8 ' '? W- X l H MUtfHY iS WORKING HARD FOR REPUBLICAN SENATE NOMINATION Ex-Governor's Petitions and Those of Senator Colgate, Gubernatorial Aspirant, Are Circulated in Now Jersey -'- -,-, ."" - ' - i '"' ii i i '"'",'".'. .. v..,'"1"'. . . ' f tt".".": n .-""""i. '.'..' '. ' ' i - ...,,.'--'-'. NEWSPAPER LIFE? STOKES STILL SILENT BEttlOXT tt'JIBNTON, Jnn. 17. Announcement la fcolnt; matlo nil over tho State of New J6rsey this week that ex-C3overnor Franklin Murphy, of Newark, Is to prose cute a. vigorous campaign for thfl Kc publfcatlon nomination for United States SenMof. His petitions havo Bono to every part of tho State. A similar condition Is reported from Sonator Austen Colgate, of Essex Coun ty, who wants the Republican nomina tion for Governor. These two" arc the first of tho Repub licans to Ret actively at work for tho re spectlvo posts they seek. Ex-Governor E. C. Stokes, who It was thought would havo little or no opposition for the regular nomination for United States Senator, refuses to announce his candidacy. It was ascertained this week that tho resignation of Vice Chancellor Vivian M. Lewis, of Paterson, had been written, and was ready to bo offered Just as soon as ox-Governor Stokes made up his mind about trying for tho nommatlon. Tho henchmen of Stokes have been told for some time to "talk Lewis ror Governor." Mnny persons havo refused to bcllevo that Lewis would resign from his J12.0OO Job on tho Chancery bench to go back Into politics and run for Governor. Ab semblymen here during last week set tled tho question by Raying that thoy had seen tho resignation of Lewis In tho Stokes camp. Another factor In tho Republican guber natorial situation Is tho desire of ex Senator "ohn Dyncloy Prince, of Passaic County, to bo tho gubernatorial nominee. I'rlncj Is holding back hoping that Lewis will not run. The Stokes" faction Insists that Lewis run. The doslro for Lewis for Governor Is said to bo based on his regularity with all of tho old-tlma loaders between whom and Stokes exlBts an al leged warfare. It Is said that, without 1 LssssssssKPt&. Hf WfFMi i : HI IK 11 A MOVIE SCHOOL Milwaukee Laundryman Tries an Experiment in Photoplay But thero is more of the real thing in "Tho Fourth Estate," tho Fox film, which is at the Chestnut this week. MOTHER FORGIVES SONS FOR PLOTTING MURDER Dictograph Reveals Plans to Kill Parents and Sister. Made Previous Effort CHICAGO, Jan. 17. A mother's forgive ness may navo Irving and Herbert Updike, sons of Purman D. Updike, lnllllimnlre retired commission merchant, from prison for plotting to murder their parents nml ADVERTISERS ATTACK "JUST-AS-GOOD" IDEA Associated Club's National Commission Meets at Bellevue-Stratford such a. man to draw to the strength of I sister to gain their fortune tho leaders, Stokes would bo In the same position ho was three years ago when ho ran r, Governor and tho leaders In tho various couatles, excepting Passaic and Mercer, lont Mm but ..alf-heartcd sup port. If they did not actually knlfo him. Thn Stokes crowd will not admit any such situation, however The old-time lenders arc Insisting that Stokes has forced Lowls to get Into the race, despite any possible loss of position li,.r,Jg?.'.Blm',1L'.for50..t.1?8.m.!.,?.t?!denco and establish an alibi suj)uiiiiiK film uit luo duiiii; ubnch Willi A dictograph revealed details of the plot after Herbert Updlko, 19, confessed to the police. As detectives hid hi tho barn adjoining tho Updike residence. In Oak Park, Irving, who Is 32, recited to his younger brother the Instructions ho was to follow In killing his parents at 10 o'clock last night. They wero to climb to a window, shoot tho aged couple with rifles equipped with Maxim silencers and then removo ovl- tho Passaic man. In the Democratic camp the Hudson Domocrrtts have not lain down In the po litical bungalow of Otto Wlttpenn, of that county, but a guerilla warfare is on, with tho control of politics In that heavy Democratic county In favor of Stato Comptroller Edward I. Edwards for Gov ernor. All talk of making Stato Treas urer Edward Grosscup the gubernatorial nominee has ceased. The fight Is In the northern part of the State, but there are signs or It shifting on a deadlock to tho south, when Grosscup would again be a formidable factor In landing tho nomina tion. It to- said tljat tho Wilson followers arc for AVIttpenn, but thero Is nothing to sub stantiate this, even though Private Sec retary Tumulty seoms out for Wlttpenn. As. for .the Democratic nomination for United States Senator, there Is no dis tinct opposition to Senator Martina In sight Thnt such opposition will come Is certain. Just who the man will be Is not now In qvldence. Herbert said they had essayed tho mur der on January 4. but failed when their mother got up to close the window of her bedroom Just as they reached the sill armed and ready to shoot. Tho elder Updike, who Is near death from cancer, had planned to change his will In favor of tho daughter Florence, the sons believed. Mrs. Updike pleaded with her husband today to forgive the boys. Irving, sho said, must have been de mented and the younger boy was led on by him. Police, howover, said Irving was In lovo with a cabaret singer. Twenty-nine -Years a Pastor Special services wero held all day yes terday at tho East Baptist Church, Co lumbia nnd Glrard avenues, Jn celebra tion of the 29th year at .' theptev. C H. Woolston's pastorate. Mv. Frecland Ken drlck was one .of the speakers last eve ning. Tho anniversary sermon was preached In tho morning. 'Advertising men met at tho Bellevue Stratford today to consldor the retailer and his ways. The big problem that faced them was the "Just-ns-good" Idea. which many salesmen In shops arc ad dicted to, and to which the natlonnl ad vertisers take exception. Tho National Commission of tho Associated Advertis ing Clubs of tho World met In this room, whllo the Executive Committee of tho clubs met In another. It was said by speakers that retailers, when asked for a nationally advertised article, often produced somothlng olso which they sold was "Just as good." They preferred to sell these so-called "Just-as-good" articles because, ns It wns said, their profits were greater on these than they were on many of tho nationally advertised articles. The prob lem must be settled In ono of two wnys, cither by reducing the prlco of the na tionally advertised goods to tho retailer or to Increase the price of the other goods; or nt least seek methods of dis tribution that would tend to equalize tho prices. Other questions that were taken up were gcnernl unfairness In business com petition ami fraudulent advertising. Thero were 35 members of tho National Commission In attendance, William II. Ingcrsoll, tho chairman, presiding. Woman Hurt by Tripping Over Child Mrs. Mary Harklns. aged -13, of S23 Pearl street, Camden, Buffered a fracturo of her right shoulder yesterday, when she tripped over a child as she was attempt ing to avoid a live trolley wlro at tho corner of Broadway and Mlckle street. Sho was taken to Cooper Hospital, whero It Is reported sho Is resting well today. By tho Photoplay Editor Milwaukee Is tho home of unique experi ment In tho movlng-plcturo world not a new stunt In displaying pictures, but tho establishing of what mlftht bo called a school for the education of theatrical man agers of film playhouses. Hut this Is not tho unique phase of tho experiment, lor tho school Is to teach Chi nese young men, so that they can go back to their native land nnd open playhouses on American lines, with tho most tip-to-date methods of America's great Indus try at their command. Thero are nix Chlnrso young men now here studying this problem, nnd their teacher is himself n Chinaman, who has developed from a chop suey retailer to a Ihcatn) ownor and promoter. Charlie Toy, who 2D years ago was an up-State laundryman nt Oshkoah, and who later came to Mliwaukeo and opened tho first chop suoy restaurant In this city, Is the movie magnate who Is trying th'la experiment Toy Is now probably one of tho wealthiest Chinamen In America. Prom a restaurant owner ho had devel oped a huge Importing business, and Is today tho largest Importer of Chinese foodstuffs In America. His consignments of mushrooms alone, for Instance, eomo In two-ton lots, and ho pays Uncle Sam nearly ll'JO.000 a year In customs duties on theso Imports. Not content with this, however, ho de veloped a movlng-plcture theatre with a typical American play on Ills own name Three years ago Toy Invested $100,000 In a downtown six-story building, de voted chiefly to his restaurant nnd whole sale business, hut built In tho stylo nt old China. Tho defaulting In rent of one of his tenants gave him a now Idea, nnd ho used a portion of his ground floor for the development of what ho calls tho Toy Thoatre. His thcatro Is Chinese In Btyle, Interior and exterior, but plays to an exclusive patronage, tno prices being double thoso of nny of tho other standard houses In Mllwaukoe and tho attractions being entirely four to six reel high-priced features. With this ns his combination school and theatre, Charlie Toy has stnrted out to make film theatre experts of Chlncso boys with money who want to learn the business and then go back to China and stnrt In for themselves. Tho first of his students will leavo In a month. Moy Wah and Moy Hop being tho two who will mako tho first plungo Into tho Chi nese field ns Amcrlcan-tralnod managers. Both havo studied at tho University of Wisconsin, nnd nro thoroughly Ameri canized. Charlie's two sons, Moy nnd Chnrllc, are at present handling tho local Internets of their father, but are about to contract for a location or a Toy Thca 'ro In Chicago, where their father is al ready tho real, though not nominal, owner of one of tho biggest Chlncso restaurants. Lester Leo and Loo Wnn are others of tho group who nro being trained In tho movie business, nnd they also are former Stato University students. news, Will publish their criticisms In tha Columbia Monthly magazine. ABOUT onOANS. Thero rS two kinds of organs, as we nil Know, ono musical nnd one tho house variety, but it is reported that Manager C. Stamper, of tho Tlogn, Is going to lnstal a Jl,O0O Klmjjall organ. Tho Garden Theatre Is having n $10,000 Seoburg organ put In. Mechanic, nro working on a new organ now In course of erection at the Victoria. Paramount Is Issuing n novel style house organ for local exhibitors nnd Is edited by Oscar Morgan. The "Pig Pour Pnmlly" Is tlu medium of Inspiration for tho members of tho V. L. S. E. and published from tho homo office In New York. Theatrical Baedeker PLAYS. AtEMHl "Pinners," a play In four nets by Ouon Daila, of tlin titiuil melortramlc type. A TTiRn whoe Iffo is ono of nnrtlilessness la mndp. to rroIl2o ft through tho woman he considers nls prey. LYRIC "PsMlnir 8hf of IMS," with George Monroo nml Mcrllvnn -Miller. A Winter Osx rin show of tho usunl tipe. with girls, run- ". iiuiBiu niiu I'trniMiiir in inrfio quniuiiirn. plus some excellent burifinun on current ftllQ9. rortltBIST- 'Conln Lucy." Willi .Tiillun Dl llne. A musical comocfv of tho Eltlngo type, with plenty of opportunity for the stnr to nppcsr In Ills rcnmrkahlo irowns. .Mulo nml plot thrown In. OAIlftlCIi-"On Trial." with FTroderlrk Terry mi. I a cooil oiM. An exciting Mory of crime, written Imckwnrit In tho form of a trial, Xocl nnd entertaining. .IIllOAD-"Tho Chief," with John Drew nnd Liur.i Hone Crews. An elegant threc-pleco ready-made: a llttlo anug, but nulto charm In it. AT POPULAR 1'lltCRS. WALNtT "A Tool Thoro War." n problem hlav by Porter ntnerson Ilrowno. from Kip ling's llTlie Vnniplre." PHOTOPLAYS. ciinsT.vi'T NTUErrr opiiiia Houfln-"Tho fourth Hafatp," a new Fox nim or newa pnrcr lire, with Clifford JJruco and Huth lllalr. HTANI.TIV Monday, Tuesday and Wedneday. ".My ljuly lniog, with Ilniel Dawni Thurs day, Trlday nnd Saturday. "Tho Tonguci of Men. wun louainnco i oill AltCAtlfA wun Mnrio Horn, a iiocnuso a Key stone, Thursday. Krlday nnd Saturday, "The iireen Hwnn, wun uesio Jiarnscnio and Ilriice Meltne, nnd "A Modern Knoch 'Ardcn," with Joo .iHCKRon, a Ke atone. HITdHNT .Monday nnd Tuesday. "My Lady's Hllpner," with Anlln Htcwnrt. Julia Swayne Oordon nnd Karlo Wllllima: Wednesday nnd Thursday, "Thn Luro of Heart's Desire," from It V. Service's poem. "The Spell of tho Yukon. " with Edmond Hreeso; Friday nnd Saturday, "Tho l,oo Trail," with Agnes Olynne PAl.ACi: All week. "Tho Temptation." with emhllno Pnrrnr. A story of an episode In a rlU'a life, excellently produced by Cecil do Mllle VAt'DUVILLi:. KHITH'H- 'The Forest VIre." nn English nieirinro mil umma i aruB, comeuicnno; I'Teu- L.ynne uci . ., i .-.-. i&..&.. .HA.nftAif,. Yftri and oltAND 'A K ght at the Club, ' UrAdna ana Jjeryt3n Sulnn.and Lnflerty, Cirrus riders: Olbon and WeMott, .oojridlan. The Italian Minstrels. Webb and llurns; Tom Kur, a contortionist OLOT1E- 'The Jungle Man " a trained I snlmal IJottle Clair, rhlladftphlan, nnd her ..petti coat Minstrels, or ,Nln? Mlnstfel Mjlds, At White's "Kid and"! .Green. McIIenry nnd Dean: Hduarda. Urothcrs. tha Four ,8ironff Men, Jack and Annie itowen. In 'Hunk ilogy," and Hdyuan Hayes, dramailc so prano, the Zara Carmen Trio. Johnson and Crane, singing, dancing and tnlklng. and In Illrdvllle," Introducing Dcssle's trained cocka toos. NIXON- Wlllard. "The Man Who C rows" : "To ncno nnd.Hcturn, ! Fox and Mayo, entertain ers: Wood, Melville and Phillips, two come- ropcan acrobats: the Gordon Highlanders, songs, stories and oances. and "Walllngford films. CHOSS KEYS Flra. half of week, The Thrjfl Diving Iteautlea. Curran and Mack, In '"Tin Italian and the Iloss"; Jarrow, the Magician: Walter Jones nnd company. In "His llrother Hill": tho Dlxlo Trio, alnalng. talking and dancing, and Ergottl's Lilliputians. Second half. Dclmore nnd Lee, In "A Study In mack nnd Whltn": OlUo Hrlscoe, comedi enne: Donner nnd How era. In "On a Satur day Afternoon": "Pop" Vard and rompnny, In "The Terrible Judge": rwrr Twins. In songs land dances, and tho Frank Gregory Troupe, hoop manipulators COLONIAL Tho Manchurlan Troupe of Chinese acrobats, Crossman'a Entertainers, In a musical act: the Klnkatd Kilties. Scot tish singers and dancers: Neldervllle baboons, the Four Hoses, acrobats and ballet dancers: Jlrs. "Hob'' Fitislmmons. tho wltn of the exneavyweignt cnnmpion or me worm: uun can and Holt, blackface; Jerome nnd Carson, acrobats: Howard. Kibble and Herbert, sing ing, talking nnd dancing: , Herbert's rings, and tho famous "Ilcd Circle" and "Walllng ford photoplays. STOCK. KNICKErtDOOKErt "Tho Natural Law." n. problem play. It's the first Philadelphia per formance presented by tho Knickerbocker AMIIIUCAM "When Wo Were Twenty-one,' with tho Anlno Stock Contpany. Henry V. Eimonri'a popular comedy.. In which . Nat Goodwin starred. The leads will bo played hy Georgn Arvlne, Huth Itoblnson nnd lllch nrd La Salle. .,,,, DUMONTS Dumont'rt MlnMrels. In nn some unoerx nnu buuivi Wfnotjlrtj? touglt Serves Good P Whooping cousVi tm-..-.-j . ., have been a serinu m. -... TJV i 2.2S2 .TSf 'J. ? trell street.' got up loTttend u'lPSl violently, when sh' .melt sm0k?ghi!!l nroused her husband, who ..?!i jM Joe and another child, rteba. a T v xfl'J ?s tnnlcAl an throjvn kwauia- aionnay, inewiav nim wen newsy, iiki iuhhi ii iiiiiii hii tin ii ft flrlfTIr h Miinor In Ail rirndiirtlnn. nnd Ho !vrd Iter.' with Sam HernanJ. ..ll, t llni. OS.. I.. .. Mnia ha..j. i- ii n, , iiunrini lit it oiiiiit inviiv, j Oierman, In "Tho lltuhcst HUMor": t)o nml D.mcs, In "JJurlceauo Moles, ; A A II in an FIRE WRECKS ASBUUY PARK IIUILDIiVG; LOSS HEAVY Dnmnge Estimated nt From $100,t)00 to $160,000 ASBURY PAIIK, N. J., Jan. 17. - Flro destroyed tho buildings of tho Asbury Park Press and the Asbury Trust Com pany today, causing dnmnge estimated at from J10O.C0O to 150,000. The blnzo was discovered on tho third floor of tho Asbury Park Press building shortly boforo C o'clock this morning and spread so rapldlyq that soon a consldorn bio section of tho business district wns menaced. Tinners wero at work In tho linotypo room of tho Press plant nn tho third floor when tho flro stinted, nnd the only ex planation of the origin wns that a pot of molten mctnl hnd been accidentally upset. Tho flames wero got under control after a three-hour fight. LOCUST THEATRE 631) c LUCUST STREETS 1 HEAR Sin.OOO KIMBALL nrTrjT Mon Tues. ft y First ) Presentation , In West Phita. WM, FOX Offerij H. COOPER1 CLIFFE ; The Distinguished ' English Actor ' .Supported hy a Notable Cast ., nr Vr.'L1! "UAUTIFUI, QlRLn t KiCHARD MANSFIELD'S ... ailEATEST BUCCEaa A Parisian Romance' nturiBDAY, fhiday and fUTunruT CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In DUMAS' MA8TBPiPlnCE UAIVllLLt." MATINEES EVENINGS 10c .". t!30 AND .1 P. M AND niitn IOC NOTHINO HETTTEn RFI MONT ..MD Anvn MAnKBTS BHUV1U1N 1 ,uj. . IOC. nven.f ..fd DT1IKL CLAYTON and llOUflE PETERS, lil ComitiK All Next Week THE PATTtlOTIC PHCrrO-BPDCTACt,B, "The Battle Cry of Peace" B2D ST. THEATRE J?", hi r.2n AMn Avnnr ' Jw,t Howard Eslnlirook In "THE CLOS1NO NEr? Tomorrow Wm. Elliott In "Comrade. JoSn JKMIWSSP1 MfiB PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO wiyL rTffMT 11 11 "V ntQTM NTS m2&' CEN1RAI. Chestnut St. Op. House nZ'hZLi SEE TODAY'S AMUSEMENT COLUMN That Columbia University, in their course on tho photoplay, Is mnrklng time with tho modern trend, Ii ovldencedthls week by their disavowal to present the courso on tho silent drama on a nurelv theoretical basis. Tho students hnvo en listed tho co-operntlon of V, IJt S. 12., Inc., to supply the prnctlcal side of tho ' Instruction. This laboratory work will f Include a study pf studio essentials, a i grasp of the mechanical possibilities of ; the film and a critlcnl. review of tho lat est releases when shown. V. L, S. i;., Inc., havo accorded the students press privileges at the prlvato Showings, and tho opportunities afforded by visits to WEST I'HII.ADKI.I'IIIA pDA 1irv B2D ANIJ MAHKET STHEETS UlXAlNiy MATINEE DAILY. 2 I. M.. ?0 SHI'llEItT PEATfltE. With CIIAIII.ES THOWIIIUIXIE nml MI.I.C. DIANE in "THE SIREN'S SONG" n;cDni?nnir 3d and wiruuuuuwn HAVr tno studios and inspection rooms. Tho students, ns pnrt of tho course, nnd In response to the demand for photoplay EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR EVKKY SIONDAY SOBJECT TO CHANGE ALHAMBRA Al'OELO ARCADIA BLUEBIRD BROAD ST. CASINO CEDAR '& CENTURY EUREKA FRANKFORD FAIR3IQUNT 52D ST. uARDEN MONDAY Edna Goodrich, In ArmitrnnE's wife Alarenrlta Flacher, The Dragon Marie Doro, In The Wood Nymph Victor Moore. In Chlrn mle Fadden Out We Ktliel flayton. In The Orcat Divide Arthur Hoopi, In The, Devil's 1'rayerbook Hazel Dawn. In Nlohe TUESDAY Edna Goodrich In Armstrong's Wife Mary PIcKford. Iii Madame llutterfly Marie Doro. In The Wood Nymph Holbrook ltllnn, In Life's Whirlpool Ethel Clajton. In The Great Divide Ed wnn! Earlo, In The Hand of the l.aw Florence IBadle. In Price of Her Hllcnce Robert Edeson. In The Cave Man Blanche Sweet, In The Captive Pearl White. In The King! dame Howard Estabrook. In The Cloalnc Net GERtfANTOWN filRARD GLOBE GRAND GREAT NORTHERN JEFFERSON 3UMBO LAFAYETTE LEADER LIBEHTY MarRUerlte Clark, In Gretna Ori'n Pauline Trederlck. In Delia Dnnoa Clara K. Younn. Camlllo William S Hart. In The Dliclple WEDNESDAY Edna Goodrich In Armatrong'H Wife Emllv .Slovens. In The House of Tears Marie Doro. In The Wood Nymph Margnrlt.l Fischer, In Tho Drason Thurlow IlerKcu, In The City Edith Ptorey. In A Man's Sacrifice Mr. & Mrs Castle. In The Whirl of Life Valeka Suratt. In Tho oul of llroaduay Marie Doro, In Tho Whlla 'earl Mary Plekford, In Madam llutterfly William Elliott. In Comrade John I.ou Tellesen, In Tho Unknown Sam DoGraBse, In Martyrs of the Alamo Mary Miles Mtnter, in liarbara Frlftchia Charles Trowbridge. In Tho Siren's Song Norma Talmadge, In Missing Links Grace Ellison. In Black Fear Bessie Barrlscale. In The Golden Claw Cry of the First Horn; Majesty of the King Morenos rtetd. In Tha Cowardly Way Charlotte Greenwood, Jane in Ethel Clayton. In The Great Divide LOCUST LOGAN AUDITORIUM MARKET STREET ORIENT ORPMEUM TOiiROOK PALACX RIAljf Kxcrnrr Busy iivr fOOD II. Coopar CilfTe. in A Parisian Romanes Valll Valll. In The Woman Pays Mr. i Mrs. castle. In The Whirl of Life Blanche Bwest. In Tho Caa of Becky Helen Ware. In Cross Currents . Syd. Chai.lln, In The Submarine Pirate Lnu TeUdton. in The Unknown .!' IK Warner, in The Ghost llreakers ?'?.'. I'lckford. In A Girl of Yesterday American King and Graft, No. 3 Norma Talmadge. Missing Links In Hal Dawn, in Tha Masqueradera Bessie Harrises le. in The Golden Claw The, Nature Man, The C'lean-UD Francis X. Bushman. In t'ennlngton'a Choice Triangle riajs Tho Penitents Ethel Clayton. In Tho Great Divide THURSDAY Valeaka Suratt. In The Immigrant Pearl White. In The King's Game Bessie Barrlscale, In Tha Green Swan Lionel Barrymore. In A Yellow Streak Thurlow Bergen, in The City Edith Storey. In On Her Wedding Night FRIDAY Vnleska Suratt. In The Immigrant Blanche Ring. In Tho Yankee Cllrl Beasle Barrlscale, in The Iireen Swan . Mary Ptckford. In Dawn of a Tomorrow Dorothy Donnelly, Madame X In Emily Steiens. In House of Tears Molly Melntvre, lr Her Great Hour Tully Marshall. In Tha Sable Lorclia Owen Moore, In Help Wanted Florence need. In At Bay All-star Cast. In The Death Lock Valll Valll. In Tho Turmoil Margarita Fischer, The Dragon in fvrll Maude. In The. Greater Will .Robert Mantell. in Blindness of Devotion Molly Mclntyre. in Her Great Hour Jane Grey. In Let Katy Do It Marguerite Snow, In Rosemary Mary I'lckrord, In A Girl of Yesterday Charlotte Greenwood, Jane Gall Kane, in The Labyrinth II. Copper nitre. In A Parisian Romanes Julia Dean. In Matrimony George Marlon, in Excuse Ma liU7.,;h?. 'D"ythe, In Strife Eternal Frank Kseaan, la The Coward GeraMlne Farrar,. la Temptation Paying th Toll: Ready-mad Maid Holbrook Bllon. la Life's Whirlpool Anita Btawart. la My Lady's BUppv rnnls Ward, la The Cheat Dorothy mnnellr. la SRHM mg&iW"11 "i " ' "' "-" '"" yBsLv. " 1 r Paulln Frsderlck, la BolJ J Hsl Dawn, la My Lady Incog. Broadway Xeatur. Th Pttn4r Knry Kolksr, In Ttus Wrala Dustia FaxuBm. la Oastlcaua i'lm IcdJ&n Helen Ware. In Cross Currents 'Edwin Stsvens, In Tha Man Insfda "Her Defiance, The Winning of Jess Mabel Normand. In Ke) stone Comedy Wilton Ijickaye. in Trilby Charles Cherry. In Mummy & Hum'lng Bird Clifton Crawford. The Galloper Marguerite Fischer. In Tha Miracle of Life Valll Valli. In 'ine he Turmoil Mary Miles Mlnter, in Barbara Frletchla Pauline Frederick. In Bella Donna Robert Mantell. In Blindness of Devotion Molly Melntvre Her Great Hour In Mary Plckford. In Dawn of a Tomorrow Wlllard Mack, Alohe In The Little Mascot; Sheriff of Red Oulch June Daye, in Heartai hes Mummy &. Hiim'iiig Rlrd SATURDAY Vnleska Suratt. In The Immigrant Clara IC. Young. Camllle ERFORD AVE. THIASat.n PLAYS FRANK KEENAN. With CHAS RAY In "THE COWARD" TICKLE FATTY'S FALL' Keystone Comedy. . i C ADniTW 53D A LANSDOWNE AVE. laAKLJtilN mat. j. nva oao MARGUERITE CLARK in "GRETNA GREEN" EI T D 17 V A 4TH AND UPiIiift MARKET STREETS Vila-graph nluc ttnUart Frlfnn JMbon hcnlure lODe CQeSOn "THE CAVE MAN" ' in NORTH BTrmDrjf $5wki 8oo&na Gmpwrm 'THE following tlientrj obtain their pictures through, the STANLEY a lloohlng tompuny, wlilclj Is n gunrnntee of rtrly shonings of the lines productions. All pictures reviewed before, exhibition. Ask for the theatre In jour locality obtaining pictures through the STANLEY Hooking Company. AI II AMDD A 12th' Morris Pnesyunk Ave. ALnAlllLmA Mat Dally at 1!; Lgs , 7 & 0. Vaudeville & ParamH Pictures Edna Goodrich "ARMSTRONG'S WIFE" ARCADIA CHESTNUT I1IM.OW 1llTIt TIUAXafjV PLAYS MARIE DORO in "THE WOOD NYMPH." SAM BERNARD in "BECAUSE HE LOVED HER." APOI I f"s KD AND THOMPSON r JLLJ MATINEE DAILY MARGARITA FISCHER in "THE DRAGON" 200 NORTH BROAD ST. BLUEBIRD VICTOR MOORE in "CH1MMIE FADDEN OUT WEST" PPnAD PARAMOUNT wuuruv TUB THEATRE ftOTH AND CEDAR AVE PARAMOUNT PICTURE HAZEL DAWN in "NIOBE" T T' D P D T V BROAD AND il. " 1V COLUMBIA! ETHEL CLAYTON nnd HOUSE PETEItS li "THE GREAT DIVIDE" Logan Auditorium $$"'' METRocoPn,iCTUREnu VALLI VALLIJ In "THE WOMAN PAYS" -, !,! Market St. Theatre 333 "ffi1 J jiii nnu ams vernon CASTLE in a "THE WHIRL OF LIFE" , ! ttliti lillAf-I"' liVlitlY WKD.NUSDAI )M ORPHEUM avSSJM. TRIANCILK PUl'S-IIEI.EN WARE In" 4 "CROSS CURRENTS" WEIIER & FIELDSJ in "IJtLi WOUHT OF FlllENDH." Besslo Bnrrlscnle. in The Green Swiin Diistln Fnrnum. In Oentleman from Indiana Dorothy Donnelly, in Madame X . Edwn Arden, In Tho lleloed Vagabond Beerly Ilajnc. In The Crimson Wing Marguerite Clark, In Still Waters Mme Petrovn. In What Will People ."ay? George Probert, .-.eara In Douglas Fairbanks, In Double Trouble Fannie Ward. In Tho Cheat Alice Brady. In The Rack Lionet Barrymore. In The Yellow Streak The Iady of Lyons and Red Circle, No. 4 Henry Woodruff, In The Beckoning Flame Thurlow Bergen, In The. City Douglas Fairbanks, in The Lamb Clara K. Young, In Trilby Gladys Hanson. Mne I'ri ,n mrose Path II. Cooper Cllffe. in A Parisian Romance Henry n. Walthall. In The Mlslsadlng Lady .Charles Chaplin. In A Night In the Show Vivian Blackburn, la Excuse. Me Dorothy Donnelly, in Madame X Wlllls.ni S. Hart. In The Disciple Geraldlne Fa idtne Farrar, In Temptation Tried for Own Murder: Heir and tho Heiress ,, Edwin Ardeo, In The Beloved Vagabond Anita Stewart, la My Lads Slipper Anlu Stewart, la My Lady's Slipper Nan Christy, la The Silent Trail John Emerson, la A Bachelor's Romance . U1 Dawn, la my Lady Incof. Eijwln August, la Evidence CUr Kimball Young. la Camllle DuaUa Farnuor, ta Uenttemaq Creo Jodiansi Molly Mclntyre. la lUr Great Hour Pieces of the Game: Bandits of Macaroni Mt Henry B. Walthall, in The Misleading Lady Holbrook nilnn. in Life's Whirlpool Clara Kimball Young, in Camllle ' Holbrook Bllnn. In Life's Whirlpool Maude Fealey. la The Bondwomen Mary Plckford. In Fanchon. the Cricket Doroth :hy Donnelly, la Madame X Laura .Hope Crews, la Blackbirds Geraldlne . Farrar. la Terailtatloa Mlgnon Anderson. In The Woman In Politics Frank DadUI tn What Happ'd to Father! Edmund Breesa. In Lure of Heart's Desire Helen Ware, la Cross Currents Mare McDcrmott. In The Catspaw Marguerite Clark. In Helens of th North Hast y ii Dwo. In Lady Incog. Neal of the Navy. 11; Jim West, Gambler Tully Marshall, la The Sable Lorcha, The Devll-ln-cblef: By Might and His Right Mart McDermott. The Catspaw la Edmund Breese. la Lure of Heart's Desire Fannie Ward, la The Cheat Kathryn Adams, in The Phantom Witness ValM Valli, In The Woman Paj ays Constance Collier. In Tongues of Men Marie Dressier. In TUUe Punct'd Romance Blanche Forsythe. In The. Strife Blsroal Graft, Episode No. a: An Innocent Traitor Hplbrpok pilnn. lo Life's Whirlpool lil Tfllegin. In The Unknown Marguerite Snow, la Rosemary Iulso Vale. In The Woman of Mjstcry Blanche Sneet. In .Stolen Goods William Fartiuni. In Wonderful Adientura Kathryn Williams In Hmet Alyssum By$- Chai.lln. In Tho bubmarlna Plrnte Broad Street Casino nn0KrJIrcl MATINEE. 2.30. EVENING. 7 and 0. A -.,.. I4nnnc In "THE DEVIL'S Arthur rioops prayer-book- COMEDIES r'lTMTI 1DV iaiiu avk t Marshall L.JL.lNlUtI STS MATINEE DAILY FLORENCE LA BADIE in 'THE PRICE OF HER SILENCE' NORTHWEST S.. ..l.. THEATRE 17T1I & usquehanna susquehanna ave. MR. HENRY KOLKER in "THE WARNING" 5 Parts Lulu Olaser. In Pilgrimage in America Edwin Arden, In The Heloved Vagabond Robert Edeson. In The Caie Man Fannie Ward.' in The Cheat William S, Hart, In The Disciple' , Richard Iluhler. In A Man's Making Charles Ross. In The Senator Thf'Tr" Woodruff, in The Beckoning Flame DouliK,,''"r')nk3. "wble Trouble NORTHEAST CTDANn 12T" Af'D CIIRARD AVE. J 1 IVAINI- MATS. WED and B, "A Woman's Last Card" !ud y "The Pretenders" T 4 ACTS KENSINGTON I I I M R PI FRONT ST AND J U 1V1 D U aiRARD AVE. "The Cry of the First Born " "His Majesty, the King" The Jumbo Weekly. No. 201. "The Ring and the Rajah" "The Hoy. the Girl and Auto." FRANKFORD '7n,FnAN1Tv)RNLH BLANCHE SWEET ,n ,', PARAMOUNT PICTURE CAPTIVE" FAIRMOUNT wSDAvn. Pearl White in 'The King's Game' Pathe llotit Rooster Play. GERMANTOWN tvnCvV PARAMOUNT PICTURE ' Lou Tellegen in "The Unknown" HRTFNT n2n and woodland ayes """-'i ' Dally Mat., 2. Evg.. 8 :30 to llA PARAMOUNT PICTURE sj Rlo Q,., In "THE CASBOrt a-.m.nc uit BECKY" PAT APF 13U MARKET STREET '9 rl-irtC ,0 A M to 11:15 A M.J GERALDINE FARRAR in "TEMPTATION" PARK" RIDGE AVE. & DAUPHIN ST. " "IvlV Continuous show from 2 3D fl :30-ll 8 i'aramoiiiit "BELLA DONNA" Featurlo i PAULINE FREDERICK HT ORP 80TI1 MARKET UL,UDL Mat., 2:I5j Egs., 70. 'MARY MILES MINTER in "DARUARA FHIETCHIE" filRARD AVENUE THEATRE i,.. .. . ... TTII AND QIRARD AVE. i 111.1.,111. r. i-uayb MASI PE (HtAMSE In "MARTYRS OF THE ALAMO" Keystone Comedy "HER PAINTED HERO" Great NortrifrTi "oad st erie a vjicui iurincrn germant'n Avrs TRIANOI.K PLAYS "MISSING LINKS WMth NORMA TALMADGE and ROI1ERT HARIION "NICK OF TIME." With SAM BERNARD, In Clara K t'amllle nung. in "'We-coy61'' .Jne Orey In Let Katy Do It Clara Kimball Young, la vxmiie Bessie Barrlscale. In The Golden Claw" Clara Kimball Ybuhg, In . Camilla Gertrudi e Bambrldge, In DIorcons . William S. Hart. In Between Men Just Plain Folks; Others Geraldlne Farrar, In Temptation Edna Goodrich. In Armstrong's Wife The Bonds Within; The Little Trespasser JuIU Dsau. In The Ransom Agnes Olynne. in Tb Love Trail Wlllard Made, In Alohe Oe Betty Hart, in The Bait Holbrook Blina, In Butterfly on the Wheel Constance Collier, In Tongues or Men Broken Coin. No. 15: Banding the Hose Reel Julia. Dean. In Matrimony Alice Brady, la Th JUck VUrsutrit) Clark. in J"rne tni the Pauper IrUhTf."';'ten- '" Tho Unknown Jack t. .ii.-,. . BOTng"ni'k Clara K'5"1i ', Young, "ta Camllle ' it" .White In The Love Trail LTh." vrrymore. In The Yellow streak !rh ? In -"p ransom W''&R.1--,Ifrt. n JdtiW'u'Jl "traiaine Farrar, In Temptation ' xE?r', WlllUms. In My Ladys bllpwi bllpper W.h'!,iKl'l6l Joe Marlon? "olUian and Doollgan ThP, ,Mayo. In The Misleading Lady AS" Olynne. ln The Lou Trail wSrifi'K!Jtf,S.,T Valli Valll, la T Turmol) Blanche Ring. In The Yankee qui Constance Collier. In Tongues of Men Nsnee O'Neli. U A Woman's past Maude Fealy. la uondwomeo Marguerite Clark. la' Pruice and the Pauper METRO PICTURES EXHIUITED IN ONLY ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Asf for Metro Pictures An Absolute Guarantee of Quality IRIS THEATRE sm IsnOTON GRACE ELLISON in "BLACK FEAR- JEFFERSON :0TU NnIEFTsUPmN TRIANGLE PLAYS BESSIE BARRI8CALE In "THE GOLDEN CLAW" WEIIER & rTELDS In "THE REST OF ENESllES." PR1NT.F.SS 10,5 J - ----.-- m D111LI.I 39 llnnviM T-ur- Tm I II '3m rrtinitj inc lULti "HEADY MADE MAID" rst k v nr- nRmriNTnu'W AVE. KlAli 1U AT TULPEHOCKE.V 6T.,1 HOLRROnK RLINN n H 'i.inyfl winnr.pnnr." DrrCWT 103-( MARKET STREET,.. ,4a uuui x HUMAN VOICE OKqxx-,-i ANITA STEWART and EARLE WILMAJISJfl in "MY LADY'S SLIPPER" ,. RI I R V MARKET STREET '. UC I nELOW 7TH STfltXt. FANNIE WARD in "The Cheat'! PARAMOUNT PICTURE SHERWOOD "Sa'lthiVb DANIEL FROHMAN Presents PAULINE FREDERICK ln "Sold" LAPAYETTE 20U kensinoton FLORENCE REED ' S'" THE COWARDLY WAY" I FADFR FORTY-FIRST AND X-l-rLl-.i. LANCASTER AVENUE CHARIXyTTE GREENWOOD llrAMril and SYDNEY GRANT ln JAINE PARAMOUNT PICTURE Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday In Motion Picture Chart SAVOY lsWB'gCT DOROTHY DONNELLY in "MADAME X" 17TH AND VENANGO 1 1 J TIOGA PALLAS PICTURES Present ... niinTiM wmiMiTur in 'TllR GENTLEn FROM INDIANA," by Booth Tarkingta-"fj VICTORIA UARAV HOUSE PETERS and KaTIIIib -i KAEUtED ln "THE WINGED IDOL' J FnED MACE In -CROOK JSU lu '"" 'T.l CT AMI 17V MARKET ABOVE I6T1! t CONTINUOUS I ""-" .V.tUrAoilfll I.iVpVm. I "MY LADY INCOG" I miiiit xuvM, Weekly- Programs Appear Every Monday in Motion Picture Ghart w TRIANGLE FILMS Can be obtained from H. SCHWALBE G TT -- . . V r-. corner louj ana vine ots. ja iNotewortny ri&yt rre-eminent Players Each Week at th following theatres: A D r A r I A CHESTNUT ST, n t u n v t n below wth ALHAMBRA ". ARCADE MM PICHMOND BT. BELMONT dw. BF I I F V 1 1 F FRONT ft """ V VJ C SUSQUEHANNA B E N N 033S WOODLAND avb BROADWAY "ftjJKig" EUREKA i0TH MARKBT sts. pniw ivp GIRARD AV. THEA. "" r.ARDFN MD AND 2? J, tTL .. . I-ANSDOWNE AVE. V I C T O R IA 813 MAKKBT OT IMPERIAL JW IRIS 8,T KBNBINGTON va JEFFERSONctaSw. LAFAYETTE Svf0; LOGAN AUDITORIUM "Ztfi LEHIGH PALACE sKlffo ORPHEUM cLTAv'ii OVERBROOK uwSaj A PALACE "MABtia PASCHALL "OT Woodland v POINT BREEZE Su?iF J ry Q 1734 RIDGE AyENU RUBY MABBHAIJ;4 USKW: OT SUSQUEHANNA oSM? Thurlow Bergen, la if" - fkurfc jraMJtrH L.ditrs.sia WISHART ISSwiwjita w wk s n L"" Miinn( i Pjti Uax. is
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