EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 191G. - IKEWOOD LAUGHS UNREDEEMED AFTER SUNDAY PREACHES Wealthy Townsioik oi jncw Jersey Winter itesort t an to Se Impressed by "Billy's" Energetic Sermon jl1 ADDRESSES THRONG i . ..,.irnnn. ji .7., Jnn in. "ismy Sl&.ias'cnmp here to upend Ills fibular !IUndOX "-"",'. ii.l.tt. I, nrn,1 llliy Itomi- holljlny. Incl.lentaJlj , he preached I1 "... . n mid Knco of 1700 norBoniL jermi "V . 7.V.fniu n.,1 WnlihJ HfMipMCfl o. ",. nm,-Mtn colony. viffBflAUtna '...'- . .... it. ', m 1 luianmi Tn tiii nviinuriiti. mil W? . . M.t.i.. nw1 ttnrnifanmfwl. Tim Er.ookpince In tho Vlr.t Methodl.t ftplseopal tihurcli. ti tin Sunday n nrsi '" " " "-"' I ,:. resott. Ho maile the most of his Mf opportunity nnd sermonised upon Hope" tn the rfovul that filled the church were M Martini Jamison iinu a pnriyt mil j t .,. tn.Ai Mr n1 iir'Archibald . Dnvfc Colonel Archl P1.. . M-i-inn. nnd Mr. MrClure. J11.V Kould M. A. V. Sopor. W. J. Taylor. W. m Wll OCK nnn many mnvi iuui.i..-. hSwVter. one of fiumlaVii party, nn EleriftJ when "BlUr" and "Ma" K.. ... ml AIDPri I'Cicrauii muvuu. llKiey entered nulotly by n side door, at he left 01 ma jmi,,.i. Billy" wns ,n K00tl ,orm c ,na,1 Ilia audience inunn wmn v .iu. "If the President smcl 10 mo louny, "Billy." nl B,np Job3 wltM, ,yu' rd eply. 'Notninir uoinn, oi. Then ho made me mmicnui' khii im """" 1 ..!.... .1. nmncrnn' t It Is Bomcthlnis whom ou spend ...... .. iiniimi In linnvpn np hell for Kd doesn't keep n halfway house." For the most part tno sermon wns mo me ono preached by "Hilly" Sunday In PltHburnh. In Philadelphia, in ayrncuso !ind elsewncrp. nnu icu .. .iv....j .... ollowcrs of hlH ork everywhere. Jinny f his hearers cvinccu ifuiiiiiiuH uti . "Blllj" warmed up well toward the end hi. ..rmnn ns he told about tho mnn Lho drank himself from wealth to pov irty then resurrected lili soul, camo back iironff from tho booze nnd Brew rich ?aln. HO SnOVeU uaCK Ilia "IK .u.i mm ,..,i nnnn It. iumncd down nnd mounted he pulpit rail, slid ncross tho platform; ind with each move nlnmmetl his slmiff nto higher scar Hut he couldn't nunken l his hearers more umn bu"": derest. ... , ,, He closed shortly before noon nnd "Mn lunday took the pulpit. Sho talked rlefly. Hut none cnm6 forwnrd over tho rftlli two only rniweu 11 iiuhu iui iu..jv.. n.i "milv" and hi party motorcu ort far lunch at the L.nurel-ln-thc-Plncs with Ukewood lauBhlnp but unredeemed. IHWIlnHHHI: L - ., .. 4 I PHIMDELPIHAN SHOT BY GIRL COMPANION Mrs. Lillian Ogden Piper Then Kills Herself Tragedy in Joliet, UK W. NELSON MAYHEW Cliatrman Membership Committee who is nushlng tho movement to make the Greater .Builders' Ex chnngo tho biggest in America. STOUGH CHALLENGED TO PROVE CHARGES Atlantic City Police Chief Says He'll Take Revivalist on Raid Trip if He Names Place MV. ISAAC WARD AIDS SUNDAY IN TRENTON hiladelphin Minister Taking Active Part in Campaign Th ncv Isaac Ward, pastor of the ourth Ilcformcd Church of Philadelphia, oxUoronRh, In Inking nn active part in n "11 llv" Sunday tnmimlKn hero air Van! Is In charge of men's work nnd lould Sunday be called nwa to some Istnnt city, siuh ns occuncd In Sjra- jse, when lie weni vniciiKo lor n lef Intcrn1, Mr Ward would preach at o tabcinnclc. Mr. Ward Is conductliiR meetliiKS In hops 'nnd faeces heie. ilr. WniU will jto glv attention-to pollcomen, 'firemen iid tfollcj" employes men who are un ihle to net -to tho tabernacle services lie will visit the police 'stntlo'ns, the lire ilatlons and the trolley bains, where ho 111 meet tho men In Syracuse Mr. aid eld meetings at the car bains from 1:30 p i 30 a. m , after tho men hnd iult work. nd theie wore many concerts. i Police Court Chronicles Whenever Hob Campbell Imbibes ln lustrlouslv ho becomes the eiicinx of nil .nlmals. The sight of a cat or dog; Is as feasant as poison. He Is especially on- oscd to dogs under such tlnumstnnces. jnfortunately he seems to encounter nore dogs on these occasions than at any ther time. Whether It Is due to telepathy or some- ihlng else) no ono knows, but at any rate lho dogs sem tn know flint Hob doesn't like them when he's liquidated " They mp at him and frown ferociously when m approaches Two dogs of defiant de- eeanor cncounlei cd nob ns he was roll- Bfnear Palrhlll Squure, nt 4th street and Mgh avenue. Ono wns a pugnacious w and tho other a sleepy looking span I of tho frayed out variety -t !P. j ! ff !& y VA ler.Jlst Kltllll' 111 lllf ro.ul m tutilitlizn 0 "'n't err said Hob to tho iIoks. "r-r-r-iowp," replied the dogs, Jesaaslexinptlii i.m,ui.i ni. r... M "Men lurch he caught both by the tails M carried them rinwn T oi,i..i, n,.,, 7eral women told Bob they would "In- - cnieiues." uut ns Uou wns ?. Jf 6 anmals like Indian clubs l,?' not nturo near. rOllcemail O'llnnnsll r,ll. I v... .i. - Knl. .1.1 j ..... ..iuvicii uy inc ?.. h ' ,h doss' osk1 tlllr custodian ..r " 'eani. for reDlv Hob threw Th. 5! at ,he CP' The nuB "truck him w8 nose nnrl h ntv.Arf !.i.i .. u . a.j -, -.", .. vwci iuimcu uii ma onfliM i 0,v er d0BS' wn'ch ""celled the "UllCl, also beeamn lnlnlv.,1 run ll iXhr."iqulc.kllrianl brought Campbell Uitlon "le "" ana ork streets Boh VIII fin mn.l .1.- .. .... ihin ..!.. """ "al ne couiun-t ex " anythlnc Km i ., .h. i... iuM link .-.r-jr. -". V ""' " e north.. uunc" ot Qoffs and cats ln Los'th" 9lenn Informed, him that Cueiuwi gs ,n 'nat 8ctlon were rrf i.5 mraal anu the cops around 3? ".'i hlm Uob declared that ho IZt co""nue 1'ls crusado no matter T.,ih.lla" thought about It.- ""(i'K Irlat inn nnlmnl tintA. r,,1A rsSli:B.w!hv,,w " B,ven " cna"e ad th Juage allowed njm to k.rui 1 "" at "toimesourg-on-Eifcil. ''" wnere the breezes blow ..um me jersey shore. ATLANTIC CITV. Jnn lO.-nvnngellst Henry W, Stough will hno to prove tho existence of organized gambling In At lantic City or xlrtunlly admit ho nnn dealing with glittering generalities es tcrdny, when he told n "men only" crowd nt the tabernacle shore authorities should be compelled to suppress games here. Malcom H Woodruff, chief or polec, T'cnlled" tho ovniigcllst this morning. "If Kvaugcllst Stoufth will come down here with any responsible person nnd sign nn njdnvlt chniglng the presence of Ram bling In any specific place I'll tnko him nlong with us while we raid the place. I do not hhj- there Is no gambling In Atlantic City, but I do Fny there Is no 'organized' gambling of which wo mo aware. If Doctor Stough can supply spe cific Information on that lino we shall ho Indebted to him " Christian Science Church ofllclnls here will answer Stough'H attack upon their beliefs, made Inst night. Congrcgntlonnl ofllclnl today took up the matter with Stato icpiesentatlves. Hdwaid It, Don nelly, former ilty clerk, who Is president of the lawc nnd growing church In Chct sen, will Issue a statement today Not qnly the Christian Scientists, who today maintained Stimuli's nttnek upon Mrs. Mnry Cridy, founder of the scien tist religion, was uncharitable and un called for, but Htks nnd locul admirers of rntor Ilussoll nro also camping on Slough's trail, Stough spoko scornfully of the practice of the Hlks In holding nn nnnual juemmlnl service, nnd ulso be littled the praetlro of the fiatcmlty In dlstt Uniting thousinds of dollars every year In hcnenlcncc. He maintained Christian Scientists nro trying to get away from that fact of sin, and said their religion Is n "hideous form of agnosticism, seeking to rob Christ of Deity." He called Pastor Russell a faker of the worst kind Mayor Illddlc, who wns so tnkeu with Stough nt their first meeting that he drew n JlflO check for "campaign ONpenses," ulso is nt n loss today to nccount for tho evangelist's ncrld arraignment of him yes terday Stough said tho Mayor's famous declaration that Atlantic City needed gamblers, chorus girls and prizefighters wns twaddle, and the town must hold itself responsible if public opinion does not force tho reBort administration to repress gambling. I'.istornl supporters have ndvlsed Stough not to accept the Major's Invita tion to dine nt his home some day this week, and they are distinctly opposed also to permitting the Major to speak from tho tabeinucle platform on the sub ject of "Hypocrites nt Home." I.nst night's crowd, while the largest of the campaign thus far wns also one of the chilliest, although composed ery largely of church members. There wns but littlo .ccponue when he prayed thnt tlie city might be made nflame for Ood and mado to atone for what it has done. JOMKT, 111.. Jan. 10 A girl, known nmong- church folks of Joliet ns Miss Lillian Ogden Piper, fired a bullet Into her brain today and died in the office ot John It. ftobnrt, a manufacturer, after she hnd wounded him. The joumr man hnd been seen much In her company lately, Tho girl left a note requesting thnt news of her death be sent to her father, William Ogden, of Richmond, Vft. She was1 waiting In Hobart's office when he arrived this morning, "I'm through with you, I don't wnnt to have nnj thing to do with you,"' said the oung manufacturer. Then he turned his back nnd began opening his mail. The first letter wns from a hnrdnnre store nnd showed that a revolver had been charged to him As ho gazed at the bill there wn.s n shot. A revolver bullet tore Into Ills neck As ho sprang to his feet the girl fired again, but tho bullet went wild Then tho girl turned the revolver on herself. In her purso wns tho note she had written It Raid: "The wages of sin Is death. 1 have been terribly wronged Please notify my fnther, Wllllnm Ogden, In Richmond, Vn," At tho hospital Robnrt told his story, "My real name Is John t'lrlch," he sold. "Six j ears nRO I left my wife nnd four children and good business In West Phil- ndelphtn, Pm, to run away with this girl "She, too. wns married. Her name was Mrs. Lillian Ogden Piper, nnd her father. In Richmond, Vri , Is n prominent mnn, of nn old famllv " Coming to Joliet and calling himself as Robnrt he prospered. The pretty joung woman hnd her nutomohllc, her homo nnd her friends Lately Robnrt had been showering attentions upon nnother womnn Mis. Piper bought n revolver. It wns charged to Robart as her husband. To day nho wont to his olllce. to force a choice. BAPTIST MINISTERS URGED TO PUSH CHURCH PROGRAM 200,000 Converts Yearly and $0,000, 000 Contributions Arc Good Accoidlng to Dr. Heibcrt 8 ohnson, of the Wnrron Avenue Hnptlst Church, Bos ton, who was the principal speaker at today's Raptlst Ministers' Conference, held In the Fust Hnptlst Church, 17th nnd Sanom streets, the Hnptlst denomina tion has the gientest opportunity for ad vancement In Its hlstorj. he plan Is for a countrywide, concerted effort In foster ing nnd aiding tho five- ear program, which alms nt obtaining 200,000 new con verts per je.ir and J6.O0O.OOO per year for tho promulgation of Hnptlst doctrine throughout tho world Doctor Johnson said that If pvcrv mem ber of tho Haptlst Church would con tribute the value of two postnge stamps per week beyond tho sums now con ti United from nil souices the needed K0OO.0OO would be inlscd. Ho said alsu thnt ns ery few mlnl.-tteis or laymen now make nnj effort nt personal evan gelism, despite the fait that there are nn averngo of 81,000 Haptlst converts In the United States i early, n slight per sonal cftoit upon the part of tho l,3o0,(XK church members In this country would easily produce tho goal for converts. Doctor Johnson urged the ministers In Philadelphia to make theso facts clear from their l ulilts to the cud that Rap list laymen might understand thoroughly tho exceptional opportunity the five-yen, program offers for making their church tho most powerful numerically of nil Protestant denominations In tho United States About l ministers nnd church-worker were present u-r-:. NKkV X a tat A 1 3 Returning; your neckwear nbie, ujiruffled t the JgCf, mow white always We made thU laundry a de. Mh to particular men. Nepfue Laundry 1501 Columbia Ave. WynatAaytth4t4tV FRESH AIR 1 VSiKv I The Breath Iatentfil Nov 0, J'JOJ. WITHOUT DRAFT Through the Dohem Adjustable Pressed Steel Window Ventilator Sanitary Stormproof WILL NOT RUST, lfnrd baked ruamcl fluUh WILL FIT ANY SIZE WINDOW For Home. Olllcfa, Aparinienti, etc. For sale by department and first class hardware stores, or Bohem Manufacturing Co., fliila. Today L Our Semi -Annual RepricinrSale of Men's P $ ancl Young Men's ti Ready-to - W ear J l Glothinrf is an event of ( importance to you. I fl Here is merchandise p of acknowledged cnar- acter and wortK selling $ p at less tnan its former 1 moderate prices and '? tKis in the face of a i L rising market. v T& mi . A I lhe opportunity yours do not let I slip by. I Men's Rcady-to-Wear fi Suits are Repriced . Heir Trlca $35.00 $30.00 IS It Repriced $25.50 $23.50 $19.50 $15.50 $13.50 Logwood Extract 10 BARRELS FOR SALE A ISO, LEPOER OFFICE TIN KUOI-iiiu EVaiLtT-u-tii Cbarroal Iron lias tt StSJn CoatlojE mdr to lay tUt: i rcutm fw.ir ..i.. Ti ii.- . BFIH.'fBra run air. t Ml vw" s n' '31CCCI ' aiain tvw i- I'odtr Ausplcts of tbe Alliance Fraacaiu. CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH ONLY n,;io E.tty Hall, Walnut ITlh. 11:30 a. m. L'y Ucrinamowa X W C. A . 0 .30 i. ju. advaaced Conrtloaal CUu, Tuta. T tour a, li.iiij p. m. Curlo Icutructtvca (UL, IIUL. Art). Mop., 3 30 p. in. apply for particular and Pblla. Her. BAJtO.V J.HAKLlkt dtflXKK. Xr MMi. $28 & $25 $22 & $20 $18.00 Men's Fine Quality Over coats for immediate use and a number of Spring weight Goats llnr. Prlc Repriced $45.00 $35.00 $35.00 $27.50 $30.00 $23.50 $28 y. $25 $20,00 $20.00 $16.50 All alterations, except sleeve lengths of coats and inseams of trousers, charged for at cost. Jacob Reed-s Sons 1424-1426 Chertaut Street tfWlms3uL oftr liilii' s r m I IjWltI fib ll A HI liiHl umiiwf-j Mia it iHCiH er -. m -w AndkantKUfM bvimj "shb HtM reTililll t a T BHU1 t JfTTH KfCtt W WjlUnjnri,Si H;C.l. -sb MjijMiwu, -r crittiMiho BjMatt gc ipagiupar uv ng9 ,;flSSSKn iI33?l7?-r 4 Era9EB'Br.ei hi imimsji-ft TCTrffrf iiie- 'wmmamimzv him. jm WM mm Cunhihgham MrWwL. WlwHxss7,ta,IWw Www N'ibt '' w ,ij; i , M c ii$ lisraaliTH i' i vt I1 V.iSmmkNVff: vi.W. - Sj WfWIKMiSS, mkm dhams unmn JANVABY SALE dand use slidhih) opworn pianos UPRIGHTS PL A YERS AND QUARES 'Niy;A'v;;rt'!--,fv iia -' K '.., "V-i .,'.t,;.a' W1 11 " W" iit ' i ' ''l i'5i' I.' : it f . f 'W l f s't1'', 4i ' r . t j (Hf& w.mt t iF.i V it,- '1 'l -yjiifii n'l '(? 'it. '! as'S.. iiW M"1 1 f i . :v,wii' tm: ':.:, Vii $:- , .'r ' 4 Jt. 1 iN i-- 1 J ' ' 'ti str.v-; , '? ?! 'ijS; ;$-'m team h,'vT"-; f Vsj . lJ' iAiv'ItJ1 - rfiyr sw'j f y Vi v' . - j,i y wi, lu.- i 'iii"yAsS 1 XvXsM our immense holiday business in Pianos nnd Player-Pianos we naturally received in part payment for our own instruments a large number of Pianos of other makes. These instruments were immediately sent to our fac tory m West Philadelphia, where they have been com pletely renovated by our own men. They are now in first-class condition. And in addition, all our own Pianos and Player Pianos which have become shop-worn or have been used for demonstration purposes will be included. They are on sale, starting this morning. And the prices are unusually low, considering the condition of the instruments. The following are a few of the manv instrtn,aTifc wa have on the floors and our usual liberal terms.will apply ; ..aaawva- tuv "UUltlUU Ul CHIJ UltCJLC&L Uf CALXUS. v ' i Meyer Upright Piano. Byron " " . Sherwood " . Clarke & Co. " . Horace Waters " . Harvard & Co. " . Munroe & Co. " . Wassil&Co. " . .Rosewood .. Jlahogany . . ...Walnut . . .Mahogany ...Walnut New England Piano Co. . " Chas. Edwards & Co Mahogany Lyon & Healy " Hallel & Davis Oak Summer & Co Mahogany Marshall & Wendell " Steinway & Son " Boardman & Gray " Heppe&Son " Opera Piano Co Oak Slinman & Son Walnut Sherman & Clay Mahogany CLichtie&Co Walnut Was $275 5275 $280 $275 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $310 Now $70 $70 $80 $85 $85 $85 $85 $90 $95 m . ... Was Now UHCKenng Mahogany $350 $150 - '? & ' ' rm jsri Ti?ai -m ,, uuccia m -v SsJeUJv . S P .?' sMtmmsiKC 9R9K n.vn.nn..., a - t, t. vr jrzix. 'gas aa.-Bfsgi.?iMttMyjfc:,v www ..m,w n nvcnuM - . , jv tr ." .s.xaw sr; Wheeler & Co " Hazellon Bros " Decker Bros 4 Ludwig Sohmer&Co " Strich & Zeidfer " Augustus Baud " Lester (medium size).... " Ivers&Pond Walnut AlacPhail & Co " Mason & Hamlin Oak Lester (large size) Mahogany Regent Vose & Son .' " Oirard Piano .,. Forrest " ..." " Girard " Painter &Ewing......l " Cunningham " " v''" XT'Pn um Va,' 5500 $295 Matchless Cunningham.. Mahogany $550 $325 REBUILT SQUARES $325 $100 $325 $105 .$325 $110 $350 $115 $350 $125 $350 $125 $350 $135 $350 $135 $350 $!-.0 $350 $150 $375 $150 $-.00 $150 $400 $165 $400 $165 $400 $175 $400 $175 $400 $175 $400 $175 $450 $175 $500 $175 $500 $190 $450 $190 $450 $190 $350 $200 $275 $235 $350 $240 $400 $250 $500 $290 j;v' Hallett & Davis Mahogany $550 $40 .' Albrecht & Co Mahogany Was $500 Now $50 7 V llth& Chestnut Sts. Factory: 50th and Parkside Ave. ' 'So' ''Qv -V 5? PHILADELPHIA BRANCHES: 52tTand Chestnut Streets ' 2835 Germantown Avenue .'& A. ... -o7 VK N i ) f.' V ? If' .1- . f . hZ4Kv&k JiJ ?eftl 1 V VV eV -y waJ si, f . V f . - A ' v??v ,iT. H&ihYit .iraf,4' I'liV p ' -''1 1 f? ,,('' (Q."V!Tt 'ir V '1 h V , V I v - .', "VJ v f f -'i;' s .T5s gf
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