ilriiger final final ioienmg tr VOL. ll-NO. 20 PUlLAD32LPntA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1015. CortmcHT. 1915, it Titc roiuo Lkdoii Coumnt. PRICE ONE 01B2TT HILS BEAT DODGERS TWICE; BULGARS DEMAND MACEDONIA BULGARIA SENDS ULTIMATUM ! fO SERBS; RENEWS DEMAND FOR MACEDONIA; ENDS IN 24 HOURSi Bulgarians Massed i Ready to Strike jection of TermsAllies to March Through Greece LONDON, Oct 6. ILifia has definitely cost her lot Rjth the Austro-aermane, according to JSKpatchea recclvca ncro mis uuuuuwu H! hns sent nn ultimatum to Servla dc RUndins the' Immediate restoration of Servian Macedonia. fgttvla has but 21 hours in wnicn 10 re Kjy. It Is expected hero that sho will more or reject me uuusuimu u.... L,A ihnt Bulgarian armies, aireaay sed on the Servian frontier, will at tack fit once. "tir Ferdinand at the same time Is re tried to have rejected the demands of S.. ,.!.. Porelnn Ofllce, an act that JU1 caused no surprise here. Relations between Hussia ana " " tween BulRnrla and Servla In all prob :?.... .-nt v. BAfirml hpfnrfc ninny hours. BMliy will u bviv.v- -- - Mas possible that diplomatic represen- V. f ..- ..ill... DAdtafa will tetltfs of me omer nmtu .... ..... tMve Bona before the end of the week. SS - n.iit-nrlo'a action was Hashed to'lLondon barely 12 hours after the allied Sapltiils had recelvcrt wora mat '"" wnld not depend on Greece to support her -, ...... f nulimrlnn attack. In some barters It Is believed the two announce ments had close connecu"" L&AU European capitals were advised two Stars aco that Bulgarian mobilization lawd been completed. It la assumed tnai H?L r....l-.,,i after mnlitlizlnr his Iftmlcs, has decided to utrlke Immediately aawinst Servla without giving England -7 , 11 ... ....el. twnnno ffnm R.11- iafia f Mnce nine i mo,. .v t, . ,r IMlka to prpie:i me imvurwuL piv.iii- kn Hallway. patches, two days ago forecast Bul- ,' entrance into ine war uv.iiujo,- :. Ar 'EVIrlnv of this Week. . iil Friday of this week. w Bills 't.lfrarldnitlttmntlinL.alloWAlUl-A'J M's 'ultimatum to Bulgaria demanding awt h nnlcHrR rfover relations with rii,tri an,; Hnntnrf. nultrarla replied ffcw AllvArlnr an tiltlmntum to 'Servla? if.The Serbs undoubtedly wilt reject the ?. . ... . . 1 .111.1... 4nlf 'Bulgarian uemanas anu numiiw '. pn almost Immediately, slnco Bulgarian troons arc known to bo massed on the liBtrvlan frontier. I. . CM- Jl ,. -.... ..Wily. ,1.1b fAl. loon in Berlin by tho official news agency Wmvi that Bulgaria answered 4he - col JJkctlve ultimatum of England, 1'rancennd fUtutsia on Tuesday, nuigana nas nisu fcrtplled to the propositions made to her LBjrme Allies on pcpicmDer j, in which f h was asked to declare her intentions. Government that the sudden 'overthrow oi tne ureeK ministry win not nan. net APtnl In ttiA mn,..V, tnwnrH RrvlA HMused the greatest sensation in today's iKmumcatea naiKan situation. umci&is nero would not discuss tne Efren,ch statement or attempt to place n n wiiBiruction upon it. in some quartern , was taKcn to mean mat franco naa tfsops would not be Interfered wlth-by Aftted as a den to King Constantlne. ?H w - it.. ... i I iw a aiuri.iy ineewng ui me uiK pwn Council, General Savoff, the Bul- u J4uiiDicr oi war, ueciareu uiai -..vv vvtiiiiiikwvu hi iaywii nnniiiBi own country, says a' dispatch from t Continued on .'age Four, Column Two JyOLUXTEKR FIREMAN HURT tempt to Imitate City Comrade's Slide Down Pole Ends in Serious Fall An. attempt to adopt methods of city Hn mav cntit .Tftnirw" fVinlr . n fi?.vnr. H fire lighter, of Unlontown, Pa., hl c. Cook, who Is attending tho Fire- hn. .... .,- .. . - T - vuiircniion, startea out on a tour Inipectlon this afternoon and drifted W the 'enelnn hnn nf iftmnnnv Jn 17 Wh and VIne.streets. . ' ' Rpn the second floor the fireman saw brCLSS pole on Which th mm 'alliln WW the upper floors to the first. He l reach the lowar floor In the samp Mner, but fell from the pole when only l?wy down. ' EL "fw; Picked up unconscious and sent g. 'V Hahnemann Hospital, Ife ust r-r cib mjunos ana. tne pnysicians P'that his sk,ull Is fracturfi;d. fTHEWEATHER . Wl. what of today? 'Jf reining ". oaa cess to III Whatever Wo may lltld Un for SUch ncrflfclnna mnaf . tWwt yesterday, H wpOld appear, lit I lulVLM .... .a ... .....,., - Wouia De canca on to r. a oejense against. gloom on the ni.rl Jl a . . .. - uc.jr m auccfssion. Bo, tnero can - 1y uttle blame anywhere' today Etk. .., , " . Jr vt"" auogetner m attacks of General are-uci. But i si sail rr 1 1 a uti, .... a. ' .,1 . h nil us with all fne. They are wy .Joyful over the- proect of, r FlUVtus settlnu hl irritrtJr. w 1 hd before rrlday. We really sup w,.tnt, Jf bad weather now mean '.f'1"1 o'Mhe fair during the "rl- S WS Should fnt nfl l.i. ....T. -..,. Mbratlon d.Ue after S? years of watt- I - r me oest, and we should tct mylng a little for Its xuccesa. p- .v.. wi Jor trriaay, wr Weather- Phlladeluhifi mul in,' " vfourfy KfA and Tkurrtayt '". CHUHae in UUiriUM. io "'ftfcraJc Kir(4 rfMto . "tmt- on Servian Border at Expected Re BALKAN DEVELOPMENTS MOUNTING TO CLIMAX LONDON, Oct. 0. The ehlef develop ments In the llalkans within the laat 3 hour are) " Dlapatrli of ultimatum by Hulgnrla to Servla, demanding ceaalon of Hrrh Mace ilonla. nomination of war situation by King Conatantlne of Greece, pro-(lermnn and Queen Sophia, favorite alater of the Kalaer. - IlealKnatlon of Greek Cabinet and nua lwnlon of sesalona of the Chamber of Deputies. KeaUmatlon of Premier Vrnlirlos, of Greece, herauae King Conatantlne re jected hla pro-ally policies. nulajarla refuaea to comply with Rus sian ultimatum, which demanded a aev ernnce of the Intimate relations between King Ferdinand's Government and the Teutonic allies. Kumania refuses to take nn open stand in support or either side by refusing to put her army on a war footing. Allies continue to land troops at Salonika, despite the formal protest of the Greek Government. I"emler ItadoalaToff Informs Greek Minister at Sotla that IluUdj win not attack SerrU unless aggrrsslte action Is flrat taken by the Germans and Austrian. Official announcement Is made In I'etro grnd that all diplomatic envoys of the Allies la Soda are expected to'leaTe at once. LONELY AMD) RICHES, MRS. GEO; WIDENER, -iTANremowrwEDs Survivor of Sea. Tragedy in Which Husband and Son Died Marries Famous Explorer .WANTED A CONFIDANT Mrs. George. D. Wldener. of this city, -one of the wealthiest women In the United States, was married today to Dr. Alexander Hamilton nice, of Boston, a famous explorer. In Boston. Only a few relatives and friends were Invited to the ceremony,' whTch was performed In Em manuel Church. The officiating clergy men were, Bishop 'William Lawrence, of the Massachusetts Diocese, and tho Rev. Klwood Worcester, rector of the church., Doctor and Mrs. nice' will come to Hi king Park before leaving on a wedding tcur to the Paclflo Coast. A woman wlio was lonely In the midst of Tier 'riches sought the solace of Inti mate companionship that Is the story of the widow of one of the most distin guished victims of the Titanic tragedy. To her closest friends Mrs. nice had said more .than once: "I have" all the money I want, but llfs Is empty without some one .who may bo my companion and In. whom I .can confide. It Is so lonely living alone." Mrs. nice went to Boston from Newport Continued on I'age Two, Column One MACKMENMAKEIT TWO FROM SENATORS Young Myers Shows Up Bril liantly in Box Fans 10 -Batsmen ATHLETICS. AB, R. H. 0. A. K. Schang, If. 3 X 1 1 0 1 Btrunk, rf. ,.,. 312 10 0 Oldrlng, cf. 4,,'0 1 i 0 0 Mclnnls, lb. ' ..,,,.' "3 . 0 6 1 0 Malone. 2b 4 0 0 2 4 0 Kopf.. ss v. ,,..,.. 4 '.'0. 0 3 0 0 Dem'ran, 3b, '. ..'4' (01130 Perkins, ct,...,,.,,,.. 3 1 0 )3 1 0 Myers, p. '..,...., ., 3 Q 0 10 0 Tptals ,t, 31 1 S 27 8 1 WASHINGTON. ' AB. II. H. O. A. IS. Judge, lb 3 .0 1 16 2 0 I'oster.'jb 1 0X000 Neff, a .., 2 0 0 1 J 0 11 Milan, cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 Barber, rf .................3 0 0 I 0 0 JimUon, If 1 0 0 10 0 Shanks, 3h .....3 0 0 3 6 1 Williams, o ...t .:...3. 0 0221 Sawyer, ss, ?b 4 0 Q 3 4 1 Bentley, p , .. 3 0 0 10 1 cv Milan ' .0 .0 0 o a Bbthllns", p 0- P 0 0 10 Totals 0 3 21 1? 4 Batted for Bentley In' seventh. Three-base hit Schang. Sacrlfic lilts' Neff, Stru'nk. Jamison,. Myera. Stolen bases C. Milan, Strunk. Struck oilt By Myers, 101 Boehllng,'l; Base on balls -OK Mer, fi; Bentley, tj Boehllng, 2, Double plays Shanks to Sawyer to Judge Passed ball-WIHIams. Wild pitch- Mynrs, - W-VSIUN'OTON, U. C. Oct. .-Coonle Miuk trotted out chief Myers, his big younfCMter from tli Jortli ftttolln CaaUaurd M !' Bsaftm. CeUsM Ts 1 n VISITING 3i-BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBW' '- "; '-JW1 7 IBJBBBBJSjT-JV VS t 4. 3 'WaSteiljkVB9ftVflBBBTBVBTBBBBBBTBKK.9B''S tJbtJm VBBBBTjBFaBTaVl. 9" 'PP 'tOCflBlVBBKBlBPaBTBTBTBPBBBBBBBBBBS I B9HSHpPHtJSBuHflwSKjB BaaHbSBKBBSKBHSSSBSaEMnfluEB SBk -SHI rfSHI TV W. afw TW"IbsbIBM The picture shows four streams of streets PORTER HITS HARD IN REPLYING TO ATTACK BY LANE Republican City Chairman and Reform Party Head in Sharp Exchange CHARGE. :ANDXQUNTER yuqy. . rsMrt HSM y psft., .i,ii'Mpi,j Georae D. Porter, Franklin-Washington candidate for Mayor, in answer to a vicious attack upon his record made by Republican City Chairman David II. I.nne, this afternoon tired a broadsldo Into the ranks of the Organization by defying the Organization leaders to answer a Hlngle charge he made against them last night and by .aggressively as nailing their "campaign of evasion," as he called It. ' Lane's attack was Issued this after noon as the omclal reply of the Or ganization to charges made last night by Mr. Porter against Thomas II. Smith and John P. Connelly, and was the open ing gun of the Organization's campaign against the Independents. It was in Una with the plan for tho Organization's bat tle as outlined two weeks ago by Con gressman William S. Vare, who said Continued on rage Two, Column Two P.S.DUP0NTT0WED MISS BELIN, HIS COUSIN Marriage to Take Place in Apartments, qf Bride's Brother in New York' Pierre S. du Pont wlllnarry Miss Alice. Bclln In the lipartments of her brother, Ferdinand Lammot Belln, 400 Park ave nue. fJew" York city, lato today. Miss' Belln and Mr. du Pont arc cousins, and had they desired to bo married In this State the law would have prevented them from doing so, as an act oi the Legis lature prohibits the marriage of thpse of that degree of relationship, Mr. du Pont Is president of the great powder firm of Wilmington, and Is- the son, qf the late Mr. and Mrs. Lammot du Pont. Miss Belln'a home. Is In Scran ton. Pa. The Rev. Joseph Odell, pnstor of tlie First Presbyterian Church, of Tfoy, N. Y., and formerly of Scranton. will perform the ceremony In the presence' of O60 guests. f The'bHde will be slven In marriage by her father. Henry Belln, Jr., and her only attendants will bo her Uttle nephew, Welles Belln, and Mr. du Pont'a young niece, Wllhelmlna du Pont. Jl.,-Rodney Sharp, of Wilmington, Mr,' du Pout's brother-in-law, la best man. The' bride's gown Is an exquisite creation of silver lace over u foundation of lustrous white satin. She will wear a tulle veil' and. will carry pride rose?. A reception and a dinner will follow the wedding, After a brief Wedding trip Mr. arid Mrs. du Pont will go to his estate, near Wilmington. ' The'brlde'X brother la president of the Aetna Explosives Company and until this week) when he took up residence In New York, lived In Scranton, The Da Pont. Larnmot and Belln families are connected by a number of marriages, Their Com bined wealth runs far Into the millions, and Mr. du Pont U said to be the pixth wealthiest wati'ln the United States, Fired 2,6M,m Shells, Says Critic BERLIN, Oct. 6. -The Allies fired 1,000, 000 shells In preparing for their offensive movement against the Hermans oi the western front, writes Herr Btegemann, a military expert of .Berne, More than 30 divisions of troops were used in the storm attacks against the German works. The KeHlngtsUH Says: It U uld that tlarrp drtgorv looking tttr larg wordf to n l mtt speeofc, Ay orl ofttti v any jkwok wH y welcomed oypuv tv Utrry, FIREMEN GIVE EXHIBITION water directed towards the U. G. T RuiHing from Broad and Arch - and' the thousands of spectators looking on. FANS' PLEAS ARE HEEDED AT LAST BY PHILLY HEADS Work of Distributing the Pasteboards Begun Today & CALPERS INVADE ' CITY CTf-f-T-wnip Tickets for the world's series games In Philadelphia are now being sorted out at tho Philadelphia National League ball park, 13th and Huntingdon' streets, and will bo delivered tomorrow and Friday morning. The work Is under the super vision of President Baker and other of ficials of the club, and Is taxing the ef forts of about a dozen clerks and stenog raphers. Tho first notices to fans' who sent checks and cash through the malls and who were fortunate enough to get on the lists of purchasers were sent out early this afternoon. The notices went In the form of printed slips nnd advised tho lucky purchaser when and where to call for his tickets. Somo nf the pasteboards will he handed out at the park and somo at the down town oftlces In the New StocK Exchange Building. It Is expected that the work of sorting the tickets will be completed this afternoon, and that the notices will have been sent out before night. Insuring their delivery beforo noon tomorrow and giving fans plenty of time to act. The big batch of tickets was delivered to the club officials at the park late last night In, two automobiles. Clerks Imme diately went to work assorting mid count ing them. There is no such thing as a duplicate of a world's series ticket and every single pasteboard In the 23,000 was watched over -as carefully as a valuable pearl necklace. New York speculators Invaded the local market today. Twenty of them, led by Al Ven Thysen, reached Broad Street Station at. 9 o'clock, talked together a few Continued on Pace Two, Column Tito Continued on rase Tiro, Column lire ,MRS.STRINGFELLOW'S MURDER TRIAL ENDS IN SECOND DEGREE PLEA "Because She Is a Woman," Prosecution Permits Accused to Change Her Defense. Sentence Is Deferred SURPRISE IN COURTROOM . ' ftu a Staff Corrtipondtnf 'MEDIA, Pa- Oct. .6. "Because she Is .a woman." a charge of first-degree mur der today was withdrawn 'against Mrs. Catherine Btrlngfellqw. of- Chester, and she was allowed; to plead guilty to second-degree murder for killing James A. Bowen on the night of May 19. Sentence was not prbnounced, " , The sudden end of the trial, with ex ception of sentence, cama as a surprise to the throngs who had' crowded Into the .courtroom to hear the Stt-year-old grand mother tell the story of ,her alleged wrong at the hands ' of the7 man she killed. . '.. Immediately after court opened this morning for the third day of the trial. J a consultation was held between District Attorney mnnum ana ms assistant, J. Berton Weeks, and John E. McDonough and former Assistant District Attorney Robinson, the defendant' counsel, Mr Hannum then arose. and asked that Mrs. Stnngfellow be permitted to plead guilty to a second-degree murder charge. Hr plea was accepted by Judge Johnson, ( who dismissed the Jury The jurymen , stepped out of the box. with alacrity, and I there were several audible sighs of relief from among lliein. The maximum penalty U 30 years. M""- CaetUiM m race Tars, Cviasau Tfcn PHILLIES FINISH SCHEDULE WITH DOUBLE VICTORY National League Cham pions Defeat Dodgers in 9-6 and 3-2 Battles ; w .!' BROOKLYN. AB. n. Olson, ss, !b i 1 Hummel, lb : 4 o Stengel, rf , 4 0 X. Wheat. If '. 2 0 Nixon, if .; ". 1 o Cutshaw, 2b...: I 0 O'Mara, ss .' 3 ' 0' Myers, cf 1 0 Smyth, cf 3 o Cetz, 3b 3 1 Karat. Kb o 0 M. Wheat, c ....:: 3' 0 JJell, p 2 0 Appleton, v 1 0 H. O. A. K. 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 Totals .....32 PHILLIES. 7.24 10 1 ;a.b. n. ir. o. a. b. Stock, 3b, ss 4 111 Baucroft, ss ;. 2 110 Byrne, 3b 2 0 1 0 Paskert, cf .4 0 0 0' Becker, rf. -3 1 1.3 Luderus, lb 4 0 1 15 Whltted, If 3 0 1 2 Nlehoff, 2b; ...; 1 0 1 i 0 - Dugey, 2b 10 0 0 Adams, c. ..3 0 .0 6 Oeschger, p 3' 0 0 0 Total 30 3 7 27 IS 1 Home runs Becker, Getz. Two-base hits Nlehoff, Stock, Bancroft, Luderus. Sacrifice hit Nixon. Stolen bases Stengel, Z. Wheat. Becker. Struck out By Dell, 3; Oeschger, 5; Appleton, 1. Base on balls Off Appleton, 2. Double plays Dugey to Stock to Luderus; Karat to Olson to Hummel. Wild pitch Oeschger. PHILADELPHIA BALL , PARK. Oct. 6. The Phillies, closed their 1916 season In a burst of glory, capturing both ends of a double-header from the Brooklyn Dodgers this, afternoon. ' The new 'bleachers In center were'1 given a satisfactory workout, home runs being hit tntto them by Mayer and Qetz. Joe Oescher -pitched a fine game In the second half of tthe double bill and re ceived, fine support. The Phillies won the game In th third Inning, scoring all. of their runs on dou bles ly Stock and Bancroft arid Beck er's freak home run; to tho soorebroad platform. The final score was 3 to 2. KIRST INNING. Olson filed to Whltted. Bancroft threw out Hummel, also Stengel. No -runs, no hlfs, no errors, . ' Stock lined to ptiz. Bancroft fouled to Continued on I'e Xleren,- ColmnSU I.OST AND FOUND' WHAT DID, TOU LOSE! WHAT Dtp TOU FIND? All but artldles adrcrtUed ,ln the X.ler will ' lUtcd In a pernunint HI at Lcdstr, Cwitrn), wtitrt tb nnder un local tti owner at nr linn. It rou haa found aivartlcU that hai not been advtrUsad'aa loit Ilia Ledger will alio record your nam nnd addrraa and aaalat In rind. Ins the rUhtful pwntr, wbo will ta placed In touch will) you. .Thlaftlka all other rv(c at Lrdftr Central fa free. UOL.U WATCltLoat, about 3 waaka ato ia tb office of Hanry A Wft, llTch.tnut at,, a sold watch, opah faca. iuaeflptlon on Inald. Harry O. Thayer, Dec .UtL IBM. Finder will recalva reward. "" " JUSCEIIT "ro. B0I8. datdprU KTlBloTfor kUtyflva t aharta Lehlsh Cosl and NavU nation Company atoclc, lu iba nam of Curie Vorter. loat. Raward If returned to Oaori V. KandrtckJr:. 1430 Kouth Fann Square. brow collar: aaaa r- HDmc at. JIAJIUtaI5oat BunianliM from au- tMnobllo on Walnut atreeti reward; quaa- tlnakdJt Walnut Mra4. MaXtEHB 'COOT 'PAT loaTrSjItVW'M breaat. .Return HU B. 4Mb at, TUaasrS, ' Olasr OcMUed Aos fawu-J. it s4M PWKWTHEUiaigjfiA TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORES BROOKLYN, 1st g... 4 OOOOOOG2-6 82 PIIILLTEO O 0031320X-9 11 1 Mai.jiiard and M. Wheat; Demarce and Burns. BROOKLYN, 2d K...0 O O O O 1 10 0-2 71 PHILLIB8 0 0300000 X 3 71 D!l and Wheat; Ooscli,;cr and Adama. ' . ATHLUTICS, lstB...1 1000 1 30 0-6101 WASHINGTON 2 O O O 1 O O 1 Or- 4 10 2 Richardson and Lapp; Ayers and Henry. ATHLETICS, 2d c...O 1 000003 O- 4 SI WASHINGTON OOOOOOOO G O 2 4 Myers and Perkins; Bentley and Williams. f" " . NEW YORK, 1st E...Q O O O O Q. O O C O 2 0 BOSTON (N. L.)...-..0 OOOOOOOII 60 iatcr...o and Doom; Hughes and Gowdy. I. NEW YORK,2dK....0 OOOOOOO BOSTON(N. L.) O O O O O 1 OO Tesreau and Schang; Ragon and Gowdy. BOSTON (A. L.) O OOIOOIO NEW YORK, 1st g...O OOOOOOOO-O Shore and Cady; Mogridge BOSTON (A. L.) O 0 0 NEW YORK, 2dg....O O O Ruth and Thomas; Tipple and Alexander. POST-SEASON SERIES GAMES CHICAGO (N.L.)....3 O O 1 1 O 0 CHICAGO (A.L.)..0 O O 2 O O 4 . Vaughn and Bresnahan; Scott and Schalk. ST. LOUIS (N.L.)...0 OOIOOIO ST. LOUIS (A. L.)...0 OOOIOOO ) ADDITIONAL RACING RESULTS , Fifth race. Laurel, handicap, 2-yenr-olds, 5 1-2 furlongs Golden List, 107, Cooper, $6.40, $3.70 and $2.70, won; Sky Pilot, 104, J. McTaggart, $3.80 and $3.40, second; Greetings, 08, Callahan, $3.70, third. Time, 1:11 3-5. Lilley, Heavens, Plumose and Iolitn also ran. Sixth race, Laurel, selling, 3-year-olds and up, mile nnd TO yards Dartworth, 107, Mink, $20.20, $7.4.0 and $5.S0, won; Lur-r, 100, Cooper, $4.30 and $3.10. second; Kris Krlnglc, 100, Tunr, $3.GO. tnirct. Time. 1:01. celbwAlpliaal'sb" NORSE SHIP CHASED ACROSS NORTH SEA BY U-BOAT NEW YORK, Oct. 0. When the Norwegian steamship Dram monsf jord arrived from Norway today Captain Stensmark reported that bis vessel had heen chased across tho North Sea 'by a German submarine, which did not desist until tho steamship began calling to the British patrol by wireless.' , " ANCHOR LINER TUSCANIAN IN COLLISION GLASCOW, Oct. 0. The Anchor liner Tuscanian, from New York, was In collision at Bowling today, but suffered' slight damage. STREET FIGHTING IN MEXICAN TOWN WASHINGTON. Oct. 0. Street fighting broke out afresh Eu -dny at Cananea, Mexico, where there are 50 American women and 350 American men and boys, according to State Department advice this afternoon. Two Mexicans were killed. No Americans wero wounded. Tho acting Governor of Sonora, a Vllllsta general, has assured the American Consul that troops will bo rushed to Cananea to provent mere rioting.' Zapatistas defeated a Oarranzlsta garrisoa ut San Lorenzo, ten miles from Cordoba, In Vera Cruz, many being wounded on hoth sides. A troop train is reported to have been blown up at Bsmeraldn, near Parjcnu'evo, and several soldiers 'Wounded. WTJTTRTDENT PARDONS DYING CQTJNTEP,pTTTT? WASHINGTON, Oct. 0. Because the prisoner Id dyintr, Presi dent Wilton today committed to expire at once the two-year sentence imposed May 21, 1014, on James M. Baker, of Bonvcr, Baker woo convicted of conspiring to counterfeit United states coins. . 800,000 ARMENIANS KILLED IN SIX MONTHS LONDON, Oct. 6. Information reaching Ih? British Government .Indicates that 800,000 Armenians have been slain by the Turks since last May, the Marquis of Crewe told the House of Lords tkls afternoon.' SPY PENALTY FOR SLAVS WEARING GERMAN HELMITS '" BEBLIN, Oct. 6, Tho German War Office announced toalay tbaU In the future Russian patrols caught wearing German fcelamcts la order to deceive German troops will bo executed as' bbIcs. STATE PAPERS STOLEN PAB.IS, Oct. 8. -Documents a secret door of Xing Constantlue's roo, accs-roUss" i (KpMjtrTi from Athens. It ia Bald the Is known to be, a spy and recelvw 4 mtit from xoNtgitl government. The documents policy of Greece. O- O 9 0 x- 1 7 0 O- 2 6 1 O; O 4 0 0-4 9 2 0-2 5 3 and Schwert. 0 0 12 1 0 O O O 2 ,auy innocence, taw-of , aavoi't Siutr'c "-' " .'-If. FROM GREEK KING'S 3M?M '. pf great ImpitaHc were sUtUto : thief, a KtmtM oi taw yl kaXtaWlMld stgUn Mft4 9 inttrntiav. 13 i O
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers