njJSB t )N AID ASSURES V JERSEY VICTORY, SUFFRAGISTS ASSERT workers Declare Favorable 'Stand ol rresiaent ana xo of Cabinet AMKes suc cess Certain lh STATES TO FOLLOW (xpect Pennsylvania, Mjiasachusotls k nd New York to Extend Fran chise to Women Vil tremendous Influence whlcli the fccUratlon for woman nuffrnnf of Treat jnt Wilson nnd two mfmboni of his 5..vin.i will hnvc on the fnte of the' en- fpcMsH"nt amendment that wilt come Wore tnO New jrrncy. cieciurmo ucio f i In responsible for the wide mnlle Silt the Garden Stato aurtraglsta nre fcotthe four campaign Stati to have the rlsSOrtUimy OI vounn "" wuim-ii Wllft LrV: .... litraitv Id Ihn first nnrl Via BrrtuU of the election two weeks hence Kl. t..inr mirerlv nwnlted. The force of ilVumplc. Is It felt by the leaders of "the itUWi " " ul l""""' wierciurr, II 4ew utitY Koea on record ns the first Kastern tis to endow Its women with political Much, Fennsyhnnln, New York and lew. NO STONK UNTUllNKD. I These who hao watched the campaigns iMnR conaucica in ino r.asiern incnirc 1. ...Mt?a wpr" hfllivi tho .1rs knf. ftfrMlsts have left no stone unturned In iJlfiMr cndaor to net a favorable le'urn en October 19, and the authoritative lh Mtch from Washington this morning de claring that President Wilson will not cnlr "speak out" before the election, but will give a detailed statement of his rtticn for approving and voting for the amendment, Is regarded as the last diop'' Urtdcd to fill the cup of victory. I "It Is Just what we havebcen waiting for to clinch our victory," said Mrs. W. n, Kerlln, chairman of the Camden County Women's 8uffrage League, "and th attitude of the. President and the LumkiPD rt tita til Vklt-irti nfltl vt-A (K in Toffset the unfavorable stand which Host fjlra Nugent nas latien against us. t Nugent controls the city of Newark nnd .Essex County, which polls one-llfth of tho ntlre vore of tht State. Ho Is the arch IfMmy of the Jersey suffragists anil has made no secrecy of his antagonism to JUielr amendment. In view nf the Presl f Jfnt's declaration and of the fact that ho .will go to Princeton to so on record M.ti. 10 nt IhA rtnlln a a r. uiiffcnclat I, III thought that Nugent's strength will be consiaeraDiy vumiea, ana me women s chance of a creditable victory enormously lacreased. WILSON'S AID INVALUABLE. 'TV haj nrnniei1 nitrcplvaa ' ail.l Mp. Kerlln enthusiastically, "to be satisfied Lwlth a mere declaration from the Presi dent, "but the announcement that he swill go further and give detailed reasons aaa, filled us with elation. Wilson's pro- nunclamentos arc always so logical and to brilliantly convincing that we feel cer tain a great number of out-and-out nntls ftrill be converted, to say nothing of many Indlfferents." The activities of Mayor Riddle, of At- 'lantlc City, in behalf of the suffragists lira expected to go a long way In mak- itef the city by the sea swing for the 'amendment on election dav. Kiddle loses .no opportunity to advertise his stand, as !U demonstrated by a large sign which aces the property close to the Board lk lately occupied by the Riddle Bulld ,tann,d owned by the Mayor. The sign Ifeads; Th owner of this lot believes In Loman suffrage, and so does any man lho remembers a good mother. Vote for mUrage October 13." GETS SEPARATION DECREE Farmer Philadelphia!! Wins Suit :' Against Husband in Now York A StDftrfttlnn r1ffrA ham mn nn.n,Al t,Mrs. Frances Buzby McCormlck, who Dftd sued her htishnnri nnhart r f.rv... lclc an Assistant District Attorney in imm lurn tuy. Alimony was nxcu at a week to Justice Blanchurd, in Now jerk, yesterday. Mrs XTpPAPmlAt. .n v.l -r -.r. ....... v..,vn, .o .uiaa r ranees IBuzoy; of this city. She had testified In twsuii last June that her husband drank w txceas, maltreated her, publicly re KVed her for smoking cigarettes and wing salve to redden her lips, left her Unaing In the middle of a ballroom wr. bitterly resented the fact that she ik defeated him at golf and told her t he was so sick and tired of her th&t M WOUIfl dtM fint,.lM . a.- u -m . Mccormick denied the excessive drlnk- and other charges. He said his wife i"" referred to him as "my second WwedUfoV a "eCn marrlCd nd RUri. MpPnrmlnV I. .1.. l.. 12; , Dun,;an Lawrence Buzby, of e. Clinton Apartments, tier brother rrnce. is a well-known clubman. She 'MMo,l I nTyJ2: B' Pers:h. who was talfnli. """'K acaaemy, ana they fc.St1"0"11.' y n separated. Kpfniicj, ' " sne was married to jFeand Injured and Unconscious i7Tn,Vlne' ! lm Olenwood avenue, li6!.lJ; wcious at uermantown SL It ?? avenuts t0lay by Policeman riaiL.v ,"" . rK nu Lehigh avenues itmlr. I , nt.aa. waB cut ar1 e had 'ZTirous body bruises. He was taken to iCZr, " "oapital, and on recover Keonac pusneas waa unable to tell what LsPBMd hill Inlnrt t,W -.. gj Kuelmle fix up the house before ..uinc-coming. From roof- , j? aeucate frescoing, you'll Ming done by Kuehnle Wi.a,l m -nuns; ana .Decorating Oti flu. V.ti..- ! fhonei aa s. ifitv. Sr. Iitt Only Temporary W i.t. nf.-.i..'. ay yuid Ahlr atit.4 In- Money wantc.-. MB fan, ..,,. ", "WrjT RQUIM IP , ,"rclkl aim prtmnl build- Pa. ,t i 7 "c"v unlril lilt Vivr i. !' niinu THAT k, ' IgRESH EAINtI iff" jH Bu &vZ! ?wwi.;,j:,m ... COUNCILS TO AVOID NKW LOAN Finance Commltteo Will Delay Park way Payments by "Appeals" nnd Liberal Interest to Creditors ..Hii Solicitor tlyan'n warning that J1O.00O.O00 wIM be needed next year to pa lor property taken by the city along the lnrkway lll havo little Immediate ef fect on municipal finances In lew of tin-' decslon of the mcmbeis of the Klnante J ommlttee of Councils not to place n. loan bill bcfoic the oters this fall. Pro vision for a part of this ast sum will bo made nmoiijr the Items, that go to make up the nrxt municipal lean. In the meantime the pnmenls can bo deluded by "appeals," and In nil eases ntIVntttn..A avlll Ia ,..1.. . ...ml .. - ...i vv wintii ui I, WIIIII1II1H'I I to delay matters dlsplaeil by owners ... .mi ntiiciica 10 nnve ine ciy as a creditor at a good Interest-rate. In ad dition to the Parkway, with Its great cost, the ordinance passed last May, ex tending the boundaries of Logan squat c, piovldes for the purchase of 38 proper ties, with nn nssessed aluntlon of 507, t00. Kioin ltKK! to date the entire sum ex pended on Parkway property has been W.S,;7tK7. The Parkway Commission hni purchased 312 properties west of l.o linn squaie upon the bass of the 1WJ nsfcssment, plus 10 per cent. Xuere re main to bo acquired 1S8 properties, the nlno of which, based on the 1909 assess ment, is S,J3S,:00. In all cases where the city has taken properties the owners, un der i recent decision of the Supreme ourt, hue the right to start proceed ings to forco the city to pay. landIord and tenant accused of homicide Coroner's Jury Returns Verdict Against Them for Errand Boy's Fatal Fall The owner nnd tennnt of n building at S:i Arch street were nccused of homicide today nnd held without ball for court ns a result of the death of 14-year-old Irvln Slmpon. R3IG Market street, who was killed when he fell five stories down nn elevator shnft In the building on Sep tember ID. Following n bitter denunciation of tho prisoners by Coroner Knight, tho Coro ner's; Jury, which heard the case In City Hall, promptly returned a verdict ngnlnt tho two men. They are Max Slnpkln or NcwLold. N. J., owner of the building, nnd Ignatius hcy, 2205 North 13th street, the lessee. ' Oross negligence on the part of noth men wns alleged by tho Coroner. Slap kin wns accused of falling to tnke proper precautions to prevent nccldents In con nection with the elevator and Levy was declared to hn responsible for the death because It was nlleged he bad employed the Simpson boy without a certificate of employment. A precedent Is said to have been estab lished In tlvo holding of the owner nnd tennnt o a building on so serious a charge because of a death caused by ac cident. As such, said Coroner Knight, the case wilt be an effective test of the child labor law and of the law regulating elevators. Young Simpson wns hired by Levy ns nn errand boy two days before the tragedy occurred. Levy swore In court today that the lad had given Ills age as 1G years, but Coroner'j Detective Paul testified that Levy had told him and another witness that the boy had said he wns 14 years old. In either case, the Coroner declared, the employer was culp bblo In fnlllng to Insist thnt a certificate bo brought to him. In obedience to tho Slate law, Witnesses said thnt young Simpson was last seen near the freight elevator shaft and that they heard his cry of fear as he fell, and found' his crushed body nt the bdse of the shaft. It was admitted by both prisoners that signs of. warning had not been placed at the elevator openings. Paul denied a contention made by City Elevator In spector Groves that the safety gates could be opened only with pressure on a hidden part of the lock. He said the gates could be pushed open easily. Slapktn said that although he employed an operator for tho passenger elevator, he had never thought It necessary to, hire an operator for the freight elevator. " Tno engineer of the building ran the lift, he said. The engineer testified that he operated the eleavtor when he had timo and that at other times various employes were allowed to handle It. He Instructed some of them in IU use, but not tho errand boy, "This Is perhaps the first chance we hae had to test the two laws which have been violated," Bald Coroner Knight after the testimony was heard. "There haa always before been b. loophole." What is the tuberculin test? SCIENCE has but one sure way to tell whether a cow has tuberculosis that way is the tuberculin test. Every herd from which comes Fair-" mount Farms Milk is tuberculin - tested, so that you know that this most important precaution has been taken to assure you milk from healthy cqws. It is the only milk sold in Philadel phia vhich is produc ed exclusively by tuberculin-tested herds. Added to this is inspec tion to insure extra clean liness on the farm and bacteria testa to assure low bacteria clean milk then perfect pasteuriza tion. Supplee patrons may rest assured of this if science knew any added precaution than the Sup plee Dairy now takes, this would be adopted. Are you as sure as this of your milk supply? The Supplee Alderney Dairy Milk Cream c Crtam Eight Gold Medals A J ' EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY. OCTPHEIt FISH SURVIVES FIRE THAT DESTROYS HOUSE Homeless Family Saves Only Breakfast From Ruins Ho tel Guests Flee Blaze Four fires In different sections of the city kept llrerhen busv earlv today. Tho drug store nnd residence f Max WcltiRer. of 3M0 South lSth street, was dcstioed Wringer, his wife and four children were sleeping upstairs when the file began. Thi father aided the family to escape over a shed roof In the rear. The losi was estimated at J.WiO. After the fire Wringer went Into tho house to see If he could save nnythlng of value. In the bathtub he found a three pound enrp, which he had caught yester day, still alive In spite of Its warm bath. Tho fish served as breukfast for the home less tnmlly. Kor'y persons were driven to the street In their nlaht clothing at 4 o'clock this morning hv a tire In the Johnson Hotel, a four-story brick tlructure nt Itth nnd Spring Unrdcn streets. The lire was cnuACvl by a piece of fat falling on the stove In the basement, where nn all-night reslaurant Is located. No ono was In Jmed. When tho blaze started Policeman Dough was In the restaurant entlng nn early breakfast. He turned In nn alarm. H. B. Johnson, owner of the hotel, and Peter Kchlny, night mnnnger. ran from room to room waking the guests. The loss was approximately J2000, partially covered by Insurance. A flic In the BawmlH of Watson & nnb Insnn, Queen Inno and Greene street, Oer mnntown, aroused residents of thnt vi cinity early today. The blaze wns ex tinguished with Irlfllnit loss. It Is be llpved to have been caused by a spark from" an emery wheel, which smoldered In scraps on tho second floor during the night. Thieves set fire to the grocery nnd cigar store of Slgmund Hhonholtz. B07 South 11th street, to cover traces of their crime. It is believed by tho police. Shon holtz rescued his wife, Ray, nnd their three children from the pecond story of tho three-story brick building after n neighbor had called htm. Five tenants on the third floor fled. The fire loss I estimated nt $300. The thieves are believed to have entered by breaking a gate at the rear nf the prop erty. Shnnholtz' store burned two months ago nnd two years ngo another fire was started by thieves. MAN SHOT TO DEATH IN A STONE QUARRY Umbrella Mender's Alleged Slayer Disappears After the Killing MHDIA, Pa.. Oqt. 5. An umbrella mender, whose only name is "Dutch," so far as the authorities can learn, was shot and Instantly killed last night In n stono quarry on the William Lawrence farm, nt Heechwood, Haverford town ship. Patrick Patton, who lives about n mile from tho quarry, is accused of thu Killing, but has not been caught. "Dutch" and George Foster, another umbrella mender, had camped at the quarry for tho night nnd were getting supper when Patton come along. Ho Btopped to talk to "Dutch," according to Foster's story, and a minute later two shot were fired, the bullets entering "Dutch's" right side. Wedding Stationery and invitations to " all other social occasions and public cere monials; note papers, Visiting cards, announcements, plate ' engraving . and printing, die cutting and stamping, Heraldry1 and illuminated work. N ' J. E. CALDWELL & CO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET When you go to the San Francisco Exposition "U -tfltcl Mtfia fkfi l,pliltt, 1$ It hn ( Iht mtl fllgiffiif tiscrhius ul.l.- -IUDCI Cm, Maintain your contact with family, friends and business associates by using WESTERN UNION" Day Letters and Night Letters These provide quick and economical means of daily communication. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. iiisisisisisisBiMriWMHIk' tdiflP1 y'l''i, -Wttit -T m 1 COLD SORE EPIDEMIC MYTH, SAY DOCTORS; IT'S NOT CONTAGIOUS Nervous Afflictions Cause Rash That Frequently Is Mani fest on the Lips, Authori ties Explain ONE NERVE ATTACKED Cold sores nre not epidemic In Phila delphia; In fact, they couldn't very well te. but thuy are frequently enough seen Jut now n'most to warrant the uso ot that much overworked nnd abused term, physicians said today. The most wldcl spread phase of this affliction In the city In called herpes lablalls, the most obvi ous sjmptom of which Is a sore on the lip. The direct cnuse of the appearance ot herpes llabltls Is mmo affection of the nervous system. If, ns may some day be demonstrated, nervousness In con tagious, herpes may then bo called epi demic, but as yet plivslchins nre con lent to consider It only In Its Individual cases. As n rule, nn attutk was ald to bo due to Inflammation limited to a single ncivo In the wall of the chest, but more than ono are sometimes affected. Tho Inflam mation mny also le seated In the fifth clnnlnl nerve, nnd manlfcM Itself as herpes of the face. Moth sexes suffer fiom It equally nnd omu rons me much more frcqJntly affected than old. Cold appears sometimes to be the cnuse nnd herps rarely shows Itself In those who arc thoroughly robust, but usually In thoso recovering from some ncut'e disease, suffering from some weakening condition Mko consumption, or some dls-onli-r of tho mrvnu s;Mm, or In those who have passed recently through much worry nnd hard work. . Sometimes: It Is a sign of pleurisy, wlilch is not causing sufficient pain to atlinet attention. Hemes mav nlsn. though rnrclj, be a symptom of some; grave disease In the spinal cord or splno. , Tho first symptoms nre much like thoso ! of any feverish attack. The person feels ', IWftor several days, has a slight rise In i temperature and vague pain In the sldo ' or In various other parts. The pain I nnniiy semes nt a point In the sldo nnd, two or three dajs after tho first symp toms, the rash appears. Minute yellow blebs nro seen on the skin of the neck, of tho sides, or of the front of the chest, or simultaneously on all three, the points corresponding to the spaco between one pair of ribs. Thcso olebs Increase In number and spread. The pain In thy Btage Is severe. After ono or two weeks most ot the vesicles have dried up and formed scnb. The skin is generally healed completely In two or three weeks, but a peculiarity about the pain Is that It may not pass off .vhen the'eruptlon disappears, but may remain for weeks or even months. Physicians said that if the affected person be In poor health tonics might be necessary; If he be of a rheumatic constitution, salicylate of soda may be used. J VJ HANSCOM'S Chocolates and Bon Bons At 25c and 35c lb. will be found equal or any sold at nearly or quite double those prices. 1232 Market St. 1 AND BRANCHES A DAUGHTER SWOONS AT MOTHER'S TRIAL "Driving Me Crazy," She Cries During Parent's Fight for Life at Media The trial of Mrs. Kntherine Strlngfel low, of Chester, Pa., accused of killing James A Ilowen In Chester last May be cause, It Is alleged', she wns Jealous of nnother woman, began before Judge Johnson nt Media today. A Jury was Impaneled after a special enlrc had been Issued, hiluging 10 additional men Into court. Mrs. Daniel Fltin, of Chester, one of tho accused woman's daughlcis, fnlnttd In the court room and cried, when she wns revived: "This thing Is dtlvlng me crazy!" Mrs. Strlngfellow seized her by the shoulders and shook her as she wild: "Htop It, Marie! You'd never sec mo caro- on that wa." Mis. Philip Temple, also or Chester. Mrs. Ptr ngfellow's oll.tr daughter, and the hushnnds of the two oungcr women rtlMj were In court Mra. Florence Itostion wns a star wit ness. She Is the woinnn of whom Mrs. Htilngfellow Is reputed to have been Jcnl out mid nt whose home, C1T West 3d street, Chester, Hie sliootiiM took pinto. She Is beautiful "Mr. Hon en was bidding me and my foii, U'nl'er, goodnight on our front porch when somebody shot him," she said. "1 saw the flash nnd ran Into the house, while Mr. llov.cn pushed some ont Into the hammock. There were two more shots nnd then somctnlng rnttled at the door. 1 opined It and .Mr. Ilowen fell Into the vestibule. " 'Florence, that woman has fixed me," ho said. I ran Into the kitchen." Little Walter Ilostron corroborated his mother's testimony. Coroner's Physlclnn Tn lor, when cross examined by the defendant's attorney, said thnt death came Instantaneously. EucHaccif)op 922 Chestnut St. UNUSUAL SALE OF HANDKERCHIEFS 150 dozen Embroid ered Handkerchiefs, all New and Neat Em broideries. Regular prices 25c and 1C 35c, at ...'.. AOC 100 dozen extra fine quality Pure Linen Em broidered Handker chiefs. Regular prices 50c and 75c, C at J"U ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Orthopaedic Hracrs for deformities. Elastic Ptocklnes. Abdominal Supporters, etc. Purchass. dlrt from factory. FLAVELL S sriti.No gaiide.v st. Ol iiU f Library Bureau originated vertical filing, tool Before Library Bureau existed, everybody filed" letters and important records on hooks, in boxes any old way. Perhaps you remem ber. It was always a needle-in-the-haystack hunt to find anything.' Library Bureau originated vertical filing, which is the modern business term for simplicity, economy, accuracy and quickness in filing method. Our work didn't end with originating it we have kept right on developing it for forty years, the L. B. Automatic Index being the. latest feature. Experience taught us what to put into L. B. filing methods to make them the most prac tical and useful for every different business. In the L. B. ' Automatic" there is speed and V accuracy, and checks itself against mistakes. Ordinary intelligence is all that's needed to i V 5, 1015.' TAFT AS FOB OF TRUSTS I'KAISKI) KV U. S. ATTORNEY Former President Risked Reputation in Tubllc Service, Ho Soys IIAtrtMOItR. Oct. 6.-Wllllam II. Taft while I'rcolJont HMtod hlg reputation by IiIk "tnist-biutltiR" Actlvltlen, declared Henry K. Cotton, special nmlntnnt to tho Attorney General of the United States. In the opening of the (lovcrnment'a ar gument for the dissolution of tho Amer ican Can Company today In the United btntes t'ourt bcrore Judge Hose. Ono he shouted to the court as ho re called the suits against the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Com pany, tho I'nltcd States Steel Corpora tion nnd others: 'n don't Kct the Inside Information In rogard to these concerns until It la too lato. You don't stop (ho leaks." A juicy mackerel broiled ot breakfast It fits in perfectly with this sort of weather. It's a real early autumn break fast, especially when the mackerel are as good as this pack. Freshened out, broiled and buttered, they are not only very relish able, but make an eco nomical meal. Special Kit, $1.50 Number 3 Kit, $1.75 Number 2 Kit, $2 Number 1 Kit, $2.50 And the Family Kit of little mackerel, highly con venient as to size, fitting into the appetite of the average family. Family Kit, $1.15 Shad Roc, delicious when broiled, 25c tin Herring Roc, 18c tin California Sardines, 15c a large tin Shredded Codfish, 10c tin Codfish Balls, 15c and 25c tin Giant Olives a great value These are selected olives in Wk open mouthed jars, pivinp you a large money's worth for 25c a bottle Many other brands of olives in bottles and in bulk, both plain and stuffed. We thall be glad to have you open an account at our store. You will find it convenient in ordering by 'phone, mail or in person. We want your name on our booh and you'll find it to your advantage in many way. Thos. Martindale 8c Co. 0th 8c Market established lu 1S00 Hell Phono KHIierf 2S70. Filbert 2871 Keystone rtace BOO, Ilnce C01 run it. Enough businesses of all kinds are using the L. B. "Automatic" to make it worth your while to find out what it does and how easily it works. You can see it in the L. B. salesroom, or a salesman will call. Catalog free. . LibraryBureau Manufacturing distributors of Card and filing systems. Unit cabinets in wood aad MmL M, W. MONTGOMERY, Maagr 910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia j We admire young men LWe don't want to hurt the young man's feelings we are second to none in our admira tion of his style we like his lean and flexible lines we make it a business to reproduce them in our young men's clothes But George Washington, who won the War of the Revolution, and was the first citizen to be elected to the Presidency of the Republic, stood 6 feet 6 inches in his hose, weighed 2 5 0 honest American pounds, and in point of avoirdupois and achievement, Was the typical American. C And for men who ap proximate his build, men who are big, muscular, deep chested and con servative at the waist line, we have evolved our "Men's Fashionable" clothes, individualizing the height and girth of athletic manhood with the magic touch of Style., ropuiar rnces Brimming Values Perry&Co. "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut St. fitaifji - u.iiv? rokr. iiiaiMsWMMr RH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers