold. STORAGE In separate rooms: moving, pnek. ,nS' .shipping and carpet cleaning. LEVIN RROTHERS. 2018 Rldgo nve Toplar n024. MOVINO and atorage: prompc service, lowest I?.' 2178. M. BROWN. S34-H(l N. nth. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, falie teeth, feather beds. broken Jewelry, gold, allver. diamond bought. 733 Walnut. Walnut 70211, Est. 180)1 BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, pistols, coins. Coin books, with prices I pay, mailed. iric. J. II. . Boaa (People's Store). 200 8. lltli. Wal. USa. v CAST-OrF CfXTlIINO Wevtuy your old clothing nnd Pay more than ether dealers for clothing, hats, shoes, etc, Purd. BOS Callowhlll at.: send noatal. CAST-OFF clothing bought: best orlcea paid for men's goods: write or phone Walnut 0803. SCIIULTZ. 227 N. Oth at. CA6T-OFF CLOTHINa-Hlgheat prices paid for ladles' and men's clothing, hata, ahoea, , etc; phone Poplar 3801. niacker. 1230 Poplar. CAST-OFF clothing, high prlcea: ladles' ev"g gowns, rents' doming: postal or oh. Market 2000. Sellgsohn. 8th and Spring Oarden. FURNITURE bought for cash; parlor, entire house, olllce turn., stock of stores; It will Say to consult us before telling. Ennls, 212 . 8th. Phone Wal. 1MB. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques i entire or part houaea liought for cash; no matttr now large, j. iiernsiein. 13.14 mage ave. PAPERS and all kinds of junk bought; will call. Malachlck. 3TB. f,Cth. HIGHEST PRICES paid for diamonds, old fold, allver. platinum, faleo teeth: alio pawn Icketa. 1300 Filbert at.. 2d floor front. HJOHE3T PRICES paid for aentlemen'a suite. oi UMinonqga B. I'none walnut 17.n. WANTED Martin guitar: also leathe A. Remington, 1833 I'lno st. BOOMS FOR KENT ARCH, 2023 Desirable single and double rms., prly. baths, well heated. 2 up. Spruce .laua. SOYER," 8T,. 8539 (Otn.)-Large front room, fum.. for light housekpg.: reas.: Otn. 2ID2 J. BROAD, N.. 021 2d front, 2 rooms, kitchen ftte. bath, furnished; phone: 110 week. Pop lar 203 W. PETEYIt Looks Like Petey's Hot Air Started Something : : : : : : ByC.A. VOIGHT m l 1 ' 1,1 ' ' II - 1 3E tTp " ' H-r"D7T f Twats Twe STupA CoioX C00 fiT oaBD M Mon lis I X ( BATH EsERV I JUSED f DAN U J f?E To 1 - V.SAMT S&T &M ( Qu Hott.es3,W0 t Sm h (d WHS' THaIic) Tl) )MTEAn., , I HV)CM-WR CbLO ENOUCH 7 & ABOUT .'--IT ) S, M ' ( H JmM aqp vou jl Mi y7 M q wt ho js vSi I jwujw uj wmiiiv!Auunm'miwi'W"Viimimwm mtmvrwrmmmwm - ? - i "n i j mini i" n nn iifi ( u i u i " ipssi..a.....16aliir,'. s-n .. uta-a liillTta-wn 3 il.sipi , sjiWii ttn.n,i,.,J f - , l fi,HrT " ' "- i mjiiii'ti,' l "I ii "" 'Mmjvwa. rooms Fon rent BROAD. B., 2101 Nicely furn. room, 2d floorl .jyectrlcltjjueam heat; genUemenjireferredi CHESTNirr. -tnoo--2 communicating sunny rpoma! excellent nelghborhoa) : near L ata- tlon: nil conveniences. CIIESTSFIJT- QrtrK-.l')rlpabU MpnillMAr ,mm . anq nam. w -V-T..!-- .... ...w.... -. ...., ....v. ,uu, vlth nil conveniences. COLLEGE, N.. 20.11 neituHrttllv r,inthA.l 2031- prlato home: southern exposure; two ha'ha; "iijiieaiea; win rent mw rooms rensonaniy; breakfast, optional. DIAMOND, ilOO-Two nicely furn. 2d front., comm. chean; children nccepted: phone. OIRARl) AVE., 1005 -Nicely furnished front. ateam heat. Pnplnr2000. OIHARD, TV., lni.1 Kurnlshed or unfurnished , room: reference, private Inmlly uii,i;. .- in.ii tnrurnisnen Fitting room adjoining hath; plenty of heat, phone. MASTER. 1215 Newly furnished room for two KPmiemen. eouinern exposure: conv.: pnone. MONTGOMERY AVE., W llll-Well-furn. 2d- siory rooms, atijoining nitn. unm. niua v PINE. 1.114 Largo 3d-floor front room, con-o- nini in nnin; rererencea exenange,!. SPRUCE, 1337 Rooms, aingie or en aultet prl. hatha: prof, offices; Rteam heat; elec'Vy. PAHRTmi. 132(t-Iirgo front room: comfort- niiio nnn convenient: reaa. I'opiar "is1 v. PARK AVE.. .VTT 17,17 Housekeeping suite nnd other vacancies for refined people; conve nient tn trolley: reasonable. Diamond 3H7.1 J. PARK. N.. li.lrt Very dealrablo largo fnr- ni-iipi rnoni lor genuemi Phono Diamond 5475 W PAXSON. N .2"- -Nlrelv fiiptv mnmm nrlvef romny; : mln to 52d st L. Preston 1071 W. PINE ST., 140H-Single room, near bath: south . em exposure Phone Locust CS12 ,1 RIDGE AVK, 5310-Nleelv " furnished room: conveniences. Phone Diamond 4001 ,1. SI'Rt'CIJ 1129-ntrnlsheil rooms, " don bjo and single: reasonable Phono Walnut 81ns. SPIU'cn'ST .JSfS rrnnt room, fiirnlehed, run- nlng unter. nlso other nrTnres jihone. SPItrrn, 1020 I.nrco 2,1-floor front" room; private bath auttnbte rnr Inn gentlemen. VINE. 5711 Two ndlnlnlng rooms. unfurntPheJ- econd floor: third-floor front, furnished. WALNUT AND I4TII-TMO ntll Two ntlrnctlvelv fur- hlahed rooms. Ferond floor: south' iern exposure; for gentlemen: excellent tnble The Clermont. Phone Raring 7522 W. WALNUT. 4.111 Rooms, furnished or unfur nished. 3d or 2d floor: hatha- sunnv nnd well entllnted. rhonpPreetnn 4412. WALNUT?. 1727 WlllTent parlor. unfurn..wlth uso of kitchen: also 3d floor: private family. 13TH, N, 11.15 Furnished nrnrtment, 2 rms.: . private hath, kitchenette; nlso Jngleroomi 13TH, R.. 2IIV Nowlv furnished rooms; mo,H em conveniences. Phono Walnut 0403. l.vrir. N., 078 Furnished rooms, nil conven- lences. Poplar OI4I. - lflTH. N., 1721 Comfortnhlo 2d-room suite, bath, modern home; no housekeeping: phone. WTIf. S , 31 Well-furn. rooms 2d floor; run- nmg water, prunte imih. locust .iniz, 27TH ft PARRISH Attrne. furn. room refined inmuy. young man; rers. i'opiar 71 u w 60TII. 8.. 131 Handsomely furnished 2d-l1oor sunny rooms: electric light, hot-nater heat: restricted neignnornnon ; private: -'none. BIST. S US Attractively furnished front room: well heated: phono Belmont 1140 J. 4404 CHESTNUT Lovely rooms, nrlvnto bath: furnished, unfurnished: dining room. PRIVATE FAMILY. 3 minutes from queen Lane station Gcrmantnwn. has furnished room for single gent. Add. C o.in Led. Off LARGE, sunny, 2d-atorv front room near liith nnd Spruce for gentleman: roferencca cx- changed. H 850, Ledger Centrah LARGE 2d-floor front: nlso 2 pleasant 3d floor front rooms, furnished: no chlldron: references. Woodland 100", L COMFORTABLE "front room, reisnnahie io renncfi pariy: private rnmnv. woodin. l',,i v. PRIVATE family. 411 S. rooms; board optlonnl. 51 st st. Niceiv furn. Woodland 2200. ROOMS "WANTED YOUNO couple des. 3 rooms nnd bath: West Phlln., near Tark preferred. C 105, I-ed. Off. BOARDING DIAMOND. 2007 Large rooms, south, expos. lire, single, en suite: table hoard Dla. 2453W SPRUCE. 1221-20 fllrlsmonde) Furn. rooms, single, en suite: nrlvnto baths: table board. 12TH. 183S Third floor, communicating rooms. Bmnn, vr fn nuiwj iioitrii umonai 2UTII. N.. 2025 2d Hoor front, with board; reasonable. Hell phone. Diamond 4422 J. 10TH. N.. 32 Attrnctlielv furnished rooms; excellent tnble: phone. sunny 44TH. H 234 Two desirable vacancies 3d (1 . with board ; newly papered Preston 013S-W. Suburban OVERBROOK Gentleman can have front room, with hath, board; family of 3 adults; 110 week. M "48, Ledger Central, BOARD WANTED SINGLE, elderly gentleman desires board In private family in Germantown; wants com fortable room, with conveniences State terms nnd location. C102. Ledger Office. LARGE, well-furnished room, with first-class board, for gentleman nnd wife In Logan, within walking distnnco of Reading 8tat)on. J 141. Ledger Central. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location; special sclentlfle care; nervous, elderly: every comfort: nurses. Booklet. Dr. Randal, City line. Chestnut Hill APARTMENTS WALNUT AND 11TII STS. (3. W. Cor.), mod. suite: exceptionally nttracttve; high ceilings: abundantly lighted on three sides: suitable for housekeeping. If desired. 75. Janitor on premises. BARBER. HARTMAN & CO.. 1201 Chestnut st. 103 S. 11T1I ST. Bachelor apartments; excep. tlonally desirable 2d-floor suite. 2 large rms. . and bath: eery modern improvement: Janitor on premises: stenm hent Included. HARHEIt. HARTMAN & CO.. 1201 Chestnut. WALNUT, 143KI3 Comfortable apartments. I to 1 rooms, soino furnished; flrst-clnss serv ice. "Apply Janitor. Phono Spruce 4S10. N. W COR. 17TH AND HANSOM STS. Two desirable apartments, one room nnd bath each. Apply Jas. D. Wlnchell. on premises. OXFORD. "800. NDAIl PARK Suites. 4 anil hath, hot-water heat, ete. SPR1NO GARDEN, 1010 Excellent apts. In a maereni nouaen: noma lurn.I Kucneneucs. TIOGA. 1417. at Broad 1 and bath; modern, renhonable. steam heat: convenient V. H. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT STS. Thla 13-story concrete and steel fireproof structure reaches the highest point of de velopment as yet attained In apartment construction, and may bo properly styled a perfect place of abode. An earnest effort has Peon made tn offer a matchless home tn those whose first con sldeution Is not to count tho cost nlone. but to procuro that which they desire, where there Is only perfection, the size nnd character of which may bo selected and shaped according to the distinctive require ments of tho Individual. Suites are arranged from two rooms and one bath to ten rooms nnd five batha. Includ ing several desirable bachelor suites. The location la excellent, being convenient to the business and shopping centres and yet not too near. All things considered, the rentals are moderate Further Information, arrangements for In. spectlon and reservation may be mad through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut Street. HST. N.. 1810 Apartment, also light house. Keeping; rcrma reasonanie. .Plamonq D3UU w. ATTRACTIVE aulte of unfurnished rooms. having 2 rooms, with private bath, gas and electrlo light, improved vapor heating system, elevator serv. strictly fireproof blclg. ; cen trally located: rent 110 ft $50- ref, necessary. YARROW It VAN PELT 1TTH AND CHESTNUT HTS. APARTMENTS THE PARKSIDE H0TAtvi-Nui?AnD OPPOSITE 1'ATRitOUNT PARK t. One to four rooma nnd bath; rensonablo terma Phono Baring 221. Till LINDEN N. E. COR. I1TH AND.GRnnN BTS. TIIREN RtXJMH AND HATH RENT 21 TO 30 PER MONTH WILL 8UULET nttrnetlvo nrnrtment, 3 out .side rooms nnd bath, furnished or unfur nished. The Oladetone. 11th nnd Pine ' ate. Apply Apartment S'l. Phnnc Filbert 5474 J. fntrnvATiA 22d and Chestnut ata. A few desirable vacancies large nnd small. JVeatIMiJlni1rJililii I OFFER a large viriety of anirtmenta at varied prices nnd to meet almost any re quirement. Call or rend for list. Automobile service to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1111 Walnut st SPRUCE 8171. RACE 8023. Overhrook TWO. FURNISHED ROOMS, with bath for pemiemnn: small family, uoaru opuonai ,-i tt II. I-ilgcr Central. Ardmore, ra- THE ATHENS, ARDMORB. will have, March 1st, for there desiring to locate In country for spring or aummer months. I anil 2-room suites, with kitchenet tes, furnished or unfurnished: dining service. FURNISHED APARTMENTS West Philadelphia FURNISHED ArT.. 7 rooms nnd bath, second floor. Katterlee, 45.10 Chestnut et.j ehort or long lease. Phono Raring 1770 .7. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1512 NORTH 1STH RT. Modern housekeeping apartmenta: reduced rontais; Jti'it renomed throiiRhout. Apply n lnHl,nH nn nr.ln t 1'W'fU A -P t - 1U JlllltX'l, 111, ',.,,l,o-o, V. ,,,- ,.- ., i.vu- LA . 1-, , tut. utli and Walnut sts. DIAMOVH. 2111' Three rooms, bath, kitchen; hot-water lieat nnd hot wnter, S21; refs. 1STII. "N 'lilt Six large"," e"ry light rooms: jnolern Hat: Inrgo yards Janitor on premises. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You rnn look nt ono after another until you find one, or You can go around to tho different agencies until In despair you tnko ono. or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Ofnco I Is quite true that nearly every desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with and may ho rented through us. Call uion ui In our new offices! they are really cullo attractive: you will bo given tho moit courteous and efficient scrvlco ob tainable. An nutomobilo is waiting to take you to tho list of apartments jou designate, nnd If by nny chance ou are not perfectly pulled, our entire organization will bo plnced at your disposal to procure for you exactly your heart's desire. Think of nil th trouble you will hae soed nnd how glad ou will bo to know jou hao found tho one npartment In Phila delphia uhlcli most nearly approaches jo'r exnrt Ideal. OPEN ON SUNDAY, 10 A. M. TO I P. M. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT ST. Spruce 3071. Race 3025. THE WARWICK lfion-08-10 Snnsom street A modern 7-story fireproof building, contain ing suites of npartntcnts having 4 to 0 rooms with all conveniences for housekeeping. The entire wnter supply In this building Is filtered. There nro 2 or 3 desirable vacan cies; ono suite on tho 5th floor, containing 0 rooms, nt .," per month, nnd ono on tho 3d floor, at $50 rer month. There Is a ca terer In the bulldltif; who will servo meals when wantel, either In tho public dining room or hi tho apirtments. WHITESIDE & McLANAHAN N. W. (V.r. 15th and Pine sts. ALL THE FINEST MODERN APARTMENTS, constructed and undei construction, nro Ilstod In my orflio, na well aa thoso at modcrato rents, let mo gle ou details MERTON W. OREIMS Real Estato Trust Building, Walnut 3074, Haco 141,'J. Originator "Apartment Bureau'1 Service MU'FLIN APARTMENTS, 1012 S. 17th St. 0 roonw; housekeeping npartmenta: $25 per month. Including hent and hot water. CHAM. B. PRETTYMAN "ill S Broad at. THE ENGLEWOOD. 320 S. I1TH 6T.-Ideal central housekeeping npartmenta: sultos, 3 rooms. Kiifnent-iin nnn u.iitl. -ppiv Janitor. on pre Wafnu remises, or LEW IS A. TAULANE, 000 : tit NORFOLK APARTMENTS Desirable 4 and 5 room npurtments near Park: Jinltor erlco; reaaonablo rentals. Bechtel. 32:12 Rltlgo ae TOR modern furn. or unfurn. apartments Northwest Phlla. and Tiogn, see us flret. JCHOEPPY A. CO.. 1517 Montgomery ave. Hpi'SEKU.EPlNO npts. all parts of city: rents $25 to SiO per month: call, phone or writo for Information. Samuel Stern. 1201 Chestnut. POPLAR APARTMENTS, 101H-20 I'opiar St. 2. 3 and I room suites furn. or unfurn : hot uatcr heat: private tiaths; hot water. LARGE housekeeping suites, furnished room: private bath; $l.5n un. 1101 N. 10th. FIVE rooms and bath, heat, hot walcr. Janitor ri-rvii-H. niiiy II., ruirniouiu no WEST PHIIUI)ELPHIA 0241 CHESTNUT Flrst-fioor apartment. 0 rooms nnd hath. S3- JAS. N. .MITCHELL. 40th nnd Market. STONEHURRT APARTMENTS, 43TH ST. AND OSAGE AVE. APT. l-II An unusual npartment to sublease; rooms and equaro hall grouped as In house; prhnto basement, etorngo ami maid's room; six rooms, hath and port h on first floor: 10 feet abon street, everv room outside: near two car lines: 20 minutes to City Hall; new Mono building modern In cciy respect; $53. Phono Baring i.V: W. THE NETHERLANDS BEVERAL DESIRABLE VACANCIES 41D. 14TII AND CHKSTNUT STS. 0 rooms nnd bath 7 rooms and bath. $S! PER MONTH AND UP CHARLES It. BUCKLEY. 31 S. 40th St. UIK RUTLAND A ITS JUST COMPLETED. LOCUST ST., 04TH TO 55TH ST. n-rooma-and-bath apartments, with all the latest comentenres.Slu to $12 50 per month. ROBERT PITTS AGCNTl Bell phone Belmont 1433. 3143 Locust st. DREXEL APARTMENTS ' OVERBROOK STATION One housekeeping suite u rooms and bath. JS3.3I per month, public dining room. Phone Overhrook 052S, THE CHILTON Flrat and third floor npartmenta from $10 tn $35. MRS B. MoLAIN. 3218 Baring at. GRRY GABLES 312-11 N. 33d at. Attractive apt., 5 to 7 outside rooma: ahower bath: good transportation: reasonable. THE CHANCELLOR AITS.. Chancellor at., west of 51th t. $30 and $12; 5 rooma, bath nnd porch: ever mod. conv.; open evs.; see Janitor or Kershaw ft Crowl, 5215 Chestnut. SATTERLEB. 4530 Chestnut at. 8 rooma. 2 hatha; reduce,! rent; one block from "L." Apply Apt, UH)3 oruhone Baring 1T70 J, ESSEX. 3fih and Chestnut: Monterey. 48.1 and Chester: Belmont. 31th nnd Soring Gar- den. Inquire Jan. tor or Cresae. 308 tlale Btdg. $23-.1 ROOMS AND BATII-IIot-waler helt. electrlo light; In The Cynnvd. 5215 Cheat, nut H. Kershaw ft Crowl. 6213 Chestnut at. Bermantoivii WALNUT LANE, li. 1304 and 6 rooms and bath, hot-Rater heat; pr. porch, $25 to $.13. APARTMENT HOTELS SPRUCE AT I IT H ST. .. . . HOTEL COLONIAL Newly redecorated. and refurnished through out; comfortably furnished pnrlor, bedroom and bath by the day. neek or month at rea aonabie rntea: service rid ciilslno unexcelled WM. P. KENN. Manager. ALDINE HOTBf, CHESTNUT AND NINETEENTH The best rooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. Dny, Week, Month, Season, Year THE DELMAR-MORRIB GERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION. PENNA. RAILROAD: 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD ATTRACTIVELY rURNISHED. AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND ItOUSEKEEP- 1 .NUA 1'A It I SI t..N 1 . THE CLINTON TENTH RELOW SPRUCr! 200 ROOMS, EVERY CONVENIENCE. Furnished or unfurnished, cither by leneo or transiently, suites of one to lour rooms, witn Dnin. THE GLADSTONE ,1tvets',nb APARTMENTS FOR WINTER MONTHS FURNISHED Oil UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE COVINGTON :IIESTNUT AND 37TH-STI It, F. ENOt.t:. MANAGER ST9. Alhothe englesidb" hi-;aih havi... jn. d. THE GENEVA 10TH ST., UiOVn WALNUT lllgh-clnsa apartments, with or without nrl vnto bath: entirely renovated nnd refur nished: under new management. pnniinv fr mahhuai.i,. frHir. T???Arnrn s- n. corner isth SUITES OF 2 ROOMS AND RATH. THE PASHWOOD 180S f HEPTS't'T STREET Beautlfiillv furnished or unfurnished rooms: private baths: excellent eervlre. Tlin IIELVIPFRE N. W. COR 1HTII AND I1CUST (WEPT ItlTTENHOUSE KOUART.) UNDER NW MANAGr:Ml-.NT THP TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS 30TH AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY BEAUTirUL, SIDE-YARD HOME; new. $30 below original price, J4750: 0 rooma: Inrgo lot: 032 Chow Btreet. Tabor: hot-water heat, 4 bedrooms, electrlo light, parquetry flooring: wldo street; terma nrronged; you can't dupll ente this for neir the prlco asked: 2 troltejs. block from station. ABERNETHV. 13J South i2tn, 21.4 worm oin. PRIVATE gnrago with our beautiful Ruseomb street homes (Just west of Logan Station). Got this: $4200 for homo, fpirago and 120-ft. lot: without garago $3i00: none hotter built anywhere; 70 por rent. aold. 6eo "Ixjgan ad." AUERNCTHY. 2721 N. f.th. 133 B. 12th. 9. "rOURTH ST. It-story brick, lot 21 feet In front to back street. EDWARD V. LANSDAI-E 712 WALNUT ST. CORNER 31D AND TURNER STfl. Large 3 etory hrlek dwelling, 14 rooms nnd 2 baths: ail modern conveniences: lot 03x170. 1 street fronts. PITAS. W. MILLER, 401-407 Com monivfaitii Rldg. 1500 LOCUST ST. Hindsome. modern 4-story brownstone dwell ing. EspecHllv tilted for professional orflces. Low prico anil easv terma fortUick sale. 1517 CAMAC PT.-ElgiiTrooms. nBsessed $1500: rent $1(1: price for quick pnlo $1350. WM. G. GLENN, 1517 Columbia ave. and 3H0-01 Lnnd Title Rldg. 1742 N. 13TH ST.1-story dwelling." 12 rooms; lot 17x100: first mortgage $1000; nsseseed $7)00; rrlre JI20O. C. P. COWARD CO.. 20th nnd Jefferson eta. S. E. COR. 11TII nnd Cambria," sta., 3-e"tor"y brick atoro and dwelling. S roims nnd bath, 2-story brick atablo on rear. CHARLES W. MII-LHR, 401-407 commonwealth Bldg, 301 SOMERVILLE. corner. Inrgo lot. room for garngo; - rooms; convenient; niirnctivo neighborhood : cheap at s.15uV ABERNETHV 21 N. 5th. 1031 N. BROAD ST. 3-story, all brownstone front: lot 22x150 ft. to rear street; prlco moderate. CHAS. L. RROWN ft CO.. 217 S Rrosd St. 1013 N. CAJLC ST. 3-story brick dwellings, 8 rooms, hath nnd outkltchon; nil conveniences. CHARLES W. MILLER, 401-107 Common wealth Rldg. 2210-21-23-25 S. 18TH ST. Small Investment house cheap. J. A. PATTERSON. 130 S. 15th It. CADWALLADER. N.. 2250 I ROOMS. $1100. runt i11 O. C. 8EIDEL ft CO . INC.. th ft Callowhlll. 201H N. 25TH ST -2-story 8-room dnclllng'; all conveniences: prlco reasonable: essv terms. INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO.. 1I150 N. eront at. 2140 N. 7TH ST. 2 story, brick. 7 rooms, all conveniences; excellent condition: prlco right. MYERS. 8th nnd York. HANCOCK ST.. N . U3CI-0.IK il rooms and bath ench: rent $25: prlco $2700, O. C, 8EIDEL ft CO.. 4th nnd Callowhlll sts. S. W. COR. lllTII AND CHERRY STS. Lot 24x103. JAMES D. WINCHELL. N. W. cor. 17th and Sansom sts. 2100 N. 12TH ST. 3-Htorv hrlck. 12 rooms, all conveniences; good condition; $4500. MYERS, 8th and York. 1521 ". 17TII ST. 12 rooms, side yard, brown stone: nssessed $710O no reasonable orfer re flised. WM. G. GLENN. 151T Columbia ave. 250 AND 252 NORTH STII ST. Two 4-stOry houses; lot 30x00 feet to Rccso street. L. A. AVI I ITU 1307 Tioga at. INDIANA AVE.. W., 820-Two-atory. brown etono front. 7 rooms, bath, etc. O. C. SEIDEL & CO.. 1th nnd Callowhlll sts. N. E. COR. 10TH AND COLUMRIA AVE. 13 rooms; brownstone: exc, I. location for bust nesa or npta. Wm. G. Glenn, 1517 Columbia ar. TRUSTEE SALE Tho Coronado. 2201 Chostnut street, will bo rold nt nubile auction by Barnes ft: Lolland. at Room 201. Philadelphia Bourse Building. 12 o'clork noon, March 8, into. Terms of sale, $5000 In cash or certified check and balance In io dna. OIRARD TRUST COMPANY. Trustee under COMBER REALTY COMPANY Mortgage. dated November 22, 1011. ' February II. 1010. JOHN HAMPTON BARNES. Attorney ror Trustee, "TRIDENT" WATER METER New properties can go on water meter rates at once it Installed before being occupied. Ask your plumber or PHILADELPHIA METER COMPANT, 042 Real Estate Trust Building. INVESTOR Have a client leaving the city. Will sell 184U North Front and IRIT North Hone atreet. RENT $32 PER MONTH. TRICD $2000. Close to the ELEVATED STATION THOMAS F. McTEAR Both phones. 1440 North 2d. BARGAINS 3500 American at.. Uwg., 1 rooma. 223 Glenwood uve.. dug., 7 looms. 2537 Pago at., dwg,, 5 rooms. 5rt Page at., dwg.. 7 rooma. 312.1 N. 21st st., dwg., 10 rooms. 1801 Germantown evo . atoie & dwg., 10 rms. muuan.a, . .- . .... ,u.-, i . K mm St. N. E. COR. 2D AND DIAMOND 8TS Well located sits and buildings, adapted lor factorlea, garage, etc; lot Hjxioo to Pale thorp st, LOUIS A. TATlr.ANCT 8. W. cor. Itlh and Wulnut ata, CENTRAL PROPERTIES for tale or rent: send ua jour requirements. YARROW & VAN PELT N. E. cor. I7th and Chestnut sts. Phone 3 1 SO Spruce or 2070 Race. ESTATE nnxloua to sell 1220 Race at., lot 2010) to rear (street: old bulldlnga, desirable for Immediate business 'mprovement. Price and terms right. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and ISth IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy, cell, exchange or Insure. "SEETAULANE ABOUT IT" 000 Walnut st. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITV 8IMON J. WALDMAN 1110 W. OIRARD AVE. Real estate nnd Insurance In all Its branches. Collection of rents a apeelalty. , HOMES, northwest: send for , my, complete list before purchasing In this section; easy 7amE3D. wINCHELU20WN.,29th. MIJST BE SOLD S W. cor. 17th and Colum bia ae B-rooTi dwelling. 2 baths: n good location for business nnd apartments. r. L. CARRE Owner. 1720 N. 24th at. HAVE a trained confldenllil realty man rep resent jou In bujlng propertj-. This Is my sneclslty. 1 can e you money. WALTER C. REDDING. TOO WALNUT ST. RENTS COLLECTED: riRn INSURANCE f. . Al.iitti,i;arM 2114 V Ihlgh ave. INVESTORS Havo number of new Investment properties pnjlng H5J6 i northwest section. IAS. A. McNELIB, Someraet. weatpf23d. 400 BUILDING LOTB In hustling district. raved atreeta, sowers; owner must sell. chmco of lifetime. II 250. Ledger Central, INVESTAIENTS-Pend for my special list of, fles'rnnie investment nrppenir, in nnrimvcsi JAMES D. WINCHELL. 2010 N. 20th. 5cfO-l73.1 GLEN1VOOD AVE , "tot 42x51 0 rooms: clcvtrlcltj' nnd steam het A. MINNICK, 1110 Ridge ne DANIEL CENTRAL business property. Filbert west of P'h -":.-C. W. Oabell. Jr.. 514 Walnut at. . ATTRACTIVE HOMES nt bargain "prlcea on 11th ft. W. J Seymour. 2122 N 11th, Building Lota, Factory Biles, ete FACTORY SITES SPRING GARDEN STREET Fifth to Broad Street I-ROM ASPHALTED STREET. 120 TEET WIDE. GOOD LIGHT. CENTRAL LOfJATtOV. NEAR HOMES OF EMPLOYES, CONVENIENT TO RAILROAD FREIGHT STATION. APPLY THOS. E. DUNN 133 South Fifth St. FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL GROUND Large and Smill Tracts for DWELLING OR MANUFACTURING purposes In best sections. . EXCELLENT RAILROAD FACILITIES Prlcea on Application. Est. JOHN D01ISON. 600 Chestnut st. Lumber Yard With R. R. Siding For siln, neir North Plilhdelphla Station. Frederick H. Warner R20 Land Title Building; FOR BALE A lot BOO feet front by 110 U feet deep on main roads Just outside the borough of Narberth at 2.i per foot front. WALTER B. SMITH. 0002 Drexel road. GERMANTOWN AVE, nntl Roy St.. 100x100 ft. 20 lots, Vennngo nnd Warnock sts. II lots. Rising Sun nve. nnd 10th at, 2 acres. Upsnl nnd Sprngue pre It, R. front. L. A. WHITE. 1307 W. Tioga st; SITES. RAILROAD, for sale. Pennsylvania and Rending; $2000 per aero nnd up. accord ing to loent on Inquire for terms. DIETRICH. 737 Walnut. MANUFACTURING PLANTS For Sale. WM. C. RENKERT. 1500 ARCH ST. RIPE TRACTS, largo nnd amnll: will arrange advances. -.. AI1BRN 1 7TIIY, -i4 fi. Otn. 1J.I P. i-in, CHOICH BUILDING LOTS and large tracts ground In nil pnrts city: also over 200 mfg. sltey Mclvln. 1515-10 Ileal Estate Trust Bldg. LOT 0.1x14.1. nr. Pa. R. R. freight; ll'ht sides; 1 so. Woodland ave. Smith, 22d & Tnsker. Dlclc. 551. 123 LOTS. "1st A Elmwood ave.: street Imps. In mnln streets: trolley; onsy terms ; low price; will divide. 210 Stephen Olrnrn lung. 8 LOTS In Loenn. on Clnrkoon at.,,10xSl; $400 each. 210 Stephen Glrnrd Building. Pnctorlea ir YOU WAT a central property for light manufacturing purpose, con taining 3 lloori of 1200 sq. ft. each. In excellent location, wrlto P 110, Ledger Office. I OWN A FACTORY In the heart of Philadel phia, 18.000 aquaro feet of floor apacol will sell to manufacturer nnd take part payment In stock. M 540, Ledger Central. Stores nnd Dwellings 1220 NORTH 10TII ST. Elegant largo storo nnd dwelling, with largo yard to Alder St., ault nny business: room for gnrngo, and cheap. WM, L CRAVEN'S SONS, 1640 N. 7th at. nnd 2010 Columbia avo. STORE AND DWELL1NO, 2S01 Alter St. Muat bo soldi Immedlato possession; 8 large rooma; will bo sacrificed for $1800 ensh; clear of all Incumbrances. Chas. II. Shetzllno & Co., Broad nnd Pasayunk avo. 8. W. COR. STH AND BERKS STS. Store and dwelling. U rooms; nasesaed $3000; sell for amount of cash. Wm. G. Glenn, 151T Columbia nve. nnd .100-01 Land Title Bldg. Wr.ST PHILADELPHIA BUY NOW AND SAVE $100 PRICE UNTIL FEB IBTIt. $3000 THEN $1000 5(!lh St. above Insdowno Ave, CONTAINING EVERY KNOWN CONVENIENCE, INCLUDING HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT JAS. C. ENBURG. BUILDER $31008 rooms, hot-water heat, gas and elec trlo light, parquetry floors, shower bath, gas kitchens and all other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWORD. JR.. BUILDER 58th nnd Hadfleld sts. BARGAINS FOR HOME OR INVESTMENTS will bo submitted to you from our complete, list. Some are parts of estates that must bo settled. Send for Hat. DMPIRE TRUST CO.. 41th and Lancaster Ave, SIX DESIRABLE- PORCH-FRONT DWH Ings. near 53rd and Jefferson ets, all convs. rood repair, rent $18. each, asaessod $2100 each. SCHAKFER, 1101 Spring Garden Bt. WHELAN'S HOMES 60TH AND PASCIIALL AVH. Apply 1U11 UHKSTMUT BT. SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS. M. BAKER B2d nnd Baltlmoro ave. $5500, A6SESSED $0300. cost $0300: must sell: 40th st section; a story, twin, Dutch hail; hard floors: hot-water heat. L 13". Led. Off. REDUCED PRICE. LOT 07x105, THREE fronts, near 30th and Walnut, C. W, Gabell, Jr. 514 Wnlnut at. B. E. CORNER COBBS CHEEK BOULEVARD AND HADFIBLD AVENUE, with view of the Park; one of the finest comer proncrttea In Weat Philadelphia: -New England Central Doorway, Colonial Stairway, large Outdoor Sleeping Porch. A great bargain at $8750, See Mr. Fox Agent for PEMBERTON ES TATES. N. W. Cor. BSth and Willows Ave nue. , 33 NORTH SOTII 8-story brick house. 0 rooms and bath; hard wood floors: all modern conveniences: as sessed $3750; Drat mortgage $2300; owner leaving city and wanta oner. HERKNKSH ft STETSON " Lana '11110 uunaing. 6010 CHESTNUT ST. Two-story, side-yard house, porch front, lot 10.0 by 114.0: electrlo lights, parquetry flooring, metal weather stripped throughout. Apply to owner on prem Ises. Telephone Preston 3410. $830 BELOW COST Owing to owner's Intention to move from city, will pacrlflce 3-atory, aide-yard reatdence1 opposite Clark's Park; electrlo lights; good condition. VM. H. W. QUICK A BRO., INC. 8 South 40th Street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OERMANTOWN BI2 CARPENTER ST . near Carpenter Station B and ISarolf iDrlve. 1-ot 50 by Joo ll Wj rtonn house, JO rooma nnd bath, tan be bought j Uhl. .TA,0MPANr uncenuil mm ioui. GERMANTOWN Imtuactilato Conception Rec tory for sale, 1015 I?. Clteltcn nve., 14 rma.. hof-water licit. Vic ft pnsi nil exceptional opportunity for a conjenlently located home. In lst-cUiss condition. EDWARD M. i;NNia. near uneiten im .iw", n ON WISSAHICKO.V AVE.. In the best sec. tlon of thla beautiful neighborhood, a striking Colonial house of 12 rooms, laundrj and 4 laths, price is nam. .,, WARNOCK ft mtLBN Commercial Trust Building. $1200 BELOW AHSESSMUNT For small amount of cash rou can secure thla unusual bargain. 3-story 10-room house, with lot wide enough for garage. Desirable loca- cS'LVNDONPRl'r-STMAN. 5100 Germant'n nv. WANT TO BUY A HOME? Most nttrnrtlve modern lo-room houses, 100 E, WALNUT LANE. Just completed; mod- erate price: intie ensn rcguircu, NEAR WISTER STATION Three-story stone house, o rooms, porch : lot 22x11 4: pcrfeej rendition- $3500. THOS. It. EVOY, 453. Wayne nve. T1ID HOUSE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Parttculara from Mnurnn, Dolman & Co.. 230 Land TllloBJdg. IF YOU ARFri-OOKINCl FOK A HOME In Oermantown. Sit. Airy or ChesMut Hill, con sult me. A. R. Meehnn, 0747 Germantown ave. RESIDENCE SITES Otiund In beat section of Oerrnnntown and Cheatnut Hill. B. B. LISTER & PON. 5012 Oermantown are. CHOICE HOMES, Tulrehocken at,, east of Oer mantown ae. J. II. CHADWICK & CO., 0018 oermantown aj'e. WE CAN assist j-ou tn nnd that house you are looking for. Germantown Trust Co.. Chelten nnd Germantown avea. Jit. Airy, Ocrmantovm NEW BALE AND RENT LIST READY. Pelhnm. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 11740 Oermantown art. Cl.estnnt Hill FARM OF 150 ACRES Tn Whltemarsh Valley convenient to Chest nut Hill and near Whltomarah Hunt nnd Oolf Clubs. Unusually 'largo farmhouao; barn for 80 head of stock. Old ehado: WIs sahlckon Creek flows through property; mod erate price to close estato. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING STONE COLONIAL HOUSB.. 14 rooms. .1 baths: combination stable nnd garage; 2 acres: beat section: high elevation; old shnde; house designed by Mantlo Field ing; price, vis nnn HERKNESS ft STETSON LAND TITLE BLDG. Tioga 4228 N, 15TH 2-aty. porch-front brick dwelt lng. 0 rooma nnd bath: enclosed ahed. Fine condition: laundry tubs In cellar: reception hall, water meter ft other mod. Imp . S3000. North Phlla, Trust Co.. Broad and Erie ave. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOGA OB LOGAN KENNTK )Y & HAMBO. 3740 OERMANTOWN GARAGE SPACE Butler street. 1210, two etory, four bedrooms, bath, porch, electric: large, bright rooma: good condition. Owner. J.ognn LOOAN'8 PRETTIEST HOMES. Rueeomb Bt.. 15th to 10th. Juat west of Logan Station; ovor half nlready sold: ovcry modern featuro; sub stantially built nnd artlstlcnlly finished, com bining to produce n "real homo": Imposing terraced front; acloct nnd unusual equipment; open dnllv; largo porches; deep lota: clo Bots; high, light basements with cemented walls: expensive plumbing, superior heating system; real "Arco" boilers; $3800 or $4200, with brick garage, and 122 foot of ground; walk through Lognn Station or Fisher's lane to 15th atrcct. tlicnce south to Ruseomb st.; threo trolley lines on York road: on premises. or S. C. Abernethy. 2721 N. 5th, 133 S. 12th. 7X3GAN REAL ESTATE DALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M, M. Smith. Broad St.. opp. Logan Station. 1010 MODELS "Up-to-the-mlnuto" Logan; eomo bargains In Tioga McILHKNNY, 40.1S N. houses In Broad at. BTORES, DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS for sale or rent in best section of Logan. VrM. D. CHAMBERS. 40V1 N, Broad St. Onlc T-nne DESIRABLE corner property, with stable, larger lot and well-appointed house, being Bold tn close an estate. Price. $12,501). WM. BARR. Hth nnd Oak lane. NIW COLONIAL COTTAGE. 0418 Camao Bt. PHILIP S. TYRE. 1500 Arch and 0503 Fair hill. Oak Lane. ' Olney SllKil New, flvo rooms, all conveniences, J.tuu 4803-5-7-0.il Howard Bt. vQSnfl New corner store! suit nny business: aoouu -hot-water heat and electrlo light. 4801 N. Howard at. . . J. Charles Yundt. Builder. 301 Tabor Bond. SUBURBAN 8 DESIRABLE PROPERTIES must be sold. and at bargains; 3 tn 5 acres; convenient to train; short distance from city: closing estate. II. B. McCOLLUM 1314 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. "Don't Forget the Number." BEAUTIFUL brick mansion. 12 rooms, all con veniences; best Banttnry condition; lot 80x140. on good corner: tn best of neighborhood; one of the best homos In Media: very attractive frico If sold at once. Ben. T. Levis, Media, 'a. ' HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL A MAS8EY Real Estate Trust Bldg, CHOICE- BUILDINO SITES and acreage, ARTHUR P. TOWNBEND, I.anghorno, Pa. RtrniiniiAN nni. krtatpi Any price. All locations'. Sale or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD ft CO.. Morris Bldg. BELECT PROPERTIES Country seats, farms. List orders now. LEWIS T. BROOKE A SON, 1414 8outh Penn sq.. FOUNDED 18T0. Suburban Lots BROOKLINE For rale, 3 lots, leas than cost. B. H. OARDINER. 1B40 Wharton St. Ambler, Pa. FARMS, country nlaces and suburban homes on the Readlng'n Bethlehem and Doylestown branchea. H. J. Pager. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. Artlmoro HOUSE ON NORTH 81DB Convenient to station: four bedrooms and bath on eecond floor; large lot; small amount of cash: prlco reasonable. NORMAN P. SINCLAIR. COt Real Estate Trust Bldg. Bala. Pa. STONE- COLONIAL nOUSB and rmraret con venient 10 train and trolley; 12 rooms, a baths; entirely modern; lot Toxica. Apply LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO Cynwrd. r. NEW nOUSB. nearlnr completion: stone and etuoco; 12 rooms, 2 bathe, lavatory! a first floor porches an1 second-floor aleeplng poich; southern exposure; lot 00x200, LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE DUILDINQ CYNWYD. PA. Building lot at a sacrifice In very dealrable Belg-hborhood. SAMUEL C. WAGNER. JR. 201 Bala avenue. Cynwyd. or Commercial Trust Bldg.. Phlla. Darby. Pa 1500 REDUCTION for quick sale; detached. 8. story dwell, fr, & aide porches: poro. bath.: h.-w. bt.: fruit; 40x100; price $3000. Swops & Sons. Darby. msA- ESTATE FOR SA12 ..SUBURBAN I)rexel Hill, p. 1 stlnet,crrtn. ....7T laundry: n'lj romenicncefi T6 two ."V'tts '' . ?""i."tr. 1 ...I three-sto?v ,0h7.??il batThVnWe ViSTdetejSS' ? ?$ I . " I Hill, 1 PA A1 TII1I .- EUZ.AnLK,rN.? pYrfF . t .ix", 1X1,12 $10 750 ..?" nulld tig most approved ...1 oemnn ticsiaence. will alter ei..". nVf , 1..LD 'rSi.BUM " M '"v - "" p" """ f-"Tnii VkrXe rntn. frnm latim-.. -? Fj 2 bilKirTt Mccormick. 1 0Uche,,n"Ur t. A Elk? J?tf M THIlHiailEST nnd mosconveM.,,rir-12-,: i M M SSS. "x.'Mi? Pr"enV$T&1 ??n4. """"""i "" "ortn Atnene.- nnlMt-.' " .merlcan niiiMtr- Highland Park. . "e'n'n5.0" CtJ" lii BUNTING. Mia Belll.M av. , rj j T.nnadovme, Ta. MODERN auburbnn home, 8 rooms an v"T hot-water heat: Springfield water- vti'"!1 . tractive. Add. E, d. Thompson burl TyTL 'N Moylnn, Pn. COLONIAT. HfiTTSP 10 nfnT A Modern ronvenlencea; garag?haa'iIJ?iv dealrablestirrotindlnga: sell on e-fsr tl'-i1!" v. t: fi-.i tats a fon, OQsi CHKST.Virp as; Primes, Ta. pnfMnannn t e, .,.,, . . . " for Improvement: Sprlnglleld water, n, Kl'l ......... ,........,. ... ,jr,t, lru,t liMy njdal, P. nTnAT-iv tTir.T - Btona Colonlnl hoitso. 13 rooma ain IP a titino biuii- kiiiuhvi Krccnnouifl! convenient tn trnln nntl irniinvnnA IiniUCNriRB & STrsTBON '-"tun x n ib i tunning Potitli Artlmore. Tm. irOTt. flALTS Ntv 7-rnnm hnnan trollev: all conveniences' lot wvi9a.' cation to raise chickens: easy terms WM. B. DAVIS. South Ardmore, Is J ..j Trooper, Pa. AN ESTABLISHED suburban community 1.3 cent rare to Norrletown: artealan water' is! 1 iO 'rTTtm-,M Wl " BROWN & CLOUD NORR1STOWN. PA. Westtovm. Pa. 40 At .CREH. with attractive cut stona Balm sjllng; 14 rooma. S bathe., moderns dwej yemencea; not-water .heat:, 4-room teniti house: Icehouse; completo chicken plant- Sri ehado: running stream: fruits of all Im! nonresident owner ordera Immediate !.' VOCUM ft POWERB CO., 20 S, 18th .t. Wyncote. Pa. MODERN HOUSE: large lot! garacel hltVCw cation: aurrounded by fine estates. S Maurico J. Hoover "nl 4 Wrnneflelil. Ta, NEAR TRAIN OR TROLLEY-Stoaa been, nwnlnge 'and shades Included m price; lei WX11V, IIU lllUUUfll U(jpuil,lllCIll9. LOWER MERION REATTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO MAIN LINE. TA.. P. It. K. SUBURBAN HOMES. JiiiUrtlntr slten tn stilt cnuntrv ntaeea an, building sites to stilt all reoulrementi; IltU - Line. II. C. HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. ADVISE IIS what orlco homo vou deslra and -wo will send you Illustrated catalogue, Hir-- bert At ciagnorn, ui iiaiicy uuiiaing. Overhrook COnNER PROPTIRTY. eolith side, st mrvl, crnto price: 13 rooms, 2 baths, electric light J nnd central heat; lot 75x150; little cash ri- quirea. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO Merlon EDGEMEAD PARK A new development on Bowman ave., fifi 'j j ota iuxwu irei, ciuaierea arouna oiooi roumain, n novel renturo with an artutis touch: nrlco from 1SOO to S-tOOO eit?h. An other lot ai ncro nnd two lots 70x170 feet wcl.fi HI epwu I'SJl 1IUIIL tl'Ul. JV1BU il U-UfJUl URNf ing with thrcfl bathn and one nnd one-quarter ncres nt $18,000. I'lno old rthade and fruit or particulars ana plans apply to SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. nil) Commercial Trust Bldg. Philadelphia. MODERATE-PRICED HOUSB of stone J stucco; ready ror aprlng occupancy ; u rooms, 2 baths, sleeping porch; lot OTHxl 60; taaiaa equipment ana riu.ii tnrougnout. LOWER MERION RB.VLTT CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO. RARE opportunity on North Side: $8300 iial- detached houae In 123,000 neighborhood; MM tlful location: il largo bedrooms . 0. II. HANDLE, 135B Stephen Olrard Bullnnr. Wynnewood TTANDSOSIE- HOUSE, with garage, near iU--5 non: xi rooms, a Datns: an modern comij,- lences; lot 111x200; worth inveatlratlaf Irj any one desiring a handsome and convenient diatn una nome. LOWER MERION REALTT CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO OWNER MOVING J.i"rom Philadelphia, will aell realdencs hi f elrablo neighborhood: house contains. Hy5; rooma, 3 batha, hot-water heat, eieciriomnii lot 110x300 ft.i fruit trees, shrubbery ' vegetable garden, s" SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. Commercial Truat Bldg.. Philadelphia, ilaverford NEW HOUSB. on north side, with nj; lot: 15 rooms, 6 baths; all modern In!: ments; near club and station, in exception! neighborhood. LOWER MERION RBALTT CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO NEW HOUSE. ; ACRE. 8HADD 11 ROOMS, B BATHS I TN BEST I.OCATIOKI ON NORTIISIDB t NEAR STATION AND CLUB . WARNOCK A EMLENr Commercial Tr-Piajr Radnor iBVEN ACRES of land on tna ntwiuj; ; one of the flntat building sites on the Wa T.ln. 3 MEARS & BROWN. 203 S. ,15th St. i ir 3 twronreriTS uai H-,, ft f r " - ' -' i - ' ' --B- -pB
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