1 1 1 1, jjipwpiyMiiW e t"'tm"j"'t iJ'(l'f.iM8H EVENING tEDG PHILADELPHIA", SATUKDAY, DEOEMBEB 11, 1915. 9 NANCY WYNNE GHATS ABOUT THINGS WHICH INTEREST US EVERY DAY jIrs. Matthew Baircl Will Introduce Her Granddaughter at a Large Dansant This Afternoon Mr, and Mrs. Mason to Entertain for Miss Agnes Brockie ryTENDAtiK UAIRD will bo Intro U! duced tins afternoon m i" ueuu- . ...i liv her crniulmother. MM Matli"W Unlrd, of 812 Pine street. There will " (Inuring ntul a largo number of ulfls nre to be In the re STlnB lrtV. t'ytendalo has hnd a most successful winter; she Is naked .vwIicip "' very gonrrnlly liked hv one and nil. She hns a slightly for ;L nlr nnd Is decidedly clever. Her rolorlnB H vpr' '0V(,1y- l,1P "Rnt nrowtl . (f na n golden nlmdo nnd sbc nrfects red In many of lier costumes, which Is ptloiin1ly becoming to her fnlr complex'01' She Is n member of the Playn nnd Mayers niul hns tnken sevcrnl lending purl's In some of the plnys given In this and Inst scnaon. Anions the dobs who will receive this afternoon will bo Agnes llrockle. Barbara Benson, Harbnra lloyd, Orncc Brewster, Georgia Haltey, of Hnrrls burg; Josephine Foster, Ilncliel Filler, Cortnne Krcemun, Snrnlt l'runktln, Olivia Clazznm, I-otilso Orny, Hosn jnonuc 1'lshcr, Katlmrlnc Hunter, Km l!o Kennedy, Theo Llllle, Edith Karle, Valentine Mitchell. Anno Merrick, "Margarcttn nnd Sarah Myers. How those girls keep It up I don't seo, but they do nnd look Just ns fresh nnd joung as possible. Then there will bo le!cn Mnrtln, who Is so attractive; ,Jlartha McAllister, Snrnh Nellson, Lisa Norrls, Sarah I'onroso, Edllh 1'nge, Gertrude Pant-oast, Caroline Pcmber lon, Christine Stockton, Frnncenla Handall. Margaret Ilemak, Kntherino Register, Heth Scott, Mildred nnd Car olyn Shcppard, Mnry Scull, Mnrjorlo Baylor, Mary Dercum and Elizabeth yVheolcr. Tho other girls In th6 receiv ing party will bo Mary "Wurts, Isabel Page, Emma Dorr and Lllllo Crlsflold. What do you think? May Hodgo nnd ,Ilcrtha Clark have decided to tnko up nursing nnd aro entorod at the Penn sylvania Hospltnl. Every ono Ih won dering why they have dqcldcd to work, wh,en thoy havo no urgent need for this world's goods; hut after nil, girls do very often get tired of a constant empty round of going out all tho time, 'and I hear they havo decided they want a deflnlto purposo In life, and It "surely Is a fine thing to devote them selves to helping their sisters and brothers who nre nmong the suffering. Bertha Is tho daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Charles Davis Clark, of 2215 Spruce street, She made her debut several years ago nnd Is a very popular young person. Sho has n very attractive sis ter, Frances. Mnry Hodgo Is the daughter of the Rev. nnd Mrs. Wool sey Hodge and a sister of Harry Hodge, who Is regarded as ono of our ellglbles nnd Is always sought nfter for the various nffnlrs. Her sister l-oulle married .Too Phillips nnd lives out nt Torresdale. The Wllllnm Ellis Sculls will give a toner dance tonight for Mnrlnna Gowen, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis I. Oowen, who wns Introduced nt n tea last month. Tho Sculls havo a wonderful old place out nt Over brook. I often wonder why they don't havo out-nf-door parties In tho spring and fall, for It Is ldonl for such a pur pose. Margot. by tho way, Is very 'sweet everyone says sho hns such charming manners nnd the few times "I have talked with her I have been struck with her perfect ease nnd savotr falre, without a grain of sclf-con-iclousness. Agnes Brockie will be given a thea .tro party nnd supper by tho Jnck Ma .sons, of Chestnut Hill, tonight. Agnes, jo one of tho boys tells me, Is the 'greatest fun lover and Is ready for .every kind of good time, Into which she enters with nil tho zest possible. It makes her a very nleo person to en tertain, don't you think? NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence T. Pnul will Jive a small Informal dinner at Green Cables, Vlllnnovn, tonight, In honor of "lr guests. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Whiten ell. of Hoston, nnd Count de rontznelllac. of Paris. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil liam Cochran will entertain nt dinner to morrow veiling, nt their home, MOG Wal nut street, In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. iMMewell and the Count. ilr and Mrs. S. Q. Chllds, of West Col llngsnood, N. J., announce the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Marion Chllds. to Mr Uayard Ilandolph Kraft, ja of Jr. nnd Mrs. William K. Kraft. o date has been set for the marriage. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Thomas, Jr., ntertalned a dinner of -10 covers at the Huntingdon Valley Country Club last night. Mr. and Mrs Henry E. Stehlig. of Oak ne, announce the engagement of their wishter, Miss Lyda K. Stehlig, to Mr, Herbert Kwart Beuttle, of U3t City line, Oak Lane, Mr and Mrs. Clarkson Clothier, of naverford, entertained ut dinner Thurs day evening Their guests included Mrs. Elliott, of Cardinal. Va.; Mr. and Mrs. S, a-Marvin, Justice Mestrezat, Mr. and Mrs. Alba Johnson, the Itev. and Mrs. Andrew Mutch, Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. French M Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Thomas. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Winter Bailey will lUe a Christmas party of about BO guests jn the music room of Bosslyn, their "autiful home In Stratford, on Thursday vtnlng, December 23. "Grand Opera," with Mrs. Cornelius 7. .u as c,lalrman, will be the attraction the Twentieth Century Club of Lans 0wne on Tuesday afternoon. Among K.. n ensaged for the afternoon will " Miss Marie Loughney and Miss May arley, ilrs. Milne Hcwish entertained at lunch- yesterday, The fjuests included Mrs. uei N. Eberly, Mrs. Lawrence Neebe, ?" Vjalter Hubbs, Mrs. Richard Young, i Caballero and Miss Helen Davis. Along the Main Line -UD.oiMrs. Natnan Hayvvnrd will niertaln tho Main Line Beading Circle I ner home, on Brooke road, on Mon " afternoon. Among the members ex td to be rrt-ent are Mrs. W. W. jW-teo-n-ry, Jr.. Mrs. Lewis C. Nellson. V. -durd Hcrlurher, Mrs, Thomas ?wm, Mm. Burton Chame, Mrs. ""ptt C Rosengarten. Mm. Charles Sln- I V.,c,'so,n!..?d' Mrfl- Theodora Htetzcr and "'? V."lmm Ienn aaiklll-Hnll. ine Home nnrt .School League of Rad nor Township met in tho high school last evening, ST. DAVID'8-Mr. ntul Mr. J. It. Jef feris. of Orchard Way, have returned from Hoston, whero they visited their yon-In-law nnd daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. I .con Stetson. Miss Mnrlo Jefferls en tertained the Rowing Circle at her homo on Wednesday nfternoon. Among those present were Mrs. Hoger Atkinson, Miss lnny Wood. Miss Mnry Amnn, Miss Porothy Illack, Miss Klalo Leonard, Miss Holmes nnd Mrs. Hunter. Germantown Mrs. Cloorgo W. Hyde gnvo a dinner of nine covers taut evening In tho cafa of tho Wlsrnhlckon. La Franco roses formed the decorations. Mr. nnd Mrs. Melvln II. Hirrlngton, of 112 West Upsnl street, have returned homo from California and the Panama I'aclllc Exposition. They were nccom panled by Miss Margaret Pope, of Con cotd, N H.j and Mis. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pllllne, of 223 West Upsal street, nccompnnlcd by their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Harrington, havo nlso re turned from a trip to California. Xfr. 13. Thorpe Vnn Duson, who gradu ate from Prlncotnn last Juno, hns ac cepted a position In Chlcngo, III., whero ho will mako his home. Mr. Vnn Duscn Is tho eon of Mr. and Mrs. Hammle B. Van Duson, of 5131 Morris strcot. Mrs Ocorgo linker, of Wnyno ave mio and Horttar street, will give luncheon on December II, Mrs, Georso Frnnklln Brown, of 410 West Price street, Is cntertnlnlng Mrs. John T. IJnrbee, of Holllns, Va. Weddings PAOE-KnnMnn. Ono of the most picturesque of the winter weddings took ptneo today nt noon when Mlei Knlherlne Herman Krcmrr, daughter of Mrs. Herman P. Kremer to Mr. Louis Rodman Page. Jr., took place In the Church of the Holy Trinity on Rlttenhnuse square. The ceremony was perfoimed by the Reverend Flod V. Tomklns, I. D., the rector of the church, n"slsted by tho Reverend John W. Wll llnm", rector of All Saints' Church nt Chelsea. The hi Ide, who wns given In mnrrlnge by her brother-in-law Mr. Robert Mnrtln Williams, looked wonderful In a gown f lllmy white tulle over a foundation of satin. The full skirt was formed of bil lows of the tullo falling In points below the short satin skirt. The bodice was of sntln finished off with a silver i.lidle and the court train wns of whlto nnd silver brocade. Over this fell thu long tulle veil which was nrranged quite simply over the coiffuro with orange blossom!. Tho bride carried a bouquet of whit' orchids and lilies of the valley. Mr-'. J. Mnrcchnl Brown, Jr., ncted ns mntron of honor, nnd the brldesinnlds were Miss Susan Ljnnli Bruce, Mrs. Rob ert Sturgls Ingcrsoll, Miss Charlotte Mock Bain, Mrs. Sydney Errlngton Mnr tln, Mrs. Guineo Munn. Miss Cccile Flt ler Howell, Mts. C. A. Heckscher Wethcr III and Mts. John Shipley Dixon. Mrs. Brown wns handsomely gowned in peach pink tnltetn, entirely veiled In miuve tulle, with a hoop pklrt of tnf fctn. Her hat wns of mauvo tulle, nnd sho carried i liugo arm bouquet of chrys anthemums and roses In pastel shades. Tho bridesmaids woio exquisite frocks of peach-colored, satln-strlped tnffetn, with hoop skirts partially veiled In mauvo tulle, mid their bnts were of mauvo tullo. They carried huge bouquets of flowers In pastel shndes suspended from the shoulders with rlbbcns. Mr Page had his brother, Mr. Edward C. Pnge, as best mnn, and tho ushers were Mr. Mlcrs Fisher Wright, Mr. AVil llam W. Bodlne. Mr. Etllugham B. Mor ris, Jr.; Mr. Sumner Rulon-MIUer, Mr. Saunders Meade, Mr. John Shipley Dixon, Mr. R. Gilpin Ervln, Mr. J. Marechnl Blown, Jr.; Mr. Henry McKcnu Inger soll, Mr. Harry C. Drayton, Mr. Henry Onick. Baltimore, and Mr. Georgo Sloanc, of New York. The chancel of the church was banked with autumn flowers to blend with tho color scheme of the gowns of the bridal party. A small breakfast at 201G Walnut street followed tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Pnge nfter a short wedding trip will live at 2013 Locust street, returning to town In time for the Christmas holi days. TAYLOR-GOODE. Tho marrlago of Miss Laura Elizabeth Goodo to Mr. Joseph Pnnnell Taylor will take place today at 4 o'clock at the homo of Mia. Frederick W. Thompson. 3903 Chestnut street, a cousin of the bride. The cep'tnony will bo performed by tho Rv. Floyd W. Tomklns. The bride will 1 wear a costume of bottle-green duve 1 tyne with bands of moleskin nnd a blouse of green chiffon adorned with sliver Inee. Her hut of white velvet will be enlivened by a single (lower, outlined In fur. Both the bride and her attendant will curry small bouquets of orchids and lilies of the valley. Mr. Stanley Yarnall will act as best man. After a honeymoon In Ber muda Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will live at 5203 Wayne avenutn ANGLl.N'-SHERRON. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson Sher ron, of Hamilton Court, announce tnat the marrlago of their daughter, Miss Josephine Eveline Sherron, to Mr. Wlll lnm Wendllns Anglln, of Kingston. Cunadu, son of Colonel William Angliu. pf the Brjtlsh army, now in Egypt, will take place today at noon at Hamilton Court. Miss Sherron Is tho granddaughter of the late Thomas Reeves GUI. of tills city, and Albert W. Sherron, of Salem, N. J. The bridegroom Is a cousin of Miss Margaret Anglln, the octresB. STOUT-LORD. Among the Interesting weddings of the week wns that of Miss Ella Lord and Mr. H. Preston Stout, of Oaklyn, N. J., which took plnce on Wednesday night at the homo of Mrs. Llllie Daumont, 1!33 South tth street, a friend of the bride, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Havlll Smith, of the Woodland Ave nue Methodist Episcopal Church. The bride wore a gown of white crepe de chine and duchesse lace and was attend ed by Mrs. Oliver T. Hendren, of Rox borough, as matron of honor, who wore a gown of pale blue crepe de chine and princess lace. Dr. Oliver T. Hendren was the bride groom's best man. A recoption was held after the service. Mr. and Mrs. Stout (eft on a short wedding Journey, and will be at home after January t at Oaklyn, N. J. VAN PELT-O'NEILL. The marriage of Miss Anne Virginia O'Neill, of Richmond, Va., and Mr Guildford Swain Van Pelt took place last week. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Charles, O. S. B., at the home of the bride, after which a large reception followed. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mae O'Neill, and Mr, Frederick Pochler acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Van Pelt are at present on the wedding trip, and will visit Palm Beach, Key West and Jackson villo. Ahonff the Philadelphia who went down for the wedding were Mr. Thomas J O'Neill and Mrs. Peter Cavanaugh. mm masssJKF W:&asm an P" A I MRS. WILLIAM WI2NDLING ANGLIN Daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. William Thomson Shorron, whose mar riage to Mr. Anglin, of Cnnnrin, took place todny nt noon. NEW DIRECTOR SAYS HE WILL KEEP POLICE OUT OF POLITICS William II. Wilson Emphatic in His Indorsement of Pre-election Promises of Incom ing Mayor DUTY HIS WATCHWORD Tlil In the flfth In n drrlfs of Intrr tIcun with till new dirrrtur npnlntod by Major-flirt Smith on tlirlr plnni for the conduct of their clrjmrtnirnt. The man who needs cnthuslnsm most in tho new cabinet of Mayor-elect Thomas B. Smith Is the best equipped with It Will iam H. Wilson, newly appointed Director or the Department of Public Safety, so called "premier" of the cabinet, could hardly be called demonstrative, but If he talks to the blueco.its and llremen who will be under his direction next year the wny he talked In the course of a 13-mlnuto Interview ho will have no dlfllculty en thusing them. Thu question of whether or not the police will be active again In politics with the return of tho Republicans to otlico is tho first one always put to Mr. Wilson. His answer always has been nn em phntlc "No!" Todny he amplified that statement as follows: "I am In thorough and nbsolutc accord with the pic-election pledges of the Mayor-elect, reiterated tlmo and ngaln sinco the e'.ettlon. that tho police will be kept ou" of politics. Tho snme thing applies to the firemen. As Director of tho Department of Public Safety I Intend to see that patrolmen do duty as patrol men nnd nothing elo and that firemen do their rightful work and nothing else." "PSYCHOLOGY" OF DEPARTMENT. It Is somewhat dltllcult for tho Director of this department, generally looked on ns the most Important In tho administra tion, to outllno plans for his conduct of It. tnllke every other division of tho city's government, with the slnlo execu tion of tho Department of SuppPes. Pub lic Safety Is moro of a maintenance Job thnn a ronstructlve one. In nearly every other department certain broad, general plans for publlo Improvements that can not be subject to more than minor changes as the need may arise have been mapped out. Tho Dopartment of Public Safety, more than any other, deals with men. It deals with them In tho police bureau, in the fire bureau, In the corrections bureau. And, in a lesser degree, perhaps, It deals with men in the bureaus of building boiler and elevator Inspection. Tho di rector of this department needs to know something about psychology. (I don't know nothln' about It.) He should be able to get In touch not only with his Immediate subordinates, but with the pa trolmen themsolves when It Is necessary. Unless he can do this all the disciplinar ians in the world cannot secure for him ono of the first essentials of a good police force, loyalty. MODEST AND SINCERE. Director Wilson knows all this. He Is determined to "make good," to use his own words. The tlrst reason for this Is to show Philadelphia that Mayor-elect Smith did not misplace his confidence. Tho new Director is singularly well equipped with modesty for a man who lins been in public affairs as long as he has. When he was asked his opinion of the cabinet members he said: "1 think the right man was selected for the right place in every Instance but, of course, I'm not talking now about myself. My acts will have to speak for me. I am determined to make good I've made up my mind to go thoroughly Into the details of every bureau under the supervision of tho department and to give this city and the Mayor-elect the best that Is in .me from start to finish," The best answer to the question of what Is to be done about the three-platoon system, according to Director Wil son, is that Captain Davis, his assistant, Is the man who established the system and got It working. "Will the system be continued?" the Director was asked. "Not If we can Improve It and give the men oven better working conditions," he said. "If we can't make It any better we'll keep It up aa it l." Director Wilson realizes that It will be Impossible to make things any better for the patrolman until more bluecoats are added to the force. He will ask for a large increase as soon as possible aftir taking office- "In some of the outlying dUtrlctx" b said, "it Is utterly Impossible for patrol men to cover thu tcriltory nsslgnod to I them. Undoubtedly wo must havo moro I pntioltnrii nnd 1 believe we will et them I Tho safety of tho city nnd of property I demnnds It." 1 Am to tho House of Correction, Director I Wilson would sny only that ho intends lo give It a gient deal of thought. He believes that Institution requires special study and knowledge of conditions be foie nny steps nre tnken to Improve It. Until ho has made such study ho will not outline nn.v plans for b-Hcrment. In n gencinl way, however, '1 put himself on record as against the uld plan of con fining youths arrested for minor offenses with hardened criminals. Director Wilson's legislative record Is one that should make him popular with the police nnd llremen. He was Identified with tho passnge of the workmen's com pensation bill, child labor nnd other boelnl legislation that had the -stamp of Governor Brumbaugh's npprovnl. Tho now Director docs not give the impres sion of being a "political appointee," ns lie hns been callid. He talks like a busi ness man who knows exactly what he Is going to do, but ho Is not yet prepared to talk about it In detail. HOSPITALS GET I5EQUESTS Many Institutions Remembered in Will of MnRRie Greene Mnny charitable bequests are contained In the will of Maggie Greene, of 103 West JelTcison street, admitted to probate to day. The will disposes of nn estate val ued at JDS00, the greater pnrt of which is left to hospitals of tho city. Tho bequests nre as follows: $1000 to thu American Oncologic Hospital for the Treatment of Cancer. $1C0 to the Kcn Mugton Dispensary, for the tientment of tubercular patients; $700 to Tcmplo Uni versity; $700 to the Samaritan Hospital, $70) to St. Christopher's Hospital. JVH) to the Homo for Crippled Children, th street nnd Baltimore avenue; ?M0 to the Presbyterian Orphanage; J30O to the Children's Aid Society ami $300 to the Union Tabernacle Piesbyteilan Church, Coral and York streets. The remainder of tho estate Is devised to two nieces. Other wills probated were those of Will lam H. Stiingtleld. of XH Susquchnnna avenue, who left property valued at J75O0; Matilda Wadswoith. of ICE West Cam In la btret't. $."KW; Charles Holland. Sr., 173 North Wnrnock' street, $:70; Mary McLaughlin, of 13H North 13th stieet, J3000; Michael Fitzgerald, 1310 Stiles street, $0. and John Xavoda, 5.IS Titan btreet, $::000. The personal estato of Linda S. Kauh has been appraised at 133,003.10, Benjamin Sharp. 2-'.9IO; Matilda E. Warthmnn 4ll.bS3.32. nnd Ellen C. Brat sing, $10,011.20. W. II. HEPBURN SERIOUSLY ILL Former Congressman From Iowa Suf fering From Heart Disease CLARIND, la.. Dec. 11. Little hope is held for the recovery of W. H. Hepburn, former member of the House of Repre sentatives, who is dangeroutdy ill ut the home of n friend here. Mr. Hepburn, the physicians bay, is rapidly failing because of poor heart action He suffered a sinking spell early today. WIKTKIt KKSOHTS ATLANTIC CITV, N. J. S " "ATLANTIC ClTYy Superior location with an I unobstructed viewof b$ach: and boardwalk A recognized J standardxjf excellence 1 Cc.t-,60d. lMLrRJ.BV23r THE LEADING KES0RT HOIfl Of THE WORLD mri8otoitgn!5iiin A-TIjANTIO city. N. J. owNinsHir uiaiaiumi JOBIAH WHITE A. SONS COMPANY TDAVMnDT i .. in Atlantic City Westminster Ky av- nr n!- Elt VCJIUW1151C1 ,t prly b4tt, run. HIM, ll.M up dly. to 12 BO up kly.Ch. Huh.. LAUKWOOII, N. J. riN'UWOOD HALL Plnev sir. near beautltU Uie. Eiectrlo sad Naudlidci bltL Booklet. SCHOOLS ANDjCOLLEGES STRAYER'S Tim liut Buiui she. ufci " SOl-SOT Chtnui Sirm. Prime Lesions Stenography, Bookkeeping-, Eag.. French. 324 Rale Cldg . 13JU On;. mm. Along the Reading Mies Renee Newman, of Mountain ave nue, Melroso Park, wns hostess to the members of her card club yesterday eve ning. Thoso present were Mls9 Mar guerllo Keller, Miss Helen Johnson, Miss Carollno Balderston, Miss Leona- Phil lips, Miss Marlon Tyson, Miss Grace Simpson nnd Miss Ethel R. Bromlly. Mrs. Edmond Spencer, of J3lh street. Onk Lane, gave a tea Thursday afternoon to meet Mrs. William M. Clarke, who Is visiting In Philadelphia. Mrs. Clarke will give n tea this afternoon. The card of Mrs. Clarke's mother, Mrs. Albert Conoway, was Inclosod In tha Invitation. Cards have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Blmps, of North 22d street, Lo gnn, for n dlnnor nnd dance December 30. In honor of their daughter, Miss Har riet Simps, who la attending school In Baltimore. There will be about S5 guosts. West Philadelphia Misses Elsie and Marion Hendly enter tained the W. W. T. O. M. Club at their home, C033 Spruce street, last evening. Thoso present were Miss Marguerite Morrow, Miss Margaret Main, Miss Eliza beth Wntson, Miss Dorothy Chestnut, Miss Jessie Main, Miss Idclla Burrls, Miss Ada Hackman nnd Mrs. J. Louis Gelbmnn. Mr and Mrs. Richard T. Taylor will give n tea this nfternoon from 4 until t! o'clock nt their homo 3161 Chestnut street In honor of their daughter. Miss Florence Randall A dinner and thcatro party wilt follow for tho receiving party. Mr nnd Mrs. R. L. Heverle, of Adele, Pa , aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bachmnnn, of 4S39 Chestnut street, for an Indednlto tlmo. Miss Dolores Schonburg, who hns been visiting Miss Gertrude S. Cronln, of 40th nnd Walnut streets, has returned to her home In Baltimore. Miss Schonburg was nlso tho guest of Miss Irene McCloekey. Miss Helen A. Bparkmnn. of Paterson, N. J , is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Chase, of 221 St. Mark's Square Miss Bpnrkmnn will remain here for several weeko J. V. Rogers Honored at Shore Judge-elect Joseph P. Rogers was wnrmly congratulated upon his elevation to tho Philadelphia bonch, by friends at a dinner given In his honor by Jacob Welkel, malinger of the Shelburne Ho tel, nt Atlantic City, last night. About 40 guest", chiefly Phllndnlphlnns, were preient. Among them were Senator Pen tose, cx-Oovornor William Bunn, Thomas J. Meagher, Cornelius H. Hnggerty nnd W. H. tlcorgo. City Solicitor Theodore Schlmpf nnd John C. Benson, of Atlan tic City were nlso present. What's Doing Tonight 1'utilfe t.clRCr war pictures. Chestnut Street Opera House, n.innuot. 2,1 HcKlment Infantry Cortm. 10.0 i North llro.nl struct. I Alumni .Misnclatlon, School of Indu-.trt.ii Art: s o'llock I ridls'lvlphln Orchestra. Academy of Muc- 8-1" D"clock. When Tiny Tim Was Sick how very patient and gentle he was. You remember how Dickens describes Tim's wan smile and pathetic patience? And as you read, your heart warmed towards the little fellow and you wished you knew a Tiny Tim. You'd make him happy. You'd give him a Xmas he'd remember in the days when he grew up a tall, husky youth. Oh, if only you knew a Tiny Tim you'd You DO know a Tiny Tim, There are thousands right here in prosperous Philadelphia tiny, pathetic, wan-faced, needy little Tims and we're ready to show them to you. Come now, make good all those promises you made yourself. Tiny Tim is here now in dire need. He needs toys, and warm clothing, and money and good things to eat but most of all MONEY, The Santa Claus Storehouse is open at 608 Chestnut Street to receive gifts toys, clothing, MONEY for the little ones WHOM SANTA CLAUS MAY FORGET, You remember who saved Tiny Tim the little fellow who did NOT die? It was Old Scrooge, Come, then, be a Sgrpage! Xe'dger wagons and automobiles will call for your contributions. The United Securities and Trust Company, 60S Chestnut street, has kindly volunteered to accept your check drawn to 'the Ledger Santa Claus plub. you about Santa to the l m(tm0mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm DANCE FOR ASSUNTA HOUSE BENEFIT TO BE GIVEN NEXT WEEK A Number of Girls in the Younger Set Will Give a Dance at the Walton on December 16 Other" Entertainments of Interest ONE of the most attractive ot this sea son's charity nffnlrs will be a dance given for the benefit of JVAssunta House. at 1431 South 10th street, which will be held at the Hotel Walton on Thursday. December IS. The arrangements are be ing comptetod by Miss Katherlne B. Tul lldge, who Is nsBlsted by n committee of younger girls, Including Miss Rosalie McMlcban, Miss Sarah Beechcr Flnek. Mlsa Mnry Kelly. Miss Dorothy Hoban, Miss Mario Melnn, Mlsa Margaret Tut lldge, Miss Helen O'Mcara, Miss Eleanor Harden MeFnddcn, Miss Marie Bonner. Mlsa Grace Walton, Miss Helen McQlinn nnd Miss Helen Harrlty and Miss Bea trice Harrlty tlrcnt Interest hns been exhibited nt tho dally meetings which nro held nt the Walton. There will be nn original exhibition of tho Pavlown gavotte bv Miss Mary Gtilz, assisted by Vincent Cnrroll. L'Assuntn lloupo Is under tho direction nf the Rev. Edward 3 Lyng, of tho Catholic Missionary Society. Quite n flurry ot excitement wns cnused yesterday when It wns learned that Miss Edwina Mnlpass, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mnlpass, who tnkes such a prominent part In the production, "Tho Journey of Joy," which Is scheduled to bo given In the ballroom of the Bellovue Stratford on tho nights of December H nnd 15, wns 111 with tonsllltls. Miss Mnlpnss Is one ot tho most Im portant pcrsonnges In the plnv, nnd In ense her Illness hnd proved scrioiiB nnd prevented her taking the several parts, It was a grave queetlon Just how her place could bo tilled. Besides taking tho part of Grace In tho cast, Mies Malpnss, with Norrlo Henderson as a partner, lends the group of Balkan dancers, whoso picturesque co-dumes and rhythmical evo lutions form one ot the moat alluring fcnturei ot the piny. In nddltlon, Miss Malpnss and Mr. Elvvood Carpenter aro planning to .give n dance which hns never beforo been seen In public, and for which they have rehearsed for several months. Miss Mnlpass, who Is known through out the city as being the most wonderful exponent of fanciful dancing kn. wn out side of tho profession, Is eagerly sought after for every affair where a critical taste Is to be catered lo: nnd while she does not mako her formal debut until next year, this, her Inst yenr of school, is largely Interjected with rehearsals for tho various plays to which she contrib utes her talent. An Interesting entertainment was given yosterdiy nfternoon by the Hathaway ShnkeHpenre Club at tho Phllomuslun clubrooini. 3311 Walnut street. The sub ject was " udent nnd Modern Pageant ry." nnd among the attractive features of the afternoon wns a minuet in which the men's parts were taken by Mrs. Al- I illson A Christian, as George WurIiIiik- I ton: Mrs. A W. Plekfoid. Mrs. E. M. At wood nnd Mrs. William Anderson. Mrs. Were you sincere when you wished you knewa Tiny Tim?, Do believe Old Scrooge really was qofjyerted? Do you carVat all . n . r mi . . . i j iiMir.-i l i ?. ausr men mane -ready stvvjvy ,SANTA CLAiJSQUB .,. - .V PUBLI-ean LEDGER - Harry Matthew Titus Impersonated Mar tha Washington, nnd the other feminine roles were assumed by Mrs. Leonard V, Goebbels, Mrs. William Lavetty nnd Mn, Charles Shoemaker. Tho costuming was gorgeous. The musical program was ar ranged by Mrs. E. a. Taylor. In charge of tha ten-tables wcro Mrs. Howard A Miner, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Richard Nelms. Little Miss Mary Nelms and Miss Loulso Anderson acted ns curtain-raisers, and tiny Master Robert Nelms was a page Mrs. Sheploy Evans nnd Mrs. Jos eph R. McAllister were Instrumental In arranging the affair. A meeting of the frlonds of Mount Blnal Hospital took place on Metulay evening, when plans were completed for the con cert and dance which nre to tnko place at the N,ew Royal Hall, 7th and Morris streets, on Sunday evening, December 26. The committee In charge of the danca this year hns engaged Mr Hownrd Lavln nnd his orchestra for tho evening. As a special attraction a large silver lovlnr cup will be given to the winner of a lucky number. Mr. Jack J. Wolpert is chairman of tho nffnlr, nnd will bo assisted by Miss Rose O. Llebstcr, Mr. Hnlly Lovyn, Miss M. Rosenthal, Mr. A. Elnsohn, Miss Reba Znger, Mis? Irene Llpshltz nnd Miss Rose Bnlalty. At tho meeting Mr Jacob D. Lit, president of the hospital, who was present, spoke to tho members on tho great work being accomplished by the society. Other speakers wcro Mr. Jack T. Wolpert, Mr. Joieph Geffen. Mr. Sam uel Harburgor nnd Mr. Hally Lovyn. A very novel surprise linen shower was given Inst Sunday In honor of Miss Sara Resnlck, HOG North Marshall street, To mako the occnslon doubly surprising, her ftnnce, Mr. Harry Brodwln, of New York, arrived unexpectedly. Tho evening was a very enjoyable one. Mr. Martin Llsan, the woll-known pianist, rendered Beverat classlo selections and also accompanied Mr. Harry Brodwln, baritone. Among the guests wore Miss Lenora Resnlck, Miss Sara Glnsburg, Miss Ida Helfond, Miss Mae Broude, Miss Prances Hock man. Miss Mollla Deutsch, Miss Roso Lonkcr, Miss Katherlne Hershbcln, Mis Florence Qctzmnn, .Miss Ooltlle Cartlne, Miss ICIslc Sussner, MIhr Lillian Jaspon, Miss Augusta Juspon, Miss Frnnccs Ro sen, Miss Dora RIttcuherg, Miss Mollto Stein, Miss Sadie Cohen. Miss Martha Ilelf.md, Mrs Bessie Resnlek, Mrs, J. ftrodwin, Mrs. C. Sluts:, Mrs J Broude, Mrs, I. Rovln nnd Mrs. L. Klein. A tea pnrty wns given In honor of Mr. Samuel Llcbermnn at his home. G15 Moore stieet, on Sunday evening Several new dance steps weie executed by Miss Cath erin Buy Reckendorff. with Mr. Henry Friedman nt the plnno. Mr. Joseph Llcb ermnn rendered vocal selections Among those piesent wcro Miss Minerva Recken dorff, Mr. A H. Levin, Mr J Rothschild, Mr J. Josselovltch and Mr, Herman Jos-selovltch. "n"t -. - your qontrjounon imtltt fr3i-
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