i" EVENING tiEDQiERPHILAt)TELPfi!lA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1915. """ "' llM .11 PI !! ,,., , i, !! I llll f ll.ll'!! I WMi 1 1 I ..., . , - 11 jTERUNG EXCHANGE RATES STRENGTHENED BANK OF ENGLAND'S RESERVES LARGER ITE SELLING DROVE STOCKS DOWNWARD Uiln Steel nnd New York lAir Brake Were the Strong Spots !.,, vnniY. Sept. "i-stockri showed l:htr improvement nt the. openlnR or trt pPhri thla morning, but ns on ?tSu?Swi proflt-lnklng wle. nt the HfV'L'r",':. .ii .round. Most nttcntlon I klrV in lUlvi . : ...... .. r.. devoted to tho industrials, me neg t o 'tl e rnilroads. with the exception rt JLiblV one or two stock. In that ."k.W more complcto than for JawMnyi. Trftdlns w on ft very largo I wi. In tho early part of the session, nnd If thnn tn Pe became no rapid that tim '' ' ... fh0 i cvcrs lo droD . Lflrrjt "Pure of quotations In order to ; L, un to the market. " ri the esrly uplift Ucneral Motors and ; )?CruClbl6 Slte' -wilre ,h0, ,ca.t"'?B' J"" ! 1 termer stsrtd Hh o. gain of 814 poinds. , l and Wlinin a c" "- "-- -i- KL1; '..i.m nnd forced tho price down o mo . tl10 ,nn., of tf tc,rdn' 'IS..... -. talk of some favornble dcvcl ' Armenia- at the meeting of tho company's director.; whl" wl be hcld Rome tlmc S S,, tic latter part of tho month, but LSopne emed to know Just Tvhnt they ?...,) l,. Tie new war order which I-nrlMe" has- secured for $10,D0CO,00O wad rdn used to send the price of that Issue mwnrd, The market showed a great leal of Ifrejrolarlty around midday. Buslrfess In the afternoon wan not ns rge as In tho morning, but prlcC3 re wvercd' somewhat from the setback irotinrl noon, whlth was due to realizing irici quit a 'little liquidation of 6tocks tnd bonds from nbioad, with the pur We of stendylug the foreign exchange jniarket. Trices continued Irregular. Cru cible Steel showed tho widest gain among & I (the Industrials. Profit on tho new order Cl'.th company hao received Is said to bo ll'Nrtry large. Before tho close there was .,1V' . . -. tu.... ...i.,i. .1 ii.nofner Vave VI bchiiSi mui;ii uruvu trtcs off, some even below last night's final. At one time Cruclbte Steel was I "up 6ft ,and New York Atr Brake 6 points. Both stocK3 1081 some in mo lato selling, but remained above yesterday's final. Very little marketwlse newa came out Surlnc the day. About the meet Intcr- i "wtlnswas the July earning statement of tne cnesapeaKe aim umu. nie riv?3 uu-. vini-eJ $375,4"!) and tho net 322,583 nbovo thl same montn last year. Tints far ibtmt six -of the big roads have Issued 1 July statements, and they have nil shown I tip good. The stock of Chesapeake and ,UmO 4-Q no I ujiu IU IIIC Biaiuuiuui, nd Instead was off a trifle. J An encouraging Item today was the 1,'surked Improvement In the folelgn ex- change market, rne rates were higher for sterling at the start nnd they con ilnutd to advance In tho early hours, and II miuaay iney snowcu a gain lor uom Amn A Anil rtanlAD r? niAiinrl aAm (HTUianu aim -awva v. utwunu w ,lil.a k iivtil uio 11111 v. ;vaiiiua;, A. 11V ijgc f iIwm bM tJ be duo to short covering No iiTcno Ihouaht that the market would show I' .. H.M .1Arl ...Al .11 n AC. .M,I1 vn.. JjiUhLa u uu,invu Dkvuuinvoa uiib.i duiiiu UCIHIIIU tctlon was taken to establish a credit here, or something else was arranged to Filice rates back on a nominal basis. INCREASE IN RESERVES New York Stock Sales H Bank of England Showed Loss in Bullion Holdings, However v LONDON, Sept. 2. Iteserves of tho Bulk of Knginnd Increased 611.000 dur ing the, last week, while bullion, holdings ni dt l,S67,wa Detaila follow: This week. l.a.t wnpk. if Dreulalloil , 12,:',24,WJ( t.'ll.Kai.KO i uiuc ueiws8 ... l.li.il-ui.lMI 1.14,051, u U rrivitie (iipoil ST.lttl.UUO Oaiernment. mcurltlcs. 44.41.iU0 wtT fevunues Kbcrve .Pmtmrtlnti nt r.n. a pliability Sl.13 24.1.1 8im 03,3,0lK) 07,300,100 ink rati 0 5 S.i.4(i",.u.n 4B.aj.VU( o H.lU.-.(KiO 142,l:lT,UOU 5I.S3S.000 53,VI7.(XA) STATE FUNDS LOW I i ifteasury Report for August Shows ?400,000 Shrinkage HARJtI8BURa, Sept. 2.-The August lOtnt fit til. P.nhDt-ltrni.1.. Utn,. fn iry thawed that balances are lower than A, MV.tnl w.A..,l... .L... (.l.i m .. ,.i.i luu'itiiB, iiiu BiiiiiiKiiiiv ior tne lohlh faelnir 1130 OfKl rtn im., 11 mini. r ill,,fund on hand were it,4'j7,13S; ye'ster- kar It s (M noo 'UleCitltR dttrtcr til. tnnnMi intnl.rf 1,I3,8,89. Payments for the month tinounted to $2,23S,978.51. The payment m Its motor fund totaled $33,000, which it uutomoDiie license funds .J...., viM 111 nutation a yoar ngo. f .'. BANK CLEARINGS jSBiV&rER S-oayeac?,'?parea w,lh eorre- Hgutipbu ng tstSlifa isiVdbio . . -, .i.i.m,itu uV01ir)tMtl RATES VOU MONEY .11. .. t. Call. terS'J's i. ' "" f I Time. Phlladel (ill; ntserve Banks Discount Rates I ? Mlaflelphla .. I. New VnKb iwi , , , . tvelinrf ;hnionil . !'"! RK. - LouIh . . irca rttu iiur .'..: ", FrancLco ,; 3 314 J lif 2 .., ., .,. iuainiuin, 4 per nin in 1U 3lto 0 t0 to 10. ao, 00, 00. sM ' "4 1 ". 3 4 4 .1 4 414 8 j 4 4 6 4 4W n 4 4 4 0 'Inlmura,. tirlcultur.l ndllv. ,tock paper only. FOREIGN WrilMmJv, , 4vwic. 0,JU", (fc5"j mrUt today. . MUodrt "nt 1 around "r'',. "niJ lh' iklM B4 Btert tig Fryn,., M,rki L,f S Efi SQ StiS Hid. .. 117 80 Pl 100 100 100 iou ,,I0U ..10J I G0VERNMEN.T BONDS k .r in,. . IWn coupon c" rflM.r.H 1 gSB-is??: Bjrweterea ....; US ftriirmn ' I rltered' ','.'.'.'." 6 coupon .FBWWR AitntiDm t. ... Ipftfjy ," .tujlnf condition. lj"esw fBU?uJirTit ftLr..MbibJ H'TttiiTl, JMSf-V .?th "W for ll.i F rtw eatkT I?n,SC frogrcaalio Impmva. KarBllKJ "' Kr w "friT.: , , .- wuntrewr ilialh iat Iq IMMJM I U aiuaouorad tht Uirrow4 (sAio.afia rMH BorrwB I ij :&' ft,' t., J?. jl-? ". omu ,. Sl tSSL ... . . . . t-titclois. Illti AliKkft Hold M -riu ,.,u An Ag Chemical iyyi nw Agr inem pi. . Am licet bujir Am Can AmCanpr Am Car A Pcindrj Am Car A 1'dy pf. Am Coal l'mlnrti Am Cotton oil Am Cotton Oil pf. . . Am llldo & U'ntuor. Am Hldo &l,pu.... Am Ice iJecuritlej.... Am Linseed , Am Linseed pf Aw Locomotive , Am Malt. Am Smolt A Itnr . Am Snuff. tni Am ateoi l'oundrloj.... 03 Am Sugar Itcilnlnc lOUU TclATel ..SM Am Woolen 34W Am l'rVllAn a ...- ""uraui VJJ, jiiroiiu;i voppcr... Atca T AS t? Atch T A n v nf Atlantic Coast Line... Baldwin Locomotive.. llaltlmoro A Ohio Uethlehom Steel Hcthlohcm Steel pf 14m 141 Jiroowiyn ltap Tran.... ts.Vt Ml'X Brooklyn Union Oaj...i27i 12 3.", n 604 .100 onu -.118 lot). ... M ,07 U 30H 2.1H 37) i &t 7'. Sl . . 7:1 ..101 10J ma am 40! f 93' i rau OM 105i 70H 110H IM cm 00)i n saii Wi 38 0 S'J' 150 Ml lllli 1W am 111 7a 101U 08' i 101 tsli bUi Low. Clot. ;i ,ih 05 (15 05H COX ro ooit 10.-.H 10o)i C74 ns nou aim 16IU ici)i tOH OU.'i u 30 23 10U 37 f3 M 8Pi 140 ,i 10D l-'J OlVi l' mu 09). 0 39 S3 19U 7 f3) 7!4 MM 110 5.1 100 12J 3m 01 7U ItXlU 1C0 08 i OS-1 3WH i"!! 32 80 brtf 18.' IJJj lol 40 12 30)5 '1A 1 82H uronti siiofl. . . wi llrownshoopf 77 liutto A aaporbr 00 Cal Petroleum 18 ,' Cal 1'ctrolcum pf 441 Canadian I'aclllo :so; Cent ASA Tel I20h 18 Cent Leather Co....... 43JJ 441$ Cent Loathcr Copf...,io.i, io.V( v-uesapcasj a: unio... 47,, 47 .mno loppcr 41; Chlcaco QrcafWost. .. . 11J4 Chi tit West pi gov, ChlltlAl'ac L'3 Chi Mil A sit Paul.... ban ?JtSiVt,t 12 ! Chi & Northweit ilm i-o Cluctt Pea A Co pf. .. .103' 100 Colorado rtiisl A 1 14 4GK Col A So 2d pf 33 35 Lomstooic funnel lu 13 Con tlncntal Can SUH SO Corn Products Itef 18 isjf Com Prod Itef pf 83H 'Kl)f Ciuclblo Steeh 82i 88 Crucible Steel pf 103H 1034 Cuban-Am Susar Uh 1111 Distillers Sccurllej O'J i7 UomeMlnei L'ljj -'14 Klectrlc Stor Hat 00 70' gr! : 'Mi Lrlelstpf 44,'i 44W Gen Chemical..., 203 2t)Sif General Klcctrlc 175 173 General .Motors 240Jf 218 General Motors pf lioj 112)5 uoouuca u f Co -.02 03 ureat rortnern pr.-.. GINctfs for oro prop Gueeenbc'lm Kxpl'n . Int Agricultural lnt Agricultural pf... Inter Con Corp'n.... Inter Con Cor pf.... lnt Harv NJ, Int Harv N J pf Inter-Met vot t c... Inter-Met pf International Paper.. Intcrnat Paper pf.... Inspiration Copper. . . i I Case. Co pf Kan City Southern.. Kansas City So pf . . . Lack btccl... Lehlsh Valley Lijcett A Myers ixjiu! island Loosc-W His 1st pf.... Maxwell Motors, ...... Max Motor. 1st pf... Max Motors Sdpr...'.. May Deot Stores nf. . . (l.i Mexican fetroleum.... S4 10) 8l)i 200 HI 127 32 7tf (II 18 434 103 Mji H!i 20' 141 5H 127 32 80 G1U 18 43) l&.Ji lM))i 12i 43)f !i 44 10U. 103! 40 KM 12 30 ! HIH 120Ji 121) 103 iWl 3.i 14 c4 17J4' 834 82)j 104 118 20 'JIM 70 28 44 40 4l)i 1.' h04 :25i- 82 120H 121) 100 AMI 3.1 15 bO i7;r 83'4 8.') 1 104 110 27 2IJS 74' j 28 44 .117H 1184 42h 42) 00,'i 07i . 22 Tl 38).' 225 7t)H 1004 1154 2Ji 77.4 114 384 Mi 784 27 58 .. 384 .. 214 .. 704 ..107 ,-.110 -. 214 76Jf 11 .. 30 .. 54 7Ji .. 27 57)i 7Ui ..143 -.220 -. 4U4 .. 02 .. 43 .- 014 :)7li 208Jf 208'' 1734 173)4 2404 241 1104 1124 t'0)j G0H 117U 118 414 414 0G4 G04 2 304 t04 21 21)4 754 754 IW-H 1C04 1154 1154 21 214 77J 774 Miami Conner. Minn A St L pf. . Missouri Pacific. . Montana Power... National lilscuit. . .NaUCloaK A Suit NatC AS pf,... Nat Knamei a S. . Nat Load Nevada Con Cop 274 .. 32 .. 4 . 553' .122 ,. 81 -.109 .. 20 i 044 14i 144 2254 424 03 45 'i .024 liS's 93 b54 27'4 30 44 59 124 K04 10S4 '.8i ti04 14)4 152 06) f 07 ... 024 034 ... 264 204 ...1004 107X .. 00 804 .. 73) j 74 ...1074 1C04 ... 30 35 ,.1084 109 .. 874 88 ... 344 354 ..1034 1034 ... 71 704 ... 60 604 ...1004 1004 ...159 159 ... 4 4 '. 224 22J ..384 394 ..1484 140)1 ... 4.l 444 ..101 . a ,.. 04 ... 104 ... 54 ... 64 .. 144 .. 324 . . is:t ...1244 125 .. SJ 804 ...1044 1054 ... 154 164 ... 484 484 ... 55 554 ... 724 72 1134 114)4' -.105 10-1 ... 604 -164 ... 634 .100 ... 74 129i ... 82 .. 72 ... i04 ... 3,4 .... 0 .... 244 404 .... 60 ...1014 103 .... 754 704 ...1124 1124 .... 074 074 ..-.'404 41 ....100 1004 ... 674 694 ...1164 117 .... 284 20 40 44 11 18 334 784 20,4 57)1 70 142 225 424 03 444 .014 374 00 834 '27 30 3 60 122 84)5 114 t84 334 7bH 20.', 574 70 142 2254 424 03 454 024 184 9'J 84 27 33 3.4 59 122 844 1014 H 64 10)1 5 04 144 324 1544 10S4 108). i7 28 15 05 144 144 140 ISO 0354 054 01,4 014 204 204 1064 107)1 804 c04 74 74 100 100 35)1 35)1 1084 108), 88 88 334 334 102 102 704 704 594 504 100)4 1004 159 169 4 4 224 224 S04 39)1 148 1484 4254 424 1014 lUDi U H 0 10 44 6)4 New York Air Urake..l4G XT fV . IT .. it .. 41 1 II II O, Jl. .. .. New York Central.. N Y O A West Norf A West Norf A West pf North Amcrlcan..i.. Northern l'adttc... PiiclncTe! ATul... Penn It K Philadelphia Co Pittsburgh Coal..... Pittsburgh Coal pf. .. Pitts C O A St L... Pressed Steel Car... Pub S Corp N J.... Pullman Co Quicksilver pf Kay Cpn Copper Ity Steel Sprint head 1ns Itep Iron A Steel... Itop Iron A Steel pf, Hock Island Copf... Jiumely M Co i.umely M Co pf... at Louis AS F StL A S F2dpf... beaboard Air Line... Seaboard Air L pf. ., bears itoo A Co Scars ltoe A Co pf . . southern I'aclUc..... bouthern Pac t c... Southern Ity bouthern Ity pf Standard Milling. . . Standard Milling pf. btudebakerCo , Studebaker Co pf . . 'leidi Copper Texas Co Third Avenue Underwood Typo pf Union Hag A Paper Uulon l'aclflc Union Paclno pf . . , . U b Ind Alcohol.... U 8 Cast I PAP.. U S Hed A Itef.... U 0 lied A Itef pf . . United ity. Invest- United Ityslnv pf,. Ubltubbei U a Kubber lit pf . b Sbteol L Sbteelpf Utah Copper v..f :.rn Chain Va-Caro Chem pf. Y'Irott Coal A O YcstK&l Western Maryland VI..1 Marvlnnil nf. Western Union let... 75 754 Willy Overland 1874 10O Willyi Overland pf 107M 107H Cent, per .u.r.. Total le U28.B00 .hiire.. t'omwred with ISUa.KUO .hare, ymtcrday; thus far thl wBk. K.(Vil,MX) .hart.: m period Urn week, 3,00,. 800 hare. 1 68 165 651 101 74 1204 M)4 724 20)4 34 64 244 40)1 60)1 0 10 44 I3f i:i'f 314 314 154)4 164)1 12J 125 874 b74 1014 1014 16)4 15)4 48 48 65) i 55)4 72 72 1104 1104 101 101 654 55)1 161 151 63)1 Ui 10J4 104 74 128 1 1284 80 b04 71 204 3)4 64 244 71 204 3)4 64 24)4 3914 :W!l 60 60 105 105 744 75 1124 112)1 00)1 60)1 39 39 105 100)1 68 60)i 1154 118i 28 2d 44 41 74)4 74)4 ltd JcO 1074 107)4 Embassy Makes Profit on Exchange J.INPQN, Bcpt.V'.-fecaoM of the different. In tb. rate of e&iuinco, in. Amcrlcun lira liay her. ha. mad n clear pront or Uut HU.UW In thu past few month, on ium. of money forwmded her. from WmhInjtoL, n wa. learned today. ConI4er McAdob's Cotton Plan WAFMINOTON. Sept. 2. The flret meeting of tlw Pedern1 Heeerve lioard for ome time wa. nem toouy ior in vurpoae ui conaiaiT ttiK ill. plan announced by Sccictary uf the Trisuvrr McAdoo of OepoaUln. f')V.U0,O00 1 11 Eull with either rmcrvo bank, or natloual auk. ot h HfUth to aid the .cytton planter.. French Knk Gains Gold I'AHIri, Bent. ' s'.-Th. followlnx are the nrliutii Item. In al.tement of the flank of Kione. for wtek endlnit Auut 2i liftn a. Prance. Heut 3, Auiruat 20. 4,!)ill..'lO0.(0l 4,'.liA,!10ll(Xin .uw.'NHi.owi seo.iou.ooo J1.0l.J.l) l.t0tMO00 a,R,iuw)ww i,4,WI,yw ,8,0O,000 New York Bond Sales $1000 uuwo 741KX) 4(X lsmm lL'MMl 14IWIU SIKH) WXW H4.VRI BKtmro 4'.1HX) lllHK) 2I17WO llxmn liuon 31O0U lldtxl HOOD loon 1 IM 'lOtXt 11WO tloou iOtXt lKt (.Oil H1PI1 ,ViOl 2.1(rKi tnon r,oMi oooo 3'IIKHI 1IAXI tlitiO 1MHO 40 n (ko 17000 '.000 4tV .itoo rooo .inooo i'WWI inooo .nouo 41101) rooo six hjii ."OPO not 0 oio .aw roooo nnm ,'i0) 20,0 17ii(lil no :ioo 14'KKI JOO'l SSViM) CJXK) 100v 1001 2lHai moo 2K00O lsoio J 0.1.1 r.(oo noon nmm men 20011 20! 0 woo (H1 20(H) (HKO 2.TOPO :t.vio .l.'.Ol .1.M r.oio 20(0 71 XI ,1 KW nooo K11 0 2OU0O inooo nooo noon WXiMI f0:0 2TOO noi jn-vio 27.10O 40CX) nooo 1OO0 7000 Bono ltymo coco 1000 n?oco SBOOO 110(10 220(0 2000 40CKI toco 810(10 2.SO0O 11OP0 1000 2000 24000 20(0 1000 lllnh. . iu;i Aer Amrr Hide & 1. iia Amer Tel cvt 4e ltlli Armour Oo 4'.4 Ill' Atchlmn adj 4a t,iM Atchlaon cv 4. IliM, . . WtJ Atrhlson c 4e linn... lot Atrhleon cv n. 1017... ll Allan Cn l.lnr lt 4... M IMll A O IHis KKV lfalt O 4.r S llalt A O uv 4V4e Nils llalt O 8wn a',4 ( llcih Hteel rfd r.a, lotI llrookn It Tr r, 'i lno Cent Leather let na... ir.iH Cent Pac let 4a. Sl'i Cent II II N J he 112' Chile Cop 7. Ill thee A Oh cv 4He.... 74 C'llPH A Ohn 4H J HltV Che. A llh.o As vM txiw. icon lOiA Knri, 11 1 i Clese II") ;t 10), iivm! -:.: in,. fir Ml1 (Mil looie 1U1 M l5 Chi A Alton 3U.a Chi (It Vt la:..., I'll I II A q lolnt 4e. Chi 11 A CJ l)en ... Chi II A () III HHe, till II A tj Iowa In. CM Mil A St'l" 4. Chi Mil A St ! cp ..1UII thl M A 8t P cv 4Ue. ua',4 - 01 1- m kj aeu ).iw lien A W.a Or 4...... tut Urn A Hlo Or rid 3e. . 00 Uls BeJur Corp S. (i Kile conv 4 ter A... (Ill Kilo conv 4a Ser It . esi Krio prior 4a Ocncrol Motor Oa Oen Eleo deh Ca. Hud Man rfd fie. Hurt Man In .1. Indiana Hlcsl Ri. Iowa Central ref 4a. . . . 48 111 cen.rai rra 4a.,.,. 84 In. Cop cv Oj 'II 142'i iMn A.. ,., .. ... . ..' iic. k, .,u l, lis .14.4 44 (El tm llr' !U ....102(i .... TOW .... 2? ...1M1 UliZ 1XJ nwy mi us SM M)4 ll P'r lcoji H Hi 114 71 H4M 102 41 IH.t, M M2H nnu. 1IKI (10 HI mil. IVi (II H 7X 7S IO0H KMIll 102 102 hHV MS .mij; itwu mi $ 112 114 74U .HI", III oiiu 1(Ki M Hi. IOH Nut fo v SEVEN-POINT RISE IN STORAGE BATTERY Cambria Steel Also Made New Top Pennsylvania Freilht v Cars All in Use I Interb n T rcf IMl Moou . 01 2A!i . 70 .11 f 7S'4 ........ 02V4 ll inirrii it 1 rci .in. .,, !"' Inter Mer .Mnr 4i,... 70i Intern) Paper eu .,... ni Internl Paper t!j WK Jap now. 4'ia 7:1(4 1-ocka Btecl r,e 11121... O.'.fi Kucha Btecl ' ln.VJ... Mi, Laclcdo Qaa let rm...li)lW l.k Sh deb 4s lu.11,.,, IK Lie A M T Xa ... . ..imu Tirlllnil r.a " 1mm Ixiu A Naeh cot 8s. Mllweiikeo ias 4s, Mo K A T 4Hi do .la Mo Pac 4s do col Tut 11117. no con 'da,. . Mont Power ne N V C A It 3I.JS. do ret a do 1'.'. do 4a Mi N V 4a 10.VJ do 4a Ui.-,7 do 4s lli.'S do 4V,. IIUX) do ret 4V,s....... do J'jH ll.lVl do 4!s '(It do 4Hj Mh- 'ST., S Y O II A P 4. N Y : II A. It ri' .'ll.'. (ITU do c ims N Y Itwy ndj Se iny, N Y Stftte 4Vi 100W. N Y Tel Ken 4's mj N Y V C A II 4's.. 7." Norf A Veat cvt 4'ja,t07"i cm cv 4e do 4s Nor Pac trior 4b . . do gen .la Ore Ity A J con 4s Pjcllle Tel Bs .... Henna cv .'!!; do Ken ct 4ljs ... do ct 4'iB , People's Oca Ss . . . lltnulng RrM Is . . Hep I A B "s nio G A V clt 4. nock Island T. ... do rfd 4s do ( s Seaboard A t. ad as South r.ell A. South Pac cv 4s do cv ret f p Sa "II. South Pac rfd 4s.... South Itwy Ren 4s... .nou in nvy ton ., Teaas Co cv Oa.. Third Avo ref,4s.. Third Ao adj 70H o-.ll limw 4S tn 14SU 142 IH)U o-'Ji inH 2!i? I.IV. i'Ml n.-.t4 haw m; m(; IdlU iou. f.n (Ml 2.1V. KiOVj 4S NI i:vt ii-;i, ii'i'i 111 7.11J wis 109U 101 '.i 111 .1IW 70 :j 7UH ..1WV4 M n.ijs Kl 0 I'.-'H . . in ..101 ..Wi .. I" ..101 "4 Sl, iiniiii . . us .. M1W .. n .. IS .. H7,4 . . 100 .. I7!i . .10'!', ..lOOTi . . IKS .. wk . . 70 . . 414 . . (It .1024 . 071'. . WH . (Ill . SI'i .. niu .. 07Vi ..101 . . 7S 7: .... I -oh im 87 MW m-f, 114 ti 114, IIS 101 '4 1(114 t'S miy, n-a no'i 4JU lwtvi 114 'ft IMl 101s 1()U', 10m .11 70 2U 7? Il2'j U4 7UV, II" Ik 87 M',4 tell, 4.ti ni, IIX 101 . 1112 118 101S 81 , llll.il 11 OH .' Kr.14 1IIH 1.1 1117 ln- lOftlA 1001, H7',4 H75 Gil U(ll. .'7a 7',4 Sll (7i ll.'t4 Ss 07 liio 7tl 102H ino) 112 IK 70 4RV4 02 1(12 Vi Will 17 V, Trl-Clty ."s in4 tl 8 llubber Oa 1IB V S Steel a 102 02y, 533 4HH 112 y, 10(1 01 I'nlon Pac lat 4s. Union Pae cv 4s. . t'n Ilwys S V 4s. Va nwy Pa AVabnell 1st .'a . . . VYnbaeli 2d ."a ... Wat, lliu ct sla 4s... ll'i Wb.p Tcr lat ct 4a.. 1 V5 Vt ir.ee cv 5a in.v.i West Klec . Id ti Weat Md lit 4a i W E A M cv Sa w l.-ltn'ri West Shoro 4s 82 Wheeling A L, E 4s... 527; 8S 07 100 07 '4 102' 10OH 111', iur, 70 4ll!i 2 K, 102',, r.1174 07V4 SI) lis'i R4l', 1X1 (!7i4 101 7S 7IJT4 ,ll.l(i imt, 102'. lrjU .st, 4Si,4 100 I'l '.4 12 n- 10.-,!, lO.-.i, lOHf 101U IEI (III llll lull, 82 82 52r, 52i n7i 80 li-.i 8IH flH "7W lni 7S 7'i O.'Vt, Ki-'H 102 Silt, 4SI.4 fi2'.i 10") Ill's 12T4 .. ryrotechnlcs In Hloctrlc Storngc Hat tery ovemhadowed nil clso In the day'. ilrnlliigN on the rhllndclnliln Slock Kx chance. On heavy buylnn much of which iiBnln cmunatod from New York, the price utilckly Advanced from CStl. tn.t ; night's close, to above 78. Although ofTl- cini. or tne company natly deny thnt any BO-cnlled war orders have been received, It Ih known thnt the company Is virtually opctntlmr nt capacity. It was reported this mornlnu that Wall Strict Interest, which nrc operntlng In the stock over here hope to matte n broad market for tho shntcs In Wall Street. Until today they hnve failed to create much Interest In the I.suo on the board there, only n few rales having been re corded, but the traders finally Bccm to hnvo token hold. The last tlmo Wall street dealt In StornRo extcnslvoly tho prlto was pushed up to 1!0. Ort the local cxchnnKC- this morfllnif over M.OUO shares chnnt'ed hands duilns; the llrst three hours. Today's quotation made a new IiIrIi record for the last several years. The company Is said to bo earnlnn; at the rate of about 8 per cent, on the etoclt nnd there Is tulle of restoring the 5 per cent, dividend, Tho price Is tip more than 23 points from the year's low level of 17. The closo today was nt 74 with total sales of upwards of 23,000 shares for this stock alone. In the late trading Cambria Steel sud denly came to life, odvancln nearly 3 points on snles of approximately 12,000 shares. The Lehigh Valley Transit Issues, Union Traction and Ilapld Transit also became buoyant. Cambiln established n ntw high record for the yenr when It crossed CT. Barring a point rise In Hrlll and some llttlo buying of Lake Su perior, the rest of tho local list merely marked time, even the' customary aetlv Ity In United States Steel being Inciting during the greater pnrt of the session. Pennsylvania fnllcd to rcsDond tn thn announcement thnt every freight car on tho system Is now In use. whllo the pro portion of "cripples" In for repairs Is tho smallest In the company's history. A Inigo part of tho present big business is duo to the movement of freight ftom West to East for export, but the coal tralllc to the West Is also unusually heavy, ns consumers are storing reserves of bituminous nnd anthracite In view of tho termination of miners' agreements next spring. It is said officials of the com pany look for the largest gross earnings on frcifs.: durlng-thcscomlng four mouths which the road has ever had. Local brokers report a certain nmount of requests for additional margins with the commencement of the month. This, they explain, Is because of the inflated value of Industrial stocks, it pppears some of the banks have been calling on brokers for from 5 to CO -points additional margins on the "war bableB," nnd naturally -the brokers hod to call on their customers. The railroad nnd copper issues are not Included In the danger list. Tola' silra f2,ai4,C00. compared with M.n(H,. 00O ycetcrdiiy: thus for this week. 1U,02U,000; same period last week, J12.400.OOO. Sales in Philadelphia ioo 20 21(1 12:127 2(10 100 2300H 20 llll 11)0 ICO no 10 lmw 2:hi 80S 7.-.0 r, si .1.18 ru 'OJ .".Tl K10 1 (00 IN) 02S 100 4U7H son 4000 I'.lXXI 2(1X1 1WHX) a-'i nt icon 6000 2000 Yea. close. High. Low, Close. Anaconda. MIn.. .. 72 72 72 Baldwin Loco... 8.1 82i 82 82?, J. P. Hrlll 4S 4(1 4IV4 tr Cam Steel.....'. .141, .17H fill M-ft Crucible Steel.. 77 8.1?. 8.V.4 MA Chi It I A P... 2SU 22U 22 22i Elec SloraGo.... in'.i 'ii)i iwSi (I Hrle 20 20 20 211 Oen Asphalt pf. .. CS (18 (18 ln'boro Met 22 22 22 Ins Co N Am.. 22i 22 224 22 Key Tel Co 14 14 14 do pref 03 liTiH (W US', Lake Sup Corp. i Ki',4 1 10 Lehlch Nov. ... 73-i 74 tVi 7..VJ LehUh Val Tlli 7i 7H, 71. LehtRh V Tr.... HI 17 1i 17 ido nref S2V, " ?, :l Paclfle Mall 31M .11W W, Pitta Coal 3314 3.1(4 .13'4 33 't IVnni n R . .. M S4 Bll in, I' I Sal- &.fg... OS, 11:. 04,4 05 Phlla Co 4 4414 44 44'.4 Phlla Elec .... '.'4',t 2414 24V4 24W P It Ttr .... 10 " 10H 10H KPi Phlla Trac 7214 734 T.l Wi, Tonopah l!el ... 4 ,4 4 4 Tompali MIn ... SH &K 0 si Union Trac .... .'1.1 :- .'I.'im .'Uix I' a I 841. S4i 8C 8.-, V 8 Steel .,.., 7.1; 7H'4 7S 73 Wabash pfd ... 10 1014 1014 10V4 DO.VDS. Laat prev, aale, . lllah. Low. CIomo, Am O A Elec 3a 87 87 8714 87'. Key Tel 1st 5s. 03 tfl US US Left Val (ten 4s .. SHU 8(iW 811VJ Prnna een 4Ka. 071J Ii7l H7U H7iJ Phlla Co 1st lie. .. 100 OiinJ 10(1 Phlla Co cp '1U.100 100 100 10(1 do 1018 ...... 118 118 (18 US Phlle Elec 4a.. 7814 7H?, 7Sj; 78; Itiadlng gen 4s, .. 112 Irj vj Un nwy Inv 3a 7014 70 70 7a Financial Briefs Local Bid and Asked NOTES OF THE KAIL Contracts have been placed by the Baltimore and Ohio itallroad for an im provement at Wilmington. Del., which will erary Lancaster avenue over tho tracks on a modern structure. The new bridge will have a concrete foundation, with a paved roadwoy 31 feet 6 Inches wide, and a sidewalk on each side, mak ing the total width of the avenue 60 feet. - Tho new express company rate sched ules, which became effective yesterday, are estimated to increase the gross rev enue of the largo companies by about 55, 000.003 annually. Train servlco between Galveston and the mainland has been re-established over a trestle, which has been built since the storm of August 16-17, when the causeway was badly damaged. All railroads have lifted tho embargo against freight for Galveston. The first shot has been fired In a bit ter rate contest between thn rnllroad lines and the steamship lines which have been diverting large portions of the trans continental und other rail tralllc to their ve.ssels plying to and from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts via the Panama Canal. Louis J. Spcnce, director of traffic of the Southern Pacific Company, appeared ns the first witness before the Interstate. Commerce Commission, nnd testified 111 support of an application filed by his com pany for permission to lower tho rall-nnd- j water rates of tho Sunset-Gulf system, . more commonly known ns the Morgan I L!ne, to a point where it will bo nble to ! nnnllnim In ,nmnMA fnr n nhnrn nt (rnlfli. ...-a. ....... w.. ........ .... .. ...... .v u. ........, Mr. Spence declared that the Southern Pacific filed the application only nftcr careful consideration by Its officers, who have become alarmed at the serlouB de pletion of the Morgan Line's traffic be tween New York and the Pacific Coast terminals, and tho coincident heavy losses of revenue which the line has sustained slnco tho through Panama lines have been In operation. Tho trafllc director of thu rnllroad company placed In evidence n Hat showing 23 groups of commodities on which the traffic losses to the rall-nnd-wnter line havo alroady become acute, explaining that there had been other, but comparatively smaller, losses sustained on many other commodities. Tho Comptroller of the Currency, of fice, In Washington, announced that a nntlonal bank cull will be Issued within tho next few days to nscertaln the con dition of banks, particularly In the South. Tho cnll is behoved to be in connection with the plan of Secretary MoAdoo to aid tho cotton growers. The Knstern Steel Company today closed a contract for 16,000 tons of" steel bars for conversion Into shells. The price obtained was considerably above the recent quotation. Tho Lackawanna Steel Company has redeemed all of Its outstanding preferred stock. Only 60 shores were ever issued. The Consolidated Stock Kxchnngo has decided to Issue a limited number of new fcents nt U0O, In order to meet the do mand for applications lor new member ships. This tins been brought nbout by present nrtlvlty of business In Wail Street nnd the growth of odd lot trading. George A. Huhn & Sons nnd Arthur Upper A Co, were the principal buyers of Klcctrlc Storage Uattery, Continued Improvement In freight trnfTlc on the Pennsylvania. Itallroad Is reflected in tho londcil-car movement figures for tho month of August. The total number of loaded enrs pnsslug eight typical junc tion points last month was SOO.HO. nn In crcmo of JH.610 oyer Augurt. 1SH. The only point nt which thcro was a decrenso shown wob Dauphin, where 1800 less loaded cars were noted in August this yenr than Inst year. Tho movement of company coal for storugo Increased the IMS tlguies somewhat. Tho New York stock Exchange has ad mitted lo list Pennsylvania Itallroad I8, 762,000 414 per cent, contolldated mortgage bonds, Issue of 1SI15, due lWiOj Virginia Carolina Chemical $5,000,000 10-year 6 per cent, shilling fund convertible debentures, due mi; rtcpublic lion nnd Steel 6.1S3. 000 10-30 year fi per cent, sinking fund mortgage bonds, due 1940. The Puciric Mnll Steamship Company Is negotiating to sell its remaining seven steamshlpi. The company nlicudy has Sold ettrllt nliltm tirfmnriitnvi In nnlim n,,r I of buslnccs ibecnusq of the new Federal j m-amen's act that becomes effective next cvcmuer. It was reported thnt the du Pont de Nemours Powder Company might tnko up tho making of dyratulTs. A New York Produce ll.i:hnnge mem bership has be. n sold for $7"0, an advance of about J75 over the last previous rate. It Is estimated that the total Interest payments and dividend dlsbuisomcnts In tho United .Stntcs in September will amount to JIOI.OOO.OCO, or J17.500 less than for August. By declaring a quarterly dividend of tl the Calumet nnd Arizona Copper Com rniiy increased the payment 50 cents. The rtendlng's nnthraclte collieries will work four days this week. The Susque lintuu. Coal Company' mines will work three days. Wlftar (c Stokes announce the removal of their offices to tho Commercial Trust Building. August sales of the Scar3-Ttocbuck Company showed an Increase of 1,011,177. For eight months the gain wns 16,917,700. Tho New York banks gained J.33,003 from the Subtreasury yesterday and lost ,l,2C3.0O0 since last Friday. ' The Federal Heservo Board reports the amount of gold Imported Into this coun try up to August 20 at 37,D07,OW, mostly In United States gold coin. This report does not Include Inst week's J19,GOO,000, which brlngB the total for the month up to 157, 207.000: grand total for year. 1317,727,000; exports of gold for year, $19,237,000. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUK .,I1KAT.-It.irqne, B0.0W btiih. There w n miilrer advame or lWc. In ,lil market, due l bul.hth adtlee. from the West and meftiet.ie ofrerin-. Demand n as fair, guetatletw: ( t lt. In export eieai..i .So, 2 11-a, no. eft Mhii rcplember, .I.u7l oil; No. K red v,este,n. now, .1. Ilk) 1.12: .v.. 2 Southern red, new, I.U'l.i 7; .(Miner No. 2 led, new, Ijl.OlffUW, No, .1 led, new, fI.olfil.IHi; reje.iejd A, lie, l.ollttfl.um; I Hen ted II. new. .1(11.02. CtliliV. Kevelpla, I0.71H bushel. Demand wi Hunt niHl price. ere le. loner. 'io tRtlons; Car Im. lor IrI tnidp. as 10 to a lion No, 2 yellow, 8TS8e,; Uean-cr yellow, MW87C.: No. X ello, 8IWHSe. OATH.-lleeelpta, 27.M& buehels. The mar ket was unsettled ami le. low,r under a alw demai.d iumI iciivrel pressure tb Ml. Quota tion. No. 2 lille, none here. No. S tthlie. 44e.. No. 4 white, asfc..; simple oa'". ililb'tSc ri.ot'll.-Itecelp a, IIOO Wile, and 1.XW.70 lbs. In, sack.. Trade waa ilow, but milt limits woio steadily held. Quotations, per li'l lb.. H u-n.1. Winli. i.lMir. new. f4.!Vf 4.S.",. do.. Mlalcht, nen, l.lxfi J.HI; do., pat ent, new, .V1.1'(.',.40; Kantas, clear, new, jute sack.. 11.8149.111: do., ktndsht. new. Jul I Gnu, llaldwln do pref Uun A Sua t c do pref Cam Hteet Kleo Htorate Oen Asphalt do pref 1 Key , Tel do l c do pref Ijike Run Corp lhl.h Nav Lehigh Val Lehigh Val Tr do pre' Pennsylvania Phlla Eleo Phlla Co do fl per cent pref. do U per cent pref.. I'M! It T do t c rteadlni' ... TonopaTi Helmont ... Tonopah Mining- Union Traction f. a. I.... it b. Steel Vm. Cramp t c York Hallway do pref Today, Yesterday Hid Asked Hid Asked . 8014 81 82!4 83 .101 Kll 1 4 104 101(4 . 12 13 1214 1.1 . 40 40)4 -'IStf 40 , .Mils m r.114 Biij . 7C 74 (Ml? I.S2 . .10U .12 Mli .11(5 . 0714 OS 7 ftS . l.'l(4 14 i:, 1411 , l'4 14 n if.; . MVx nn ui 60 . 10 10V4 H DS , 7314 74 Td?t 74 , 71 7IU 71H 711, . 1014 17 1U 111,, . :UI4 341, H.1 33(4 . 64S B4 E4 7-10 6H5 , 2414 21(1 -M 24Vi . 41 41', 44 441, .88 41 88 41 . 48 44 4214 434 :iol, I8g IS 188 : 3 74- . r.U r,ii si 5. . aiiK 37 i dart . 8414 M WH 89 . 79 73H 7 7oi . 82 Kl( 84 .7 714 7 714 . 31 .12 31 -32 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOKK. .Sept. 2. Trading- In coffee futures wa. model. lely acllv. In the early session today, A weak tendency prevailed, and price, n.aln aou.ht lower levels. Openlnx quotatlons showed decline, of 4 to 6 point. Ulow laat nlglit's closing flgurea. After the noon hour the market turned dull and further Uecllucu were recorded. Prices fnllun-: Today. ajiening Hepteniber October . November December January , tTnl.pnllrw Marett ... April ..., M.y .... June July . . . August Hid, Gold miirr Cir, ulation u.T.. , --r 'r-. PiliainscjHinimpni lUnd.it bill 2,a',40,000 Today'. Yesterday. rlota close r,S)Mii2 n.ious.nr B.l)9fi ,7 11.01 H ll ILUMU.02 )l.0AHJ,t.07 . I).OS&0,10 ll.otljjil.iw (1.I2CH.H .mo n.ioXu.14 nin3ii.i7 ..0.15 (1.14CU.1S (L 20S ft. 21 . fl.15tj0.23 fl.lltfld.20 (1.2(111.21) a24(7d.29 USOfilL.-M , n,.ion(i.40 a2v3n.:io u.3:.S(L3u ir.'t.'ti MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Hid Jim Hutler 80 Midway 09 'J ill 1 pah Extension Montana Northern.. War .... Tonopah Belmont Tonopah Extension Tonopah Merger ., Tonopah Mining .. rteeeue Eula ..... West End ....,,.,. v. . I . OOI.DPIBLD STOCKS, :2S .11 1 Mi, .011 .97 Atlanta nine null '..... Booth Dulldog O D ;', Sombliiatlon Fraction .... lamondneUl H U .,....,. Daisy Florence t.... noldfleld Consolidated .... OuldHeld Merger i Jumbo Extension .,,...,., KeKanaa '. Oro 1 Handptnrm Ken Sliver pick MISCELLANEOUS. Falrv Asteo Klmberly Nevada Hill . Nevada Wonder . .27 . .02 . .80 . .01 . .0.1 . .07 . .02 . .01 . .41 . Ill , 111 .1. . .11 . .09 . .0(1 .OS . .01 . .01 . ,18 .1.40 Asked ,82 .10 .111 .10 .12 2i ..1(1 ?'. ,07 .Ml .28 .04 .4(1 .( .1.1 ,00 .UI ,1HI .47 IN .17 1.4.1 .1.1 .(HI .07 .00 .01 .09 .20 1.48 Powder Reorganization Progressing WILMINGTON. e Bcpt. S.-Officlala of the Du Pont Iowder Company stated today th.i nutneioua reollea w,r, l)ino. r,i...,.i , stockholder, ataentlng to the nlw reorganiu ion ilan and tbat tliey exueeted th -Uir..i -.i.i.in u ,ttu- j-.,".- i,""-1 0.40 II..H4AU..19 (1.1 Oil 11. 11 -ll.40itf.48 6.3800,33 l.4Mj(lM Total galea, bOOO bag.. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Amerlraii (lank Not. Company, regular auarterly 114 'per cent, on preferred, payable ct.btr 1 to stock of retard September 19. Calumet and Arizona Copper Company, quarterly 1- Three month, ago a dltldetw Of 60 sent. ws deelared, American Car and Foundry Company, rau lar quaiteilv IH per cent on yulKni and ! ot 1 per rent, net common, pav.bl. October 1 Ui ttpak 0- record etsaibr 10. iiuim'. ,. , -. My. Mim urvaer. to day l-egan making their prat quotallona on lid mtnrlC tO b. IsSUfld bv Ih, firntin..., .. roi.ipany. I'nder the plan the old shares are to remain and two new .bare, of the new debentuie .lock It to be Issued tor each old shire now held ,n addition to the old share remetnlng, The pr- ouoted I. 2JU to ou to" the new stock and J 00 to 1U2 for the old. which would make an equivalent of .700 for each of the present shuns now held, RAILROAD EARNINGS D15NVKIJ. AND 9AUT UAKK. 1018. ha,,,,,. ad wea auiui ......... mi.uuu Ktoro July 1 ,.,. 280.001 ATUANTI0 COA8T WNE. July iros. 82.177.187 Net 137.B93 t HE8APEAKK AND OHIO. July giou .. .... f:i,e2.878 H79.47J Net . ....,. 1.2J7 0U1 dM,48J Total Incom .,,, ,278. 393.42d Surplua aft,r chars)..,, 43,WT a8fl,Jli Increas. I2.7H1 O.J02 3I1H.7M 78.89 LONDON STOCK MARKET War Loans Active Little Improve ment in Business LONDON, Fopt. 2.-There whs little Im provement lu general business on the Stock ExchntiKe today, but the under tone of the market was firm. The war loan, were active. After scoring an ad vance In the early dealings, they re acted n little at the close. American shares wero strong In spots In the early session, but later eased off somewhat. Canadians were steady. Home railway lSHUes received support, and the feeling with reward to the group was cheerful. Argentine rails were quiet. Itusslan3 were tlrm. Mining shares hesitated. Oils and Rubbers were dull. London N.Y. Atcnison Halt & 1 Canadian Chra & ( Chi Gt West CM 91 A. St Paul.... Denver & itlo uranue close, equlv, Isnn Hn Hull. 'i & Ohio 87k 80 11. idlan Paclllc Hi2I lluiA 1 & Ohio 901! 4I1VI 14 Erie Erie 1st Pfd Illinois Central Louisville. & Nashville .... Mo Kan & Texaa New York Central Norfolk & Western Pennsylvania Reading Southern Hallway Bouthern Pacific Union Pacific United Slatea Steel ..,..,. Incrcae. Decrease. 1"Li ., 8.s!i .. (' .. 31 .. 4714 ,.110 ..124 .. 8 ..119 -: 984 lOSl; Ml 1II14 0915 811. 1I4 SO'i 2! 9i SI'4 10)1,4 14 ii'i 74 U il tl - l 11. -, is!l Z WA V 14914 -1 1914 - H 87(4 tli ..i;m; isa -n? 74i ?s NEW YORK Am Zinc nraden Copper Hrltlsh-Amer IVibacco old.. Ilrltlsh.Amer Tobaoco new Car Light , Ooldfleld Consolidated Ureene Cananeu, ,. Juneau Copper ,,.. Kenc't Copper ............ Lehigh Valley Coal Salea.. Magma Copper Nlplsslng .........1. Otis Klevator Otis 1'1-vMor pfd ,,. niker-Hegeman ,.., Submarine ,..,..,.,. Sterling Oum Tobacco Products 1'nlted Cigar Stores....... United Cigar Storea pfd... Polled Pront Sharing new. World Kllm , Yukon Gold .., CURB nid 91 , 8 :::::: ,,!i ::::::: !Ji an ...... 1254 nutf HW ...... 141.4 ::::::: .? 01 (I ::::::: s . 09 .110 : f 2ii .... Asked 99 Ml Vi 1.1 97 17(1 18 74 UI (1(1 109 129 COTTON NBW YOHK. Sept. 2.-Cotton wa. depressed thl. morning by ca.ler cable., opening 2 to 5 point, lower. There waa considerable selllne by spot houses, mainly of October, for hedging account. The steather outlook aa favorable. A feature at Liverpool waa a large spot move ment, the sales reaching 20.OUI bole., the greatest In a long time. The belief prevailed here lhat. Liverpool aa shipping iotton to Hussla. Atler tie rail prices here rontlnued to decline, with Liverpool a free seller. Soma demand appeared later in the day and quota tions adiani'ed all around Irom n o l.i mi. In the afternoon prlcea rose from 13 to 30 points, but the galna were not entirely held to the close. Yes. close Open. High. Low. Close. January . . 10.21 10.11 10.41 10,1.1 lu..K( rth '1.71 K.T't H.113 l).( (i.Ki December ......10.07 10.02 10.27 n.oi) 111.10 March 10.4S 10.42 10.0t 10.41 lO.B ,ujy H'.98 l'l-i'l 1C89 10.ISI 10.79 Spot . 0.79 0.83 .... Chamber of Commerce Moves The headquarters of tho Philadelphia Cham, ber of Commerce, which Has transferred from the Hours Hulldlng. haa been opened on the i;ih floor of the Wldener Hulldlng. N. II. lull), secretary, announced thla morning that Idle tbe office fore, la not complete a. yet, the chamber 1. open for buslnras. A reception will be held about September 29. BAR SILVER Commercial bar .liver was quoted at 47U ci'.i. In New York today. Mexican dollars 37 tenth nuiKi-rniiv 01 AcrnuNTANT Public Accountants r N. .UBUaMAN , " Pbone Loraaiwd 35JV, ' Ul "rValnut t, 4 ACkH. Rf..1,iK .I.. .In tjitrni nW IlltO S.I 9a.40tM.iX); spring, llrst, clear, new. ji..vi.i.i: 1 1I0., itralsht, nciv, ll.i.'ti.; do., patent, ,noA, . e9i..,29; no., do., idu. n.29f'il..,o: i'.o., fatorlle f Inanur, old. KkiiI(7; city ml. Is, choke an I rancj patent, til. IMl, city inllla, renuler I Hradee-Winter, Ucif, new, (i.itti4.)1. ilc, sttaluhl, new, l.tUi,9.10i do., patent, new. ,9.199.10. I HYK l'LOrit mid (lonly at former ratew. , Ouotntlous: t9$j9.,Vi per bbl.. aa to quality. PROVISIONS ' TI16 market wua quiet but aloudy t recenll)- reused prlcv. Quotitluns. City btol, In ' (In, r.iok-al and ulr-uileu, 2911211.-.. Wtetrrn beer, m ct, amokeu, 29i2('k.., city nfL knutklea and tender, sinnkml nnd ulr-drled. :'7(2-c. 1 tNivtern beef, knuckle ar.d icndei. muked, 27i2.o.; beef hams, 1IK:I3 IOIK, fnmlly, $2l'A21.ri0; liams. S. P. cuied, loqee, 1 ll.iailc.i do., skinned, loose. i:il,ii:lf,c.i uo., . lo.. smoked. Hlfjl'llic: other hums, amnkcd, n.v cured, us to brund nnd average, lwLc.: liaina. smoked, Western cured, l!ul.ic.; do.. Ii.dled, bonclcia, 2.ig2tc; picnic , Khoi'ldrr. S. 1'. cured, looee, MM tic; do., I pmnked. liH4f(llc.. bcllle'i. In plckti. "-fori- t lni: (0 nvoinite. loo-c. 12jfl.li... lirjeik'asT, ( Ivmin. us (o Innnd nnd oiernee, city e;t, . I7il8... i brcukraat bncon. Western cur id, 17 il8c; laru, Wetcm. n-tlned. tierces. i4y 1 ll'ic.; d., do., do., tuba. UVjaoKe.i H.,.IAU0 I rllv bn.ilrt .a.iapa.. In ,l,,rn 1ImI.)LC. , lard, puro city, kettle rendered, in tubs, ulm (Jl'lic. REFINED SUGARS The market ruled steady but quiet. We quote rellneis' list prices, subject to concclon of 91 In points: tJtnndard granulatod, a.l91i.fc,(ie,l xlm nno granulated, 9.UH(99c.; powdered, 9.7u9.i.V.: conrecllor.cra' ,, 9.905ju.9c. : suit Bniu, 4.791(9.40.'. DAIRY PRODUCTS UfTTHIt.-OfrcrtnKa wero light nnd the m.irket ruleil Arm, with solld-pncked cream ery w. higher. Quotations! Western eolbl pa 'Ued rcuincry. luno. specials. 2ic: ex tins. i7c. ; extra firsts. 2C'nc. J Urals. 2.2.iljc. ; seconds, 23624c.; nearby prints, fancy, .luc.; do., average extras, 2-v20e.; do., first", Me 2ilc; Jo., refunds 2232.1c; Jobbins w' ' fane- rinls. :Ht.l7c. KOoS. Supplies wero kept well cleaned up nnd tho market ruled firm, (juotatlona: In fiee iiea, nearby extras. 28c. per doi.i fltsls, 7.2077..-iO per stanuard ease; nenroy cutrent receipts, tn.uofiii.1'0 per case; Wert ern cxlm flrats, S7.9(lu7.iii per ease; flrals. frt.lifHf7.20 per case; fancy selected canoled csea were Jobbing at .10!):i2c. per dosen. rilt'ESK. Triuie as fairly active and valuta ),ere well austnlneJ. (Juotatlona: New York, lull irenm. new, i:iV,$14?,: do., do., folr to good, new, Mfj 1314c. ; part skims, U12C POULTRY LIVE. Fowla were well cleaned Up at firm prices. Chickens were steadily hcld. We quote. Fowl., tancy, weighing 5 lbs, ina over apiece. 17ni7!ie.; dor. ordinary receipts, lH1(Hlt4c.; roosters. 121111c; broiling clilckcna, not Icglwrna, wccordlng to quality. lUUc.r do., legforns. lattlic.; ducks, Pckln, old, 1,1 Sjllc; do., Indian Hunner. old, 12fil1c: 00., I-nung. nceoiillnB to elic. I.'lilt'c.; placone. old. per pair, isf20o.; do., young, per pair, liijrac. DKEbSED. Fine ilcslrable-slicd stock soln fairly and ruled tlrm, with supplies well under TOiilrnl. Following are the quotations: Frh-kllled poultry, fowls. 12 to box, dry pliked nnd url-p.tckcd, Inncy rclecfcd, inc.; m-iulilm 4'y9 ibs. apiece, 184c: welghlnB :;'-( I lbs. ajriece, 1714c.: weighing.! lbs apiece. ltiil"c.; under ;i Ibs. apiece. H'lfll.Vic; Ice packed Western, -Hi Ibs. and over sl'lce, lSe.; do., siiallcr clzce. 19f17c.: old niosuri, diy Plcked, i:ic. broiling chicken., Jersey, mncy, 24ff20c.: other nearby fancy. :'iTi2i ; fancy large yellow, ttllnols. weighing 11 lbs. and over, apiece, 20'i21q. ; other Western, weUlilnj & lbs. and oer' lOc.i Western, weighing VWt 211 lbs. aiile.e, USStWc.. do.. Inferior. Ib&lic: prlng duck, nearby, lOJil'c. do.. We-tern, lut12c. . squabs, while, weighing 1H12 lb. wr doz.. :i.;i(Hi4.(lu' white, weighing 0T10 lb., per dox., J95t;iV); .white, weighing 8 Ibs. per Joz.. S2..)96'J.: do., 7 Ibs. per doz., -'.l"V ".20; do.. fiii(i,4 lbs. per doz.. .l.UOSLbj; lark. Jl.Mai.r,.-,; small and No. 2. tl. FRESH FRUITS Cholco Mock old fairly and values gtiiT orally weic will sustained. (Juotatlona: Apples, per bbl.-Ulush, ".2.7951.90; do.. Uracnsteln, J22.50; do.. Wealthy, 203.Oo; do.. Summer Hambo, 2a2-.'0; do.. Duchess. tl.7Rfj2.29. do., oihcr varieties, 1.90'(2; peaches, Virginia, West Virginia, Western Maryland nnd Pennsylvania, Klberta, per crate, .i0O79c.l peaches. Virginia, West tr Klnla, We'tern Maryland and Pcnmylvanla, Ullicilnr, iwr hnsket, 29W4flc; peaches, DcU wnro and Maryland. Klbertas, ier carrier, SO ("JIKX'.; peaches. Delaware and Maryland. Kl bertas, per bosket. 29It:i9c.; peaches, Jersey, fancy Elbertas. per ji-buehcl basket. 9u00c: peaches, Jersoy, other kinds, per basket, 20 (910c; pears. Lc Conte. per bbl., .2ft2.9n; do.. Hartlett, per bbl., J24; do., common, per bbl., $l.&d2; gropes. North Carolina, Dela wares, per S.bnsket earlier, ?1.90'u2; grapes. Delaware. Moore's Karly and Concord, per carrier, 9tlt(19c. ; grapes, Delaware. Moore'a Early nnd Concord, per 4-lb. basket. SiiDc: itmoiis. per box. f:li:i.90; orangea, Florida, per box, 4f?(i: pineapples, per crato Porto HIco, 1 .CO) 2.79; do.. Florida, 1.9tf 2.79; plums. New York, per 2n-lb. basket, 20fi'ICc ; plums. New York, per S-lb. tiasket nradshnw nnd Niagara. 101119c. ; blackberries, Delaware. Maryland and Jersey, per qt., 4tf Uc; huckloberrles, per qt.. 0fl8c.; canta loupes. Maryland, per standard crate. 90tf.9c; do., Jerev, per basket, 19fj 90c. ; watermelons, per car. $903129. VEGETABLES Thero was a fair demand for choice atock of most descriptions and tho general marku: ruled ateauy. tjiioiaiions; w niie potatoes, Virginia, per bbl. No. 1, $101.29; No. 2, BO79c: white potatoes, Jersey, per basket No. 1 Hose, 2Stf92e.; No, 1 other varieties, 20if(29c; No, 2, lOffl.V.i sweet potatoes, per bbl. No. 1 Eastern Shore. $2.291i:i; No. I North Carolina. ,2G2.50; No. 2 and culls, iwc.flil! sweet potatoes. Jersey, per basket No. 1. 90JU9c; No. 2. 20H:inc; onions, Jerrvv, per its-bush, basket, 2909c. ; mushrooms, per 4-lb, basket, Mc.tftl. NEW YORK BUrrER AND EGGS NEW YOKK, Sept. 2. UUTTEH - Maikel steady and firm, Heceipts, tsJ packages. Extra, 2i)t727c ; higher scoring, 271i2Sc; State dairy, 2UCl20'4c.: Imitation creamery, 22 EU(1S Market Irregular. Heceipts, 0901 package.. Extra flrats. 2914027c. ; firsts. Jlfi 29c; nearby whiles. :t.i0.l9e., mixed color. 24tf 20c; refrigerator nrat., 2K2(c., I LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS ' CHICAQO. Sept. 2.-HOa8,-Hecelpts. 17.IXH ' ncuii, iiiuinr, iiisni-'i. juixcii sou nutcher. u.l(i7.!i',; gnol heavy, u.il9nl.i9. rougn heavy. tn.29Hil.90; light, t7.29j8.03; pig,. (1.19ft7.8r.: bulk. (l.89j7..V). " VJ 1K' CATTLK.-ltotelpts. 4rM( head; market trong, Heevea. tiI.29f71li.rM. TOna Hnj ,irrr,, .)tli.ui Toxans, td.79f8.4.o, caltes, fU.Su esHKEP.-iHecelpts. 12.000 head: market strong Notlveund Wi.steni, tS.SofiaoU; lambs, $0.9060.40. " ( 1 - Western Pacific Faces Foreclosure NEW YORK. Sept. 3,-Wltb the explratten of th. six months' nrlod of grace on the W tsreal due March 1 on the Western l'ucltlV H.llway Company first mortgage bonda now cm. step, will be taken by counsel repre senting the Equitable Trust Company, trustee under the first morlg.ge. to begin foreclosure proL,'0dlngs, Aceordlnir to the renrganlxatlon Interests. It Is pioiHised that the conimltlee pur.'nasi" th property, dlseluirge the recUcrs and lugVn work on reorganization plan. No plan la undor consideration, nt this time. Of the "tl'J . U29.k(X) nrst inortgagc bonds oumtandlnc noarlir uo per cent, have been deposited with thane, organization Committee c " ONE-CENT ADVANCE IN PRICES OF WHEAT ! Many Traders Switched From ! Selling to Buying Side. Trading Active .E..'iCA(?.0' S'pl' 2' '" fnvornble Tw, ' nrn'r"'"' of foreign morkelg nnd .hort coverlnjf pave tho Rrnln fnarket some eupHort nt the openlnK today, nnd jiilce. Bonernlly eompnrcd fnvornbly tvitn the clo-lnr rjuolntlona of yesterdny. A switch by ninny trndcr. from the .elllnr to tne buying aide made Ini.lnes. nctlve. Fluctiifltions in the cnrly hour, were rdimll, wllh nn inclination to rise. A (lectrn.c of He nn-. (ll.plnycd ty 11 1 SI ! . f J,',,,"'t nl ,h0 nrtt e Wh" it l.rouffht SCi. it hnd some eupport nnd ndvanecd to 97M, before noon. December whont movril up t,c over ,clmngc In the cnrly hours of trndlnK. Mny v.' Ht,1". l'c.r the c'0l,I"- 'Juotatlona of yesterdny. It brouirht 94 at the cpn Ins. nnalnit 07H bid nt the close ot bu.l ne.-s yesterdny. I.iko December, , the movements of iniotntlons were conttned borore tioon. At the close prlcej ghowctl rtnlns of n cent n I around. Corn held fairly gtendy, following the openlnK. nt prices which were equal or above those obtained before the closlnjf bell of lost nlftht. Activity In tho oats market was re stricted. I'rlcrs, however, kept Btep with the other f-rnlns. Kxport snles reported totaled 600,000 bushels of wheat nnd GOO.OOO bushels of oats, ChlcaRo cash hotioes sold 250,000 bushels of wheat nnd :00,010 bushel, of oatr. for renbonrd delivery Should tho Durdoiiellea be forced. It Is estimated that Hussla h.18 2l0.flOO.0C0 bushels for export Liverpool reflected the sentiment of tho American ninrkcta nnd hnd n strons tin dertoiic. Spot nml carRoes wero un clmneed but steady. , Foreign nrrlvnl life"? V '?-, nn.d wc"hrr reports from the L nlted Klnitdom nd verse. Leading futures rsngctl as fnliows- vwi ., . . . Yes'd'. September . . iiiiu. i.sii December .. Ill, n.,i! Uny H8!4 00 v.rn inew delivery) lti ro't :iiiu :isr, September Decemlier May Ontu Septemliei" December Msy Lnnl Peptember October . January . Illbs Septenibcr October . January . ' cork . September ..12.09 Octobe". ....1:1.90 January . ...l't.09 Hid. tAskcd. 8.(12 8.19 8.71) 8.10 8.90 8.97 7.Tli (ilT4 .nt; 2"3 8.12 8 ' 8.70 8.19 8.:ill 8.(19 19.(17 19.9S 1 0.(19 Low, n.i'i in, U7U Tint ft?. 00 Close. till", H4'4 ttWli elnrt f.sw, inti "07N fid Wi. 98 Eft -:is)4 8.02 8.1a 8.19 f8.22 S.C2 8.119 8.10 8.19 8.19 8.?9 8.47 1S..V7 12.(. 12.S9 12.77 ixm 19.9,1 19.HI nl tl "WJli 98 8.0.1 8.17 tS.fK 8.12 8.27 8.05 13.02 H.V9 1U07 PUBLIC UTILITIES Although operating income ox the Dal I las Electric Company for July va.i con sldcrably less than waa reported n year 1 nco. tho losses thown wero not as ex ten 1 Blve as in the preceding month of this year. The loss In Kross income, which amounted to $141,101, una B3.a. while ! net earnings amountlns to tJ0,O93 made a I dccieasc of only J15,?M, and purplns n er I Interest charKes. etc., was jlG,702, com. pared with $32,290 for July of last vc.w learnings of the Galveston - Houston Electric Company for July made a de cldedly poor comparison with those In that month n year nso, gross operating revenue, which amounted to $174.00-.. be IPB JJ2.571 less thnn was earned In 1914, and net incomo decreased $17,772 ilT 7. Surplus after charxci was tt0..1ll. against $75,iSS In the preceding jcar There Was a loss of 331 .V,t Im . r come" for tho year ended July 31. tola, earnings amounting to $2,122,311. whllei net after oxpenses decreased from $101., (2J to $S9ti.o03. The Grand naplds, llal'way t'niiiionr reports for tho 12 months endd wth July a cross decrenso In earnings or JV 337. The pet decrease was $74,291. Th. balance after dividends was $111,169, a decrensu of $S1,412. The Nashville Itnllwav and Ut.it Co-,' pany reports for the 12 months ended July 31 n cross decrease of $S4.079 Net earnings, however. Increased $.B.79fl. Th. balance after dividend, was $22,'&3 nn increase of $27,74", The Huntington Development nnd tian Company for the 12 months ended wl'h July reported a gain In gross earning, of $1"8,229. The net Increase was $80.13.1 and the balance after dividends was $S0,30. an Increase of $58,723. WHITE FOH CATALOG OF Ackley's Labor Day , Auction Sale of Wildwobd Real Estate to be held Monday, September ft. begin, nlng at II o'clock A. 91., In the, Ca.liiu Handstand. This Is the Year lo Invest and on Liberal Terms Included In this sale are the Hotel Ilreakera, at Wlldnnod Crest 1 Hotel Colonial. Atlantic nnd Pacific Avenuis corners: Heath-front Lots, Roathouac Lots; Elegant Cottages, and HinldiraUt lata In the nrt of Wlldwood with Itlniiiian Itl.hts. A very complete list nf Investment opportunities This u your chance. Do not miss this sate. John A. Ackley, Auctioneer Magnolia Avenue and lloardwalk WILIJWOOU. N. J. TENNESSFE COPPER Important new developments In the business nf this company will mean it large Increase in earn ing". Send for our Weekly Letter HUGHES & DIER Banker. nd Broker. Member. Philadelphia Block Eirhange Member. Chicago Board of Trad 1435 Walnut Street l'lilladelpbla. Direct Private Wires 10 MiW YORK and I'lIILAOBLl'IUA STOCK KX. CUANOKS. CH1CAOO UOAHO or TnADE NKW VOUK CUItB and ot. Important markets. Wistar & Stokes ' Announce the removal of their offices to the Commercial Trust Buil-Junc Wrt Penh Se J,: Phone Hell, Locust 371H-271H K.iMtune. Mre lSI.i lrlv.te T'tefcHH' " f" I 'M .u 1 v i 1 4 I. 1 4 r' 3 9 a 7 )
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