gS575wgHi. a-uMUMW 3jTU-8rVHIVIHe "PWWSfl!'?'8 vk&jkWM&'V& iy!wf3 ,-- EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 1015 10 fn m Ul u m Hi Ut Pi- IS! I'M BR ; IbS Sf ; I1 Si i( PENN WOULD BE BENEFITED BY ATHLETIC ALLIANCE WITH PITTSBURGH OTHER SPORTS ALTERNATING SCHEDULE FOR PENN AND PITTSBURGH WOULD BRING BACK OLD ENTHUSIASM Western Pennsylvanians Most Likely Opponent to Revive Interest Which Has Lagged Since Break With Harvard rrilB fnlvettlty of tltt8burBli football ntithorltles wnt.t 1'enn to to 1 Plttsburnh for the annual gnmo next season, and as soon as Karl E. Davis, eraduato manager of athletics at lMtt. recovers from an opera Ion for append I cltls. lib will come to city to canter with the now football cot ni Itloo at I onn which will be appointed by the Hoard of Directors of the Athletic Association after the directors nro etectcd at the cottiltiK inoetlnff. U is said that many of the present rcBlmc frown upon playing l'ltt at all, much fess playlnK the same away from home, and unless there Is a change In the directors the plan can hardly lie carried throush, despite all of the ml vantages there would bo for the Ucd and. Uluo to make this contest mi annual affair with an alternating schedule. The wonderful rise of l'ltt ns an educational Institution, toother with the fact that It has a football team of unusual calibre, and will probably main tain lid lilffh rank for several years to come, and that It Is the ; T of the State, should make these two Institutions preat natural rivals. An annual game-between 1'enn and l'ltt would be by fur more preferable In every way to thr present alliance with Michigan, which has fallen far below expectations as a drawing card. l'ltt May Prove as Good a Drawing Card as Harvard in Time Tho fact that l'ltt drew the second largest enmd of the past season prove.l conclusively that there Is a lot of Interest In Warner's team n this city, an U an annual game Is played between 1'enn and l'ltt It will only be a qur.tloli of Umc before enthusiasm such n prevailed In tho. days when Pent, and liar vard met will again be aroused. Football has not been n financial success at I'onn since llnrvaid and the Tied and Kino severed relations, and while money making Is not the prlmim object of the great collegiate game. It Is something which must be considere.l. a. tho cost of maintaining athletic teams at the larger university s bocon.. Ins greater every year. As football Is the only sport which supports tself. 1'enn Bhould hlnk twice before turning down a proposition which would bring more money Into tho treasury than any other on the schedule, barring possibly tho CrnEvcnathc receipts of the Cornell game will not compare wUhtho amount which would be taken la at tho games In Pittsburgh where 40.000 spectators , can bo accommodated In Forbes Field, and it Is safe to say that every seat will be taken If 1'enn plays l'ltt In the "Smoky City." The Washington and Jet- , fcrson and State games attracted 30.000. and at least 10.000 more wanted to ...,. i.i ..... i. o..,,rmilntpil liprnllKP l'ltt had not built attend mese games wnu i-mim n"i "' - stands as large as they could have. With the 1'enn game assured, Pitt could erect stands to accommodate 10.000 additional spectators, whereas not more than 25,000 can be accommodated on franklin Field under any condition. Political Influence May He Able to Urine Mout Annual Meeting Uoth l'ltt and I'enn are allowed State appropriations, and it Is said that political influence was brought to bear to Induce 1'enn to place l'ltt on Its sched ule this season. If this Is so there Is an excellent chance for a closer alliance with tho western Pennsylvanians which will be to the great advantngo of Pennsylvania despite the tendency of a few of tho old guard to sneer at the eligibility code governing Pitt's athletics. Starting with the llrst of the year the rule barring freshmen from varsity teams goes Into effect In all sports at l'ltt. and Its scholastic rechilrements and eligibility code will bo just as strict as at I'onn. This season Pitt kept thrco of Its best men out of tho I'onn game because they were freshmen. Pitt is nnxtous to ilo the right thing and the new football committee, whether it is composed of tho old guard or the younger generation, should think twice be fore turning down Pitt's proposition. linker's Statement Kills Humor of Deal With Sox Frank Maker's statement, which appeared exclusively in the Kvijnino Leikikii yesterday, to the effect that he had received an offer from tho Yankees Wlilch he had under consideration and would probably accept, was hailed with Joy by baseball fans throughout the American nnd National League circuits. While local fans would naturally like to seo tho "home-run" king back at Shlbo Park, they realize that Is apparently out of tho question now, and aro pleased that liakor will go to New York Instead of Chicago. If linker was allowed to go to tho White Sox, it would spoil the American League race, as Comlskcy has already received too much help from other mag nates in Ills effort to give Chicago a pennant winner at any cost, llakcr'a presence In the New York line-up would also servo as a war measure, as ho would undoubtedly bo a wonderful drawing card which would do much to tuko tho edge olt the Federal League's plan to tako the metropolis by storm with an all-star aggregation. The transferring of Baker will also mean that the four-cornered deal in volving the Athletics, Red Sox. Cleveland and Now York, will probably go through at the coming meeting of the American Leaguo at Chicago, or as soon as Baker signs his contract. Tho Feds still believe that Haker will accept their offer, but his statement that he had decided to pass up the proposition may bo taken as final, as the Trappo farmer seldom changes his mind in business matters. Stevenson Not a Candidate But Will Aid Penn's New Coach Many Pennsylvanians will wonder why Vincent Stevenson, the greatest of all Penn quarterbacks and one of tho smartest players who ever played tho game, has not been mentioned for head coach of Penn's Varsity eleven. Tho reason Is that Stevenson Is not a candidate for tho position, as his business will not permit him to spare time for football. Stevenson Is very much pleased with tho outlook for the Red and llluo it tho coming election results as favorably to tho younger generation ns antici pated. It is likely that ho will arrange his business so that he will be able to give the backs some attention from mldseason on If Penn needs him. The acquisition of Stevenson to handle the quarterbacks would bo n mas ter stroke for tho Red and Uluo iti preparation for the big games. Tho weak ness In this department was largely responsible for the poor showing of tho Red and llluo last fall. Stevenson believes that ho could develop llerry Into a star and Pennsylvanians arc anxious to see him tako tho all-round athlete In hand. Ilollenback Was Criticised for Making Wise Move One of the old school at Penn characterizes IilU Hollenback's action In ) turning over letters of recommendation trom titaio u'quege, .Missouri anu P. M. C. to Provost Smith as to his ability, character, etc.. ns poor taste and showing too much desire to get the coaching appointment, and perhaps tho general public feels the same way. But they do not know that certain people allowed the rumor to gain ground that State had discharged Ilollenback and that he had neglected to attend to business there. The man who is appointed by the football com mittee must meet with tho approval of tho faculty or it will not pass on the selection, and Ilollenback did the proper thing. It has been rumored since the agitation for a new coaching system started that there were three or four men mentioned prominently for head coach who would not meet with the approval of the faculty. Just why cannot be learned, but on the surface It looks as If there was quite n bit of politics being played Just at present. Notre Dame Is Champion Traveling Team of the Year During- the past football season Notre Dame earned the title of champion traveling team of the country, despite the long trips of Syracuse to the Pacific Coast and to Michigan to play the Aggies. Syracuse covered 7074 miles to com plete Us schedule and Is likely to take a trip to Seattle, "Wash., to play Gonzaga College on New Year's Day If negotiations now under way can be completed. Billy Morlce Is to play host to the football eleven and a few of the present controllers of football at Penn on Saturday night. It is likely that some Interesting- speeches will be made, as the present regime realizes that It has a hard fight on Us hands to prevent the younger element from gaining control of ath letics in general! and football In particular. MorUe Crpss, an Important cog In two pf Mack's championship machines, has signed a' contract to poach the. University of Maine ball team for the next two years, After leaving the Mackmen Monte tried his hand at managing at Kansas Cjty And Scranton, but had only fair success. Then he turned his atten tion to umpiring in the .Federal League, but soon tired of that Job. jOtAfAij WHrVT'-S THE SMrT-UNMi EVENING LEDGER MOVIES THIS, OPHELIA, BETWEEN AFOOTH HJUL fl-r-iTCrS AN ME-YULE ANP A" -TEN ! HOLING A MASHIE SHOT -r, fflSiitiEMl T USUALLY i5jwjMSBBKKBk LOCAL FOOTBALL OFFICIALS WILL ANALYZE CODE Gathering Scheduled for ; Next Tuesday Evening j at Walton Hotel FIRST SUCH MEETING! By ROBERT W. MAXWELL Football dlllclals In and near Philadel phia will lueet at tho Hotel Walton next Tuesday evening at S p. in., to dlbcuss tho Intricate rulings which came up on tho Held Inst soni-oii, and offer suggestions tn slmpllly tl,p code next year. All nf tho sURgestloiis will be pent to the ltules I'oinmltlcc which meets In New Yolk in n row weeks. This Is the llrst time the Philadelphia arbiters hne gathered to talk over the happenings of the football season, anil mi doubt many valuable suggestions will bo offered. I'nusual plays constantly are occunlng on the gridiron, anil the olllclnls are better able to discuss them now wlillo the subject Is flesh In their minds. No tices have been sent to nil of the I'eutial Hoard oilielals, but all of the football men in tho clly are Invited to attend. The Cornell football schedule for 1DIC. announced lasl night, sets at rest the rumors that the Ithacims would iirriingo .... ....... ......... A..u. .-...i. .nllrtnt. tin., KllllIl'H IWUl BUIIH.' lltpivtn iu...,. .,... , fall. Tho Pnlvcrslty of Nebraska tiled I luird to get a game, nut me cuiicki-s nr too far npart to even consider It. Oher lln will assist In the curtain raiser on September 30. and Harvard will bo given a chance to get icveiigu on October 2S. After the terrible scare and narrow escape at the hands of Washington and Lee this fall the Southerners aro dropped from the list, it will be icmcmbcrod that the Generals scored three touchdowns before Cornell knew what happened, and It was only after tho hardest kind of work that Coach Sharpo's men were ab!o to win tho game. Washington and will play Wash ington and Jefferson In Richmond, Va., on November IS. This will bo tho llrst meetlnu between tho colleges, nnd tho game should be interesting. Washington nnd Ieo hns risen In tho football world since Wnlter . Klcock, tho old Dart mouth star, has been coaching the team, and is now classed among the best In the country. Klcock probably will be unable to re turn next year, as his business in Phila delphia is taking up most of his time. A petition Is being circulated among tho students and alumni urging him to come back for at least one more year. The first football game in 1010 will be staged in Pasadena, Cal.. on January 1. when Ilrown clashes with Washington State College. It will be another meet ing between the East and tho West, and Drown will travel six days across tho continent to uphold the prestige of our section, Dick Harlow made suii a success of his coaching at Penn State this fall that ho has been offered a two-year contract by the athletic committee. It Is seldom that a coach of a big college team makes good in his first year, but Harl iw upset all precedent. Willie Heston. the famous Michigan halfback, told the secret of the Wolver ine's poor showing on the gridiron this full nt an alumni smoker hi Chicago a few days ago. According to Ileston, the alumni nro responsible. Failure to use proper methods In attracting budding gridiron talent to Ann Arbor, he said, had more to do with the defeats than any thing else. Now comes the question: whaddaya mean, "proper methods"? Latzo Defeats Willie Moore TAMAQl'A, I'a., Dec. It. Steve I-Uzo. of!i. won over Willie Moore. oJ J'hlU ilelihla. In a In-round bout before the A. A. laal ulebt. A punch below tbe heart In the ninth sint Moore iloun for the count of eUlht, but he arose and was again sent bark to the canvat with a right to the Jaw. The next round Jloore put up the greatest exhibi tion of gameiies ever seen here. In the eight previous round each man took one, uhtle the remainder waa equal, Dundee AVina From Wells NEW HAVEN, Conn., Pec. ll.Johnny Dundee vton a l-.round bout from Matt WelU last night. The Kngllah tighter had the ad. lontage In only one round. Uoth fighters were freh enouxh at tbe llclsh to have continued Ihe bout, however. l tMrtVAJ NOT IWEU.,THER.e.'S MO CHLBERTENUG-H-) DIFF-RUNCEBETWEtN THE HR j3 FITZ AND LAVIGNE GREATEST FIGHTERS IN BOXING HISTORY Australian Fighter, One-time Middleweight, Light Heavyweight and Heavyweight Champion, Picked Sycamore Kid as Best of All Time Battlers By GRANTLAND RICE The Old Club I'vr trial the ivory insert, I've fwil them farctl with stcct; I've Irlminal them villi aluminum Anil pUwuctl mm (nc fo heel; lint tchrn I jiiij Ihe undent aama 111 tehtch irrrr all nunesseu I'll Ml ioii wliu I always lovn The old club best. That tinnd, old wooden rfrlrcr, It's worn anil rayed and orri), Hut, holy whiskers, hniit It sends A V"H ''" " "s way: llolh distance and direction, It meets the hardest test. So ii'in can blame nc 1 I lovo The old club bestf Two hundred yards striaght down tho course The blessed' pellet rides; And when the wind is blowing air Some filly yards besides; And then one mashia to the green ilnrf lii:o piilfs docs the rest; Xow, do you wonder why I love The old club bestf W1IJ. K. DAVIS (Cleveland). The Greatest Fighter This seems to bo the epoch of depleting "tho gieatett." Picking tho greatest foot ball player only means an nrsumrnt. riCKiux me greaiesi icnnis player oniy starts n debate. Picking the greatest lighter is not tlio I simplest of all propositions. Plghtors run I by weight divisions. It would hardly be ', fair in compare liat kelson wltn Jim ueiiiir. ur uepn n maul. I liv uiuy ill ir solution would be to measure tlghtlni capacity by the pound. falng this process, the greatest fighting assay to the pound would belong to one of two men, Hob Pltzsinimons or Kid I.avlsno. You can take your choice. Pos sibly Lanky Hob had the edge, but I.a vlgno wra close enough to tho Freckled Marvel to get the best from his coming benefit. The Kid. above every other fea ture, had a great heart for battle. And a great heart is deserving of a proper lowanl. Off Year? How? One football expert' 111 estimating the various line-ups for 1DP1 awards Casey a substitute's position in the Harvard baek lleld. Casey was cue of Kxeter's best tvo years ago, rated with the stars. If the 'icst he can get Is a Biibstltuto's as signment the bulk of the offness In Har vaid'b "off year" can bo fairly well Judged. B0RRELL AND REV0IRE FIGHT TO EVEN BREAK Johnny Miller Outslugs Kid Broad Knockouts Feature Bouts at Both Clubs Joe Borrell and Kddlo Itevolre today are neither here nor there relative to their respective fighting ability. After much dickering and tongue-lashing, thoy finally clashed at the Nonpareil Club last night, and at the conclusion of six rounds neither showed to advantage, While Borrell and Itevolre were having It out to an even break. Johnny Miller was outslugglng Kid Broad, of Shenandoah, In the wind-up at the Quaker City. Aggressive honors In the Borrcll-Hc-volre set-to were about divided. While Itevolro showed better form from the dis tance, infighting was Bon-ell's chief as set, Eddie had the better of tho second round, Borrell led In the fourth' and the other periods were even. The nest bout on the program at the Nonpareil was between Al Fox and Bobby Mcl.eod. It ended in a draw after a fast fight. The other matches each ended in the third round. Joe Koons stopped Eddla Uanlon witli a right-hand upperrut, Young Wtinert knocked out Jimmy Potts with a right-hand punch to the Jaw, and the referee halted the go between BlUy Van and Fred Haas, as the latter was clearly outclassed. PROVES THAT A JOKE IS AN OPEN AND THEY'RE BOTH . CrOOP KKKERSy - 5TTWQ "It is always best to train for any ath letic competition," snys a well-known trainer. Picking up this advice, wo have decided to go Into active training for our golf-pool appearance next week by ab staining trom arsenic and prusslc acid for at least three days previous to the wear ing strain. The Boston Hoodoo Three years ago Joe Wood, of the Itcd Sox, completed otic of the greatest pitch ing seasons ever lifted from the records, lie won something like 31 games and dropped but three. Hy next spring ho developed a lame arm and has never been of any great value since. He led tho A. 1. pitching corps In effectiveness this season, but worked In comparatively few contests. I.nst fall, a year back, Bill Jnmes, of the llraves. finished u season almost as brilliant ns that turned In by Smokeball Joe. James, a young, powerful fellow, worked with ail arm of iron. Ho finished the year in tine condition, condition good enough to stop tho Mackmen with one pale blue lilt. And then James went the wny of Wood. Tho big star faded out this summer nnd his fading cost Stalling a Hag and his mates over $:'3O0 each. The Hod Sox may lose a pitching star tills next slimmer If the hoodoo continues, but Ciirrlgan losing u pitching star would )e a51 bad as John 1 1, dropping a ?2 bill. To Tyrus Raymond Cobb jVo t(,.0jr). !0,t ran swim) the stick ,i,j S0(ifc 7ir balli ylll; Xo wonder you can tear Vm up And di'irc Via coin the hill, Vo troiKicr you're a bear-cat And a centipede and such, Willi glamour in your baiting eye And terror in your clutch; Vo tcoiulcr you're a clouter And a mauler of reunion, Willi yory scalps athwart your belt And olives in jyoiir rrotcn; .Vo wonder you are out there With Ihe finis (a your blood, A mixture of volcano and a simoon and a flood; .Vo teoiiiiiT you're the captain And the coxswain and the crew my initials were 'V, 11. Well coiiM raiscl, toot Ilrown University Is to travel SOOO miles from Providence to P.isadcna to meet Washington. It must bring a decided wrench to travel 3(r"0 miles and then be held for downs on the one-yard line. That's a lung wny to go for anything, much less a midwinter football game. I COLORADO ATHLETE WILL ATTEND PENN McBride, Star Sprinter, Ex pects to Come to Philadel phia Next Year U. McBride, the Colorado schoolboy, whu appeared in the athletic limelight with u sensational "20" performance in tho National Junior A. A. U. champion ship track and field meet at San Fran cisco last summer, may come East next year and attend the University of Penn sylvania. McDrido has written a friend In the East mentioning his intention or studying hero. McBride Is a phenomenal sprinter and won the fmtong dash at the coast meet In the new world's record time of It sec onds tint. This mark will not bo allowed, however, as tho runner had a wind nt hU back. At the coast meet McBride repn scnted the Denver A. C. JACK McGUIGAN'S SHOW National A. C. National A. C. TONIGHT. AT 8130 KHAKI- Irlh l'ul (line . I'ul -Mimre llatlllnc Heililjr i. Johnny Kit hie Hobby IleynoliU li. I'aUy Mr Million l'runklr Mi'Munu i. l.civ Stinger Itltz Waiters . Joe Hroik OT.YMPIA A A.!,roa,1Hlnbrli)ge Ul-limi 1V , ti.. Hurry KilnuriN. Jlgr. MONDAY MUHT. SiM Sll.lltl l'HKII WELSH . JIMMY Ml'ltl'HV Adiu. 23c. Hal, Ite. SOc. Arena Itr. tie, II, I'VE HEAP-PTHAT BEFORE; BUT WHAT ABOUT THE OpEIJ. OerO GREAT ATTACK BEATS READING TEAM Downtowners Make Flashy Finish, Winning Eleventh Game of Season OTHER CAGE NEWS STANDING OK Tim TRAMS. W. I,. P.O. W. I,. P.C. rirejstnck ..11 1 Ml .I.isper 1 T will Trenton ! ." .313 He NVrl 4 7 .."HI Rending .... r, il .1", Cnnulon .... I 8 .a:il SCliniHJI.n KOlt TONIOHT. .lasptr nt Ho Nerl. Trenton nt ItrailUisr. Hy n wonderful exhibition of guarding and an even better attack, the Greystock team, leaders of the Hastern League, managed to add Rending to Its list of victims last night at Cooper Ilattallun Hall. Tho fans occupied every available scat and the standing room was taken also long before the end of tho pre liminary contest. Although the Greys cot tho decision over Heading by the oni-slded sioio of 111 to 15, tho first half was very evenly fought and It Is possible that tho absence of llnggcrty at centre, for tho visitors, prevented their breaking the winning streak of tho Grey. O'Ponnoll Jumped well at centre, nnd time and again he was able to. out leap Lawrence, but Instead of taking the hall on the top-off. Heading was so com pletely covered up by the Greys' guards. Cross aril MeWlillums, that they rarely gn'ned nfter their centre had made a siu'cessful Jump. Cross and McWIllInms again demon strated that when they are right, there Isn't n man In the Kastem League who can consistently keep away from them. Only two field goals wore registered by Hemline "no in each half, which Indicates the nunllty of the Greys' defense. lie Noli and Jasper meet tonight In a tussle for fourth place in the ICastorn League standing. This time tho two local rivals clash nt Musical Fund Hall, and both are particularly keen about being re turned a winner. While Jasper hns lost its last three games, tho Jewels nro far from being dis heartened and feel sure they will get go ing again nt tho expense of the South walk crew. Yes, ip v You make no mistake there. Any man who smokes enjoys Ciirard Cigars. And lie grows happier as he smokes them. Fr they are a "mild combination of solace and good cheer." Matte from genuine mild Havana' tobacco, mellowed by age alone, and with a ripe, satisfying, tropic flavor, Girard cigars are the Nation's smoke. Known everywhere, smoked everywhere- nothing could be more acceptable as a gift. Let him find a box of these balmy joy-hringers. a gift from you on Christmas morning, and he will think gratefully of the giver with every fragrant puff. Any dealer will supply you with just the Girards you want. Show litm this ad with our address ami he can order quickly from us if necessary. 10c straight, and up. Less by the Box The Girard Cigar never get$ on your nerves For tale wherever good cigars are sold ANTONIO ROIG & LANGSDORF, Manufacturers 315-321 N. Seventh St., Philadelphia SHUT PROPOSITION nUn V CHAMP WILLIAMS SEEMS TO BE ON THE DOWN GRADE Bouts With Ertle, Moore and Burns Prove Kid Is Slipping BUT 22 YEARS OF AGE KM Williams has hit tho tobogsan After busking In tho white light thai beats upon a pugilistic throne for mors than a year, little Johnny Gutcnko, th bantam champion, seems to havo hit th downward grade. In tho opinion of New York scribes, tho Kid alrcndy Is an ex. champion, nnd they proclaim Johnny Krtlc title-holder on tho strength of th Kowplo's victory of a foul. Since the St. Tnul b.ittlo Williams w floored by Ial Moore, a youngster who did not show tho least semblance of a bird wallop In a local bout, and then t'rnnklo Hums, a veternn of tunny yearj In tho boxing game, held tho llaltlmorcan In n 0-rnlln,l ilrnw. Ttm nrAii.l..i i plclon that Williams Is slipping a bated on ills last thlco fights. I WIlllniuH passed his 22d birthday kit Sunday, and at that ngo ho ought to b. i steadily improving; but this doesn't Ptem to bo the case. In former days Will, lams usually won his contests by so wide a margin that explanations nnd alibis were totally unnecessary except for the opposition. Since ho nttalued champion, ship laurels, Williams, It has been said hns been showing signs of n swollen nomc, nnu it is as truo now as ever that prldo gooth before a swift kick. THAT MARCH 17 FI01IT. Although Johnny Kllbane Is by no meani tho classiest featherweight ever, Will lams was not well advised when ho went up ngnlnst him In that memorial battle hero on Mnrch 17. Tills match, in which Williams received a neat trouncing, was the Kid's previous sctto to his go with Krtlc. In which bout Williams showed his first signs of sliding. If Williams really Is slipping, perhaps the principal reason Is his ambition to shine ns a knockout king. He wanted to be n miniature Hercules, and in hlj process of musculnr development he has sacrificed much of his former science and speed. To all outward appearances the Kid today Is much slower than ho was n year ago. Ills muscles bulge much bigger than before, but while this may be very nlco for plutogrnphlc purposes, It doesn't help much against a clever op ponent. Scraps About Scrappers l'nl Mnnie sal. I tbls mninlng Hint be was la Knnrl hhapo for Inn match In tbe wltul-up to, night nt tho National Club ngalnst Irlnti l'atsv Kline, niuwo sensational mat.ii wltli IMille Morunn week I" still froi-h In tin inlii'ls nf iiuim who uttnci't'r.l tho en. A return bout bctneiii Morgan anil lilnc nl!l be staged next Hnturilay night. TiinlKl.fs. inoaram follows: l'lrst bout ltltz Waltcri", Atlantic City. N. Jne Drovk, Houtlmnrk. Recnn.l bout I'rankle McMnniiH. Ilos'.on. vs. Lew Slimier. Mttte Itnly. Third bout Johnny lllbiile. Chicago, vi. IlnttMiig lle.bly. lilllnilelphl.i. Fcinlwlnil-w I'ntty MeMnlinn. Indianapolis, vs. Hobby ItcvnoMs. Snutliunrk. Wtnil-np l'ntny Cllne. New rlt. vn. Pal Moore, Poiithwnrk. A.I wolgnft Is buck In New Wk making loud nobes about Sir.,0 nn.l I'rt-il.ty Vtelili, Int until tlm llcbtwelght ihiiniplnn wra nt to r.lve ear Ail will take on l.C'h C'rnns on IV-t-einlKT 17. The winner will meet I'lickty Homey re -ember St. , Fi-.iiiMIn MiCrnikrn. Im-nl iwirt- writer bovrr. itiiv Irlnh l'ntfy (ilne. of New York, n good work-out In Aibim Itinn; gym vcr'.rr; ilne afternoon. Mae pioved bhmolf a pH boxer, mill tbe sliirtv tiln- complimented him nHir Ibnc rounds nf linylng. I.Ike Willie Tlltchlc. Ituck 1 temliiB will t;r nut of the IlKluweU-bt c In-jji Into tint of h .lelterw.-lubt. He meets Willi Herman In Ihe lemlwind-up m the I-'re.l WeNh-.TImmy Mur phy match nt the Plynipln Monday nlslit. Jnlmnr Itltible. tbe ChhiiKn bantam, plant to remain In tlm Hant for a while. He ha hose.l tiich boys n I'ekln Kid Herman, Krnnkle ronley ami Johnny Krtlc Piddle C.impl may be In the Olvmpla's ChrM. mas show- on Hie same card with Johnny Er. il who will meet n local boy In the wind-up. .ri,' t.-.wnii-'it liroiher. Mike, nlno will appear on that program. , , , The Athletic Club wind-up on Tues day n'lBbt will be between Palsy McMahon. who niccm Hobby Iteynolds ton'Rht. and Char ley Thom.ia. Harvey Thorpe, Kansas City llRhtweliht, who may be reen In n local combat shortly, will meet Mllhurn Hnylnr. of Indianapolis, (a Kansas City January 7. "I'm sure he wants Girards!" madam. THrVT'J WHERE THH (JOKE COMES IN' &t t k h (s OPEN POO KpooFV?. $r 4 nH fmdj xx vr JW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers