nw wmMir Plrmif mjiH" lAjm- -jii jftif TrrrpJ m)i-i-ir"J- ny jay T EVENING LTCT)aEn--PniLAPELPHlA FRIDAY, DEffffUBER 10, 1915: THE LAST ROSE OF SUMMER By RUPERT HUGHES tl .d SCRAPPLE HPPW r ( , I jQj V ftlil tnuld of torn i. i (W Is no fCrtiK i, "hi only one o I L,1.'Vn,. continue. n rtli!. Hon or her Kfiioration 1,4 thft Itllll Of of Uio" Uko Mrn. If SEwffifffi J 8 .r, ho in ii.ijb e m",..r -fA-intit t'T '' ',": -.ii.,,,.".. Amph I nn .7.1 imiornn . enmri. "",'- I Jwn M 'Vil i .nil not plticl, Iwcitise It i.tS' ".' .,2 when tl.o Mrty .blooms . . nii.'tv Humph- ion 'nF'" .. , :,-. with tliat ol.l thins Hit I onmr home noil I wdh't mind TlM, ink" mo to a' party and f""1 5.U times with Blnlallne Nicker in "". !" nl u,nfs all. So there!" I hi nSr imnor to hoar the re- ,w" ?' to o- no strength or curl , Tlr sm! s" wnnled '.? " ? t1" .'"Irriinr nnd rower In the rub- ' Vl.li 'IkC A SH l . . I.innilllnn for ',,f wnL,n-iliinp to hear. It was her MllncflnM.odNBOo'l-by. i Je-e"" that had proved the PY, Vjoic's estimate of her-evcti now ' truth o fJof'f ltMP .., ,,e Bnntc re- . 6eborn n,u; - b , fDi Tlmc d not fw ess verdict " ... ., lllrl, r n ..it her, nor nruuBMi - :Jf-SS,Jrssrtsa ig&rssrs-res.s Zxl i B-ro ovmenccs that refreshments '. abwit o l-e nerved. Chicken snln.1 rre nD01" ... .,t rrnnlirilt rllOUBl 'rDK7..tc to ho oVerlooked. O.s dement and derision were her cvery ija, porrlJKC. Ice cream was a imrty. So !,I,,cnIhUlal.er- hired Rlrl In a clean .i .. ..nmnlnii nrmor of hluancs iltKared at the dlnltiB room door and Sned. Joe summoned her more lK" .... i.lU..n In nno th . nlntos. L nodded to Asaph to como and rol :tbe Ice crenm rreczer Into place and ', crape oft the salty Ice. Then she way- Uldlilm In the kitchen nnd assailed him , or pnylnK too much attention o Hlrdu 'Zt lit did not rcnlUo what a hiMirlous ttlu'm to youth It was for his wife to .iriim.1.1 (iniirrrl. It jnndo him pad and he fought back. Thrlr wratiHle I . . .1.. ...111.. nt.Air.rntl'l1ii1 rllnllll? room In little tantallzlne slices as the iwlr.glw: door opened to ndnilt or emit ono of the children. But It swims shut t once. It was like nn exciting serial with most of the Instalments omitted. In the cheerful stampede for the dining room l)obl had crowded Into a sofa ilongslile another rc-vlsltor to tho town, Kenton JWdiiim. whom she had known buttllslitl) He had Kono with tin' older jlrU ond had already left Cailhngp when Debby came out as far as she had ever come out before she wont hack. ' Newt Mcldritin tinil iirospcrcd, accord- ln? to CnrtliaRf standatds. lie was now 'the "credit man" for a New Vmk whtilc- ule liouso Dchbj had not the faintest Udea what a credit man was. Hut Asaph rknen only too well. As the owner of the 'largest department store In Carthasc. 'Asaph owed the New Vork house mole Innnftv fli.iii ho rniiti! ii. IV. tin uavo that II a reason foi owing It" still more. The iSew York house sent .Mcuiruni out to iCarlhnKe to see whether It would be more 'prolltable to close Asaph tip or to tide lira over for another season. lAtla hud r.linvf.ti thlu iirivlinu iintnntif ioihca party to Bird.tllna! Aiaph hid to Invito Moldrum. Josle had promised that sho would bhow how much a wife can help her husband; sho promised to lavish on Moldrum espcclnl cotiililerntlon and to Introduce him to icmo pretty girls he was a notorious bachelor. Then sho forgot nlm at oneo for her indent rivalry with nirdallne. And Ataph nUo forgot him In the excitement !,of quarrel Indeed, host and hostess Ignoretl their ffilal guest so completely that they left j mm to eat nis supper aioiigsuio uie icuau : considered woman In town poor old riiMii lVvtit " T1nltli Imil Inim eft t fallen out of the practice of expecting at- B ICIJMUIl 1IU1II illlUUU. AilllllV nnv; (t ponaenr.g Her own siiame anil trying 10 extract some Ice cream from between tho FARMER ft 'leJ iJnnun. in answering Iebor.ih. Mtnt n ';1. "."Si "utter Hunk ' ,n i 8 '".':'! J, '.- It n nt n .lane GOOD-NIGHT TALKS Dear Children What are the two most important bricks in a brick build ing? Tho first brick and the last. Suppose in your daily work you pay nttention to LITTLE THINGS. A trick is a very small thinp compared to a biff building, but the builder must pay attention to tho first little brick which goes to make a building. You have examinations in school. Watch the first question. Why? Because it is the ono your teacher reads first Watch tho little things in life. A fly is a tiny thing, yet it may keep an elephant jumping up and down for whole day. i Give father and mother presents you can make yourself. They would tather have them than automobiles or self-playing pianos, because you made them! Little things are called DETAILS. Remember that word. Putting your stocking on right side out, "slicking up" your hair and smiling are of themselves mere details, but they make up YOU. FARMER SMITH, The Children's Editor, The Evening Ledger. FARMER SMITH. The Children's Editor. The Evening Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa. I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club and agree to DO A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY. SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAY. NAME Address Age School I attend ... Wanita and Kawasha Father Sun was high in the heavens hen Wanita and Kawasha started on their morning walk. The daisies nod ded their heads as if to welcome them, hile the little leaves on the trees fluttered a welcome. By their side trotted Tow Tow, their faithful dog, who was always by their side and who slept in their tent at night. "Where shall we OM, wvw- IMked Wanita, who always called her pother "dear nn Let Us KO to the cave." answered aasha. Just then Wanita tripped SWe root of a rtli grapevine. : v"ui, little one, look where you pe going." "Put I can't think in my feet!" ex. fumed Wanita. klPvrhaps not at flrst' but White ?tr, the great chi, -v vj told me spots of salt. A few big lenrs had welled to lnr eyelids and dropped Into her dish. She blamed herself for the salt. Then she hoard her neighbor grumble: "Fay, Debbie, Is your Ico cream all salty?" "Ve-es, It Is," she murmured, flutter ing. "So's mine. Funny thing, there's nl ways salt In the Ice cream. Kvor notlco It?" "Thrt that's so, thorn usually Is a little" ' A lot! That's life, 1 guess. Poor old Asaph! Plenty of salt In his Ice cream, eh? H'hnt'H the matter with that wife of his. ntiywny? Aren't they happy to gether?" "Oh, I gue.is they're as happy ns mar ried folks ever arc," Debhy answered ab sently, and then gasped at the horrible philosophy she had uttered. Meldrum threw her a glance nnd laughed. Debhy winced. He probably was say ing to himself, "Sour grapes!" At least she thought he would think that. But Iw proved his Innocence, by his next words: "Voit married, Debby?" "N-no," sho faltered, without daring cvn to venture n "not yet" He surprised her shame with a laughing compliment: "WIho lady! Neither em I. Shake!" Then she turned on the sofa so that sho could sec him better. His eyes wore twinkling. He was handsome, cltlllcd, sleek and comfortable. Yet ho had novcr married! He was holding out his hand. And be cause It commanded hers, she put hers In It, nnd he squeezed her long. Ilshy fin In a big, warm, comfortable palm. And she gave her timid, smiling eyes Into his big, smiling ataro and wondered why sho smiled. Hut she liked It so much that fresh tears rushed to her eyelids, little, cngcr, happy tears that could not have much salt In them, for one or two of them bounced Into her Ice cream. Vet It did not taste bitter now. Asaph came In then and looked around the room with defiant eyes that dared anybody to be uncomfortable. He rccog- Newt Meldrum lind prospered, nccordinp; to Carthago standards. nlzed Meldrum with a start ami realized Hint tho most Important guest had been left to Deb I.nnabci' of all people. This misstep might menu ruin to him. He made haste to carry Meldrum away and present him to Pamela. Deborah, abandoned on the sofa, stud ied Pamela with wonder. How beautiful the child was! How she drew the men! How their eyes fed upon her! How sho iiueencd It In her little court. Every where he went It must be co. In Peoria thev must have gathered about her Just as "here. They must be missing her In Peoria now. When she went back they would be glnd. Tho contiast between Pamela and her self was so cruel that Deborah's heart rc olted. She demanded of heaven: "Why so much to her and none to mo? My mother was na good as her mother, and bettor looking In her day, and my father was a handsome man. Why was I made nt all, If not welt mnde? Why allowed to live If not lit for life? My elder Mster that died was more beautiful than Pa mela, tint she died. Why couldn't I have died In her place, or taken tho beauty sho laid aside as I wore her cast-off clothes? Yet I live and I shall nover ho SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB thnt I would nover be a chief unless I learned to think in my feet." "I will try to think in my feet, also, if it will please you, dear one." Then Kawasha bent over and kissed Wanita. ' (Continued Friday, December 12.) For the Wee Ones Old Dr. Bull Frog, Sitting on the bank, Along came a Hop Toad And gave him a yank. Your Workroom Last year I made a Christmas pres ent for my father which he liked very much. My father was sick in bed at the time and that is what made me think of it. It was a little table that his meals could be placed on while he was in bed. I took a wooden box about two feet long, one foot wide and one foot deep. married, shall never be n mother, shall never be of nnv uso or any beauty. Why? Why?" Hitter, bitter wore her thoughts ns she sat with her plate In her lap. Sho hardly noticed when Josle took the plate away. She could not bear to remain. She tiptoed from tho dining room unheeded nnd went out at tho side door, drawing her shawl over her head. Sho must sneak home atom, ns usual. Thank heaven. It was only a block and tho Btreets were black. As she reached the front gate she met a man who had Just enmc down the walk It w.is Meldrum Ho peered at her In the dim light of tho street lamp and cnllod uut: "That you, Debhy? Couldn't you stand It any longer? Neither could I. That girl Is a poach to look at, but she can't sing for sour npples, and as for brains she's a nut. n nure uecnti! 1 guess I'm too old or not old enough to be satisfied with staring at a pretty hide on a pretty frame. Which way you going? I'll walk along with you, If you don't mind." If she didn't mind! Would Lazarus ob ject If Dives sat on tho floor beside him and brotMht along his tiencher? Debby was so bewildered that the side walk reeled beneath her Intoxicated feet Sho stumbled till Meldrum took her hand Into his arm, then sho trotted alongside, as meek as Tobias with tho angel. All, all too soon they reached her house. Hut ho paused at the gate. Sho dared not Invite him even to tho porch. If her mother heard a man's voice there sho would probobly open th"c window upstairs and Blulek "Murder! Thieves! Help!" So DebLy waited at the gate whllo tho al most invisible Meldrum chnttercd on. He was In a mood for talk. Tho paralyzed Debby was o, perfect listener, and In that Intense datk bIio was as beautiful as Cle opatra would have been. To her he was solely a voice, a volco of strntiKu cynicisms, yet of strange comfort to her. He was laughing nt the people she held In awe. "This town's a Joke to me," ho said. "U'b a side-show full of freaks." And he mocked the great folk of tho village as If they were yokels. Ho Inughed nt their customs. Ho ridi culed many, ninny things that Debby had bcllcxed and Buffered from believing. Ho ridiculed married people and marriage from tho superior height:! of one who could have married many and had re jected nil. It was strangely pleasant hearing to her who had observed mar- tinge from the humblo depths of ono whom nil had rejected. He talkfd till he heard the town clock whine eleven times, then he said: "flood Lord' I didn't know It was so Into. 1 don't get these moods often. It takes a tplghty good listener to loosen me up. flood night! Don't let any of thse fel lows bunco you Into marrying em. There's nothing In It. Debby. Tako It fiom me. flood night!" She felt rather than saw tniu no imra his hat. She felt again his big hand en veloping hers nnd she answered Its squeeze with n despot ale little clench of her own. .... .. . He left her wonderfully uplifted. Now she felt less all exile from marriage than a lehel. She almost convinced herself tnat she had kept out of matrimony be cause she was too good for It. The soli tary cell of her l'd was a queenly dais when she crept Into It, and sho dreamed that lienoml Kltt honor asked for her hand and she refused It. Meldnim'H cynicisms had been strangely opportune to the despondent old maid He unwittingly helped her over a deep ditch and got her past n bad night Hut when she woke, the next morning was but ho resumption of the same old day. Poverty, loneliness and the Inanity of a manless household were again her portion. The face sho wnshed explained to her why she was not sought after by the men. She found her mother filled with rheu matism and bad news. A letter had como the day before and sue had concealed It from Deborah so that the child might have a nice time at the party, and did sho have u nice time and who was there? But that could wait, for never was there such news ns she had now, and thero was never any let-up In bad luck, and them with no man to lean on or turn to When Deborah Dually pried the letter from the poor old talons she learned thnt the A. G. and St. P. Hallway would pass Its dividend this year. CONTINUED TOMORROW I knocked tho two longest sides out of it, nnd it made a table that fitted right over his knees when ho sat up in bed. I painted it white and tncked a piece of oilcloth on the top of it my mother used to spread a piece of table cloth over it and my father said it gave him an nppetito to eat on surh a nice table. MARIAN KIRKWALL, North 11th street. Our Postoffice Box William Pescatore nnd Charles Marola, of South 8th street, are doing their best to collect old toys for the Rainbow Club's Santa Claus. Thank WILLIAM I'ESCATOKE CIIAIILES MAItOLA you, boys. How do you like your picture? Now, what do you think? Irene Fisher, of South 4th street, 7 years old, wants her daughter, Miss Dolllo Dimple, to join the club. Miss Dollie is rather young, being just in her tenth month, but we're perfectly will ing to let her have a little corner in our club. I'm afraid she'll be rather lonesome. Won't some other dollies please come and join her? Thelma Willard writes on the very daintiest sort of stationery and sends a good-luck message. We'd like to hear from her again. Henry Wister wants to know if some boy will not send a wireless message to him through the club news, Henry uses the Morse code. The rest of us are all interested, so we'll be on the look out for the "dots and dashes." Do You Know This? 1. What word oan you form from this sentence, "LO I DRESS"? (Five credits.) 2. What does a ship at sea do when she is in danger? (Five credits.) 3. 'Who invented the wireless? fThreoi credits.) 4. When does a ship tell a false-1 bpod?. (Five credits Pivn i-rcillte.. ' THE NEW Mistress Jane, didn't you hear the door bell? New Servant Yes, mum. Mistress Then why don't you go to the door7 New Servant Deed, mum, I ain't expectln' nobody call on me. It must b somebody to see yourself, muml Hrltnin Views Greece n i i qw l-ondon Eiprnj. Halo! Concer-"Tlno." Alwnys Come Back She Do thoughts that came to you long ago ever return? Poet Yes If I Inclose a stamped envelope London Opinion. 'Taxi! Quick! Drive us to the finest ruin!" -AND THE WORST After the Raid . ' U)1J, "Zi' Jl v Sm 5 nnnn rE7" " n " fS- -as . . IDEA Th I'iilln flhltV. Some Difference "Come, alt yo', and bo baptised," cried the chocolate evangelist. "Hut Ah'vo been baptised by the Presbyterian," said Rastua. "Lo'd," cried the Haptlst minister! "yo' only been dry cleaned," Punch Howl. Tough Luck Papa Rabbit-Well, doctor, what li It? Doctor Hare Duodecklets. Punch Howl. Nothing for an Answer Teacher Wnlt n moment, Tommy. What do you understand by the word dellclt? Tommy It's what you've got when you haven't got as much as If you Just hadn't nothln. IS YET TO COME THE PADDED CELL DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOUT HOW A WOMAN The Reason Bhe Why do Mls Yowler close her eyes when she sings? He Perhaps ahe has a. tender heart. She I don't understand. He She may not want to at how tho rcat ol in aufler. R3 SV ilMn'TC'nvMllVUTTie 1 -, 1 0OC MY PtftriTOWTnB MOtrllrtC I &yy MMtltVOlDIUPNfTo pL 0MHrtER.L0fT IfttVEROrVrt .ftS D1C. THEM ( TSrUsfffi BjCClWiniOLlbKUOrfi.WHYlU .. LJ ' ej H ffiJMSBOUCH TO Ml ME TCR I ' 1 jus.. .1 Ualljr Ukcua. it ew't Re.etn X -- VfHHTHUl X Va I f sss?55 fiouife OUT OR TIES A PARCEL Foxy r Mrs. New-bride I gave Henry a beautiful necktie I made for a birth day present. Krlend-AVas he pleaiKtd with It? Mrs, Newbrlde-Qh, yes. He said it beauty should be. for no eyes but hU own and lucked it up in bis 4cait Wasn't that layely of klmT rca y 4 ufaf g mmummMM; r f. m-J- 31&&1 -V
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