tet-sat: - ;fSSsSrs.a' ' S'SS-" -spwo' vw -;., owt-TwrnrMnisg , - T'-feS;vp?3?K5rSKiF-!9tr-" .lffSJI ' EVENING- LEDaEB-PniLADEEPHIA, 8ATUBDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1916. rpraMSfeiuvC FINANCIAL NEWS INCREASE IN BANK CLEARINGS INDICATES BUSINESS EXPANSION Total r Week Nearly 85 Per Cent. Above Same Period Last Year General Motors Rose More Than 39 Points NEW YOnif, Oct. 30. Further concrete evidence that business conditions throughout the coun try are Improving Is found In ,tho bank clearings for tho last week. Thero was another tremendous Increase, tho largest since they have been moving Upward. Clearings reached tho total of $4,551,387,318, an Increase of nearly 85 per cent, as compared with tho previous year. All cities contributed to tho expansion, while tho largest was by New York, 133.8. While It must be taken Into consideration that tho Increase In the bank clearings from week to week Is largely tho result of tho Increased business on tho Stock Exchange, yet tho fact must not be lost sight of that general irado conditions are much better than they luvvo been. This Is reflected In tin Increase of the clearings for tho week over tho corresponding period of 1D13 of more than 3D per cent. Reports from various lines of trade are more rosy, and tho outlook, accord ing to many, is very promising. In their review this week tlrndstreel's nay: "The trade and industrial stream Is running fuller, and In some cases Is out of Its banks. Warm weather Is a drawbaclc temporarily to retail trade the country over, but helps the drying of corn tuul tho threshing of wheat, now much delayed. Jobbing trade Is more active, and Industry shows n still speedier pace, with some hitherto lagging lines, such as lumber, especially at tho South, naval stores, coal, Jewelry and shoo manufacturing, reported mak ing better progress." Trading on tho Stock Exchange today was again brisk, with tho Interest centred chiefly In tho railroad shares, as was tho caso throughout tho session yesterday. The opening was strong, and thero was u good all-around demand for stocks. Most attention In tho standard issues wns In United Stntcs Steel common, which crossed SS, lifting It to a new high-record price since 1910 and bringing It within less than seven points of tho highest mark it has ever sold, 9-1T&, reached In 1909. Profit-taking soon put In Its appearance after tho start, and stocks dropped off from their best, and tho market becamo Irregular. Itenewed strength developed In tho last few minutes, and tho closo was strong. By crossing 101 Southern Pacific made a now top since it was divorced from Union Pacillc. Tho widest movement In tho specialties was In General Motors. This stock rose 39 points on a fow transactions. Baldwin and Sludebaker wore also strong, but sold orf later. Uellectlng the larger demnnd for the metal, tho copper shares also showed strength. In connection with Anaconda thero Were reports that tho stock will bo placed on a $0 dividend basis instead of $4, which Is now being paid. Earnings of the company are said to bo running at moro than $25,000,000 per annum. Inquiries for Copper Total 250,000,000 Pounds A good business Is being done in copper, and Inquiries nt tho present time total 250,000,000 pounds. The strong feature In the market Is tho big foreign demand, while tho domestic demand Is also large. Tho price of electrolytic has been advanced by one of tho leading agencies to IS fc cents, and another largo concern has sold at better than IS cents for December delivery. Pro duction during September was as follows: Nevada Consolidated, 0,021,850 pounds; Chino, 5,251,2SG pounds; Utah Copper, 14.153.2S0 pounds, and Kay Consolidated, 5,131,46G pounds. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Big Gain in Deposits Loans Expand Over Thirty Millions NEW YOIIK, Oct. 30. Increases all along the lino were reported by the clear ing house banks In their weekly state ment today. Loans, on the uveragc, ex pand over $33,000,000, while deposits rosi $10,031,000. Reserves Increased about $3,000,000. Total loans were $.1,039,009,000, net demand deposits $3,119,813,000, with net time de posits of $142,352,000. The aggregate re serve was $731,038,000. Details follow: Clearing house members average Increase. Loans . . . . . : f SS.IWS.ooO uepaMii Tim'.! Time' deposits Reserves Clearing house members actual Loans Deposits Time deposits Reserves 40.tSTil.tMHJ . 3,345.(100 . 3.U72.3UO .$2I,(',C,I,000 . 2",01S,0(,() . 1', (101,000 . 3,115,120 JUMP IN BANK CLEARINGS Increase of Cities Throughout Country Was 84.9 Per Cent, in Week The business of the banks in tho United States during the last week showed a tremendous Increase over the same week of tho previous year, being 84.9 per cent. The total clearings for tho week were $1,551,387,313, against $2,401,760,366. All cities showed Increases, New York being tho largest, with 133.8 per cent. De tails follow: 1015. low. P.C. New York...$2,342,322,'.)31 $1,001.0.13,104 133.S Uoston .... 180,M)4,3H2 101. 143,)-0.l 55.1 Philadelphia. 15.V1UU.S-0 lot.4tC.7KT 4S.T Baltimore ... 31,35!,OI5 2(l,5oa.K,s 1S...1 Chicago .74,u7.iK)i Ht. LOUIS 74,21)1,577 New Orleans. 20,t77,770 New York Bond Sales Illsh. .120 .1(1314 . 07 . W)'t .101 .11014 . 02 . l?i .los $0000 Alaska Oold cv (Is. . 401)0 ahiit Hide & L tit. . 1000 Anitlo-Kr L w 1 5s.. 21MK) Amer Tel clt 4s Undo do cvt l..s IIK'0 Am Tobacco new lis. .""on Armour Co 41ss 7(0( Atchison pen In 2.KIIK) do cv 4s 11100 1000 Allan Co Line clt 4s. 2IOWI Halt & Ohio 4s y.tU 1300H) do cv 4".js 11H4 Hill licth Steel rfd T.s lMi'.j 1000 llrook City 1st T.s 10J-;, LtUI UrooU Itnp Tr T,s toon tmoo Cent Leather 1st 5s. .,10141 loud Cent l'ac 1st 4s S.S lov) Cent 11 It N J 3s 113 51100 do icir r.s 113 OoOO Cent leather .Vs 10114 4O0W Chill Cjpper 7s lists 3O0K dies & Ohio cv 4s. . 87 2((i) Chi Ot West Is Bis; (WOO Cht n & CJ Joint 4s... 07(5 OIihki Chi M & St ! cv .",).. lOTik Bono (hl M & St I Ben 4',is 0!) . . !i." ..llli'i ..MM'. T' . . 7 . . Mi ,11. 233,0.ill.2M) lfc.0 3.i,UOU,40.I -h 4U.U 14.04S.012 4S.0 Seven cities, 5 days ..... .$3,030,008, 131 $1,534,141,507 09.2 0dayltl!'C.".'.!' 8S4.230.410 500.402,304 30.7 ffifo tt) cities 5 days $3. 740,244,850 $2,034,343,001 83.8 Allay". "!" .'. . 811.142.4G.S 427.222.403 MM) Total ah cities for eek...$4,53l,3S7,31S $2, 401,700,300 4- 84.0 RECORD OCTOBER CLEARINGS The volume of clearings ot the Phila delphia banks for October broke all records for that month. The total clearing were $901,463,890. com pared with $047.953,S1G last year, an in crease of 2S.12 per cent. This makta the total clearings for the 10 months of the current year $6,952,539,822, compared with $5,647,111,011 la the corresponding period of 1311, an increase of 4.37 per cent. Local Reserve Bank Statement The condition ot the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia at the close of business yes terday compares as follows: RESOURCES. Oct, 20. Gold coin and certift. cates In vault $7,Sti7,20Q Gold settlement fund Balance w;fi.xMX Qold redemption fund., jt.ooo Legal tender notes, ell- ver, etc. J,oJ,o,l7 Total reserve 11,133,827 Commercial paper iHS' Hank acceptances 1,823,033 Total bills discounted and bought MrJ'SIJ U S. bond 401,050 Municipal warrants g.fcOJ.tm Total Investments $3,338,858 Due from other federal reserve banks net. . . Feseral reserve notes on band .............. Notes ot national banks and other Federal re serve banks JUI other resources,,,,. Oct. 22. $9,100,020 2,330,000 37,004 2,740,012 14,300,002 218.1U2 1,413,933 1,661,717 401,0311 2,800,031 4000 Chic Itwy r.iKio Cons this cv Os MOO Cumberland Tel Bs.. ISflfKi Del & Hud rfJ la.. .'(Hoi) do r f p 200(10 DIs Secur Corp 5s... 10(100 Krlo sen 4s 30(10 Uric tonv 4s Ser A.. 20000 Krle conv 4s b'cr 11. BOOK 111 Chi Jt r.s 2000 III Steel dch l... 20W( 111 Central rfd 4s STVj luooo Ins Copper cv (is 1ST, 00(10 Interh Met 44s 7HJ4 '000 Interb It T ret 3s 117 C2O0O Inter Mer Mar 4',$s. K 30(k Intcrnl Pnner Bs SO 40(0 Lis & M T 7 122)4 5000 I.OUIS & NOSh 45 03': BOM) Mo Kan A; T 1st 4s. Tooo Mo Pac 4s SflOO N y Air Drako cvt Os.102'4 17( N V Canal IWs 10ui MOO N Y C L S 3tis sol. 37(K.O N Y Cent Is It K P..10.K A'.UUO .n v c ,fc 11 Hjs.... 150(1 N Y C & II rcg (Is... WO do 4s 7 (KtNio N Y City ret 41(s 'CO 1iw. 120 1(H 07 10', 103 111)'., 02 1US .S7 .v.) 04 llc 102'', Moli Ml 113 113 Ml '4 ilsT ,SS3fc 103 O'.l HT, 1M 07(3 5(1 ltni-i Clo-o. 120 Mjl, 71h HOli Ml lll'la 02 03K 10S Wf loo-lj 102 a, KO ',4 M I VI ll.'IH 11.1 10114 IS '$ 03 UllUj 07'S BO IOBts 71 t K 7SV. 41 1)0 . S0i u. HOW N Y Kwy adj 3s T.llJ 4MIK) N Y Tel Ken I'is 07 1KXO Norf &i West cvt -His. .UK 1000 Norf & Wcit 4s 02 31000 Nor Pac prior Is 02 .1000 Nor Pac Ken 3s HT 20M) Ore Hvy & N con 4s.. 02'i 4000 1'enna en 4s Ml 400O0 do en ct His OSli -,,",, .ui, ,-3crv J US MV, B(1(K) Heading sen 4s 04ij Dili 4 22(XIO Hen Ir A: H Bs 12()0 Hock Island rfd 4s 3000 Hock Island Bs 431: (ouu peauoaru A 1. adj Bs.. TO GOOD flout h Hell Bs os 20(10 .South l'ac 4s S514 12000 South l'ac cv 4s 87 Ihosno do cv ret f p Bs.... MO 2-i0i) South Ilwy gen 4s... 70'. 20O00 do con Bs ion, HOO Texas Co cv (Is 1051, 2000 Third Ave adj 3s 70!i BOO) Tol l'eo & W 4s 5I1, Mmo Toh Co Hroil adj 70 7000 II 8 Steel 5s ll; 50.) IT a llov 3s c 101 KKM) Cnlon l'ac 1st 4s 05i 2000 I'nlon Pac v At 11.li. 1000 Union Pac rfd 4s 8T?, 1000 Va-Car Ohm 'Is 102 2OKI0 Wahdsh 1st 5s Mill 2m0 Wuuasll 2d 5s O.'li 4o"0 Wah K ct sta Is 1st pr 43 1000 Wah Kou ct 4s 1st .uref I7i ft'iooii Wab E11 ct f p 4s lOU'i 77000 do sta f i lollj ,,!., 111-., mri. W)0 4000 do sta 1 p nil1,'. West Klec 3a 101U 1 West Md 1st 4s 72ti 1 West Union Bs ... . . . vj Ml 110', S! isivi 7(1 07 8.1 S.0 12214 7' 101I 1024 I0:ii SO'-j loll', 1H) lOO'i NIlJ 0!) MP, 31 ; 07 117U 02 02'i 04'i 02lJ Ml o.si; 8s4 1141J i " (Mil OS 8514 87 J0.V1 70ll 101 M31, -an 51). r,sii i(i.i, 101 03'. 0.1 87i 102 1001J 101 MIW 72'; 4:1(1 Ml, DOT'S iiV 7(1 l)( NH4 SO 122'.., 0.11s 7f4 100?, Mil-, HOT 0O loo'i S'.'J i)0'4 M.l'f 31 14 !)7 lis 02 I)2V Oil, 02',; 104 0SW 8SW Dili I) l? c.ij! 70 OS 8514 Mil 70'4 Mils MSI, 7!H, Bl 70 iai Ml ll.V-i 0.1V, 874, 102 HUM, SI3V-J 45 47H loills lolli 1011, 72lJ ll), Total sales, $2,007,000, compared ivitli $1,967,000 yesterday; thus fur thU week, $26,503,000, 3,870,081 803,323 110,015 104,223 $3,381,683 3.843,808 M7.1W 143,330 1C0.3IH) Total resource $21,200,648 $24,031,& LtlAXlU, , CO; ;5,268,4O0 8,783.321 2WI nnt,.i -.i in . . xn on.450 Bewns "depoiltiUnet;" I."30.05O All other UaoUltles 21a ToUl liabilities $24,200,649 $24,031,087 BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compare with corre- tpquams My '"U",, '".T.'i, iuih 1013. 1014. Phlla. f?i.95J 2?.a?.9? 3S?-SS I.SI.idU .I,OI.W,W m,w,ww .,:. in Ksw York.. .514,583.032 215'.033,tm 417,7,rJ3 DIVIDENDS DECLARED s Buckeye Pipe tine Company, $2 pr share, V payable December 15 to stock of record No "1 yember 24. I Consolidation dual Company, regular quar , terty lVj per cent., payable October SO to stock I ef reord October 23. . l"! Standard tianltary ilanuiacturlcg Company. .tnuUt quarterly per cent, on preferred "x'a-iKl 14 Pr c"1'- 0 coaujwn. both payable to toclt of record Octuber 21. Pa-d'- Oas and Electric Company, regular niMrtrly 1JS0 on first preferred and original preferred, both payable Novembr IS to stock " ' ' ' ' i? ' ' '' German Bank Statement BEBMN, tt 30. -The statement of the Jntncrutl Bank ' 3rtnaov for the week end-1-sa rUctcBer h w hr loilowlng i-banges t.ti.:J rj-r- mr i : ''HH) marks. . om S?rttiI BJS' r Tr. -. W1U decreet 1 4'-5, c,'6t fr- - , k lju.a tuti CvmHA l" v ' marks, private de- WSKlVJIVUr Vff.VW.WV U.W..V RATES FOR MONEY Call Time Philadelphia 3 4i:i',j 314f4 New York l?i2 2I:liA Boston 2 ami Chicago v 3iM 414 Commercial paper, 3 to 6 months. Philadel phia. 3V.&4 per cent. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Oct. 30.-HOGS,-Kecelpts. 7000. Market steady and strong; mixed and butch ers. 0.4OU7.O3j good heavy, $7.20Vg7.t; rough heavy, 6.23t7; light, $(1.457.45; pigs; $3tf a2S; bulk. $U.05e7.35, OATTLK. Receipts. 500. Market steady; beeves, $1.50610.40; cows and heifers, $2.75(9 8.25; stackers and feeders. $0.250; Texans. $e.BOi.S.S0; calves. $011.25. SHEBP- Hecelpts. 2000. Market steeady: native and Western. 3.2,0.BO; lambs. $6.03 60.25. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, Oct. 30.BUTTEn.-Market steady; receipts. 5242 packages. Extra, 28?iij 20c; higher scoring, 20H80c.; State dairy, 2SHC! Imitation creamery, 238 21c. EGGS. Market steady: receipts, 4507 pack ages. Extra flrsts. 3530c.; firsts. .'IMrtlc; nearby whites, 534IC0C. ; mixed color, 30ij3Sc.; refrigerator firsts, 21HS23Hc; nearby browns, METAL MARKET NEW YORK, Oct. 30. Spelter strong, prime Western spot. 14141i.; futures, l'.'t.SHSc. per hundred; lead. 4.08c. Cash in State Treasury Very Low HARRISBURO. Oct. 30.-tate cash Is at the' lowest point In many years, the total balance at the close of October being ltttto reore than the balance In the general fund at the end of September. The balance for the close of September was $1,428,027; for October, $3,663,161. , Eastern Steel Dividends Resumed The Eastern Steel Company has declared a quarterly dividend ot I1, per cent, on the $2, OOO.OuO first pref. rred stock payable December 13 to sluik of r t..rl December 1. This la a. resumption f dl.llenda on that stork after a liu f fcjr i-'l- '- or one year The laat previous Quarterly dividend Was paid SepUm fit It, 1914. New York Stock Sales 32 4'2J mi 71? 0Si WW (11H 107 87 Last close. High. Low. Close. Alaska Junoau 12H Ui 12H 12 lfflta GoM At 32H Sill ADls-Chalmcrs Mfg.... 43 43 ' Allls-Chalm Mfg. pf... 74H 71 Am Ae Chemical 7V4 72H Am Ae Chcraleal pf... os,u oa Am ht ousar 05!t UOH Am Can 03 03)4 Am Can pf 100M 0!l Am Car & foundry... 87-i HSU Am Cat & Kdy pf no 117H 117 Am Cotton Ull. 02 liiH UJ( Am nxprcss liu no) Am lnuo & Loathot... 12H Itti Am llldo & h pf S7, fis Mil C7U Am ico tccutlUOs 25 23 25 25 Am Unseed 2!l 2UX 23 28H Am Unseed pf 4751 4SH 47U -17H .m Locomotive 705 71 70H 70V Am Locomotive pf O'.n UDH OUJi D9JJ Am Malt lli 12 1134 11J Am Malt pf 351i 33! 33)4 35H Amfcmelt<cf U3!f Dl! SttH l'3?J Am Km & ltef pf 10Uh 1(W 10'JH 10'J14 Am MncltotJ pi A hOW 80)1 80d 8fl'l Am Muellers pr 11 82)4 8JH nin ctccl l'Oimdrlw... 085j 09 Am (-near Heflnlng....ll2 113H ,m hiigar Ilcf pf llo)i 115)4 32 43 74 72M OSX G0H 02 107 87 117H 02 H 110)1 110i 12)5 12)i Am lei A 1 01 Assets Itemization. Alfli 1' .t s i- A tch T & s y pi.. Am Woolen Am Woolen pf y7'j Am Woolen pf tt r. . , . 07 83) ( ObU 112 115)4 lai't 10 12Ui Ulit 10 10 l()8)i 10SH 1071 101H 101) 101)i 6C do (Mi 073, 07J, U7Ji 0; 83!l B.S3 113 uaii i2t;i 10 10s '4 lOHi s; t)73 S)7Ji 62) i Anaconda Coppor ) 83 Ji 82)1 UalUln Loco 130)5 13J3I 1314 13U llaltlmoro le Ohio 4i )IH Uiii !)43i llaltlmoro & Ohb pf,. 75a 75!i 7uH 75)1 llctblchcm Steel 510 524U 524!i 52t'l llrooklyn liao Tr S7 hV.i Uutns llrothors 80 87)n Uutte & faupcrlot 07)4 WJU Cal 1'etrolcum pf 43 43 Canadian Pacific 183)5 184)1 Cent Leather Co 60 5U) Cent Leather Co pf... 107)5 108 Lhesapeako &, Olilo.... 59U 0211 CI,ino Copper 62)1 63 Chicago Otcal Wc3t... 14H 13)1 Chlcauo Ot West pf... 30 305 Chi Mil & bt l'aui.... U1W Uj C M & St Paul pf..... 128)5 120 Chi St 1' M & 0 110U 11U)1 C C U & St L pr 76 Mi 13H5 . IDS . ,')S!1 . 35)1 . 50 .141)1 . U0 . 20)5 U0 .. "5)4 . 7Jj .34 . 7)1 . 43)f . 57)4 . 4) . 28)4 . 60 .345 .1711 IS'l 131)5 12)5 58 33)1 60)i 142)5 00)1 21 DO 87 107)4 lib 05)5 lo2 4SH 20)1 7)4 13)1 73 4334 68 49 30 62H 313 l:2U 355)5 o'J5 113 113)4 .. 77 .. 3SH ..124 51J4 . 71-, .120 77)4 40 125)5 109)5 110 Chi 11 1 & l'ac... ( hi & Norlhwest. . Chlcaco & Alton... (.couilj ruui ,; 1. 1 01 & Southern.... Co! & So 1st pf. . . , Consolidated (las.. Continental Can... Corn Products Hot. Corn Prod Kef pr. . Crucible btcol 80)1 Crucible Steel pf 107 Cuban-Am Sugar 119 Deere & Co pf 93)4 Delaware & Hudson. .15 DJ4 Distillers Securities Dane Mines Dul S S & Atl Dul S S is Atl pf. , Lice Storago ilat.. hrle Lrle 1st pi 1 lie 2i pf l'cd Mln & Sm.... led Mln A Sm pf. Gen Chemical Cen Kleclrls (Jen Motors Gen Motors pf. .. . Goodrich 11 h' Co. Grtenc-Cananca... Great Northern pf, Gt N cfs for ore prop. Guccenhelm Kxpl'n. Homcitako Mlnlns. . Illinois Cent liu Agricultural ii 1 Agricultural pi.. Int Harv Corp imer-Alet vol 1 c. .., Inter Con Corp'n..., Inter Con Cor pf. ... International Paper, lnternat Paper pf ... Inspiration Coppor.. IntNIckel tr r 195U Kan City southern.... 3.'J Kansas City South pf. . C3H Krcsgo S S Co pf 110)1 Lake luio & West 12 Lcck steel Laku Erla & W pf. . , Lthich Valley Loose-W His 1st pf. . I.ou' Island Louis 6c Nashvlllo. .. Manhattan El gtd... Maxwel Motors Max Motors 1st pf. ...K0 Mai Motors 2d pf.... 03 Minn & St Louis 15)1 Minn A: St L pi 32)4 Ai St r & S S AI.... Miami Copper AU'ilcan Petroleum.. 11 0 Kan & Texas..., Missouri Pacific Alontana Power Nat CIS pf Nat Enamel A. .... Nat Lead Nat lty of AI 1st pf Nat Hy ol Al 2U pi.. Nev Con Cop New York Air llrako,.147 N N 11 & H KJ'i New York Central 102)4 103)1 Norfolk & western.... 11 js 119)4 N V (J & West 31U 87 87)4 07)4 43 183)4 69 108 69)1 52 11U 35)1 1)4 129 119)1 74J4 18)1 131 12)4 6 7 4 35 50 142 195 20)1 90 - 85 87JS 87)4 08)4 43 181)5 60)i 108 023i 52)4 15)1 30)5 l)f!l 120 110)1 71 , 18! 131)5 12)5 57)4 35 60)4 142)5 !U)4 20)5 90 85 107H 10734 118 118 93)4 162 47)4 20 7)1 13 42)4 57)5 49 30 62 315 lbO 374 113)4 70)4 3'.l 12-1 .( ri'i 7l'i 05W H2 18)1 20 7)4 13)1 72 42)5 57)1 1203 120)5 2d 0J)4 70 7S4 11 42 45J4 83 3H, SO'i 95' 25)5 2b),' 00 08 22)4 23)4 79)1 11)5 42)4 10)5 .129)5 12 J .12S)5 129)5 S3 85 10)1 33 .12-1)1 125 35)4 35)1 19S)4 197)4 3D4 33 0-1)1 110)1 11 81)5 324 81)5 05 26 19 30 62)4 315 182 391 113)4 70h 1J 2.)'l 5135 723 120)4 10934 28 05)1 08 2235 23)5 79)1 1031 42)4 40 19SM 33)4 03)4 01)1 110)5 110)1 13 11 83)4 81 32)5 32)5 10935 20)4 05 C8 22)4 22)4 59 1051 42)1 4534 S0)4 05 90)5 63i 5)5 5SH feOH 95 2-D4 129 129 120)5 129)4 82 83)1 101)4 100H 101)5 01J5 (WJi 0-1)5 lo)i 32 124 35)1 SOW 6). 5 59 91)5 0), 5)4 00 lo)4 3.) 124 :i5M S!34 0). 5i CO 109)4 10935 10934 10935 33)1 07 23 9)1 15)5 35 07)5 2S4 9 16M 147)4 S3)5 34)s 07 23 9 15H 140 82)4 34)5 t7H 23)5 0 15)4 140 6235 102)4 103 117 119)1 324 31 K :1ii North American 72 7-1)4 72)j 74)4 Northern Pacllic 114)1 115)1 114)1 115)4 Pacific Mall 31H ;2)4 31 3134 Pacific Tel & Tol 42 41 43)4 44 I'tnn li U 5931 00)5 6935 C0H Peoria & Eastern 11 11)4 u$ iij 1 ui.aueiptua -u 40 40 45 4534 Pittsburgh Coal 39 39)5 39 39 Pittsbur.-n Coal pf....lijS)l WWj 10i35 10835 ritis u u 01 1, eon &u bu Pittsburgh. Steel pf. ... 9S 90 93 litsseu oleei Car 7234 3,'i fi Pub S Corp N J 1U 112 112 puilman Co 100 108 108 Quicksilver 434 5)4 434 Quicksilver pf 5)1 C)4 5)1 Hy Btee, &P2 50 50 4lii lty Steel Spring pf 03 03 98 Itay Con Copper 20)1 20)4 2034 lieadlnj 83H F4)4 Ki.'i Itep Iron & Steel 5-1 55 54)1 Itep Iron " Steel pf... 103)5 1C-114 101 Kock Island Co a ivumeiy ji Co 4-i bt LouU & S V C St h & H I' 1st pf 10 St L &S V 2d pf 3 fceatoard Air Line 1831 eealoard Air L pf 4134 St Louis Southwest.... 19 bt L toutuwest pf 35)4 bloss-bhet b & 1 Co... u 1 So Potto H Sugar 130 southern Pacllic 'j931 102 Southern lty 2534 23)1 ctudebaker Co. 171 btudebakef Co pf 115), Tenni Copper ex its... 63 Teias Co 171 Texas & 1'acUlc 1434 Third Ave 01!f Tobacco Products pf.. 10035 35 535 0 10)1 8)5 19)5 42)1 19 38 G135 130 Uclou Bag A; Paper, United Cigar btorta, United Cigar Mfrs., Union Pacific U s Ind Alcohol.., U S Ind Alcohol pf U S Cast 1 r & v.- USOIP& F pf..., 52)1 United KyJ iniest.. United Hyslnv pf., U b llubber... ...... u S Steel U B Steel pf 11635117 O'-i 10 04 15 42 6t)( 87)4 34 5)4 0 1031 "31 19 42 19 535 01 130 100 25H 173)1 10 )4 172 110 1)5)1 11531 03)1 6334 171 15 01 99J1 7)5 9)4 03)5 80 9J 72)5 112 ies 5)4 0H 49)4 03 21J4 S3 i.4!i 101 35 534 0 101 8)5 10)5 42)i 19 38 01 130 lOlfi 25)1 171 15 01)1 03)1 735 935 0335 0-1)1 171)4 15)5 B1U 99)1 ) 035 04)4 .,137)5 139H 137H 13531 no uuj 11BM U'J 10535 100 100 100 30J1 31V4 5235 25)1 43 5034 8831 Utah Copper., 7234 73)1 Va-Caro Cliem , 60 51)1 Va-Hoa Coal;& 0 70)4 7134 Wabash wl .',..., , 16 10)5 Wabash pi A w I.,..,. 4735 4834 Wabash pi B l.t., 31)5 31)5 Wells Fargo Exp ,123 123 West H & M 72)1 73)1 Western Alarylanl..... 34 31)5 Western Union Tel.,,, 80)1 Si Wheel & Lake Erla.... 434 4( Wheel & h E 1st pi.., 14 HH Wheel & L. E 2d pf... 5)5 535 wiiivs OverUnd,,..,..250 '162 Wis onsln Central 39 43 3031 52)4 2531 41)1 5631 87J1 llf3i 72U 6035 71 1831 48)5 31 122 7231 33)1 6031 4)1 U 252 3935 Woolsorti V W Co.. .111 111)4 1U 3031 52H 2531 41). 5031 b73 UoH 7231 6034 71 16)4 4834 31)4 123 72)X 34 81 4H 14)5 531 262 43 114 Total sales, 714,000 shares, compared with, 1,1904)00 ibare yesterday! uu U tiia weelc, wai,400 shartj, FOHEIGN EXCHANGE Sterllnn:, Todny. Demnnd 1.01 Cables 1 1.0.V, l'rnnes. Demand . . , ft.Oft r,.02yi Cnhlex ..,, n.01 (5.01 Mnrlc,. Demnntl ......,.., RH4 814 Cnlilcs , !,, 81 Yes. Close. 4.I11TA 4.M?', WHEAT LOWER AT THE CLOSE Sales in Philadelphia Extraordinary Increase in Re ceipts at Interior Points Ex port Demand Heavy for Oats CHICAGO, Oct, M.-Knlos of wheat wonS llBht at the opctihiK ol tho (renin market today. Prices generally rased off n. trlll followiiiK tho llrst (tiotivtlona. Too mnr kct lntor beenmo steady. Outsldo markets displayed wcaknrsscs which wore rellect od on tho local Rltuatlon. Closinq; prices showed a ono-ccnt loss In December, and May wns off n little more. Kxport huyliiK offsot the hedglns pross uit aualiist large receipts. The short elo molit has been reduced. Sentiment Is split, with hulls showing Increased activities. At Interior points an extraordinary in rreaso In receipts has been recorded. I'"or live days tho total has been IG.SOJ.CHM bushels, iiKnlnst ll,32fi,0(iO last week, and 10,513,000 bushels In tho corresponding period ot last year. Despite the heavy receipts stocks aro accumulating but slowly. It Is b?lleved that moro export sales nro being' inado than those reported. Corn moved llttlo after opening In favorable comparison to yesterday's clos lug prices. I'lrmliess was given the mar ket by 11 strudy Improvement In tho ex port demand. A heavy export demand for oats kept that commodity steady, although nctlvo trading In tho early hours was missing. Kxports reported aggregated 1,200,000 bushels of wheat, chlclly JIanltohas; MO, 000 bushels of corn, 1,000,000 bushels of oats and 100,000 bushels of barley. It Is ostl mated that wheat exports for tho week will total 47,0iKl,00O bushels. Cash handlers sold 300,000 bushels of oats for seaboard delivery. Conditions ut Liverpool were steady. Arrivals nro expected to Increase. Spot and corRoes show no change. Leading futures raliKtil n.i follows: Yrj.t'(l'B Whcnt Onpn. Illch, Low. Cln4rf. clnr. '.ipcemuer .. 1.(1.1 ).(( J May l.nivt 1.0IU 1 uorn (new ucMvcryj Tct. elosft. High. I-ow, Cloee, DAmOll .......117 117 111 117 010 Am Hallways.., 3V$ 83M 3S SS IS 'Am Itwys pref, 07 00H 8fl',i Ofl',1 1W) Anaconda Mln,. ., 83 S3U 83)j 105 U & S tc r-fd.i. fil C3 Bl-H B3 33 nrlll, J CI 0214 C3 2)i 03 S3t3 Crtm Steel C0T 07 C0)4 0T4 200 Chen & Ohio OOH 00 WH' 10 Catta 1st pfd... B2H B B BJ 12f, Elee 8toraeo.... 72 72)4 72 72)i 410 Krie 43H 43V1 . 42)4 42 1B0 an Asphalt ... 35 33 33 83 M do prcf 72 7151 "1? Wi 20 Insp Cop 40V1 lOV't 4Vt 10 Ins Co N A.... 23)4 28 23)4 23 100 Key Tel Co It 13)4 13)i 13)4 2115 Uke Sup Corp, OH 10a 0 10H K() I.eh Nav ,.,,.. SO 80 70)4 70(4 270 toh Valley .... 81 81 80S 81 37S l.ch Vol Tr,... 17, 17W 17 17W 23 do prof 33 37 37 07 210 Miami Cop ..35 33 35)4 3B'.4 nooNorth Cent ...81 8) 81 81 100 Korth l'ne 15 15 15 "III Penna It 11 ,. CO GOV, 00 CO',4 15 fa Salt Mfg ...101 1015 101)4 101)4 25 I'd Steel SO 85 SO SO 105 fluid Kloc ....27)4 2714, 27 27 410 t'hltii It T .... 1(1 JOJS 10'A 10)i 720 do tr ctfa ... 10M 10M 10)i 10)4 410 Iteadlni? .81 8ti 8.1J4 fOV, 10 80 I'acirio 100 100 100 150 So Hallway . . 25U 23)1 B JiSH 10 U S llubber .... f.0!4 C0)4 BO'.i .'100 Union Trao ... II 43i 4.iy, 431; 102 li O I 80 8(1 80 80 BG02 U S Steel .... 81 8SH 87 61 130 Wttrwlfk 1 & S 10?i Hi 10), 10Vi (I Cr.tmp & Sons, 85 85)4 83)4 83)4 25 Vork Ilwy 7)4 8 8 8 feAILROAD EQUIPMENT PURCHASES LARGEST IN SEVERAL YEARgl Heavy Increases in Earnings Resulting From Shipment I of War Materials Sharp Drop in J Pennsylvania Steel Common i.ol'l ti.oHi 1.02)', tUH! 1.02 V l.Cl'4 Octolicr Ueecmbcr Mny Oats Decrrnlttr Mny Lard October . . November January .. Itll.s Oi'tnber . . November January .. l'nrlt October . . December Jnminry Ol'Si 021,4 Ml;, 8t)i 513 r,oti 3811 R)li . 8.87 . 11.15 ,10.00 . 11.05 . IM7 1 1.00 ..1I.IK 10.05 30.10 0.17 lt.fi7 11.70 Hid. tAsltetl. .111.1)0 111.00 02 t3!) :io',i 8.87 78.S7 0.10 11.02 II.0O 0.12 11.05 11.12 11.35 11.00 1 1.12 11.110 10.12 10.15 111.75 no (4 nsji mi',', 8.07 1S.07 I,.!I0 10.37 10.70 0.115 lo.in 8.02 8.07 IJ0XD SALKS IN OCTOBER REACH EI) A LAME TOTAL Transactions on Local Exchange Twice as Big as September While trading In stocks on the Phila delphia Exchange fell oft 210,017 shares during tho month of October, sales of bonds were moro than twice as large as they were In September. Thoy were also the largest since January, 1912. Stock sales in the month now closing wero 835,070 shares, a decrease of 210,070, as compared with September, and the amount ot bonds which changed hands was $2,111,330, nil increaso ot $1,211,331 over September. Although stock pales fell oft this month as compared with September, tin y were larser than nny month In tho last four years. September, of course, being the exception. Financial Briefs Tolul ntrs, 22,180 idiarcs, compared with 42,201 slmrri jcnlcrdnyi thus far this week, 109,111 rdiiirc'. 110ND3. Last prov. sale. High. Low. Close. J.'IOOO Am O & 13 5s.. 88 220H0 lleth Stl let Cs.l02'. 1000 do Us 110'i 1000 Elce & l'eo T 4a 78 100(1 In'st.ito Itwys 4s COVi 1000 Leii N (-en 4!4s .. 10000 do com His. 100 227000 l'cnnn Ken 4',4s OS',', 300 l'hlta Klec Is... SO 1000(1 llcadlUK Ken 4s 0IT4 2000 do Term 5s... 110 2300 Un Itwys t 0 4i. 7:1 Total Hilled, $287,000, ennipnrrd wllh SI38, 183 jestrrdayi tlnm fur this week, 013,530. 88U 88 SS . 102V4 102V4 10214 llll'.i llll'.i 110U "8 78 78 K)',4 BUH 6!4 102 102 102 100 100 100 09',4 08V, 8'4 82!i 8214 82"j 1111 01 U)?t 110, 110)4 110'i 7.'l'.i 72W 72V4 The interest on Cambria Steel scrip duo November 14, 1015, will be paid Novem ber I!, 1913. Books closo November C, re open November 15. Tho New York banks gained $3,805,000 from tho Subtrcasury yesterday, and $13, 038,000 slnco Friday of last week. Tho cross earnings of 32 railroads for tho third week ot October wero $11,372,120, an Increase of $2,116,217. J. Walter Steel and Edwin F. Jones will rc,tlro from tho Arm of Battles & Co. November 1. By order of J. Hector MoNcal, trustee In the bankruptcy proceedings of A. M. 1 Chandler & Co., Samuel T. Freeman A: Co. will sell at auction on November 10, noon, nt 1519 Chestnut street, certain stocks, bonds and claims of the bank rupt Urm. Exports ot copper from tho Atlantic ports tho week ending October 28 totaled CC33 tons; slnco October 1, 21,212, and for tho 8.11110 period last year 23,411 tons. Commercial failures this week In tho United States were 381, against 400 last week and 431 last year. Of failures this week 135 reported liabilities of $5000 or more, against 140 Inst week. Rodman Wanamnker was elected to the board ot trustees of tho Mutual Life In surance Company of Now York. Local Bid and Asked Today Yesterday Hid. ABked. Hid. Asked. Hurt & Hus t C 21 22 21 & 22 ,', I'l'et Ii2ft 5.1 Kl 5.1)1 Haldttln 130 lilil'4 13(1 130W do nief 112, .. 112(4 Urlll (12'4 la St .. (U Cambria sttcl i,u;a i;ii;4 isihj iiu Klcetrlu StoniRu 72 73 72i 73 General Asphalt 35 ,'15'i 111;, a.-, do pre! 71 72',i 7L' 7211 Key lul 1.1), 1,1:, U'Ji 14 (' t c l.l l.li, 1:1 1. II (In 1'ref 05 00 113(4 00 I.iko Sup Corp lll',S 10 lliv 10 Lull Nav 7I)t, 80 7llU o l.ehlBh Valley 80 j j 8t Mi( 81 Loh Aid Tr 174 is 17 17H do prcf 37 37V4 3il-)i .'17 I'cnnsylvanla U0V6 (iOU 111) (low l'hlta Hlcctrlc 27 27U 27 27 l'hll.t Co II) 17 4(1 47 do 5 per cent. pr.... .'Ill 38 3(1 3 do It per cent. pf..,. 43 43' 4 43 l.'l4 I'hlla It T llili lo'i. Kl',1 loia do t c l(l, lil(i KI'A 111 j llcidlns 83U S'lSi, 8.lk M Tonop.lli Heltnont 3W 3, 3' .1)4 Tonupnli .Mining S's ., 5(j nji, Union Trnctlou 4.'lj, 43)4 439, 41 U U.(S Imp Ml 8((-. tCi'it, Ml United States Stool.... 8S w.j, 87-hi S7',4 York Itwy 7(i 8 7, 8 do preC 30 32 30(4 32 W"m Cramp t 0 83'4 87 S3 87 NEW YORK CUKB Hid. Asked. Am Zinc K.tK 70 lllrnden lltt, 1214 JlrnAm T old 14 10 Hr-Am 1 now 14V, HI Cm- LlKlit v;i 0 Clilli Cop 211(1 2(l'i mold Cons 1 .,-10 lis Blcn.lce 32 3.1 lnt Marino l'.Vi 15:K do pief 50S, .-iii'a Kenc't Cop Kl(, 5,'HJ Lch Val Coal Sales 75 M) Manma Cop 14 15 Mldvnlo ' 02 U2U, Nlplsslnir 0 litS utis i:iuv it d do pre! 02 01 Itlker-llcKeman 5)4 0. Hterl aunt 2(4 2 S'ibmnrlne 41 41',4 Tr l'roducts 31) JOU Un I'ror now 2',4 2J, World Film 4 4(i Yukon Uolil 2(4 2(3 RAILllOAD EARNINGS XOItTHEUN PACIFIC. 1015. Increase. September gross, -i,,7(i,s.i(K) .u,:ii:i N'et 3,050.012 57h,:i22 Surplus 1,120,801 .Vt.1,741 Threa months' gross 18,lin,:ifl2 4()7,5.'IS Net 0,870.0(12 0S5,0(I2 Surplus 1,112,302 033,173 JERSEY CENTItAL. September groat $2,0.10,380 $1,141 Net 1,317,42(1 21,717 Surplus (lH.OSI 14,238 Three months' grosa 8,700,31)1 102,077 Net , 3,5(1(1,778 142.43S Surplus 1,400.051 lu;222 ATLANTIC COAST LINE. September grota. $2,350,701 $173,230 Net : 441,053 340,302 Three months' gross...., 0,554,344 ist.loo Net 708,105 235,021 Decrease. I'lilladelplila, October 27, 1013. To the Holders of the $239,500 First Mortgage Sft Bonds o( this Company maturing November 1st. 1015: Arrangements have been made with prexel & Co., of Philadelphia, to purchase, at par, on and after Not ember 1st, 1015, the bonds referred to above, TIOGA RAILROAD COMPANY, By DAVID IIOSMAN. Secretary. DIVIDENDS THE GIKAltn NATIONAL HANK Philadelphia, October 10, 1015. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of eight per cent. (8), free of tax, payable November 1st, 1015, to stockholders of record at the close of business October 22(1. Checks wilt be mailed, CHARLES M. ASHTON. Cashier. FRAMKUK NATIONAL BANK Philadelphia. October 25, 1015. The Director have this day declared a semiannual dividend ot Eight (8) per cent., free of tax, payable November 1, HUo, to stockholders of record at the close of bul ceu October 80. Checks will be mailed. E. P. PASSMORB, Vice President & qashler. DIUKCTOItY OF ACCOUNTANTS Certified l'ubllo Accountants LAWKE.N'Cli E. 1JKUWN dc CO. 1I1U HE A I. EBTATB TKUBT UUILUISa BURNS & SPBAKMAN gun sosiuaa NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Oct. 30. Tho market for coffeo futures opened steady, with llttlo change In prices Closing tlgures wero slightly below yesterday's llmils. Today's Today's Yesterday's onenlmf. close. close. .... (UOfitl.r.1 ., ll.70no.TS .... U.r3(iil.TS . . 0.701(0.80 fl.00fln.70 0.721(0.7." 0.O'yfl.7O (!.72(l.7.t .. 0.7510.78 .... (1.72f0.73 .. (1.80(30.82 .... (I.77SI 11.78 .. 0.80 O.7OS0.80 O.S2(l.St .... li.S7f(ll.8.S .. 0.03 (UI2Si(l.li;l (1.03(i?(I.0t 0,U7in.9S .. 7,OOf!7.03 0.0&I&O.UU 7.02U7.O.1 850O bags. November . . lX'ceinber . . January .... February . . . March April -M' Juno July August .... September . Total sales, MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Jim Duller . Miic.Vamara Mldwny ailzpah Ext . Montana. North Star .. Ton Hel Ton Kxt Ton Merger . Ton Mln ..... Rescue Eula West Bid GOLDFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta llluo Hull l'ooth Ilulldog COD Comb Frac ... Dlamondf B 'B. Daisy Florenco ...... Goldt Cons .... Ooldf Morg ... Jumbo Ext .. Kowaius Oro Unnfl Ken .... Silver Pick MISCEM-NEOUS. Falrv Aztec Klmberly . . Nev Hill Nev Wder . Hid. Asked. ... .70 .78 ... .03 .01 ... .12 .14 ... ,2!) .31) . , . ,2.K .112 ... .1.1 .13 ... 3'-i :iy. ... m, sx , . , ,08 ,00 ... ,08 .70 CKS. ... .23 ,21 ... ,00 .07 ... .31 .37 ... ,03 -M ... ,01 .v3 .,. ,0S .10 . . . .05 ,07 ... ,01 ,0(1 ... .45 .47 ... 1U Mi ... .17 .10 ... 114 ll ... .33 .as . . . ,0(1 .07 ... .10 .11 ... .08 ,1Q US. . . . .01 ,01 ... ,02 ,01 ... .18 .20 ...1.43 1.50 Price of Quicksilver Up NEW YORK, Oct. 30. The price ot quick silver has been advanced to $105 per Hast from the previous price 01 arounu yu. scarcity caused the advance and becoming worried. The users are TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KEAI. ESTATE FOB SENT HEN'TAL IJSTS MYERS & HARTH. Itldee Aveaue and 10th Street. Business Properties, Floors. Etc. 11 IT by GO. Elevator, utfti itnre. store and business rooms, uiu unerry, i(uur. 40 uy u. uicuiui, OQO. Tlnrt. 4.8torv 142S Callowhlll. lloors. 6000 sq. ft. Elevators. rv. llnni o'li M llih at.. S.storv. 18 br SO. 10th and Ridge, second lloor. 1013-15 Ridge, store and lloors. 100 N. Front, upper lloors, 11 by 10. 1007 Spring Garden, store and upper floors. STORES. N. W. Bth & Race.$150m03 Vine $25 loot Race 001201 N. 0th 12.50 tOOi Kidge ave. ., 20 1015 Illdge ave..,,, IS STORES AND DWELLINGS. M02 Tioga ,,,.,.,,$751318 N. 10th... ..,,,$00 S-t'.l Nt utn ..,,,,, aa ait in. rranKiin,,, tu 723 N. 10th....... 30 024 Callowhlll ,,., 83 1533 Itldge ave 201802 Green ...,...,. SO UH):(.i.ir,UH. N.E. 20th& Ven'go.$100l2014 Tioga. 18r $50 1030 N. 12th, lEr,. 001 847 N. 0th. Or...,,. 85 1337 N. 12th, 13r,, BSI 152 N. 11th, 12r.,,. 30 i!88 N. Bth. llr.... 831 220 N. 10th, 12r.... 80 1017 Callowhlll, llr SO 53!) N. 10th. lOr. . . , 80 1323 N. Ilouvler, 12r 28ll0O0 Falrm't ave, 8r. 25 342 N. 15th, r.,.. 2512110 N. 20tb. Or 25 1240 N. 11th. 9r.... 221243a N. College, 10r, 25 lint Huttonwood. 7r 20 1223 Sartain, Or,.,. 10 837 N, JOtb. Or,,,. 16 isai vvooo; pr. ..... 10 1710 Olive. Or...... 15 010 N. Percy, Or.. 14 JJ237 Ludlow, Tr. . . 11 itm nilcp Or 14 1(140 Kidse. 2857 N. Watts, 5r. 1311859 E. Oxford. 6r, 221 S. Jessup, sr., 13, 020 Newcomb, ir.. 2j 1310 Melon, 8r 0 1031 Pearl, Or 20 018 Winter, 7r 20 1109 S. 16th. Or 18 022 N. 10th. 7r..., 18 180A Woodstock, 8r. 10 008 Wood. Or 11 1040 Ridge, 4r 13 ird. Or.. 14 2127 Stewart, 4r.... 12 u prowu, fir-.... u Tho railroads of tho country Are nt last comlnp; Into tlio equipment market with a rush. Tho movement Is tho heaviest In years, and should sot the wheels ot Industry hummlnp; In all sections. Following the news of the bis Penn sylvania order for rails and locomotives thnt company announced today that It was In the market for; 6000 moro ears, bringing Its total enr order up to 23,000. This was followed by nn additional order from tho Baltimore and Ohio for 1000 steel hopper cars placed with tho Cam bria Steel Company, making 3000 In ajl for tho 11. nnd O, Tho Heading today also ordered 1000 additional steel under fratno box cars from tho American Car ntul Foundry Company, Other big orders for cars nnd locomotives wero placed this week by tho Now York Centrnt, Norfolk nnd Western, Krle, Dclawaro nnd Lack awanna nnd other Eastern lines, whllo tho Atchison, Missouri, Kansas nnd Texas nnd several more big Western lines placed extensive orders for oMUlpmcnt, It Is estimated that the railroad buying for this month alone will approximate $100,000,000, and It can readily bo seen what this enormous homo expansion means, aside from nny foreign orders, for the Industrial sections of tho country. Meantime tlio Incrcnso In freight earn ings of railways operating cast of Chi cago and Ht. Louis, under the stimulus of shipments for export to European countries, Is ono of tho most striking features of current railway returns. East ern roads In August, as shown by tho monthly report of tho Interstate Com merce Commission, just Issued, gained $S3 per mile, or C.5 per cent., In freight earnings over August, 19U, against $13 per mile, or 2.1 per cent., for Southern roads, and a loss of $10 per mile, or 3.3 per rent., In freight earnings of Western roads. Western roads, on tho other hnnd, gained $13 per mile, or CO per cent., In passenger earnings, duo to tho Pacllic coast exposition travel, against losses for tho Kast of $19, or 3.C per cent., nnd for the South of $22, or 10.5 por cent. Tho In crease In gross revenues, accompanied by a decrease In oporntlng expenses, resulted In tho largest net lncomo recorded for August In tho history of American nn ways, nnd reached a figure only Vx&JSftl nnco. J1MR1R linn in n.i.. i..eeSl tcmbcr earnings coming to hand hM even greater expansion. a show'.f mat ino stock market should r.n-Tl mo rariaiy increasing earnings T of Tm rnllroads Is not surprising. For L- tlmo Investors have been buyln- 5! hiui uuiu iocai snares, such as Pennxi i vnnla, Heading, Lehigh Valley n7tT hldi NnvlffnilnM 1,..t tut. "?Y, Mi spoculattvo demand began to appear "IflTJ It was rumored that certain poof, ? ccntly operating n the .. .S,Z.Xt' had become Interested In som "li. J I leading rails. ' ln ;j In tho brief two hours the. Philadelphia I market was open for buslneis today th. '! volume of trading chiefly centred sL.nl 'll United States Steel and Cambria s,? ' several largo blocks of the taluTchiSS ' lug hands. " . Dcflnlto nnd ofllclal announcement th ' tho Uonnor option had been exercised m -; half tho Pennsylvania holdings of ren? ' sylyanla Steel caused an lS'.potnt ArL In tho common stock on realization th? competitive bidding was now usew . Mr. TJonticr himself said ho would hav something to announco next week. but.nT - statement Issued by tho Pennsylvania Hatdwln Locomotive, on tho other hand ' ' advanced sharply. Buffalo and Susmiel ' hanna preferred declined moro than two points. Klsewhero fluctuations were nr. row. ' A feature of tho bond trading was th s heavy demnnd tor Pennsylvania 4Us nii ' " blocks wero taken and the quotation ad. ' vanced half a point. After $23,000 changed hands at DSVi, $92,000 wero taken at nV , Altogether some $217,00) changed hand's"". tho price going to 9SV4. ' , Tho record-breaking local October batiR "1 clearings detailed elsewhere on this pace 1 wore not surprising In view of the Anglo- 1 French loan nifd other big financial trans actions that wero reflected by them. The business of tho banks has been steadily expanding week by week, and shows no signs of diminution. ' ' M i PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUU WIII'AT Receipts, 143,031 bushels. De mand wns rnlr, but with bearish outsldo ad vices prices declined, lc. Quotations: Car lots. In export cloviilor--N. 2 red. spot and Morn; bcr? kl0M,1.12'V. No. 'A H"ii!hcrn red. $ t. s'i '.il.lo'ii steamer No. 2 red, t.)sMifftl-.'a. No. 3 red, $l.('7',i'(.i.')'."j: iricctcil A, $1.0.(0 1.07; rejected II, ?1.03!.j'al.OuVj. COItN. IlorelptH. 22,000 bush. The market wns nul-t but Heady under small supplies. ..: . .. .7- ..-- .. r..- i,.i few n 11a in inm- Other real estate ads on pages 13 and 14, V 7.UI. OATS.-ltccelpts, 10.(110 bus. Tho market was (iiilet and unchaiiBod, with fairly 1 teriil otferlngs, most or which wero of unatln ctlo Hlock. Quotations: No. a white, j.''"'"': Htnndnrd white, 441430.; No. 3 white, ."ISM-c.; No 4 white, 3"(30c.: B.implo oata, J.Ii.luo., purlOcd oats, graded, 42f(41c. FLOUR. Receipts, 2055 bbls. and 2,0Oi.llO lbs., in sacks-Tmdo was quiet, but mil limits wero stendlly held. We quoto per 10U lbs., in wood-Winter clear, $335.20: do,.,. "tn'KM' $3.20t3.33; do., patent, $5.505.i.i; Kansas, clear. Juto Hacks, $3.1035.30; do., atrulKht. Juto sacks, $5.333.HO! do.. Patent, luto sacks, ,1.ll04in.S3i snrlnc. .nrst clear, $4.00V5.10; do., EtralKht. i5.1im5.3.i; do., patent, .i..loW.J4I. do. tavorlto brands, ftelvn .10: city ml., choice nnd fancy patent, 5.38H.10; clty n Ills, regular fradcs-Wlnter. clear. $5. 1 o. .30 : do., stralBht, $3.0fl.i.50i do., patent, $o.00B.).5. IlYH FLOUR wns quiet but steady. We quoto at $31f5.25 per bbl os to quality. PROVISIONS Tho market ruled firm, but there wns little trading. Following nro tho quotations! Uty beef. In sets, smoked and olr-drlud, 2IQS3C . Western beef, in sets, smoked. 24u25e.i city beer, knuckles nnd tenders. Hniokcd and alr drled. 2027e.; Western beef, knuckles and lenders. Bmokcd, 20il27c.i beef hams, $28030, pork, ramlly. $22.D0S23; hams, S. f. cured, loose. USlllic: do., skinned, loose, 12B12'c.: do., do., smoked, lSViBl.'lc; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and averaKO, loyjjjliic: hams, smoked. Western cured. i.-i(5raioc. : do., boiled, boneless. 22c; picnic bhouldcrs, S. 1. cured, loose, 12c: do.. smoKod, lie; bellies. In plcklo, according to avcraso loose, 13'jtfl4c; breakfast bacon, as to brand and average, city cured, 17018c: breakfast bacon, Western cured, 17818c.i lard. Western, rollr.ed. tierces, ll'tc; do., do., tubs, ll'.ic: lard, puro city, kettlo rendered, in tierces, HHc: lard, pure city, kettlo rendered. In tubs, llc. REFINED SUGARS Trade was quiet, but tho market ruled firm and Franklin advanced their list lo points, making list prices ot nil rellner now on a basis of 3.35c. for extra One granulated. We quoto: Kxtr.t flno Rranulntcd, 5.33c; standard granulated, 5.40c; powdered, 5.15c; confec tioners' A, 5.25c; sort grades 4.50ft5.10c. DAIRY PRODUCTS Iresh-kllled spring turkeys, line, 23c: do. , nvrrngo receipts, 20fi23c; ' fowls, ' 12 to bus dry-picked nnd dry-parked, fnnry teic-tia' -loe. j weighing 4i5fJ5 lbs. apiece, IsSSi i weighing l',f,4 IJ.. apiece, 17'.c, wclgniM 3 lbs. npluce, 17c; weighing under ;t 'iff n nidee', l.ifilUc; fowls, Ice-prickcd-WesUm i 4'i lbs. nnd over apiece, ISc. do., snullfr sizes. !4f17c: old roosters, dry-picked, 13; I chickens Jersey fancy luoilers, 245T20C: other'' I nearby fancy broilers, 22R21C; Western broil- ki ers. weighing ti3 lb,, apiece, lDJl'JOe '' linrthern Illinois. fancy yellow chlckea.!' 1 weighing 4 lbs. nnd over, lSWllie.: northern Illinois fancy, weighing 2',45j3"j lbs., 16c,; other W estern, welghliig 4 lbs. and over, W.iAi lie; do., do., weighing SWfM lbs., 1.1c; in- "'"" V n ' I K uii--nn, ni'uni), iiirioc: do.. iyti i.!,-, , n-iu.mw, per uozen hlli. . lliit. tnt rlnn f 1 tiufn Us .- .. ""- 'j T ..u4U.4H, Western, upIrIiIiiic 11 to 1 1 -Tho usual Saturday quietude pre- out values were well HITTTEn. vnllnd In this market. sustained on fancy stock, offerings of which wero IljhU Quotations: Western, solid-packed creamery, fancy .specials, .'Itc. ; extras, 20c; extra llrsts, 2Sc. ; firsts, 2(P,fi27c. ; seconds, 25fi2Cc; nearby prints, fancy. 32c: do., aver ago extras, 30031c: do., llrsts, 27fl2t)c; do., seconds, 23J20c; Jobbing sales of fancy prints, 3G&30C EGGS. Fine newlald exgs wero well cleaned up at full flguris, but mi'cli of tho supply was of uuattractlvo stock, which was dull nnd weak. Wo quote .as follows: Freo cases, near by extras, .ISc per dozen; llrsts, $10.50 per standard caso; nearby current receipts, $0.00 per case: Western extra firsts, $10.50 per case; hrsts, $'J.OO per caso; refrigerator eggs, fancy. 20c per dozen; do., firsts, 2i'Mf23'jc; do., seconds, 2324c; do.. Inferior, 10i22c. ; fancy selected candled eggs were Jobbing at 40yi2c. per dozen. CHEHSE. The market ruled firm under light offerings nnd a fair demand. Quotations: New York, full cream, fancy, new. Ilk:.: "sne. tlals" higher; do., do., fair to good, new, 15 if 15Vic; do., part skims, Ot(12c POULTRY LIVE. Trado was slow and prices favored buyers under fairly liberal offerings, a large proportion of which was of unattractive stock. Quotations: Fowls, na to size and quality, 144710c; roosters. 11912c.; spring chickens, ac cording to quality, lltjlUc.: ducks, as to bIzo and quality. 13?il0c. ; large sizes preferred; pigeons, old. per pair, lSS20c.i do., young, per pair, 17011-c, DRESSED. Tho market was quiet, with ample offerings nt former rates, Wa quote: wmte, weigning in 10 lbs. per dozen. l.(t l.io; wnitc. weighing lbs. per dozen, I2.7J C'1.15; white, weighing 7 lbs. per dozen, I2.2S ((2.(15; white, weighing 'ilniVj lbs. per dozen, tlJTMO1 ' ' l"'0i,-'; s,"nl1 "na No- FRESH FRUITS . Tlio general mnrkot ruled steady under mod- , , erato orferints and a fair demnnd. Quotations: Apples, per bbl., Crab, $3fP 5; Jonathan, fahCy, ( VI.5t'f4.riOi do., tnlr to good, $2.D0I3: Mela- ,, tosh, $3'(fl,25; (Jrlmes1 Colden, $2,50!i3.W: " Hmokehouse. $2.5iifi3.50: Oiavcnsteln. J2.r,CI9' 3.50': Wealthy, $2.50?3.50; Wlnesap, $2.ra . ,0 3 25; Twenty-ounce, $2.50K3; Northwestern 1 ureening, f-.i,uii.i; inusii, ?L".50B3: woir niv- 'i er, $2.503; Alexander, $2.50iii3; Summer Ham- ho, $2.503; Pippin, $2.50fi3; Duchess, $29' ,v 2.50: Ula.'k Twig, $2,501(3: York Imperial. .,4 fancy; $2(3; Hen Davis, fancy. $203; other. vnrletle.H ?1.50ifi2.5O. Apples, in bulk, per' 10ff' lbs., T.'r.fijl.l'll. Crab Apples, per bush., 75CJ, ii $1. Quinces, per bbl., No. 1 $4ST5; do. No. 2 $2f3. Peaches, Now York, Elbertn, per "' basket double, extras 40ff50c; do.j ralr to, good. 23'K'IOc: do., Ohio, per bush, basket, fancy, 75c.0$I; do., do., fair to good, 40r,l30.' l'eais, per bbl., Bcckcl, $112; do., Sheldon. u $4fi5; do., Iteurre d'Anjou, $304, do., Hart- ' lett. No. 1, $3,501(4; do., do.. No. 2i $2Si2.B0. i Orapea, New Yorit. per 4-lb. basket, Dev . , ware. 10f(12c; do., Niagara, 1nl2c ; do., Con cord, 05J10-. : do., do,, per 20-lb. basket, N!-tn agara, 45fi5Uc; do., do.. Concord, Mffloc, Lemons, per box, $2j3, l'lneapnles, per crate, ' Porto Rico. $2(iT3.r,0. Cranberries, Cape Cod. , per bb.. $5S0; do., do., per crate, $1.73'g2; do., Jersey, per crate. $1.502. Plums, New York, per 20-lb, basket, 23Q40c.; do., do., per, . S-Ib basket, Ilrndshaw and Niagara, 15620c; ,f do., do , Relno Claude, 155120c Cantaloupes, Ht Colorado, per tlat crate, 50tfl75c; do., da.. , per ctandatd crate, $1(1(1.50. VEGETABLES Trado was fair and rrlccs generally ruled' ) steady. Quotations: White potatoes, i'ennsylf. vunta, per bush. Choice, 7378e. ; fair to . good, Kib'Oc; white potatoes, Jersey, per basket No. 1 Il03e, 4355c; No. 1 othtr- ii varieties, 40(ffl3c: No. 2, 20825c. 1 sweet , , Dotutoes. Jersey, per basket Nn. 1, 302x350 .-- No. 2. 15(T(20c.; onions, per 100-Ib. bag, $I,SjW' ' ,j 2; cabbage, domestic, per toa, $78S; celery, ' II Now York, per bunch. l.Vff.lOe.: lettuce, New, ,w York, per 2-dozen crate, Jiwi.ia; ao., ao., ucr ,, u 3-dozen crate, $1,2.101. 75; mushrooms, per 4- J l, l.nelrp 1 ff7 ' "' I t i n 1 COTTON NEW YOIUC, was In evidenco cotton market this mornlnir, The tone at tho start was barely steady, vlth nrlces 0 to 8 nolnts lower. This was con . . - .. ., . 4- (..l&.v- I siuereu moro inun satisiuciuiy ki vt v .. 1 or me lower caDics irum uiyciiiuw au a tho weather In tho South. Wall street, ,, nouses wero me jiriiitipui uujcia. fl'i j was some sclllne for Liverpool account. ,; Yes, closo. open. limn. low. taosa. j Oct. 30. Good support "' i at tho opening of the)';' i vlth' '' SI :on- j January December March . . May July .... Spot .... .12.23 12.20 12.24 12.14 .12.11 11.75 12,10 11.00 .12.43 12.38 12.45 12.34 .12.51) 12.52 12.5S 12.4S .12.1tl 12.5S 12.fi! 12.55 .12.30 12.30 18.23 12.08 U.llirt I?.'" J V--w 12.30'' COTTON STATISTICS 4 Tho statistical position of cotton Is as fol.'" Th(o vr T.:,of wl, T.n( VPflr. .- ' 4,001,010 4.!10,470 3,TS,270, :l Iowa: Visible supply... Of which Amer lean Total In sight 0. tober 20 3,801,010 3,703,470 2,C25,270t 3,037,S30 3.109,431 2,S03,0S1 The Case of Edith Cavell By JAMES M . BECK A presentation of the available facts by the former Assistant Attorney General of the United States. The author's "In the Su preme Court of Civilization The Dual Alli ance vs. The Triple Entente" was widely read. Reprinted in the languages of nearly all civilized nations, it has helped mold world-wide opinion. "The Case of Edith Cavell'' is Beck's direct reply to Dr, Zim mermann, German Under-Secretary for For eign Affairs, and defines the humanitarian, judicial and international aspects of the case, with a clean-cut legal analysis of the execu tion of Miss Cavell. Whatever be your sympathies you'll find new light in this grip- ping article in j PUBLICLEDGER ,i
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