H m HT v :j A ra il? liSVBNIG LEDGBR PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, .TAWTfAnT 10, 1D1P' .. GRffiN WILL Bfi CHIEF COLOR ON BOARDWALK AT SHORE THIS SPRING Rich, Glinting Hue Dominates Dresa Parade and Is Highly Popular With Fashiona ble Womenfolk COLORFUL PAINTINGS BY HENRY BACON ON VIEW c Atlantic city, Jan. w-oreen i to i lh!' enrlv aprlnir color ort Hire Board -wmlkr not tho hrs that In nlmojt black, but tho rleh. glinting Rrctn of the sea Then It flitters In the sunshine. Oreen raffduhd In a thounnd forms yritertlay -and lodj nmotur the (nxhlonably clad thousands ori the Boardwnlk. There were Rrcen lints, toprortta of dark Rreen. n rippling fireen skirt of corduroy worn wtlh a Hudson e"nl, hip Irrmlh Jacket and finally a full costume of rich ,frecn velvet, ilothina; the person of a young matron whoso fur cavalry cap Contained a green plume.- Charfea M. ftchwn.li. president of the Bethlehem Steel Company, who has been vvccupylnn a suite nt the Hotel Trnjmore during the week, nnd who plnnned to cx tend his stay for another week, has been forced to curtail hl visit owlnu to busi ness matters demanding hM personnl at tcntlon' In New York Mr. Scliw'nb enme to the shoro In his prhate car and Planned to spend n Kirae putt of his time while here In plnjlng golf. Miss M. OMenra, .who 1 nt the Chelsea with her sister. Miss Helen O.Mcara, of OvdrBrook. nnd Miss Norma Hodgdon, of Ncv.Ybrlt. Was very attractive In a smart brown nnd black check tnlleur with n brond-brlmmed. black beaver and white furs The second Miss O'Meara wore n , stIHh cont suit of smalt checks with blnVft furs, while Miss Hodgdon was In brown with furs In keeping nnd a green crowned hat that was very becoming The Casino Is n popular gathering plate for Philadelphia society folk On the sun-deck or passing through there ere noted yesterday Mr. and ..Irs William V. Fltlcr, ltachel Fltlcr and William Won derley FUler. Jr.. Mrs. Walter H Mnssey , oilrl Mrs. Edward Trasel, of Torrcidnle; Mrs. Ellison Wnlbaum, of Ilrjn Mawr; Mr, and Mrs. William J. (Jewell, Jr., i Hr?t. William I. Ocst, ofiMcrlon, and i,rs, a. II. Freedley. Mr. nnd Mrs. David Iteeve3, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C Mason, of Ardmore: Miss Jennie D. Walton. Mrs. II. N. Stephens nnd Miss H. Klsnsser, Mr, nnd Mrs. John F lictz. 3d, Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Thomas nnd Mrs. W. O. no land, air nnd Mrs II O llrown, Mr nnd Mrs. Chnrlcs n. Barker, Mr, nnd Mrs. Murdock Kendrlck and Mr. nnd Mrs, Joseph Wood Wagner Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilobert N. Fell, of Ogontr, nro nt tho Mnrlboroiigh-Itlcnhclm. Mr. and Mrs, E. O. Whitman, of Cjnwyd, arc nt the Trnymoro. Mrs. Q. C. Stephenson nnd MIbs Stephen son nre at the Chelsea, where Mrs It. M. ObertcufTcr nnd MIm Elizabeth Ober cuffcr nlso nre staying. Mrs. C. E. Pugh, of Overbroo1', Is spend ing some time nt the Dennis with Miss Esther Clement Pugh, her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roberts nre In Chclscn. Judgo Walter I. Dnwklns, of Baltimore. Is n visitor here with his niece. Miss Frances Dnwklns, Other Philadelphia here Include Mrs. J. 51. Stoteabury, of Upland; Mr and Mrs. T. F. Durham. Archbishop Prendergast. Mr. nnd Mrs, A. C, Sluind nnd a party of friends. Mr. nnd Mra. J Stanley Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs S. B I-nrzelcrc, Mrs. II. S. Adams, who Is hero with Miss Mary It. Shaw, of Baltimore, Mrs II h. Mclean, Ralph McLean and Mrs J. W Cooke, of La,nsdowne; Mrs, Austin Hcckschcr, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hand, of Fort Washing ton; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Moylnn, of der mantown, John II. McFaddon and W. Bailey. Mrs. Henry H. Bonnell, of Chest nut Hill, nnd Miss Kimball. Mr. nnd Mrs. II, D. Sherrcrd, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgnr Q. Cross, Mr. nnd Mrs. John F. Hare, of Ororlirook; Mr nnd Mrs. William Post, tir. nna .Mrs. a. m. J'nrks, Chnrlcs M. Boswell. Mrs. P A Wllllts. Mini Mnrlon King. Miss E. Donnghy. James F. Mc Carey, Morris Hewitt. D B Snodaker. Dr. nnd Mrs. C U. Furbush nnd .Miss Fqrbush, Mrs. II. II. Heist nnd Miss EIlz abcth Heist, Mrs. Thomas II MncDonald. Dr. Jnne Scott, Miss Une and Miss F Barry. wmm&2gB&' " aiKSBsa&sxFKs -" r. mM& -1 wmmm&. ' mmzsttMMAS r nm , r. aaj ;i ui tun. & jt - .'vmrBitiHKi.'r. .... "-., HHwafXkr 4 m.f'r?-aw5iji.i ..'.?.- v, fiHMHRIMS . Z f X L.df tA4C--:ilidiW.&S-J mu .v' i sSsSLs1 s T!i,WlsHKrA '''.' HM.t'! ' i imrwx3?mciimsxm . is rfiKSgg.r- v .-. " " ' i , ij VmL. ' a-; ,-ti kTasP C rft ' ' JI.WW . . 5 Vi" ?! i47ttl.''u . -wv ' . ' w , ak w 4 ,;jMwi. v MssmL' r . vSMKif: -rf . .mmm. .,.. . .'-A'.ms iaUi i. r s-aitwtxKi . 'i. "Ssfeffii -1 F& ., S "wmiwiiiir -iiw'-f-rrr if 1 n i . . - i ii rn r. r il GREECE AND EGYPT 'V,,, -'mi. li AIU l2iAtllDlUUl P$MIlw' ', .,-' m 1'orty water-uoior Paintings ry a?l7OTir'',Nr, 'VSftV'V v View Today ,& ' fc Sir ' C&m:t',' - 4 ' "v . . l,rK-.V Cr v ? . .. fflE.!I ' ew. . ..? iotV.v..Jt,t-)vOwiivaN- r IsBbBILW. "" ", " " tbSIbe Hi LK.dVr- J-F:.ii PARIS, THE SPIRIT OF TRUE ROMANCE i i A Slice of Its Life Shown in Fox Film at Chestnut. This Week By the Photoplay Editor Plunge Into Hirer Fatal John C. Connor, a sen captain, Ii denil today from the result of exposure nnd shock due to n fall In the Delaware Itlver Ha was captain of Lighter No. 20, of the Philadelphia Transportation Sand and Lighterage Company. An exhibition of water color paintings by the Into Henry Bncon Is now open nt tho McClccs Galleries, 1.7)7 Walnut street, and will continue for two weeks Thcro nro some 40 works In nil, but In thnt number nre represented some of Mr. Bncon's chief paintings nnd a number of his best works. The pictures which will bo of greatest nppcal are 11. oho In which the atmos phere of Egypt Is reproduced with extra ordinary effect. Mr. Bncon, who had worked In oil for n long time, gae up thli medium after n trip to Egypt, Be cause he found that oil wai Insufficient ' to catch tho color and atmosphere of Egyptian out-of-doors Hit skill ns a draughtsman made It possible for him to do awny with body color entirely. There Is but one patch of body color In the cntlro exhibition, nnd ns n result the transparent fluidity of pure water color Is shown at Its best. Either the colors (low Into ench other In gentle grndntlons or they nre Inld side by side, crisp nnd clean. In both cases the effects nre mar velous. Tho Egjptlnn pictures Include some architectural work, tho Colossi of Thebes, tho Great Abel Hone and tho Temple on the Island of Phllae, but to the lay ob server tho more Interesting cnnascs are tlioso dcnllng with the desert, the Nile nnd the llfo nbout them. Pink twilights, yellow twilights, strange sunsets and sunrises, with nn extritordlnnry effect of reality, yet full of exotic beauty, bits of humanity, deftly and tenderly worked In, suggestions of dnlly life, n-nd effects of mngnldcent distances nnd unrealities, are nil visible In this most engnglng series of pictures. If one happens to think of what may occur nny day In the xery spots painted b Mr. Bacon, the shock Is lessened by the fact thnt such abiding memories of the Nile arc left. Second only to tho Egjptlan set arc the pictures of Athens, particularly of tho Acropolis Here purples dominate, as they should In violet trowncd Athens, and here i uibu ,,ir. u.icuii nus uouo ms most re- i marknble work In nrchltecture nnd arch- ' POTTSTOWN. Fa , Jan. 10. Mrs. Naomi aeology. The two facades of the Pnrthe- i Nichols, of Covcntryville, received nu non, the statue of the Wingless Victor) ' absolute divorce from her husband, Mllo with Piraeus and Phaleron In the dls- Nichols, of California, nnd has been given tnnce, nnd the Theitre of Dlonysos, hae the right to use her maiden iinmo of Wll broughr out the most enthusiastic com- son Tho decree was bused on tho ments from architects nnd those Inter- ! grounds of cruel nnd abusive treatment, ested In the Golden Age of Pericles For Judge William Butler, presiding Judge of the reproduction of the central metope of , Chester County, Issued the decree. A fOltfKBE?A?OMYYG. PLAfiS OFTZFSES, the frieze of Phidias Mr. Bncon worked as Mlcholnngclo Is said to hnvc worked. In n most uncomfortable position on n scaffolding, but the result Is n miracle of nccurncy nnd beauty. i Other works reproduce scenes In Cejlon ! nnd Normand). In these ilnss of Impeded travel tho gallery gives a flrst-clnss sub stitute WOMAN OBTAINS DIVORCE i Mrs. Naomi Nichols Wins Decree on tho Ground of Cruel Treatment NEW YORK BECOMING MORAL, ROCKEFELLER BUREAU FINDS Great Improvement Noted in Last Three Years NEW YOBIC, Jan. 1Q. Tho social evil In Now York lias been reduced In amount In tie last three years nnd made less con spicuous In form, according to a report Issued yesterday by John D. Rockefcllci's bureau of social livglcno ns a supplement to the bureau's olumo on commercialized lce, published In l'J13. Police Commissioner Woods, the report declares. Is largely responsible for the Improved morals of tho city. "No Police Commissioner hns ever grappled with the tllniculty as energeti cally, as Intelligent!) and ns persistent!) as he," the report stntes, "and tho police forco has responded to his leadership. A new standard has been set, and public opinion Is being educated to demand nnd sustain It." EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR K KltV MONDAY SUIJJKCT TO CUANGK &LIIAMBRA APOLLO ARCADIA ULUEUIRD BROAD ST. CASINO MO.NDAr Fannlo WarJ. In Tho Chrat Charlra J. Ross. In Tha Senator D Wolf Hopper. In Don Quljoto Pauline rmttrlck. In Uella Donna TUESDAY Fannie WarJ. In Tho Cheat Mnrle txiro. In the. White Pearl Da Wolf Hopper. In Don QuUnte CEDAR DARBY FAIRMOUNT liARDEN IJERMANTOWN I5IRARD GLOBE GRAND GREAT NORTHERN .1EFFERS0N JUMBO LEADER LflJERTX Arthur Hnopei. In The DeWra Prayer lloolt Dlanehfi Sweet. In Tha CaptlM) Tht tied Circle CI) Twenty Yeara Aso Edith Storey. In The Prke of Folly t Fannie Ward. In The Marriage of Kitty ..Theodora Roberta. In Mr, Orel of Monte Carlo Dorothy Olah, Wallace Jttld; Old ietdelbarc Emmy Wehlen. In Tablea Turned Fdwln Arden. In Tha Gray Milk . Jane Grey. In Let Katy Do It nnbert Edeeon, In The Caie Man WEDNESDAY Fannie Ward. In The Cheat Lionel Darn more, In A Yellow atreak Itoacne Arbuckle. In Tatty mid Mabel Adrift nrnre Wllllamx In Faith and Fortune Mary I'lckronl. In Madame lluttertly Tha Truth About Helen The Klaihlluht Oeraldlne Farrar. In Carmen Bele Ilarrlacale, In The Painted boul . Theodora Itoberta. In Mr. Qrex of Monta Carlo Edith Storey. In A JTIce for Folly Fannie Ward. In Tha Marrlaia of Klttv Forelitn Spies Oraft (fourth epltode) Julia Dean. In Matrimony Both Sides of Llfa Curly Marivierlte Clark. In Prlnca and the Pauper LOCUST LOGAN AUDITORIUM MARKET STREET ORIENT OR P1IEUM OpRBROOK I'-JLACB TARK PRINCESS RIALTO REGENT RUBY S4)'QY SgSKWOD fcUXLJCV STRAND i jcrom "r Edwin Arden. In Tha Beloved Vagabond William Farnum. In Tha Wonderful Adventure Marguerite FJacher, In Tha Dragon Home rater.. In The Ort at Divide Mary Plckford. In bameralda Orrln Johnaon, In end Tha I'enltenl Pouglaa Fairbanks. In Th l-amt, ' Valaaka Suratt. In . Tha Immigrant Mary Inckford. In Madame Butiardy Durt led Treasure of Cebra ,,y 0U1UAU1X Clara, Kimball Young. Jo Camilla Cyrua T BraTva Novel My Lady'a Slipper Xgu Tellegen. In i Tha Unknown Marguerite Clayton. In A Daughter of tha City Marguerite Clark. In Gretut Orecn Marguerite Clark. In Mica anil if en Heaurractloa Tha f towahare CUnt Kimball Young, to Trilby Beole Itarrtacala. In Tb SoWea Ciw Sam Bernard, In Tha Great Pearl Tangle T,.Ko',.i.St?r"r.' ,n Ill father a Footateps rather and the noya Solution of the Myatery Marguerite Clark. In Prlnie and tha Pauper Henry Kolker. In The Earning Theda Bara. In Sin Charles J, Roaa, In Tha Senator THURSDAY S1 Chaplin. In I Submarine rlrata Georire F Marlon, In Excuse Me Ilobert Hnnon. In Mlaalng l.lnki Henry II. Walthall. Blind Juitlco Ilobert Edeion, In Tha Cave Man Rita JolhM. in Tho Unafraid Clara Kimball Young, In Camilla The Maklnjr 0er o ueonrey a, annlng itmt Petrova, In What Will People Say? Charles J. Roes. In Ihe Senator Jniuerlle Clayton. In A Daughter of the City Thornae E. Shea. In The Man-o'-waraman Mr and Mra. Caitle. In The Whirl of Life Emily Stevena In The ilouie of Teari Mary Miles Mlnter. In Barbara Frletchle Darwin Karr. In The 1'rUoner at tha Bar Marguerite Clark, In Still Waters Edna Maio, In A Bit of Luce Emily Steena. In Tha Houte of Tears Mary Plckford In Such a Lima Queen . Mm Petrova. In What Will People Oayl William Faveraham. In Une Million Dollars HI1DAY Svd Chaplin. In A Submarine Pirate John MaHon. Hazel Dawn. The Fatal Card SATURDAY A Tarlslan nomanee'.'-A. Tot film In flv; reels, (bowing nil weeK at me tntimm oirc nsron Chevrlal ,.,,.,,...,.1 ill. Cooper Cllffa nna Dorothy Green Theresa . .. ,....,,., Irrret Blelrin Marcelle ,...,....,.... l-.Anit.ellcn Bd! me da Tarry ,i,,,,.,i,.i..lDi ir,iin n; . Ileauehamp , ''Clarence Heritage M. 11a TSrgV ,,,,,,,, .)inroin iiHrupim Jullanl ....AdolPh MenJou Mme, do Lunelle ... .. , Mrs. Cecil Raleigh alna-e no longer holds a true exponent of delicate rlsnjuo comedy since Richard Mansfield pnsscd awrty. To many his mannerisms, conceit nnd little eccentrici ties were only nn added Joy to a remark- kl. .akmrmmII,, Th nit 1.1- 0,l trttnpr nuiu iii BuiiiiiiLj'. ji ,iit ,,.0 f,v..fc ...,.-. tolre no part waa better suited to him than JJaron Chevrlal, in "-. l'ansian nu- vmamma" Mnn, tUim nhMMIai. la 1lnn.fi tllA A.ii n, n,dBAn(A,t ftv XT. Cnnnfir Cllffe. whose Nobody, In "Every woman," Is well rememncreo, nna wno now is pinjms jh PWnflrlnnrt " f II4I& HAA.t i. AnM e Id, ntau tlnlf! UHll" IIIGU UD Dlllll U till; l'"J ...,fc... It Is of tho snappy, risque, dellcato style or mo rrcnen (irnmatists, inr more suuu to the legitimate than to the screen. It loses the snnrklc from situations which should amuse, with tho result thnt an unpleasant nnd Immoral ntmosphero is nlf Tlila ! ,,n lliA fnutt nf thn arrnnrln! It Is n cleverly constructed nnd extremely well-acted piece of work; It Is merely tho loss of tho lines. ltfn,.iiH.)nli, iUrr,, n. ft, ttnrnn. I..Ih. fA,,, n ...l ,nn Mllnl, ftin DAMallfll ,Mfl of the character rather thnn tho nmuslng taiocics of n Riri-sirucic oin 1001. am makes him totally bad, n man of vicious iH.llHnla. .. UIIa fnMBllnt.l fhft trfAllt artist, emphaslzeil the comedy and sub ordinated the ell to It. Of course, Mr. Mansfield wns n Brent nrtlst, whllo Mr. Cllffe Is merely n cnpnhlo actor and does well within his llmltntlons. Thcdn Dnra has n rival ns the "Vam pire of tho Screen" In Dorothy Orecn, who, na Itosn, of 'he ballet, makes n most nllurlni; picture and Klvcs a most convincing nnd human portrayal of tho scheming: nnd dcslKtilnir woman, who takes and tnkes from the old man, nnd gives as little na posslblo In return. The remainder of the cast wns excellent throughout nnd tho BtiiKlng elaborate and beautiful In many of the scenes. Especially effective was the BUppcr scene nenr the end. t4.l.. tl.M ..m.MHn nf flit., nlnn nit Ihn i,itii,4 hiiu luuipu u, .inn o,w. ,,., v.,b prlnclpnlH net married to tho wronB per son mid live rxcecdltiKl unhappily until death do most of them part, wherewith those that rctnnln remarry the right per son ami live nnppiiy until ucawi uv iiniwu them part. Wo think tho plcturo seems to preach: "If at first jou don't succeed, to." The next nnd Inst picture In which Oeraldlne Knnar appears will be "Maria Ilosu," a Jesse I. Lasky productlrn on the Paramount Production. With Miss l'"nrrar will be seen Wallace Held, who played tho part of Don Jose, In "Cnrmcn." Georco Ucban, the film star who Vnndc such n profound Impression In "An Allen," and who will soon appear In 11 new World Film fenture. Is n red-hot baseball fan. DurlnK the summer he howls himself honrse at almost every blc bull ganio at the Polo Grounds In New York, nnd when vacatlonlnB nt the scnshoio Invariably orKunlzes a team He plnja behind the bat and Is a heavy hlttci. As Its Happy New Year to tho world of motion pictures, and particularly to Its exhibitors, tho Metro Pictures Corpo ration announces that Mr. and Mrs. Kid ney Drew have Joined the happy Metro family of celebrated screen stars. Mr. Drew, who Ruined n unique plnce In the comedy world on tho legitimate stage before he became famous as a star and a director of comedies for tho screen, will produco one-reel subjects on the Metro proRrnm. The comlnR of Mr. nnd Mrs. Drow to the Metro forces marks the fourth addi tion of the Krcnt Unrrymoro-Drcw fam ily now under long contract with Metro, the others being Miss nthel Barrymorn nnd her brother Lionel. Tho Inst two named have nchleved the greatest suc cess of their career, appearing In stellar roles provided for them In Metro wonder, The contract, which covers . period of years and which calls In Its first pro vision for a aeries of M eai". was .lined In Ihe L.onacr. Building Just be fore the bells began to r ns out the old year. President Richard A Rowland and Treasurer Joseph W. Engel, of tho Metro Pictures Corporation, together with Met ro's chief counsel, J. Ilobert L-ubln, and Mr. Drew, completed their negotiations In time for a mutual participation Inn New Tear's reasi ai me uinriuKc. .,..-.. - plans for tho new comedy releases were gone over In detail. They were completed hi their entirety and tho first release was Scheduled for the final week In February There will bo one comedy each week thereafter, ono reel In length, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Drew will bo starred In each feAturc. In line with nil previous Activities. Metro will surround theso two stars with an ex ceptionally strong supporting cast, which will Include tome of the foremost artists In the comedy Held of tho silent drama. SOCIAL WORKERS TO DISCUSS DESERTION AND K0XSDPP0KT Judge Brown Will Speak on Subject nt Educational Exhibit The problem of desertion nnd nonsup port will be the feature of the discussion nnd conference at tho educatlonnt exhibit under the auspices of tho Society for Or ganising Charity In tho Wldencr Building today. Addresses will be made by Presi dent Judge Charles A. Brown, of tho JIu nlelnnl Court, nnd Assistant District At torney Chnrlcs Tox. This conference will take placo In the early afternoon nnd will bo followed later by a consideration of tho co-operntlon of charity organizations with hospital social sirvlco departments nnd visiting nurses Dr. 0. E. DcSchwcln Itz will bo the principal speaker. Ho will bo followed by Mrs. Martha J. Megge, of tho social service department or 1110 i-cnn-sylvanln Hospital; Dr. A P. Franclne, of tho Htnto Dispensary of Tuberculosis, and Mrs. N'orman Jackson, vlco president of the Visiting Nurso Society Ucrn.ml J. Newman, of tho Housing Commission, will give nn Illustrated lec ture on "Housing." Thcro will bo tho usual presentation of tho play, "Wlicro Charity Begins " The play hns been very well received nil during the exhibition and mnkes tho strongest appeal of any of mo icntures or. 1110 exmnu. I,argo throngs crowded tho building yesterday nfternoon, when It was opened to glvo thoso peoplo a chnnco to seo It thnt could not do so on week dnys. Autn Strikes Cop nnd Horse Mounted Policeman McPaddcn, of tho Brnnchtown station, was badly hurt and his mount was killed when nn nutomobllo ran Into them yesterday near Ogontz and Mcdary nvemtcs. Frederick Trice, of 211 Mount Carmel avenue, Ogontz, took the policeman to tho Jewish Hospital nnd then gnvo himself up. It wns dark when tho collision occurred. FAMINE IN MEDlf PROMPTS PLEA itjl Wnr Has Spnf. Pt4. Protection Asked S xiomo Jroducera WASHINGTON, Jan. IA -. StntM la fonlnJ 1 J!"'..1?- Thl result of thTWr ,CS' '!? 1 drug business paralyzed ,4 rf? ino- from 1ft l t(wuf". ana trlel . ---r -- .. - V awv net r..-, :- may bo asked to assist lhe?pJ-5? The shortage nnd high nrlf... .7 th rfi.r.nii-.,. "iH" Prices remit shipments from Germany, a&'rfSW In fit nRjuirttntv. U .!... . Iqim itll . u.mena to rv tnftt nnotrflnw U .1.. . vv VO sale ( druggist; th'at'irifeg for tho manufacture of basle rn.ii'S out of business at tho close of 5. " pcan war by price cutting and I iff Ing of rnw materials by forei.. ,Z on United Btatea markets gn P HOTEL DE GINK NOW Of Prnmlnp.nt If nhnna Ati.-i -- "- ' nena Etaul Pnnr Tf Will Mi. rrt. -9l " ""'. inemSsM The Hotel do Gink, m North ltS Is now properly established. Thli juV edition to hoboca" former s!.B, J ters l)nd Its formal opening y"tt,fj drow prominent hoboes from ah JI' the country. Iti Two especially distinguished sutitQ Both flro delegates to the hobou' ei!!' end Of this month, They gother2iH fast freight from Hnrrlsburg j,ji7I ""-1""' viin.uoiuciiituii' on l'hllllai..l Improvements, though they lairnil method of traveling Is getting YJJI everv ilav. ""tl ImJ - m . "This luxury you Bee here n ,, bH do Gink." snld Quirt, Is going to rnu? ..u.,.... i mil iiiuhs UJQ,,I PATHE- GOLD ROOSTER PLAYS Ann SOMETHING NEW IN Master Production! with vrrll-known stage itari'la 15, leading roles l. Thee plays nppcar at all nt!ul IUiinleaa t3aiAeairil 3 uiviiuim uvuuu Jin I'ATIIII KXCIIANGn. ISC 1233 Vine Street .r'nrt---Mrfnt r..i.n.LA.f lAtVffirMfaAJJlLljJFikiajJlJaMJW W TRIANGLE FILMS "JwUXtlal V. i rt 1 it Noteworthy Plays Pre-Eminent Players Each Week At the Fallowing Theatre! AltfWMv Tlir.ATHi: CliCHlmit street lielnvr 10th. 1,II MIIIII 'rill3.'llti:m, .. iiHrrU Streets. II('I)I3 TIlIIA'I'Ui: 2I20 Illiliinoiul Mreet. IIKMIUVI' Tlli:'llin St .V. ,-,1'd .Street. lli:i,l, 13 Ui: 'lIli:.Tlli; I'ront ,t SiiNiiuclinnnn Avenue. III3.NV TIIlIATIti: (1I13S W II11111I Avi-nilr. IIIIOVnUAV TIIi:'IltI-rUd A- nrernnnr Avenue. i:iIlll:lvA TlinATHi: in th . Market Streets. rilAMCI'OllI) TIIIMTIIi: I'riiukroril .M MnrKiirctln Street. KlinT M1IITHi:UN Ilroml .v. lle Avenue. (JlilAltll A VII. l'lli:'I'Hi:uiT, ci Irani A v nine. c;VHI)i:.V 'rili:.Tltl-n:id .v. I.iiiiNiloivne Avenue. vic'ioiua. 'rnnvnti: 11 in iinri..i sP,.i. f MIl-nitlAll Till: VTHi:-JUKI, n 1 .Spruce Streets. fl 1IIIS Till: Villi: OII7 ICi-iisliiKtiiii Vvinuc. ..'.jiinti.-v -riuj.vrm; litli .v. Klrtrlier .Streets, l,KAYi:iTi: Till'. TH1-JIIII Kon.lnulon Avenue. I.tlCilX AUIlITOHIUVt IIIIO , Ilroml .Street. l.r.MK.H II,C'I-I)S7 AV. I.elilKli Avriiur. (Iltl'llin M TIIi:Tlti: Rcrmiuitown ,t Clirltrn Avenues. OVIIIIIIIIOOIC Tlli:'llti:i:iil nnd llnverfonl Avenue. II.C'i: Till: TIII: tail Vlnrket Street. I'A.srill,l, Till: Villi: Tint .t Woodland Avenue. I'OIVI' lllti:i:zi: Tin: vriti: Point llrnie ,V. Morris Street. HIIHJi: 'III UATIti: 17.11 ItltIKr Avenue. HU1IV TlinATIIi: Vlnrshnll .fc llnrket Streetn. St'StU'i:il.NA Till: Villi: 17lh S. Suanurlmnnn Avenue. WISIIAIIT 'I'lIIIATIti: IVunt v- AIliKlieny Avenue. J U CnUWT AI DI7 C C r Tl... .1 i . n.' ii ii. jumnL,up, j. e,. vor. inineenin ana v meats. . ! ctffiAl&gL VrTJWgUAl ypff Ja. PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESDNTATIO wa s J ijajl j 'r f'iTVJV NSTi - IMtom I "rtfr. Hanon. In Miming Links DuMIn Farnum. In The Virginian . Iiula Vale. In The Hungarian Nabob Mary I'lckfor.l. In Such q Little Queen Vllan Martin. In QT .S'lght Still U'alara Mlgnon Anderaon. In The Mill on tha tloaa Charlotte rjreenwood. In jana Mary rickrord. In MMlnme Uutterfly Mr and Mm Caatle.n The Whirl of I.lle Mr. and Mrs Caatle. In Tha Whirl of Ufa Neal of tha Navy On Trail of tha Tlgiw Kdlth Storey, la A I'rlce for Folly lloJ??rt,fiPwri. In Tha Whlta Scar Dorothy Clh. In Old HelilelbarK Bdwjn Arden. in The Ueiove! Vagabond Valeaka Suratt. I The Boul of jjroad itt. In way " f 'S? Eth Clayton In Tha Ureal Divide Clara. Klmhall Voung, In Camilla Ford Sterling. Tha Hunt In Lulu Glaaer. In Ive'a I'llgrlmaga to America Valaika Suratt. In The Immigrant Bpacucular Plcturlxatlon The Black Crook r-.nilh.. Wandereri Alle? Brady. In The Hack Th.B?iwln A,ra.,.n'i The Ueloved Vagabond Julia Dean, lo Matrimony DSS."n. Farnum. In The Iron Strain V!ka suratt. Iq Tha Immigrant Margarita PUcher, la The Dragon ll Meradlth, In Tha Greater Will Cyrua T Dr&dva Novel mw 4uir a oiipper ilouia Patera. In The Oreat Divide KJalne Terrla. in Society Wolvea Tbeda Bara In The Galley Slave Marguerite Clark. In MIC lice and Men Beatrix Mlcnelona, In Salomy Jane Alice Brady. In The Itacli The Golden CUw Tha But et Eoemiu Th.l,uiTi.Tr ltlon Tno Little I'urltan Marguerite Clayton. In A Daughter of the City Dour lae Fairbanka. In IJouble Trouble Mile's nefarmatlon When the Call Came Qraea Elll.ton. In Black Fear CUra Kimball Young. In Camilla Holbrook Bllnn. In Ufa' a Whirlpool Clara Kimball Young. In Camilla Mabel Trurmelle. In The Peerolng Angel Charlotte Walker. In Out of Darkneia Syd Chaplin. In A Submarine i'lrate Pauline Frederick. In Zau p,ur"n?1 Jf!!rlck. in Lidla Gil mora Vivian Martin. In Over Night u Eli.Jv!n Arden. In The Delated Vagabond 'IIP'1"..0' Port Avon The lied Circle (.1) Iloacoe ArburUe, In Fatty and Mabel Adrift a BIA chPlln, In A Submarine i'lrate Allen IIradr7ri Tho Hack nohert Hanon. In jtiuig i.in Edna Oomlrlcli. In Annatrong'a w'lfa Jack Mulhall In ThT fldea ot netrlbutlon Lionel riarrymore. In A Yellow atreak .Marie Doro in Tho White Pearl milm SoAa (mpomu fJlK folloivlnc thealrra obtain their plcturea through (lie STNI KY Hooking Coiiumny, whlcli la a guarantee of early uliuulngs of the the theatre In your locality obtaining plcturea through the looking company. .Vfcl; In, through the STANLEV CKNTHAl. ALHAMBRA Ijjndon'n lycacv Her Mother's iUuRhter riiK ot Tr,Vl.;ical0fro7-F?,y Charlotte Greenwood, In ., ,T,n".CoTiard Fickle Fatty'a Fall i., Th. ''i'.'r , ')". in The Mlileadlng Lndy "all Kane. In TneLnbi rlnth -Fred Mace. In The Janitor' Wife Oraft (fifth episode) Tha Meeaage for Help Jhdore rtoberta. In Mr. Ore of Monte Carlo Knill.V Steveni. In The Home of Tear Edith Storey, In A Price for folly (Triangle) Frank Keenan In The Coward The Warning -Jtobert Ellle. In The Olory of Youth twJ.1fr'1 Ma;l. In JThe Edge of the Abyu Mupr2Stf iHH'". and "--ww. m A-.1 Paulina Frederick. In Ldla dilmora May Allleon, In Tha Otb.r Side of the Door vi Sar',nK ,h Toll He Got lllmulf wife Vallt Valll. In The Turmoil Frank Keenan, ln The CowarJ Clara Kimball Younr. In Camilla Laura Hod issuer-,a Marguerite Clark, In Mice and Man The CUcular Path Frank Keenan, la Tbe Coward Holbrook Bllnn. In Ula1 Whirlpool Arthur ir,w,n. n The Pavtl'a Prayer Book Valll Vallt. In The Turmoil Marguerite Clark. In Prince and the Pauper E2!i','1' Italnas. tn The Secret Agent Francis, X. Buahman In Pennlngton'a Choice CTeo ntdaler, tn Tha Golden Chance Charlie Chaplin, ln a ScieaolnK Comedy Audrey Wumon. In Inaplratloo Holbrook Blino. (n Ufa'a Wblrlpool C.hnJ'i,i.Chf.,'nrI Mummy ana the Humming bird 7b Vengeance of the Oppreated Fa,tr.nd"M,U;r'Adlrnft A"T!.enff.yk- '" iiMsriVtW T ,..... . . m ,, ,or,."00. In Mr Urea of Monie Carlo Th.o'nVo'fVa'terv Ifnilaiav "-.. Dorothy Don-miy, Madame x Marh-iM""t1"nter. In . Parbara Frletchle " 12th. Morris 4 Panayunk At Mat. Dally at 2; Uvea . 7 i . Vaudeville & Param ( Plcturea. C: 1XJ In the Paramount Picture rannie Ward -the cheat" ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 10TII Trfaniilr PkllJ DE WOLF HOl'PEIt In "Don Quixote" JIOSCOE AIUlUCKLi: and MABEL N01U1AND In "Fatty und Mabel Adrift" ADni I r. SID AND THOMPSON ArULJuU MATINEE DAILY EQU1TABLB nU-Jl T D- In FJiATIIHi: VwtlOJlCO u. ivuoo "THE BENATOn" OTHEIIP RI UEBIRD 220 ,S'0R'TI, BBOAO ST Pr.en.u.,,, Pauline Frederick ,n "BBUiA DONNA" both and rrriAR paramount CEDAIt AVE. VE.LI THEATltE Blanche Sweet in "The Captive" O.ACT PARAKOtr.vr PlCTUllE i-ogan Auditorium nroad Above Tlneklnnil Ave MARGUERITE FISCHER in 'THE DIIAGON" Market St. Theatre 3M mSET HOUSE PETEItS und imiEI, CLAYTON See "QnArT" Every Wednenday ORPHEyMvaEnM7,SVE3. onUr,,,0ia1'T"n1PCNiTnNTS" . w..,-, ntMtM,u ,n "itin jjlt" ORIENT S51?. AND WOODLAND AVK, uanv aim 1'., . at .tr i J'ARAHOVST prcrTtiK "iOU "" "' In ESMEIIALDA" r- ai' . t 47'H MARY PICKFORD FAIRMOUNT MTOaA,NRAnD ave. EDITH BTOBEV and ANTONIO MQllENO n "THE PRICE OF FOLLY" GERMANTOWN 8B0go'aanvE Paramount Picture- THEODORE liOIIKlns and CAIILYLE BLACKWELI. In "MR, OBEX OF MONTE CARLO' GLOBE EMMY WEHLEN in BOTH A MARKET Mat., 2:13; Evgi., 7 4 0. TABLES TURNED" yrle Doro. In The Tilte earl ute.Sfi!!!i " ------,,M,wia Bahod Cloaed Doora - Olrl of Yeat arday 0wQttrft'W!Ji'. ' Tully Marahall. In The Sttbia Lorcha In the Name of the Law Clara Kimball Young, a Heart ot ihe Blue Rfdie Clao Ridgl.y , The Ooldcn Chine T.ha Dragon'a. CUw Haiarda of Helen WlUlan, B. Hart. The Dlaclpl In VeJli ValU. ta TurU win a y" Killed Joe Marlon t ft,. ,7 eiera. in The Oreat DIvM. ""..PS""'-". ' " fi atWV8i Wh&'Say, Cleo niJgler. la The Chorm Lady Clao nidglar. ln The Golden Chanco Ijobart Mantell. in Tha Bllndnaaa of Devotion The abel Trunne'lle. In 0 Deatroylng Angel Valll VallL la Tha Tursaoli fllRARH AVENUE THEATRE - tin AKU UIRARD AVP TItlANUI.B PLAYS--DOROTHY ISHnd WALUfli REID In 'OLD HEIDELnEHn " EDDY FOV in 'THE FAVORITE FOOL." Great Northern nANT-Nvfs LET KATY DO IT"- Featuring JANBCJREY THE OREAT PEARL TANaLE' With 3AM BERNARD JEFFERSON 2nu ?RJE&UP1" TRIAyaLU PLAV8 JULIA DEAN In "MATRIMONY" TOIID STEHMNO In "HIS FATHER'S FOOTSTEPS" LIBERTY BROAD and " . . . . COLUMBIA Edwin Arden ta nJifXS0 Pain. OoU jr.WBO!I r - "' 4 iuy, PALACE ,2M a13?!8, p VALESKA SURATT in3 P' 'THE IMMIGRANT" M. Chestnut St. Op. House &i SEE TODAY'S AMUSEMENT COLUMN ' hkst i'iuim:i.riin LOCUST B!DLOeTMi WILLIAM FARNUM in "The Wonderful Advenhffe" GRANH 82D AND MARKET OTJM vjrvAlNIJ MATINEE DAILY, ! ? - EDWIN ARDEN in "THE GRAY MASK" AlfPnrin texn AND UVCKBKUUR. HAYEBFQRD 111 TtllAXnr.K PIS'E ARTS A DOUULAR KAIRHANK8 In "TUB UHJ" I RAYMOND HITCHCOCK 1 "MY VALET" GARDEN S3D tfAWW&l C2Aqiwr PAIMNIP. WARDl in "The Merriage of Kttyi PARK nIDQF.AyE- DAUPHIN j-iaiWr vl&ZhVl2r SJSYiSJjMd Mary Pickford '" ,MD,!gnFI,r.. PRINCESS ,0,ET "The Buried Treasure of Cobre" "NO SMOKING" RIALTO QEn'ANTOWN AVE. in, .,.. AT TUI.PEI10CKEN ST CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in " C? A M I I, L E " REGENT lm "A,RKCT STREET ,,...TQW;8END RADY'8 NOVEL "MY LADY'S SLIPPER" NOKTII . - nnnlDl nroad btreet Casino el MATINEE, 5 30. KVENIN'O I tJ l AnTHim Hnnps in i 'THE DEVIL'S PRAYER BOOK" OTg NOIITIIMKST Susquehanna TSgrif5aSi wtlvKNAI " TRILBY"-1. PiLd NOKIHKtaT RUBY MARKET bTREET LOU TELLEGEN ami ffgSo'nSBTl inc. uPvtvmUYYJN ' LEADER """alS!?' AN " Vf Jri.. iNCASTER AVENUE MARGUERITE CLARK in THE PRINCE AND THRPjtlip:".. Weekly Programs ADM1F rt. ttri-. ... . , ,,., Wviwajr iq Motion Picture Ckart SHERWOOD BiTrAliD Daniel F,ohLntJi:"'JtA,l,? t'reaentt t,";iiic ,iarC . In "GRETNA QUEEN" S A V O Y miTiURKET MARGUERITE CLAYTON in "A DAUGHTER OF Tg tTX" VICTORIA "rkbtbt WEBER 4 WS&ZS&XZ En,,,,,... STANLEY MARKET ABOVE lOTH CO.vriK.T . . '''"""ouiit Picture iYIarguerite Clark in .w AAJ Kw " CONTINUOUS z: i jt fo . u. STRAND liT,r".AvV.Sa Flral Appearance 111 iMWraf Blanche Walsh .m.-urRREC'l THE PIJl'GHSHABE DVItllV D'ARBY THEATRirgJ urattcv nnixin eMa1 rni. ICAILaT" 12jB " '" IIAZABM OFH&2S UKNblMiTON IIIMRn WafflKi nivriV Klnva ctV LIVE." ,.tZrft THE ANIMATED &tfu nt'ir.niN'ri 1'P TUB HBALTe J ..nT ani-rrRRUll AHW """ - "in r. u. "MICH AKn ricv Weekly Program Appear Ejtry SlnDdjr t Mottou Picture Cbtrfj
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